Chatterbox: What's On

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Support and Advice Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm No 164 August 2007 Ask for David McLaren or
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Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

Editorial & copy for Chatterbox

What’s On THE SKY AT Let us have your stories, notices,
information, events and other items
NIGHT OVER of interest — either hand-deliver
• August/September LOCHWINNOCH them to the Chatterbox drop-box in
the Library or e-mail to:
See back page for a wide range of
outdoor activities, news and
events at RSPB and the Castle There’s more going on out
Semple and Muirshiel Centres. there than global warming! To advertise in Chatterbox
Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail:
As the nights lengthen, there
• Friday 10th August at 5pm
will be just enough darkness
- deadline for RSPB Photo
to see the Perseid meteor
Competition. quickly and you may be lucky
shower. The shower peaks
• Advice Works - every enough to see them pass be-
around 12/13 t h August
Tuesday from 10am—12.30 in hind the planet. Not got a
[Monday] and is active be-
Lochwinnoch Library. * telescope? Try your camcor-
tween 23rd July and 20th Au-
• Saturday 11th August - gust. If you’re up and about der!
Ladies Golf ‘Come and Try’ between midnight Sunday
Day at Lochwinnoch Golf Mars - The orbits of Earth
and 2am Monday, look south-
Club. * east, just above the Braes, for and Mars are bringing the
• Monday 13th August - the red planet Mars. The me- planets closer and Mars will
Friday 17th August - teors appear to radiate from appear to double in size be-
Circus Summer Club at the constellation Perseus tween now and the end of
Lochwinnoch Parish Church. * which is well above and to the 2007.
• Tuesday 14th August at left of Mars. The global hourly
2.30pm - Toddlers Story- rate may be as high as 80. The Sun continues to become
time in the Library. * Perseids can be very bright more active and some predic-
• Saturday 18th August - and often produce fireballs. tions give 2010 as the next
Councillor Arthur’s Surgery, solar maximum during which,
McKillop Hall from 11.30am. * Jupiter [Zeus- King of the displays of the Northern
• Saturday 25th August - Gods] -is visible in the south, Lights [Aurora Borealis] will
LCBG Fund-raising ceilidh over Beith after 10pm. It stays increase.
in McKillop Hall. * fairly low setting in the west.
• Sunday 26th & Monday With a telescope you may see Website links to the above will
Io, Ganymede, Europa and be posted on Lochwinnoch
27th August - another op-
Callisto, 4 of Jupiter’s 60+ Village Website Forum -
portunity to see GBH in the
moons. They change position
Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh. *
• Thursday 30th August -
Lochwinnoch Elderly
Forum in the McKillop
Institute at 1pm. *
from 7.30pm - Steadfast Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
Silver Band and Gleniffer Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
Singers - the Parish Church.* Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering
Tel No 01505 843400
* for more details
see inside this issue of FMB Certificate No 26366
As residents of Lochwinnoch
we are extremely lucky to live
in an area of outstanding
beauty, and to have such won-
derful facilities close by. I refer
of course to the Clyde Muir-
shiel Regional Park with all its
open space and activities, and
Although the vote only represented the RSPB Reserve.
41% of the electorate the majority
LCBG Yes vote far exceeded that required We are also fortunate to have
a very active Community
by the Scottish Executive. In fact
The Struthers Project 90% of those who voted, voted in Council whose job it is to rep-
favour. LCBG have since submitted resent the views of the resi-
these results to the Scottish Execu-
tive who now have 21 days to decide
dents on all matters which af-
whether Lochwinnoch can proceed fect life in the village. One has
with the purchase of the factory. only to look at the agenda for
The Big Vote our monthly meetings to real-
LCBG would like to thank ise the variety of subjects
Douglas Alexander, Davie Ar-
thur, Neil Bibby and Trish God- which we regularly cover;
It was impossible to pass through man for their support. The Community Partnership, Polic-
The Cross on Friday and Saturday group would like to thank Les- ing, Planning, Roads and
the 27th and 28th of July without be- ley Scott and Craig Chisholm
ing asked “Have you voted yet?” as Pathways, SRANI(South Ren-
for organising the ballot and
LCBG made one final push after a proxy votes at very short notice.
frewshire Access Network),
month of publicity events, leafleting, Thank you also to Alan Morris, LCBG(The Buyout Group),
newspaper articles, national televi- Alex Hewitson and our ballot Windfarm matters and others
sion and door to door canvassing. assistants and thank you to all that are relevant at the time.
the residents of Lochwinnoch Many of course are reported in
The aim of the ballot was to ask a for telling us your thoughts,
minimum 50% of the electorate if allowing us to talk to you and of
Chatterbox which is produced
they would like Lochwinnoch to buy course for the incredible for the Community Council.
the Struthers Lemonade Factory. support you have displayed.
LCBG cannot progress with the right However following earlier res-
to buy if less than 26% of the elector- The ballot organiser and returning ignations and Davie Arthur's
ate votes yes. officer, Lesley Scott, also wants to recent election to Ren-
thank all the volunteers who helped frewshire Council there are
The result, as announced on Monday contribute to all the activities leading
30th July by Returning Officer up to and during the ballot. What a vacancies for community spir-
Lesley Scott, is: huge amount of work! ited persons to come and join
• The number of persons eligible us. We meet on the first Tues-
to vote in the ballot is: 2646 The group still has many hurdles to
• The number of eligible persons
day of each month in the Guild
cross and we still want to hear from
who voted is: 1088 you. Post your questions and sugges-
Hall of the Parish Church.
