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The use of essential oils dates back thousands of years, with Chinese,
Indians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all using oils for various
therapeutic, spiritual, hygienic and ritualistic practices. They commonly
included them in cosmetics, perfumes and drugs.

But the use of essential oils is just as relevant in our modern world.

Whether you use them to relax after a long day, treat a cold, or connect
with your spiritual side, essential oils can be an essential part of a healthy

The following guide is provided by Peloha Essentials to help guide you

through the origin, uses, and benefits of some of the most commonly
used essential oils.

We hope you enjoy it!

ABOUT • Aromatic Description: Argan Car- aged hair and nails, and prevent/re-
Argan Oil is produced from the nuts rier Oil has an unusual, somewhat duce stretch marks. Wonderful for
of the Argan tree and is highly val- nutty, spicy and oily scent. massage, facials and as an ingredi-
ued for its nutritive, cosmetic and • Common Uses: Argan Carrier Oil ent in anti-aging products.
medicinal properties. is used in the creation of soaps, • Shelf Life: Argan Carrier oil is slow
creams and shampoos. It’s rich in to become rancid; users can expect
Grown in North Africa, mainly in Mo- natural tocopherols (vitamin E) and a shelf life of 1-2 years with proper
rocco, the Argan tree grows wild in phenols, carotenes, squalene and storage (cool, out of direct sunlight).
semi-desert soil, and is extremely fatty acids, making it a truly nour- Refrigeration after opening is rec-
well adapted to drought. ishing and luxurious oil. ommended.
• Argan absorbs quickly into the • Cautions: Contains tree nuts.
Argan absorbs quickly into the skin, skin, making it popular in skin, nail
making it popular in skin, nail and and hair treatments. This oil helps Get Argan Now!
hair treatments. hydrate the skin, strengthen dam-

Argan Oil is considered to be one of

the rarest oils in the world due the
small and very specific growing area
and is under protection of UNESCO.

• Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow
• Botanical Name: Argania Spinosa
Atlas Cedarwood
ABOUT Recipe using Cedarwood Atlas Es- DETAILS
Cedarwood essential oil can ease sential Oil: • Botanical Name: Cedrus atlantica
aches and pains and is especial- Steam Inhalation for Coughs • Origin: Morocco.
ly good in cosmetic preparations 4 cups hot water • Family: Pinaceae.
for oily skin and dandruff. Helpful 1 drop Cedarwood Atlas essential oil • Aroma: Soft, woody, warm with a
for respiratory complaints, Cedar- 1 drop Eucalyptus essential oil hint of camphor.
wood can be used in a steam inha- 1 drop Hyssop essential oil • Method of Extraction: Steam Dis-
lation to help with coughs and con- Add essential oils to a bowl of hot tilled.
gestion. It’s also an excellent oil for water. Cover your head with a • Source: Sawdust and wood chips
repelling insects. towel and breathe slowly in and • Blends Well With the essential
out, keeping eyes CLOSED. Repeat oils of: Bay, bergamot, cardamom,
Emotionally, Cedarwood atlas is a for a few breaths. Repeat several eucalyptus, juniper, frankincense,
very grounding essential oil, espe- times a day. lavender, sandalwood.
cially good for those times when (From “Aromatherapy: A Lifetime
you’re feeling scattered or under a Guide to Healing with Essential Get Atlas Cedarwood Now!
lot of stress. Diffuse it when you Oils” by Valerie Gennari Cooksley).
are having trouble concentrating, • Cautions: Not recommended
feel out of sorts or have become during pregnancy.
exhausted from accumulated

Properties: antiseptic, antisebor-
rheic, astringent, diuretic, expecto-
rant, insecticidal, sedative.
ABOUT • Unrefined
Avocado oil is a rich oil which pene- • Shelf Life: 8-10 months
trates the skin deeply, providing es-
sential fatty acids, vitamins A, D and Note that Avocado Carrier oil is NOT
E, and proteins. The color is a beau- a nut oil.
tiful olive to deep green, and unlike
the refined version, unrefined avo- Get Avocado Carrier Oil Now!
cado oil has has a mild aroma.

Excellent for treating dry skin,

sun-damaged skin, and wrinkles, as
it delivers superior moisturizing and
nourishing elements.

Avocado oil can also help with the

itchiness and dryness of psoriasis
and eczema.

• Botanical Name: Persea ameri-
cana, P. gratissima Caertn.
• Family : Lauraceae
• Country of Origin: Israel
Bergamot FCF
ABOUT deodorant, perfume, soothing agent, into the sunlight. This Bergamot is Ber-
Bergamot oil is familiar to many as the skin conditioner. Bergamot essential gapten-free which reduces the suscep-
flavoring in Earl Grey Tea. It is a popular oil is said to help with loss of appetite tibility to photosensitizing and so is safer
ingredient in many fragrances, cosmetics due to stress, and in general to help to use in massage oils and lotions.
and perfumes, and is most well known as with anxiety and nervous tension.
the classic ingredient of eau-de-cologne. This wonderful oil can also ease di- DETAILS
This light, fruity citrus oil is uplifting, anti- gestive problems such as indigestion, • Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia
septic, and relaxing. Bergamot essential and flatulence. Try a gentle abdomi- • Origin: Italy
oil relaxes and refreshes and is good for nal massage to help bring relief from • Family: Rutaceae
confidence building. According to Gabri- constipation and colic. Use in a vapor- • Aroma: Light, fruity, citrus
el Mojay (“Aromatherapy for Healing izer to eliminate unpleasant odors. • Perfume Note: Top
the Spirit”), Bergamot oil has the ability • Method of Extraction: Cold Expression
to help disperse stagnant Qi-energy, • Recipe Using Bergamot Essential Oil: • Source: Fruit peel
freeing up emotions like anger, anxiety Uplifting Blend • Blends Well With: Chamomile, cori-
and frustration which, if left to fester, can 2 Drops Geranium Essential Oil ander, cypress, geranium, juniper, lav-
lead to depression. By helping to move 2 Drops Lavender Essential Oil ender, lemon, neroli, ylang ylang
this energy through the body, berga- 2 Drops Bergamot Essential Oil
mot encourages the healthy release Blend the essential oils with 6 tea- Get Bergamot CFC Now!
of these pent-up emotions, and allows spoons of massage base or any car-
us to move forward with a lighter spir- rier oil you have on hand. Lovely for
it and a more optimistic and energetic a gentle massage, a bath, or to use as
approach to life. an uplifting fragrance.
• Cautions: Bergamot essential oil can
COMMON USES increase the susceptibility of the skin
Traditional uses include: antiseptic, to burning if applied before going out
ABOUT DETAILS • Method of Extraction: SD
Cinnamon essential oil is warm and • Botanical Name: Cinnamomum • Source: Leaves and stems
stimulating, used as a comforting oil zeylanicum • Blends Well With the essential oils:
during the cold season. A strong an- • Origin: Ceylon Caraway, citrus oils, clove, myrtle,
tiseptic, cinnamon oil has a cleansing • Family: Lauraceae nutmeg, olibanum.
effect, as well as a lovely fragrance. • Aroma: Spicy, warm
• Perfume Note: Middle Get Cinnamon Essential Oil Now!
• Traditional use: anti-inflammatory
agent, aphrodisiac, skin conditioner,
• Cautions: Avoid cinnamon essen-
tial oil during pregnancy. Not rec-
ommended for sensitive skin as cin-
namon oil can cause skin irritation;
moderate dermal toxicity. Avoid us-
ing in baths.
Clary Sage
ABOUT • Traditional use: skin conditioner, • Clary Sage Properties: Anticoagu-
With its warm, herbaceous scent, astringent, soothing agent, aphrodi- lant, antioxidant, antidiabetic, estro-
Clary Sage essential oil has uplifting siac, muscle relaxant. gen-like, antifungal, antispasmodic,
and relaxing properties. It encour- • Cautions: Do not use during preg- relaxant, cholesterol-reducing, anti-
ages sleep and is said to promote nancy. Avoid while drinking alcohol tumoral, anesthetic.
dreaming. Clary sage essential oil or driving as Clary can have a se- • Blends Well With the essential oils:
is soothing to the nervous system, dating effect. Cedarwood, labdanum, citrus oils,
particularly in cases of depression, • Recipe to try using Clary Sage: lavender, lavandin
stress, insomnia and anxiety. Peaceful Dreams
3 drop lavender Get Clary Sage Now!
Clary Sage oil contains a hormone-like 1 drop clary sage
compound similar to estrogen that is Mix 3 drops lavender and 1 drop
said to help regulate hormonal bal- clary sage with a teaspoon of mild or
ance. Many women have found that cream. Add to a warm bath & soak.
essential oils can be effective for PMS
and menopause problems. Massage DETAILS
on muscles and on abdomen before • Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea
and during menstruation. Clary Oil is • Origin: France
helpful with oily hair and skin, dandruff • Family: Lamiceae
and treating wrinkles. Clary Sage also • Aroma: Herbaceous, warm, and musky
has sensual properties. • Perfume Note: Top to middle
• Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
COMMON USES • Source: Flowering tops
Aromatherapy class: balancing, • Main Chemical Components: Linal-
calming, toning. yl acetate, linalol
ABOUT DETAILS • Main Chemical Components: Eu-
Clove oil is an antiseptic and stimu- • Botanical Name: Syzygium aro- genol, beta-caryophyllene
lating oil useful in mouthwashes and maticum • Blends Well With: Basil, black pep-
gargles. Clove essential oil has tradi- • Origin: Indonesia per, cinnamon, citronella, grapefruit,
tionally been used to relieve tooth- • Family: Myrtaceae lemon, nutmeg, orange, peppermint,
ache due to its numbing effect on • Aroma: Spicy, warm, and rich rosemary, and rose essential oils.
the nerves. Its antiseptic properties • Perfume Note: Middle
make it a useful oil to diffuse during • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Get Clove Essential Oil Now!
cold and flu season. • Source: Flower buds

