14-0995-22e - January FINAL LowRes

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Black-Jewish Identity Cooking
Featuring Michael Twitty
culinary and cultural historian,
chef, Judaics teacher, food blogger,

Join us for a special evening of food

and stories

Sunday, January 20, 2018

Agudas Achim Congregation

6:00 p.m. - Reception for Sponsors

7:00 p.m. - Featured Presentation
AGUDAS ACHIM 8:00 p.m. - Book Signing of The Cooking Gene
General Admission - $10 per person
(open seating)
Your additional contribution helps
facilitate this event and other Social Action
Committee programming throughout the
year. We are offering sponsors special
seating, complimentary copies of The
Cooking Gene, and the opportunity to meet
our speaker at a reception featuring his 2018 James Beard
recipes before the event. Foundation
Book of the Year

For information about tickets and sponsorship visit:

Contact Nicole Yakatan (nyakatan@aol.com)
or Katherine Allen (allenk9y9@gmail.com) with questions.

With Generous Support from

The Henry S. Krevor Social Action Endowment Fund

2908 V•alley D•rive Please bring canned food items to donate to ALIVE
Alexandria, V•
A 2• 2302
Candlelighting.......................4:41 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. BENDING THE ARC
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................5:44 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., like many before him, understood that social
change takes time. What King also understood was his obligation to provide a
DAVID AVIGDOR BEN BARUCH BEYAMIN vision for the future. This is the power of King’s most famous speech, given in
YITZCHAK V'LEAH TSURIT 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial, and beginning with the words “five score years
PARASHA VAERA ago.” King well understood that there were those who would wallow in despair,
claim the odds insurmountable and the opposition too rigid and who were not able
Candlelighting.......................4:48 p.m.
to withstand the trials and tribulations of the day. For these reasons, and more, he
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. shared his dream that day – a dream that continues to inspire us today.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 Equally as important was King’s 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail. The letter
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. was written in response to a published statement of Catholic, Jewish and
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................5:50 p.m. Protestant clergy who chastised King for pushing too hard too fast. Far too often,
King remarked, “the church is an echo rather than a voice, a taillight … rather than
a headlight guiding men progressively and decisively to higher levels of
FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 understanding.” Lacking a prophetic zeal, King wrote, the church “risks becoming
Candlelighting.......................4:55 p.m. little more than an irrelevant social club with a thin veneer of religiosity.” Under
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. the leadership of Samara Weinstein, our Social Action committee has helped
SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 ensure that Agudas Achim Congregation continues to position itself to cultivate the
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. prophetic imagination along with our social and religious responsibility.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................5:57 p.m. Today, the challenges facing America are of course different than they once
were. What remains constant is that our leaders must express a vision that is grand
SHABBAT SHIRAH and worthy enough that each one of us and all of us collectively are willing to fight
for it, to sacrifice for it and aspire towards the day when that vision can be realized.
Candlelighting.......................5:03 p.m. The inability to do so ensures that the forces of inaction will impede any forward
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. momentum. We must continue to urge our elected leaders to direct us on a path
SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 driven not by political expediency, but by our shared highest ideals, ideals that will
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. render the sacrifices asked of us miniscule by comparison.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................6:05 p.m. King was once asked how long it would take to achieve his goals of social
CLAY CARTER BAR MITZVAH justice. King’s answer, now woven into a rug in the Oval Office, was “Not long,
CHAIM BEN SHOSHANA HALEVI because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” We must
PARASHA YITRO continue to dream; for in our dreams are the fruits that will be reaped by future
generations, dreams that make our present toil worthwhile, dreams that lay the
foundations for the dreams of our children and grandchildren.
I ask that you join us January 18-20 for Social Justice Shabbat. Details can be
found in this bulletin and on our website. In celebration of Dr. King’s dream and
vision we will gather together with our neighbors, sharing food and sacred
dialogue. Together we will bend the arc just a little closer.


Wednesday, January 9 | 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 31 | 10:00 a.m.
(UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ABOVE.) Modern advances in medicine have raised many new questions. Normally
Monday through Friday we make decisions about our own health care as the situation arises, but in some
Mornings................................7:30 a.m. circumstances we lose the ability to make such decisions. It is therefore
Sundays and Federal Holiday important for us to indicate our wishes in advance so that those who care for us
Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m. can know what we want. In doing this, we should be guided by our commitment
Sunday through Thursday to Judaism, to its law (halakhah), and to its moral values. Each session will
Evenings................................7:50 p.m. provide an introduction to Jewish Medical Directives as well as provide copies
for personal use. The same information will be given at both sessions.