• This represents 41 % of the elec- tions to us on or join
torate in the postal code PA12 4. the forum debate on the village web-
So if you think that you would
• The number of proxy votes is: 57 site at like to give it a go please turn
• The number of spoilt ballot pa- up and make yourself known
pers is: 0 Our next meeting is 6th August at to one of the Council mem-
• The number of ineligible ballot Lochwinnoch Bowling Club from bers, or if you require more
papers is: 64 (not on full regis- 7.45pm. If you would like to join the
ter)+11 with no official mark=75 group or would like to find out fur- information you can telephone
• The number of Yes votes is 991 ther information and meet the group me on 01505 844865 or drop
• The number of No Votes is 96 please feel free to come along. an e-mail to me at
*Don’t miss the LCBG fundraising
This delivers a majority Ceildh with Clamjamfree. Saturday David Fowles
Yes vote of 895 which is August 25th in The McKillop. Tickets Chairperson
37.45% of the electorate. from local shops or phone 843 099. Lochwinnoch Community Council
COUNCIL NEWS Natural Touch
Beauty, Health and Complementary Therapy Salon
Members of the Community Susan and Jenny aim to promote wellbeing and offer a wide range
Council met on Tuesday 8th of Decléor skincare treatments including aromatherapy facials,
August. Items discussed were as massage, reflexology, manicure, pedicure, wax, detox, self tan and
follows: holiday treatment packages. Gift vouchers also available.

PC Andy McCleman reported

that crime figures for June a or p o e s or a apo t e t. e : 01505 842118
amounted to 16, with 7 crimes pe esdays to Sat rdays a d ate o Wed esday a d rsday e e s.
detected. Crime figures for July
were lower, with 12 crimes being
reported. Crimes included a It was reported that Forward
number of thefts, theft of a motor Scotland has awarded a grant of
vehicle, several vandalisms, seri- £59,632 (under the Community
ous assault, breach of the peace, Environmental Renewal Scheme)
forgery, urinating in public, towards the costs of Phase 4 of
breach of alcohol by-laws, and the SRANI project - the section of
drugs offences. new pathway from Fancy Bridge/
PC McCleman also mentioned St Brides and round to Kenmuir
that police officers and other Hill.
agencies in Renfrewshire have
been working together this sum- With regard to the Core Paths
mer to keep local parks and project, a public consultation will
take place on Tuesday 21st Au- The LOSC Holiday Club and
school areas crime-free.
A number of diversionary pro- gust, from 9.30am to 12 noon at Holiday Club Voucher Scheme
jects have been held at several the McKillop Institute. Members will run until Friday 17th August.
venues across Renfrewshire of the public are invited to view
(including Castle Semple Centre), and comment on the Core Paths A book of Holiday Club Vouch-
aimed at steering young people Report, prior to it going to Ren- ers costs £60 and entitles 1 child
away from vandalism, anti-social frewshire Council for approval
aged P1 - 2 to 5 full days of
behaviour and alcohol misuse. and eventual publication in book-
let form in early 2008. Summer Club activities.
Members of the Community These can be purchased from
Partnership will be meeting with Other items on the Agenda, in- Leanne McGarvey at the Space
the new Police Inspector, John cluding Buyout Group ballot, Rooms at the McKillop Institute.
Laing, later this month. Wind Farm planning application
and Traffic Police items are fea- Please note - The Club will be
A considerable amount of discus- tured in more detail elsewhere in closed on Monday 20th August
sion took place regarding some this issue of Chatterbox. for school preparation work.
current planning applications
and communications with Ren- Date of the next CC meeting is
frewshire Council. Concerns Tuesday 4th September in the NEW TERM
were also expressed by CC mem- Guild Room. Members of the
bers about the changes in notifi- public are welcome to attend. The Club would remind parents
cation procedures announced by
Renfrewshire Council, apparently
who wish to put their child’s
as a result of recent Ward bound- name down for next term’s
ary changes. These, and other THANK YOU Breakfast Club and After School
issues, will be raised again with Club activities, to do so as soon
Renfrewshire Council. Laura, David and Jade Wishart as possible.
A Planning Meeting will take would like to thank everyone for
place shortly to discuss the pro- their kind wishes, gifts and cards Contact Leanne McGarvey on
posals for the St Joseph’s site. following the birth of little Poppy Mobile: 077578 01042
on July 5th.
Road improvement works to
Roadhead Roundabout are ex-
Opening Hours are:
Thank you Monday to Friday
pected to commence at the end of Laura Wishart
September. 7.45am to 6pm.
Councillor THANK YOU
Arthur’s Adult and Junior
Ex-hire cycles To everyone who donated and
Report helped on the day of our Car
Boot Sale in the Viewfield
For the last 18 years previous Football Park, Lochwinnoch
Councillor, Alastair Nimmo, or- on Sunday 1st July.
ganised a football week in July
for our 4 to 14 year olds. I was
Just over
absolutely delighted that after Mountain bikes for hire,
some negotiations with Ren- Tag-a-long bikes for kids,
frewshire Council’s Sports Devel- Bike trailers and childrens’ seats, was raised on the day.
opment Department to provide bicycle accessories,
the coaches, this unsubsidised Bike repairs – free uplift and St Vincent’s Hospice, Johns-
event went ahead again. As al- return delivery tone and the Erskine Hospitals
ways it proved very popular and will benefit equally from this
successful with an average turn- Open for bicycle hire every day, amount.
out of 60 youngsters per day over all summer.
the 5 days. Discounts given Thank you for your support.