• Aromatherapy class: stimulating,
• Other uses: muscle relaxant, sooth-
ing agent, warts, colds, flu, and fatigue.
• Cautions: Clove essential oil is a
powerful skin irritant and should be
used carefully--if using on the skin,
use half of recommended dilution or
less. In general, however, we recom-
mend using this oil in a diffuser-not
applied topically. Do not use during
pregnancy. Do not use in baths.
ABOUT DETAILS • Source: Leaves and stems
Cypress essential oil is a soothing oil • Botanical Name: Cupressus sem- • Blends Well With: bergamot, clary
that eases aches, pains and coughs. pervirens sage, juniper berry, lavender, lem-
With its smoky woodsy fragrance, • Origin: Spain on, orange, rosemary, sandalwood
Cypress oil refreshes, restores and • Family: Conifera essential oil.
tones. This is an astringent oil use- • Aroma: Sweet, smoky, balsamic
ful for refreshing and caring for oily • Perfume Note: Middle Get Cypress Now!
and blemished skin, and works as • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
a natural deodorant. In a massage
base, cypress is soothing for PMS
and menstrual cramps. Also said to
be helpful for menopausal symp-
toms and in a cellulite formula.

• Traditional use: antiseptic, astrin-
gent, deodorant, soothing agent,
skin conditioner
Natural Deodorant
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Cypress
1 drop Bergamot FCF
Combine above in 2 tablespoons of
grapeseed oil, and apply lightly to
the underarm area.
ABOUT keep air germ-free in order to pre- • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil vent those colds in the first place. • Source: Leaves & stems
is a fresh and stimulating oil with a • Main Chemical Components:
penetrating scent and strong anti- Traditional uses include: deodorant, 1,8- cineole, pinene, limonene, sa-
septic properties. antiseptic, soothing agent, skin con- binene
ditioner. • Blends well with: coriander, juniper
Eucalyptus is widely used to relieve berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass,
congestion and muscle aches. Use DETAILS thyme, pine essential oils
eucalyptus in a vaporizer to help • Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus
keep air germ-free in order to pre- • Origin: China Get Eucalyptus Now!
vent those colds in the first place! • Family: Myrtaceae
• Aroma: Camphoraceous
COMMON USES • Perfume Note: Top
Eucalyptus globulus essential oil (“the
usual eucalyptus”) is widely used to
relieve congestion and muscle aches.

Eucalyptus essential oil can be used

in baths or blended with a carrier oil
to use in a chest rub for colds. Using
eucalyptus in a vaporizer can help
ABOUT on cancer cells. Here’s one recent bit of • Aroma: Balsamic, grounding, warm.
Frankincense essential oil has been news on how its being studied. • Perfume Note: Base
used for centuries and has a long • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
tradition in spiritual ceremonies, the COMMON USES • Source: Resin
resin burnt on altars and in temples. Relaxation Recipe • Main Chemical Components:
Frankincense oil soothes, warms, and • 4 drops Lavender oil Pinene, limonene, beta-cayophyllene,
aids meditation by helping to create • 1 drop Petitgrain essential oil phellandrene, myrcene, sabinene
a spiritual atmosphere. By slowing • 1 drop Frankincense essential oil •Blends well with: Basil, black pepper,
down breathing and controlling ten- • Add to 6 tsp of massage base. Pour galbanum, geranium, grapefruit, lav-
sion, Frankincense essential oil helps into a warm bath, mixing gently be- ender, orange, patchouli, sandalwood
to focus the mind and relax the body. fore getting in, or use for a relaxing essential oil.
massage blend.
It’s also renowned for its use in skin Get Frankincense Now!
care, excellent for toning and caring DETAILS
for mature/aging skin. Frankincense • Botanical Name: Boswellia carteri
essential oil has a long history in skin (Also known as ‘Olibanum’ B. papyrif-
care - it’s said the Egyptians used it era)
in rejuvenation face-masks. We also • Origin: Somalia
love this oil for respiratory problems - • Family: Burseraceae
in an inhalation or carrier oil, it’s help-
ful for colds, coughs and bronchitis.

There’s also quite a lot of research hap-

pening on Frankincense and its effects
ABOUT DETAILS • Blends Well With: Cedarwood, citro-
Geranium essential oil has a wonder- • Botanical Name: Pelargonium gra- nella, clary sage, grapefruit, jasmine,
ful green, flowery aroma and is both veolens lavender, lime, neroli, orange, petit-
uplifting and calming. An astringent • Origin: China grain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood
oil, geranium is excellent for all skin • Family: Geraniaceae essential oils.
types, and is used in skin care prod- • Aroma: Floral, soft, green, fresh
ucts for both its fragrance and cleans- • Perfume Note: Middle to Top Get Geranium Essential Now!
ing properties. It is known to exert a • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
“balancing” effect on the skin, that • Source: Leaves and stems
can be helpful for treating eczema • Main Chemical Components:
and psoriasis. Citronellol, citronellyl formate, geraniol,
Emotionally, geranium essential oil re-
laxes, restores and maintains stability
of the emotions. It blends well with oth-
er floral oils, and, mixed with Lavender
essential oil and Bergamot essential oils
produces a delightful room freshener.
ABOUT DETAILS • Blends Well With: Citrus oils, especial-
White Grapefruit essential oil, with its • Botanical Name: Citrus x paradisi, C. ly bergamot and orange essential oils.
fresh, citrus smell is energizing and racemosa
helps to elevate the spirit. A bit less • Origin: USA Get Grapefruit Essential Oil Now!
sweet than the pink, this is a lovely oil • Family: Rutaceae
to diffuse when sluggish and mentally • Aroma:: Fresh, invigorating
exhausted. • Perfume Note: Top
• Method of Extraction: Expression
COMMON USES • Source:: Fresh peel
Grapefruit essential oil also has an- • Main Chemical Components:
tiseptic properties and is helpful for Limonene, myrcene
skincare, clearing congested and oily
skin. It’s said to help with cellulite and
fluid retention, toning the skin and un-
derlying tissue.

