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Nuisance Helpline

Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
Investigation Team
Support and Advice
No 194 February 2010 Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm Tel: 0141 840 2163
Tel: 0800 169 1283

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s See centre pages for village clubs, classes and events.
On See back pages for Visitor Centre/RSPB events & activities. The Big Freeze
This is the year of the whiteness.
Snow and ice and frost cover the land
in a relentless hardness.
I am locked
inside the beauty of this whiteness
in oldness,
to arthritic limbs,
in coldness from the years.

And in this year of whiteness

our today
disintegrates . . .
The car won’t go
the telephone is dead
the heating fails
the tap no longer yields its flow.
© Chatterbox Copyright Y Ross I am alone
and suddenly frail.
Editorial & copy
for Chatterbox CHATTERBOX But life is relentless;
Let us have your stories, notices, news,
information, events & items of interest — Chatterbox is produced and distributed in my core
either hand-deliver them to the Chatterbox on behalf of Lochwinnoch Community its force
drop-box in the Library or e-mail to: Council, with support and financial ignites the dynamo - assistance from local sponsors and
advertisers. survive,
To advertise in Chatterbox do battle with the snow!
Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail: The Editor welcomes all items for pos- sible inclusion but will reserve all I am become
rights over them. All views are of indi-
viduals. The Editor accepts no liability a sister
Copy Deadline for
for errors or statements and claims to my ancestors
March 2010 Issue Is
Tuesday 23rd February
made in advertisements. I walk beside the ancients;
I am the gatherer of wood
the keeper of the fire
MATTHEW NEW & SONS the carrier of water.
I am the one
who lived high on the hill
who faced out
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage winter’s cruellest smile
Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs who walked once more
Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering into the spring ...
Tel No 01505 843400 Betty McKellar
FMB Certificate No 26366 January 2010
DIRTY DAWGS Councillor Bibby’s
Garnock Valley
Picture the scene... I am pleased that the improvement works Independent Funeral Service
around the McKillop Hall are due to start
First day back at school after the on 1st February. These works will include
60 Main Street, Kilbirnie
summer break. All the children are new benches, paving and other improve- Family Owned, Family Run
heading up the hill, smartly turned ments. I know Lochwinnoch is a beauti- Now serving the whole of the
out, their new shoes shining in the ful village and a great place to live. This Garnock Valley
morning sun. Then..... SQUELCH!!! project will help to make the centre of the
Bringing the independent
Right in a dog`s doo doo. village even more attractive. If you would
like a copy of the plans please get in
choice back to the Valley
touch. The independent undertaker
The tears, the smell. They try to
clean it off as best they can. But, as remains a family’s first choice, for
I know the lack of gritting during the re-
they sit in class, everyone can smell a personal and more understanding
cent bad weather has caused some concern
it. When they walk about class it locally. I have been contacted about a
service at your time of need.
rubs off on the floor. Horrible! number of different streets which people Why Pay To Cover Huge Overheads
thought did not receive enough attention. Independent Undertakers are up to
One of the paths that caused particular 20% less for Funeral Costs
Picture the scene..... concern was the one leading up to the

A few days after the start of term, a

Railway Station, which can be busy when
people are walking to catch a train to work
Tel: 01505 682 555
child is off school. At the hospital, in in the morning or coming home in the 60 Main Street, Kilbirnie
fact. A badly infected cut, just a evening. Whilst main streets and pave-
scratch at first, but becoming in- ments should be a priority for salting it is
important that other areas are not forgot-
fected when they tried to clean the
ten about and I have contacted the Roads 24 hr Personal Service
mess off their shoe. Or maybe a se- Department to let them know local views
verely upset stomach because they Help and Guidance
on this matter.
sucked their thumb. All because With All Arrangements
someone let their dog “poop” on the A footpath not being forgotten about is the
pavement, then didn`t “scoop” after- bottom part of the Johnshill where works
wards. Every year, 100 people in the to widen parts of it are due to start soon.
UK contract TOXOCARA CANIS I know from walking up and down John-
(toxacariasis), a disease caught from shill that there are very narrow sections of
dog faeces, especially by children, pavements here.
that can cause eye problems and
There are also proposals to improve walk-
blindness. ing for pedestrians at the A760 near St
Now, of course you, dear reader and Josephs. If you would like more informa- An Exhibition and Consultation took
dog owner, would never allow this tion on either of these proposed works
place on Thursday 29th October in the
then please get in touch.
to happen. But someone does! McKillop Institute, when draft designs
Nearly every week there is dog ex- Last month I attended the official launch of proposed external works to the
crement on one of the pavements of the ROAR Lunch Club at the McKillop grounds around the McKillop Institute
leading up to the school. Sometimes Hall which was well attended by around were available for local people to view
the children have to walk on the road 30 older residents. It was great to meet so and comment on.
to avoid it. Mothers with prams and many older people from Lochwinnoch and
buggies struggle to make sure they the lunch was absolutely delicious. I have Since then, plans have been finalised,
don`t get it on the wheels. Someone always felt a day time club for older resi- the contract has been awarded to
is causing the problem. dents in Lochwinnoch to be important but Landscape and Contracts and works to
it could not happen without the help of the the outside areas at the McKillop In-
If you are a dog owner, it is your volunteers, the Elderly Forum and every- stitute are due to start on site on Mon-
duty to ensure that your animal does one else involved who have done a terrific day 1st February 2010. Weather per-
not foul on the pavement. You can job and I am sure will continue to do so.
mitting, works should be complete by
be fined if you are caught. If you see the end of April.
My next advice surgeries are on Saturday
anyone allowing their dog to foul the 6th February and Saturday 6th March at
pavement, you can report it to the Copies of the masterplan drawings are
9am in the McKillop Hall, Lochwinnoch. on public display in the entrance hall
Dog warden service. So, come on,
let`s keep our pavements clean and and in the Lounge inside the McKillop
You can also get in touch at any other
ensure that the children can walk to building.
time by calling Tel: 0141 840 3653
school without having to avoid those or by emailing me at: Please note - all classes held in the
horrid little brown dollops! McKillop Institute are expected to run
Councillor Neil Bibby as normal.
Lochwinnoch Primary Parent Council
Councillor Arthur’s
I recently attended and thoroughly
enjoyed the official opening of the THINKING OF LETTING OUT YOUR PROPERTY?
Reaching Older Adults in Renfrew-
shire Lunch Club (ROAR) which is the WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL?
lunch club that runs on a Thursday, on
average feeds around 30 to 40 of our WITH COMPETITIVE RATES AND A FRIENDLY,
community and is staffed by local
My wholehearted thanks go to our
volunteers, Grace Manders, Rita Parr,
Betty Somerville, Eileen McDonald, GIVE ANNETTE A CALL ON 01505 843589
Francis McPherson, Pat Morrison,
Sandra Loney, Cathy O’Brien, Liz
Ramsay and Liz Glen who not only Our original plan was to create a new McKillop Hall. The contract has been
dish out and serve the excellent meals path just inside the St.Joseph’s en- awarded to Landscape and Contracts
but also do the washing up. trance, across the edge of the field (L+C). Once on site, the contractors
and exiting on to Auchenhain Road will introduce themselves to local
The club is looking for more volun- (commonly known as Glenlora traders and neighbours and, weather
teers, therefore, if you would like to Road) but, sadly, after satisfying all permitting, the works should be com-
give a little of your time then please conditions the owners would not plete by the end of April. Any issues,
contact Rita Parr on 842054. give us the go ahead. then let me know as soon as possible.
If you wish to attend for your lunch
then it is preferable that you book Plan B was to secure a curbed pave- I am currently dealing with com-
your meal with Rita prior to your at- ment, which has to be a standard 2 plaints of dog fouling on the pave-
tendance but, if this is not possible, metre width, to run alongside the ments around the school. Please pass
then you must be in before 12 noon. A road where we currently walk at pre- on any information that you may have
main meal, sweet, tea/coffee and bis- sent but this was not possible due to with regards to the culprits.
cuits costs £2. the road having to keep its current Description of dog and their owners is
width which, in turn, meant that the ideal for this purpose.
ROAR is a joint project involving five space left between the road edge and
local voluntary organisations: Ren- the wall did not make the 2 metre My next Surgery is on Saturday 20th
frewshire Council for Voluntary Ser- requirements. February but there is no need to wait
vices (RCVS), Volunteer Centre Ren- for a Surgery if you require my help,
frewshire, WRVS, Alzheimer's Scot- It is plan C that will happen and this you can contact me on 843507 or
land and Contact the Elderly. This is to dig out the area between the email me at -
project provides a range of other sup- edge of the road and the wall and
port services to older people such as surface this area with tarmac to the and we can agree a time when we can
transport service for appointments, same level as the road. To warn driv- meet.
for example, medical checkups, an ers that pedestrians may be in the
individual befriending scheme and a roadway, advance warning signs will Councillor David Arthur
phone contact initiative. The project is be erected in both directions.
designed to help reduce isolation, im-
prove health and wellbeing, increase Widening work will start shortly on
self-confidence, provide social activity, two sections of pavement on the left LOCHWINNOCH
maximise independence and improve hand side of the Johnshill from
the quality of life. These services are number 5 to just short of Parkhill SURGERY NEWS
provided on the basis of an assess- Drive. This funding is coming from
ment made by Renfrewshire Council the Safer Streets budget. All parents of children aged 5 and
and Renfrewshire Community Health under should have received an invi-
Partnership. For further information I had much pleasure in attending
on these services phone 0141 889 7481 Lochwinnoch Art Group’s Art in the tation for them to have an H1N1
or contact myself. Park Exhibition in the Castle Semple Swine Flu Vaccination. The vaccine
Centre, which has a mixture of tradi- is supplied and administered in
I’m sure that most people are aware tional and contemporary work. The batches of 10 doses and we are now
that I’m a great believer in community group certainly has very talented
coming to the end of the pro-
partnership working, therefore, I’m members. The exhibition runs until
delighted that the partnership of the Tuesday 9th February. It’s well gramme. Any parents wishing to
Lochwinnoch Millennium Events worth a visit. have their child vaccinated should
Group and Renfrewshire Council have get in touch with the surgery be-
got over a few hurdles and secured an Our ground improvement works at fore 12th February 2010.
improved walking surface for us pe- the front and side of the McKillop
destrians who walk the circular route should now be under way. Plans of
around the Glenlora area. the works are on display in the
Surgery Tel: 01505 842200
  Gala Ceilidh
NOW OPEN FROM 10AM SERVING TEA & COFFEE  The Gala Day Committee are
  holding their annual
Valentines Gala Ceilidh
Have you tried the fabulous Elliston Grill ?   on Saturday 20th.February
  at 8.00pm (doors open 7.30pm )
WINTER WARMER MENU  in the McKillop Hall, Lochwinnoch
 2 Courses from our à la carte menu £17.50 or 3 Courses £21.50 
including a small glass of wine   The tickets are still great value at
£8.50 and include a light supper.
(supplement applies to Scallops, Steaks and Venison)  
There is a bar and, as usual, the
and this offer must be mentioned when making the   Raffle which includes some fan-
reservation as tables are limited on this offer.  tastic prizes !
VALENTINE’S DAY MENU (early evening) ‐ 4 Courses £17.50   The band is, as always, ‘The last
or Dinner £25.50  Tram tae Auchenshuggle’ .
  Tickets are now available from
The Junction, The Corner Bar, The
MOTHER’S DAY 14th March ‐ 3 Courses or Dinner  £15.95 
Brown Bull and Crafts of Calder
Fabulous Home Cooking, Suitable For All Occasions. 
Saturday 12th June 2010.