Thanks again to Viewfield Rovers on group bookings. Val Stewart
for the use of their facility and of
course to all who participated. EXPRESS CYCLE RE-
The village has had its fair share
At Castle Semple Centre,
of workers from Environmental
Services over the past month.
We’ve had a team removing the
weeds from the village streets
TEL: 07867 790 889 AND ASK
FOR MARTIN RUSSELL Historical Society
and also spraying the relevant
areas to prevent a rapid reoccur-
rence of them as well as the Vac-
tor vehicle that has been busy
The Society meetings are held
The developer has withdrawn the at 7.30pm on the third Thurs-
sooking out the dirt from the Gates Road planning application
gully road drains. day of each month from Sep-
and the residents of Gates Road
I am aware of a couple of outlying tember to April (with the ex-
and the Community Council are
areas that also require attention currently challenging Ren-
ception of December), in the
and have requested that these are frewshire Council’s rezoning of Guild Room of Lochwinnoch
also attended to. this land from Green Belt to be- Parish Church.
ing covered instead by General
The highest number of com- Residential Policy POL H1. The meetings are informal and
plaints over the month has been talks from the guest speaker
cars with noisy exhausts being An application has been lodged usually last for about an hour.
driven at all times of the day and for the conversion of existing
night, with the drivers now using
We then have tea/coffee, bis-
buildings at St.Joseph’s to form cuits and chat time.
the village streets to see if they 30 flats and selective demolition
can break the sound barrier. of outbuildings, upgrading of ac- Membership costs £7 and an
cess roads, car parking and asso-
The Road Traffic Police are cur- ciated landscaping.
evening visit at £2, including
rently dealing with this issue on the tea, etc is an inexpensive
our behalf but if you have details My Surgery is on the third Satur- but interesting evening out.
of a car that fits into the above day of each month at 11:30am in
category then pass on their the McKillop Hall but there is no If you are interested in coming
• registration number, need to wait for a Surgery if you along, please contact Gordon
• make and require my help, you can contact Nicholl on Tel: 01505 842632.
• colour of their vehicle me on 843507 and we can agree a
time when we can meet. (Details of the syllabus for the
to Sergeant Rogers at the Road new 2007/2008 meetings will be
Traffic Division in Greenock on Councillor David Arthur available soon and will be
Tel: 01475 492500. published in Chatterbox - Ed.)
MEMOIRS One of these cars was a big wooden Poetry came late. But it had always
of Betty Mckellar Rolls Royce estate car high like a been somewhere in the background.
carriage and a wonder to behold. I Robert Louis Stevenson's "Child's
I have lived in Muirshiel Glen for entertained the Hunt at the Garden of Verse" was a childhood
fifty years. From the start, I loved it. I "Heathfield" Meets, and walked delight. Wordsworth and Shelley,
was married to Quintin in 1956 and hound pups. Quintin hunted with Keats and Chaucer opened up new
came to "Heathfield" as an Edinburgh the L and R. We'd never heard of worlds for me at school. I studied the
girl with no knowledge of country liv- political correctness. poetry of Robert Burns, James Hogg
ing. It was a revelation. The world of But I went back to teaching in and the Border ballads at an early age,
the hill sheep farm of the time seemed Lochwinnoch School when my and before my marriage did my stint
to have lingered on from a former age. own children, Alison and Quintin, of Tam o'Shanters and Twa Corbies
We did have a car, but there was also were of school age, and it was then, I and Border Burns at local concerts in
old Paddy and a cart for hay-time. think, that I really started to earn my Selkirk where I lived at the time.
No tractor, no machinery; hay salt in the world of agriculture, be- After my marriage I suppose I was
was cut with the scythe. Sheep cause I integrated life on the farm too busy on the farm and at work to be
were clipped by hand in the recip- with teaching in the classroom. Long involved in verse-speaking gigs. I did
rocal neighbouring system which before it became an established use my skills with the children at
turned out to be the great social gath- practice, I was encouraging children school, however, encouraging them to
ering of the sheep-farming year. The to write creatively, count and draw, write creatively and training them to
house cow lived in a byre through the and study science, history and geog- read and speak their poetry well. They
side door from the kitchen. You could raphy, using their own environment produced some beautiful poems for
smell her as you went about your within the great outdoors to stimu- me, and I look back on their successes
chores. I learnt to milk her like the late them. with pride.
dairy maids from the story books of The farm was a root source of My own creative spurt came with
my childhood, sitting on a three- ideas. We had many field-study trips retirement. I wrote my first poem
legged wooden stool with my head to "Heathfield" and later, when I was sixty five, and immediately
against her flank, and squeezing her "Tandlemuir", and of course when entered a wonderful and entirely un-
fat teats so that her milk frothed the N.F.U. started their "Shield" expected phase of my life. It has been
into a luggie between my knees. I competitions for schools we entered a time of intense pleasures. The very
remember the big shallow milk them enthusiastically and were in act of writing is in itself fulfilling and
binds in the dairy with the layers of the prizes. We won the shield in therapeutic. Reading my poems to an
cream on top that I skimmed and 1972-73, and had a great day being audience brings an adrenalin rush
churned into butter in the barrel- feted at the Highland Show as a con- as heady as a pop star's on a gig.
shaped butter churn, ca'in the handle. sequence. Best of all, other people have been in-
The shepherd and the farmer wore When the R.S.P.B. opened the spired to creativity by words I have
their legs in these days. They walked to Bird Reserve at Lochwinnoch and written - musicians and artists, pho-
the high hill in unbelievably heavy when Muirshiel Regional Park was tographers and embroidresses. And
herd-laddie boots with turned up toes, established, both in the early 1970s, that gives huge satisfaction.