• Cautions: Do not use this oil on the

skin or in the bath for 12 hours prior to
sun or sunlamp.
ABOUT DETAILS • Family: Vitaceae
This grapeseed oil is pale green in • Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera • Method of Extraction: Cold-Pressed
color with a pleasant odor. It is a won- • Origin: Chile
derful carrier oil, especially for those Get Grapeseed Carrier Oil Now!
whose skin seems not to absorb other
oils quickly.

It’s light, and does not leave a greasy

or oily feeling after application, and
has a great absorption rate.

Grapeseed oil is a popular choice in
many creams, lotions and as a gen-
eral carrier oil. It’s an ideal choice for
those who have skin sensitivities be-
cause of its natural non-allergenic
ABOUT Unlike moisturizers, which don’t pen-
Jojoba is wonderful for the skin and can etrate through the layers of the skin,
be used alone or as a base for essen- jojoba reaches the germinative lay-
tial oils. Jojoba nourishes the skin, scalp, er, nourishing and augmenting the
hair and cuticles, and has superior soft- health of the skin. In addition, jojoba
ening and conditioning properties. does not clog pores, making it a won-
derful choice for acne.
This Jojoba is of excellent quality,
originating from the best available Jojoba ultimately assumes the odor of
seeds and cold-pressed to optimize the person wearing it. Likewise, it as-
quality, not to maximize yields. sumes the scent of essential oils add-
ed to it. A very useful oil for inflamed
Use it all over your body after show- skin, psoriasis, excema, and acne.
ering - it sinks in deeply and quickly.
Another idea is to rub it into your legs Great for all skin types.
or face before shaving - your skin will
love it! Use it all over your body after show-
ering - it sinks in deeply and quickly.
COMMON USES Another idea is to rub it into your legs
Used as a 10% addition to other oils, or face before shaving - your skin will
jojoba nourishes the skin, scalp, hair love it!
and cuticles, and has superior soften-
ing and conditioning properties. Get Jojoba Oil Now!
Juniper Berry
ABOUT • Aroma: clean, penetrating, woody scent
An oil with astringent, antiseptic, and • Perfume Note: Middle
detoxifying properties, Juniper essen- • Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
tial oil is said to exert a cleansing and • Source: Berries
calming effect on both the mind and • Main Chemical Components: Pinene,
body. Diluted in a bath or massage oil, myrcene, limonene, sabinene
Juniper can help relieve the pain of ar- • Blends Well With: Elemi, cypress,
thritis and rheumatism, and is said to clary sage, lavandin essential oils.
aid in releasing fluid retention.
Get Juniper Essential Oil Now!
• Traditional use: astringent, skin de-
toxifier, deodorant, soothing agent
• Cautions: Not for use during preg-
nancy, on children under the age of
twelve. There are some reports that
Juniper can overstimulate the kid-
neys, so it’s best avoided by those
suffering from kidney problems.

• Botanical Name: Juniperus communis
• Origin: India
• Family: Cupressaceae
ABOUT came interested in the healing power of Lavender is now cultivated all over the
Lavender is the most popular and ver- essential oils. world, including France, Russia, Bulgar-
satile of essential oils, and for good rea- ia, the Himalayas and Croatia.
son: not only is it remarkably gentle and His studies led to the publication of the
effective, but it has an almost universal- book Aromatherapie, and also popu- This is one essential oil that everyone
ly beloved aroma - floral, soft, and her- larized the term Aromatherapy for the should have on hand at all times!
baceous. It is relaxing and refreshing, study of essential oils.
uplifts the spirits, and helps to relieve
the distress of muscle pain. This laven-
der in particular is high in Linalyl Ace-
tate, which gives it outstanding calming

Lavender oil has a long history of use;

the name coming from the latin word
‘lavere’, which means ‘to wash’, be-
cause the Romans added Lavender to
their bath water.

It is the essential oil made famous by

Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, who treated
a bad burn with lavender oil. He was
intrigued that the burn healed without
the usual blistering or scarring, and be-
COMMON USES PMS, cramps, muscular aches and to be taken.
Probably most well known for its pains, sinus and nasal stuffiness, and
ability to reduce stress, relieve anxi- chest congestion. Lavender Essen- • Recipes Using Lavender Essential Oil:
ety and insomnia, Lavender oil is the tial Oil is also extremely useful in the
number one choice for many when treatment of burns, including sun- Soothing Lavender Bath Oil:
they need calming, grounding and burn, insect bites, and inflammatory Mix 2 tablespoons of dried lavender
rest. In fact, aromatherapy research- skin conditions. flowers and one tablespoon of dried
ers found, when testing several differ- chamomile flowers. Add 2 drops of
ent oils, that lavender oil was the most Many use it to ward off insects, and as essential oil of lavender and 2 drops of
effective at relaxing brainwaves and an ingredient in cleaning and getting essential oil of clary sage to the mix-
decreasing stress. rid of odors in their home. It is one of ture and fold into a square of cheese
the few essential oils that can be ap- cloth that you tie at the top. Drop it
Common uses for Lavender Essential plied neat (for instance, in case of a into the bath as you draw the water,
Oil also include relief of headaches, minor burn), although care still needs and . . . enjoy.
Fatigue-Buster Essential Oil Blend: with 1/4 cup Olive oil. Combine well. • Perfume Note: Middle to top
15 drops Lavender Essential Oil Apply to clean, dry hair, making sure to • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil coat thoroughly. Cover with a shower • Source: Flowering tops
5 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil cap or plastic wrap and cover again • Main Chemical Components:
Dilute essential oils with three table- with a warm, damp towel. Keep on Linalol, linalyl acetate, lavandulyl ace-
spoons of Carrier Oil, and use for an for one hour, and then rinse thorough- tate, caryophyllene
invigorating massage. Or, use in a dif- ly and shampoo. This is a wonderful • Blends Well With: Bergamot, cham-
fuser without the carrier oil. conditioner for dry or damaged hair, omile (roman and german), lemon,
helping to restore and nourish. geranium, clove, clary sage, palma-
Stress-Relief Essential Oil Blend: rosa, rosemary, eucalyptus, patchouli,
Combine 10 drops Lavender and 10 DETAILS clary sage, rose, jasmine, ravensara,
drops Mandarin Essential Oils, add to • Botanical Name: Lavandula angusti- lemongrass, mandarin essential oils.
water in a candle diffuser. folia, L. officinalis, L. vera
• Origin: France, Region of Provence Get Lavender Provence Essential Oil Now!
Lavender Oil Hair Conditioner: • Family: Labiatae
Mix 20 drops Lavender Essential Oil • Aroma: Herbaceous, floral
Lemon is a must for every household!
It’s useful for a wide range of applica-
tions, it smells wonderfully fresh and vi-
brant, and it’s one of the most economi-
cal aromatherapy oils available.

Lemon oil comes from the cold expression

of fresh lemon peels and smells bright,
fresh, and, lacking a better description,
“lemony”. Some of lemon oil’s many prop-
erties include: antimicrobial, antiseptic,
astringent, diuretic, insecticidal and tonic.
Lemon essential oil comes, of course, from
the fruit of the lemon tree. The tree is be-
lieved to be a native of China, arriving in Eu-
rope by way of Persia. Later, Christopher
Columbus brought the lemon seeds with
him to Hispaniola (now Haiti/Dominican
Republic). Today, lemon oil is mainly cul-
tivated in California and southern Europe.