Kenneth Labowitz MINYAN ON


As we enter the New Year, it is my pleasure as President to share that, as was MINYAN WILL TAKE
PLACE AT 9:00 A.M.
mentioned in Barry Nove’s article in last month’s Bulletin, Agudas Achim has ● THE AAC OFFICES WILL BE
received a very significant gift from one of our families, who wish to remain CLOSED
This gift is directed at replacing all the carpeting in the synagogue, dedicating
the second to last pillar in the Cohen Sanctuary, and replacing the partition wall in AAC CAN EARN MONEY THROUGH
the rear of the Cohen Sanctuary. We also have a commitment for another project AMAZON SMILE
and the underwriting of a program of the Religious School. Our goal is to, at Do you shop Amazon? You could
minimum, replace the carpeting in the Cohen Sanctuary and Flax Chapel this be supporting AAC with every
summer, and dedicate the pillar this spring. purchase. Use the Amazon Smile web
The family hopes this gift will encourage to other families to support related address and Amazon will donate 0.5%
projects. For example, the Facility and Administration Committee, chaired by Gail of the price of eligible purchases to
Bentkover, will consult with a designer about the carpeting of the Cohen Sanctuary AAC. Visit the Support Us page on the
and other aspects of refreshing the room’s look. The Committee would very much AAC website for all the details
like to repaint the Cohen Sanctuary and replace the Halogen lights above the bima, including a link to
which are far from energy efficient, as well as being over two decades old. The the Amazon Smile
Endowment Committee, chaired by Stan Blacker, would like to see us raise funds website.
to dedicate the last remaining pillar, which has been designated as our Legacy
Pillar. As Tamar Fishman, the noted artist who designed the papercut wallpaper for
the pillars, will return to supervise the installation of the gifted pill this spring, we
would ideally like to dedicate both pillars at the same time.
Tuesday, February 6, 2019
The prospect of carpeting of the Flax Chapel has renewed interest in adding a 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Loop as we have in the Cohen Sanctuary to enhance services and programs for Lainof Auditorium
those who are hearing impaired. The Facility and Administration Committee has
Join us as we welcome Rabbi Rami
also been looking at adding headsets to the Flax Chapel. These kinds of upgrades,
Schwartzer, who will describe the
and others, are featured in the congregation’s Wish List— a Wish List that was
Jewish Millennial Engagement Project
shared with the family that has made this amazing commitment to the congregation.
and its expansion into Northern
These additional projects will not be possible without donations. As you may Virginia. Rabbi Schwartzer’s training
be aware, the congregation is committed to a number of other major projects, and experience as a congregational
particularly those relating to upgraded security for our membership and the rabbi and the Director of Ramah Day
building. Camp have prepared him to focus on
The family’s dedication of the pillar will be the principal way they have asked our young adults looking for Judaism
to be recognized. And, again, it is their hope that other members of our community, outside of the synagogue world. This
who have already included the congregation in their wills, consider letting us know project and approach, will contribute to
and become part of the Legacy Pillar. We ask families, who have not yet included future local Judaism.
a bequest or planned gift to Agudas Achim as a beneficiary, to consider making Reservations are required by
such commitments and participate in a group dedication of the Legacy Pillar. Tuesday, January 23rd.
Again, our goal is to raise the $100,000 necessary to dedicate the Legacy Pillar this
RSVP to Jane Bergen
The “Wish List” and information about contributing toward those needs is or Nancy Siegal 703-671-0957/
available from our Executive Director, Barry Nove, at the synagogue office. nsiegal@comcast.net.
This program is fully funded by
Thank you.
Sisterhood. Donations are welcome. Please
Ken Labowitz let us know if you can volunteer for set up
and clean up.


Barry Nove
Book Club
Wednesday, Janurary 2 | 10:00 a.m.
I hope you and your family are having a Happy New Year. A great deal has
Busboys and Poets
been going on at Agudas Achim. We have upgraded our security posture,
We will be reading “A Trumpet in
including providing members an entry code to the main entrance. We have an
the Wadi,” a masterpiece by one of
off-duty Deputy Sheriff present for Shabbat, Religious School, and community
Israel’s most successful and beloved
authors, Sami Michael. The story takes
place in Haifa, in the colorful Wadi As you have read in our President’s, Ken Labowitz, article we have plans to
Nisnas neighborhood, and it focuses on replace the carpeting and more. We also plan to replace the leaking roof above the
Huda, a young Israeli-Arab woman who lobby, offices, and the Education Wing. This will be completed prior to replacing
is torn between the two parts of her carpeting in the lobby and offices.
identity. This book, which has been The Finance and Investment Committee has approved the expenditure for
translated into eight languages, adapted replacing the roof this summer after Preschool closes, then laying the new
into a film and won multiple awards in carpeting. The window before Summer Camp is only two weeks; the roofing work
Israel and abroad, combines an impossible is slated to take less than a week. The carpeting of the Cohen Sanctuary will affect
love story, difficult political and religious the Shabbat service schedule since we will need to remove and store all the pews,
questions, and wonderful descriptions of done in stages, if at all possible. A designer is being hired to provide insight to our
the beautiful city of Haifa. design choices, helping us refresh the look of the space in other ways, which the
Facilities and Administration Committee recommends.
Windows on Israel
Saturday, January 26 | 12:30 p.m. If we take a modestly more expansive course, the Cohen Sanctuary may take
Flax Family Chapel longer than the original two weeks the installers have anticipated. If we are to paint
We will focus on an event from the and do other projects to refresh the look of the Cohen Sanctuary, donations will be
"recent" past of the Jewish people: the required. Our sound system company recommends we also replace the eight-year-
biblical story of King David and his son old Loop in the Cohen Sanctuary during the carpeting process, as we have several
Absalom. By reading and discussing this areas where the Loop no longer provides coverage. Adding a Loop to the Flax
fascinating story in small groups, we will Chapel has been recommended by the Inclusivity Committee. If donations
be able to address current news stories supporting these are made, this would be the ideal time.
from our own day and age, and ethical As you see, there is a sort of domino effect in play here. The capital
and moral questions that were relevant improvements must be carefully scheduled and completed one by one. We do not
3000 years ago - and remain relevant in wish to delay the carpeting of the Cohen Sanctuary and Flax Chapel in particular,
our own times. This special discussion so these spaces can be enjoyed in time for the High Holy Days.
will also give participants a small taste of
I look forward to sharing the specific timing and plans as details become firm.
how biblical stories are often taught in
The core projects are funded through the significant gift mentioned in our
secular schools in Israel, through a
President’s article, the Capital Reserve, and as it pertains to security, from
modern-day perspective.
Operating Budget savings, the end of year Special Appeal and reserves.
Movie Club I would like to personally thank all committee leadership and the Board of
SPECIAL DATE Directors for their support of these projects which will truly enhance our facility
Beth El Hebrew Congregation and safety.
Sunday, February 10 | 4:00 p.m. Thank you.
The January Movie Club will be held Barry Nove
on February 10 so we can join with Beth
El and the AAC Disability Inclusion
Committee for a ReelAbilities Prefestival
showing of “Ain’t No Mountain.” This
film documents the largest ever THE KNITTING CLUB WILL MEET ON JANUARY
expedition of climbers with disabilities 20TH AT THE ALEXANDRIA
as they attempt to reach the peak of PASTRY SHOP IN BRADLEE
Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in SHOPPING CENTER AT 10:00 A.M. FOR
Africa. Miri will lead a discussion after