The Kilbarchan Singers will hold a This year, the theme for the Gala is
'SPACE'. So, if there are any Star
concert on Saturday 20th February at
Trek fans, Dr.Who fans etc., we want
7.30pm in the Wynd Centre, Paisley in aid
to hear from you. This is your chance
of St Vincent ’s Hospice, with the theme
to get involved in this fantastic day.
‘Around the World in 80 Minutes.’
We have one or two new events again
Members of the vocal octet Dieci will
this year.
perform a whistle stop tour of anthems
and songs from across the world, includ- As Gala Day grows, we are finding that
ing music from France , Italy , Norway , we need extra volunteers to assist on
ST VINCENT’S American and Africa !
Tickets are available from St Vincent ’s
the day. It is a great community event
which deserves the support of the
HOSPICE Hospice (details below) or from the community. So if you can help us in
Kilbarchan Singers on 0141 580 6292 or any way, even for an hour or two, it
email would really be appreciated very
Do you have any unwanted Christmas Women’s 10k
Calling all women!! This year’s Women’s Please leave your name and contact
gifts such as toiletries, bottles, books, details at Crafts of Calder Gallery,8
DVD’s, clothes, etc? St Vincent’s Hos- 10k is taking place on Sunday 9th May.
High Street. Someone will then be in
pice can make good use of all these un- If anyone would like to raise funds for St
touch with you. ' Trekkies' and
wanted gifts through raffle and tombola Vincent’s Hospice please contact either
'Dr.Who' followers may leave their
prizes. You can either drop them into Lorraine or Ashley in the Fundraising
details at the Gallery too.
reception at the Hospice in Midton Road , department (details below).
Howwood or give us a call on 01505
705635. Thank you. Use the links below to keep up-to-date IMPROVING WITH AGE
with hospice events.
Valentine’s Dinner Disco Show your
“Love” of St Vincent ’s Hospice by en- 124230589015, and Classes are held every Tuesday from
joying a Valentine’s evening on Friday 10am-11am at Lochwinnoch Annex in
12th February at Bowfield Hotel & or the Park. A fully qualified instructor
Country Club, which includes a 3 course Contact: Ashley Moran and is in attendance and classes are for
dinner and disco. Tickets are available Lorraine Valentine at St Vincent’s males and females so, don’t be shy,
from the Fundraising Team (details be- on Tel: 01505 705635 or e-mail: come and join us. For further details, Tel: 01505 843393.
low) and at the Bowfield Hotel.
The Teenage Cancer Trust unit in the
Royal Hospital for Sick Children
(Yorkhill) was officially opened on
Tuesday 19th January 2010.

Half of the £700,000 for the new unit was

raised as a result of a mammoth £350,000
fundraising campaign by Teenage Cancer
Trust West of Scotland Action Group.
Former Rangers star, Arthur Newman, cut NEW NURSERY NOW OPEN
the ribbon to open the new ward. He is
pictured here with relatives of cancer vic-
tims, including Russell Boyd, whose
brother Allister (featured in May 2009 2A HALHILL ROAD SPATESTON
For more information or to arrange a visit
please contact Vicky Gormley on Tel: 01505 702533

Out of school care places available - 43 Brewery Street, Johnstone.

Breakfast club/ After school care/ Holiday playscheme
Bookings now being taken for holiday playscheme and new term.
Tel: 01505 321916

issue of Chatterbox) raised a staggering UPDATE on the Brown Bull

Elderly Forum
£130,000 for TCT despite battling a brain
tumour and Sarah Delaney, whose brother At the time of writing we look forward
Andrew lost his fight against cancer in to our January meeting when we will
November 2003, aged 15. As Chatterbox have a talk from Ann Gibson, stroke
readers will know, Andrew’s father John, nurse.
his family, friends and many fund-raisers
which raised the grand total of The next meeting will be on Thursday
(too numerous to mention here!) have
£4,530.60. 25th February at 1.30pm in the McKil-
worked tirelessly to raise funds for this
lop, following the lunch club.
new unit and they are to be congratulated A terrific result. Our speaker on that date is Sophie
on this fantastic achievement. Thanks to all who contributed. Bell, community liaison officer from
Prior to the opening of the new unit, teen- the Energy Saving Scotland Advice
agers would have to choose between hav- Centre. She will be telling us about
ing treatment at Yorkhill with childen in Lochwinnoch the energy saving package that they
the Schiehallion cancer ward, or the Beat- Historical Society
son with adults. Our popular Tbar is up and running
At the January evening, Murray and Joy again after the Christmas break. Tea,
The new unit has six beds for 13-16 year
Blair gave an interesting powerpoint talk coffee and biscuits for 50p!
olds, plus social areas, a kitchen, lounge
and TV as well as games consoles. This on the subject of washing greens. Much
The ROAR lunch club had its official
unit is similar to the one at Beatson West of which was remembered by those of
opening on Thursday 21st January.
of Scotland Cancer Centre, which cares us over a certain age, especially the
This event was attended by a number
for 17-24 year olds and makes Glasgow soaps, washboards, boilers etc. Well, I
of council officials including Council-
the first place in Scotland to offer special- might have seen my mother using them!
lors David Arthur and Neil Bibby.
ised cancer care for ALL teenagers. The lunch club is every Thursday at
Our guest speaker at the February meet-
11.45am and a bargain at £2 for 2
STOP PRESS - John Delaney would like ing is Ian McCrorie with a talk "Paisley
courses followed by tea or coffee and
to thank everyone who has supported the High Street". This will be held on
TCT fundraising efforts over the period of Thursday 25th February, at 7.30pm in
this campaign. As recently as last week, the Parish Church Guild Room. We are looking for volunteers to help
John received a further £272 from indi- Visitors and new members welcome. An at this, from 11am - 1pm on Thurs-
viduals and groups in Lochwinnoch, evening visit is £2 and includes days. If you would like to help please
which was very pleasing and really in- tea/coffee/cake and biscuits. phone Reta 842054.
spires him to keep going. Contact: Gordon Nicholl Tel 842632 Contact - Gordon Nicholl: 842632
Lochwinnoch Fairtrade Cucina Minucci
International Aid Fortnight 2010 at The Junction
Licensed Caffè
2 – 4 High Street,
Lochwinnoch, PA12 4DA.
Tel: 01505 842 225

