Elcc 1282 Evaluation Document-Completed

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ELCC WP 1282 Course Package



Early Learning and Child Care Program
ELCC 1282 Practicum I Workplace Evaluation

Student Name: Lucy Lynett

Supervisor name: Anita Andersen & Jane Sanguin

Practicum Agency: Noah’s Ark Playschool

Age of Children: Three year old and Four year old

Midterm Evaluation Date: March 6, 2015

Final Evaluation Date: April 19, 2015


Course evaluation is based on the behaviors/skills the student demonstrates in the practicum setting. This
includes performance as well as the ability to articulate an understanding of what is appropriate for young
children in the specific practicum setting. The evaluation is a self-reflective tool where the student assesses
her/himself and provides some specific examples of how she/he is demonstrating the skills and abilities
required for success in the practicum. It is also a tool to reflect on student performance.

This evaluation tool is completed at mid-term and at the end of the practicum. The mid-term evaluation is
intended as a feedback mechanism and an opportunity to develop goals for the remainder of practicum.
Expectations for student performance change throughout the term. Both the midterm and final evaluations
will be used to determine a final grade. The Practicum Supervisor is responsible for determining the final

Student and supervisor should then meet to discuss their reflections and use this opportunity to share
feedback and set goals.


The following scale is to be used to assess the skills and abilities the student is demonstrating in the
practicum setting. Skills are graded as follows:

Outstanding in this area – Student demonstrates evidence of well developed skills and goes
above and beyond practicum expectations
Exceeds expectations – Student demonstrates strong evidence of skill development
Meets expectations – Student demonstrates evidence of skill development
Below expectations – Student demonstrates evidence of emerging skills

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Does not meet expectations – Minimal evidence of skill demonstrated

The evaluation tool is comprised of several skill area categories: professional responsibilities, child
development, interactions with children, communication with children, communication with adults, planning
environments and curriculum, and guidance strategies.

To complete the evaluation tool, please provide specific statements of evidence (examples) of behavior or
skills demonstrated by the student related to each category. The attached appendix provides guidelines and
examples of behaviour/skills in each category to assess. These lists are not exhaustive or limited to the
behaviours/skills identified. Please also note that not all criteria are applicable to every practicum setting.

Please use the following as a means to provide distinction between first (ELCC 1282) and second (ELCC
2285) year students.
 First year students will attempt to . . .
 Second year students will do . . .

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Professional Responsibilities

Midterm Evidence:
I arrive on time consistently and when I know I will be late arriving I notify my supervisors prior to being late. I
always arrive prior to the beginning of class and before students begin to arrive. In times after dropping my
children off at their own school I have encountered traffic delays in which I take the time to place a phone call to
either Jane or Anita to inform them that I am caught in traffic and will be at the school later than normal.
I dress appropriately as I personally see presenting myself professionally in my attire very important. I follow
instructions and complete tasks that I am asked to and take the initiative to complete tasks as well. When I have
been asked to take the responsibilities of leading the children in transition songs or circle time activities I take the
lead happily.
I communicate with my mentors effectively and have a very positive relationship with each of them. I have great
respect for my mentors and I am thankful for the guidance and positive relationship we share.
I respect and maintain the confidentiality of information regarding our students, families and colleagues.
Information that is shared between staff members is confidential and I appreciate and respect my role in keeping
their information confidential.
I consistently behave in a responsible, reliable, dependable and ethical manner working with all others involved at
Noah’s Ark Playschool. I view myself as a professional and endeavor to behave in a professional manner at all
times. I interact with other staff members (my mentors), parent helpers, licensing officers, public school
representatives and other employees of the church that the playschool is a part of. I enjoy my interactions with
the individuals that I encounter each day.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I do communicate with my mentor and practicum supervisor on a regular basis however I have submitted my
communication emails later than intended in the past and I endeavor to improve my communication punctuality in
the future.
I keep a log book with my interactions and information regarding my time with our student that I act as an aide to,
however I see the value in keeping a log book for all three classes as this will give me more opportunity to reflect
in my practice as an ECE.

Practicum Supervisor’s Comments:

We are pleased with Lucy’s knowledge of what professionalism looks and sounds like in a child care
setting and we trust her to handle communications with parents as needed. Her interactions with
colleagues, parents, and children are respectful, considerate and kind. She possesses exceptional
conversational language and demonstrates a sound understanding of theory based knowledge and
child care related terminology that enables her to articulate her thoughts and ideas clearly and
Lucy typically recognizes what needs to be done in terms of the scheduling, planning, and day to day
operation of a playschool, and is willing and capable of completing tasks and projects as needed

See comments attached from J & A. I agree that you appear to be consistently professional and this is
evident in your passion for your work.
I have given you the outstanding in this area as this is the A range for grading. I feel based on
comments given you are here and not in the B range. HP

Overall Self-Assessment:

Outstanding in this area

x Exceeds expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Professional Responsibilities

Final Evidence:

I continue to demonstrate consistent punctuality and professional attire and communicate professionally and
respectfully with the people I encounter each day. I continue to strive for punctual written communication with the
staff members. I have not yet implemented a log book for myself for all three classes but see the value of
beginning one if not for the remainder of this school year certainly for the fall.