Over 50 congregants attended our

November brunch program: Cybersecurity
YASHAR KOACH! – Keeping Your Family Safe. Many thanks
to our own Michael Drobnis, founder and
Dear Hazzan,
CEO of OptfinITy, for his informative
After I participate in the services by doing an honor on the bima, I am often presentation and the practical advice he
greeted with “Yashar Koach!” as I go to my seat. What does this mean and how dispensed in responding to a wide range
should I reply? of audience questions.
-Baruch T. Yeh The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage
Scholarship Program has provided 100
Dear Baruch, scholarships over the past thirty years to
A wonderful question, indeed. In fact, I teach this to every one of the b’nai teens of the congregation for Israel
mitzvah students who work with me. Grammatically speaking, it really should be experiences. We look forward to having
“Yashar Kochecha” (to a man) and “Yashar Kochech” (to a woman), but generally 2018 scholarship participants speak to the
people just say “Yashar Koach.” First, I start with the meaning of “Yashar Koach.” congregation during Shabbat services on
“Yashar” in Hebrew means “straight” and “Koach” in Hebrew means “strength.” January 12. If you have a teen who is
But “Straight Strength” sounds a bit odd, so I usually translate it for the students as interested in a peer trip to Israel, the
“May the Force be with you.” But, really, a good translation might be “More power Israel Pilgrimage Fact Sheet for 2019
to you.” can be found on the Men’s Club page of
the AAC web site. Please contact Mike
Most people respond with “Thank you.” Which is fine – but the b’nai mitzvah Scheinberg at mike@schuschein.com,
students will tell you there is an even more appropriate response. or me, if you have any specific
How should you respond? Well, if we were in a galaxy far, far away, we might questions.
say “And also with you” or “May the Force be with us all.” Since we are still in the Our next brunch will be on February
Milky Way, however, we will go with the traditional Hebrew response: “Baruch 3 at 10:00 a.m. which will feature
teheyeh” (to a man) or “Brucha teheyee” (to a woman) – which means “May you political journalists Josh Kraushaar,
be blessed.” I can’t think of a better way to respond to someone who is essentially political editor for The National Journal,
paying you a compliment. I love it when I am gifted with the expression “May you and Amir Tibon, Washingon DC
have a blessed day” from the grocery store clerk, the bank teller or the security correspondent for Haaretz. Josh and
guard at my daughter’s school. To offer someone a blessing, or, really, the chance Amir stimulated us with their facts and
to be blessed, is such an easy way to make someone’s day just a bit brighter and opinions last June. This will be the
more meaningful. second opportunity for the congregation
So, the next time someone extends their hand and proclaims “Yashar Koach!” to meet our press.
you’ll know what to say – or you’ll remember that you are supposed to say We would greatly appreciate your
something special, something to do with blessings, but it won’t come to you right support by sending in your membership
away, and you’ll smile and say “Thank you.” And then you’ll go home and look it dues if you have not already done so for
up and try to remember for the next time. the New Year 5779. Our nominal dues
L’shalom, are $36, but please consider donating
Hazzan Dienstfrey “Chai’er” amounts, such as $54, $72,
$90, or $108. We welcome your ideas
TEXTS OF OUR LIVES WITH RABBI MOLINE for future events as well as your help
Tuesday, January 15 | 7:15 p.m. with activities. Please contact me at
Flax Family Chapel elliot.parkin@gmail.com or 703-575-
7879 with your particular interests.
Everyone has encountered a text that helped to shape their perspective on
life. Perhaps it was from the Bible or rabbinic literature, a classical author or
contemporary thinker, a film or a song. Join Rabbi Jack Moline as he engages
with members of the congregation from different generations about the texts of
their lives and leads a discussion about them with those attending. Upcoming
guests: Mollie Shichman, Howard Kohr, Suzie Smith and a special surprise guest.


Jen Halpern, Director


On Friday, November 2 we had the privilege of celebrating a Sheva
Brachot with (Moreh) Simon and Jess Gershman. It was a truly special day
for the preschool community. As I’m writing this, Hazzan Dienstfrey noted
“how important it is for young children to be around big people moments.
Then they know that they’re a part of the moment, too.”
Tzedakah box Our young children certainly were part of a big moment last Friday.
made by the 2s Simon and Jess had been married for one week by this point, but, as I
class. explained at the beginning, they just had so much fun at their first wedding
that they wanted to do it all over again with us.
The children sat in the social hall on either side of the “aisle” waiting for
Simon and Jess. The chuppah came down first, carried by four teachers. Led
Candlesticks by Hazzan Dienstfrey, we welcomed them by singing “Hinei Ma Tov.”
made by the 3s
class. As Simon and Jess circled around each other, the children sang “Am I
Awake, Am I Prepared?” I explained that by circling each other Simon and
Jess were showing that they would always keep each other safe.
Simon then showed everyone their ketubah, or marriage contract. One
Challah cover
friend noted that her parents had one, too, but it was at home in a frame.
made by the 4s Simon explained that the picture showed two intertwined trees; one friend
class. thought the picture needed a volcano.
Next came the actual seven blessings, sung beautifully (of course) by
Hazzan Dienstfrey. I offered a child-friendly translation of each one:
1. Thank you, God, for making grape juice and wine.
ADDITIONAL FALL FESTIVAL 2. Thank you, God, for creating the world.
3. Thank you, God, for creating people.
Apologies for not including these 4. Thank you, God, for creating people to be good like You.
final paragraphs in the preschool 5. Thank you, God, for special celebrations.
article from the December Bulletin.
6. Thank you, God, for helping make the bride and groom so happy.
Thank you Mayor Alison Silberberg 7. Thank you, God, for everything: joy, happiness, laughter; friends,
for attending our event and showing your families, and teachers; brides and grooms. May we all be happy
support for our community. together.
Finally, thank you to the Agudas It should be noted that the children were transfixed throughout the entire
Achim Endowment Committee for
service. There was hardly any squirming and the room was very, very quiet.
your very generous gift, which allowed
us to get our Fall Festival off the We hadn’t talked to the children about being still and quiet, and I would have
ground. We quite simply couldn’t have expected more murmuring and fidgeting. But I think the children sensed that
done it without your support. they were part of something sacred and special.
We hope everyone enjoyed the day, Finally, the part everyone was waiting for: the breaking of the glass.
and my deepest apologies to anyone I After Simon and Jess stepped on the glass together, the children all shouted,
might have inadvertently and “Mazel tov!” We then sang “Siman Tov u’Mazel Tov” and danced to “Mayim
regretfully left off of this list. We look Mayim.”
forward to doing it all again in about
five years . . . to celebrate our chai After the wedding, it was time to eat. We combined the wedding feast
anniversary. Todah Rabah! with our Kabbalat Shabbat celebration. Jess lit the candles, Simon led us in
(Continued on page 7.)


