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2 Tuesday, June 25 2013 ●

THE NEW PAPER THE NEW PAPER Tuesday, June 25 2013 3

S’porean, 82, found wandering in
JB, said to be dumped by family

but unforgivable
BEHIND many cases of abandon- appearing.

HE 82-year-old Singaporean was found on ment and abuse is caregiver burn-out, Tracking down a relative can take
the streets of Johor Baru – dirty, hungry, where the caregiver faces multiple years, said Ms Chan.
demands and is overwhelmed caring She lodges cases with the police,
He was picked up by the Malaysian police, repat-
riated and sent to a home for the destitute here two for the elderly, said Ms Melissa Chew, the Commissioner for the Mainte-
months ago. a senior medical social worker at Tan nance of Parents, and the Immigra-
The man is one of a number of elderly Singapore- Tock Seng Hospital. tion Checkpoints Authority, and
ans who have been abandoned overseas. Other reasons include relationship checks for leads.
Social workers say his case is not unique, as Sin- issues between the elderly and their Mr Chua said abandonment is a
gaporeans have also been allegedly abandoned in relatives.
Indonesia and China. deliberate attempt to desert.
“There could have been divorce, or Sembawang MP Ellen Lee, mem-
A source familiar with the case said the man the children are angry as there was
claimed he was abandoned by a family member and ber of the workgroup which pro-
had a son in Singapore. While he could walk, he was another woman. There could have
posed changes to the Maintenance

very weak and in a wheelchair. been strained relationships with the
of Parents Act in 2010, said it can be
We are not naming him to avoid embarrassing family,” said a director at a Singapore
considered clear-cut when there is
him. home for the destitute.
absolutely no contact between parent
He was taken to Angsana Home under the Desti-
tute Person’s Act. His family was subsequently con- Their loved ones left them to fend for themselves Her home handled at least two cas-
es of Singaporean residents aban- and child for a sufficiently long time,

tacted and he is no longer with the home. doned in other countries in the last and in cases such as Mr Tay’s in Johor
“He was totally undernourished. I’ve never seen five years: One in China, the other at Baru.
a Singaporean in this condition. He was like a per-
Jakarta’s International Airport.
son from a state with famine,” our source said.
He also looked like he had not showered in a It may not be just a matter of chil- Family ties
while. dren rejecting responsibility for their More can be done to promote clos-
His clothes were dirty. parents, she said.
“You could smell him from 10 feet away,” said the er and stronger family ties, especially
Most cases of abandonment and
three-generational ties, she added.

source. abuse are carried out by the victim’s
He was grouchy, claiming he was hungry when Former Tampines MP Sin Boon
children, though it can also occur at
he was picked up. He appeared slightly deaf, but Ann, who was also a member of the
spoke good English. the hands of siblings and spouses and
other caregivers like domestic help- workgroup,said the abandonment of
A Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) spokesman parents overseas was not something
said the Consulate-General in Johor Baru provided ers or even a neighbour, said social
consular assistance to the Singaporean and, with worker Ms Odelia Chan of Trans Safe they considered.
the support of the Ministry of Social and Family Centre. He said it is a despicable act and
should be criminalised, but the au-

Development (MSF), arranged for his return to the Director of the centre, Mr Alvin
Republic. Chua, added that abandonment usu- thorities would need to have clear
MSF said they could not comment on matters rules as to what constitutes abandon-
concerning the family due to confidentiality. ally involves the elderly person’s child
Two social workers said overseas abandonment getting his parent to sell the house, ment.
is a cause for concern. after which they would take away all “At the end of the day, society
Fei Yue Family Service Centres’ assistant di- assets and check him or her into a needs to go back to the roots of what
rector Rachel Lee said it can be especially fright- nursing home or hospital before dis- the family and filial piety is.”
ening for the elderly when they’re not
familiar with the surroundings.
“It’s also not easy to prevent or de-
tect abandonment once the parent is TNP PICTURE: ARIFFIN JAMAR
taken out of the country.”
Said centre manager Frances Lee of

