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1.1.2 The Cast

 Tom Hanks as Andrew Beckett

 Denzel Washington as Joe Miller
 Jason Robards as Charles Wheeler
 Mary Steenburgen as Belinda Conine
 Antonio Banderas as Miguel Álvarez
 Joanne Woodward as Sarah Beckett
 Robert W. Castle as Bud Beckett
 Ann Dowd as Jill Beckett
 Lisa Summerour as Lisa Miller
 Charles Napier as Judge Lucas Garnett
 Roberta Maxwell as Judge Tate
 Karen Finley as Dr. Gillman
 Robert Ridgely as Walter Kenton
 Bradley Whitford as Jamey Collins
 Ron Vawter as Bob Seidman
 Anna Deavere Smith as Anthea Burton
 Roger Corman as Mr. Laird
 Tracey Walter as Pustakawan
 Julius Erving as dirinya sendiri
 Ed Rendell as dirinya sendiri
 David Drake as Bruno
 Buzz Kilman as Crutches

Judul Philadelphia 1993

Sutradara Jonathan Demme

Jonathan Demme
Edward Saxon

Penulis Ron Nyswaner

Tom Hanks
Denzel Washington

Musik Howard Shore

Sinematografi Tak Fujimoto

Penyunting Craig McKay

Clinica Estetico-Jeremy Foden

Distributor TriStar Pictures

Tanggal rilis 22 Desember 1993[1][2]

Durasi 126 menit

Negara Amerika Serikat

Bahasa Inggris

Anggaran $ 26 juta

Pendapatan kotor $ 206,7 jut




2.1.1 Definition HIV/AIDS

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that damages the body's

immune system, by infecting and destroying CD4 cells. The more CD4 cells are
destroyed, the more immune the body will become weaker, so it will be
vulnerable to various diseases.

HIV infection that is not immediately treated will develop into a serious
condition called AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS is the
final stage of infection with the HIV virus. At this stage, the body's ability to fight
infection has completely disappeared.

Until now there is no cure for HIV and AIDS. However, there are drugs
to slow the progression of the disease, and can increase the life expectancy of

HIV type

The HIV virus is divided into 2 main types, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2.
Each type is divided into several subtypes. In many cases, HIV infection is caused
by HIV-1, 90% of which are HIV-1 subtype M. While HIV-2 is known to affect
only a small percentage of individuals, especially in West Africa.

HIV infection can be caused by more than 1 virus subtype, especially if

someone is infected with more than 1 person. This condition is called
superinfection. Although this condition only occurs in less than 4% of people with
HIV, the risk of superinfection is quite high in the first 3 years after infection.

AIDS yang disebabkan oleh HIV. HIV ditularkan melalui kontak dengan darah
yang terinfeksi, air mani, dan cairan vagina dari orang yang terinfeksi. Sebagai

1. Ketika Anda kontak dengan vagina, anal, atau orang lisan yang memiliki
HIV tanpa kondom. HIV paling sering menular secara seksual. Hal ini
karena cairan bercampur dan virus dapat ditularkan, terutama di mana
ada udara di jaringan vagina atau dubur, luka, atau infeksi menular
seksual lainnya (IMS). Wanita remaja sangat rentan terhadap infeksi HIV
karena selaput vagina mereka lebih mudah dan lebih rentan terhadap
infeksi dibandingkan wanita dewasa.
2. Dengan berbagi cairan dan peralatan obat yang terkontaminasi dengan
3. Dengan menggunakan peralatan tato dan body piercing (termasuk tinta)
yang tidak disterilkan atau benar-benar dibersihkan dan terinfeksi HIV.
4. Dari seorang ibu dengan HIV untuk bayinya (sebelum atau selama
kelahiran) dan dengan menyusui.
5. Dengan memiliki infeksi menular sexy (IMS) lainnya seperti klamidia
atau gonore. IMS dapat meletika Anda secara otomatis dan virus Anda.
6. Kontak dengan darah, air mani, atau cairan vagina yang memiliki infeksi
HIV pada luka atau luka terbuka

You cannot transmit HIV through daily contacts such as:

1. Touch
2. Shake hands
3. Cuddle or kiss
4. Coughing and sneezing
5. Giving blood
6. Use the swimming pool or toilet seat
7. Sharing bed linen
8. Tableware or food
9. Animals, mosquitoes or other insects.

