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Share Trading Numerology

copyright © 2013 Prasant Numerology

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To The Source Of Knowledge– Goddess Saraswati
A mini guide to gaining wealth in share trading using our special numerological concepts.
Numbers Which Control A Day’s trading

Downfall Indicator 7

Cheater 63

Tuesdays and digit reversals

Wealth numbers

5 means Banks, 55 means everything

Scrip code matters

Swing trading

Weekday effect on matrix

5 and 8 death combo

Want to short sell?

Deeper observations reveal that our lives, sports events, share market trends etc are not

controlled merely by date or destiny number or an average route.

The date plus destiny i.e. the matrix concept fully applies in share trading. For knowing the day’

trend, we have to create the matrix to make the real analysis.

Matrix parts play an important role, many might not be aware of this fact. For effective trading,

knowing the trend beforehand and for maximizing profits, we need to have the feel of the matrix.
Numbers Which Control A Day’s trading
Any trading day is influenced by -

- Actual date

- Destiny number [this could range further to include 34, 43, 52….]

- Right side matrix element.

- Matrix total

- Matrix plus week day ruler number

- Matrix right side plus ruler number


Suppose the date is 13 mar, 2014…the matrix would be-



Vital numbers – 13, 34, 14, 27,

- Actual date - 13

- Destiny number - 14

- Right side matrix element - 34

- Matrix total - 27

- Matrix plus week day ruler number – 27 + 3 = 30

- Matrix right side plus ruler number – 34 + 3 = 37.

We might not succeed in making accurate prediction of the day [because, we might have failed

in spotting the real hints], but the market behavior could later be traced back exactly to these

hidden hints.
Downfall Indicator 7
As a general rule, whenever number 7 comes in the concerned date’ numerology, it is an

indication that there will be downtrend majorly.

In what forms 7 can come?

- Actual dates in 7 series i.e. 7, 16, 25

- Destiny number in 7 series [this could range further to include 34, 43, 52….]

- Right side matrix element in 7 series.

- Matrix total in 7 series



- Matrix plus week day ruler number

Market death dates - 38, 35

Whenever anyone of these two comes [and it comes time and again], the share market is bound

to witness severe downtrends, huge negative range, monetary loss.

It comes unaware and shocks the traders, gives death like experience.
Cheater 63
When the matrix gets affected by number 63 effect, one needs to be cautious. It leads to good

rise and then suddenly, back to lower levels.

Unlike other effects, the ‘63’ effect often remains hidden from naked eyes. Few examples-

- Thursday [3] and matrix containing 6

- Matrices like

02 25

14… 21

There is a 21 and 24 interlaced….the hidden version of 63.

Again, 51 and 21 creating 6 and 3.

Tuesdays and digit reversals
Certain numbers turn their digits when 9 get added to them. Tue stands for 9 and on such days,

digit reversals often occur.

A mere digit reversal gives variations in the wealth earning capacity of the date. In numerology,

while 12 indicate downtrend/loss almost sure, 21 is a positive wealth number.

And 21 = 12 + 9

Number 13 becomes 31 when it gets 18 or 0. While 31 is always bad, 13 could give good/bad.
Wealth numbers
While numerology claims number 6 to be wealth gaining numbers along with 5, 3 etc. A careful

observation clears the things. Only these numbers appearing in the matrix pattern leads to share

market uptrends/wealth increase-

- 55

- 65

- 23

- 30

- 59

- 80

Trading only on such days give sound wealth gain/profits.

5 means Banks, 55 means everything
Banks are represented/controlled not by number 3 but by 5. Traditional numerology is wrong in

saying that Jupiter/number 3 controls banking sector.

Actual thing is that, banks mean number 5. And for growth in share price of banking sectors, the

matrix of that day needs to have healthy 5.

Excess of 5, and that too healthy ones [not affected by 8], gives wealth gain in a beautiful


That’s why 55 give the ‘extra’ results – it has double 5s.

No other number could generate clean growth like 55.

Scrip code matters
BSE/NSE share codes are more important in selecting wealth gaining/lucky shares for one selves

rather than full name.

When the code’s equivalent numerological value matches with that day’ matrix, we can expect a

good performance from that share on the given trading day.

Here, all of our ‘matching’ principles [explained in matrix numerology] need to be taken care of
Swing trading
How to detect swings in advance? On those days, we can witness swings [i.e. ups and downs

repeatedly to same levels] when that day’ matrix has a -

- 11

- 4/7 or 2/7 combination

- 63

Logic- moon creates ups and downs. 11 adds to 2 [moon], and latter ones have the tussle

between moon like numbers /rahu ketu. One pushes things upwards; the other pulls it down


How to extract profit from swing numbers?

Only persons in 1 or 6 can benefit/manage such numbers like 11 and 4/7, others will incur

heavy losses.

And such numbers support shares whose name number adds to 1 or 6. We should trade only

in such shares on those days.

Number 63- This pattern may/may not create repeated up and down effect, but yes, it leads to

huge/sudden rise and then bad downfall.

Weekday effect on matrix
When the weekday number matches with matrix main/effective number, it becomes all the

more powerful.

This happens mainly in two cases-

- When the matrix is 9 and it is a Tuesday

- When the matrix is 4 and the day is Wednesday

On such days, the share market can see powerful rise/sudden rise.

On the other hand Thursday and Saturday poses threat for trading with certain dates, it leads to

severe downfall-

- When the matrix is 6 and day is Thursday [the 63 effect]

- When the matrix is 5 and day is Saturday.

5 and 8 death combo

Saturn/number 8 devastates number 5. So, if the day’ matrix has both- 5 and 8 in visible/hidden

form, the indication is almost clear that the share market will go down.

A strong effect of 8 on 5 leads to destruction of banking and communication sectors/shares.

This 5-8 combo could come into effect also on Wednesday with date/matrix number in 8.
Want to short sell?
You can short sell and gain in plenty [without that much risk] on days which have these

numbers/effects in its matrix-

- 8

- 7

- 63

- 58

- 11

- 35

- 38

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