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How a focus on equipment performance

promises to unlock billions of dollars in

productivity returns for miners.
August 2014

Mining for efficiency
Executive summary

Australia’s declining productivity is one In this report we have diagnosed the Table 2 for differences by class of
of the most important challenges for extent of the productivity challenge at equipment), the majority of which
our economy. It calls into question the both a macroeconomic and operating can’t be attributed to different
path to future prosperity and our global level, in Australia and across the other mining conditions or embedded
competitiveness unlike any other topic. major mining regions. For the latter, we issues associated with existing mine
And when it comes to productivity, no have drawn upon 20 years of operating plans. For example, hard rock mining
industry has received greater attention performance data from 136 mines and conditions are a well-worn excuse
of late than mining. 4,760 individual machines – in all, for poor productivity performance,
this represents more than 47 million when in fact the data reveals there
With the evolution of new technology
operating hours. are many mines digging very hard
and mining methods, combined with
materials who are achieving best
projects of ever increasing scale, Key findings practice. The extent to which these
one might have reasonably expected
• The global mining industry’s open variances are monitored, rationalised
productivity in the Australian mining
cut equipment productivity (ie or dismissed is unclear as data
sector to have increased over time. But
annual output / capacity of input) capture management practices are
for a range of reasons, at an industry
has declined by 20% over the past still evolving compared with many
wide level, the reverse has actually been
seven years despite a push for other industries. The Tier 1 assets
the case.
increased output and declining have the best ore bodies in the world.
The popular tagline of the mining market conditions. Imagine how profitable they would
sector is that the miners are serious be if they also delivered best in class
about productivity. We suggest that • Mining equipment in Australia runs productivity performance.
most are reducing costs and increasing at lower annual outputs than most
of its global peers. Australia is not • Productivity is heavily dependent
volumes but there are precious few
best in class for output from any on the way people act. A better
with legitimate claims to improving
category of equipment and is below rated piece of equipment might
core productivity in their open cut
the annual output of North America deliver 5-10% output improvement,
operations. Miners are banking the
across all classes of equipment. and require additional capital,
first available dividend, selling or
but changes in the work practices
segregating mines deemed too hard • There is an inherent conflict between can, in our experience, deliver
to fix and tempering expectations of a productivity plan based on 20%+ gains, often at little or no
further productivity gains by citing increased volumes and one based cost. Again, industrial relations
a combination of labour laws, high on cost reduction. Those mines with issues are perceived as the primary
costs, regulatory hold ups and mine well delineated strategies which are constraint to productivity, yet the
configuration constraints. There is no followed with discipline by their data shows significant divergences in
question that sustainable productivity people make up the majority of those performance from mines operating
dividends are harder to achieve, but if achieving top quartile equipment in close proximity, chasing the same
tackled properly they will drive superior performance. commodity, and under very similar
long term returns.
• Company-wide equipment IR conditions.
Many have been quick to point the performance for many global miners
finger at the overhang created by sit in the second and third quartiles,
the volume maximisation strategies and the differences between their
that prevailed during the commodity best and worst performing mines are
boom years, where absolute output stark (see Figure 5). The differences
was deliberately prioritised. But between median performance and
understanding why productivity fell best practice output by equipment
during this period, and has continued to category can be over 100% (see
fall since, is a complex issue.

