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Gay Male Movie Night Submission Page 2

Movie Night Submission

by robcub32 ©

The four of us had a really good time at dinner and we made plans to meet again

As we walked out into the parking lot to our cars, I pulled my hat out of my coat
pocket. I went to pull it over my cold head when my feet slid out from under me. I
didn't even see the ice patch. I felt myself flying through the air, but I was caught
by Dominic. His arms scooped under my armpits and he pulled me up to him and
settled me on my feet.

My face felt warm with embarrassment as Stuart and Darrell looked at me in shock.

"You okay?" Stuart asked.

I nodded. I realized that I was leaning back against Dominic. I could feel his warm
breath on the back of my head.

I took a small step away from him and he bent down and picked up my hat. He
moved around to stand in front of me and dusted the snow off the hat. I looked up
at him and looked into his deep blue eyes. Damn, he was tall. Damn, he was hot.

He took the hat and put it on my head, making sure my ears were covered. My
eyes never left his.

"There ya go," he said, as he smoothed down the back of my head with his black
leather gloved hand.

He straightened the collar on my coat and tugged the zipper up all the way. "You
need to watch where you're going... Boy."

That one spoken word, and the tone in which he said it, caused a physical reaction
in me. Boy. I shuddered as I felt warmth spread throughout my body. I was grateful
my coat covered my crotch as my dick started to push against my jeans.

"Thank you," I said in a quivering whisper.

He looked down at me, and his mouth turned up in a smug grin. He was pleased.


I was pleasantly surprised when Stuart called me the next day. He said it was slow
at the shop and he was bored, so we chatted on the phone for quite a while. Then
he casually mentioned that Dominic called him the night before.

"Really? What did he say?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"He was asking about you."

"Oh?" I said. My voice quivered, betraying my attempt to sound calm and cool.
"What did you tell him?"

"I told him he should talk to you."

Stuart called me again later in the week and to finalize plans for dinner on
Saturday. By the time Saturday came around, I wasn't nervous, but I was very

When I showed up at the restaurant on Saturday, I thought I looked pretty good in

my jeans, a baby blue button down shirt with a dark blue argyle sweater vest.

The four of us settled into a comfortable rhythm of conversation during dinner. At

one point, Stuart and Darrell headed to the bathroom. Stuart gave me a knowing
smile as they left.

Dominic cleared his throat. "Scotty, you wanna grab some coffee after this?"

"Sure, Dominic."

"I meant just us. You and me."

"Oh. Okay," I grinned.

After dinner, my friends and I bundled up and exchanged hugs in the parking lot.
Stuart and Darrell waved as they got into their pickup truck.

"Follow me," Dominic said quietly as we turned and walked through the parking lot
to our cars. When we got to my little blue Toyota, he opened the door for me and
when I got myself situated, he squeezed my hand and then shut the door.

I followed his Audi SUV in my car to a café and coffee shop a few blocks away. He
held open the door for me and let me walk in first. He asked me what I wanted to
drink, then told me to go save us a table.

"That one in the back corner?" he suggested.

I made my way to the table in the back corner. I pulled off my hat and shoved it
into my coat pocket. I hung my coat on the back of my chair and sat down. I
smoothed down my hair, which was feeling a little static clingy from my hat, then
wiped the condensation off my glasses.

Dominic returned a few moments later with our drinks and sat down next to me.

"Cheers," he said with a smirk and held his mug up.

I laughed and tapped my mug to his and took a drink of the latte. Dominic was
staring intensely at my mouth as I drank. He reached up to my face and his fingers
moved under my chin as his thumb slowly swiped over my bottom lip, capturing the
whipped cream in the corner. His hand was warm and I really wanted him to keep it
on my face. He pulled his hand away and I watched him kiss the cream off his

I swallowed nervously as I watched his mouth. His tongue peeked out of his full red
lips, licking away the excess moisture. A shiver tickled my spine.

We watched each other drink for a while until he finally leaned in close to me. I
could feel his hot breath in my ear as he whispered, "You wanna come home with
me tonight, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I whispered automatically, as my body trembled.

Dominic leaned back in his chair and a grin slowly spread across his mouth.

"Good boy," he said simply.

I quickly finished my latte and sat there nervously while Dominic took his time
drinking his coffee. When he finally finished, I got up and followed him out to the
parking lot. He gave me quick directions to his house and we traded cell phone
numbers in case I lost him on the way.