Care Corner Family Service Centre (Toa Payoh): as helpless as a child. He has had General and ex-Nominated Member
“He left his phone number but we couldn’t call
“If (abandonment) is happening in Singapore and
we’re hearing about it all the time, what makes us through. He also left his Singapore address. We the benefit of a lifetime to ensure of Parliament Walter Woon, who
think they are not being abandoned elsewhere?” asked our resident’s relatives to take a look. The some extent of autonomy in his old tabled the Bill in 1994, the MPA
first time he wasn’t at home, the second time he told age. He could also have been an was designed to cure a specific ill –
Left in Indonesia them he would visit the home, and shooed them irresponsible parent. children who can afford to maintain
“He was totally
yet not illegal
Ms Lee said she has heard of cases of abandon- away.” But is abandonment ever reason- needy parents but refuse to do so.
ment in Indonesia. A few days after the matter was publicised in
June last year, the Singapore Consulate-General able? “We deliberately did not try to
About three years ago, a man convinced his
mother to sell her HDB flat and “relocate” to In-
donesia, telling her that medical care was cheaper
there brought Mr Tay’s mother back to Singapore,
Ms Goh said.
undernourished. COMMENT: RENNIE WHANG where family members who aban- Act, which would apply to those
Abandonment aside, there are
other possible legal loopholes.
legislate filial piety, contrary to
popular misconception.
there. The woman, who was in her 70s, suffered
from health and mobility issues.
She said this was the only instance of a Singapo-
rean defaulting on payment at her home, which has
I’ve never seen a don or neglect their elderly parents
can be jailed up to five years.
with dementia.
Both offences can fetch up to
While personal protection orders
can combat physical abuse, such
“The Maintenance of Parents Act
has nothing to do with filial piety,
He left his mother with a distant relative in a re-
mote village and disappeared with the proceeds
four Singaporean residents and has been housing
Singaporeans for the last 10 years. Singaporean in this ARE there gaps in our laws protect-
ing the elderly?
In India, a 2013 survey by non-
governmental organisation HelpAge
seven years’ jail.
Whether abandonment in other
orders do not fight neglect, said Mr
Alvin Chua of Trans Safe Centre, a
any more than the Women’s Charter
or the CYPA enforce parental love
from the sale of the flat.
He visited her a few times initially, but later be-
came uncontactable, she said.
Two other Johor homes said they had not en-
countered cases like Mr Tay’s, but did have Singa- condition. He was For one, it’s not a crime to
abandon your parents – not on our
India had 23 per cent of elderly say-
ing they experienced abuse. Under
situations gives rise to an offence
depends on the material facts and
voluntary welfare organisation that
handles elder abuse.
for their children,” he said.
Nearly 10 years on, though,
like a person from a
poreans owing up to seven months’ payment.
The woman was eventually taken to the Singa- “Relatives will give cock-and-bull stories about streets, not overseas. Indian law, children who abandon circumstances, an Attorney-Gener- Also, while financial abuse perhaps it’s time for us to assess if
pore embassy in Jakarta and repatriated.
why they cannot pay. At some point, you have to The parent could apply for your their parents can be jailed up to al’s Chambers spokesman said. – when a child takes money or laws pertaining to the elderly need
Dumped in Johor threaten to send the resident back,” said Mr Frankie
Ker, director of Spring Valley Homecare in JB, where
state with famine.” money under the Maintenance of
Parents Act (MPA), but getting jus-
three months.
In Singapore, on the other hand,
Yet must we, like India (where
the law came into effect in 2007),
property from the parent without
his consent– can be prosecuted
to be more comprehensive.
It may not even be a question of
About a year ago, Comfort Ville Home nursing
40 per cent of its 130 residents are Singaporeans.
– A source on the state of an 82-year-old tice for any other form of suffering abandonment is an offence only un- wait for more cases before com- under the Penal Code, there is no financial support.
care centre in Taman Johor Jaya, launched a search Singaporean found in Johor.
for Singaporean Joseph Tay, who had checked his Added Mr Jeremy Yeo, owner of City Heart Care is more difficult. der the Children and Young Persons ing down harder on errant adult legal provision for the parent-child It’s whether an adult child is
mother, who was suffering from dementia, into the nursing home, at which 30 of the 150 residents are This is in contrast with US states Act (CYPA) – for children under the children? relationship. treating his parent like a human
home for three months and was never seen again. Singaporeans: “It’s less of a problem if Singaporeans like California and New Jersey, age of 12 – and the Mental Capacity Granted, the elderly person is not According to ex-Attorney- being.
Said staff in charge, Ms Goh Ker Min: “He didn’t come here. If their relatives don’t want to take care
pay the initial deposit, saying his relative would
come and pay for the first two months.
of them, at least we can tell the Singapore Embassy
and have them repatriated.” TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 SMS/MMS: 94778899 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 To subscribe: 6388 3838

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