(Continued from page 6. )
First Wednesday of the Month
kiddush, Simon’s mom blessed her son and new daughter, and we all sang hamotzi January 2 | 8:15 p.m.
together. Led by Naomi Brown, LICSW, LCSW,
We enjoyed challah, grape juice, clementines, and cupcakes. Then it was time JSSA.
to share the gifts the children had spent the whole week making. When combined,
the gifts made a complete Shabbat Bag for Simon and Jess. We hoped that they DIVORCE/SEPARATION
would use the gifts in their new Jewish bayit (home) to celebrate becoming a Second Wednesday of the Month
mishpacha (family) and sharing their ahava (love) for each other. Beginning January 9 | 7:00 p.m.
The 2s classes made a tzedakah box for Simon and Jess to put coins in before Led by Naomi Brown, LICSW, LCSW,
the start of Shabbat. Once the box is full, the money can be given to people who JSSA.
need it more than they do. One class painted it gold, the other glued the pretty JSSA requires a minimum of three
pictures on top. participants to run a support group. If
The 3s classes made candlesticks. Using Model Magic clay, they mooshed and you will be attending either of the
squished three colors together until they had swirly red, blue, and white or purple. support groups in January please visit
Then they rolled the clay into balls and squashed the balls into pancakes. We then http://bit.ly/JSSA-RSVP to RSVP. (You
stacked the pancakes, making candlesticks. Each class made one. may choose to reply anonymously.)
The teachers bought Simon and Jess a kiddush cup, as those are often tricky to
make. Finally, the 4s classes made a challah cover. They sewed lots and lots (and
lots) of buttons around the border, and Morah Robin wrote Shabbat in Hebrew.
For many children and their families, this was the first Jewish wedding they’d ever
participated in. For some, it might be the only Jewish wedding they ever see.
Thank you, Simon and Jess, for celebrating with us and giving us the opportunity
to share in your joy. Wishing you many, many years of happiness. Mazel tov!


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Programming and community Chaya Silver
focused on families with Youth/Education Director
children ages 0-5.
For many years, the Religious School has hosted a large family gathering in
Gan Shabbat celebration of Hanukah. We play dreidel, eat latkes, do some learning, and hang out
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon with our friends. This year, we have made the decision to try something different;
Volunteer led service for kids ages a Tu B’Shevat Seder, dinner, and evening of learning. Different factors led to this
0-5, accompanied by an adult. Looking decision. First, our school’s curriculum teaches about the Jewish imperative to be
for volunteers to lead – no experience mindful stewards of our planet and second, our kids of all ages are stressed,
necessary. depressed, and concerned about what is happening to the planet. This said, I realize
Oh Say Shalom Sing-a-Long and that in our community, families have different opinions on the subject of climate
Playgroup change. However, regardless of one’s political perspective, we can agree that we are
Sunday, January 6 | 11:00 a.m. facing problematic and dangerous environmental conditions. Tu B’Shevat is a
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey leads wonderful opportunity to explore a Jewish perspective on these matters, to give
songs for the first half hour with free families a Jewish orientation to the topic, and to give hope to our children who will
play after. No Jewish knowledge or be the inheritors of these environmental conditions.
experience necessary. Each child We are taught in Psalm 24, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."
requires an accompanying grownup. This is an assertion of God's ownership of the land, and given this fact, it follows
Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat that any act that damages our earth is an offense against the property of God. The
Friday, January 18 | 5:30 p.m. Jewish concept of bal tashchit, "do not destroy," forbids needless destruction of our
Friday night service for kids 0-5 and natural resources. Our holy texts remind us again and again of our responsibility to
parents, with songs, instruments, scarves, honor God, by honoring the commandments and celebrating creation (just think
dancing, parachutes, challah, and juice. about the language used in the Kabbalat Shabbat service). The relationship between
us and God is spelled out in the section of the Shema read daily from Devarim 11:13
– 21 which begins “If you will earnestly heed the commandments which I command
you this day, to love and serve God with all your heart and soul, then will I favor
  Find  us  on  the  Facebook,  ‟Agudas your land with rain at the proper season…” In Mishna Raba we are taught “See to it
Achim Young Families” Group, to keep that you do not spoil and destroy My world; for if you do, there will be no one else
track of what is going on and receive the to repair it,” reminding us that God is counting on us to do the right thing regarding
latest updates! For more information or to the use of natural resources and protecting the earth for future generations.
get involved contact:
I have the opportunity to listen to our community’s children and teens on a
aacyoungfamilies@gmail.com regular basis. They have the kinds of worries you might expect, about social
Hannah Kraushaar relationships, school work, and sibling troubles. Yet, when given the chance to share
their concerns for the future, one of most common worries shared is how climate
Jennifer Munz change will impact their future. They share feelings of helplessness and anger.
MacKenzie Silverman Climate change is unfortunately something that our kids will battle in their lifetimes.
So, to lessen the stress and worry, this year’s Tu B’Shevat event will give children
of different ages as well as adults some tools with which to speak Jewishly about
climate change. We will engage in text study to ground ourselves in Jewish
MACHAR AND SHORESH teachings, parents will share ways to talk to their children without making things
RACHELLE KROMASH, ADVISOR more stressful, we will share success stories of how Jewish agencies and
Making Hanging Herb Planters for organizations are taking care of creation, and we will share things that each
Tu’Bshvat household and individual can do to help be better stewards as God has commanded.
Sunday, January 27 I do miss doing the Hanukkah event, but I hope that this new program will bring
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. light to the world in new ways. Together we will discover ways to make the future
Students in grades K-5 are invited better and cleaner and we will deepen our Jewish identity by discussing tikkun olam
to make hanging herb planters while (repairing the world), and by giving tikvah (hope) for the future. I look forward to a
learning about Tu B’Shevat with Morah great and meaningful evening of community building, learning, food, and fun.
Rachelle. Bring a bag lunch. Visit
http://bit.ly/ms-planters to RSVP. To join us, visit http://bit.ly/tub-seder by Thursday, January 10.


