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Energy Policy

TBEA Energy India Pvt. Ltd., is committed to judicious use of energy and accord highest
priority for energy conservation (ENCON) in all our activities, processes and services,
wherever efficient to do so.
We would strive to make ENCON a way of life at our site and our aim is to be the lowest
specific energy consumer on a M-Joule/ MVA basis for respective product in the industry we
operate. We have set a strategy to reduce our energy consumption by 1% minimum every
year up to 2018.

This shall be achieved by:

 Establishing an effective energy management system and setting and implementing
energy objectives.
 Monitoring our energy performance levels and making all efforts for continual
improvement in ENCON.
 Involving all the employees by training and motivating them in energy efficient
operation of processes and equipment.
 Making available information and resources to employees for energy conservation
 Controlling our energy consumption by adopting energy efficient technologies,
processes and purchasing energy efficient equipment.
 Conserving fossil fuels through enhanced use of renewable and waste heat energy.
 Complying with applicable legal & other requirement and following best practices for
energy use and consumption.

This policy is communicated to all the persons in the organization and shall be reviewed

CHEN ZHIJIN (Managing Director)

TBEA Energy India Pvt. Ltd.

Rev-00, Date-01/03/2015

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