It takes about one ton of fresh lemons

to yield six or seven pounds of lemon
essential oil!
COMMON USES Try adding a few drops to a candle Lemon is a photosensitizing agent,
Because of its antimicrobial action, lem- diffuser when learning new material meaning it can increase the skin’s
on is one of the most important oils for or studying for an exam. sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Do not
supporting the immune system. Dif- use on the skin or in a bath for 12 hours
fuse lemon into the air for treatment Lemon oil is also a fantastic addition prior to sun or sunlamp exposure.
and prevention of colds, coughs and to household cleansers and sprays.
other respiratory problems. Add a drop or two to your dish soap DETAILS
or general cleanser to brighten coun- • Botanical Name: Citrus limonum
You can also use lemon oil for facial tertops, floors and bathrooms. To • Origin: California
toning and cleaning; its astringent combat mold and mildew, try adding • Family: Rutaceae
qualities can be helpful for acne and four drops of lemon oil, three drops • Aroma: Fresh, citrus
excessive oiliness. cinnamon oil and three drops tea • Perfume Note: Top
tree oil to two cups white vinegar and • Method of Extraction: Expressed
Emotionally, lemon has a cheerful, pos- spray onto affected areas. • Source: Fruit peels
itive aroma and energy, and can help • Main Chemical Components: Limo-
lift a sluggish or negative state of mind. • Cautions: While lemon is considered nene, terpinene, pinene
a safe, non-toxic oil, it is important to • Blends Well With: Neroli, clary sage,
It can also help with focus and con- use it appropriately. As with many bergamot, citronella, orange flower,
centration. A study done in Japan oils, lemon should be diluted before galbanum essential Oils.
showed that diffusing lemon oil use on the skin. As a general rule of
throughout a busy office building re- thumb, add five drops or less of lemon Get Lemon Essential Oil Now!
duced typing errors by 54%. oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.
ABOUT DETAILS • Blends Well With: Cedarwood, cham-
Sweet Marjoram essential oil is a calm- • Botanical Name: Origanum majora- omile, cypress, lavender, mandarin, or-
ing, soothing oil that has a warming na, Majorana hortensis ange, nutmeg, rosemary, ylang ylang,
effect on both mind and body. It helps • Origin: Egypt eucalyptus, thyme essential Oils.
to relieve the miseries of the common • Family: Lamiaceae [Labiatae]
cold, including congestion, muscle • Aroma: Warm, woody, with spicy un- Get Marjoram Now!
aches and pains, and is also comforting dertones
in times of stress. • Perfume Note: Middle
• Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
Marjoram essential oil is useful for tired, • Source: Flowering top
achy muscles and for massaging on
the lower abdomen during menstrua-
tion. Also used to regulate the nervous
system and treat insomnia.

Marjoram essential oil is pleasant in a
hot bath, especially blended with Lav-
• Cautions: Care must be taken due
to its sedative action - use sparingly!
Avoid during pregnancy.
ABOUT DETAILS • Blends Well With: Clove, olibanum,
Myrrh Essential Oil has been used since • Botanical Name: Commiphora myrrha, galbanum, lavender, patchouli, sandal-
ancient times as a sacred incense, a C. Molmol, Balsamodendrom myrrha wood essential Oils.
perfume, and as a therapeutic agent. It • Origin: France
has a centering, visualizing and medita- • Family: Burseraceae Get Myrrh Essential Oil Now!
tive effect. • Aroma: Rich, smoky, balsamic
• Perfume Note: Base
Physically, Myrrh is a useful oil for colds • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
and coughs, eczema, ringworm and • Source: Resin
gum infections. Added to cream, myrrh
protects against chapped, dry skin
from cold weather.

• Cautions: Not recommended during
ABOUT DETAILS • Blends Well With: Lavandin, bay, or-
Nutmeg Essential Oil is an invigorat- • Botanical Name: Myristica aromata, M. ange, geranium, clary sage, rosemary,
ing, enlivening and uplifting oil. It’s fragrans, M. officinalis, Nux moschata lime, petitgrain, mandarin, coriander es-
said to help stimulate digestion, and • Origin: Indonesia sential Oils.
to be useful in cases of nausea and in- • Family: Myristicaceae
digestion. • Aroma: Warm, spicy Get Nutmeg Essential Oil Now!
• Perfume Note: Middle
Nutmeg oil also has anti-inflammato- • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
ry properties, and is said to be helpful • Source: Fruit
(well-diluted in a massage oil) for joint • Main Chemical Components:
pain and sore muscles. Pinene, sabinene, limonene, terpinen-4-ol

• Traditional use: antiseptic, muscle
relaxant, aphrodisiac
• Cautions: Nutmeg essential oil is tox-
ic if used in large quantities, and can
be stupefying. Use half recommend-
ed dilution or less. Avoid during preg-
nancy. Because of these cautions, we
recommend this oil for practitioner
use only.
This olive oil is rich and aromatic, with
a lovely olive green color.

Olive oil is a wonderful choice for hair
care and cosmetics. This olive oil is
rich and aromatic, with a lovely olive
green color. Also used in 10% dilution
for rheumatic conditions.

• Botanical Name: Olea europaea
• Origin: Spain
• Family: Oleaceae
• Extraction Method: Cold Pressed,
Extra Virgin, Unrefined.
• Shelf Life: 10-12 months

Get Olive Oil Now!

ABOUT • Perfume Note: Top geranium, marjoram, other citrus oils,
With a rich, fresh citrus scent, the es- • Method of Extraction: Expression vetiver, jasmine, ylang ylang, rose
sential oil of Orange lifts the spirits yet • Source: Fruit peel
is calming to the nerves. Blend with • Main Chemical Components: Get Orange Essential Oil Now!
spicy oils for cheering baths, and add Limonene, myrcene, pinene
to massage oil for digestive system. • Blends Well With: Bay, bergamot,
Believed to brighten dull complexions. black pepper, spice oils, frankincense,
Encourages sleep.

• Traditional use: astringent, soothing
agent, skin conditioner

• Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis
• Origin: Brazil
• Family: Rutaceae
• Aroma: Sweet, tangy, warm - just
like a freshly squeezed orange.
ABOUT DETAILS • Source: Leaves
Soothing for all skin types, Patchouli • Botanical Name: Pogostemon ca- • Blends Well With: Labdanum, veti-
Essential Oil is reported to be espe- blin, P. patchouli ver, sandalwood, cedarwood, gerani-
cially good for mature skin. Useful • Origin: Indonesia um, clove, lavender, rose, neroli, ber-
in protecting dry, mature or blem- • Family: Lamiaceae [Labiatae] gamot, myrrh, clary sage essential
ished skin and in treating dandruff. Its • Aroma: Musky, earthy, smoky Oils.
musky, exotic aroma lingers and has • Perfume Note: Base
a calming effect on the spirit. Used in • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled Get Patchouli Essential Oil Now!
the East to scent linen and clothes.

• Traditional uses: anti-inflammatory
agent, antiseptic, astringent, aphrodi-
siac, perfume
• Cautions: Can prevent sleep with its
nerve stimulating properties.
ABOUT Blended with Rosemary and Juniper, • Aroma: Minty, penetrating
Peppermint Essential Oil is an ener- organic peppermint oil makes an ex- • Perfume Note: Top
gizing oil with a penetrating, minty cellent morning bath. Peppermint es- • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
aroma that helps to relieve both men- sential oil is also extremely helpful for • Source: Aerial parts
tal and physical fatigue. headaches, sinus congestion, and in • Main Chemical Components: Men-
treating sore muscles and joints. thol, menthone, 1,8-cineole, limonene
Peppermint essential oil is soothing in • Blends Well With: Bergamot, gera-
a footbath after a long day on your Use peppermint oil in the daytime, nium, lavender, marjoram, rosemary,
feet, and one drop on a handkerchief as its energizing effect may keep you sandalwood essential Oils.
is reviving during travel. Peppermint awake at night.
essential oil is also extremely helpful Get Peppermint Essential Oil Now!
for headaches, sinus congestion, and DETAILS
in treating sore muscles and joints. • Botanical Name: Mentha piperita
• Origin: India
COMMON USES • Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Peppermint Essential Oil is an energiz-
ing oil with a penetrating, minty aro-
ma that helps to relieve both mental
and physical fatigue. Peppermint es-
sential oil is soothing in a footbath after
a long day on your feet, and one drop
on a handkerchief is reviving during
travel. This is also a great oil to use in a
car diffuser for long trips.
ABOUT pe to try using Petigrain Essential Oil: • Main Chemical Components:
Petitgrain’s aroma is lovely - fresh and Relaxation Massage Oil Linalyl acetate, linalol, alpha terpin-
green/flowery, with an effect is both 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil eol, geranyl acetate, geraniol
revitalizing and relaxing. 1 drop Petitgrain Oil • Blends Well With essential Oils: Cit-
1 drop Frankincense Oil rus oils, lavender, clary sage, gerani-
Petitgrain comes from the same tree 1 Tbsp of Massage Oil Base or Carrier um, rosemary, olibanum
as Neroli, although Petitgrain essential Oil of your choice
oil is distilled from the leaves rather This blend may be used for a relax- Get Petitgrain Essential Oil Now!
than the petals. ing massage, added to a warm bath
(about a capful of the massage oil
The two oils have similar properties, blend) or, you can blend the essential
but Petitgrain has deodorant proper- oils in the same proportions (without
ties as well and is particularly helpful the carrier oil) and use in one of our
in relieving anxiety and stress. Aromatherapy Diffusers.