and were caricatured as having the I was equally enthusiastic for them. Inspiration for me comes from my
heather loup. There were free-range We did wonderful projects in beautiful Muirshiel - this area that
school, based on these locations. now belongs to us all. Its landscape, its
hens and eggs a-plenty for baking,
Perhaps because of my city back- history and legend, its wildlife and the
a pig in the sty and hams hanging ground I always believed passion- people who have lived in it and
from the kitchen ceiling. ately in freedom of access for all to worked in it over the years, they're all
In retrospect, I feel privileged to the countryside, and feel proud of in my poems.
have been part of this world which the part I played in the integration Recently I stood up in the City
even then was being taken over by of Park and school and farm in Halls in Glasgow and read "Sangsters"
mechanisation. Always I loved the those first days. There was never a as introduction to the performance by
wildlife. Just over the dyke, a couple of problem except for Quintin's irrita- the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
hundred yards up the hill, the black- tion at irresponsible dog owners in of the concerto composed by Sally
cock lekked in spring. Above the house lambing time, and once the major Beamish and inspired by my poem.
the snipe drummed every year. Sky- problem of a killer dog thrown out to Heady stuff. Who would have thought
larks sang, curlews cried, lapwing the moor when we lost a significant it possible? It's just one of the wonder-
number of stock ewe lambs. That ful, exciting moments that poetry has
On shooting days I remember the
one disaster - otherwise mutual given to me in my old age.
grouse "bag" laid out by the brace
goodwill and friendship with Park I feel very blessed.
along the back of the yard, and the
Rangers and public throughout all
fancy cars of the shooters parked Betty Mckellar is a member of Johnstone
the years.
alongside the tup sheds. Writers and Lochwinnoch Writers
Here’s something to look for-
You can spend an inter- Invite you to a meeting ward to as, alas, leaves begin to
esting hour or so look- to be held on fall and the long nights creep in.
ing through the above Thursday 30th August
at 1pm On Friday, 7th September, the
book. It’s fascinating Steadfast Silver Band along with
to see how the village in the McKillop Institute.
the Gleniffer Singers will pre-
has changed through the sent a super concert in
year, fascinating to Tea, coffee and biscuits will be Lochwinnoch Parish Church
see how many building served. from 7:30pm.
have gone and how many
Tickets cost £5:00 adults, £2:50
have remained. children, available from the
Most of the photographs Speaker will be
Fundraising Committee or at
in the book were shot Councillor David Arthur the door.
during the first half
of the last century.
You don’t have to look
very closely to see how
society has changed
from then until now.
In the old photographs
you will be hard
pressed to spot a piece
of litter on the
streets. Of course, in
these days food did not
come packed in boxes or
cartons, then packed in James Bryden also played near-
paper wrapping, then BROWN BULL est to the hole at the 8th Hole,
put into a poly bag. Pete Rooney played nearest to
Most foods were sold GOLF the hole at the 13th, Stevie Burns
loose and were carried TOURNAMENT played Nearest to the Hole in 2 at
home in a string bag. Hole 6 and Nick Barr won a prize
The food they ate must for the longest drive at Hole 11.
have been good. There
The prize for the best Yellow Ball
is not a sign of anyone team score went to Pete Rooney,
with rickets, the dis- Dave Heckle and Fergus Brown.
figuring disease that
ravaged children in the The 2nd annual Brown Bull Golf Prizes were also awarded to
slum areas of the coun- Tournament took place on Ladies - 1st prize was won by
try. There is also an Sunday 8th July at Lochwinnoch Alison Hodgins, 2nd place went
almost total absence of Golf Course on one of the best to Yvonne Ross and 3rd place to
any vehicles. summer days we have had this Pat Mill.
It is interesting to year.
If there had been a prize for best
speculate that if any Groups of 3 players competed, golf outfit, Fergus Brown would
digital photographs under Stableford rules, to win have won this prize hands down
survive more than a prizes. Pete Rooney took first in his lilac checked trousers!
century (something some place and the coveted green
Thanks to Laura and all the
people doubt) I wonder jacket with a score of 40 points. staff at the Brown Bull Pub for
what people in 2207 David Hutton was in second supporting this event and for
will think of today’s place with 31 points and James the sandwiches and soup
society? Bryden was third with 30 points. afterwards.
Classes will resume on GARDEN
Tuesday 4th September in the
From Monday 13th August McKillop Hall at 7.30pm - The garden is a place where mem-
to Friday 17th August 9.30pm. bers of the community can come to
between10am to 2pm grow their own vegetables and flow-
at Once again, we have been very ers, making use of the facilities such
Lochwinnoch Parish Church fortunate to receive a grant from as the polytunnel, compost, pots,
Renfrewshire Community Grant tools, etc. Or just to sit and relax.
Scheme and we will be delighted Help and advice is available for the
Come and join in the ‘Circus’ less experienced. Increased security
to welcome new and any past
fun at only 50p per child, per members to join us in having and surveillance has ensured that
day. previous problems with vandalism in
laughter, making friends, as well the garden have been overcome.
as mental and physical exercise.
(For children starting Primary Classes will cost around £2 per It is hoped that tea-room facilities
1 in August ‘07 up to and evening, a most inexpensive will be available at some point in the
including Primary 7.) night out participating in Scottish future.
Country Dance.
