A ON Industrial Training IN: Bachelor of Technology

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Electronics & Communication Engineering

Submitted By



I hereby declare that all the work presented in this report in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Electronics & Communication Engineering at G.L. BAJAJ
record of the work done during the Industrial Internship carried out in East
central Railway, Hajipur.



I am very much grateful to the authority of the organization for taking

initiative for the industrial training to upgrade my knowledge by placing me
at Northern Railway. I owe many thanks to several people who helped and
supported me during this training.

I wish to express my gratitude to the officials and other members of East

Central Railway who rendered their help during the period of my training.

I express my sincere thanks to Senior Section Engineer, who through her

expert guidance helped me throughout the course of this training. If it was
not his motivation and encouragement, I would not have seen through this
training course in an honest course to the splendor of success.

(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
G.L BAJAJ Institute of Technology & Management
This report takes a pedagogical stance in demonstrating how results from
theoretical computer science may be applied to yield significant insight into
the behavior of the devices computer systems engineering practice seeks to
put in place, and that this is immediately attainable with the present state of
the art. The focus for this detailed study is provided by the type of solid state
signaling and various communication systems currently being deployed
throughout mainline railways. Safety and system reliability concerns
dominate in this domain. With such motivation, two issues are tackled, the
special problem of software quality assurance in these data driven control
systems, and the broader problem of design dependability. In the former
case, the analysis is directed towards proving safety properties of the
geographic data which encode the control logic for the railway interlocking;
the latter examines the fidelity of the communication protocols upon which
the distributed control system depends.


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Organization Overview
1.3 Nine undertakings of Indian Railway
1.4 Railway Budget
1.5 Passenger Traffic
1.6 Freight Traffic
1.7 Facilities for Passengers
2.1 Optical Fiber
2.2 Mode of Optical Fiber
2.3 Operational Parameters
2.4 Design of Fiber
2.5 Optical Fiber Sizes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Railnet General Arrangement
3.4 The Railnet Work
3.5 Network Topology
CHAPTER 4 : PRS & UTS Network
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Setup at PRS/Delhi
4.3 Benefits of PRS
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Power Supply Unit Card
6.1 Basic Principles
6.2 Division of Basic Signalling
6.3 Types of Basic Signalling
6.4 Interlocking System
6.5 Types of Interlocking
1.1 Introduction:

Indian Railway is the state-owned railway company of India, which owns and
operates most of the country's rail transport. It is overseen by the Ministry of
Railways of the Government of India.
Indian Railways has one of the largest and busiest rail networks in the world,
transporting over 18 million passengers and more than 2 million tons of freight
daily. It is the world's largest commercial or utility employer, with more than 1.4
million employees. The railways traverse the length and breadth of the country,
covering 6,909 stations over a total route length of more than 63,327 kilometers
(39,350 mi). As to rolling stock, IR owns over 200,000 (freight) wagons, 50,000
coaches and 8,000 locomotives.
By 1947, the year of India's independence, there were forty-two rail systems. In
1951 the systems were nationalized as one unit, becoming one of the largest
networks in the world. IR operates both long distance and suburban rail systems
on a multi-gauge network of broad, metre and narrow gauges. It also owns
locomotive and coach production facilities.1.1 About Indian Railways Indian
Railways, a historical legacy, are a vital force in our economy. The first railway
on Indian sub-continent ran from Bombay to Thane on 16th April 1853. Fourteen
railway carriages carried about 400 guests from Bombay to Thane covering a
distance of 21 miles (34 Kilometers).
Since then there has been no looking back. Today, it covers 6,909 stations over a
total route length of more than 63,028 kilometers. The track kilometers in broad
gauge (1676 mm) are 86, 526 kms, meter gauge (1000 mm) are 18, 529 kms and
narrow gauge (762/610 mm) are 3,651kms. Of the total route of 63,028 kms,
16,001 kms are electrified. The railways have 8000 locomotives, 50,000
coaching vehicles, 222,147 freight wagons, 6853 stations, 300 yards, 2300
goodsheds, 700 repair shops, and 1.54 million work force. Indian Railways runs
around 11,000 trains every day, of which 7,000 are passenger trains. Presently, 9
pairs of Rajdhani and 13 pairs of Shatabdi Express Trains run on the rail tracks of
India. It is interesting to note that though the railways were introduced to
facilitate the commercial interest of the British, it played an important role in
unifying the country. Railways are ideally suited for long distance travel and
movement of bulk commodities. Regarded better than road transport in terms of
energy efficiency, land use, environment impact and safety it is always in
forefront during national emergency. Indian railways, the largest rail network in
Asia and the world's second largest under one management are also credited with
having a multi gauge and multi traction system. The Indian Railways have been a
great integrating force for more than 150 years. It has helped the economic life of
the country and helped in accelerating the development of industry and
agriculture. Indian Railways is known to be the largest railway network in Asia.
The Indian Railways network binds the social, cultural and economic fabric of
the country and covers the whole of country ranging from north to south and east
to west removing the distance barrier for its people. The railway network of India
has brought together the whole of country hence creating a feeling of unity
among Indians.
1.2 Organization Overview:
The Ministry of Railways under Government of India controls Indian Railways.
The Ministry is headed by Union Minister who is generally supported by a
Minster of State. The Railway Board consisting of six members and a chairman
reports to this top hierarchy. The railway zones are headed by their respective
General Managers who in turn report to the Railway Board. For administrative
convenience Indian Railways is primarily divided into 16 zones:
Central Railway Mumbai CST
Eastern Railway Kolkata
Northern Railway New Delhi
North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur
North East Frontier Railway Maligaon, Guwahati
Southern Railway Chennai
South Central Railway Secunderabad
Western Railway Church Gate, Mumbai
South East Central Railway Bilaspur
East Coast Railway Bhubneshwar
North Central Railway Allahabad
North Western Railway Jaipur
South Western Railway Hubli
West Central Railway Jabalpur
East Central Railway Hajipur
South Eastern Railway Kolkata

