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OBJECTIVE QUESTION (Each question carry 1 marks) 10x1=10

a) . A client expresses the belief that armed forces are out to kill him. This is an example of:
A. Hallucinations
B. Delusion of persecution
C. Delusion of infidelity
D. Derelization
b) The best approach for the mental health nurse to take when a client thinks his food is poisoned is to
A. assure the client that all food served on the hospital is safe to eat.
B. obtain an order for a tube feeding for the client.
C. provide the client with food in unopened containers.
D. tell the client that irrational thinking is detrimental to good health.
c) A patient perceives that his face is distorted and his hand are becoming long. The term used to
explain this condition is:
A. Dejavu
B. Depersonalization
C. Derealization
D. Jamaisvu
d) . Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of manic episede?
A. Elevated, expansive, irritable mood
B. Increased psychomotor activity
C. Thought echo, thought insertion or thought withdrawal
D. Flight of ideas
e) . Which term refers to perceptual abnormality------?
A. Delusion
B. Attention
C. Hallucination
D. Orientation
f) 13. Mania is a
A. Thought disorder
B. Mood disorder
C. Personality disorder
D. Hypersexuality disorder

g) .Ben is assigned in a psychiatric ward; he notices that one of the patients would follow every move he
would make. When he moves his hand, the patient would also move his hand. This is:
a. Waxy Flexibility
b. Echolalia
c. Perseveration
d. Echopraxia
h)..During an interview, Rona notices that the client’s response is similar to what she says. This is:
a. Waxy Flexibility
b. Echolalia
c. Perseveration
d. Echopraxia

i).While making rounds, Mary noticed one of her clients saying the following line: “I have money, want to
study. Daddy wants honey, honey honey bee…This is an example of?
a. Neologism
b. Word Salad
c. Flight of ideas
d. Clang association

j) .“I have heard my mother say I will not take this medication.” It was found out that Josh’s mother was
already dead 10 years ago. This is an example of:
a. Illusion
b. Delusion
c. Hallucination
d. Idea of reference

2. Define Schizophrenia. Explain its etiology with sign and symptoms .Mention nursing management of
client with Schizophrenia (5 marks)

3.Write short notes on(2.5x2=5)

a)Personality theory
b)Classification of depression
c)Characteristic of mentally healthy person

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