Annual General Meeting Fairtrade events in Lochwinnoch
The recent Annual General Meeting of
LIA discussed reviews of its spending
We start with a Coffee Morning at Jo’s Baking
The Junction, on the morning of
record, projects we might support on a Wednesday 24 February from 9 until
longer term basis and future fund rais- noon, offering the range of Fairtrade Large range of organic
ing plans. drinks served there (50p from each and wholefoods
hot drink sale will go towards the cost
Heather Gray then gave an illustrated
of producing a new mug to promote If we don’t have it,
talk on her recent trip to Nepal where
she visited orphanages supported by
Fairtrade). we can source it!!
Community Action Nepal. A recent
Another Coffee Morning will be held
contribution from LIA has helped to EAT IN or TAKE AWAY
at the RSPB on 25 February, from
improve the very basic facilities in the
11- 1pm: a chance to try some of the
schools attached to these orphan-
range of Fairtrade drinks and snacks
that are sold there. Tickets are £2 and Ivan and Joanna Minucci
Thanks to staff in Lochwinnoch Library are on sale in advance.
and the team
for allowing us to use their accommo-
dation. On 3rd March, from 10am -12 noon in
the Junction, Ivan Minucci is offering
An important achievement is the re- Finally, on Sunday 7th March,
a free coffee tasting event : a great
newal of Lochwinnoch's Fairtrade starting at 11am, there will be a
chance to learn more about the aroma
status, which shows the village's con- Fairtrade stall at the Castle Sem-
and taste of the distinctive Fairtrade
tinuing commitment to support Fair- ple Centre where you will be able
single origin coffees he sells. There
trade producers and farmers in im- to buy a wide range of Fairtrade
are only 10 places for this free event
proving their incomes and their com- products, try some samples and
so advanced booking is required by
munity facilities. find out more about our campaign.
ringing 01505-842225 or by calling
into the caffè. Ivan hopes to have
Final plans were also made for Fair- We are pleased to report that the
extra coffee available to taste by other
trade Fortnight: the Big Swap. Centre will be swapping its coffee
customers, who are in the Junction
to Fairtrade coffee/tea in the cafe
This is our annual awareness-raising during that morning, in addition to
for Fairtrade Fortnight and also
campaign, between - spare tasting notes.
selling other Fairtrade food prod-
22 February and 8 March 2010, ucts.
Last year, a lively audience loved the
when we hope Lochwinnoch folk will group Quinteto Son al Son who Fairtrade activities are also
swap their usual stuff for Fairtrade played son, a 1920’s style of music planned involving two classes in
stuff. A varied programme of local still played in café’s and bars across the Primary School and members
events has been organised to which Cuba. See below for more details of of the Elderly Form.
everyone is invited. this year’s event.

Lochwinnoch International Aid are pleased to announce the return of the 'Son al Son' Cuban
music band. They're coming to Lochwinnoch Bowling Club on Friday 26th February.
The music they play is traditional Cuban music, (in the salsa style but a bit slower and easier
to join in with). It's guaranteed to get your feet tapping and out of your seat in no time.
They were great last time they were here and we had a full house!

Doors open at 7.30pm and music will start at 8 pm. Tickets are £7 (reductions for children
will be made at the door) and can be bought from the usual helpful outlets, the Paper Shop,
the Junction and the Brown Bull, or Tel: 843099.

We'll be having a special raffle this time with lots of good prizes; all the profits from the
evening will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières to support its medical work in Haiti.
You can check out Son al Son's profile and hear music samples on
Roses are red Violets are blue FAIRTRADE
Choose a Valentine From Colin and Sue
We have hundreds - fun, classy, humorous, sentimental, cute and irreverent and
plus lots of gift ideas to delight your darling (including lots of fair-trade items). Places
And if you can’t decide, we do gift vouchers.

More than 2,000 products in the

UK, from over 58 developing coun-
tries, now carry the Fairtrade Mark.
Here’s a sample.
Gifts Cards Jewellery Leather Home
Beauty Products - from Burkina
8 Church Street Lochwinnoch 01505 843311 Faso, Ghana, Peru, Dominican Re-
Open 9-5 Monday-Saturday and 11-4 on Valentine’s Day (Sunday Feb 14) public and Malawi
Flowers - from Kenya
Bananas - from the West Indies,
Dominican Republic & Columbia
Events in Paisley Fairtrade Campaign's aims and its
Footballs - from Pakistan
local activities.
Several Fairtrade Fortnight events in Coffee - from Ethiopia, Tanzania,
Paisley are open to everyone. An Information stand will also be at Uganda, Costa Rica, Guatemala
Braehead shopping centre, on 22nd Sugar - from Malawi and Paraguay
On 17th February, there is a Fair- February, between 10am and 9pm. Chocolate & Cocoa - from the
trade Tea Dance at Paisley Town Ivory Coast, Ghana, Belize and the
Hall from 1 - 3.30pm. Information about where to get Fair- Dominican Republic
Tickets for this cost £1.50 each and trade products when you are out Wine - from Chile
are available from the box Office at shopping and eating, will be found in Tea - from Sri Lanka, Uganda and
Paisley Art Centre on 0141 887 1010. Renfrewshire Council's new Fair- India
trade Guide to Renfrewshire : avail-
Two events are being held on Satur- Cotton - from India
able in various venues and outlets in
day February 27th. Lochwinnoch during Fairtrade Fort-
Citrus Fruits, Grapes and Dried
The first is a Community Tea Party night. Fruits - from South Africa and
in the Alexander Wilson Suite of Pakistan
Paisley Town Hall from 10am – 1pm, Another good source of information Honey - from Nicaragua
when free Fairtrade tea, coffee and about Fairtrade, including films Pineapples - from Costa Rica and
biscuits will be available. about its importance is the Fairtrade Ghana.
This is a chance to hear more about Foundation website at: These items are now so widely
Fairtrade and speak to those who
available, it’s easy to make the
have co-ordinated successful local
campaigns in Renfrewshire.
switch to Fairtrade products.

The second event is a UWS Fair- The local contact is Bob Turner Think Global - Act Local *
trade 5-a-side Football Tourna- Tel: 01505 843068. * Sir Patrick Geddes 1854-1932, Ballater Scotland
Early pioneer of sustainable development
ment hosted by the Students' Asso-
ciation University of the West of Scot-
land (Paisley Campus). They are
looking for teams across Renfrew-
shire to compete.
Entry is £2 per person (money raised
going to Fairtrade Foundation).
The tournament kicks off at 10.30am
and runs until 2.30pm at Thornly Park
Sports Centre. Fairtrade refresh- SPECIAL OFFERS ON MEAT EVERY WEEK
ments will be provided.
If you are interested in putting for- SCOTTISH FREE RANGE CHICKENS - NOW IN !
Finding out more about AND VENISON AVAILABLE NOW !
Beat the credit crunch, Shop Local and visit us at:
Throughout Fairtrade Fortnight, com- 39 High Street, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AB Tel: 01505 844941
mencing 22nd February, the Castle
Semple Centre will host an exhibition or e-mail your order to us at:
illustrating some aspects of the
Antique Valentine Cards

It was in 1797 that a British publisher was reputed to be the forerunner

of the Valentine card. He issued The Young Man’s Valentine Writer, which
contained scores of suggested sentimental verses for the young lover un-
able to compose his own. Valentine cards as we know them today are
really a Victorian invention, appearing around the mid 1800’s. Historically
they can take two forms. Either they are handcrafted by or for the donor or
they are commercially produced and later embellished with a personal
The earliest Valentine cards were produced in Germany and England,
with Germany quickly capturing the American market with countless ex-
amples, ranging in size from 2 inches to cards which exceeded 14 inches in
height and width.
Antiques, Curios and Crafts The Victorians preference for elaborate romantic motifs and florid pat-
terns meant that many cards were made in a three dimensional design, of-
A dynamic selection of oils, watercolours ten incorporating hearts, songbirds, flowers, frills and lacy borders.
and limited edition prints. Postcard manufacturers also produced Valentine cards within their general
Bespoke crafts by local artisans, vintage and seasonal greeting card ranges such as birthdays, weddings, condolence,
and contemporary jewellery.
Well worth discovering for yourself.
Christmas, Easter and the like. This was particularly true of the appropri-
ately named Dundee firm of Valentine and sons, in business from the late
SPECIAL OFFER—10% DISCOUNT ON SHOPPING 19th century until the 1960’s.
FOR THE WHOLE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Victorian valentines are usually quite fragile and it is important to col-
lectors that cards remain complete, unfaded and unfolded. Some were con-
The Barn on the Farm, open 10am till late every day ceived as ‘pop up cards’ and are especially prone to being creased or torn.
Contact Greta Logan on As paper objects their values are low enough for collectors to be pretty
Tel: 01505 683338 Mob: 07786 720586 choosy. A top tip when looking for antique valentine cards is to remember
e-mail: to examine old scrap books. Victorians liked to attach their cards here as a form of remembrance.
At the Stirrup Cup we have a wide range of vintage collectables and
West Bankside Farm, Geirston Road, jewellery for your partner. And to help you choose we are offering a 10%
Kilbirnie, KA25 7LQ discount for not only Valentine’s Day,on the 14th but for the entire month
Just opposite the Golf Course on the Largs Road. of February.

