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For this assignment, we were

assigned to find solutions to three
critical questions regarding artficial
Hope Omajuwa, Kelvin Osei,
Santiago Alviz & Charity Tetteh

Artevelde University College
E-skills: Cooperation 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Questions......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Question 1: What are the drawback of Artificial Intelligence? ....................................................................... 3
Question 2: Can artificial intelligence become self aware? ............................................................................ 3
Question 3: Is AI ethical? .............................................................................................................................. 4

Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Bibliography..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 2

Artificial intelligence a revolutionary and innovative system that is changing the overall aspect
of technology. Coined the 4rth new technological revolution, Artificial intelligence is becoming
more and more prevalent. It is being applied to a multitude of different sectors and is proving
to be a force of great advancements. That raised the question of what Artificial intelligence is

Well AI is the term for systems that utilize human level of intellect to perform tasks. The exact
magnitude of what is considered AI based on that definition is still an ongoing debate as experts
discuss what truly classifies as an AI.

Aside from that there is a distinct classifcation as to AI, currently there are two classifications
for them. Weak AI which can also be known as narrow AI, is one that is programmed for a
singular task. A perfect example for this type of AI is one that many people have in the palm of
their hand. Siri, the apple generated phone assistant is an example of a narrow AI as it is
programed for a specific task. While the other type of AI identified is a bit more complex than
a weak AI.

The Strong AI is one that utilizes human level of cognitive ability when presented with an
unfamiliar task so that it can find a solution. This is the reason that this form of AI is also known
as artificial general intelligence. In this level of AI classification, you will find some of the more
recognizable areas where AI is making an impact. The self-driving cars that many have heard
about are an example of strong AI. There are even more to be expected from strong AI even
the possibility for it to become self-aware.

Yet it is important to discuss some aspects of AI and all its possibilities. Reasonably many
speculate that AI has a lot of advantages and that is true, it has many possible elements that
make it a valuable innovative creation but what could be its draw backs. It is important to figure
out if AI can have if any drawbacks and if so what are they? Not only that but it should also be
important that if AI continues its current trends if there is the possibility of it gaining self-
awareness. Aside from all that one last point that should be discussed is if Artificial Intelligence
is ethical.

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 3

Question 1: What are the drawback of Artificial Intelligence?
Even though artificial intelligence is regarded as a positive aspect of our daily lives there are
still a lot of disadvantages. The following will be a few drawbacks we can expect from the
technological advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

o Unemployment
will surely rise in most countries because of the advancements of A.I. Humans tend to have a
negative view when it comes to advancing A.I because they believe that the this will make the
average worker lose their jobs. (Krasadakis, 2018)

o Limitation of creativity
Robots be programmed to do certain things and even though that it is true that they are more
efficient at doing the things they are programmed for than humans, the fact remains that they
will never innovate or produce creativity in the manner in which they operate. Humans can
make decisions or judgemental calls for which we do not need programming or permission.
(Mahajan, 2018)

o Addiction
Even though I agree with the concept of artificial intelligence this can easily get out of hand.
People has a tendency to depend a lot on artificial intelligence making it questionable if we
should even continue progressing in this field. Today generation are addicted to the use of
mobile phones and software and because of all these technological advancements we forget
sometimes to use our own mind to figure things out making the us even more and more
dependable on our technological gadgets. (Lacerda, 2018)

Question 2: Can artificial intelligence become self aware?

Before giving an answer to this question, it is important to know what being self-aware is
according to legal institutions and professional dictionaries. According to the Cambridge
dictionary, being self-aware means having good knowledge and judgment about yourself and
your actions. With this definition in the back of our minds, finding a possible answer to this
question becomes more possible. (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.)

A few minutes in my research, I noticed that this question doesn’t have one proper answer
because it’s not actually here yet. At least that is what we think. We have opinions that are
being backed up by arguments based on experience or knowledge.

I started off by watching a video on Youtube by Oscar Alsing. In his video, he explains why he
believes that artificial intelligence will become self-aware in the nearby future. He read a
research paper named, where there was a quote explaining the meaning of self-awareness.
The paper mentions that human beings assume that awareness is equivalent to human
intelligence, but awareness is just a set of computations, for example, our brain. Our brain is
structured in a specific way that creates a sense of awareness inside of us. Alsing explains that
artificial intelligence works in the same exact way. Artificial intelligence is just a sense of

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 4

computations. According to him, artificial intelligence can become self-aware because just as
our brain it just a set of computations. (Alsing, 2017)
A similar conclusion to Alsing’s is by Steven Schkolne. He believes that artificial intelligence is
self-aware. However, he’s way of explaining this is not the same. Self-awareness is being split
into external self-awareness and internal self-awareness. External awareness is the awareness
that is being expressed to the world. An example of an artificial intelligence software that is
excellent in this is Siri. Siri can answer questions conversationally as a human being would. The
knowledge makes Siri self-aware. Internal self-awareness is about the realization of your
personality, including your emotions and beliefs. At first sight, you might think that machines
don’t possess this internal awareness. However, the opposite is true according to Schkolne. The
idea of Von Neumann explains this. The early computers had two piles of information, the
program cluster and the data pile. Von Neumann’s idea was to emerge to two together. This
created the possibility for programs to change themselves and manage other programs. This is
also considered as internal self-awareness. (Develop Good Habits, n.d.) (Schkolne, 2018)

