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8/16/2018 Voice Tape by Ariel Tabag: Analysis – Alec Cruz's Blog

Alec Cruz's Blog

compilation of different things… stories…

Voice Tape by Ariel Tabag: Analysis

Wri en Close Analysis of Voice Tape

I. View

Voice Tape is a short story made by Ariel Tabag who is a bilingual Ilocano fictionist, poet, editor,
translator, and musician. A short story is a piece of prose fiction that can be read in one si ing.
At its most prototypical the short story features a small cast of named characters, and focuses on
a self-contained incident with the intent of evoking a “single effect” or mood. In doing so, short
stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than
is typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel.

The se ing of the story is in Santa Teresita, Cagayan. Abu Dhabi, which is the capital of United
Arab Emirates, is also a se ing of the story.

II. Condense

The story started when Dante had a vacation in Santa Teresita, Cagayan and he had to get
certificates and awards for him to be promoted in his job in Cubao. While he was looking for the
things he needed, he found something different. He found a voice tape that says “4 my one &
onli lab ATO.” Dante’s mother found the voice tape the day his sibling named Ato died because
he was hit by a bus. Dante recalled what happened on those days. He thought that his friend
was the victim of the accident but he later found out that the victim was his uncle. Ato’s family
couldn’t hardly cry and get lonely. Dante was the oldest among his cousins so he was assigned
to watch over his uncle. He couldn’t look at his uncle’s head for a long time because he 1/4
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remembered how Lilong Martin put his uncle’s brains using bare hands on a gas container.
Dante remembered his moments with his uncle especially when he was asked to write a le er
for his uncle’s wife who was in abroad. Ato was sweet, thoughtful, and loving to his wife. Dante
continued narrating things about his uncle’s life. After the funeral, Dante’s colleague told him
that his uncle commi ed suicide. Dante later on said what was inside the voice tape. It says,
“Forgive me, Love. I did not want this. I will be killed if I will fight. Just think that we will
finally reach our dream to give our children a bright future. My contract will end soon.”

III. Culture Reflected

One culture that can be reflected from the story is the practice of wakes which are done by
Filipinos. The corpse is put inside a coffin where it will be displayed usually for three to seven
days. Filipinos mourn for their loved ones and honor those who die for they believe that afterlife
exists. Most Filipinos believe in superstitions especially during funerals. As stated by Dante, old
women prohibited sweeping during funeral for anyone who disobeys would have a lot of lice.
Another superstition is that they should cut the chicken’s head to avoid deaths from their
family. They also practice moving the coffin with the feet of the person at the front. These are
just some of many more superstitions about wakes.

Another culture that can be reflected is the process of job promotion. Every employee or worker
wants to be promoted for their benefit. There are many ways on how someone can be promoted,
but here in the Philippines, you can just show your awards, achievements, and experiences to be

Another culture that can be reflected is the way of living in Santa Teresita, Cagayan. As stated in
the story, there were only few jeeps and tricycles are mostly used, but now, those vehicles can be
seen almost everywhere. The houses during those years were different from those of today.
They had “buho” in their houses which were columns that may contain important things; most
houses today do not have those things anymore. In addition, a number of Filipinos still live in
farm areas until now; but people in urban areas mostly live in condominiums.

Another culture that can be reflected from the story is the presence of Filipinos in other
countries to work. They are called Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s). It is very easy for
Filipinos to go abroad to work, but separation from their loved ones is so hard. There is a lot
problems that OFW’s face. In the short story, Ato’s wife may be physically or sexually
abused/harassed because she said on the voice tape that she didn’t want what was happening
and she would be killed if she would fight. She also said that her contract would soon be
finished. Until now, there are still OFW’s who are not treated well by their employers.

Lastly, a culture that can be reflected is the process of making a le er. Le er making are not just
done by Filipinos; it is a common practice around the world. Le ers are made to communicate,
especially when two close people are apart. In the story, Ato sent le ers to his wife to show his
love. Ato’s wife also sent back something that could be used to communicate which is a voice
tape. Voice tape is rarely used these days, while le er making may soon be used rarely too. The
most probable reason why they are not used so much today is because of advancements in
technology. Social media is now the common way to communicate with other people.

IV. Literary Technique 2/4
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One technique that the author used is the inclusion of quotations. This is probably the most
used technique by the authors because quotations make the readers feel that they are in the
actual scene. A story that has no dialogues is not so interesting to read.

One technique that the author used is the combination of different moods. Some parts of the
story are tragic; some parts are flu ering; some parts are intense. A story that has combined
moods is more interesting to read because the readers will feel different emotions and they will
be able to relate to the different events.

One technique that the author used is using flashback. A flashback is a transition in a story to an
earlier time that interrupts the normal chronological order of events. Flashback was used in the
story when Dante recalled some events that happened to his Uncle starting from his early life
until the day he listened to the voice tape. He was first narrating his stay in Cagayan when
suddenly he went back and recalled his memories.

Another technique that the author used is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a literary device in
which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often
appears at the beginning of a story or a chapter and helps the reader develop expectations about
the coming events in a story. The author said something about the voice tape that would make
his readers figure out what was inside the voice tape. This technique gets readers a ached and
interested to the story, thus making them finish the story.

V. Deep

As I started reading the story, my a ention was caught already. It is because of the phrase “may
nahanap kaming ibang bagay,” which made me want to figure out what those things were. I
continued reading and I realized the difference of life before and now. I was amazed that before,
columns served as containers for important documents. When the “ibang bagay” which one is
the voice tape was revealed, I got more hooked to the story. When the climax was reached
where there was an accident, I felt like I was sent back to that time. I think that the inclusion of
quotations caused me to feel like I was in Dante’s mind and body. As I continued reading the
story, I just felt like there were too much details about their siblings. I couldn’t absorb every
information. Some cultures especially the practices during the wake made me hooked to the
story too because I could relate to those things. I was ge ing near the end and I was already
wondering what really killed Dante’s uncle. When I finally read the content of the voice tape, I
was surprised. I read it again and again to understand what Ato’s wife wanted to say. The first
thing that came to my mind was that she was a prostitute, but after I read it again, I realized that
maybe she was abused because she didn’t want what was happening.

The story shed light on the situation of OFW’s. I realized how hard it is to get separated from
our loved ones. I feel proud for the OFW’s who sacrifice things especially themselves just to give
their family the life they want for them.

Overall, the story was interesting. Even though there were some parts where I couldn’t absorb
information, the techniques used by the author caused me to still get hooked up and enjoy my
reading. I recommend the text to be read by Filipinos especially the adolescents for them to be
aware of the problems that they might face in life.

VI. Reference 3/4
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h ps://
h ps://
h ps://

Published by Alec Daniel Cruz

View all posts by Alec Daniel Cruz

November 8, 2017
21st Century Literature 11

Close Analysis, Culture, OFW, Philippine Literary Works, Philippines, Philippines' Crises,

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