with all the major events in the Christian Play, a modern version of a Mystery Play,
Mystery Plays calendar, from the Creation to the Day without a crucifixion scene is much easier
I hope most of the village have heard of Judgment. By the end of the 15th to produce. Following in this tradition the
about the Mystery Play to be performed century, the practice of acting these Writers’ Group in Lochwinnoch have
on Sunday 28th March around the village. plays in cycles on festival days was es- written a Mystery Play especially for the
Equally, you may be asking, “What is a tablished in several parts of Europe. village. Again, following the tradition of
Mystery Play?” Mystery Plays are one of Sometimes, each play was performed on the involvement of the different town
the earliest forms of drama, developed in a decorated cart called a pageant that guilds, the play will involve many differ-
medieval Europe and reaching their height moved about the city to allow different ent groups from the community.
of popularity in the 15th century. The crowds to watch each play. The entire
Given the inclemency of our weather, the
plays originated as simple sketches of cycle could take up to twenty hours to
Lochwinnoch Mystery Play will centre on
biblical texts. Early performances were perform and could be spread over a
the story of Noah and the flood. Therefore
given in Latin and were preceded by a number of days. In Britain, after the
we encourage everyone to come dressed
vernacular prologue spoken by a herald Reformation and the establishment of
for the rain! Not only that, Calder Crafts
who gave a synopsis of the events. the Church of England in 1534, the
are offering a beautiful prize for the best
plays were banned.
dressed umbrella, so put those thinking
In time, productions moved from the
caps on and dress up the umbrellas and
church to the churchyard and the public Modern revivals see if we can make a colourful splash
market place. Sadly in 1210 Pope Inno-
The Mystery Plays were revived in both (sorry) in the village.
cent III banned the clergy from acting in
public and the production was taken over York and Chester in 1951 as part of the Everyone is welcome to come along and
by town guilds. Needless to say, changes Festival of Britain. The Lichfield Mys- watch the play at 2 o’clock on the after-
ensued: vernacular texts replaced Latin; teries were revived in 1994 and more noon of Sunday 28th March. Children are
non-Biblical passages were added along recently in 2001, an African version of invited to come dressed as animals, as that
with comic scenes; not least, the acting the Chester plays was performed in Lon- is the only way to guarantee entry to the
and characterisation became more elabo- don. Passion Plays are also a shortened, ark! For the rest of us, there will be buck-
rate. From the guild control originated the modern equivalent of the Mediaeval ets accepting donations towards the cost
term mystery play or mysteries, from the Mystery Play. While, the most famous is of the production. If you would like to be
Latin “misterium” meaning “occupation” that portrayed in Oberammergau, there involved, please contact Rev Christine by
(i.e. that of the guilds). are various versions around the world, email:
including the Glasgow Passion Play.
The mystery play developed, in some However, while it takes immense re- Many thanks.
places, into a series of plays dealing sources to create even a short Passion
From the
Parish Church
Oh sit down,
sit down next to me.
Sit down, down, down, down,
down in sympathy.
Tim Booth
Perhaps the most important part of a min-
ister’s life, outwith leading Sunday wor-
ship, is sitting down with people who are
finding life hard for a variety of reasons:
bereavement; loss of a job; end of a rela-
tionship or one of the other events of life
that cause us to derail for a short while. talk. When you find out who these peo- BEAT THE BLUES
One of the things you quickly learn is that ple are, you very rarely need to speak to Have a blast at the
the majority of people have the resources them, as just knowing they are there is
to help themselves within their own psy- enough to give a minister the strength Blitz Ball !
che. That is not to say that people don’t they need to minister to others. Being
appreciate the companionship of others an independent person, I also have a Lochwinnoch Choral Society is run-
through life’s crises; we all appreciate need to know that I can stand on my ning a Blitz Ball on
those who stop and sit down with us. own two feet. However, I have a secret Saturday 13th February
to share – I can only stand on my own from 8pm till late at the
As a child, my mother used to remind me two feet, knowing there is a host of peo- McKillop Institute, Lochwinnoch.
frequently of the old adage, “A friend in ple around me, willing to share the bur-
need is a friend indeed.” The warning was den, if and when I need to set it down Dance the night away to a 17-piece
clear, as she used to accompany this prov- for a while. swing band. Dress up in wartime
erb with the tale of the prodigal son. This costume. Eat spam sandwiches to the
is the young man in the Bible who de- In the past few weeks I have had to do sound of Glen Miller.
mands his share of his inheritance before just that. One sin that many ministers
his father is dead. He goes off and lives a are guilty of is a belief that we are indis- Look out for posters - get your tickets
play boy lifestyle, surrounded by friends pensible. Believe me when I tell you early to avoid disappointment.
and companions until the money runs out. that it is good for the soul to know that
Yet in my experience, when life is hard, village life carries on regardless of
friends don’t disappear. In fact it is often whether I am in the pulpit on a Sunday
or not! Yet more than that, in the past
Beith Arts Guild
in times of crises that we discover that
those we thought of as mere acquaintances few weeks, we have been reminded of Sunday Concerts
are in reality very special friends. People the goodwill in this village to all villag-
are prepared to sit with one another in ers – incomers or not. In our community Sunday 21st February
times of need and that is something I have there is a desire to support one another; at 2.30 pm
witnessed on many an occasion in this a desire to sit down with each other; in Beith Community Centre,
village. there is genuine care for all who are King`s Road, Beith
suffering. Without thinking too hard, I
As some of you know, at the time of writ- know of several families who just want
ing, I am not undertaking my pastoral Featured at this concert will be the Scot-
to put the past 12 months behind them; I tish Reed Trio - a combination of oboe,
duties within the village. Having had mi- also know they are glad they live in
nor surgery, I am under doctor’s orders to clarinet and bassoon. The three instru-
Lochwinnoch, because for all life has mentalists are old friends from the time
take things easy for a few weeks (honestly been unduly and unbearably hard for
Dr Waterston, there is no physical effort when they were students at the RSAMD.
them, people have sat down with them; Since then they have all worked as orches-
involved in writing an article for the Chat- in this village they have found the love
terbox)! Being “on the sick” is not some- tral musicians with major U.K. orchestras,
and support they need to face each new and as music educators. Eighteen months
thing I had much of experience of, until day.
the summer of 2008. During that time and ago, in 2008, they combined to form the
this, the Parish Church Manse family have On their behalf, thank you; on behalf of Scottish Reed Trio, and have since per-
been overwhelmed by the number of my family, thank you, for all you do and formed in many venues across Scotland.
friends we have in this village; people continue to do for all people in need in They include in their programmes music
who are prepared to sit down next to us; our community. Please never underesti- from Mozart to Scott Joplin. This concert
people who drop in to make sure we are mate the importance of sitting down and promises to be another success in this sea-
ok; people who drop us an email offering spending time with a friend, even a new son`s outstanding series.
to pick up shopping; people who have friend, you just never know what bur-
walked Iain to and from school. dens you are helping other people carry. All are welcome to attend. Prices are
God bless you and thank you. adults £8, concessions £6 children £1,
I remember when a student, being given all payable at the door. During the in-
the advice that I had to learn who in a Yours terval you can, for a small donation,
congregation could minister to the minis- have a cup of tea and a biscuit, and chat
ter. In other words, who are the people to your neighbours. Check future con-
who will listen when the minister needs to Rev. Christine Murdoch certs on our website:
What’s On
(Regular clubs,
classes and local