In addition to eating a diet that balances carbohydrates, fat, protein,

vitamins, minerals, and also enough water,
here are some ingredients that are very beneficial for PLWHA:


2.1.2 Synopsis

No one would take on his case…until one man was willing to take on the
system. The film is known for becoming one of the most recognized LGBTQ
films in the annals of cinema as it became one of the first mainstream Hollywood
films to acknowledge HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and homophobia. The film
signaled a shift in Hollywood films toward more realistic depictions of gays and
lesbians. The film was inspired in part of the events and lives of attorneys
Geoffrey Bowers and Clarence B. Cain, its reception was overall admirable
though it might indulge in some clichés but its stellar cast, sensitive direction and
meaningful message are more than enough to compensate.

Here’s what some of the critical receptions have been for the film over the years:

Roger Ebert from Chicago Sun-Times says: “‘Philadelphia’ breaks no new

dramatic ground … And yet ‘Philadelphia’ is quite a good film, on its own terms.”

David Ansen from Newsweek says: “‘Philadelphia’ may not be the film Demme’s
fans expect — its emotionalism is unfiltered by cool. But it has the power to open
more than a few blinkered hearts.”

Todd McCarthy from Variety says: “[An] extremely well-made message picture
about tolerance, justice and discrimination is pitched at mainstream audiences,
befitting its position as the first major Hollywood film to directly tackle the

Rita Kempley from Washington Post says: “It’s less like a film by Demme than
the best of Frank Capra. It is not just canny, corny and blatantly patriotic, but
compassionate, compelling and emotionally devastating.”

Geoff Andrews from Time Out says: “Safe and apolitical it may be, but
Philadelphia succeeds as a deeply affecting humanist drama.”

As you can tell by the critical reactions, the film received some critiqued in it’s
banal elements but overall it was mostly positively received apart from having
talented actors delivering remarkable performances, this thoughtful human drama
was not the first film to confront the HIV/AIDS crisis, but it was, even in the

conventional skin of the courtroom dramatics, the most heartbreaking and
passionate undertaking of its kind, that makes a pressing and compassionate
message in acknowledging HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and homophobia in
conveying the hornet’s nest of ignorance, prejudice, half-truths and devastating
lies connected with HIV/AIDS. But I’ll let you decide…

So, to get a better look at the film, here’s a link to the movie trailer of Jonathan
Demme’s “Philadelphia”:

Here I have provided 12 interesting and intriguing trivia facts (I wanted to keep it
limited) about “Philadelphia”:

Director Jonathan Demme wanted people not familiar with AIDS to see his
film. He felt Bruce Springsteen would bring an audience that would not ordinarily
see a movie about a gay man dying of AIDS. The movie and the song, “The
Streets of Philadelphia,” did a great deal to increase AIDS awareness and take
some of the stigma off the disease.
The home movies at the end which show Andrew as a child are real life videos
of Tom Hanks in his childhood.
Originally, Jonathan Demme was going to cast a comedic actor in role of Joe
Miller as he felt it would be a good counter balance for Tom Hanks who had
already been cast and to give an audience the “it’s okay” to watch a film about a
gay man dying of AIDS. Demme had considered casting either Bill Murray, or
Robin Williams. But when Denzel Washington showed interest in the part, he
gave the role to him instead, because Demme had wanted to work with
Washington for the past few years.

Tom Hanks had to lose 26 pounds to appear appropriately gaunt for his
courtroom scenes. Denzel Washington, on the other hand, was asked to gain a few
pounds for his role. Washington, to the chagrin of Hanks, who practically starved
himself for the role, would often eat chocolate bars in front of him.
The courtroom scenes were filmed in an actual courtroom that the city let the
filmmakers use. It was not a set.
There was a statistic that there were 53 gay men who appeared in various
scenes in this movie and within the next year, 43 of them had died. On his
“Entertainment Urban Legends Revealed” website, Brian Cronin more or less
confirmed but also corrected this statistic, based, in part, on a New York Times
article and other research. According to Cronin, the film’s producers approached
the “Action AIDS” non-profit organization in Philadelphia, and asked it to help
recruit, as extras, 50 or so gay men whose appearance was indicative of their
having AIDS. Contrary to the statistic, the 40 or so who subsequently died —
 including Ron Vawter, who played main character “Bob Seidman” in the film —
 did not die in the first year after the film was either produced or released; rather,
they died over the next few years thereafter. Freelance writer Clifford Rothman
also wrote about this subject in a 1995 New York Times piece that further
confirmed at least some of this information.