1.3 The Ministry of Railways has following Nine undertakings:

1. Rail India Technical & Economic Services Limited (RITES)
2. Indian Railway Construction (IRCON) International Limited3. Indian Railway
Finance Corporation Limited (IRFC)
4. Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR)
5. Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL)
6. Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd (IRCTC)
7. Railtel Corporation of India Ltd. (Rail Tel)
8. Mumbai Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (MRVNL)
9. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL)
Indian Railways have their research and development wing in the form of
Research, Designs and Standard Organization (RDSO). RDSO functions as the
technical advisor and consultant to the Ministry, Zonal Railways and Production
1.4 Railway Budget:
Since 1924-25, railway finances have been separated from General Revenue.
Indian railways have their own funds in the form of Railway Budget presented to
the Parliament annually. This budget is presented to the Parliament by the Union
Railway Minster two days prior to the General Budget, usually around 26th
February. It has to be passed by a simple majority in the Lok Sabha before it gets
final acceptance. Indian Railways are subject to the same audit control as other
government revenues and expenditure.
1.5 Passenger Traffic:
The passenger traffic has risen from leaps and bounds from 1284 million in
1950-51 to 5112 million in 2002-2003.

1.6 Freight Traffic:

The revenue fright traffic has also grown immensely from 73.2 million tons in
1950-51 to 557.39 million tones. Indian railways carry huge variety of goods
such as mineral ores, fertilizers, petrochemicals, agricultural produce and others.
It has been made possible withmeasures such as line capacity augmentation on
certain critical sectors and modernization of signaling system and increase in
roller bearing equipped wagons. Indian Railways make huge revenue and most of
its profits are from the freight sector and uses these profits to augment the
loss-making passenger sector.
Here, it is important to note that computerization of freight operations --- Freight
Operations Information System (FOIS) has been achieved with the
implementation of Rake Management System.
1.7 Facilities for Passengers:
Computer based unreserved ticketing takes care of the large chunk of unreserved
segment of passengers. This facility allows issuance of unreserved tickets from
locations other than boarding station.
1.8 Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC):