Baby and Toddler Rhyme-
time - every Tuesday at 2.15pm
at Lochwinnoch Library. *
Linda Margaret School of
Dancing - Tuesdays from 4pm-
J Quinn & son
Memorials Q
groups) 8.45pm, McKillop Institute. For Personal Service &
details, Tel: 0141 581 9104. Quality Guaranteed
 Healing and Creativity Work-  TaeKwon-Do Fitness and Self-
shops & Classes. For details defence classes for youths and
or to book a place, please Tel adults. Tuesdays from 5-6pm,
Becky: 0141 8816700 or Libby on: McKillop Institute. For details
015105 842604. Tel: 01259 210716.
 Lochwinnoch Community  Lochwinnoch Scottish New Memorials
Walks - Mondays (ex. Public Country Dance Club Every
Holidays), meet at 10.30 am at Tuesday, from 7.30-9.30pm,
The McKillop Inst. McKillop Inst. Additional Inscriptions
 Lochwinnoch Playgroup - For  Jogging Buddies - Wednes-
under 5’s, every Monday, Tuesday day evenings. Meet at McKillop Cleaning & Renovations
and Wednesday from 9.30- Inst. at 6.30pm. For details, Tel:
11.30am at the McKillop Institute. 0141 887 1357 or 07947 763704.
 Lochwinnoch Toddlers - Mon-  Girls Brigade - 1st Loch- 42 MAIN STREET,
days and Wednesdays from 9.30 - winnoch Company Wednesday
11.30am, McKillop Institute. evenings from 6pm-9.15pm at KILBIRNIE
 Lochwinnoch Gymnastics
the Parish Church Hall for vari- Please Call 01505 685 455
ous age groups. Monday & Friday 10am-5pm,
Club - For primary school-age
children every Monday, 5-8pm at  Boys Brigade - Anchor Boys Tuesday-Thursday 10am–2pm
the Annexe. Phone Coby for de- and Junior Sections meet on Saturday 10am - 1pm
tails on: 0772 9051615. Tuesday nights and Company
 Lochwinnoch Writers Section on Friday evenings,
Group—Monday mornings from Parish Church Hall. DogTraining at The Annexe
9.30-11.30am in the Library.  Yoga Classes - Wednesday (Pre-booking necessary)
evenings: at 6pm and 7.30pm,
 Advice Works - Surgeries take Mondays 9.30am - Advanced/Intermediate
McKillop Inst. Yoga, breathing
place on MONDAYS from 2pm- Mondays 10.30am - Juvenile/Intermediate
practice, intro. to meditation.
4.30pm at the Library. * Tel Mary: 01505 842877. Tuesdays 6.30pm - Puppy Course
 Morag’s Keep Fit - Mondays (8 week blocks)
 Happy Harminis - Fun for pre Tuesdays 7.30pm - Juvenile/Intermediate
and Thursdays from 7pm, in the -school children on Thursdays
McKillop Institute. Tuesdays 8.30pm - Advanced/Intermediate
10am-11am, McKillop Inst. Tel: Thursdays 6.30pm - Puppy Course
 Lochwinnoch Choral Society. Frankie : 01505 612248. (8 week blocks)
Rehearsals on Monday evenings,  Slinky Strollers - on Thursday Thursdays 7.30pm - Juvenile/Intermediate
Parish Church/ Hall. Juniors 7- mornings (details on back page). Thursdays 8.30pm - Advance/Intermediate
7.30pm, Intermediates 7.30-
8.30pm and Seniors from 8pm.  ROAR Lunch Club - every Please phone/email for further information,
Thursday from 11.45am at the to book a place or for information on
 Club Latino - weekly Merengue, McKillop Institute. Please outdoor classes.
Salsa and Mambo classes for Note - the last sitting is at 12.15 Anne D Moss MSc (CABC), PGCE, MBIPDT
adults on Monday evenings at Liathach Dog Training &
Lochwinnoch Bowling Club from  TaeKwon-Do Little Tiger Behavioural Counselling
8.30-9.30pm. Details from Hazel Cubs. Classes for 3-5 year olds, Tel: 01505 842367
on: 07812 023343. on Thursdays from 4.15pm-5pm e-mail:
at McKillop Inst. Tel: 01259
 Lochwinnoch Art Group 210716 for details.
Meet fortnightly on Monday eve-
nings, 7.30pm, McKillop Inst. *  Calder Drama Club— VILLAGE EVENT
 Keep Fit - Improving With
Thursdays, from 8pm-10pm
McKillop Institute.
CALENDAR for 2010
Age classes, every Tuesday from
10am-11am at the Annexe building  Scottish Slimmers - Thurs- Lochwinnoch Post Office has a wall-
in the Park. (See separate notice.) days, 7/7.30pm, McKillop Inst. mounted calendar, where members of
 Drop-in T Bar - Lochwinnoch  Lochwinnoch Pre-School the public can enter details of forth-
Elderly Forum. Every Tuesday Gymnastics ( for children from coming events.
and Thursday from 10am-1pm, 18 mths to 5 yrs). Fridays, from Please use this calendar to publicise
McKillop Inst. For details, Tel 10.15am - 1.45pm at the Annexe. your events and to avoid any clashes
Reta: 01505 842054.* Further details from Coby on when planning dates to hold events.
Tel: 0772 9051615.
Dates for Thursday 25th February -
Lochwinnoch Historical Society
meeting 7.30pm in the Parish POPPY’S
your diaries Church Guild Room. *
 Friday 26th February - Salsa
Night with ‘Son al Son’ Cuban
 Saturday 6th February — music band at Lochwinnoch
Krafty Kids class 10am-11.30am Bowling Club from 7.30pm. *
at Space Rooms, McKillop Inst. 29 MAIN STREET
Tel Katharine on: 01505 844944.  Friday 26th February - Prize KILBIRNIE
Bingo Night from 7.30pm at the
 Saturday 6th February - Masonic Club. * Tel No: 01505 681212
Councillor Bibby’s Surgery at
9am, the McKillop Institute. *  Tuesday 2nd March -
Lochwinnoch Community
 Tuesday 9th February - Last Council meeting at 7.3opm in Flowers for all occasions
Day of Art in the Park Exhibition,
Castle Semple Visitor Centre.
the Guild Room, Lochwinnoch Weddings
Parish Church.
(See back pages of Chatterbox for Funeral Tributes
more details. ) *  Wednesday 3rd March - Cof-
fee Tasting Event from 10am - 12 New Arrivals
 Saturday 13th February - Blitz
Ball in the McKillop Inst. from noon at The Junction. NOTE - Birthdays, Anniversaries
8pm till late. *
TIAL as spaces are limited. Floral Arrangements
 Saturday 13th February - To book, Tel: 01505 842225. * made to order
Valentine’s Dance at the Masonic
Club. *  Saturday 6th March - Coun-
cillor Bibby’s Surgery at 9am,
 Monday 15th February - the McKillop Institute. * and don’t forget
Lochwinnoch Art Group fort-
 Sunday 7th March - Fairtrade St Valentine’s Day
nightly meeting at 7.30pm, Lesser
Hall, McKillop Inst * Stall at Castle Semple Centre
from 11am.
 Wednesday 17th February -
Lochwinnoch SWRI meeting at  Thursday 18th March -
Sunday 28th March 2010 -
on Sunday 14th February
7.3opm in the McKillop Inst. *
Lochwinnoch Arts Festival. *
 Saturday 20th February —
Councillor Arthur’s Surgery from
 Friday 19th March to Saturday LOCHWINNOCH
27th March - Lochwinnoch
11.30am, the McKillop Institute. * Arts Festival Art Exhibition in SWRI
 Saturday 20th February - the Library Room, Lochwinnoch
Race Night at Lochwinnoch Bowl- Library. * At the first meeting of 2010, members
ing Club. First Race 8pm. *  Sunday 9th May - Women’s 10K enjoyed the wonderfully evocative
 Saturday 20th February - poetry of talented Scottish poet, Jim
 Saturday 12th June -
Annual Valentine’s Gala Ceilidh, Lochwinnoch Gala Day and
7.30pm for 8pm, McKillop Inst. * the 28th running (‘scuse the pun As well as reading his poetry, Jim
 Saturday 20th February — Ed,) of Lochwinnoch Open Race. gave us glimpses of his childhood
Krafty Kids class from 1.30-3pm growing up on a farm.
at Space Rooms, McKillop Inst. * For further details about these
To book, Tel Katharine on: 01505 events and activities, see separate Competition winners were:
844944. notices inside this issue of Chatterbox. Carrot Soup:
 Sunday 21st February - Beith
1 J Galbraith
2 E Richmond
Arts Guild Concert in Beith Com-
munity Centre at 2.30pm. *
 Monday 22nd February to EVENTS Favourite Teaspoon:
Monday 8th March - 1 P Matthews
Fairtrade Fortnight 2010 * 2 2 A Cochrane
(See LIA/Fairtrade Fortnight Valentine's Dance
3 J Elder
pages for full details of all events.) Saturday, 13th February,
 Wednesday 24th February - Tickets £5 each, from Billy
The next meeting is on
Fairtrade Fortnight Coffee Tel: 843359 - look out for posters! Wednesday 17th February at 7.30pm
Morning from 9am—12 noon at when Franzeska Ewart will give a
The Junction. *
Prize Bingo Night presentation on Shadow Puppetry.
 Thursday 25th February - on Friday 26th February,
Lochwinnoch Elderly Forum The competitions are:
meeting at 1.30pm, McKillop Hall Starts 7.30pm. All welcome.
3 Chocolate Brownies and
(following the ROAR Lunch Club.)
a Decorated Gift Box.
LOCHWINNOCH ON ICE Photographs - courtesy of Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia

© Copyright Zul Bhatia © Copyright Zul Bhatia © Copyright Zul Bhatia

Lochwinnoch Vanda’s Mobile Hairdressing
Arts Festival 2010 Ladies and Gents.
Preview of this year’s events
Thursday 18th March
25 years’ hairdressing experience
Festival Arts Exhibition Opening Book now for an appointment.
Night in the Library 7.30pm
Tel: 01505 842329
Friday 19th March
Pupil Concert in Parish Church 7pm
Michael Marra in McKillop Hall 8pm Lochwinnoch Arts Festival Vanda’s Mobile Hairdressing
Art Exhibition I have been in the hairdressing busi-
Saturday 20th March ness for more years than I care to re-
Krafty Kids in Space 2-4pm Friday 19th - Saturday 27th March
member. I qualified and worked in a
Crafts and Paintings in the Library - Submissions for the Festival Art salon in Nottingham before becoming
10-1pm and 2-5pm Exhibition are being invited from a state registered professional mobile
Cunningham Choir in the artists living in Lochwinnoch and hairdresser. My husband works for
Parish Church 7pm the power industry and has followed
surrounding areas. The Exhibition
will be held in 'The Library Room' at the work wherever it has taken him.
Sunday 21st March We moved to Lochwinnoch in August
Morning Festival Service - Lochwinnoch Library.
when my husband, Colin, took a job
Parish Church Details and entry forms are available with Babcocks. I have now started my
The Gruffalo children’s event from: Crafts of Calder Gallery & business again covering, clearly, Loch-
3-4pm McKillop Hall Framing, 8 High Street, winnoch and the surrounding area.
Lochwinnoch. Tel: 01505 844980.
Monday 22nd March I have always worked as a hairdresser
Betty McKellar and Lochwinnoch
Writers - RSPB Centre 7pm ~ and have always enjoyed meeting new
people. I have particularly enjoyed
becoming a part of this community as
Tuesday 23rd March
Scottish Country Dance - Come & Try LOCHWINNOCH I did whilst we lived and worked in the
south. I consider my job a community
McKillop Hall 7pm ART GROUP activity, helping to oil the wheels of
local activities and people I serve.
Wednesday 24th March The Art Group meets fortnightly
Classical evening in Parish Church on a Monday evening at 7.30pm - I provide a range of hairdressing ser-
from 7pm, including - 9.30pm in the McKillop Hall. The vices, including perms, cuts, blow-
Neil Wilson Classical Guitar next meeting is on Monday 1st dry’s and sets. My prices are com-
Garnock Academy pupils February and then the 15th Febru- petitive, supplying everything a salon
Cameron Murdoch ary. The Art Group welcomes new would.
members at any time throughout
Thursday 25th March the session. So if you have been Feel free to call me, even if you just
Sing along Sound of Music thinking about it, why don't you need the occasional appointment
Parish Church 7.30pm come along and see what we are whilst your full-time hairdresser is on
all about. We look forward to see- holiday.
Friday 26th March ing you there. That’s me and I hope
Rowena’s second hand books
you will give me a call.
Festival Folk in McKillop Hall 8pm Christine Brown Vanda Bird
( Chairperson )
Saturday 27th March
Krafty Kids in Space 2-4pm
Crafts and Paintings in the Library -
10-1pm and 2-5pm
Lee McKinlay ………. Holistic & Beauty Therapies
Shadow Puppets with Franzeska in the
Parish Church 11-12noon Swedish Massage Waxing
Rowena’s second hand books Aromatherapy Massage Eye Treatments
Funky Festival Boogie Evening with Reflexology Manicure
Richard Mulhearn and friends Facials Pedicure
McKillop Hall 8pm
A Mobile Service to promote Relaxation
Sunday 28th March Gift Vouchers Available
Mystery Play - starts at 2pm
(See page 8 for full details provided by Telephone 07854 715625
Rev. Christine Murdoch. Ed)
BOWLING CLUB from Lochwinnoch Play-
WIND FARM ROUNDUP On Saturday 20th February The staff, parents, and committee mem-
in the Clubhouse bers of Lochwinnoch Playgroup, would
Leapmoor, Inverkip & Wemyss Bay – First Race - 8pm like to offer our sincere and heartfelt
The application for 10 turbines by Com- thanks to local businesses in Lochwinnoch
munity Windpower was lodged with Inver and the surrounding villages for donating
clyde Council in July 2006 and has now prizes for our Christmas Raffle:
been withdrawn. It is hoped that this part
of the park can now continue to be used as
before but it is always possible that a re- Hear Lochwinnoch Motors
The Junction
vised application is lodged.
Here Escape Campers
The Garthland Arms
Kelburn, Fairlie - Final approval for 14
x 100m turbines was given by Scottish The Bowfield Hotel in Howood,
Ministers. The construction plan schedule Renfrewshire Hard of The River Inn in Houston
Heritage Farmers Market Shop
of work is currently being negotiated be- Hearing Support Group Tesco
tween the developer and NAC with a con-
struction start date likely to be April 2010 The Renfrewshire Hard of Hearing Natural Touch
Group has now been operating for over Meadowbank Equestrian Centre, Houston
Wings Law, Kilbirnie – Application for one year. We are a group of people Lochwinnoch Golf Club
24 turbine windfarm by Wind Hydrogen who all have some degree of hearing Calder Gallery
Energy Ltd. On 9th Dec it was announced loss, and we came together to raise The Brown Bull
that an agreement had been reached with awareness, campaign for positive The Corner Bar
an unspecified major European untility to change and provide support and activi- Lochbar Indoor Football Centre
make an up front payment of £200,000 ties for other people like us. The Oaks Vet Centre
and an option to purchase windfarm assets Now & Then Gift shop
Because all our members have some
which are assumed by SYRP to include
degree of hearing loss, we understand
Wings Law. There is no further news on We would also like to thank the staff at
how difficult it can be living in a noisy
the approved planning application for world. For some it feels easier to with- Lochwinnoch Library, Cut n Care Hair-
their Hydrogen plant at Glengarnock. draw and become isolated, yet we are dressers, The Spar and The McKillop In-
Millour Hill 1 & 2, Dalry and Kaim Hill, here to support each other overcome stitute, who took the time to sell our
Fairlie – covered in January Chatterbox. this and to ensure that we get the best Christmas cookbooks and raffle tickets
use of hearing aids and modern tech- (winning tickets/corresponding prizes dis-
Wardlaw Wood, Dalry – 6 x 410ft/125m nology to keep ourselves part of the played on the McKillop Inst notice board).
Turbines constructed in 2006 by Commu- hearing world. At our meetings, we
nity Windpower Ltd. get the chance to air our frustrations Other fundraising news from the play-
about the numerous difficulties we face group is that The River Inn in Houston
Waterhead Moor, Largs, Scottish & and we invite speakers to provide in-
Southern/Airtricity. No further news re 29 recently raised almost £300 from their St
formation that may be of use to us, but Andrew’s night celebrations, which they
turbine application to the Scottish Govern- we have missed because of our hearing
ment and the Environmental statement is very kindly and unexpectedly donated to
loss. This year, our speakers will in-
still not completed after a 4 year wait! our Playgroup. Our thanks go to all the
clude a mental health officer, audiolo-
gists from both the NHS and the pri-
staff at The River Inn who made this pos-
Glenlora, Lochwinnoch – Scoping for 1 x sible.
vate sector and a local MP.
85m turbine; view the scoping response at Meetings take place of the first Thurs- In times of economic recession, we were
Glenlora, Lochwinnoch – Planning appli- day of every month, this year starting overwhelmed by your generosity and sup-
cation for an anaerobic digester to process on 4th February 2010, at 1:30pm in the
Mile End Centre, 30 Seedhill Road, port, and of course an extra big
18,500 tonnes of agricultural waste (slurry
silage & potato shaws). No further news. Paisley. At this meeting our guest thank you to those of you who pur-
speaker, Willie Macfadyen, a Mental chased a cookbook, raffle ticket or indeed
Skelmorlie Windfarm Readers may re- Health Officer and last year’s recipient tried to guess the number of coins in a jar.
call that Ferret of Keith wind farm was of the British Association of Social
proposed above Skelmorlie and eventually Workers (BASW) Social Worker of the
withdrawn. As we have said about this
Your continued support of Lochwin-
Year award, will be talking about
proposal and Leapmoor, when a project is hearing loss and mental health. Meet- noch Playgroup enables us to operate
withdrawn it doesn’t mean it’s gone away! ings last about an hour and a half and term time, Mon, Tue and Wed morn-
Burcote Wind have resurrected a proposal tea/coffee is available. ings from 0930 until 1130.
above Skelmorlie, this time for 21 tur- You are welcome to join us if you live
bines, though they maintain there’s room in Renfrewshire and are affected by As always, if you are interested in en-
for 100 turbines. A meeting was called at hearing loss.
rolling your child at playgroup, appli-
the Consents office to discuss this; atten- For further information or to be put cations are available from The McKil-
dees were Government representatives, onto our mailing list: lop Institute, Main Street or contact
CMRP, NAC, SNH and SEPA. SYRP was Phone: 0141 847 4950
Textphone: 0141 848 7232
Karen on 843943 or Joanne 844898.
not invited. No further news.
Fax: 0141 847 4981
Lochwinnoch Lochwinnoch residents -
Library Can I help? If so, please don’t
hesitate to get in touch.
New books
for Febuary Douglas Alexander, Lochwinnoch’s MP
Dean Koontz : Breathless
Write to: 2014 Mile End Mill, 12 Seedhill Road, Paisley, PA1 1JS
Grady Adams lives a simple, solitary Tel: 0141 561 0333. E-mail:
life deep in the Colorado mountains. or come to one of my advice surgeries.
Here the thirty-five-year-old carpenter
works out of a converted barn, crafting
exquisite one-of-a-kind furniture. Quintin Jardine: Blood Red
There's little about this strong yet gen- ADVICE WORKS
tle man to suggest the experiences that Primavera Blackstone becomes the Surgery at
have alienated him from the contem- prime suspect in the second breath-
taking novel in a brilliant new series Lochwinnoch Library
porary world. But that is about to Every Monday 2pm – 4.30pm
change. by bestselling Scottish crime writer
Quintin Jardine. Primavera is enjoy-
One day, while hiking, Grady spots a ing the quiet life in an idyllic village We can provide advice about entitle-
pair of stunningly beautiful furred ani- on the Catalan coast of Spain. The ment to benefits. Advisors can help
mals unlike anything he's ever seen. attractive single mother and eight- fill in claim forms and advise on wel-
They flee the instant they detect his year-old Tom, son of the late and fare benefits and money problems.
presence, but the mystery of that brief still lamented Oz Blackstone, are We can check you are receiving all the
encounter remains. In the days ahead, popular figures in the tiny commu- benefits due to you.
Grady will approach the creatures nity. But her close friendship with
again, gaining their trust but coming the parish priest has eyebrows rising We can provide expert advice on a
no closer to solving their mystery. For and tongues wagging. Then a dispute wide range of debt related topics
this he enlists the help of an old explodes with a powerful councillor eg. Credit Card , Mortgage arrears,
friend, veterinarian Camellia 'Cammy' who refuses to allow the village wine Council Tax, etc ……….
Rivers, who, in turn, is stunned - and fair to go ahead. When his body is OUR SERVICE IS FREE, CON-
enchanted - by Grady's new 'pets.' But found, head caved in, some ominous FIDENTIAL AND OPEN TO ALL
while Grady and Cammy carefully ob- questions are asked... 
serve these enigmatic animals for
clues to their origin, they, too, are be- Coming soon …….
ing watched. Lee Child : 61 Hours
Clive Cussler : The silent sea Baby & Toddler
Sue Grafton: U Is for Undertow Harlan Coben : Caught
It's April, 1988, a month before Kinsey Linwood Barclay : Fear the worst
Rhyme time
Millhone's thirty-eighth birthday, and Robert Crais : The first rule
she's alone in her office doing paper- Danielle Steel : Big girl 
work when a young man arrives unan-
nounced. He has a preppy air about
him and looks as if he'd be carded if he Renew and Reserve
tried to buy booze, but Michael Sutton at
is twenty-seven, an unemployed col-
lege dropout.
Twenty-one years earlier, a four-year- Library members can view, renew
old girl disappeared. A recent refer- and reserve their library loans
online. All you need to get started is
ence to her kidnapping has triggered a
your library membership number
At Lochwinnoch Library
flood of memories. Sutton now be-
lieves he stumbled on her lonely burial and a password. If you don’t have a every Tuesday at 2.15pm
when he was six years old. He wants password just ask at any library.
Kinsey's help in locating the child's
remains and finding the men who
killed her. It's a long shot but he's will- FREE Computing Class  NORMAL LIBRARY
ing to pay cash up front, and Kinsey for Complete Beginners  OPENING HOURS :
agrees to give him one day. As her Would you, or someone you know,
investigation unfolds, she discovers Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
like to learn to email and surf the 2pm–5pm & 6pm–8pm
Michael Sutton has an uneasy rela-
tionship with the truth. In essence, Internet? Classes are held Tuesday and Saturday: 10am–1pm
he's the boy who cried wolf. Is his cur- at Lochwinnoch Library on: and 2pm–5pm
rent story true or simply one more in a Fridays from 9.30am – 11am Closed Thursday.
long line of fabrications?  For details Tel: 01505 842305 Tel: 01505 842305

