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NAME : ________________________________________

CLASS : ________________________________________
Change the Simple Present Tense to the Simple Past Tense.



1. abandon

2. absorb

3. abuse

4. accept

5. accommodate

6. accompany

7. accomplish

8. accord

9. account

10. accuse

11. accustom

12. ache

13. achieve
14. acknowledge

15. acquaint

16. acquire

17. act

18. add

19. address

20. adjourn

21. adjust

22. admire

23. admit

24. adopt

25. adore

26. advance

27. advertise

28. advise

29. affect
30. age

31. agree

32. aid

33. aim

34. alarm

35. allow

36. amaze

37. amputate

38. amuse

39. analyse

40. announce

41. apologize

42. appear

43. applaud

44. apply

45. appoint
46. appreciate

47. approach

48. approve

49. argue

50. *arise

51. arouse

52. ask

53. assemble

54. assign

55. assist

56. associate

57. astonish

58. attach

59. attack

60. attempt

61. attend
62. attract

63. avoid

64. await

65. awake

66. bake

67. balance

68. bandage

69. banish

70. barbecue

71. bargain

72. bark

73. base

74. bathe

75. battle

76. Bawl
77. be:

i. *am

ii. *is

iii. *are

78. *bear

79. *become

80. *begin

81. behave

82. *behold

83. believe

84. belong

85. *bend

86. betray

87. *bite

88. blame

89. blear
90. bleat

91. blend

92. bless

93. *blow

94. blind

95. block

96. bloom

97. bluff

98. blush

99. bore

100. borrow

101. bounce

102. *break

103. breath

104. *bring

105. bruise
106. brush

107. *build

108. burn

109. bury

110. call

111. camp

112. *can

113. capture

114. carry

115. *catch

116. celebrate

117. challenge

118. chance

119. change

120. charge

121. chase
122. chat

123. cheat

124. check

125. cheer

126. chew

127. chime

128. *choose

129. chop

130. choke

131. circle

132. claim

133. clean

134. clear

135. climb

136. close

137. clue
138. clutch

139. coax

140. coincide

141. collapse

142. collect

143. colour

144. comb

145. combine

146. *come

147. comfort

148. command

149. communicate

150. compare

151. compete

152. complain

153. complete
154. compose

155. conceal

156. concern

157. conclude

158. conduct

159. confess

160. confuse

161. congratulate

162. connect

163. conquer

164. consider

165. consist

166. construct

167. consult

168. consume

169. contact
170. contain

171. content

172. continue

173. contribute

174. control

175. copy

176. correct

177. cough

178. count

179. cover

180. crack

181. crash

182. crawl

183. cry

184. cross
185. crumple

186. crunch

187. crush

188. curse

189. cut

190. damage

191. dance

192. decide

193. declare

194. decorate

195. dedicate

196. defend

197. delay

198. delight

199. deliver

200. deserve
201. design

202. desire

203. destroy

204. develop

205. die

206. dig

207. discourage

208. discover

209. discuss

210. dislike

211. dismiss

212. disobey

213. display

214. disturb

215. divide

216. do

217. does
218. *drink

219. *drive

220. *draw

221. dream

222. dry

223. earn

224. *eat

225. educate

226. enable

227. encourage

228. encounter

229. enjoy

230. enroll

231. enter

232. erase

233. escape
234. examine

235. exchange

236. excuse

237. exercise

238. explore

239. fade

240. fail

241. faint

242. *fall

243. *feed

244. *feel

245. *find

246. fine

247. finish

248. fix

249. flick

250. float
251. *fly

252. follow

253. *forgive

254. *forget

255. free

256. fry

257. gain

258. *get

259. giggle

260. *give

261. glance

262. glare

263. glide

264. *go

265. grab

266. graduate
267. *grow

268. guard

269. guide

270. *has

271. *have

272. hang

273. happen

274. harvest

275. hate

276. help

277. hit

278. *hold

279. hop

280. hope

281. ignore

282. imagine

283. imitate
284. impress

285. improve

286. include

287. increase

288. inform

289. injure

290. insult

291. join

292. joke

293. judge

294. jump

295. *keep

296. kick

297. *know

298. *lay

299. *lead
300. leak

301. lean

302. learn

303. *leave

304. *lend

305. let

306. lick

307. lie

308. lift

309. like

310. list

311. listen

312. live

313. locate

314. look

315. lose

316. *make
317. manage

318. marry

319. mash

320. match

321. measure

322. *meet

323. miss

324. mix

325. murder

326. neglect

327. note

328. notice

329. notify

330. obey

331. obtain

332. occupy
333. occur

334. offer

335. open

336. operate

337. order

338. overlap

339. overtake

340. own

341. pain

342. paint

343. pass

344. *pay

345. peel

346. phone

347. pick

348. pinch

349. pity
350. play

351. pledge

352. post

353. praise

354. pray

355. prepare

356. press

357. pretend

358. proceed

359. process

360. produce

361. promise

362. protect

363. prove

364. provide

365. publish
366. pull

367. punch

368. punish

369. purchase

370. pursue

371. quake

372. quarantine

373. quarrel

374. race

375. rain

376. rate

377. reach

378. read

379. realize

380. rear

381. receive

382. recite
383. recognize

384. record

385. redeem

386. refer

387. refill

388. refund

389. refuse

390. register

391. regret

392. reinforce

393. reject

394. relate

395. relax

396. rely

397. remain

398. remark
399. remind

400. remove

401. renovate

402. repair

403. repeat

404. replace

405. reply

406. report

407. represent

408. rescue

409. resemble

410. resign

411. respect

412. respond

413. return

414. review

415. revise
416. *ride

417. *rise

418. *ring

419. *say

420. satisfy

421. save

422. *say

423. scare

424. score

425. scream

426. secure

427. *see

428. select

429. *sell

430. send

431. separate
432. serve

433. set

434. sew

435. shake

436. shall

437. shame

438. share

439. shine

440. shock

441. shoot

442. shout

443. show

444. *sit

445. *sing

446. skip

447. *sleep

448. slip
449. smell

450. smile

451. snore

452. *speak

453. *spell

454. spy

455. stand

456. start

457. state

458. stay

459. *steal

460. strike

461. study

462. submit

463. succeed

464. support
465. surprise

466. surround

467. *swim

468. *sweep

469. swing

470. swear

471. *take

472. talk

473. tear

474. tease

475. *tell

476. thank

477. think

478. throw

479. tidy

480. transfer

481. trap
482. treat

483. try

484. trust

485. turn

486. twist

487. type

488. understand

489. undo

490. unite

491. urge

492. use

493. vary

494. venture

495. volunteer

496. vote

497. wade
498. walk

499. *wake

500. warn

501. wash

502. watch

503. wave

504. will

505. *write

506. Yawn

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