Practicum Supervisor’s Comments:

Lucy demonstrates a good understanding of the professional roles and responsibilities of a preschool teacher, and we
continue to trust and encourage her to handle discussions/queries with parents even if/when they are of a sensitive nature.
We believe that Lucy is able to understand the perspective of a parent as she is one herself. As a parent, and a professional
who understands child development, Lucy has developed an excellent rapport with our parents that is based on respect,
insight, and understanding.
As a member of our staff we continue to appreciate her objectivity, her subjectivity, and her expertise. Intuitively she
seems knows what needs to be done, what needs to be said and when, and how to handle situations with the right
combination of compassion and expertise.
As a teacher she continues to model appropriate behavior, language, dress code, and health/safety practices. She is warm,
friendly and interacts effectively with 1 or 2 children at a time and a group of children. The children are as fond of her as
she is of them. We are fortunate to have her on board!

Overall Self-Assessment:

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Outstanding in this area
x Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Child Development (Observation and Recording)

Midterm Evidence:
I am able to discuss developmental stages associated with a child’s learning and growth effectively with my
colleagues. Examples and evidence of this can be found in our discussions following class time at either lunch
time between classes or at the end of our day. These discussions surround decisions such as what activity to
offer at the table for the play centre time in our schedule and also what activity to plan for within our gym time. I
have engaged in discussion surrounding the request to have more formal assessments to be done for children in
our program.
I understand the purpose of child assessment and demonstrate this by engaging in conversations with my
mentors. An example of this could be in recently taking part in a meeting with my mentors and two public school
representatives that was designed to begin the process of formal assessments to take place for a child’s speech
and behavioral development.
I produce clearly written records of observations of the child I am an aide to. I maintain a log book where I
document her interactions with her peer, her disposition and how long she attended each day.
I use my observations regarding all the children I work with to gain a greater understanding of their needs, skills
and abilities on an individual basis. This is demonstrated by a situation where I observed a child throwing toys
around the play centre room and looking over his shoulder to the adults in the room. I interpreted his looking to
mean he was watching to see how the adults would react. I calmly walked over to him as he began to leave the
centre and told him he was going to return to the foam blocks and place them back in the bin. I sat beside him
and encouraged him as he placed each block back into the storage container.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I need to more often document information regarding the children I work with. In doing this I will develop a greater
knowledge and understanding of their individual needs, skills and interests that will help me in developing better
play experiences for the children.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy is a keen listener and observer of children’s play and behavior. She demonstrates understanding
of the developmental continuum for children ages 3-5, hence the learning experiences she organizes
are realistic and challenging. She is quick to identify talents and gifts of children and uses them to
plan creative, relevant, and purposeful learning that also facilitates peer learning and fosters
confidence and self-esteem.

You appear to have knowledge and share this in your discussions with co-workers and show evidence
of it in your age appropriate planning. Continue to build use of objective language with formal written
observations. HP

Overall Self-Assessment:

Outstanding in this area

Exceeds expectations
x Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Child Development (Observation and Recording)

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Final Evidence:

I continue to demonstrate a clear understanding of the developmental stages of the children I work with. I
continue to engage in meaningful conversations with my colleagues and the observations I have. I see the value
and necessity of assessments and have a great interest in learning more about how I can adequately perform
assessments of the children I work with. I continue to need to improve my own written documentation of the
observations and interpretations I have throughout my day.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy’s ability to observe children’s behavior and play has become more refined and focused. She understands their
relevance and how to use them to interpret children’s interests, abilities and needs. She has successfully used her
observation information to plan meaningful play experiences that facilitated children’s learning.

Specifically the “Hospital”, “Pet Vet”, “Babies R Us”, and “School” card-board box buildings she and the children created
for our community was in response to formal votes cast by the children. She thoughtfully selected and gathered props and
dress up clothes to enhance the play and give children opportunities to be, look, and sound like community helpers. This
activity gave her a concrete understanding of the concept of Emergent Planning.

This practicum has also provided her with opportunity to be creative and purposeful in terms of her record keeping skills.
Each day Lucy completes a daily observation on the “Helper of the Day” which describes for the parent where within play
centers, and gym the child played, and with whom. It also gives detailed information regarding interests, talents and
personality traits we observe in the classroom. She instigated the development of this form as a means to give concrete
feedback to parents. It also gives us valuable planning information and helps us ensure this focused observation is
completed for each child on a regular basis.