The hills, moors and glens around

Muirshiel country park above Loch-
winnoch are serene and majestic. A
spirit of solitude transcends the ages.
In summer, colourful blossoms like
purple heather, golden bog asphodel
and blue butterwort mantle mosses
and morasses like magic carpets.
Wistful songs of curlews, golden
plover and skylarks transform the rug-
ged domain into an earthly paradise.
But the remote realm has a more sinis-
ter side, especially in winter. It's Windy Hill, more than 1000 feet mortuary in an out-building at Heath-
known as Renfrewshire's Bermuda
above sea level. So he threw himself field Farm. It was something he re-
Triangle because so many horrific air- on the ground as the plane roared membered for the rest of his life.
craft crashes occurred there. overhead. He was unaware that the
aircraft - a Swordfish - had crashed It later transpired that the Swordfish
Sadly, the young lives of many brave less than a mile away near the Cal- was one of four which crashed that
aircrew ended in that lonely land- der Dam. night on a flight from Fraserburgh in
scape. Wreckage from aerial tragedies the north of Scotland to Macrihanish
is still visible on windswept hills. Because of news blackouts during on the Mull of Kintyre. The other
Debris lies like moorland memorials the war, no announcements of mili- three impacted a few miles farther
to dead heroes. tary manoeuvres were broadcast. So north at Alexandria, near Loch Lo-
he had no reason to believe anything mond. The official explanation was
During my time as a countryside sinister had happened. Archibald they all ran out of fuel in bad weather.
ranger at Muirshiel country park, I just put it down to a nasty experi-
researched the history of these plane ence with a low-flying aircraft. The Swordfish which landed on the
crashes. One of my main sources was moors around Muirshiel with such
the late Quintin McKellar who farmed It was three weeks before the awful disastrous consequences was quickly
at Heathfield and East Tandlemuir truth became known. Bob Fleming, removed from the crash scene. Only
(later Conveth) for many years. He the McKellar family's shepherd, was one wing fragment remained - and that
knew the hills around Muirshiel better out in the snowy landscape search- was the piece which Eric, Iain and I
than anyone else and was the person ing for sheep when he came across a discovered 46 years later.
to go to for advice. horrific spectacle.
There were many more aircraft
One misty morning in April 1988, The aircraft lay mangled and muti- crashes in the neighbourhood -
senior ranger Eric Harley, ranger Iain lated on the moor. Inside were the inspiring the legend that the Muirshiel
Brotherton and I discovered the grey, frozen-stiff bodies of two dead crew neighbourhood was Renfrewshire's
metal fragements of a crashed aircraft members. Even more macabre was Bermuda Triangle. The belief was
among heather near the site of the the gruesome specatacle of a third instigated by similar inexplicable
drained Calder Dam just off the bary- man hanging from the cockpit, tragedies off the coast of Bermuda
tes mines track. We knew it was from trapped and dangling by his feet. island in the Atlantic Ocean.
a Swordfish plane.
The McKellar family volunteered to One explanation for the aviational
Mr McKellar told us what happened. help teams from the Royal Air Force carnage at Muirshiel is that vast
It was a pitch-black January night in and local police to remove the bod- amounts of minerals in the ground
1942 at the height of the Second ies. Their unique knowledge of the interfered adversely with navigational
World War. Mr McKellar's father, hills and moors made them the right equipment. Another is that hastily-
Archibald, who farmed the land people for the grim task. mobilised aircrews were insufficiently
around Heathfield before him, was out trained to handle such powerful
on the hills rescuing sheep trapped in Although still a teenager at the time, planes.
deep snowdrifts. Suddenly, he heard Quintin bravely made his way across
the terrifying drone of an aircraft com- the snowbound moor with a pony On a more sinister level, it was ru-
ing towards him. and sledge to retrieve the corpses moured that dark cosmic forces were
Archibald was close to the summit of and take them back to a makeshift at work which affected the judgement
Renfrewshire Council has received
reports from members of the public
who have received suspicious calls,
allegedly from the council’s Contact
Centre. The caller tells the person
that they are due a refund on their
Council Tax and asks for the per-
son’s bank details so that repay-
ments can be made directly into
their bank account. The fraudsters
then use these bank details to
empty out the victim’s bank ac-
of doomed pilots, navigators and
crews. Renfrewshire Council wish to con-
firm that they would never phone a
It's speculated that these cosmic customer and ask for their bank
forces included air ions, electro- details. If a person is due a Council
magnetic waves, atmospheric electri- USEFUL Tax refund, then this would be de-
cal fields, thermal radiation and sud- ducted from their next bill. If the
den weather changes causing physi- CONTACT NUMBERS refund was greater than the amount
cal and psychological malfunction- of the bill, a cheque would be sent
Strathclyde Police –0141 532 5900 to the customer.
ing of the crew's human neuro-
Johnstone Police –01505 404000
muscular and cardio-vascular sys- No reputable organisation would
Johnstone Community Safety
tems. ask a customer for their bank de-
Office – 01505 404023
Whatever the explanation, there is Trading Standards 0141 840 3233 tails and any request for this infor-
mation should always be treated
one thing I shall always remember Care and Repair – 0141 812 4111
with suspicion and reported to the
from my time as a ranger at Muir- Renfrewshire Council - Police.
shiel country park. Tel: 0141 842 5000
Anti-social Behaviour Investigation COMPUTERS
And that was cycling home from Team (ASIST) - 0141 840 2163
work past the ruins of Heathfield Victim Support – 0141 887 0328 Recently, Which? Computing maga-
Farm on dark winter nights when zine warned of a “cold calling scam”
Nuisance Support & Advice
there wasn't a moon or star in the where people had been contacted by
Helpline – 0800 169 1283 scammers purporting to be from
blackened skies - then looking at the Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111 Microsoft or an Internet Service
forbidding building which was the Provider.
moorland mortuary for the tragic The Strathclyde Police website contains
team on the Swordfish aircraft. information on all of the local Community
The callers made people think that
Policing Teams. Check out our website.
Derek Parker worked as a their computer had a virus and then
countryside ranger at Clyde www. took them through a series of steps
Muirshiel Regional Park from for contact details of officers in your to fix the computer “problem”. At
1985 to 1999. local Policing Team. You can also the end of this process, the scam-
e-mail us from this website. mers then have remote access to the
computer and, as if this wasn’t bad
enough, people are then asked to
provide their credit card details in
order to pay a fee to have the com-
puter “repaired” !

This scam has been reported to the

police e-crime unit and to Micro-

The advice from Which? Computing

is - Computer users must always be
on their guard and suspicious of
phone calls or e-mails that don’t
come from a trustworthy source. If
you have good security software,
you should be protected from
online threats.
in Fairtrade Fortnight
on Sunday 7th March
from 11am – 2:30 pm
FANTASTIC SKIES at Castle Semple Centre, Lochwinnoch
Stargazing session at
Muirshiel Country Park
Friday 19th February
at 7pm
The last of the great pre-telescope as-
tronomers, the story of Tycho Brahe
involves kidnapping, strange pets,
false noses, excessive drinking, bi-
zarre deaths and the occasional bit of
astronomy thrown in for good meas-