IRCTC has launched on line ticketing facility with the aid of Center for Railway
Information System, which can be booked on www.irctc.co.in. For the
convenience of customers queries related to accommodation availability,
passenger status, train schedule etc are can all be addressed online. Computerized
reservation facilities have made the life easy of commuters across India.
National Train Enquiry system is another initiative of Indian Railways which
offers train running position on a current basis through various output devices
such as terminals in the station enquiries and Interactive Voice Response Systems
(IVRS) at important railway stations.
Indian Railways are committed to provide improved telecommunication system
to its passengers. For this Optical Fibre Communication (OFC) system has been
embraced, which involves laying optical fibre cable along the railway tracks. In
recent years Indian Railways have witnessed the marked rise of collaboration
between private and public sectors. Few of the notable examples here are the
broad gauge connectivity to Pipya Port where a joint venture company is formed
with Pipava Port authority. Similarly Memorandums of Understanding hasbeen
signed between Railways and State governments of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Jharkhand.
2.1 Optical Fiber:
An optical fiber is a cylindrical dielectric waveguide made of low-loss materials
such as silica glass. It has a central core in which the light is guided, embedded in
an outer cladding of slightly lower refractive index. Light rays incident on the
core-cladding boundary at angles greater than the critical angle undergo total
internal reflection and are guided through the core without refraction. Rays of
greater inclination to the fiber axis lose part of their power into the cladding at
each reflection and are not guided. As a result of recent technological advances in
fabrication, light can be guided through 1 km of glass fiber with a loss as low as
= 0.16 dB (= 3.6 %). Optical fibers are replacing copper coaxial cables as the
preferred waves, transmission thereby communications.

2.2 Single-mode and multimode optical fibres:

• Multimode is 50/125 or 62.5/125
• 50 micron is the CORE
• 125 micron is the Cladding 
• Single mode is 8‐10/125
• 125 micron is the Cladding
• 8‐10 micron is the CORE
Multimode fiber was the first type of fiber to be commercialized. It has a much
larger core than single-mode fiber, allowing hundreds of modes of light to
propagate through the fiber simultaneously. Additionally, the larger core diameter
of multimode fiber facilitates the use of lower-cost optical transmitters (such as
light emitting diodes [LEDs] or vertical cavity surface emitting lasers [VCSELs])
and connectors. Single-mode fiber, on the other hand, has a much smaller core
that allows only one mode of light at a time to propagate through the core. While
it might appear that multimode fibers have higher capacity, in fact the opposite is
true. Singlemode fibers are designed to maintain spatial and spectral integrity of
each optical signal over longer distances, allowing more information to be
transmitted. Its tremendous information-carrying capacity and low intrinsic loss
have made single-mode fiber the ideal transmission medium for a multitude of
applications. Single-mode fiber is typically used for longer-distance and higher-
bandwidth applications .

Multimode fiber is used primarily in systems with short transmission distances

(under 2 km), such as premises communications, private data networks, and
parallel optic applications.
2.3 Operational Parameters:
• 1 st Window – 850 nm allows cheap LED‘s to operate over reasonable
distances (km) 
• 2 nd Window – 1300nm more expensive LED‘s and Lasers operate over
longer distances
(10‘s of Km). Fiber attenuation at this level is less than at 850nm 
• 3 rd Window – 1550nm employs expensive sophisticated laser /detected
systems. Long
distance without repeaters (100‘s of Km) Multimode optical fibers are dielectric
waveguides which can have many propagation modes.