Overall Self-Assessment:
Outstanding in this area
x Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Interacts with Children in Caring and Respectful Ways

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Midterm Evidence:
I demonstrate enjoyment and interest in working with children. Evidence of this is that I leave my job smiling most
days. Further evidence of this came in the way of a conversation this past week with a parent that encouraged
me that it was obvious that I loved my job to her and her husband and that I should feel confirmed in my decision
to work with children at this age. 
I interact with children at their level. Evidence of this can be found in most situation that I speak to children I am
generally on my one knee. I find this easier for them to speak with me and also for me to hear them over the
sound of the classroom. An example of this can be found in the bathroom while I lead a transition song I squat
down low while they are lined up against the wall so I can see their eyes and they can see mine.
I am flexible and intuitive to the interests and needs of individual children. Evidence of this can be found in my
work with one child in our four year old class who is generally quite reluctant to entering the bathroom with all the
other children. I believe that the chaos and noise makes her feel uncomfortable. Last week when she was
resistant to entering the bathroom we walked calmly down the hall back to the snack room where she could wash
her hands in the quiet and prepare herself for snack time. She indicated to me that she did not need to use the
bathroom at that time.
I enjoy playing with a variety of children in a variety of play situation. Examples of this could include making a
cave out of floam with three children in the play centre room to start the morning and moving from that play
experience to helping a group of children build a dinosaur zoo in the block centre. I also enjoy reading books to
small groups of children in the library area in the play centre time of the day.
I intervene in a manner which encourages children to problem-solve. An example of this could be when there is a
disagreement surrounding a toy or a child is unhappy with the way a friend has spoken to them or treated them. I
ask the question “What do you want your friend to know?” This encourages the child to be reflective in their
thinking and to communicate effectively what they are feeling.
I foster involvement in play by encouraging children to join in play that is already happening. For instance, this
past week a child came into the class and stood away from any play that was taking place. She looked from one
centre to another. I noticed only one child playing in the kitchen centre and asked this girl that was standing alone
if she would like to join me and the other child in the kitchen to play. She responded with yes and took my
outstretched hand and we walked into the kitchen area. They played together in this centre for a time and then
moved over into the blocks later on in the afternoon.
I actively participate with children at a developmentally appropriate level. I review planned activities and line them
up against DAP outlined in text books and by asking for direction from my mentors. An example of this is the prop
box I implemented this past month. The materials provided for the boxes are developmentally appropriate and
foster open ended play experiences.
I prepare children for transitions effectively by using songs and informing the children what will be happening
next as we transition. An example of this is at clean up time in the gym time. We sing “It’s time to put the toys
away so we can have a story today”. Then as they move from the bench in the gym to travel down the hallway to
the class we sing “the ant’s go marching 1 by 1…” There are many transitions that take place throughout the day
and I facilitate these by following the example set out by my mentors. We prepare children for what will happen
next and sing transition songs as well.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I enjoy participating in the play experiences of the classroom setting. My goal in this area is to continue to grow a
balance between taking over the play and ignoring the play. I would like to be confident that my presence in the
play is suitable and beneficial to the play experience for the children.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy demonstrates natural talent and passion for young children and early learning. Her care giving
style is responsive, caring and warm…..lots of smiles, hugs and getting down to the children’s eye
level. She is very obviously fond of all the children she works with. When she is absent the children
miss her and ask often when she will return. Her interactions are respectful and laced with
encouragement and positive reinforcement. Her professional practice demonstrates a good
understanding of the concept of extending and enhancing play by posing questions that develop
children’s thinking and guides their learning. Lucy is extremely good at posing open-ended questions
that develop critical thinking.

From your journals, planning and assignments I hear the PASSION in your work. This is crucial in
success of an ECP as it allows us to really commit to our work. We do not do it for pay, recognition or
amount of work we typically do it for our love of children and advocating for their learning 
You appear to exude this passion in your kind demeanor with children which is happy, positive and
sensitive. HP

Overall Self-Assessment:
x Outstanding in this area
Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Interacts with Children in Caring and Respectful Ways

Final Evidence:

I continue to love my work and feel I have found gold in what I get to do each day! My practice and habits of
interacting with children at their level in both instruction and in play situations continue and I lead children in
transitioning when required. I believe now after talking with other ELPs that learning a balance between taking
over the play and ignoring the play is found in participating appropriately, however it is difficult to find this balance!
I continue to strive to find this balance each time I engage in play situations. I believe this will be a lifelong
endeavor for me in my practice! 

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy understands how encouraging independence in children contributes to positive self-esteem and self-concept. In the
final months of the playschool year we yearn to hear the words “I can do it myself!” Lucy’s interactions with the children
reflect that very appropriately.