We are, of course, always looking for
volunteers to help clear more ground
of weeds to create more planting
areas (plots) for those interested.

There is now a fully automatic over-

head irrigation system in the poly-
tunnel. Thanks to Muirshiel Park for
donating the parts for this. This in-
stallation is to help with the propa-
gation of specific species of Juniper
trees, which are now becoming
scarce. Anyone interested in the cul-
tivation of plants, which benefit from
being under cover, or in the raising
Ladies Golf "Come of seeds or cuttings can be confident
MORAG’S And Try" Day that their plants will not dry out.
Keep Fit classes resume on We now have an offer of help from
Lochwinnoch Golf Club Ladies
Garry Pearson of Yardfoot Estate.
Monday 20th August at the Section is hosting a free "Come And
This is in the form of labour and ma-
McKillop Institute. Try" Day on Saturday 11th August
chinery to clear the heavy growth at
Classes are held on Mondays 2007.
the rear of the garden. This should
from 7-8.15pm and on Thurs- If you are thinking about taking up
take place after the preparations for
golf, or maybe played years ago and
days from 7-8pm. the opening of his nursery on the
want to try again, or would simply
estate have been completed.
like to have a go, you are invited to
come to Lochwinnoch Golf Club
Muirshiel Park have offered to pol-
TODDLER’S from 3pm for some golf and refresh-
lard two trees to allow more light
ments with members of the Ladies
into the rear of the garden and poly-
tunnel areas.
Everyone, from complete beginner
Teddy Bear’s Picnic to potential professional, is welcome.
Many thanks to both for this assis-
tance, which is very much appreci-
Call Lochwinnoch Golf Club on
Tuesday 14th August 01505 842153 for more details or Anyone wishing more information
from 2.30 - 3pm in just come along on the day. Golf should call me - Gordon Nicholl - on
shoes are not essential and clubs can Tel: 01505 842632.
Lochwinnoch Library. be borrowed if required.
Come And Try - it's great fun!
Bring along your favourite Weekdays - 11am to 3pm
teddy or soft toy - Jan Macnab, Ladies Captain, Saturday - 10am to 2pm, and
and join the fun. Lochwinnoch Golf Club Sunday - 1pm to 3pm.
Some more interesting obser-
vations from P7 Lochwinno0ch New this month
Primary School children.
Willowtree figures,
“Castle Semple Rowing Club – every a fresh delivery of leather handbags at sale prices,
Wednesday and Sunday I go to the dichroic jewellery by Murray Designs, handmade in Scotland
Rowing Club. It’s based at the loch
where there is a large club house Open 7 days
where we keep all the boats. Monday to Saturday 9am—5pm, Sunday 12 noon—4pm.
The Rowing Club has lots of different 8 Church Street, Lochwinnoch Tel: 01505 843311
boats, e.g. skulls, quads, doubles and
two rescue boats in case someone
Members of the club take part in
various rowing regattas each year, Renfrewshire Life Boats
and some travel all the way to Inver-
ness to compete. Council Senior
Members of the RNLI have written
Inside the club house, apart from the Citizen Voucher to thank villagers who contributed
boats, we have rowing machines in
case it is too wet or windy to row Scheme. to their fund raising activities.
‘Very many thanks to the generous
outside, plus a small kitchen where
residents of Lochwinnoch and the
you can get a good cuppa if it’s cold!
surrounding areas for raising the
Every so often the club has capsize Renfrewshire Council is continu- splendid total of
drills. This is when a boat is placed
ing it’s Senior Citizen Voucher £1058.38
in a swimming pool, you capsize and
go through safety procedures.” Scheme for 2007. This scheme
applies to people who live in the for the RNLI in the recent house-
Katie Dominy to-house collections.
Renfrewshire Council area who
Anyone who is interested in assist-
“My fav place in the village is the will be 70 or over on or before 31 ing with these collections or who
loch. It’s my fav place because December 2007. The spouse or would like to come to the informal
partner of someone who qualifies fund-raising lunches held through-
you can do windsurfing, biking and
is also automatically eligible, out winter, please phone 01505
rowing. even if they are not yet 70 them- 842136 for more information.
A rowing club takes place down the selves.
loch. Once I went down the loch.
It’s fun but hard. The scheme offers senior citizens GBH
The loch also has a shop which you who participate in it a choice of
can have your lunch. There are one of the following:
also swans that you can feed. The At this year’s Edinburgh Festival
you can get another chance to see
swans are so tame they even come • A sail on the Pride of the GBH, the acclaimed work written
over to you, and my mum is really Clyde (including tea and biscuits, by two Lochwinnoch resident art-
scared of them. When it is a hot using the council gift voucher in ists, Adrian Wiszniewski and
and sunny day it is also very beau- exchange for a ten journey sailing Gordon Rigby.
• A sail on the Waverley The show was a great success when
(including high tea on board, us- it was performed in the Pie and a
Pint season in Oran Mor in Glas-
“My favourite thing in the whole of ing the council gift voucher);
Lochwinnoch is the loch. Whether • A council run coach outing
it’s blowing a gale to a mini heat- (to Ayr or Dunoon, including a Also on the Edinburgh bill is an
wave it’s great. I love going for light lunch and high tea); entertainment written by actor
walks with my best friends and feed- • A credit to account (council David Anderson (remember him
ing the ducks. I sometimes go by tax or housing rent, value £22); from ‘City Lights’ a few years
myself and clear my head. back?) with music by Anderson
• A gift voucher (value £22). arranged by Gordon Rigby and
But one of the best parts are the ac-
tivities. On a nice day you can For further information or help graphics by Adrian Wiszniewski.
watch people on the loch or go on and advice, contact Renfrewshire
yourself. I love renting boats with a Customer Contact Centre on 0141 The show runs for two nights
bunch of friends. Then getting Sunday 26, Monday 27 August,
842 5850 (between 8am and
in the Queens Hall, Edinburgh
stranded and a lifeboat having to get 8pm, Monday to Friday), or visit and is not to be missed.
us back.” our Council HQ office in Paisley.