Petitgrain is a wonderful oil for helping DETAILS

with nervous exhaustion and trouble • Botanical Name: Citrus aurantium v.
sleeping as it has a soothing, calming amara, C. bigaradia
effect on the emotions. • Origin: Paraguay
• Family: Rutaceae
COMMON USES • Aroma: Floral, fresh, warm
Petitgrain has a toning effect on the • Perfume Note: Top
skin and is wonderful as a final rinse for • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
healthy hair (two drops). Here’s a reci- • Source: Leaves and stems
ABOUT COMMON USES • Blends Well With essential Oils:
Pine Needle essential oil stimulates, • Cautions: Dilute and use with care as Clary sage, cypress, lavender, rose-
refreshes and cleanses. Scotch Pine essential oil may otherwise mary, tea tree, juniper, frankincense,
cause skin irritation. peppermint, cedarwood, citrus oils.
It has a strong, fresh, resinous aroma
and powerful antiseptic properties, DETAILS Get Pine Essential Oil Now!
making it a wonderful choice for use • Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris L.
in a diffuser or in steam inhalations • Origin: Hungary
for cough and sinus problems. It can • Family: Pinaneae
help in cases of bronchitis, catarrh, • Aroma: Crisp, resinous
coughs, laryngitis, colds and flu. • Perfume Note: Middle
• Method of Extraction: Needles, twigs
Pine Needle essential oil possesses and buds
warming properties which may help • Source: Steam distilled
with rheumatism, arthritis, gout and
muscular aches and pains. It’s also
helpful in relieving mental and phys-
ical fatigue, due to its restorative and
invigorating qualities.
Pale yellow in color, Evening Primrose
oil is rich in GLA, vitamins and miner-
als. It is excellent for face and body
massage blends due to its emollient
properties that both soften and nour-
ish the skin.

Evening primrose oil has been known

to help combat dry, devitalised skin,
and improve acne, psoriasis and ec-

• Unrefined Evening Primrose Oil
• Botanical Name: Oenothera biennis
• Method of Extraction: Cold pressed,
• Shelf life: 1-2 years (recommended
to refrigerate after opening)

Get Primrose Oil Now!

Roman Chamomile
ABOUT essential oils that can be used on in- DETAILS
Roman Chamomile essential oil has a flamed skin conditions. • Botanical Name: Anthemis nobilis
warm, sweet, herbaceous scent that is • Origin: U.K.
relaxing and calming. It is soothing to all Roman Chamomile essential oil smells • Family: Asteraceae
types of skin and is a wonderful addi- sweeter than the German, and is often • Aroma: Sweet, fresh, herbaceous
tion to a massage oil for sore muscles described as having an apple-like aro- with a hint of apple
and joints. Chamomile oil is known for ma. In fact, the Spanish call Chamomile • Perfume Note: Middle
its strong soothing effect on both mind ‘manzanilla’, which means ‘little apple’. • Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
and body, very helpful when one has • Source: Flowers
trouble sleeping or feels stressed. COMMON USES • Blends Well With the essential oils:
Chamomile essential oil is excellent for Galbanum, eucalyptus, rosemary,
Why Roman vs. German Chamomile skin problems, and are often used to lavender, bergamot, jasmine, neroli,
Oil? Both the Roman and German promote relaxation and to help with and clary sage.
chamomile essential oils are excel- headaches, muscle aches, trouble
lent for skin problems, and are often sleeping and menstrual pain/cramping. Get Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Now!
used to promote relaxation and to
help with headaches, muscle aches,
trouble sleeping and menstrual pain/
cramping. The Roman chamomile oil
is a comforting oil during high pollen
count (unless you have an allergy to
ragweed). This is such a gentle oil that
it’s suitable for the young, the elderly
and the fragile. It’s also one of the few
Rosehip Seed
ABOUT Rosehip seed oil is high in nutrients
A rich, beautifully amber-colored oil, beneficial to the skin: essential fatty
Rosehip seed oil stands out amongst acids, Vitamin E and Vitamin A (which
all the other carrier oils for its effec- helps with regeneration of the skin
tiveness with dry, damaged and aging and increased collagen and elastin
skin. A commonly used skin treatment levels). While it’s wonderfully hydrat-
oil in Chile for centuries, Rosehip seed ing and moisturizing to the skin, Rose-
oil’s properties have been scientifically hip Seed Oil does not leave a greasy
studied since the 1980s, and research or oily feeling.
has confirmed its remarkable benefits.
Tests showed that rosehip seed oil • Botanical Name: Rosa rubiginosa
helped individuals with facial scar- • Source: Chile
ring, wrinkles, sun damaged skin, • Method of Extraction: Cold Pressed,
burns, surgical and acne scars and Organic, Unrefined.
premature aging. In these tests, rose- • Shelf Life: 12-18 months. Keep Refrig-
hip seed oil regenerated the skin, re- erated.
duced scars and wrinkles, prevented • Cautions: Rosehip Seed Oil is not
the advancement of wrinkles and ag- recommended for oily skin or for use
ing, and helped skin to regain its nat- in acne.
ural color and tone. More recent stud-
ies have led to the same findings. Get Rosehip Seed Oil Now!
ABOUT Sandalwood, 6 drops Lemon and two • Family: Lamiaceae [Labiatae]
Rosemary Essential Oil is an energizing oil cups of distilled water in a spritzer. • Aroma: Strong herbaceous
with a strong herbaceous aroma that is • Cautions: Do not use Rosemary es- • Perfume Note: Middle
easily recognized. It helps to relieve mus- sential oil when pregnant. Rosemary • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
cle aches and combats mental fatigue. It essential oil may cause irritation of the • Source: Leaves
is an ideal ‘pick me up’, combating fatigue skin, so dilute well before using topically. • Main Chemical Components:
and clearing a stuffy atmosphere. • Best used during the daytime as its camphor, pinene, 1,8-cineole, cam-
energizing effect may keep you awake phene, limonene
Rosemary is also helpful in before and at night. • Blends Well With: Olibanum, lavender,
after sports rubs to maintain supple- lavandin, citronella, thyme, basil, pep-
ness, and is said to help combat water DETAILS permint, labdanum, elemi, cedarwood,
retention and cellulite. • Botanical Name: Rosemarinus offici- petitgrain, cinnamon essential Oils.
nalis, R. coronarium
The Spanish Rosemary Oil is particular- • Origin: Spain Get Rosemary Essential Oil Now!
ly suited to muscular aches and pains
due to its higher camphor content.

• Traditional use: antiseptic, muscle re-
laxant, soothing agent, skin conditioner.
• Make Your Own Deodorant: Mix 4
ounces apple cider vinegar, 2 tea-
spoons grain alcohol, 10 drops Rose-
mary, 10 drops Lavender, 6 drops
ABOUT It’s an excellent skincare oil, useful for • Method of Extraction: C02
Sandalwood is said to have been used dry and damaged hair and as a body • Source: Wood
for over 4000 years as a perfume and fragrance. • Main Chemical Components:
temple incense, traditionally burnt as an Alpha-santalol, Beta-santalol
aid to meditation and much used in reli- DETAILS • Blends Well With: Rose, clove, laven-
gious ceremonies. • Botanical Name: Santalum album der, bergamot, geranium, labdanum,
• Origin: Indonesia vetiver, patchouli, mimosa, myrrh, jas-
Sandalwood essential oil creates an exot- • Family: Santalaceae mine essential Oils.
ic, sensual atmosphere with a reputation • Aroma: Sweet, buttery, woody, exotic
as an aphrodisiac. • Perfume Note: Base Get Sandalwood Essential Oil Now!