To say I was nervous when I arrived at his house was an understatement. I

stomped the snow off my boots on his porch, then followed him inside. He took my
coat and hung it up in the hall closet.

Dominic gave me a tour of his home, and I was very impressed. Everything was
neat and clean. The two-story, four bedroom house seemed to be very large for just
Dominic. We ended the tour in the family room, where he motioned for me to sit on
the couch with him.

He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

"I'm very particular about my partners, Scotty," he said to me. "I like them
submissive and eager to please. I'm not talking master and slave play. I want to
give you pleasure, not pain. Do you understand?"

"I... I think so. Do you mean, like, you want me to..." I cleared my throat before
adding in a whisper, "be on the bottom?"

"Yes. I want you to submit to me. Do as I tell you, immediately without question. I
may get a little bit rough, but I promise I will NEVER hurt you. I will not abuse you,
degrade you or humiliate you. At anytime, if I do something you don't like, you tell
me to stop and I will stop immediately. I get tested regularly and I am clean. I
never have more than one partner at a time and I don't share. Are you okay with

"Yes," I quietly replied.


Dominic leaned down and kissed me. He pulled me tight to him and opened his
mouth. He kissed me slowly and sensually, pushing his tongue into my mouth. His
tongue took charge and pushed and prodded its way around my mouth. His kisses
turned harder and more demanding. His lips and teeth pushed into me, trying to
devour me.

He pulled away from me, leaving me breathless. He stood up and pulled me to my


"My room. Now," he growled.

I hurried up the stairs with him right behind me, guiding me down the hallway. I
stepped into his dark bedroom and waited for him. He turned on his nightstand

"Come here, boy. I know what you want. I know what you need. I knew it when I
first saw you... saw the way you looked at me..."

I didn't think he wanted me, but he did. The thought made me very happy, but also
made me even more nervous. I stepped in front of him. He looked me up and
down, then started to take my clothes off. I felt exposed and vulnerable standing
naked in front of him. I wanted so much for him to be pleased with me. Despite my
nerves, my dick stood at attention between my legs, all six inches straight up
against my belly. I let my arms hang at my sides, unsure of what to do.

He ran his fingers through the light patch of hair in the middle of my chest, then
rubbed my soft tummy.

"Fucking adorable, my little cub."

I beamed. My grin was so bright it could have lit the room. I let out a breath as my
nerves steadied somewhat.

"Undress me," he commanded.

I pulled his flannel shirt off and dropped it onto my pile of clothes. His wife-beater
undershirt came off next. My knees buckled when I saw his body. His beefy torso
was covered in curly black hair. I ran my hands down him, raking my fingers
through the coarse hair. I unbuckled his jeans and unzipped them and pushed them
down the floor.

I was squatting in front of him when I pulled his boxer briefs off. His huge cock
sprang up and it bobbed in front of my face and I let out an involuntary moan. He
was big. Long. Thick. Uncut.

I looked up at him, staring into his blue eyes. His right hand grabbed around his
dick, pulling the skin back to expose the head. He pushed it down with his thumb,
pointing it towards my mouth.

His voice was deep and husky when he commanded me with one word. "Suck."

I whimpered and moved my head forward. I opened my mouth and took him inside.
I wrapped my lips in a tight seal and sucked on it as I slid my head back and forth.
I swirled my tongue all over the shaft and the head as I sucked and bobbed.

Dominic grabbed my shoulders and stepped back. His cock slid out of my mouth
with a pop.

"You got a hot mouth, boy."

He let me suck him for a while, then he stepped back. I moaned in disappointment
and pushed forward on my knees, trying to get him back. He grabbed under my
arms and pushed me back onto the bed. I scooted back into the middle of the bed
as he moved on top of me. I let out a ragged breath. I loved the feeling of his big,
warm body on me.


He kissed up my neck to my ear. His hot breath and whiskers made me shudder.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good, boy," he whispered into my ear.

I moaned and grabbed his back, pulling him closer to me.

He slid down my body and licked and sucked my nipples. I moaned and whimpered,
thrusting my chest up, grabbing at his shoulders and his head. I was on the verge
of falling apart when he slid down. His tongue flicked all over my dick, teasing me. I
pushed my hips up, wanting to feel his mouth on me.

"Please, Nic," I whispered.

"Mm-mmm," he grunted as he shook his head.

I whimpered in frustration, pushing my hips back up. His hands moved to my hips
and pushed me back down to the bed. I couldn't move my hips as his tongue flicked
all over my balls and sack. My dick jerked and pre-come oozed out onto my belly.
Dominic was driving me crazy with his teasing. I wanted to come so bad.

