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Second Terminal

Level: Bachelor Full Marks: 100

Program: BE Pass Marks: 40

Course: Hydraulics Time: 3 Hr

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempts all the questions.

1(a) Explain prandtl mixing length theory and obtain an expression for velocity distrubution. what is
Colebrook White equation ? (8)

1(b) A horizontal pipeline 40m long is connected to a water tank at one end and discharges freely into
the atmosphere at the other end. For the first 25m of its length from the tank, the pipe is 15cm
diameter and its diameter is suddenly enlarged to 35cm. The height of water level in the tank is 7m
above the center of the pipe. Considering all loss of head, which occurs; take f=0.01

Calculate the rate of flow. (7)

2(a) A siphon of diameter 200mm connects two reservoirs having difference in elevation of 20m. The
length of siphon is 500m and summit is 3m above water level in upper reservoir. The length of siphon
from upper reservoir to summit is 100m. Determine the discharge through the siphon and also the
pressure at summit. Neglect minor losses. Friction Factor, f=0.02. (8)

2(b) For the branching pipe system as shown in the figure below, estimate the flow in each pipe system
taking friction factor f=0.0175. Neglect all minor losses. (8)

Pipe Diameter (cm) Connectivity Length (m)

1 20 AJ 400
2 15 BJ 300
3 10 CJ 200
3(a) An oil of viscosity 9 poise and specific gravity 0.9 is flowing through a horizontal pipe of 60mm
diameter. If the pressure drop in 100 m length of the pipe is 1800 KN/m2, determine:

i. The velocity gradient at the pipe wall.

ii. Velocity and shear stress at 8mm from the wall. (8)

3(b) What do you mean by prismatic channel, non-prismatic channel and steady flow, unsteady flow?
Also explain the geometric properties of open channels. Also show the relationship between Manning's
coefficient, Chezy's coefficient and Darcy's-Weisbach coefficient. (7)

4(a) A trapezoidal channel is 5 m wide and having side slopes of 1.5 horizontal : 1 vertical is laid on a
slope of 0.0035. The roughness coefficient n=0.015. Find the normal depth and critical depth for a
discharge of 20 m3/s through this channel. (8)

4(b) Calculate the specific energy of 13 m3/s of water flowing with a velocity of 1.5 m/s in a rectangular
channel of width of 7.5m. Find the depth of water in the channel when the specific energy would be
minimum. What would be the value of critical velocity as well as minimum specific energy? (8)

5(a) Derive an expression for dynamic equation for gradually varied flow. (7)

5(b) A rectangular channel 10m wide and 3m deep has an average bed slope of 0.0005. Estimate Type
and the length of GVF profile produced by a low weir which raises the water just upstream of it by
1.5m. Assume Manning's coefficient n=0.035. (8)

6(a) In a geometrically similar model of canal escape, the discharge per meter length is 0.8 m3/s. If the
scale of model is 1 in 98, find the discharge per meter length of prototype. (6)

6(b) A sluice gate spans a channel of 18m width and has an opening of 0.75m deep and discharges 46.44
m3/s of water. If a standing wave is formed on the downstream side of the sluice. Determine the
probable height of sequent depth. Find also the loss of energy due to the jump. Calculate the length of
jump. Comment on the type of jump. (7)

7. Write short notes on. (Any two) (2*5=10)

I. Types of Similarities between model and prototype.

II. Specific Energy Diagram
III. Tractive force method for Mobile Boundary channel

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