Lucy has established and maintained relationships with each of the children that is genuinely warm and kind, and reflects
her image of the child that every child is a capable learner, and every child has potential.

Lucy possesses an uncanny talent for seizing teachable moments, evidence of keen listening skills.

Lucy’s repertoire of songs and rhymes has been very beneficial to our program especially as transitions songs. She has
taught songs and rhymes that have appealing words and actions; evidence again that Lucy possess knowledge and
understanding of the development of young children and age appropriate material.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Overall Self-Assessment:
X Outstanding in this area
Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Communication with Children

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Midterm Evidence:
I actively engage in meaningful discussions with child and behave as a language role model. Evidence of this is
when the children come into class I greet them and ask individual children how they are doing that day. Children
will often respond with some exciting news, such as “I am going to my friends today after school!” This leads into
some discussion about what they may do while they are playing together, who else will be there (younger
siblings) and they are eager to share their excitement with me.
I engage in child led conversations and activities. An example of this is found throughout the playschool day as
children approach me and tell me about what they are playing, or drawing or to ask questions about specific
material in our rooms. (for instance, the magic sand). At the end of the day during pick up the children are sitting
in their chairs at circle time and will approach me to tell me about what may be happening for the rest of the day
for them or perhaps a trip that their family will be taking (Disneyland is discussed a lot!!).
I encourage children’s speech without demeaning or ridiculing their communication efforts. When a child
mispronounces a word or uses a incorrect word (say “I eated all my snack”) I repeat back to them what they have
told me. In a situation like “I eated all my snack” I would say “Oh, you ate all your snack! Good for you!”
I consistently provide opportunities for communication between adults and children in a language-enriched
environment by reading stories in the library area during circle time, by scribing their words about their art
creations like paintings, and by often singing familiar songs and using the actions that go with those songs.
I recognize and respond to the body language of the children. An example of this is when a three year old student
during circle time balls up his hands into fists and he become rigid in his seat I am aware that he frustrated about
something. In one situation I was able to diffuse the child’s frustration by placing a weighted lap toy and showing
him to let it sit with him. His body language softened and his hands relaxed.
I use my voice to convey expression, interest, concern and enthusiasm. I generally have a very expressive (and
sometimes too loud!) voice and so the children are aware of my enthusiasm. An example of this is when we have
had a child return from Disneyland and is excited to share about their trip with their teachers and friends I find
myself getting excited alongside them and my voice becoming excited as well.
I use positively stated, clear instructions and directions when speaking with the children. I try to be concise when
speaking with the children so that they are clear about what is expected of them and what they can expect. An
example of this is when we travel from the snack room to the larger gym area that we use for organized games I
tell the children “When you are done eating please get a pinnie, sit in the circle and wait so we can go all together
to the big gym for Relay Races”.
I use positive, constructive language when responding to children’s behavior. I am personally someone who
thrives on encouragement and so I endeavor to encourage the children I work with by using positive language to
encourage positive behavior and a change in behavior when it is warranted.
Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
My goal in communicating effectively and appropriately with children is to continue to seek opportunities for more
interactions. I believe that I communicate well with children and so I would like to continue to do so.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy demonstrates enthusiasm, interest and compassion for young children. She recognizes the
uniqueness of children, and her professional practice indicates an appreciation for their individuality.
Her practice is saturated in the child care philosophy that all children are capable, competent
Lucy is an attentive listener and understands the use of voice, tone, inflection and timing, and the
importance of maintaining eye contact while speaking with children.
She has an uncanny ability to break down tasks for children into more manageable parts and explain
complicated concepts in terms that are easier to understand.

This goes hand in hand with your interactions, as you are able to be respectful of children by being at
their level and making eye contact. You understand that children learn through role modeling and thus
use language to model appropriate social interactions and language building. As mentioned from A &
J you have a wonderful ability to ask open-ended questions, which extend language and reasoning.
Continue to build on teachable moments as you step in and out of play. HP

Overall Self-Assessment:
Outstanding in this area
x Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package



Final Evidence:
I continue to greet children each day and engage in meaningful conversations by showing interest in the things
that interest the children. I seek opportunities for communication in the environment while encouraging the
children in their proper language development. I continue to be concise with the children while using expression
and enthusiasm and maintain positive language when responding to the children’s behaviour.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Same as above

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Overall Self-Assessment:

Outstanding in this area

X Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Communication with Adults

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Midterm Evidence:
I regularly am engaging in conversations and discussions regarding children’s development, needs and the
program plans with my mentors. I am a practicum student but I am also a staff member in this playschool so I am
invested in the discussions surrounding the planning of this program. An example of this is after classes we
“debrief” about the success of an activity and how we could improve or modify for the next class. In the recent
past we had a parent helper cut out crowns for our students that were showing an interest in making a crown with
the craft materials. After class was finished we discussed the crowns that they had cut out and discovered that
some of the cuts for the crowns left the crowns not stable enough for the children to use. We discussed this and
decided to set these aside for something different and use a template to create the crowns out of a different
I regularly show appreciation and respect for my co-workers. I have the utmost respect for my co-workers both
professionally and personally. I tell them often how much I appreciate their guidance and wisdom. I have done
this both verbally, through personal text messages and through emails regarding my intentions at the start of
each month. I appreciate also how they have shown to support myself and my family as I have transitioned from
being a stay-at-home-mom to a working mother.
I regularly discuss with parents about their child’s daily experience at playschool. I truly enjoy the interaction and
relationship I have with the parents of the students at the playschool. Each day we attempt to do a “Daily
Observation Report” for our “helper of the day”. This small slip of paper includes details like which centers they
played at, who they may have played with, some talents and interests that we as teachers notice, their disposition
and some phrases or language that we heard that day. I love taking the time to hand these out to the parents and
highlight just how excited their child was to be the helper, or other exciting and encouraging news from their
child’s day. Parents need to hear good news regarding their children. I know, I am a parent myself! I enjoy these
conversations and seeing the look of pride on their faces as we talk about how wonderful their child is. These
conversations demonstrate a respect for parents as the primary caregivers of the children. I often tell parents that
they are their child’s best advocate. This is something I learned from Jane and Anita when my children were
students here.
I consistently use oral language and written language competently with adults. I believe that I have a fairly well
equipped vocabulary and that I am competent in my discussions with the adults I interact with through my
practicum. I use written language in the daily observation reports and have been told it is wonderful to read
specifics about their child’s day.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I would like to work on accepting and using feedback more regularly and effectively. I believe that because I am
so swayed by encouragement that sometimes “constructive criticism” can deflate me. I need to work on allowing
that type of feedback to help shape me into a better ECE.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy’s oral and written communication skills are exceptional. She communicates frequently and
effectively with colleagues, staff and parents. She has a gentle spirit and easily understands the
perspective of others.
Her proficient and extensive vocabulary, and knowledge of terminology related to child development,
enables her to participate in meetings and discussions at a professional level.
She invites constructive criticism to improve her professional practice. She is kind and compassionate
in her interactions with parents and is well liked. She is highly regarded at Noah’s Ark Playschool and
is often sought out by parents for advice and feedback. 

I feel based on comments from all of you and what I read in your communication assignment this is a
strong area for you and thus the grade change. You are reflective and strive to improve so yes as you
mentioned take feedback with grace. This also reflects on your need to do well – but do not be too
hard on yourself as this actually affects growth HP

Overall Self-Assessment:
Outstanding in this area
x Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Communication with Adults

Final Evidence:
I continue to engage in conversations regarding the developmental needs and program plans at Noah’s Ark as I
will continue my employment following my practicum course. I hold my mentors in high regard and continue to
express my admiration and appreciation for them each. I enjoy and respect the parents of the children I am
privileged to work with and view them as their children’s best advocates. I use written language through emails to
converse with co-workers, public school representatives and Child and Family Services Authority. I am growing to
appreciate feedback for what it is and will continue to work on accepting feedback to help shape me further.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy continues to take her professional responsibilities seriously. In addition to fostering children’s growth and learning
she knows her role includes helping parents understand how their children learn. She regards parents as the first experts of
their children and her respectful dialogue with them is evidence of knowledge of the importance of the parent-teacher

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Overall Impression:

X Outstanding in this area

Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Planning Environments and Curriculum

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Midterm Evidence:
I understand the routines of the day and can rationalize and give the reasons for the scheduling that is in place. I
have had parents apologize for being late getting to school in the morning and I have been able to encourage
them that it isn’t a big deal since we start out day in open ended free play in the play centre room. Children can
arrive and enter the room without the feeling of disrupting the class.
I consistently participate in and initiate the routines of the day by taking part in the current activity (play centre
time, gym time, etc.) and by leading the children in transition activities like cleaning up our toys and singing
I assist appropriately with housekeeping tasks as they are needed by washing the dishes between classes if we
do not have a parent helper or by setting up our three-part sink system for a parent helper that is willing to wash
the dishes from snack time.
I consistently implement safety practices by encouraging the children to walk in the class and halls and that they
can run in the gym!
I consistency position myself in the playroom to observe and interact with children. I endeavor to have my front
facing the class and positioning myself on the one side of the table in the center of the room so I am able to see
the students and hear their conversations and needs.
I implement play experiences that reflect my belief that children learn best through the avenue of play when that
play is developmentally appropriate and some evidence of this is in my prop box.
I inform my mentors and ask for their input and advice prior to implementing a plan. This happens both during
class and after while I ask for opinions. An example of this is when I finished my prop box and discussed with
Jane and Anita about the possibility of hosting another vote for our classes.
I facilitate experiences that recognize the diverse needs of all the children. In our gym area we have cars, slides,
prop boxes, a car wash (a large refrigerator box with shower curtain cut on the one end!) to meet the needs of the
children that move quickly- driving a car, and the children that would like to play at a slower pace- the dramatic
prop boxes.
I try to facilitate experiences that recognize and include children’s culturally diverse differences. We count to three
in a number of different languages at the end of circle time.

Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I would like to look for more ways to facilitate experiences that recognize and include children’s cultural
differences more effectively. We do not have a very culturally diverse student body, so even including some
experiences that represent different cultures in general will benefit the classes.

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy is very intuitive and naturally aware of the needs of individual children and the needs of the
Her observations enable her to provide an environment that supports creative play and develops
critical thinking.
She is aware of Best Practice in terms of Safety and Children and strives to prepare a space that
meets the health and safety policies of Noah’s Ark Playschool and the Government standard set out
by Licensing.
Lucy is very thoughtful in her planning. She understands how to adapt curriculum to include all
children and very effectively uses visual cues to help children understand and foster independence.
She also understands the concept of emergent planning and very capably uses the observed interests
of the children as a pathway for learning….FUN!

Lucy you appear to have a solid understanding of development and this is evident in your planning
and connected developmental goals. You understand the value of planning based on interests of the
children and you allow children to take the lead in a planned play experience. Cultural diversity
should not be ‘one off’ experiences like “lets learn about Holland today” but rather connected to the
diverse needs in your group. So this may mean adding a wok to the house centre if you have families
that use woks at home. Diversity also means allowing children to have a voice, encouraging a
democracy in the classroom and encouraging children to work together in respecting each other’s
needs. HP

Overall Self-Assessment:
Outstanding in this area
Exceeds expectations
x Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Planning Environments and Curriculum

Final Evidence:
I continue to remain aware of the routines and am able to justify them. I enjoy participating in the routines and
initiating a change throughout the day through transitions. Recently I enjoyed introducing a new transition song
that the children appear to really enjoy. In arranging the play centre for the gym area we call our cardboard
community I included developmentally appropriate materials that are safe, dynamic and are stimulating for the
children. In planning my play experiences I learned just how mobile the boys in four year old morning class are! I
had planned two very stationary activities in painting dinosaurs and playing with the pom-poms at the sensory
bins. I interpreted their interest in both the dinosaurs and the pom-poms correctly; however their interest in these
items and toys is showcased in their mobility in the room. In reviewing how the play experiences both “played
out” I understand better now how to engage this group of boys and that is through engaging materials that can be
used throughout the room. Naturally painting is a stationary activity but I can offer play experiences that
incorporate the dinosaurs in a way that allows for the boys to move their play around. I appreciate the play
experiences format and intend to include this in my future planning as this has provided me with a greater
understanding of my students and their interests and dispositions. Including diversity in my practice has been
something that I continue to endeavor to do. I have come to see just how easily that may actually be though. It
could look like including different props from different cultures in dramatic play areas, or displaying pictures
around the room of what other cultural groups may look like. One way that has been currently implemented has
been having the children count to three at the end of each day while they pick up their name cards at dismissal
time but counting in different languages. Currently we are working on Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and have
already covered French, Dutch and German. 

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Same as above.

Overall Self-Assessment:
Outstanding in this area
X Exceeds expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Meets expectations
Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