The film’s journey from script to screen was an extraordinarily rocky

one. The script underwent over 25 major revisions, the film’s rights were
embroiled in bankruptcy proceedings, and the subject matter sparked some major
Many gay rights activists and historians have credited this film with
being the first major motion picture to tackle the AIDS epidemic, bringing
awareness to the issue, and working toward lessening the stigma of having AIDS.
Despite the praise, others have been critical that it took Hollywood over a decade
to address the issue.
Based in part on the AIDS discrimination lawsuit by Geoffrey Bowers,
a young lawyer working for a prominent multinational law firm. On December 4,
1986, he was fired by a vote of the directors and departed the firm the following

day. The board originally decided to fire him in July of that year, sidestepping
company policy by not interviewing his supervisors, asking for a list of his clients,
or ascertaining his billable hours. His supervisors protested, which delayed his
firing, but the partners voted again that October, twelve votes to three. The initial
vote in July to fire him took place two months after Bowers received good marks
on a routine performance evaluation. The vote of dismissal took place one month
after the positive evaluation and one month before firing Bowers. As with Hanks’
Andrew Beckett character, Bowers also suffered from the visible lesions caused
by Kaposi’s sarcoma. The case took six years in all.
Jonathan Demme has stated that he was moved to direct the film after a friend of
his, the illustrator Juan Suárez Botas, was diagnosed with AIDS.
Jonathan Demme initially wanted Daniel Day-Lewis to play Andrew Beckett.
He turned it down in favor of “In the Name of the Father” (1993). Michael Keaton
was the second choice to play Andrew Beckett. He turned down the role and made
“My Life” (1993) instead.
Bowers’ family sued the writers and producers. A year after Bowers’ death,
producer Scott Rudin interviewed the Bowers family and their lawyers and,
according to the family, promised compensation for the use of Bowers’ story as a
basis for the film. Family members asserted that 54 scenes in the movie are so
similar to events in Bowers’s life that some of them could only have come from
their interviews. However, the defense said that Rudin abandoned the project after
hiring a writer and did not share any information the family had provided. The
lawsuit was settled after five days of testimony. Although terms of the agreement
were not released, the defendants did admit that the film “was inspired in part” by
Bowers’ story.
To conclude, Jonathan Demme’s “Philadelphia” is a story that’s timely and
powerful, but too often, even at its most assertive, it works in safely predictable
ways. However, in the acknowledgment of HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and
homophobia it mostly succeeds in being forceful, impassioned and moving,
sometimes even rising to the full range of emotion that its subject warrants with
excellent performances from Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington in bringing

awareness to the issues, and working toward lessening the stigma of having
HIV/AIDS in this influential and enriching quintessential LBGTQ film.



A special technique for washing hands with soap in 7 steps

The definition of 7-step hand washing is the procedure for washing

hands using soap to clean the fingers, palms and back of the hands from all dirt,
germs and bad bacteria that cause disease.

The benefits of hand washing are cleaning and killing germs that attach quickly
and effectively because all parts of the hand will be washed using soap

How to Wash Hands 7 Steps Using Good and True Soap:

1. Wet both palms as high as mid-arms using running water, take soap and
wipe and gently rub both palms

2. Wipe and rub both hands back alternately

3. Don't forget your fingers, rub between your

fingers until they are clean

4. Clean the fingertips alternately by closing

5. Rub and turn the thumbs alternately

6. Place the tip of your finger into your

palm then rub it slowly

7. Clean both wrists alternately by rotating, then end by rinsing all parts of
the hand with clean running water then dry using a towel or tissue


8. The use of special hand-washing soap, both rod and liquid is highly
recommended for maximum hand hygiene



3.2.1 Definition

Infusion is the administration of a number of fluids into the body through a

needle into a vein to replace fluids or food substances from the body

Work procedures:

1. Explain the procedure to be carried out

2. Wash hands

3. Connect the liquid and infusion set by inserting it into the rubber part or
accessing the hose to the infusion bottle
4. Fill the liquid into the infusion set by pressing the droplet space until it is
partially filled and open the hose clamp until the liquid fills the hose and the hose
air comes out
5. Place the pangalas under the place (vein) that the infusion will do
6. Do damming with torniker (damming rubber) 10-12 cm above the stabbing site
and advise the patient to hold it in a circular motion (if conscious)
7. Use sterile gloves
8. Disinfect the area to be pierced with alcohol cotton
9. Do a prick in the vein by placing the thumb at the bottom of the vein and the
position of the needle (abocath) pointing up
10. Pay attention to the discharge of blood through a needle (abocath / surflo) then
pull out the inside (needle) while continuing the puncture into the vein
11. After the inner infusion needle has been removed or removed, hold the top of
the vein by pressing using your fingers so that the blood does not come out. Then
the infusion section is connected or connected to the infusion slang
12. Open the drip regulator and adjust the speed according to the dose given
13. Perform fixation with sterile gauze
14. Write down the date and time of the infusion and note the size of the needle
15. Remove gloves and wash hands



Giving oxygen to the lungs through the respiratory tract using aids and oxygen.
Giving oxygen to the client can be through nasal cannula and oxygen mask.

General purpose

1. Increase chest expansion

2. Improve client oxygenation status and meet oxygen deficiency
3. Helps smooth metabolism
4. Prevent hypoxia
5. Reducing heart work
6. Reducing lung work in clients with dyspnea
7. Increase the feeling of comfort and efficiency of breathing frequency in
lung diseases
Things that need to be considered

1. Pay attention to the amount of sterile water in the humidifier, not

excessive or less than the limit. This is important to prevent dryness of
the mucous membranes and help to thin the secretions in the client's
respiratory tract

2. In some cases such as premature babies, clients with acute illness, clients
with unstable conditions or postoperative clients, nurses must observe
more frequently the client's response during oxygen therapy.

3. In some clients, the installation of masks will provide discomfort because
they feel "lost". This feeling can be minimized if the nurse can convince
the client of the importance of using the mask.

4. For clients with febrile and diaphoresis problems, the nurse needs to do
extra skin and mouth care because the installation of the mask can cause
dryness around the area.

5. If there are abrasions on the client's ear due to the installation of cannula
and mask nasal cords. So the nurse can put a 4x4cm gauze in the area
where the emphasis is.

6. It would be better if the nurse provided suction equipment beside the

client with oxygen therapy

7. For clients of the age of children, let children play first with an example
of a mask.

8. If oxygen therapy is not used anymore, position the flow meter in the
OFF position

9. Put a sign: "no smoking: no oxygen consumption" on the client's door, on

the foot or head of the bed, and near the oxygen tube. Instruct clients and
visitors about the dangers of smoking in the oxygen installation area
which can cause fires.


1. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) such as zidovudine

(Retrovir), abacavir (Ziagen), and emtricitabine (Emtriva), which blocks
one of the enzymes that HIV needs to replicate inside the cell.

2. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) such as

efavirenz (Sustiva), etravirine (Intelence), and nevirapine (Viramune),
which target the same enzymes as NRTIs, but with different chemical

3. Protease inhibitors (PIs) such as atazanavir (Reyataz), ritonavir (Norvir),

and tipranavir (Aptivus), which stop the production of one component of HIV.

4. Entry inhibitors, which block the entry of HIV into CD4 cells. This type of
drug includes 2 small divisions: the first is CCR5 antagonists (also called
entry inhibitors), such as maraviroc (Selzentry) which blocks CCR5, a protein
receptor on the surface of CD4 cells (immune system cells) that are bound by
viruses to get into cell. The second is fusion inhibitors, such as enfuvirtide
(Fuzeon) which also blocks the ability of HIV to enter CD4 cells.



Comparative treatment in Philadelphia films with Indonesia has many

differences in nursing actions. the difference consists of the infusion procedure
not explained correctly, the infusion is also not explained or not explained the
explanation of the action, and also does not explain the action of installing oxygen
masks clearly or correctly. the nursing process in this film from the beginning to
the end of the process does not explain the various actions above. whereas in
Indonesian films many explain the actions of nursing that are carried out correctly
and correctly.

action steps for HIV sufferers, by explaining the health care measures
correctly it will make understanding easier. But there is no continual in the film
that suddenly comes suddenly with HIV.




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