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Manaus, Brazil
+55 (92) 99202-9070

Professional Experience

Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Amazonas (TCE/AM) – State Audit Court – Manaus, Brazil.
( )
Java, PHP Developer, 2011 to Present
 As a public servant approved in a though civil service examination for the State Audit Court I’ve
worked as a Java developer for intern consumption and IT auditor of State Government and City
Hall IT-related products following the best INTOSAI guidelines.
 Applied clean code and SOLID practices as well as design patterns to develop readable,
maintainable and scalable code for a web application.
 Java EE, JSF, Spring, SQL Server, Oracle Database, Eclipse, PHP.

Tribunal Regional do Trabalho (TRT 11a Região) – Superior Labor Court - Manaus, Brazil.
( )
Java Developer, 2008 to 2011
 As public servant also approved in a civil service examination I worked as a Java Developer, ASP,
and PHP for intern consumption.
 SOLID practices, Java EE, ASP.

Ministério Público do Estado do Amazonas (MPE/AM) – State Public Ministry – Manaus, Brazil.
( )
Java Developer, 2007 to 2008.
 As public servant also approved in a civil service examination I worked as a Java Developer
reengineering multiple systems that fueled improvements to productivity, efficiency, uptime
and accuracy for global business operations.

Education & Credentials

Federal University of Amazonas – Manaus, Brazil.

MS in Computer Science (2006 – 2008)

Federal University of Amazonas – Manaus, Brazil.

BS in Computer Science (2000 – 2005) – approved in college entrance examination.

Self Study & Technology Summary

Java, Spring, C, C++/CLI, Python, Visual C++, MySQL, J2EE, C, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, Bootstrap,
CSS/LESS/Sass, ActionScript, Perl, PHP, SQL Server, ASP.Net, HTML, XML, Unix, Linux, PMBOK, Scrum, UX,
Wordpress, MongoDB, PHP, Github, MySQL, PostGres.


Portuguese (native), English (advanced), Spanish (elementary)

Scientific Publications
 M. Custódio, R. Barreto, R. Caldas, and J. Magalhães Netto. A Logics-based Scheduling Method
for Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems with Multiple Processors. In 9th Workshop on Real-Time
Systems. In conjunction with the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks. Belém,
Brazil, May 28th – June 1st 2007
 M. Custódio, R. Barreto, and R. Caldas. An Automated Theorem Proving Method for Scheduling
Embedded Hard Real-time Systems. In 27th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Work-in-
Progress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5 – 8, 2006.
 E. Tavares, P. Maciel, M. Oliveira Jr, B. Souza, R. Barreto, R. Freitas, and M. Custódio. Pre-
Runtime Scheduling considering Timing and Energy Constraints in Embedded Systems with
Multiple Processors. In 5th IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded
Systems (DIPES'2006). Braga, Portugal. October 11-13, 2006.
 R. Barreto, P. Maciel, E. Tavares, M. Custódio, R. Freitas, and M. Oliveira Jr. A Formal Modeling
for Embedded Hard Real-Time Systems. In 8th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems
(WTR'2006). Curitiba, Brazil, June 2, 2006.

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