Elish Camplisson
for all good men and On
ABC Therapies
women ….
Sunday 29th July, the competitors
Wind Hydrogen Limited have lodged a for the Commodores Trophy at Cas-
planning application with North Ayr- tle Semple Sailing Club were greeted Therapeutic Massage
shire Council for 24 turbines for the in the morning with beautiful sun- Indian Head Massage
Wings Law Windfarm on a site approxi- shine but not much in the way of
mately 5km north of Kilbirnie. Seven- wind. It looked like the only thing
teen turbines are planned for the western that was going to take place was sun-
side of the River Garnock and seven on bathing and the BBQ. The wind
the eastern side. started to build slowly from the
Special gifts
North West and the first race got
Treatment Vouchers &
At a recent meeting in Paisley, a spokes- under way.
Holistic Goody Bags
person for WHL advised that once a Seven boats crossed the start line made to order
smaller development was established, with Angus Winchester and Leo
the company would make a judgement Compton both getting off to a good
about a further expansion. Now is the start. The wind direction was very
time for all good men and women to act. changeable and this led to very diffi-
If Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park is to cult sailing. Leo won the first race in
be saved as a Park, we must now take his Laser radial by a very convincing Counselling
the time to make our feelings known to margin. The competition was halted (Individuals & Couples)
North Ayrshire Council. briefly for a BBQ lunch. Counselling Supervision

The arguments are straight forward and The wind had been steadily increas-
as follows: ing over lunch and the second race
got underway. The wind conditions
• A landscape of great value was set certainly suited the Challenger of
aside by the Secretary of State for Alan Cook who came first with Paul
Scotland as Clyde Muirshiel
O’Neill/Yvonne Ross in a GP14 mak- Aileen Ferguson
ing a strong challenge in the ever MSc, FCIPD, MBACP, DTM.
Regional Park.
increasing wind. The conditions be-
• The area was established as a Park
came too much for Jim & Jan Tytler
which, according to numerous
who retired in Their GP14 for the
dictionary definitions, is a place rest of the competition. Race 2 also
retained for its natural beauty for saw the demise of Tom Kelly & his
the benefit of people. son in another GP14 which, after a
• The tourist industry around the Park
is a significant contributor to the
capsize, resembled a submarine with ADVICE WORKS
its periscope up more than a sailing
rural economies and any industriali- dinghy! at
sation of the Park will impact on the
economic growth and inward in- The field dwindled to five boats for Lochwinnoch
the start of the third race. Paul &

vestment of these rural areas.
Given that the River Garnock is an Yvonne were again making good Library
important salmon river, building progress until a huge wind shift cap-
turbines on both sides of the River sized the boat. All they could do was
Garnock will undoubtedly put the
watch the other boats pass one by Tuesdays 10am –12.30pm
one as they tried to right the boat
salmon at considerable risk.
and eventually crossed the line to
finish in last place. Alan Cook took Providing advice about enti-
Please take the time to write an objec- tlements to benefits. Advisors
first place again.
tion to:
on hand to help fill in claim
Mr Ian Mackay There was all to play for in the final
race as five boats took to the water.
forms, check and advise on
Assistant Chief Executive
(Protective Services) Leo beat Angus in the final race by welfare benefits and money
North Ayrshire Council just 15seconds and they were closely problems.
Cunninghame House followed by Steve Davison and Advisors can provide expert
IRVINE Duncan Elder in a GP14. advice on a wide range of
North Ayrshire KA12 8EE The Trophy was won by debit related topics, such as
Leo Compton ( Laser Radial), credit card, mortgage arrears,
Thank you for your continuing support 2nd Alan Cook (Challenger) and
to save our Regional Park. 3rd. Angus Winchester (Laser
council tax, etc
Ladymoor Wind Factory Action Group Vortex). A special award was pre- The service is FREE,
For more details about the campaign to sented to Tom Kelly for his enter- confidential and open to all
“Save Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park”, taining antics! residents of Renfrewshire.
visit our website at:
Harriers are go !
The four Clyde Muirshiel Hen
Harrier chicks have donned their • Monoblock
L-plates and taken to the skies. Driveways
• Patios and Walls
Hundreds of visitors to Clyde Muir- • All types of
shiel Regional Park, near Lochwin- Landscaping
noch, have been following the day- Tel: 01505 842498
• Ground
to-day antics of the local harrier Maintenance
family, watching CCTV images of • FREE Estimates Mob: 07778 680933
mum and dad working flat-out to
bring in record numbers of prey
items. Their patience was finally re- There's still plenty of opportunity to
warded when the chicks successfully see live images of these charismatic
left the nest, taking to the air one by birds as the youngsters will continue Harrier
one. to return to the nest to be fed for the
next few weeks.