Effective Guidance Strategies

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Midterm Evidence:
I ensure a healthy and safe environment by reminding children to be safe in their play. An example of this is when
I remind the students to walk in the classroom.
I use teachable moments to teach or practice developing skills. An example of this is when the children want to
help the child I am an aide to in getting her from one area to another I encourage the children by words like
“thank you for being so kind to your friend S. I see that you noticed that she might like to play ball with you, what
a good friend you are!”
I encourage children to act independently and take responsibility for their actions by asking questions like “How
do you think your friend feels right now? Let’s look at their face.” This usually results in the child being able to tell
me that their friend is sad. It is typical that the child will apologize after seeing their friends face. (although, not
always!! )
I assist and involve children in their problem solving. An example of this could be when a child comes to me
fighting a water smock off I ask them what it is they would like. They usually communicate that they would like the
smock off. We have shown the children in the class that they can ask their friends that are nearby to simply pull
the string on their smock and how easily it comes off. If a child comes to me and there is a friend nearby I ask the
child how they can get it off. They sometimes respond by asking their friend to pull the string on their smock.
I use limit setting techniques by giving information about what will happen next, and by giving choices. An
example of this is when we come back from the bathroom to the snack room the children are expected to choose
a chair at a table to sit. Sometimes the children stand and watch as their friends choose a spot. I usually tell the
children to make a decision quickly or I will choose for them. I tell them I will count down from 5 and if they have
not made a decision then it is my turn. (I don’t have to make a lot of decisions! They usually choose by then! )
I provide guidance in positive ways that reinforces children’s feelings of confidence and competence. An example
of this is when a child is asked to apologize to another and does I enjoy telling them I am proud of how they made
their friend feel better.
I use active listening to support children in dealing with emotions. An example of this is a student in one of our
classes can get upset and cry quite loudly and will squeeze very tightly onto an adult. When this is me I squat
down so that her legs are on the floor and I am still holding onto her. I rub her back and tell her I understand, and
that she will be okay. I am okay to repeat this phrasing over and over because I am unsure how clearly she is
hearing me at first when the crying is loud.
I understand that a well-planned environment provides effective guidance strategies. This can be demonstrated
by having the table that runs the length of the classroom in the play centre room pushed over to close off a
natural runway.
I use voice tone, facial expression and body movements appropriately when providing redirection. It is never my
intention to scare the children I work with so I am cognizant that my non-verbal language match my verbal
I assist children to understand logical consequences of behavior. In the play centre room when a child was
throwing the foam blocks around I explained he needed to clean up the mess. “Too much mess”. I told him I
would help. I explained to him when we are done we will go find something else to play with.
I redirect children appropriately when their require it. In the gym when a child has been driving too recklessly I
encourage the child and invite the child to come play with me in the center of the gym- maybe playing ball, or
building a garden. Sometimes this works better than others! 
ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Goals: (to be developed by student and practicum supervisor together based on areas identified by
both student and practicum supervisor)
I would like to improve my understanding and ability to redirect behavior more smoothly.
I would also like to improve assisting children to negotiate their solutions in conflict situations.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy’s use of Positive Guidance Strategies to manage children’s behavior is effective,
developmentally appropriate, and respectful.
She gives helpful feedback and information so children can make positive changes. She understands
the effectiveness of the technique of redirection and is very proficient at helping children solve
problems and find resolutions.
Her strategies indicate a clear understanding of Noah’s Ark Child Guidance and discipline policy.
She knows how to use “teachable moments” to help children understand, and her practice reflects the
quote by J. Albers: “good teaching is more the posing of good questions than the giving of right

Lucy this is always an area of growth for all ECP’s regardless of their experience or education. It is
an evolution as guidance is individual and every changing as we learn more about children’s
development and needs. You appear to use your sensitive positive approach and communication
when involved in guidance. You recognize the importance of indirect guidance like appropriate
planning, the environment and your various roles as an ECP. Often if we reflect on these areas, we
are able to change the behaviour without directly guiding the child. As I mentioned to you in your
guidance assignment, continue to build on use of positive, objective language in formal observations
or reports, especially when shared with parents and other professionals. Try to incorporate self
regulation games/strategies into your planning as another way to build skills in children – think of
guidance as “what do I need to assist this child with – language, social skills etc?”

Overall Self-Assessment:

Outstanding in this area

Exceeds expectations
x Meets expectations
Below expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Does not meet expectations

Effective Guidance Strategies

Final Evidence:
I continue to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the children in the playschool. I enjoy using a variety of
encouraging and affirming statements to motivate the children. I, myself am a person that needs encouragement
and so I tend to be generous with encouragement in the children I work with. I enjoy seeing the children’s pride
as they accomplish something independently like opening a snack all by themselves and so I encourage the
children to act independently and take responsibility for their actions- good or not. I do my best to intervene with
guidance strategies and help guide the children in solving their own disputes or problems. I continue to use
redirection as a tool for guiding behaviours. I will carry on trying to grow in my abilities to help resolve issues
smoothly in the classroom setting and assisting children in negotiating their problems.

Practicum Supervisors Comments:

Lucy has good understanding of strategies to positively guide children’s behavior. Combined with her common sense
approach and her efforts to be fair and consistent she is very capable of managing a group of children during circle and
individual children during play center time or gym time. Her tone, patience, and words are easily understood by the
children and her expectations for compliancy are age appropriate.

We often discuss how changes in materials, space and schedule can naturally minimize negative behavior. She regularly
initiates discussions to propose changes in the environment based on this simple concept.