An entirely different perspective is the perspective of Ben Medlock. He says that the human
brain is designed to predict, while a mechanical brain, so artificial intelligence, is designed to
memorize things. He gave the example of dinosaurs. If the human brain sees a dinosaur, it
becomes familiar and will still be able to identify one even if it doesn’t look exactly the same. A
mechanical brain doesn’t work that way. It has to have a list of all the different kind of dinosaurs
with a picture to be able to differentiate them from each other. It’s fair enough to say that
artificial intelligence has some type of awareness, but it is not comparable to human
awareness. (Mills, 2018)

My conclusion on all this information I gathered is that self-aware to a certain extent. If it will
over exceed the level of self-awareness that human have is a question that still needs an

Question 3: Is AI ethical?
Drawing up a conclusion to a question such as this one is very difficult to determine because
there are many factors that can be attributed to it. These are just some factors in question as
to whether or not Artificial intelligence is ethical

One of the main factors attributed to AI and the question of ethics is if employment will be
affected by the rise of AI. Many believe that with the introduction to Artificial intelligence to a
multitude of sectors that they will have to compete or that the jobs regularly done by humans
will be completely taken over by AI. These labor focused jobs such as welding, and soldering
are areas that AI can completely automate, and it has been raising the question as to what will
be of the unemployed that once held these positions. Well one solution that has been
mentioned was that those that worked in the labor-intensive sectors will be free to pursue
other areas of work. This could be a solution to the question of ethics but is far from a perfect
one. (Bossmann, 2018)

Another area in question is what the distribution of wealth will look like by the profits generated
by AI. As these areas that were once filled by humans get replaced by AI machinery where will
the revenue generated go? This is a question that has yet to be addressed and even now we

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 5

can see that the wealth gap continues to increase. So, for the future of the AI, governments will
have to intervene to this matter of ethics. (Bossmann, 2018)

One area that is being tackled currently is the ethics of AI in internet programs. This is revolving
around the transparency, the morals, privacy and other key concerns. Big name companies
such as google and Microsoft have been working on making their systems as transparent
especially in terms of privacy. (Bossmann, 2018)

Even more interesting the question of how Artificial intelligence will be treated and what rights
it will have is being questioned. On top of figuring out how exactly the AI will affect us the
consideration if AI becomes self aware it will have rights given to it. (Aadhar Sharma, 2018)

Overall it has become clear that AI is in a topic highly debated about yet through the right
regulations and laws all the concerns can be tackled to make it ethically right. This might take
a while as the exact parameters of where AI is and what it can be implemented in is still being
developed and expanding. Though it does not mean that the concept of AI is something in and
of itself ethically and morally wrong.

There are a lot of questions concerning AI and this comes with its advantages and
disadvantages it will bring. The fact that people are going to lose their jobs, robots being self-
aware and the safety of individuals who are going to use the products and services are the most
debated questions on AI. We have all heard about self-driving cars, but the questions still
remain, how many people are ready to trust their lives in the hand of a machine, even though
the thought of someone or some intelligence making some decisions for, which can have a big
effect on you is tempting and dangerous at the same time. Who is going to responsible if the
car is not able to stop at red light but drive through and causes an accident? We have not
reached the place where we can say we can freely take our hands from the stirring wheel.
According to an article written by Brad Jones, (Jones, 2018) Alain L. Kornhauser, director of the
Transportation Program at Princeton University and Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
(PAVE) research group chair, was about 2 self-driving cars that crashed recently. He thinks that in
the responsibility of these two crashes must be shared between the drivers, they must share part
of the blame. He told Futurism, however, that, “Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) should be
redesigned to work better. He also said “ if a car equipped with AEB senses an impending collision
and the driver does not react in time, the car will start braking on its own. According to consumer
Reports, some owners of Tesla, Subaru and Infiniti are the most satisfied with their vehicles with
AEB systems.

He added: “ This is why we need to perfect AEB, or what he calls “safe-driving cars, “before we
go all out with letting people take their hands and feet off the controls even for a little while
(or) at certain times.” Most states still require a driver to be behind the wheel during
autonomous vehicle testing.

The fact that a lot of jobs are going to disappear with the advancement of AI is a fact. But we
believe that a lot of jobs can be created as well. We know that most of jobs we have now did
not exist some years ago. Some time ago it was on the news that IKEA is going to eluminate
about 7500 jobs but in the long run there are going to about be 11500 new jobs created.

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 6

So, we see that AI will not take over the employment but rather create more jobs. The
qualifications are going to be different then the the qualifications will need for the jobs we have
now. There is still no proven experiment that had proven that human beings can construct the
computations of the human brain. Can robots be structured in such a way that they can create
a sense of awareness? If so what will be the consequences?

Creativity will be lost: it will be up to the human beings to become as creative as they can. To
be able to create a robot with an amount of creativity. With is in mind a lot of new jobs will be
created which doesn’t exist.

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

E-skills: Cooperation 7

Alsing, O. (2017, December 8). Can AI Become Self-Aware And REPLACE Humans? Opgehaald
van Youtube:
Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Self-awareness. Opgehaald van Cambridge Dictionary:
Develop Good Habits. (n.d.). What is self-awareness. Opgehaald van Develop Good Habits:
Krasadakis, G. (2018, 01 17). innovation manchine artificial intelligence. Opgehaald van
Lacerda, T. (2018, 06 16). Using artificial intelligence treat addiction. Opgehaald van
Mahajan, G. (2018, 10 22). advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence . Opgehaald
van Technodistrict:
Mills, T. (2018, August 28). How Far Are We From Truly Human-Like AI? Opgehaald van Forbes:
Schkolne, S. (2018, April 4). Machines Demonstrate Self-awareness. Opgehaald van Becoming
What is self-awareness? (n.d.). Opgehaald van Deeve:

Santiago Alviz, Kelvin Osei, Charity Tetteh & Hope Omajuwa

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