We mourn the loss of our longtime member We mourn the loss of our longtime member

May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners. May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners.

We mourn the loss of our longtime member We mourn the loss of our longtime member

May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners. May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners.


Justin Dunie and family In memory of beloved mother, Jennette Sherter, on her yahrzeit
on the death of his father, Maurice Dunie z”l. June Krevor
In memory of Bette Levin, Don Sandler’s sister
CAMP RAMAH FUND Dara & Joshua Greene
In honor of Dr. Larry Shuman’s special birthday JACK MOLINE LECTURE SERIES
Ruth Perlstein In honor of Rabbi Moline for his generous participation in our
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND family’s special simcha
In memory of my father, Albert Arsenault The Kirby Family
Joan Arsenault In memory of Stephen Bodzin
Get well wishes to Gloria Canter Janet Barnett
Joan Arsenault In memory of Bette Levin, Don Sandler’s sister
In memory of Marija Kotler, wife of Dr. Lawrence Kotler Janet Barnett
In memory of Sanders Levine, beloved father and grandfather In memory of my mother, Nora Woolf
Robert Levine Melvin & Elaine Stokols
In memory of Helen Horwich, mother of Esther, Elaine & Joel In memory of Cheryl Nelson’s recent losses
Sara Siegel Robert & Maureen Shapiro
In memory of Joseph Freeman, beloved father of Sara Lee Siegel In memory of beloved aunt and cousin of Cheryl Nelson
Sara Siegel Joan Harman Moore
In honor of Ritual Committee
Pat Franklin MUSIC FUND
In memory of Bette Levin, Don Sandler’s sister In memory of Dr. Victor Tynes, Sr., my sincere condolences on
Leib Kaminsky the loss of your father
In memory of Rachael Kaflowitz, beloved cousin of Andrea & David Scott Sugarman
Flax In memory of Dr. Victor Tynes, Sr.
Joan Hartman Moore Rhonda & Edward Friedler
ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Betty Jean Linver
In honor of Dr. Larry Shulman’s 90th birthday Rhonda & Edward Friedler
Paul & Liz Frommer In loving memory of Dr. Victor Tynes, Sr., father of Vic Tynes and
In memory of Marija Kotler, wife of Dr. Lawrence Kotler father-in-law of Judy, our dear friends
Joan Hartman Moore Nancy Fisher & Ledford Carpenter
In memory of Bette Levin, sister of Don (and Lynne) Sandler, Aunt of In memory of Stephen Bodzin
Miriam Berkowitz (Jeffrey) and Minda Lehot (Eric), Great Aunt of Joan & Marvin Rosenberg
Natalie & Julie Berkowitz, and great-great aunt of Silas Davis In memory of Betty Jean Linver, grandmother of Elisheva
Joan Hartman Moore Dienstfrey
Paul & Liz Frommer Carole Pollner & Jay Warshawsky
HAZZAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Dr. Victor Tynes, Sr., father of Victor Tynes
In memory of Betty Jean Linver, sincere condolences on the loss of Carole Pollner & Jay Warshawsky
your mother/grandmother Janet Barnett
Scott Sugarman In memory of Bette Levin, sister of Don Sandler
In memory of Betty Jean Linver, grandmother of Elisheva Dienstfrey Ed & Rhonda Friedler
Janet Barnett In memory of Judith Wengrovitz
In memory of Don Sandler’s sister, Bette Levin – sincere condolences
on the loss of your sister
Sam & Carol Backman
In memory of my father-in-law, Israel Krevor, on his yahrzeit
June Krevor (Continued on page 10.)