2 Mining for efficiency

• Mining companies understand
implicitly that productivity carries
a value, but are not armed with the
right data to make informed choices
on the risks/rewards involved. Costs
deferred or eliminated, as well as
volume increases, have become the
proxy for productivity gains. What’s
more, in the current environment
there is little patience for a
productivity dividend that might be
six or twelve months in the making,
let alone one that needs an outlay of
substantial capital to get there.
• Sizing the productivity prize will
vary for each mine. To give some
sense of the magnitude of the
upside we considered the gains that
could be made for a single item of
equipment moving from median to
best practice annual output, and
then applied a conservative cost per • Benchmarking of equipment The implications for improving
tonne (representing the marginal performance has generated productivity in the Australian mining
cost of having that incremental significant gains in some quarters sector are clear. Companies serious
material being moved by some and served to highlight diminished about both cost control and productivity
other method, by an additional performance for others. On page 13 need to have a greater focus on the
loader, truck, excavator, etc) – refer we provide brief case studies from efficiency of their equipment. This
Table 3. As an example, a front end mines across the globe. means stepping beyond short term cost
loader of average bucket capacity reduction initiatives and a preoccupation
that could shift from median to • In our view the easiest gains can be
with extra tonnes leaving the mines. It’s
best practice would increase annual made in the areas of payload and
about what’s happening inside the gates
output by 6.1 million tonnes and availability. Annual performance is
that is the key to arresting the industry’s
generate cost savings of between more highly leveraged to payload
productivity decline.
$1.50-2.00 per tonne. (ie a return than any other metric, yet this is
of $9 – 12 million per annum often overlooked. Maintenance
per machine). Best practice may practices can make the difference
not be possible on all sites, but between equipment achieving
apply this benefit to a substantial typical availability rates of 85% and
portion of a miners fleet and the those achieving best practice of 90%
financial upside quickly mounts. or more. Again, some examples are
included on page 13.

Mining for efficiency 3

The productivity doldrums

Understanding why productivity fell mining sector. We need to recognise Drawing on this database, PwC has
following the commodity boom is a that these measures are not based on developed a number of metrics that
complex issue. There are a range of an understanding of how individual allow companies to better understand
impacts arising from the increasing mines perform at an operational level. the operational-level drivers of
scale of open cut mines and complexity While they help identify and support productivity. For example, PwC has
of mining operations, which may at underlying trends, they cannot provide developed the Mining Equipment
first glance seem counter-intuitive. For the detail required to make optimised Productivity Index (MEPI), which
example: strategic decisions and comparisons provides a more precise estimate of the
with other mining nations are difficult. productivity of mining operations by
• Performance actually decreased as
measuring the physical output of the
equipment capacity increased for A more detailed understanding of
mine equipment.
draglines, hydraulic excavators and productivity in mining based on
front end loaders (see Figures 10, 20 operational-level has been made Our operational-level analysis has
& 25 in the Appendix). possible by data collected by PwC’s revealed that:
Mining Intelligence & Benchmarking
• For some equipment manufacturers • The global mining industry’s open
practice1. Our database is the leading
new, larger models have not cut equipment productivity has
source of information about the
produced immediate, proportional declined by around 20% over the
productivity and reliability of open cut
improvements. For example, OEM past seven years despite a push for
mining equipment in the world.
1 in Figure 29 of the Appendix, increased output (see Figure 3 of the
produces decreasing unit The database constitutes performance main report)
performance as the models get larger. data sourced directly from equipment
• Australian mining equipment appears
monitoring systems over a period of 20
• During the boom years some mines to be run at a significantly lower level
years. The data covers five continents
were forced to acquire equipment of annual output compared to most
and 136 mines. It includes 308 different
which was available rather than other mining countries (see Figure 4
makes and models with over 4,670
what they really needed and at the of the main report)
individual machines and more than
same time due to talent shortages
12,000 years of operating data. Those • There does not appear to have
recruited relatively less skilled
machines have more than 47 million been effective or significant change
labour to operate it.
operating hours and more than 700 in operational mining strategy
The recent downturn in commodity million cycles. during this time, despite changes in
prices in particular has now led mining commodity prices.
The approach that has been developed
companies to take strong steps to
within the database seeks first to This last point was particularly evident
improve productivity. Many have stated
normalize for a range of factors during 2011 – 2013 where a number
publicly that productivity is top of
outside the mine’s control (including of commodities declined in price
their agenda and they are extolling the
commodity being mined, what is being significantly (for example, coal and
virtues of cuts to employee numbers
dug, location - including weather, gold) but a detailed examination of
and spending.
pit geometry and make and model of mining productivity data from mines
But is productivity actually improving? the equipment) and then measures with those commodities revealed a lack
The short answer is that it depends best performance. This determines an of change in mine site strategy, despite
on what measure you use. This report optimum performance level against what the miners may have stated
looks at a number of publicly available which variances can be measured for publically.
macro performance measures typically that particular mine.
used to describe productivity in the