It’s an excellent skincare oil, useful for dry

and damaged hair and as a body fra-
grance. It is uplifting and relaxing and is
beneficial for all types of skin.

This Sandalwood oil from Indonesia is ex-

ceptional: soft, buttery, warm and very sim-
ilar to the renowned Indian Sandalwood.

• Traditional use: antiseptic, emollient,
soothing agent, astringent, skin condi-
ABOUT • Main Chemical Components:
Spearmint essential oil is a gently vitaliz- Carvone, limonene
ing oil, energizing to the mind and body. • Blends Well With: Bergamot, jasmine,
Use in a bath for its refreshing effects, lavender, sandalwood essential Oils
or make a facial steam of spearmint oil
to help cleanse and refine pores. Get Spearmint Oil Now!

• Traditional use: emollient, astringent,
soothing agent, muscle relaxant.
• Cautions: Avoid contact with eyes and
mucous membranes.

• Botanical Name: Mentha spicata
• Origin: China.
• Family: Lamiaceae [Labiatae]
• Aroma: Refreshing, cooling, minty
• Perfume Note: Top
• Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
• Source: Flowering tops
Sweet Almond
Sweet Almond Oil is excellent for the • Botanical Name: Prunus dulcis
skin and can be used by itself for mois- • Origin: Spain
turizing all skin types. • Family: Rosaceae
• Method of Extraction: Cold pressed,
A favorite with many aromatherapists, refined.
sweet almond oil blends well with other • Shelf Life: 12-14 months
oils and penetrates the skin easily.
Get Sweet Almond Oil Now!
Very rich in fatty acids, this oil is an ex-
cellent choice for damaged skin, espe-
cially if blended with equal amount of
calendula oil.

For mature skin, mix sweet almond with
10% wheatgerm, borage and macada-
mia nut oils.
Tea Tree
ABOUT DETAILS • Main Chemical Components:
Tea Tree Essential Oil is one of those oils • Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifo- Terpinene-4-ol, gamma-terpinene, al-
that every household should have on lia, M. linariifolia, M. uncintata pha-terpinene, 1,8-cineole
hand, because it’s so effective, gentle, and • Origin: Australia • Blends Well With: Lavandin, lavender,
has such a wide variety of uses. • Family: Myrtaceae clary sage, rosemary, cananga, gerani-
• Aroma: Sharp, spicy, camphoraceous um, marjoram, clove, nutmeg essential
Tea Tree Oil is a powerful antiseptic, an- • Perfume Note: Top Oils.
ti-fungal and anti-viral that can be used to • Method of Extraction: Steam distilled
treat everything from acne to athlete’s foot! • Source: Leaves and stems Get Tea Tree Oil Now!

Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic, anti-
fungal and anti-viral.

Good for acne, cold sores, warts, and

burns. Use for vaporizing to kill germs.

Useful cleansing agent for skin; helps

combat foot odor and athletes foot.
Ylang Ylang
ABOUT Ylang Ylang essential oil can help to al- • Origin: Madagascar
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is steam distilled leviate feelings of tension and stress and • Family: Annonaceae
from the freshly picked flowers of the can be helpful in balancing the emotions. • Aroma: Intensely sweet, floral scent
Cananga tree. There are different grades Valerie Ann Worwood, in her wonder- • Perfume Note: Base/Middle
of Ylang Ylang, often determined by the ful book “The Fragrant Mind”, describes • Method of Extraction: Fractional steam
specific gravity of the oil at the time of dis- Ylang’s character as euphoric, sensuous, distillation
tillation. Ylang Ylang complete is actually stimulating and uplifting. She recom- • Source: Flowers
a blending of the different Ylang Ylang mends it to help counteract depression, • Blends Well With: Bergamot, laven-
grades of oil (we do not offer this) into one. anxiety, frustration, resentment, jealousy der, lemon, narcissus, neroli, palmarosa,
Ylang Oil is an extremely important oil in and shyness, and to support the emo- sandalwood, vetiver essential Oils.
perfumery, and is also used for scenting tions of self-confidence, joy, enthusiasm
soaps, candles and lotions. and warmth. Get Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Now!

This Ylang Ylang Essential Oil #1 from COMMON USES

Madagascar is excellent, with a rich, • Traditional use: perfume, aphrodisiac
sweet floral fragrance. This exotic oil lifts
the spirits, promotes relaxation and has For the skin, Ylang oil is ideal for both
long been used for its sensual properties. oily and dry skin and a lovely addition
Ylang Ylang oil is a popular essential oil to a hair rinse [2 drops in rinse water].
in aphrodisiac blends, due to its soothing
and relaxing properties as well as its in- DETAILS
toxicating aroma. • Botanical Name: Cananga odorata
Peloha Essential Oil Blends
In addition to the pure essential oils listed above, Peloha
Essentials creates blends of oils to make it as easy as
possible for our customers to experience the wonderful
benefits of essential oils.

We believe that everyone should be able to benefit from

nature’s goodness, so our goal is to bring you the highest
quality essential oils at prices that make them accessible
to everyone.

Bringing you the highest quality essential oils starts with

our commitment to sourcing only the finest ingredients
from organic and wildcrafted producers around the world.

Success uplifts the spirit and energizes
the body and mind, gently encourag-
ing you to succeed at whatever goals
you choose.

A blend of pure Essential Oils of Berga-

mot, Palmarosa and Petitgrain, it puts
your mind and body in a positive state
ideal for beginning new endeavors or
setting new goals.

This blend may be added to any carri-

er oil such as our Sweet Almond or our
Massage Base (2 drops per teaspoon)
and is also very effective if added to a
warm bath (2 to 4 drops) or diffused
into the air.

Get Achieve Now!

ABOUT Alert contains the essential oils of Pep- Add to our Massage Base for massage
There’s no substitute for a good night’s permint, Spearmint, Lemon, Geranium, (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12 drops
sleep, but ‘Alert’ will help on those days Basil and Rosemary, a combination per ounce) or use in one of our Aroma-
when you need a little “pick-me-up”. that is highly stimulating to the mind therapy Diffusers.
and body.
This is a wonderful blend to diffuse Get Alert Now!
when working on something repetitive
or mentally tiring; since in addition to
containing oils that help with alertness,
several of these oils are also known to
be useful for helping with concentration
and memory.
This Amber oil (Pinus succinfera res-
in) is blended with citrus essential oils
and fragrance top notes. The aroma
is truly special -- resinous, warm and
smoky with an undertone of floral cit-
rus. Amber is popular with perfumers
and soap-makers, and blends well with
geranium, pine, spruce, cedarwood,
myrrh, galbanum, frankincense, cy-
press, clove, aniseed, lemon, orange,
cistus, rose absolute, and benzoin.

Note: This is our only blend that is not

made up of 100% pure essential oils,
made available for those who have re-
quested a refined amber blend.

Get Amber Now!

Arouse (for her)
ABOUT sage Base for a sensual massage (use
A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: 2 drops per teaspoon or 12 drops per
Clary Sage, Jasmine, Neroli, Rose Otto, ounce.), or add a few drops to a warm
Ho Wood, Sandalwood, Tangerine and bath. This is also lovely in one of our aro-
Ylang Ylang. This is a deeply feminine matherapy diffusers.
blend laced with the exotic aromas of
rose, jasmine, neroli and sandalwood. Add to our Massage Base for massage
These exquisite oils help to boost con- (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12 drops
fidence, stimulate hormonal responses per ounce) or use in one of our Aroma-
and encourage and deepen sensuality therapy Diffusers.
and responsiveness in both partners.
Add this synergistic blend to our Mas- Get Arouse (for her) Now!
Arouse (for him)
ABOUT and Ylang Ylang. Add to our Massage Base
Arouse for Him is an earthy, masculine for a sensual massage (use 2 drops per
blend including precious essential oils teaspoon or 12 drops per ounce), or add a
that have been used historically to in- few drops to a warm bath.
crease male potency while deepening
sexual interest and responsiveness in Add to our Massage Base for massage
both partners. (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12 drops per
ounce) or use in one of our Aromathera-
This blend is made up of pure Essential Oils py Diffusers.
of Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Frankincense,
Jasmine, Ho Wood, Sandalwood, Vetiver Get Arouse (for him) Now!
Bacterial Defense
ABOUT Use as a disinfectant or preventative in a
Bacterial Defense is designed to help diffuser or a bath (we also offer this blend
give your immune system a boost when in a ready to use massage oil for mas-
you’re feeling run-down or ill. sage and bath).

