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To: - FIFA

Mr. Marco Amezcua

Group leader /legal counsel

Subject:- About the comments which are given to our club

A. Lack of referring the case in Ethiopia football federation rules and regulation since

Mr. Diegbegha was singe a contract to play in our club he must be as Ethiopian

players and must refer the case firstly to Ethiopia football federation judicial bodies.

If he is not satisfied by their decision he can refer to CAF then thirdly he can aplaye

to FIFA this the way to reefing the case. The comment is supporting on side the

player cannot jump the Ethiopian football federation arbiter comity. You can not

reject the allegation of the Ethiopian football federation by this case your delegation

must be for whole world you have to give equal judgment idea for the club and

player & since the player signed in the regulation of Ethiopian football federation we

ask you not stand one side please look at the side of the club.

B. You comment about termination the employment contract on 18 July 2018 you said

the allegation was false but how do you proof it you throw the documents that proof

the true. We sent you two warning letters and contract terminating letter no need of

defense we get report from his coach and camp manager that he cannot improve his

bad behavior to be bad model for other players his procedural rights well not

neglected or violated he contact to the manager so many times.

In terms of performance he boost /promote/ to score so many goals before the

contract but he can’t with 30 games 2 goals in the city cup 3 it slows performance

declining even his friend boast to score 28 goals but he cannot do one so the

contract was terminated as Mr. Diegbeha performance is the best criteria for a club
to give a contract. in the case of discipline how can you give witness he pass the

nights in “Kobe astel night club and checheho night club” two of them are near to his

compe you reject the proof you well not in Gondar with us you have to give us

affection please players behaviors cannot exist or permanent it changes from peace

too peace even we ignore deferent disciplinary things in order to teach him.

In case of salary Fasil Kenema football club played the salary in bank account not in

hand whe club transferred the money to the player the bank gave the statement to

the club for check and because that is not hacking some ones account it is legal and

not only him for all players we have bank statement and transfer bank advice.

We sacked Mr. Diegbeha with justified reason he signed not to go anywhere without

permission if he goes as he want he is not considered as employed you believe the it

a player do not work like expected he will be thrown so. The club also did not do

what you like mentioned is your letter. Even the player can be sick and need

medication the club covers every expense even in forgen country medication. We

admire your comment but he must refer to Ethhiopian football judicial bodies before

you dision.

Thank you for your attention our letters

With Kind Regards,

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