In honor of Dr. Larry Shuman’s 90th birthday
(Continued from page 9.) Rhoda & Jack Berson
Condolences to Don Sandler on the passing of his sister, Bette Levin In memory of Judith Wengrovitz
Rachel Goldberg & Bryan Quigley Judy & Vic Tynes
Condolences to Andrea Flax on the passing of her cousin, Rachel
In memory of Stephen Bodzin
Ed & Rhonda Friedler
Rachel Goldberg & Bryan Quigley
In honor of Dr. Larry Shuman’s special birthday
In memory of Rachel Kaflowitz, cousin of Andrea & David Flax Joan & Les Edelman
Robert & Maureen Shapiro In memory of Bette Levin, Don Sandler’s sister
In memory of Melissa Zuckerman, cousin of Gary Zuckerman Joan & Les Edelman
Robert & Maureen Shapiro In memory of Judith Wengrovitz
Rodney & Kathleen Bonck Joan & Les Edelman
In memory of Dorothy Kraushar Finger, mother of Sue Finger
In memory of Rachel Kaflowitz, cousin of Andrea & David Flax
Joan Hartman Moore
Sonya Singer Livingston
Leib Kaminsky
In memory of David Cohen
Sherri & Howard Kohr
Lee Cohen
Arden Levy & Anthony Sanchez
In memory of Irving Marcus
Rachel Goldberg & Bryan Quigley
Ellen Marcus
In honor of the birth of Lynne & Don Sandler’s great-grandson
In memory of Bette Levin, Don Sandler’s sister
Ed & Rhonda Friedler
Sonya Singer Livingston
Thank you so very much for helping to guide Elizabeth Stone Elliot & Karen Parkin
through this process Matt Sommers
Rob & Fay Slotnick Deb & Justin Dunie
In memory of Sarah Warshawsky Melvin & Elaine Stokols
Jay Warshawsky Marilyn Levine
In honor of Dr. Larry Shuman’s 90 birthday
In memory of Dr. Victor Tynes, Sr.
The Kasenetz Family Norma Morganbesser
In memory of Morris Weinkrantz Melvin & Elaine Stokols
Marilyn Levine In memory of Nathan Botuck
In memory of Arnold Moore Henry Botuck
Helene Schrott In memory of my father, Ray Wiener
In memory of my father, Isidore Shapiro Larry & Sandy Wiener
Anita Turk In memory of Julius Barder
In appreciation of Rabbi Rein Lois Silberberg
Barbara & Andy Effron In memory of our dear Claire Munz
In memory of Bette Levin, sister of Don Sandler David & Barbara Ross
Sherri & Howard Kohr YOUNG FAMILIES FUND
In honor of Dr. Larry Shuman’s birthday In honor of the birth of Lynne & Don Sandler’s great-grandson,
Sam & Carol Backman Silas
In memory of Peggy Harris, cousin and Marble Burton, aunt of Janet Barnett
Cheryl Nelson
Ed & Rhonda Friedler
In memory of Norman White
Ann White
In memory of Bette Levin, sister of Don Sandler
Lester & Susan Ravitz
Arden Levy & Anthony Sanchez
In honor of Carol & Sam Backman
Edie & Larry Gollomp
In memory of Joan Berman THANK YOU TO
In memory of Stephen Bodzin AND PAMELA MANDEL FOR
Carole Pollner & Jay Warshawsky
Anita Turk
In memory of Judith Wengrovitz
Dara & Josh Greene
JANESHICHMAN by Carol Backman
Jane Shichman met her future Members of AAC since December, 1995, the
husband, Marc Shichman, on a blind Shichman family moved from Arlington to Fairfax
date arranged by her cousin who was County in 1999, and Jane has been very active in the
Marc’s office mate. They hit it off right synagogue and the NOVA community. Currently, Jane
away, and 18 months later they got serves on the AAC Board as Co-Vice President for
engaged in Paris where she was traveling Membership with Mindy Maline. She has been on the
following a work trip in Eastern Europe. Board of Gesher Jewish Day School since 2005, and
“I met a nice Jewish boy and wanted a president of that board from 2013-2015.
nice Jewish family. I was comfortable
Jane has also served on the Board of the Jewish
with the idea of becoming Jewish so we
Federation of Greater Washington for the past five years.
went for it,” says Jane.
Currently, Jane serves on the Executive Committee for
Jane was born and spent most of her young life in Leadership Development and Volunteer engagement. She
Annapolis, Maryland where her parents were both social works on the Nominations Committee as well as the
studies teachers. She grew up Episcopal and attended a Northern Virginia Task Force to determine how the
Catholic high school. Jane graduated from Washington Federation can best engage our NOVA community in the
College in Chestertown, Maryland with a B.A. in International coming years.
Affairs and French, and later attended George Washington
In 2013, Jane was among 20 people chosen to
University for graduate degree in International Affairs. She
participate in the two-year Wexner Heritage Program for
worked for several years in international development in the
Jewish community leaders in the greater D.C. area. The
non-profit area.
program consisted of bi-weekly classes and culminated
While a college student, Jane spent a year in Montpellier, with a summer trip to Israel in 2015. After taking several
France with 30 other American students. “The year I was classes in adult Jewish education with the Florence Melton
studying there I took a course on the history of Judaism in School, Jane is currently taking a graduate Melton class at
France. I helped my professor with research in archives to find Gesher Jewish Day School, on Jewish Denominations and
the names of Jews who were transported from southern France Pluralism. “I love to study and learn,” Jane says. In
during the Holocaust. During the school year I traveled all over addition to studying and volunteering, Jane enjoys Cross
Europe including, a visit to Dachau,” Jane remembers. Fit, an exercise program that involves weight lifting,
Jane and Marc were married at Agudas Achim in running and rowing. She goes to the gym five times a week.
September, 1996, where they had the honor of being one of the If you want to locate the Shichmans on Saturday
first couples married in the newly renovated synagogue. “We mornings, you will find them in their regular seats at the
both enjoyed taking Rabbi Moline’s Basic Judaism class, and synagogue. “Agudas Achim is our spiritual home, it’s
I converted to Judaism before getting married,” Jane recalls. where our friends are, and where we have celebrated all
Marc, who hails from New Jersey, came to Washington, our family milestones,” says Jane.
D.C. to study at George Washington University. He has an SOCIAL ACTION SHABBAT WEEKEND
undergraduate degree in engineering and a master’s degree in Kabbalat Shabbat
computer science. A few years ago Marc and Jane started their Friday, January 18 | 6:30 p.m.
own company working on computer systems for the Operation Understanding DC will be joining us.
government. Marc works on the computer systems and Jane Their mission is to build a generation of Black and
does the administrative work. Jewish community leaders who promote respect,
The Shichmans have three daughters who grew up at understanding, and cooperation.
Agudas Achim and attended Gesher Jewish Day School. All Shabbat Morning Services
three girls had their baby namings and b’nai mitzvot at AAC. Saturday, January 19 | 9:30 a.m.
Mollie, 20, is a computer science major at the College of Services will be led by members of the Social Action
William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. She enjoys Committee.
reading Torah, leading services, and serving on the Hillel
board at college. Lucy, a senior, and Abby, a sophomore, both Kosher/Soul
attend Woodson High School in Fairfax, Virginia. Lucy, who Sunday, January 20 | Begins with reception at 6:00 p.m.
enjoys art, takes care of three rescue dogs for a neighbor every Information can be found on the front cover of this
day. Abby is active in theater productions and babysits. bulletin and on the AAC website.


