Kyuhyun on 강심장

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Kyuhyun on 강심장 (Strong Heart)

the title of Kyuhyun's story is "Living a second life".

He says it's the first time he talks about this on a program. 

He starts off by saying it happened three years ago, when he was going back to the dorm after having guested on
Leeteuk's and Eunhyuk's KTR with Shindong. 
They were on the road, he had his eyes closed and had his earphones on because he was listening to music; 
then, he suddenly heard loud noises, the screeching of the tires on the road and finally the van started overturning.

He was disorientated and opened his eyes; he found himself collapsing onto the road, wondering what had
happened, then he saw the van overthrown on the road and realized they had been in a car accident. 
I think he says that he tried to get up, but his body wouldn't budge; then, suddenly.. his eyes glazed over, and he saw
bits and pieces of his life, flashing before his eyes one after the other like a movie..
images from his elementary school, his parents and family, and from when he was on stage the first time.

That's when he thought "So this is how you die."

Then Hyukjae ran to him, grabbed his hand and I believe Kyuhyun says that he (Kyuhyun himself) was praying,
hoping to survive, 
and Hyukjae started praying too.

Kyuhyun was in a comatose state for four days and when he regained consciousness, he realized he was at the

Jungsoo talks about his injuries, the hundreds stitches he had to get; 
he says that he couldn't see from one eye because there was too much blood flowing out from the wound below his
and he also couldn't see anything because it was too dark. 
The ambulance went to him first because of the blood loss, but I guess that they went to Kyuhyun then, since he was
in a corner in the dark with six broken ribs. 
They cut Jungsoo's sentence off.

Kyuhyun says that his ribs were piercing his lungs because they were broken, 
and the doctors told his parents "We think this kid is going to die soon now."

The doctors said that if they could not perform tracheotomy on him right away, then there was only a 20% chance of
survival during the next major surgery he would have to undergo. 
But even knowing this.. his dad told the doctors "this kid sings, he's a singer, his dream is to be able to sing; if you
operate on his throat, then how could this kid live even if he survives?" 
Nevertheless, I think the doctors were firm on this and said they had to operate and perform tracheotomy to try to
save him.

Then, a certain Wang Youngpil, a doctor who came from China and to whom Kyuhyun says he owes his life, took
matters into his own hands and told Kyuhyun's family that for the sake of Kyuhyun's dream to sing, they would find
another method to operate without harming his throat.

When Kyuhyun was told all this.. about his dad's resolve and how he fought for his son's dream, he cried a lot. 
His dad protected his dream and did anything in his power to be sure the doctors wouldn't make that dream dissolve
while Kyuhyun couldn't fight for it because he was still in a state of unconsciousness. 
But Kyuhyun especially cried because his father did all this despite the fact that he had always been against
Kyuhyun's dream of becoming a singer and had strongly opposed to it.

When Kang Hodong asks him how much time passed before he could go on stage again, Kyuhyun says he came
back on stage after five months. 
He says that he will always be thankful to all fans, whether they are Super Junior fans or not. 
He could feel the warm encouragement coming from all of them when he went on stage, so he felt really touched,
and felt as if he was living a new life.. 
he was able to sing the songs he likes again, he could be with the members and do activities with Super Junior, 
he could meet the fans, and he was able to walk and eat again.. so he was thankful for all that, for surviving and
living again.

At the end of the story, Kyuhyun thanked his dad for protecting his dreams, and Hyukjae, 
because he was the first to find Kyuhyun's body on the road, grabbed his hand and stayed with him.

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