2.4 The Design of Fiber Core and Cladding:

An optical fiber consists of two different types of highly pure, solid glass,
composed to form the core and cladding. A protective acrylate coating then
surrounds the cladding. In most cases, the protective coating is a dual layer
composition.A protective coating is applied to the glass fiber as the final step in
the manufacturing process. This coating protects the glass from dust and
scratches that can affect fiber strength. This protective coating can be comprised
of two layers: a soft inner layer that cushions the fiber and allows the coating to
be stripped from the glass mechanically and a harder outer layer that protects the
fiber during handling, particularly the cabling, installation, and termination
2.5 Optical Fiber Sizes:
The international standard for outer cladding diameter of most single-mode
optical fibers is 125 microns (μm) for the glass and 245 μm for the coating. This
standard is important because it ensures compatibility among connectors, splices,
and tools used throughout the industry. Standard single-mode fibers are
manufactured with a small core size, approximately 8 to 10 μm in diameter.
Multimode fibers have core sizes of 50 to 62.5 μm in diameter.
3. Railnet – An Overview
3.1 Introduction:
Railnet is the name of the Corporate Wide Information System (CWIS) of Indian
Railways. It is aimed to provide computer connectivity between Railway Board,
Zonal Railways, Production units, RDSO, Centralized Training Institutes, CORE,
MTP/Kolkata etc.
3.2 Objectives:
Railnet has been established with these objectives in mind:
● Eliminate the need to move paper documents between different documents and
● Change from “Periodic Reporting” to “Information on Demand.”
Railnet will expedite and facilitate quick and efficient automatic status update
between Railway Board and Zonal Railway, as well as between divisions and
Zonal Railway. Internet gateways have been established at Delhi, Mumbai,
Chennai, Kolkatta and Secunderabad for access of Internet through Railnet.
3.3 Railnet General Arrangement:
The general arrangement of the equipment’s used in Railnet is shown in the
diagram above. The WAN link (or the Railnet link) terminates at the router. The
router in turn is connected to the switch. All the computers including the server is
connected to the switch. Additional hubs/switches may be connected to this
switch so as to extend the Railnet LAN further.
Railnet users can exchange emails on the Internet. Commercial Dept. is
extensively using Railnet for their “Complaint Center.” Railways have launched
their web pages and they keep up to date information in these web pages. A
Railnet authorized user can browse the Internet through Railnet. A Railnet user
can share resources with a co-user on Railnet.
3.4 The Railnet Work:
The Railnet Work was proposed to be completed in three phases. Phase I is
planned to connect all the zonal Railway and production units with Railway
Board. Phase II consists of connecting the divisions to the zonal Railways as well
as connection the following to th e Railway board.
● Major Training centers
Phase III will connect the divisions with the important places like important
stations, stores depot etc.
Phase I of Railnet was commissioned by IRCOT1 through a contract agreement
with Tata Infotech. IRCOT had done the following:
1 .Procurement, Installation and commissioning of Server, Router, switches,
modems etc.
2. Testing and commissioning of Data Links.
3. Loading and configuration of system software.
4. Training of Railway personnel.The maintenance of Railnet infrastructure and
the web pages is done by the concerned Railways.
IRCOT has arranged proper training for officers as well as supervisors so that the
maintenance becomes easy.
3.5 Network Topology:
The network in which the terminals are interconnected with each other for inter
communication withinand outside the network is called as Topology.
Basically the Topology is categorized in following four types of designs.
• Mesh Topology
• Star Topology
• Bus Topology
• Ring Topology
(a) Mesh topology-
In mesh topology every device has a dedicated point to point to every other
device. Every device must have (n-1) I/O ports. All WAN is mesh topology.
Advantages are:-
• It is robust.
• Each link can carry its own data load. 
• It has privacy or secrecy. 
• Fault identification is easy 
Mesh disadvantages are larger number of cables & I/O ports are required for each
device. Also the bulk of the wires can be greater than the available space.
(b) Star topology-
In star topology each device has a dedicated point to point link only to central
controller called as HUB as shown. If one device wants to send data to another
device, it sends through the HUB.

Advantages are:-
• It is easy to install and reconfigure.
• Each device needs only one link. Hence it is less expensive.
• If a link fails, only that link has to be attended. All other links remain
• It is easy to identify fault.
• It is also robust.
(c) Bus topology:-
A BUS topology is multipoint. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all
devices in a network. The advantage is the installation is easy.