School meets from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 AND AWARENESS WEEKEND FEBRUARY 8-10, 2019
noon and by appointment.
Shabbat Speaker: Matan Koch, “Igniting a Fire for Universal Inclusion”
Shop with us and help support lots Saturday, February 9
of local worthy causes. Matan is a speaker, educator, lawyer, and consultant and disability advocate.
Check out our new merchandise and His lifelong history of disability advocacy began at age four with a presentation to
remember we can do special orders several hundred young people, continued with a term as the president of Yale
on items as requested. University's student disabilities community, and reached its most recent high point
with his appointment by President Barack Obama to the National Council on
We are your source for B’Nai Disability, for a term which concluded in 2014. Matan will speak during Shabbat
Mitzvah needs and gift suggestions. services and then have a question and answer session with congregants after Kiddush.
Chairs: Michelle (202-288-9856) ReelAbilities Prefestival - “Ain’t No Mountain”
Susan (703-489-5068) Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Sunday, February 10 | 4:00 p.m.
Join Agudas Achim and Beth El Hebrew Congregation as we join forces for a
ReelAbilities Prefestival showing of “Ain’t No Mountain.” This film documents the
largest ever expedition of climbers with disabilities as they attempt to reach the peak
of Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Our shlicha, Miri Bernovsky, will
lead a discussion after the film. The film is being cosponsored by the Agudas Achim
Disability Inclusion Committee, the Agudas Achim Israeli Movie Club, the Beth El
Hebrew Congregation Inclusion Committee, and the Beth El Brotherhood.

Contact Scott Messner to place an ad today!

smessner@4lpi.com or (863) 875-1101

3-D-4-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-0995

JANUARY 1, 2019 24 TEVET 5779 JANUARY 12, 2019 6 SHEVAT 5779 JANUARY 24, 2019 18 SHEVAT 5779
*Sidney Bank *Morris Haber *Ella Fendrich
*Louis Biron Milton Melman *Morris Chosch
Rita Schmeir *Celia Alexander *Bessie Serody
Eugene Davidson Edgar Alster Louis Woolf
Israel Perkal JANUARY 13, 2019 7 SHEVAT 5779 *Richard Froelke
Ida Seidenberg *Harry Bondareff Sidney Salters
Rena Schwieger *Martin Feinstein JANUARY 25, 2019 19 SHEVAT 5779
Paul Wengrovitz Julia Bayar Daniel Barke
JANUARY 2, 2019 25 TEVET 5779 *Chaim Schlafstein Lillian Walter
*Seymour Kwerel JANUARY 14, 2019 8 SHEVAT 5779 Elizabeth Smith
*Harriet Finn *Simon Valenstein Eva Pack
*Rachel Schlafstein Irene Deutchman Sidney Weinberger
JANUARY 3, 2019 26 TEVET 5779 *Miriam Kahn Daniel Meritz
Jacob Lukaczar *Bernard Greifer *Harold Sugarman
*Philip Shapiro Charlene Schiff JANUARY 26, 2019 20 SHEVAT 5779
*Henry Berkowitz Anna Barth *Julius Siegel
Paula Feldman JANUARY 15, 2019 9 SHEVAT 5779 Esther Rosen
JANUARY 4, 2019 27 TEVET 5779 *Samuel Shanker Sophie Sachs
*Jacob Shapiro *Leah Silver Barbara Ring
*Frances Greene Helen Katz *Sam Fierstein
JANUARY 5, 2019 28 TEVET 5779 JANUARY 16, 2019 10 SHEVAT 5779 Netty Vaupen
*Ida Grossman Irving Borisnick JANUARY 27, 2019 21 SHEVAT 5779
*Bessie Wolff Robert Fogelson Anita Auerhan
Edward Schwartz JANUARY 17, 2019 11 SHEVAT 5779 JANUARY 28, 2019 22 SHEVAT 5779
Ruth Helman *Charles Silver *Benjamin Frommer
JANUARY 7, 2019 1 SHEVAT 5779 *Bertha Schrott *Rose Shapiro
Margarita Vega Joseph Amar *Miriam Abraham
Shirley Nauert Lawrence Sanders Zadell Cogan
Herman Weiner *Esther Siegel JANUARY 29, 2019 23 SHEVAT 5779
Doris Davidson JANUARY 18, 2019 12 SHEVAT 5779 *Morris Yellin
*Sara Newberger *Max Weintraub Annette Bernstein
*Alex Acs Bernard Brenman Dorothy Perlman
*Harriet Bondareff JANUARY 19, 2019 13 SHEVAT 5779 JANUARY 30, 2019 24 SHEVAT 5779
JANUARY 8, 2019 2 SHEVAT 5779 *Joseph Shuman Helen Keller
*Edith German Cordell Cassens Leah Stein
*Alyssa Kasse June Israel *Perry Amazon
Jacqueline Gutierrez Phillip Stein JANUARY 31, 2019 25 SHEVAT 5779
*Myer Weiner JANUARY 20, 2019 14 SHEVAT 5779 Philip Roth
JANUARY 9, 2019 3 SHEVAT 5779 *Yeshiah German *Esther Engel
*Maurice Adem *Harry Spiro
*Ethel Dorfman *Joseph Livingston
Henry Lee *Arleen Richman
Elicia Wolf Leon Hirschorn
Naomi Decter JANUARY 21, 2019 15 SHEVAT 5779
JANUARY 10, 2019 4 SHEVAT 5779 Musio Nachbar
*Eddye Goodman JANUARY 22, 2019 16 SHEVAT 5779
*Alvin Weinberger Elmore (Bub) Schuman
*Edith Bank Dorothy Nathan
Charles Weiss Celia Goodfarb
Louis Frapolli, Jr Leon Milewich
Caroline King Jerome Jacobs
Madison King Herbert Frommer
*Corrine Wolff
JANUARY 23, 2019 17 SHEVAT 5779
JANUARY 11, 2019 5 SHEVAT 5779
Milton Zuckerman
*Simon Samuelson Sheldon Barke
*Norman Witkin Denis Cooper
Norman Nathan Isaac Pickell
*Sol Hirschorn *David Shimberg
JANUARY 12, 2019 6 SHEVAT 5779 Lee Berman
Isadore Salad Religious School students press olive
*Ram Singh
Robert Melvin oil during Hanukkah.
*Frances Koso
* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