The blend is a combination of pure, undilut- Add to our Massage Base for massage
edEssentialOilswithhighanti-bacterialand (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12 drops per
anti-viral properties (Black Pepper, Cypress, ounce) or use in one of our Aromathera-
Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemon, Sweet py Diffusers.
Marjoram, Myrrh, Peppermint, Ravensara,
Rosemary, Tea Tree and White Thyme). Get Bacterial Defense Now!
Be Well
ABOUT The oils have been carefully blended in Add to our Massage Base for massage
The Be Well aromatherapy blend con- specific proportions to create a very spe- (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12 drops per
tains those essential oils which have been cial alternative approach to wellness. ounce) or use in one of our Aromathera-
identified through research or herbal lore py Diffusers.
as having antiviral properties and which One of the great advantages of using es-
are safe for general use: sential oils as antiviral agents is that they Get Be Well Now!
can be used externally, either by diffusing
Bergamot, Cajeput, Cardamom, Cypress, them into the air; by applying them to the
Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Citriodo- body in a massage oil (use 2 drops per
ra, Lavender, Lemon, Sweet Marjoram, teaspoon / 12 drops per ounce) or by ap-
Melissa, Myrrh, Niaouli, Peppermint, Ra- plying a drop to a face mask.
vensara, Rosemary, Rose Otto, Tea Tree
and White Thyme.
ABOUT Add to any carrier oil such as our Sweet
Bounce is the blend you need to uplift your Almond or our Massage Base (2 drops
spirit and energize your body and mind. per teaspoon), add to a warm bath (2 to 4
drops) or diffuse into the air.
Rosemary is a stimulating, energizing oil,
and ylang ylang is a balancing, warming A blend of pure Essential Oils of Petitgrain,
oil. Blended with Petitgrain, this blend helps Rosemary and Ylang Ylang.
energize without overstimulating, resulting
in an energetic but grounded state of mind Also available in ready to use formula.
and body.
Get Bounce Now!
ABOUT (Citrus bergamia) and Lavender (lavan-
Chill was designed to help you decrease dula angustifolia).
anxiety and nervous tension when life
feels overwhelming. Mix with one to two tablespoons cold
pressed vegetable oil, such as Sweet Al-
It is powerful enough to help with insom- mond or Grapeseed, and use for body
nia, but does not have a sedative effect massage.
and is therefore safe for use in the day-
time as well. Or, place in a bowl of steaming water or
appropriate diffuser to create a relaxing
This blend contains Ylang Ylang (Canan- atmosphere.
ga odorata var. genuina), Bergamot FCF
Get Chill Now!
ABOUT Use it when you’re feeling flat, tired,
Clarity is an extraordinary blend of and uninspired, and you’ll notice it
pure Essential Oils that brings clarity immediately helps to lift the spirits
to the mind and peace to the heart. and sharpen the mind.

This combination of Basil, Berga- Get Clarity Now!

mot, Grapefruit and Lavender es-
sential oils helps lift mental fatigue
and cloudiness, increase alertness
and concentration, and restore bal-
ance when we’ve been under a lot
of emotional stress.

Diffusing this oil into the air brings en-

ergy and vitality into the environment.
Cold & Flu Defense
ABOUT Cold and Flu Defense may be mixed
Don’t let cold and flu season get the best with our Massage Base (2 drops per tea-
of you! spoon), added to a warm bath (2 to 4
drops) or diffused into the air with one of
Use our Cold and Flu Defense blend as a our Aromatherapy Diffusers.
preventative, for relief of uncomfortable
symptoms, and to support the body’s A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Euca-
healing response. lyptus, Lavender, Marjoram and Ravensara.

This blend is made from Essential Oils Also available in ready to use formula.
that have been historically reported to
ease aches and pains and combat viral Get Cold & Flu Defense Now!
and bacterial infections.
ABOUT Comfort is mildly stimulating and may
Comfort is designed to ease the pain keep poor sleepers awake if used be-
and discomfort of irritated sinuses so fore going to bed. If this is the case, we
that you can be productive on those suggest using this blend during the day
days when you just can’t hit ‘pause’ to and lavender oil by itself at night.
wait out a cold!
This blend may be added to any carri-
A blend of pure Essential Oils of Eu- er oil (2 drops per teaspoon), but will be
calyptus, Lavender and Peppermint, most effective as an inhalation (2 to 3
these oils relieve pain, open the sinuses, drops in steaming water) or, in a warm
and aid the body in overcoming both bath (2 to 4 drops).
bacterial and viral infections.
Also available in ready to use formula.

Get Comfort Now!

Our Courage essential oil blend will help
you move forward into action with en-
ergy and courage, even when the day
looks scary!

The Courage Blend combines the essen-

tial oils of Bergamot, Lavender, Tea Tree,
Palmarosa, Clary Sage and Ho Wood.

The result is an uplifting, grounding and

bracing blend for those times when
you’re feeling unsure, anxious, indecisive
or frightened.

Get Courage Now!

Dissolveblend is great for dissolving away
anger and decreasing nervous tension
and anxiety. It’s for the tough days!

Dissolve contains Clary Sage (Salvia sclar-

ea), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and
Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium var. amara).

Mix a few drops with one to two table-

spoons cold pressed vegetable oil, such
as Sweet Almond or Grapeseed, and use
for body massage.

For inhalation, place a few drops in a bowl

of steaming water or appropriate diffus-
er to create a relaxing atmosphere.

This blend is best avoided during preg-


Get Dissolve Now!

ABOUT Do not get bath water in your eyes, as the
Energy is a special blend for those who oils will sting.
have symptoms of Chronic Fatigue.
Use this formula once a day for 3 or 4
CFS sufferers report relief with this simple days a week over a two to three week
blend of 100% pure essential oils Laven- period.
der, Petitgrain and Frankincense.
Get Energy Now!
Add 6-8 drops to a tablespoon of milk,
swirl around and add mixture to warm
bath and swirl around again. Get in and
relax for 10 - 20 minutes.
Heal Essential Oil Blend is designed to
help prevent scars from forming and
minimize the appearance of existing

Heal is made with a combination of

essential oils and carrier oils with
proven healing properties:

Essential Oils include Helichrysum,

Carrot Seed and Lavender. Carrier
Oils include Rosehip Oil, Hazelnut and

Use a small amount three times a day

for maximum benefit.

Get Heal Now!

Inspire is designed to support new en-
ergy, new ideas and positive change
to give you the boost you need when
you’re ready to move from one stage
of your life into another.

Inspire contains a blend of 100% pure

essential oils Bergamot, Lavender &
Ylang Ylang to help uplift the spirit
and energize the body.

Add this blend to any carrier oil such

as our Sweet Almond or our Massage
Base (2 drops per teaspoon), add to a
warm bath (2 to 4 drops), or diffuse it
into the air.

Get Inspire Now!

ABOUT Add to our Massage Base for a sooth-
Be good to yourself and let the heav- ing massage, add a few drops to a
enly blend ‘Joy’ work its magic on warm bath or use in one of our Aro-
body, mind and spirit. matherapy Diffusers.