His face pressed under my balls and his tongue swiped up my crack.

"Oh god," I moaned.

Dominic's hands pushed harder onto my hips so that I couldn't move. His tongue
was licking and pushing into me. He rubbed his bearded face all over my ass crack
while grunting and groaning.

I never imagined that it would feel so good. I was clawing at the bed, trying to
reach down to Dominic, trying to grab anything I could as I writhed on the bed. I
just couldn't take it anymore. I reached down and grabbed my dick. Dominic pulled
away and grabbed my hand.

He climbed over me and grabbed my wrists and pinned my hands above my head.

"Don't you ever touch yourself without my permission," he growled. "You

understand me, boy?"

I whimpered and nodded my head.

"From now on, you only come from my hand, my mouth or my cock. You hear me,

I nodded my head again. His hands tightened around my wrists.

"Say it!" he demanded.

"I understand, Nic," I whimpered. "I promise."

Dominic bent down and kissed me hard until I was breathless. He pulled my glasses
off and set them on the nightstand.

"Turn over," he husked into my ear.

He helped me turn over onto my belly and he knelt between my legs, sitting back
on his heels. His warm hands were on my ass, kneading and massaging and
spreading. He suddenly got up from the bed. He grabbed a towel out of the
bathroom, then opened the nightstand drawer. He pulled out a big bottle of lube.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax as he moved back onto the bed. He had me get
up so that he could spread the towel out underneath me, and I laid back down on
the towel.

I felt his slippery fingers sliding up and down my crack, rubbing over my hole. He
pushed his middle finger in nice and slow and I moaned softly into the pillow. He
started moving his finger, slowly finger fucking me with it. He twisted and turned it,
then wiggled it inside me. It brushed over something inside me and I bucked
underneath him, letting out a deep moan.

"Yeah, that's the spot," he said.

He kept pushing and rubbing his finger against the spot, my prostate. I was panting
and writhing around on the bed. My dick was hard and throbbing, pushing against
the sheets. I whimpered in pleasure. This was nothing like my experience with Eric.
I realized that this is what it was supposed to be like. Dominic was experienced. He
knew what he was doing. Like he said, he wanted to give me pleasure.

"You ready for another finger, boy?"

"Yes. Please, Dominic..."

Dominic pushed a second finger into me and continued to stretch me and prepare
me. He soon had a third finger inside me and he was pumping me hard and fast. I
could feel the pressure building inside my balls. They tightened into my body and I
gripped the pillow with my fists.

Suddenly he pulled his fingers out. I turned my head back and looked up at him. He
lowered his big body on top of me. His hairy chest and stomach pressed into my
back. I could feel his hard dick in my crack. It felt so big, so warm.

He growled into my ear, "Ready for my cock, boy?"

"Yes," I breathed.

I wanted him so bad, but I was a little bit scared. He was bigger than Eric. A lot

Dominic must have sensed my fear. He kissed my cheek tenderly and rubbed my
head. "I won't hurt you, Scotty," he whispered softly and gently. "Never hurt you.
Don't be nervous. Relax and breathe deep."

I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath. I heard Dominic spreading the lube
on his dick and then he smeared a little more into my hole. He moved on top of me
and I spread my legs wider for him.

I felt the hot head press against me and I tensed up.

"Relax, Scotty. Breath slow and deep and push out. Remember what I said. I won't
hurt you. Breathe..."

I did as he asked and he pushed into me. I gasped as the pain shot through my
body. It burned and cramped and I cried out. Dominic's arms moved under me and
he held me tight to his chest. He kissed the side of my neck, then ran his lips across
my skin. His beard tickled my neck and shoulder.

"Shh... It's okay. You're okay," he whispered.

My breathing slowed and the pain dissipated. I brought my hands under my chest
and grabbed onto Dominic's arms as the tension in my body released. Dominic
must have felt my muscle relaxing, because he started to move.

He very slowly pulled his hips back until his dick was about to slip out of me. In a
smooth and steady motion, he pushed back in, rubbing over my prostate. I gasped
and called out his name as an intense burst of pleasure hit me.

Dominic started thrusting in and out of my ass, slowly building up speed.

"Christ, you're fucking tight," he whispered into my ear. "So hot, so wet. I'm gonna
make you my boy. You wanna be my cub?"

"Yes, Dominic. Please. I wanna be yours."

