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Nama : Viya Nur Khasanah

NIM : P1337420116046

Kelas :3A1

Paragraph 3 Introduction

Topic sentence : The content of saponins, flavonoids and tannins can help the wound healing

Suporting sentences :

1. Saponins can trigger vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and increase the amount
of magrophages migrate to the wound area thus increasing the production of cytokines
that will activate fibroblasts in the wound tissue.
2. The flanovid content functions as an antioxidant, antimicrobial and also anti-
inflammatory in perinium wounds
3. Tannin content accelerates wound healing with several cellular mechanisms, ie cleansing
of free radicals and reactive oxygen, improves wound surgery and promotes capillary
vessel formation as well as fibroblasts

Conclusion : The healing process of perineal wounds is indeed desirable for all mothers after
childbirth, but it is necessary to try using red betel leaf which has many benefits to treat perineal
wounds quickly

Paragraph 1 Discussion

Topic sentence : There is the effect of red betel leaf extract 2x/day to the duration of perinium
wound healing

Suporting sentence :

1. The data shows red betel leaf extract 2x/day able to heal the wound most quickly
compared with red betel leaf extract 1x/day and Povidone iodione 10%
2. The results of One-way ANOVA analysis showed significant difference between
treatment group and 2x/day red betel leaf extract, betel leaf extract 1x/day, and povidone
iodione 10%.

Conclusion : Perineal wound healing using red betel leaf extract 2x / day is better, than healing
perineal wounds using 1x / day betel leaf extract and Povidone iodione 10%.

Paragraph 8 Discussion

Topic sentence : The effect of prolonged wound healing from the perineal wound on the
puerperal mother on wound care using Povidone iodione 10%

Suporting sentence :

1. In the treatment group with Povidone iodione 10% showed an average duration of
healing in a matter of days ie 10 days. Longer compared to the wound care group using
2x / day red leaves and with the group using red betel leaf extract 1x / day.
2. From the results of ANOVA test results are obtained for the duration of healing 0.000
significance value which means there is a 10% povidone iodione effect on the duration of
perineal wound healing.

Conclusion : duration of wound healing using povidine iodine 10% longer than using red betel

Paragraph 10 Discussion

Topic Sentence : The effect of perineal wound infection on wound care using 2x / day red betel
leaf extract, betel leaf extract 1x / day and povidone iodione 10%

Suporting sentence :

1. From result of analysis of test data of Anovanilai sig. 0.002 which means there is the
effect of red betel leaf extract 2x/day to the sign of infection.
2. a result of improper perineal wound care can lead to perineum conditions affected
lockhea and moisture can cause perineal infections

Conclusion : Prevention of infection in perineal wounds can be done by using red betel leaves 2x
/ day. postpartum mothers must truly treat perineal wounds to prevent infection
Paragraph 23 Discussion

Topic Sentence : Influence of perinium wound pain on postpartum to wound care using red betel
leaf extract 2x/day

Suporting sentence :

1. From the results of the research, the treatment group of red betel leaf 2x/day in get the
pain on the scale of 1 which means there is still little pain.
2. From the results of Anova test analysis in obtaining the value of sig 0.000 which means
there is the effect ektsrak red betel leaf 2x/day against perineal wound pain.

Conclusion : That the treatment of perinium from injured red leaf extract 2x / day is more
effective in reducing pain.

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