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Thursday, November 7 2013 THENEWPAPER THENEWPAPER Thursday, November 7 2013


Rocket 219 jobs up for grabs
over roti The “white coffee specialist”
is looking to fill various positions
india’s mission to orbit
Mars re-ignites debate

The inspiration
We introduced Syahera to
medical technologist thasneem, Q&Advice
who overcame similar obstacles, When the new Paper introduced Syahera to
as a source of inspiration. thasneem last month, the questions and advice
This is 24-year-old Thasneem’s back came fast and furious.
l Her mum died when she was six. StUDy
She is the sixth of seven siblings. thasneem: Do you like studying, or playing?
l In upper primary, she manned her Her pain Syahera: Studying.
father’s clothes stall in a market
five hours daily
i didn’t have FriEnDS
l Family moved from a four-room someone to seek thasneem: When you are with your friends, do they
flat to a three-room, then to a two- advice from. i motivate you to study or play?
room rental flat when her father Syahera: Both.
declared bankruptcy about five
was the eldest thasneem: You should choose your friends wisely. If they
years ago child at home. motivate you and can help with homework, go ahead. If
l After PSLE, she was put in the Nor- in the end, i got they just want to hang out, don’t spend too much time
mal Academic stream with them.
l Promoted to Express stream after
30-plus points.
sterling performance in Sec 1 and i was very DrEAMS
Sec 2 disheartened and thasneem: Any dreams for the future?
l Did badly for O levels, but resat ex- Syahera: I want to be an artist or a photographer.
was crying a lot.
There are about 40,000 needy students from ams and got 5 O levels. Qualified
for polytechnic
thasneem: Well, why not? But you’ll need a lot of passion.
Syahera: Recently, some old folks were coming my
households with less than $1,500 monthly income. l Dropped out after a few months as
Her will primary school. I asked for permission to decorate the
course was not what she wanted back of the class.
This is the story of one girl, her family, and the hope l Got full-time job and studied part- i never
they have that they will finally break the poverty cycle time to get foundation certificate in approached my ADViCE
biomedical sciences at the Manage- thasneem: School gave me an opportunity to help
ment Development Institute of Sin-
father for money. myself move forward in life. I wanted to do something
reports by rEnniE WHAng gapore (MDIS) i thought, i’m above the O levels. For all the people in my family, O l Got a bachelor’s degree with hon- healthy with a levels is like a degree already! Start dreaming now. You’re
ours at the MDIS biomedical school still young, you shouldn’t think that there’s no hope. Start
while working as a clinic assistant
good mind. So i dreaming high so you can achieve.
in a hospital started to count
Syahera knows where drug addicts leave from her school last year. On weekends or after school, she likes to head l She is the first in her family to earn on myself On tHASnEEM
syringes in the stairwell at her block. Mathematics and Malay, her mother tongue, to the library with friends. In between homework, a degree Syahera: She’s a lot like me. She gave good advice.
She also knows which tables between her block have always been her strongest subjects — she she draws posters she sees and sometimes for her
and the next are good for studying, and which to scores As and Bs. friends’ art assignments.
avoid because drinkers will later claim their spot. “I’m not stressed,” Syahera said of the pressure “They say I draw better than them, but my teach- Breaking bread NEXTPAGE
Syahera is 12 and this is home. on her. “My grandparents don’t say I must do well er can tell. She knows my style,” she said.
Her family asked that her picture not be used to for everything. They will say, ‘at least you passed’.” Syahera hopes to be an artist, or a photogra- by THE NUMbERS
prevent embarrassment. She did receive help. pher. In 2011, she received a Nikon digital camera l $102.4 million given out to the needy in the last
On one of the days The New Paper visited her, She joined Indian self-help group Sinda for sci- from the Salvation Army and uses it on special oc- financial year ending March
there were three empty vodka bottles left at the ence tuition briefly in February, but stopped as the casions. l 80,000 needy students currently receive financial
void-deck table where she usually studies. sessions were in the evenings and returning home help from the Education Ministry
“I can get distracted, because people throw i feel like i alone was unsafe. DRAWING HOPE
things down when I’m doing work and I’m scared want to make She has been harassed by young men who loiter Her hope is simple — she wants to be the first in her HELP FOR SyAHERA
they will hit me. Sometimes I’m unhappy, some- things better in the estate, some asking her for a lighter. family to attend polytechnic. l She’s on MOE’s Financial Assistance Scheme, which
times I’m scared,” she said. Her parents were both educated up to Second- covers the cost of her books, uniforms and some
She’s the third generation of a family that has for my family, HOMEWORK, THEN DIAPERS ary Two; the same with her father’s three brothers. canteen meals.
lived in the same one-room flat for the past six maybe a During the six times TNP visited her Chai Chee flat Her father and uncles are shipyard workers. In some years, Syahera gets pocket money
years. She lives with her grandparents, uncle and better house since September, we saw how her grandparents — She isn’t sure what her birth mother is doing from the Trans Family Service Centre (Bedok). Ms
two younger cousins; as well as another uncle oc- cleaning supervisor Subas De Costa, 66, and Mad- now as they meet only once or twice a year. Cherylene Aw, a senior social worker at the centre,
casionally. Her father lives elsewhere with her fu- for everyone. am Surya, 54 — tended to Syahera’s four-year-old Her grandparents are her inspiration and it’s for said the family is on its Casework and Counselling
ture stepmother. And i can and six-month-old cousins. them that she wants to succeed. programme and is receiving supportive services.
While it’s easy to feel sorry for themselves, Sya- be a role Syahera is also expected to look after her cousins. “My grandfather is old but works hard, and my She said: “We have known the family for about
hera’s family are banking on her breaking through “It’s like my daily routine. When my grandma grandmother is my role model. She’s been taking five years and have witnessed incredible resilience
the poverty cycle. model for changed diapers, I learnt from her. Now I know care of me since I was a baby,” she said. in the family members. Syahera, despite the
“They want me to get an education, maybe be- my cousins. how to do it, I change it at least once every day.” “I feel like I want to make things better for my odds, has embodied traits of courage and moral
cause they are not educated. I feel proud they have She said she’s used to the balancing act of study- family, maybe a better house for everyone. And I strength.”
that hope for me,” she said. — Syahera, 12 ing and looking after the younger ones. can be a role model for my cousins. Sometimes,
“Noise is always distracting. I plug in earphones my cousin says she wants to be like me.” HOW THASNEEM WAS HELPED
FOURTH IN CLASS and listen to music, if not I would go crazy trying Mr De Costa said he’s proud of his granddaugh- l In 2011, Thasneem approached Kampong Kapor
The Fengshan Primary pupil took her Primary to study.” ter and would like her to study hard, at least up to Family Service Centre. Aid was provided from the
School Leaving Examination last month, and is When she is at home, the flat’s only bed is her Secondary Four. Mainly I Love Kids (Milk) Fund. The fund helped with
aiming to qualify for Temasek Secondary School. study space. At night, to let the others sleep, she “If she wants to go further, carry on. I can afford trying: Syahera (above, right) with medical her university and her sister’s polytechnic fees.
She was fourth in class during the preliminary goes to the kitchen and studies while standing by it with my CPF money. technologist Thasneem, who overcame similar
exams, and received an award for perseverance the washing machine, leaving a fluorescent bulb on. “I hope she can go as high as she wants to go.” obstacles. TNP PHOTOS: LATASHNI GOBI NATHAN

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