Overall Self-Assessment:

Outstanding in this area

X Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Below expectations
Does not meet expectations

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

Professional Responsibilities

 arrives on time consistently

 never late or absent or notifies mentor of lateness or absence

 leaves for/returns from breaks on time

 dresses appropriately

 deals with personal needs and issues so that they do not impact job performance

 follows instructions

 consistently follows through with stated expectations and responsibilities

 completes and submits communication sheets on a regular basis

 models acceptable standard of writing (grammar, spelling, format)

 has log book available/organized for mentor

 keeps log book up-to-date

 communicates information to Mentor and Practicum Supervisor on a regular basis

 always respects and maintains confidentiality in regard to information and interactions with children,
families and colleagues
 consistently acts in a dependable, reliable and responsible manner in cooperation with all others who are
involved in the practicum
 takes initiative and assumes responsibilities spontaneously

 assumes responsibility when appropriate

 behaves ethically at all times

 self-evaluates own work

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


Child Development (Observation and Recording)

 is able to discuss developmental stages associated with a child’s growth and learning

 understands the purposes of child assessment

 produces clearly written records of observations of children engaged in play experiences and interactions
with others consistently
 always reports development in an objective, bias-free manner
 consistently uses observations effectively to interpret needs, skills and abilities for individual children and
small groups
 documents information regarding children
 develops plans for play experiences that reflect observation and understanding of children’s needs,
interests and abilities

Interacts with Children in Caring and Respectful Ways

 demonstrates enjoyment and interest in working with children

 interacts with children at child’s level

 responds to the needs of all children

 is flexible and intuitive to the interests and needs of individual children

 participates in play respectfully

 encourages and supports children in joining play

 plays with a variety of children in a variety of play situations

 fosters involvement in play

 helps children to expand play

 intervenes in a manner which encourages children to problem-solve

 supports children’s play without taking over

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


 actively participates with children at a developmentally appropriate level

 gives children meaningful choices to encourage sense of independence

 prepares children for transitions

 facilitates smooth transitions throughout the day

Communication with Children

 actively engages in meaningful discussions with children as a language role model

 engages in child’s lead during conversation and activities

 encourages children’s speech without demeaning or ridiculing their communication efforts

 consistently provides opportunities for communication between adults and children in a language-enriched
environment, including:
- - reading stories to children
- - singing (and fingerplays)

 recognizes and responds to children’s body language

 encourages conversation by using open-ended questions and encouraging self-expression

 uses voice to convey expression, interest, concern, enthusiasm

 uses positively stated, clear directions

 uses positive, constructive language when responding to children’s behavior

Communication with Adults

 regularly enters into discussion with Mentor, discussing children’s development, needs and program plans

 shows appreciation and respect for co-workers

 regularly enters into discussion with parents, talking about the child’s daily experiences

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


 demonstrates a respect for parents as the primary caregivers of their children

 consistently uses oral and written language competently with adults

 encourages conversation by using open-ended questions and encouraging self-expression

 accepts and uses feedback on a regular basis

Planning Environments and Curriculum

 understands routines of the day and can articulate rationale/reasons

 consistently participates with and initiates the routines of the day

 assists appropriately with housekeeping tasks daily and as needed

 consistently implements safety practices

 consistently implements health practices and routines

 consistently positions self in the playroom to observe and interact with children

 implements play experiences that reflect that children develop best through the natural medium of play
 ensures that play experiences are consistent with developmentally appropriate practice and supports
sound guidance
 informs mentor of plans and follows through with those plans
 arranges a play center with materials that create a dynamic, safe, aesthetic and stimulating environment for
young children
 consistently prepares and provides opportunities that promote children’s ability to learn as they play

 consistently evaluates play experiences effectively

 facilitates experiences that recognize the diverse needs of all children

 facilitates experiences that recognize and include children’s cultural differences

Effective Guidance Strategies

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package


 ensures a healthy and safe environment

 uses ‘teachable moments’ to teach or practice developing skill

 uses a variety of encouraging/affirming statements

 encourages children to act independently and take responsibility

 assists children to negotiate solutions to problems – involves children in problem solving

 intervenes with guidance strategies at appropriate times

 uses limit-setting techniques (e.g. giving information, choices, consequences)

 provides guidance in positive ways that reinforce children’s feelings of confidence and competence

 uses active listening to support children in dealing with emotions

 articulates an understanding of how a well-planned environment provides effective guidance strategies

 uses voice tone, facial expressions and body movements appropriately when providing redirection

 assists children to understand logical consequence of behavior

 redirects children appropriately

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package

General Comments:
Practices With Children

See all comments above 50/60 A-


Assignments all sent on time with much thought and reflection.

33/40 A-

Journals sent on time and reflective in content. Asks questions of me through

email if required.

Midterm Grade: 83% A- 41.5/50 carried forward to final

Practicum Student Signature Date

Practicum Supervisor Signature Date

General Comments:
Practices With Children

ELCC WP 1282 Course Package




Lucy Lynett April 15, 2015

Practicum Student Signature Date

Heather Pollard
Practicum Supervisor Signature Date March 12/2015


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