"Yeah, you're MY cub now. This ass belongs to me."

Dominic held me tight, his body covering mine completely. He was fucking me now.
Hard and fast. Every thrust slid past my prostate. Every time he bottomed out, a
high-pitched whimper escaped my mouth. He alternated his long strokes with short
strokes. He'd twist and thrust his hips. Dominic was breathing loudly as he rocked
his hips into me. I was in heaven. I was his. I would do anything he wanted.

"Yes," I moaned. "Yes..."

I felt the pressure quickly building up. My balls pulled up into my body and my dick
throbbed. I gripped Dominic's arms tighter under my chest as my toes curled and
pushed into the mattress. My body started to tremble.

"Oh god, don't stop. I'm gonna shoot, Nic," I cried out. "I can't hold it!"

"Fuck yeah," he grunted. "You're a hot little slut. Come for me, boy. Gonna make
you come with my cock!"

"Oh yes, I'm coming! Dominic!"

Dominic slammed into me relentlessly. My body tensed up and I exploded, spurting

into the towel below me.

Dominic grunted and groaned. His breathing was hard and fast. With a roar, he
pushed up away from me and pulled out. I turned my head back to look at him
fisting his cock. The first blast of come shot out in a long rope and splattered all
over my neck and back. The second hit the side of my head. He shot several more
times, covering my back with pools of hot semen. It was just like in a porn movie. I
felt a little dirty, but in a good way.

Dominic collapsed onto my back, squishing his jizz into our bodies. He peppered my
neck and shoulders with small kisses. "Good cub," he whispered.

I laid there with my eyes closed, relaxing into the mattress and let out a little
giggle. I felt amazing. I felt free and alive. Dominic slicked back my sweaty hair and
kissed my temple.

"You wanna take a shower?" he asked as he ran his finger over my chin whiskers.

I opened my eyes and nodded.

He helped me up off the bed. He grabbed the sperm soaked towel and tossed it into
the dirty clothes basket.

I followed him into the bathroom, where he turned on the shower. We stepped into
the shower stall and he took me in his arms. He held me under the hot water for a
few minutes. I felt like I could fall asleep right then and there as he hugged me and
peppered the top and sides of my head with light kisses. I reluctantly let go of him
when he pulled back to grab the soap. We washed and rinsed each other and then
got out of the shower and dried off.

Dominic hung our wet towels on the rack to dry and took my hand. "Come on."

I followed him like a puppy to the bedroom and then back into his bed. He spooned
up behind me and pulled me tight to his warm, furry chest.

"Go to sleep, baby," he said groggily.

It was the most perfect feeling of belonging I had ever felt. I felt his body relax and
he started to snore. I ran my fingers through the dark curly hair on his forearms
until I finally succumbed to sleep.


I woke the next morning curled up next to Dominic. He was on his back with his
right arm covering his eyes, mouth open, and snoring.

The blankets covered him up to his chest. I ran my hand over his soft furry body,
down his chest and stomach.

I realized that Dominic was no longer snoring and I looked up to see him watching
me. He pushed the blankets back, exposing his hard seven-and-a-half inches. His
meaty hand moved to the back of my head and he gently pushed.

My lips automatically parted as the head of his dick pushed into my mouth. My lips
pushed the foreskin back and his cock sank into my mouth. I moved up and down
on his dick with my mouth and hand. As I became more confident in what I was
doing, I started to use my tongue more, twisting it around the head and swirling it
around the shaft. Dominic seemed to like that, judging by the moans and groans he
was making.

"Suck it harder, Scotty. Faster."

I did as he asked and I felt him stiffen even harder in my mouth. A gush of sweet
pre-come flooded my mouth and I hummed in delight.

"Oh, fuck, baby. You're gonna get my load. Swallow it, boy."

I sucked his cock until he blasted into my mouth, and I did what he asked,
swallowing every drop.

Dominic pulled me up and kissed me, then rolled me over onto my back. His head
moved down and sucked my dick into his mouth. He pushed his finger into my ass.

"Oh god," I moaned as he sucked up and down the length of my shaft and fucked
me with his finger. I gripped his shoulders tightly. I was so turned on, there was no
way I could even try to hold back.

"Dominic... I'm gonna come..."

I cried out and bucked up into his mouth, spurting my seed onto his swirling

He crawled on top of me and took me in his arms. We kissed slowly and gently.

"Nothing like a good blowjob to start the morning," he said and we both laughed.

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