Band Description PDF

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The following is a band description indicating MUET candidates’ level of English proficiency that tests the four skills, namely Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing. This band description has been developed to help candidates and other stakeholders to understand the level of
performance required to attain a particular band score in each of the criterion areas.


260 - 300 6 Excellent Able to understand and Highly expressive, fluent, accurate Very good understanding of Language always accurate and able to
user convey information accurately and appropriate language: hardly any language and contexts link ideas very effectively; uses wide
inaccuracies variety of sentence structures
effectively withvaried vocabulary

220 – 259 5 Very good Able to understand and Expressive, fluent, accurate and Good understanding of Language mostly accurate with few
user convey most information with appropriate language but with minor language and contexts minor errors and able to link ideas
minimal errors inaccuracies effectively; uses some variety of
sentence structures with appropriate

180 – 219 4 Good user Able to understand the Satisfactorily expressive and fluent, Satisfactory understanding Language fairly accurate with some
information but lacks the appropriate language but with of language and contexts minor errors and able to link ideas
ability to convey the message occasional inaccuracies satisfactorily; tendency to use simple
accurately sentence structures and vocabulary

140 – 179 3 Modest Understand information but Modestly expressive and fluent, Modest understanding of Language sometimes accurate with
user makes grammatical and appropriate language but with language and contexts some errors and attempts to link
spelling errors when noticeable inaccuracies ideas; limited variety of sentence
conveying information structures and vocabulary

100 – 139 2 Limited May have understood Lacks expressiveness, fluency and Limited understanding of Language largely inaccurate with
user information but makes appropriacy: inaccurate use of the language and contexts many errors and hardly any attempt
grammatical and spelling language resulting in breakdown in to link ideas; hardly any variety of
errors resulting in inaccuracies communication sentence structures and vocabulary
when conveying information

Below 100 1 Extremely Have difficulties Unable to use language to express Little or poor understanding Language grossly inaccurate with
limited understanding most ideas: inaccurate use of the language of language and contexts serious errors and no attempt at
user information and makes resulting in frequent breakdown in linking ideas; no variety of sentence
grammatical and spelling communication structures at all and uses
errors resulting in distortion inappropriate vocabulary

[Edited 15/1/2016]

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