The hen harrier still remains one of It was a fly-past
our most threatened birds and the Nature notes about Harriers - a display.
project, part of the RSPB's Aren't The air ace of the moor
Hen harriers live on remote moorland
Birds Brilliant! Initiative, gives visi- and open country, where they hunt for appeared
tors a unique opportunity to experi- small wild birds, field voles and mam- on cue,
ence their day-to-day lives first mals. They are rare and difficult to see. no camouflage
hand. As well as on camera, guided
he flew
walks enable people to see the birds Eggs are incubated by the female for
out on the moorland. about a month, and the chicks learn to majestically,
fly (fledge) after another 35-40 days. a pride of white against
Kirsty Norrie, the Project’s Hen Har- Eggs are laid, and hatch, about two days the rock and sky
rier Information Officer, said: "This apart. As such, chicks generally fledge at a swoop of light
about two day intervals.
is a fantastic boost to the hen har- Hen harriers take off almost vertically,
towards the heathland grey
rier population in Scotland. Hope- which is where the name 'harrier jet' the harrier flight.
fully these youngsters will continue originated.
to thrive, learn to hunt, and one day The hen harrier year starts in early
return to the Park to raise their own spring when the male takes to the sky to "Gobackgobackgoback"-
chicks.” 'dance'. Males perform spectacular ae-
rial manoeuvres, often rising hundreds frights of sound
"There are only around 600 pairs of of feet above the ground before tumbling resonate,
hen harriers found in the UK, and earthward. panics echo in staccato
The male has beautiful blue-grey plum- from the scuttering grouse.
2% of these breed in the Clyde Muir- age with distinctive black wing tips. The
shiel Regional Park, so it is brilliant female is larger with dark brown, mot-
to have four chicks fledged already." tled plumage. Both have a distinctive
white rump patch. But he will stay.
"As this is the last year of a five year The patchwork of moorland vegetation at In this wide Muirshiel world
project we would like to take this Clyde Muirshiel includes grassy patches he is the Lord
opportunity to thank everyone in- and bogs amongst the heather, where
hen harriers can hunt. Deeper heather of all that he surveys.
volved. In particular, the local
landowners, farmers and game- provides shelter for nesting. Manage-
ment of these moors for grouse shooting
keepers, the Scottish Ornithologist and farming means the vegetation is
Club, Scottish Natural Heritage, And in her hidden place
burnt and grazed. With care, this can be
Viking Optics and our fantastic done in a way that also supports hen
his mate
team of volunteers". harriers. settles
on the future,
all yellow-glitter watchfulness
The NHS Minor Ailment Service aware
This service is available from all community pharmacies in Scotland. of eyes
People, including children, who don’t pay prescription charges, who are registered the air.
with a GP surgery in Scotland and who don’t live in a nursing or residential care
home can register for this service at a community pharmacy of their choice.

Further information on the NHS Minor Ailment Service is available from Betty Mckellar
• your local community pharmacy,
• your GP or a member of NHS staff involved in your care
• the NHS Helpline on 0800 22 44 88 and (Reproduced in Chatterbox by kind
permission of Betty McKellar - Ed.)
• your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
Walk to the Station Our Mistake HOW TO FIND THE
Last month’s Chatterbox referred VISITOR CENTRES
If you are lucky enough not to to a trip some village girls made
to Romania. Unfortunately, the RSPB
own a car and you have to The reserve is open at all times and the
walk to the station then you piece said the girls were Girl visitor centre is open daily from 10am to
are – in summer, at least – in Guides when, in fact, they belong 5pm (except Xmas and New Year holi-
for a treat. The colourful wild- to the Girls’ Brigade. days). Easily accessible by train, bus
My apologies - Ed. and car, the RSPB centre is located 18
flowers lining the path look miles SW of Glasgow, beside A760 Largs
like a modern art gallery. It’s Road (off A737 Irvine Road—easily ac-
as if Jackson Pollock staggered The Bad Seed cessible from J 28A of the M8). Car
parking facilities available. Tel: 01505
along throwing paint all over 842663
the place. A couple of years ago someone
addressed the Community Coun- VISITOR CENTRE
If you arm yourself with your cil about the dangers of Himala- The Centre is 4 miles NW of Lochwin-
Gem Guide to British Wild- yan balsam (known also as In- noch at the top of Calder Glen Road.
flowers you can have a great dian Balsam). Open from 11oo-1600 hrs/1700hrs at
time trying to identify all the weekends for Hen Harrier CCTV view-
ing, walks/trails, wildlife plus refresh-
flowers you see. It’ll take you This purple plant is highly inva- ments, snacks and gifts. Pre-book a
ages to name them all as their sive and a real threat to native place on the FREE bus from RSPB Cen-
are lots of them. wild flowers. tre to Muirshiel on designated Saturdays
in July. Car parking also available at
I’m no flower buff but I have Muirshiel. Tel: 01505 842803
This year the spread of this trif-
spotted Indian Balsam (alas,
fid-like plant has been unrelent- CASTLE SEMPLE CENTRE
too much of this invasive mon- ing. Clusters grow in abundance Located on the loch shore in Lochlip
ste - more later), red and white in the wetlands down the path to Road, Lochwinnoch. Open from 1000-
clover, poppies, buttercups, the station. The bases of some of 1700 hours every day. Wide range of
daisies and if I’m not mistaken water sports, cycle hire, footpaths,
the trees in the football pitch are snacks and refreshments available in the
Dove’s Foot Cranesbill. There surrounded by the plant and have Centre. Car parking at the Centre. Tel:
is also some Goose Grass – or been colonised; the plant is on 01505 842882.