This will be part of the presentation

from John Pressly of the Coats Obser-
vatory at the Stargazing night at Muir- The popular Lochwinnoch Farmers’
shiel Country Park on 19th February. With Spring just about here, the
Market, on the shores of Castle Sem- market will provide the opportunity to
Come prepared for being outside look- ple Loch, will hold its next market
ing at the stars at this ‘dark sky’ site as dust down the outdoor gear and have a
on Sunday 7th March 2010 as part of go at cycling or paddling a canoe or
well as inside to hear John’s presenta- Fairtrade Fortnight.
tion. rowing boat on the loch while visiting
Castle Semple. The boat and bike hire
A good range of seasonal produce guys will be on site all day for an
Cold weather and icy road conditions will be available providing everyone
cancelled the January session, so this early spring opportunity to get out-
with an alternative to supermarket doors on a bike or in a boat.
will be the first spring session of 2010 shopping on what is the last day of
to be held at Muirshiel Country Park Fairtrade Fortnight. The suppliers
Visitor Centre and, weather permit- Martin of Express Cycles will be
are members the Scottish Associa- offering FREE safety checks to every-
ting, we should get a good view of the tion of Farmers Market (SAFM) or
night skies unaffected by the light pol- one coming by bike to this Farmers
guests of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Market. He will also have a new
lution generated by nearby villages, Park. All produce is subject to avail-
towns and cities. To have a truly great range of 2010 demonstration bikes on
ability. Product availability on the show as well as a a good selection of
view of the stars with the naked eye day is likely to include: Meats &
without traveling too far from urban parts and spares. Please call him on
Ayrshire Dry Cured Bacon; Aber- Tel 01505 682 191 / 0786 779 0889 if
comforts this is a great place to come. deen Angus Beef, Black Face Qual- you need any cycle parts or advice.
ity Lamb; Breads, Cakes and Con-
The park is open 24 hours a day, al- fectionary, Vegetables and Hand-
though there are no facilities available For those who would like a leisurely
made Soups, Fish & Seafood, day there will be lots of things to see,
at night except on special evenings Honey, Handmade Cheeses, Dress-
like this, when the toilets are open and people to watch or a Fairtrade coffee
ings, Olives & Things. to enjoy in the scenic surroundings of
coffees and teas are available in the
centre to warm you up. Castle Semple Visitor Centre.
The Lochwinnoch Fairtrade group
will be guests at this market with a This is the first Lochwinnoch Farmers
So come along and experience a great range of Fairtrade food and drinks to
evening with like-minded people. To Market of 2010. The Summer, Au-
try and to buy, such as coffee, tea, tumn and Winter markets will take
book a place or for further details dried fruits, chocolate, biscuits, ce-
please call Muirshiel Visitor Centre place on Sunday 6th June, Sunday 5th
real and sweets as well as some Fair- September and Sunday 5th December
on 01505 842 803. trade crafts. 2010.
4. Keep your nestboxes up. Whilst this may not be some-
RSPB LOCHWINNOCH thing that people would usually consider doing or thinking
about at this time of year, nestboxes can provide much
What a cold start to the year we're all having! needed shelter from the cold for many species in the winter.
With all 3 lochs completely frozen, the severely cold Wrens in particular collect in large groups and will roost to-
weather will really be having an impact on our birds. We gether in nestboxes. You may notice them arriving at your
have seen some unusual sights as a result of the big box from dusk onwards. Over 50 have been known to roost
freeze, as many normally shy birds have gathered together in one box! If you have a nestbox camera, it may be
around areas of flowing water, as these are the only worth switching it back on during the winter to see if you
places available for eating and drinking! have any creatures using your box as a roost site.

These have so far included water rail, jack snipe, snipe, For further advice about looking after your birds,
moorhen, grey heron, mute swan, whooper swan, dip- please visit
per, teal, goldeneye and mallards, plus lots of black
headed and lesser black backed gulls sitting on the ice. Thank you for all of your help during this freezing spell. The
Woodcocks and brambling are also being frequently re- birds will certainly appreciate it as do we all, and you never
ported around the local area. know, you might get something new or unusual in your gar-
den too!
On the reserve, the feeding station has been completely
mobbed as hungry birds desperately try to eat and keep Finally, a really nice picture of the water rail, take by reserve
their energy up to survive the freezing cold nights. This manager Zul Bhatia on Christmas Day.
has brought in lots of the normal species as well as some Paula Baker,
unusual sightings, including a yellowhammer (the first RSPB Lochwinnoch Visitor and Publicity Officer
on the reserve for over 10 years), 10 blackbirds all feed-
ing at the same time, reed buntings, fielfares and bull-

Whilst this cold weather persists, there are a few things

to remember to make sure that our birds are well fed
and looked after:
1. Feed your birds. If you normally feed birds in your
garden or local park, please continue to do so. The birds
will be relying on these food sources as there is very little
else available at the moment. If you don't normally feed
your birds, please consider doing so. Kitchen scraps and
rotten fruit and vegetables can be just as valuable as
seeds, fats and peanuts. There are, however, quite a few
foods to avoid including salty, mouldy and stale foods
and many dried foods. Also, avoid using left over cook- © Water Rail Copyright Zul Bhatia
ing fats from meat/poultry as this can carry harmful
bacteria and cause birds to become very unwell and die.
For advice about feeding birds, visit
Keep up to date with news and events
helpingbirds/feeding/index.aspx at RSPB Lochwinnoch.
2. Put water out. People often forget that during times Wildlife viewing all year round, nature trails and hides open
of frost and snow, although there is plenty of frozen wa- at all times, Visitor Centre open from 10am-5pm daily, Bird
ter available, there is little or no drinking water available Feeding Station and Treetop Tower, drinks, snacks and a su-
for birds. Just today, at a nearby loch, the swans were so perb RSPB Shop. Daily activities for families, guided walks
thirsty from eating so much bread that they were almost throughout the year, school holiday activities, try our
choking on it. Five minutes of clearing a bit of slushy ice monthly ‘Wildlife Challenge’. An ideal day out for everyone.
soon brought all of the swans over, who quickly swal-
lowed the water down. You will have to check your bird For bookings and information, Tel: 01505 842663
bath, margarine pot or ice cream tub (whatever you or e-mail us at:
choose to put water into) daily as it is likely to freeze
overnight. Just pouring a kettle full of warm water will
or visit:
give the birds a drinking water supply again.
Find us on Facebook:
3. Don't disturb groups of water birds. Birds that
usually rely upon water bodies for food, water and Search ‘RSPB Lochwinnoch’, click on us and
safetyfrom predators will be lacking in all of these things receive regular updates.
due to the severe frosts. It is vitally important that Follow us on Twitter:
these groups are not disturbed as every time they have at
to move or fly away, this uses up more of the little en-
ergy that they have left. Please avoid walking near them Subscribe to the RSPB Lochwinnoch Blog!
or being tempted to do so because the birds are not as For weekly updates, visit:
active as normal. Please also keep dogs under control community/blogs/lochwinnoch/default.aspx
where possible as they can easily cause distress to birds. and subscribe using the RSS link.
What’s On at RSPB,
Cornalees & Castle
Semple Centres For All Your Garage Door Needs
Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
 Monday mornings - Loch- Installation . Repairs . Spares
winnoch Community Walks - (ex.
Public Holidays). Meet at FREE ESTIMATES 0141 950 1423 GLASGOW
10.30am at The Cross. FREE SURVEYS 01505 842176 AYRSHIRE
 Thursday mornings - Slinky FREE INSURANCE REPORTS 01786 820130 STIRLING
Strollers walks (for parents &
pushchairs) - meet at 10.30am at The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
Castle Semple Centre.
(10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)
 Saturday 6th February -
Young Volunteers Group from
11am - 4pm at the RSPB Centre.  Sunday 21st February - A  Saturday 6th March-Sunday
For 12—18 year olds, booking es- Winter Walk. Meet at 1.30pm 25th April - Homecoming Photo-
sential as spaces are limited. Tel: at Castle Semple Centre and join graphic Exhibition at Muirshiel
01505 842663. the Rangers for a tour of Loch- Centre during opening hours.
 Sunday 7th February - Kelly winnoch and its surroundings.  Sunday 7th March - Lochwin-
Cut Linear Walk. Meet at 11am at  Monday 22nd February to noch Farmers’ Market from
Cornalees Visitor Centre and join Monday 8th March - Fair- 11am—2.30pm. *
the Rangers for a 8km walk from trade Fortnight 2010 Fairtrade  Sunday 7th March - Muirshiel
Cornalees to Wemyss Bay railway Campaign Exhibition at Castle Mine Memories. Indoor history
station. Semple Centre during opening talk at Muirshiel Centre from
 Tuesday 9th February - Last hours. *(See LIA/Fairtrade 2pm.
day of Art in the Park Exhibition pages for full details.)
of traditional and contemporary  Wednesday 24th February -
work by Lochwinnoch Art Group, Conservation Volunteer Session
open daily from 10am - 3.30pm at
Castle Semple Centre.
from 1pm (for 2 hours) at Muir- VISITOR CENTRES
shiel Centre. Join us for some
 Sunday 14th February - Valen- mid-week exercise and healthy
tine’s Day guided walk from 10am NORMAL OPENING HOURS
fresh air.
- 12 noon at the RSPB Reserve.  Thursday 25th February - RSPB Reserve
 Thursday 18th February - Fairtrade Fortnight Coffee The Reserve is open at all times;
RSPB Variety Evening - music, Morning from 11 am - 1 pm at Visitor Centre open daily, 10am-5pm.
magic and more - from 7pm-9pm the RSPB Centre. Cost £2. * Tel: 01505 842663.
at the RSPB Centre. Tickets £2.50  Saturday 27th February -
for RSPB members, £5 for non- RSPB Art Workshop hosted by a Castle Semple Centre
members. local artist from 10am - 12 noon Open daily from 10am—4pm
 Friday 19th February - at the RSPB Centre. Booking from 25 October to 29 March 2010.
Stargazing Evening (or indoor essential, Cost £5. For more Tel: 01505 842882.
lecture if weather is poor) at Muir- information, Tel: 01505 842663
shiel Centre, 7pm-9pm. Booking Cornalees Centre
 Sunday 28th February— Last Open weekends only from 11am-3pm
essential as spaces are limited. day of the Homecoming Photo-
Tel: 01505 842803. from 25 October to 29 March 2010.
graphic Exhibition at Cornalees Tel: 01475 521458
 Saturday 20th February - Centre.
Build A Bird A Home! Join the  Sunday 28th February - Craft Muirshiel Centre
RSPB team from 11am-3pm to Fair from 11am-3.3opm at Castle Open weekends only from 11am-3pm
help build and decorate nest boxes Semple Centre. Also light re- from 25 October to 29 March 2010.
during National Nest Box Week. freshments, walks and wildlife. Tel: 01505 842803

HINGES, LOCKS AND MISTED Tel: 01505 614654


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