A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: A few drops added to your favor-
Bergamot, Geranium, Jasmine abso- ite unscented lotion is heavenly, and
lute, Petitgrain, Rose Otto, Ho Wood, makes for much appreciated gifts.
Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang, this is
truly a special, warm, joyful aroma. Get Joy Now!
ABOUT oils Roman Chamomile, Black Pepper, Add to our Massage Base for mas-
TThe Move Essential Oil Blend is de- Ginger, Juniper, Marjoram, Spanish sage (use 2 drops per teaspoon / 12
signed to bring quick relief to the pain Rosemary and Vetiver. drops per ounce) or purchase our
and discomfort of sore or arthritic ready to use Move Massage Blend.
joints so you can get moving again! This pure and undiluted essential oil
blend can be added to any carrier Get Move Now!
The Arthritis essential oil blend is oil or cream (2 drops per teaspoon)
compounded with essential oils that and applied to painful joints. Also try
have been historically associated adding 3 drops to a warm bath (dilute
with pain relief and elimination of tox- with a carrier oil first).
ins. A synergy of 100% pure essential
ABOUT It’s also wonderful in a warm bath
The healing properties of ‘Peace’ will (add a few drops to your bath water)
help to calm and soothe your spirit, or in a massage base.
something most of us sorely need in
our busy lives Get Peace Now!

This blend is divine. It contains a blend

of pure essential oils Geranium, Lav-
ender, Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Tan-
gerine and Ylang Ylang.

This combination of oils helps ground

and balance.

Diffuse this blend into the air after

a hectic day, during meditation or
yoga, or first thing in the morning, to
get your day off to a peaceful start.
ABOUT We suggest diffusing this oil into the
‘Protect’ is a germ-blasting combina- air, especially during cold and flu sea-
tion of oils with antiviral, antiseptic, an- son. In addition, some of our custom-
tibacterial and anti-infectious proper- ers use this in a diffuser to fight mold
ties. This is powerful protection! and mildew.

Made up of a blend of 100% pure es- To use for healthy teeth and gums, di-
sential oils Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, lute in water or a carrier oil and then
Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Rosemary, use as a final brush/rinse. We suggest a
a similar blend was tested at Weber 10-15% dilution, so for 4 ounces of carri-
State University (1997) for its potent er, use approximately 15ml of Protect. If
antimicrobial properties and found diluting with water, remember to shake
to have a 99.96 percent effectiveness well each time before using.
rate against airborne bacteria.
Get Protect Now!
Refresh is an invigorating and refresh-
ing blend of essential oils that bright-
en your space, lift your spirits and
freshen any room.

It’s also lovely added to shampoo,

conditioner or soap.

The blend contains essential oils of

Frankincense, Canadian Fir Needle
and Pink Grapefruit essential oils.

Get Refresh Now!

ABOUT spoon) and is also very effective if
Relax is the blend you need to quiet added to a warm bath (2 to 4 drops)
and soothe your body and mind after or diffused into the air.
a long day.
Relax is also available in a massage
This essential oil blend combines the blend.
calming, balancing effect of lavender
with the powerful anti-anxiety prop- Get Relax Now!
erties of petitgrain and the meditative
qualities of frankincense.

This blend may be added to any car-

rier oil such as our Sweet Almond or
our Massage Base (2 drops per tea-
ABOUT Use at first sign of headache for best
Relief stops helps you stop headaches results.
in their tracks, without the use of harm-
ful over the counter pain medications. A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Lav-
ender and Peppermint.
Just add 2 drops to a teaspoon of our
Massage Base and rub lightly into the Also available in a ready to use mas-
temples and the base of skull at the neck. sage oil.

Or, you can also diffuse in your room, Get Relief Now!
or simply put 2 drops on a tissue and
inhale for a few moments.
‘Renew’ is a strengthening formula
especially useful for those recovering
from serious levels of stress and/or
exhaustion accompanied by muscle
and joint pain.

Renew contains Niaouli (Melaleuca vir-

idifloria), Lavender (Lavandula angusti-
folia) and Kanuka oil (Kunzea ericoides),
the combination of which is often de-
scribed as ‘warming, comforting, calm-
ing, strengthening and healing’.

Dilute with carrier oil for massage

and/or use in diffuser.

Get Renew Now!

Sleep combines nature’s most re-
laxing and soothing essential oils to
help you find restful sleep and sweet

Sleep is a blend of pure Essential Oils

of Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Mar-
joram, Sweet Orange, Tangerine and
Ylang Ylang.

Add to any carrier oil or cream for a

soothing massage, add a few drops
to a warm bath, or use in one of our
Aromatherapy Diffusers.

My favorite way to use it is to add a

drop or two on a tissue and place it
underneath my pillow. :)

Get Sleep Now!

Soothe is exactly what the doctor or-
dered for sore, tight muscles!

A blend of pure Essential Oils of Ro-

man Chamomile, Cajeput, Ginger, Ju-
niper, Lavender Provence, Marjoram,
and Rosemary,these oils have been
used in traditional herbalism to ease
muscle pain and promote the elimi-
nation of toxins.

Add to any carrier oil or lotion base

(2 drops per teaspoon) and apply to
painful muscles before and after ac-
tivity, or add 3 drops to a warm bath.

Get Soothe Now!

Spirit Essential Oil Blend helps con-
nect you to your inner being and ac-
tualize your intentions.

A blend of pure Essential Oils of Ber-

gamot, Lavender and Tea Tree, this is
the perfect oil to diffuse when prac-
ticing yoga or meditation, or early in
the morning when the house is quiet.

It’s a lovely way to begin the day, be-

ing both grounding and energizing.

You can also add this blend to any

carrier oil such as Sweet Almond or
our Massage Base (2 drops per tea-
spoon), and it’s also very effective if
added to a warm bath (2 to 4 drops).

Get Spirit Now!

‘Still’ was designed to help quiet the
‘background noise’ in your mind.

Made with a beautifully fragrant and

deeply comforting blend of Clary
Sage, Lavender, Marjoram, Petitgrain
and Ylang Ylang oils that help the
mind, body and spirit to find quiet
from stress and tension.

This pure essential oil blend can be

used in a diffuser or diluted in a car-
rier oil.

One of our very favorites!

Get Still Now!

This invigorating and cheerful blend is
one of our most popular. Citrus oils with
a touch of spearmint, this is the perfect
synergy of oils to refresh and brighten
your day. We love this one in a diffuser.

A blend of Tangerine, Lemon, Grape-

fruit, Orange and Spearmint essential

Get Zest Now!

About Peloha
Our Mission
At Peloha (Peace. Love. Happiness.), our mission is to meaningfully contribute to the growth of
peace, love and happiness in the world by reconnecting people to nature. We do that by sharing
our passion for the healing and restorative power of essential oils.

The use of essential oils dates back thousands of years, with Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Greeks
and Romans all using oils for various therapeutic, spiritual, hygienic and ritualistic practices. They
commonly included them in cosmetics, perfumes and drugs.

But the use of essential oils is just as relevant in our modern world. Whether you use them to relax
after a long day, treat a cold, or connect with your spiritual side, we aim to supply you with the
highest quality essential oils available.

Our Name
Peloha (Peace. Love. Happiness.) is more than just a name. It’s a way of being. It’s how we treat
other people. It’s how we choose to see the world.

And watch’s contagious!

Our team strives to embody the ‘Spirit of Peloha’ every day in our interactions with our community
so that we may help spread Peloha far and wide.
About Peloha
Our Products
We believe that everyone should be able to benefit from nature’s goodness, so our goal is to bring
you the highest quality essential oils at prices that make them accessible to everyone.

Bringing you the highest quality essential oils starts with our commitment to sourcing only the
finest ingredients from organic and wildcrafted producers around the world.

All of the essential oils that go into our products are held to rigorous standards for ethical
production. We source our oils from from farms (wild crafted or Certified Organic) all around the
world and work to ensure that any oil we sell meets our strict standards for quality and purity so
that we know you are getting the highest quality oil available.

To ensure we are getting the best quality possible from our suppliers, we test all of our essential
oils with a process known as Gas Chromatography, and we will not sell any batch to you that does
not meet our strict standards.

Testing the chemical components in our oils (the oil fingerprint) allows us to know that we are
always providing you the purest least processed oils available.

As a result, our oils are the least processed, most natural oils money can buy. We never cut our
dilute our essential oils in any way, shape, or form.
Thanks for choosing
Copyright Peloha Essentials 2015

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