Eye on Israel: In Conversation With AAC Trip Participants CELEBRATION
Sunday Brunch. January 6, 2019. 9:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. FEBRUARY 23
Featuring Rabbi Steven Rein and Shlicha Miri Bernovsky, along with three trip
participants who are active members of Sisterhood. Co-President Susan Auerhan,
Active Senior Lunch and Learn Co-Chair Nancy Siegal and past Communications
VP Elizabeth Margosches will share the stage. Tu B’Shevat is just around the corner,
so we will also explore the Gaza Envelope environmental destruction.
A hot breakfast awaits you. You'll be in for a culinary surprise! GENERAL REGISTRATION
Sisterhood Shabbat
Saturday, February 2 Visit the Preschool page on the AAC
Please join us and watch our Sisterhood members lead the entire service, and website for information and details on
listen to the beautiful voices of the Sisterhood Ensemble as they perform several our programs and how to register for
musical selections, led by the incomparable Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey. the 2019-2020 school year.
Annual Toy Drive for Children’s Hospital
Sisterhood will again conduct its annual toy drive for Children's Hospital. We Contact Preschool Director Jen
are accepting toys through Sisterhood Shabbat. The Hospital's wish list can be found Halpern (703-998-7076 or
at http://childrensnational.org/giving/get-involved/volunteer#tab-5. Please make preschool@agudasachim-va.org) with
sure your donations are NEW (toys, stuffed animals, blankets, or clothes), non-toxic, any questions.
and meet consumer product safety codes. Please place your donations in the baskets
that you will find in the lobby. Sisterhood Shabbat Coordinator: Sara Naphtali-
Krumbein. skrumbein@gmail.com.
Purim Carnival is Coming Sooner Than You Think
Sunday, March 17, 2019
How you can help:
● Toy Donations: Beginning in January, a box will be available to accept
donations of small toys (such as Happy Meal-type toys and/or children's party
favors) and (good condition and smoke-free) stuffed animals and beanie babies.
● Volunteers: Beginning in January, we will be sending out a sign-up link for
volunteers. If everyone signs up for at least one volunteer slot will have all of our
needs met! We will need volunteers for kitchen duty, food, ticket table, prize WHEN A SIMCHA OCCURS
table, art table, cotton candy/popcorn, set up (March 14, 15 and 16 (night), and
When a child is born, please
clean up.
contact the synagogue office as soon
as practical to arrange for Brit Milah
Contact Purim Carnival Co-chairs Arden Levy (levyab@hotmail.com) and
and/or naming. The Rabbi will be
Mackenzie Silverman (MackenzieS1023@outlook.com).
happy to advise you regarding
Want to know the latest Sisterhood happenings? Send an email to Jodi Wittlin scheduling and name selection.
(jlwittlin@yahoo.com) to be included in Sisterhood’s TinyLetter. And don’t miss
Also, please contact the syn-
Sisterhood’s Facebook updates. Join the group! Agudas Achim Sisterhood of VA.
agogue office and the Rabbi regarding
arrangements for weddings or other
TORAH B’BAYIT: JEWISH LEARNING IN YOUR HOME life-cycle events before announcing
Monthly | Flexible Dates/Times your plans.
What Jewish topic do you want to learn about or discuss? What text have you
always wanted to explore but never had the opportunity? What current Jewish issue
is on your mind? Torah B’bayit: Jewish Learning in Your Home is an opportunity
for you to open up your home to a small group of friends and members of our
community, come up with a Jewish topic, and Rabbi Rein will bring the materials
to study. Start brainstorming Jewish topics your group would like to delve into,
then contact Rabbi Rein (srein@agudasachim-va.org) to schedule a date and time.


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Agudas Achim Congregation
2908 Valley Drive KOSHER/SOUL.................................page 1
Alexandria, VA 22302 RABBI’S MESSAGE...........................page 2
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES..................page 2
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843
PRESIDENTS’S MESSAGE.................page 3
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 AAC ACTIVE SENIORS LUNCH.........page 3
Rabbi ...….................................................................….………Steven I. Rein CHRISTMAS DINNER.........................page 3
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE...page 4
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline SHLICHA PROGRAMMING..................page 4
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove DEAR HAZZAN.................................page 5
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENING.............page 5
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern PRESCHOOL NEWS..........................page 6
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky
President……..……………………………………………Kenneth Labowitz
MAH KOREH - EDUCATION...............page 8
Sisterhood Co-Presidents..............................Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin YOUNG FAMILIES.............................page 8
Communication Specialist.....………………….………………Marya Runkle IN THE FAMILY.................................page 9
PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS...........page 11
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org Twitter: @agudasachim SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP..........page 12
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim DISABILITY INCLUSION MONTH.......page 12
IN MEMORIAM................................page 13
WHAT’S AHEAD . . . SISTERHOOD DOINGS.....................page 14

Thursdays, 7:00 p.m......................................Introduction to Judaism Class

Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


Wednesday, January 2........................................................Israel Book Club
Depression Support Group
Sunday, January 6...........................................................Sisterhood Brunch
Oh Say Shalom Playgroup
Wednesday, January 9...............Understanding Jewish Medical Directives
Divorce/Separation Support Group
Tuesday, January 15...........................Text of our Lives with Rabbi Moline
Friday, January 18.............................................Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, January 19.................................................Social Action Shabbat
Sunday, January 20........................................Kosher/Soul - Michael Twitty
Saturday, January 26.......................................................Windows on Israel
Thursday, January 31................Understanding Jewish Medical Directives

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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