Formerly GBI Mining Intelligence, which was acquired by PwC in September 2013

4 Mining for efficiency

What the macro
measures reveal

Mining productivity is typically Figure 1: Labour and Capital Productivity (Source: ABS)
described by reference to publicly
available data from the Australian 120
Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the Reserve
Bank of Australia (RBA) and the 110
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and
Resource Economics and Sciences 100
Indeces (#) (2003 = 100)

The publicly available data is largely
focused on labour, capital, capacity and
output. Whilst important for monitoring
industry-wide trends these metrics do 70
not provide sufficient understanding
of what’s happening at the operational 60
level to enable executives to make
changes to their strategies that will 50
maximise productivity. Furthermore,
the metrics do not appear to support 40
the recent productivity claims of mining
companies, which argue that following
reductions in headcount and spending
they are now ‘doing more with less’. The ABS Labour Productivity Index ABS Capital Productivity Index
following sections explain why.
and 2009-10 and may be just ‘noise’ in PwC maintain that while labour and
ABS labour and capital an otherwise downward trend. Capital capital should be important aspects
productivity indices Productivity has fared even worse, with of analysis regarding the financial
no substantive increase since 2001. sustainability of the mining industry,
If productivity in the mining sector
they should not necessarily be the
were simply about the deployment In previous analysis we have released
primary focus for understanding or
of labour and capital, then we would on mining productivity it was clear that
improving mining productivity.
expect to see the headcount and austerity approaches have largely failed
cost reduction strategies recently to deliver improved productivity2. For
adopted by the miners leading to example, despite widespread reports
a demonstrable improvement in of redundancies and operational
productivity. But it’s simply not the case. headcount reductions in the mining
industry in 2013, Labour Productivity
An analysis of the ABS’s Labour and
has only risen 3.2 per cent. And even
Capital Productivity Indices reveals
though the capacity of new equipment
only limited gains of late (see Figure
being commissioned decreased 44
1). The Labour Productivity Index
per cent in 2013 compared with 2012
in 2013 was just 3.2 per cent higher
(Parker Bay Mining), the Capital
than 2012. This is less than the minor
Productivity Index still fell by 7 per cent.
corrections that occurred in 2006-07

Productivity not austerity: Productivity scorecard – mining focus, PwC, 2013

Mining for efficiency 5

Capacity and As commodity prices rose over the past Presuming a consistent split of open cut
decade, so did the mining industry’s and underground mining over the 10-
output metrics investment in capacity, which has also year period, the total increased capacity
The decline in labour and capital been well above the long-term trend. acquired has been nearly eight times
productivity in the mining industry Figure 2 shows that from 2003 to the aggregate amount of additional
since 2001 has been broadly attributed 2012 the Australian mining industry commodities sold from these mines.
to companies making a shift from a annual investment in new earthmoving Productivity, therefore, has gone down
cost conscious strategy in the 1990’s equipment capacity3 increased by 17 per as the rise in inputs is greater than the
(minimising marginal costs and cent, on average. rise in outputs. Clearly, attempting to
accepting lower output volumes) to a exploit high commodity prices has cost
Production output4 data indicates that
volume strategy from the mid 2000’s mining companies dearly.
the industry was not, however, able to
(achieving the maximum output effectively capture the opportunity high Understanding the reasons for the
despite increasing marginal costs) commodity prices presented. gap between investment and output
in order to capitalise on the boom in (from Figure 2) is critical to improving
commodity prices. But a deeper analysis During the same 2003 to 2012 period
Australian mining productivity.
reveals that the causes of decreasing the aggregate commodities actually
performance are not so simple. mined grew by an annual average of PwC data reveals that the main reason
5 per cent a year, just a small amount for this discrepancy is that most of the
ahead of the industry’s longer-term productivity issues are operational.
increase of 4.2 per cent.