Bus topology disadvantages are:-

• Difficult in fault isolation and reconnection. 
• Difficult to add device to an exsisting system. 
• A fault or break in bus cable stops all
transmission. 
(d) Ring topology-
In a ring topology, each has a dedicated point to point connection only with two
devices on either side of it. A data is passed along the ring in one direction, from
device to device until it reaches its destination. Each device in a ring incorporates
a repeater.
The advantages are:-
• It is easy to install & configure.
• The disadvantages are unidirectional traffic and a break in the ring can
disable entire network.
• To add or delete a device requires only changing two connections.
4 PRS & UTS Network
With the implementation of computerized passenger reservation system on
Northern Railway in year 1985-86 at New Delhi, a modest beginning was made
which has completely revolutionized the process of passenger reservation service
on Indian Railways. To begin with the computerized reservation at Delhi was
implemented on small VAX-750 computer with just 30 terminals. Today it is a
matter of great pride and satisfaction that highly complex but successful network
of computerized reservation is available at more than 20 major towns including 4
metros of India, covering almost 25% of the reservation facility available on IR.
PRS is equipped with latest state of art technology both in the field of computer
and data communication systems.
As a matter of policy and due to technical reasons, it was decided to have PRS
computers only at Delhi, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta and Secunderabad which
cover bulk of reservation volume and to have remote terminals at other major
cities connected to host PRS computers through data links.
Today all PRS hosts are CRIS to network all the computers to provide an
integrated reservation system on IR.
Unreservation Ticketing System (UTS) is like as PRS but it has an external
devise which store ticketing information and upload on server.
Use of satellite data links- The Remote Area Business Messaging Network
(RABMN) of Dot commissioned recently may be tried for linking remote
stations where normal BSNL links may not be available or are unreliable. (E.g.
North frontier areas from Calcutta PRS) Direct terminals or teleprinter interfaces
might be used sharing one VSAT link working at 1200 bps, provided the rental
and other maintenance costs do not become prohibitive.
Use of Radio Frequency modems- Trials have been conducted using Radio
frequency modems interfaced to VHF half duplex sets and connecting PRS
terminals through this data link. 1200 and 2400 bps speeds have been found to be
quite successful on WEBEL make VHF sets. Extension of 1 or 2 terminals at a
radius of 8 to 10 Kms with a reasonable line of sight will be possible at a cheap
cost through these modems.
4.3 Benefits of PRS:
(a) To the Passengers-
Transparency Universal counters for booking Instant update of status
Instantaneous enquiry Reduced waiting time Reservation available at a number
of locations in the country Customer satisfaction.
(b) To the Railways-
Increased efficiency Optimal utilization of berths Real time availability of
Accounting Reports Planning through MIS reports Analysis of traffic pattern for
better overall planning Reduction in Revenue losses
Saving on Manpower Eliminate possibilities of fraud4.5Technology used:
Hardware DS20 Alpha machines under Tru 64 Unix 4.0
5.1 Introduction:
C-DOT 128P RAX is a Telephone exchange designed to meet the
telecommunication needs of small sized rural areas. These exchanges are also
suitable for Indian Railway applications where the telephone line capacity is less
than 100. Provision is made in the design to expand the line capacity up to 400
subscribers roughly. C-DOT (Centre for Development of Telematics) is a Central
government organization of India set up to develop the necessary equipment’s
(infrastructure) suitable for Indian climate and environmental conditions. The
system is designed to offer uninterrupted services by using duplicating methods
for control and power supply circuits. Tone generator circuit is also duplicated.
5.2 Power Supply Unit card:
The input voltage is –48+/-4V. The RAX system requires various internal
working voltage sources.
PSU card provides the following output voltages for internal working.
1) +5V-8A – For microprocessor and other digital components.
2) –9V-0.5A – Codec
3) +12V-1A – Relays
4) –5V-0.1A – For other digital components.
5) –48V – For speech4.3 RAX Control processor (RCP):
This card uses 65C02 Micro Processor and has 12K RAM, 48K EPROM & 16K
memories. This contains the information pertaining to peripheral cards, metering
and other administrative functions to be performed. Maintenance panel is
connected directly to RCP by which any changes in the data of the exchange can
be made (adding, deleting, modifying of subscriber or trunks etc.).
The main functions RCP are Call processing, Administration and Maintenance.
a. Processor and Memory.
b. Clock Generation.
c. Address Decoder and Read/Write Generator.
d. Asynchronous Communication and Timer.
e. Error Monitor.
f. EEPROM and Real Time Clock.
g. High Level Data Link Control.4.4 Switching Network (TIC):
The Exchange flow diagram is shown below.
The TIC/SN is essentially a generic card. It switches voice between the 128
ports, controls signalling, support diagnostics and duplication under the
intelligence of RCP. It can be understood this way also. The signalling of the
termination cards is handled by the signal processor (SP) and voice by the
Switching Network (SN). Both SP and SN are under the control of Terminal
Interface Controller (TIC) which works under instruction from RCP.
1) TIC/SN Switches the PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) digital voice
information. This is
to enable the subscribers to converse with each other and to be fed with different
tones at different stages of the call.
2) TIC (Terminal Interface Controller) derives the identities of the calling and
called terminals and establishes a path through SN (Switching Network) between
these terminals. TIC communicates with RCP on HDLC (High Level Data Link
Control) for call related information.
3) Using SPC (Signal Processor Card) it receives status indication for all the 128
port (terminals) i.e. scan signalling information. This information is passed on to
RCP. Also it gets the message from RCP to drive events on terminals and passes
the Drive signalling information to signal processor. Note: (HDLC) is to ensure
that data is transferred quickly and correctly.
4) It keeps on doing periodic diagnostic on the terminal cards including itself and
informing RCP through HDLC messages.
6.1 Basic Principles :
The long braking distances required by trains present a problem for the driver of
a manually controlled train. He is unlikely to be able to see an obstruction or
diversion requiring him to reduce the train speed or to stop.
Traditionally, signals are provided at fixed lineside locations to indicate to the
driver of an approaching train how he should proceed or possibly the limit of his
movement authority (LMA).
To achieve this, the line is divided into sections, often called blocks, and a signal
is placed at the entrance to each block to act as a sort of gate keeper.
6.2 Division of Basic Signalling:

6.3 Types of Basic Signalling:

There are 4 types of Aspects signalling.
The Train is controlled according to the below aspects indicated.
The red is placed at Driver's eye level, the yellow above it, the green next above
it and the second yellow light above the green light. The two yellows are
separated by the green to provide a distinctive "Attention" aspect and the double
yellow is chosen as the aspect less restrictive than the single yellow, so that
should any one of the two yellow lamps be fused, a more restrictive aspect will
This is how signaling will be interlocked based the front signal indications.
In accordance with the essentials, all running signals protecting the entry of trains
into automatic blocks should be replaced to `ON' automatically. Such signals
must not display `yellow' aspect unless the block and overlap in advance are
clear, and double yellow (or green), unless two blocks in advance and overlap are
clear as proved by track circuits. Signals so controlled by track circuit or axle
counter are known as Automatic Signals.
6.4 Interlocking System:
Interlocking is a data-driven signal control system designed for use throughout
the British railway system. Interlocking is a replacement for electromechanical
interlockings---which are based on highly reliable relay technology---and has
been designed with a view to modularity, improved flexibility in serving the
needs of a diversity of rail traffic, and greater economy. The hugely complex
relay circuitry found in many modern signalling installations is expensive to
install, difficult to modify, and requires extensive housing---but the same
functionality can be achieved with a relatively small number of interconnected
solid state elements as long as they are individually sufficiently reliable.
SSI has been designed to be compatible with current signalling practice and
principles of interlocking design, and to maintain the operator's perception of the
behavior and appearance of the control system.
6.5 Types of Interlocking:
• Panel Interlocking (PI):
Panel Interlocking (PI) is the system used in most medium-sized stations on IR.
In this, the points and signals are worked by individual switches that control
PI equipment is from Siemens and some British manufacturers. In recent years
interlocking accomplished by modern integrated electronic circuitry instead of
electromechanical relay systtems has come into use (Solid State Interlocking
• Route Relay Interlocking (RRI):
Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) is the system used in large and busy stations that
have to handle high volumes of train movements. In this, an entire route through
the station can be selected and all the associated points and signals along the
route can be set at once by a switch for receiving, holding, blocking, or
dispatching trains.
The biggest differnce it has made is our dependance on RRI
Fire that broke out at the Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) at the Itarsi railway
junction in Madhya Pradesh on June 17, has affected the services of around 200
trains daily.
• Electronic Interlocking:
Electronic Interlocking (EI) system is a microprocessor based interlocking
equipment to read the yard and panel inputs; process them in a fail-safe manner
as per selection table and generate required output. This system is the alternative
to the conventional Relay Interlocking system (PI & RRI). On Indian Railways
the Electronic Interlocking system shall comply with the RDSO.
Advantages of EI are:-

1. No relays are required for interlocking function. Only interface relays are
2. Space requirement is reduced substantially.
3. Reduction in power consumption.
4. Reduction in wiring, interconnections and no. of fuses .
5. More reliability and safety due to less relays and accessories.
6. Suitable for AC electrified area.
7. No air –conditioning is required.
Indian Railways,as an organization is a very vast center of Telecommunication in
itself. Today the telecommunicating world is getting its roots, grabbing the new
era more firmly. We think that our training was an success and we think that
Indian Railways was an excellent training institute for inquisitive emerging
engineers. In Indian Railways, training is given to engineering aspirant desiring
to secure future in the dynamic world of Telecommunication. The main
achievements of the training at Indian Railways are that we got familiar with the
latest technologies and principles of networking. The main achievement could be
said to get knowledge about recent technologies of LAN.
We got experience as to how to organize the things. After the completion of the
training we consider ourselves capable of facing any other challenge of that type.
The training at Indian Railways cultivated the zeal of inquisitiveness and the
excitement to know more than more about this field in limited duration.

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