Sticky Willie as it is better the march along the cycle path
known. Did you know, that and around the Semple Loch. The Visitor Centre is located at Loch
Sticky Willie is used in herbal Thom, Nr Inverkip. Fabulous views,
shampoo and in the treatment Each plant produces an abun- wide open spaces, moorland walks, in-
of urinary infections? dance of featherweight seeds that cluding The Greenock Cut Walk. Open
blow for miles in the gentlest of from 1030-1600 hours week-
days/weekends. Car parking is available
Identifying all the plants breezes. Thus it’s ability to at the Centre. Tel: 01475 521458 for
might be an interesting diver- spread everywhere. further information.
sion for the kids on the last Apparently the only safe way to
get rid of this purple pasture
remaining days of the holi- eater is to pull it up be the roots.
days. When I was at school I However, the fear in the village is
never found anything to do that it’s by now got too much of a
Chatterbox is produced for the Community Council
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by
during the holidays until the hold and it would take an army of
Lochwinnoch Community Council, Renfrewshire
Council and advertisements. The editor welcomes all
last couple of days, then it was people to clear the village of this
items for possible inclusion but will reserve all rights
over them. All views are of individuals. The editor
too late. rampant monster. accepts no liability for errors

Lochwinnoch Post Office has a
wall-mounted calendar, where
members of the public can enter NEW OPENING HOURS FROM MONDAY 6TH AUGUST
details of forthcoming events.
Monday and Tuesday 9am—6pm
It is hoped that people will use Wednesday 9am - 1pm
this planner to avoid any clashes Thursday and Friday 9am—6pm
when planning dates of events Saturday 9am - 3.30pm
and, of course, to help publicise Closed on Sundays
their events within the village. 39 High Street, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AB Tel: 01505 844941
News & Events at Saturday 25th August to
Monday 3rd September -
National Moth Night is also being
held on the 11th August this year,
RSPB, Muirshiel, Green Wood Working Week.
Regional Park staff demonstrate
this is Britain’s celebration of
moths and moth recording and
Cornalees & Castle green wood working skills at
different Park sites. Tel: 01505
during this night, participants are
encouraged to record moths in
Semple Centres 842803 for more details. their chosen location, the results
of which will be pooled to give a
(see previous page for Visitor Centre great picture of what is happen-
location information/contact details)
RSPB Lochwinnoch ing around the country. More de-
tails of this can be found at
Saturday 11th August - Pond News
Life at Muirshiel Centre (adults  
only) from 1400 hrs. The next event taking place at the
On the 27th and 28th of July, we
reserve is our Bird Ringing Dem-
held our first joint Bat and Moth
Saturday 11th August - onstration on Saturday 11th Au-
night, in association with the
Bird Ringing Demonstration at gust, 7am – 10am. During this
Clyde Bat Group and Butterfly
RSPB Centre - 7am-10am. event, you’ll be given an opportu-
For more information Tel: 01505 nity to find out the how’s, why’s
842663. and what’s as concerns bird ring-
During the evening we were lucky
ing. Led by a BTO (British Trust
11th and 12th August - enough to see/hear both the
for Ornithology) trained team of
RSPB Optics Weekend - at RSPB Pipistrelle and Daubenton’s bats
ringers, this is an excellent op-
Centre from 10am—4pm. on the reserve, thanks to the
portunity to find out more about
Demonstrations and an opportu- skills of Pat and Len from the
bird ringing and to see birds up
nity to select optics, with expert Clyde Bat Group. We also re-
close and personal.
advice on hand. corded a total of 23 moth species
in the wetland trap and 20 in the We have also recently launched
Sunday 12th August - Pond woodland trap, including the our ‘Pond-dipping for Families’
Dipping at Cornalees Centre from stunning Gold Spangle moth, at the reserve, so why not come
1300 hrs. Brimstone moth, Poplar Hawk along and take part. The activity
Tuesday 14th August - Nature moth and a Vapourer moth cater- is FREE for a limited time only,
Notes Waterlaugh/Pond Dipping pillar in the Aird Meadow hide, we provide all of the equipment,
- from 1300 hrs at Muirshiel. with the help of Neil from Butter- and all you have to do is turn up
fly Conservation. and have fun. Please ask at the
Wednesday 15th August - visitor centre for more informa-
Natural Powers. Investigate Those of you who missed out but tion. This will take place through-
alternative powers - from 1300 would still like to find out more out the school holidays and at
hrs at Muirshiel Centre. about the moths that we find on weekends.
the reserve, you can join us for
Sat 18th & Sun 19th August - Why not try out new Bird Bingo or
our ‘Moth Mornings’ which are
2 Day Map and Compass Course: kit out the kids with our Explorer
being held between 9am and
Theory and Practice at Cornalees Packs, which provide all they need to
12noon on Saturday 11th August
Centre. Advance booking essen- discover more about wildlife in
and Sat 25th August. Lochwinnoch. 
tial. Tel: 01505 842882 Ext20.
Friday 24th August - Spot The
Water Bats A riverside walk,
meeting at Howwood Railway
Station. Booking essential. Tel:
01505 842882.
Saturday 25th August - Paths For All Your Garage Door Needs
to Health Walking Finale. A level Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
walk, starting at midday, from Installation . Repairs . Spares
Paisley to Castle Semple. Contact
Senga McLeod for more informa- FREE ESTIMATES 0141 950 1423 GLASGOW
tion on 0141 840 3861. FREE SURVEYS 01505 842176 AYRSHIRE
18th-26th August - RSPB
Photo Competition. Entries can The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
be viewed and the public can (10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)
choose their favourite picture,
from 10am-5pm at RSPB Centre.

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