Figure 2: New Australian Mining Equipment Capacity (Source: Parker Bay Mining)
and Aggregate Australian Mining Output (Source: RBA) 1988-2013


Indeces (#) (2003 = 100)





Capacity of New Equipment (Parker Bay Mining) Aggregate Commodities Mined

Source: Parker Bay Mining
Source: RBA

6 Mining for efficiency

What operational-level data
reveals about productivity

Productivity across the Figure 3: PwC’s Aggregate Mining Equipment Productivity Index (2003 = 100)
(Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Reliability Database)
industry: MEPI
Because understanding what’s 115
happening at the operational level is
so crucial, operational-level data is
the key to improving productivity in
the Australian mining sector. To this
end, PwC has developed the Open Cut 105
Mining Equipment Productivity Index
Indeces (#)

The MEPI measures the efficiency
of open cut mining operations by
comparing how much material
mining equipment is moving from
one period to the next. It draws on 90
performance data from a combination
of equipment: dragline, rope shovel,
hydraulic excavator, front end loader










and truck performance, and is based on
PwC’s proprietary mining equipment
productivity and reliability database.
PwC’s MEPI supports the claim that the Figure 4: PwC’s Mining Equipment Productivity Index by Region
efficiency of mining equipment across (Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Reliability Database)
the sector is in decline. Equipment
operating efficiency reached a peak 140
in 2006, and has decreased ever since
(Figure 3). In 2013 it was 18 per cent 130
lower than for 2006.
On a regional basis (Figure 4) mining
equipment performance has been 110
declining at different rates across all
mining jurisdictions. Australia’s mining 100
equipment productivity underperforms
our international competitors with the 90

exception of Africa5.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Africa Australia South America North America Asia

The issue about Australia’s relative position in the global mining industry is a substantial topic and is beyond the scope of this paper. Australia’s position is a function of work

practices, culture, leadership, strategy, etc. and not simply a function of poorer equipment or the environment. This is an issue that needs to be taken up and studied in more detail.

Mining for efficiency 7

It is important to distinguish the declines Figure 3A: PwC’s Mining Equipment Productivity Index - Median vs Best Practice
represented in Figure 3 and Figure 4 (Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Reliability Database)
from any suggestion of structural shift
in the industry due to non-controllable
factors (eg. increased emphasis on
safety, more difficult mining conditions, 180
changes in labour laws, increased
government regulations, etc). As Figure
3A shows, although median performance
has declined since 2006, the gap Index (#)
between median and best practice, 140
what we regard as the total productivity
opportunity, has grown.

Productivity of different
types of mining equipment 100

Equipment-level data drawn from our

database also reveals the performance 80
of individual classes of equipment










over the past 10 years, including
draglines, rope shovels, excavators, Median (50th Percentile) Best Practice (95th Percentile)
front end loaders and trucks. A detailed
breakdown of performance data
These falls reveal an enormous
for the different classes of open-cut Table 2: Best practice equipment output
opportunity cost associated with the gain versus median output, 2013
mining equipment is included in the
loss in material movement across the (Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity
Appendix. Following is a brief outline and Reliability Database)
industry worldwide. It should also be
of the key insights from that analysis.
noted that best practice has fallen by Dragline 56%
The median productivity of all classes of less than median. The reasons for this Electric Rope Shovel 64%
equipment across all mining jurisdictions seem obvious. One characteristic of best Hydraulic Excavator 85%
and commodities has fallen since 2006 practice is that these mines continually
(see Table 1 below). There are, however, Front End Loader 156%
focus on what they have to do to not
significant differences in performance only maintain performance, but to keep Mining (Haul) Trucks 82%
between different countries. improving. That same focus and drive is
not evident across a large percentage of It is proposed this represents the
Table 1: Reduction in median productivity the industry. potential gain for the median machine
of equipment in 2013 since the 2006 peak in each class. Whilst no two mines are
(Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Interestingly, Australia is not best-in- the same, our experience, supported by
Reliability Database) class for output from any category of extensive operational data, provides few
Dragline -20% equipment and is below the annual reasons why most equipment cannot
output of North America across all achieve close to best practice levels of
Electric Rope Shovel -21%
classes of equipment. Australian annual performance.
Hydraulic Excavator -14% output relative to Asia, South America
Front End Loader -23% and Africa is also generally lower.
Mining (Haul) Trucks -32% The difference between best practice and
median is also wide in all classes of open
cut equipment (See Table 2).

8 Mining for efficiency

Productivity of global • There is a high correlation between Sizing the prize
some of the poorest performers in the
mining companies table and those with a poor financial Table 3 below outlines the potential
Figure 5 below plots the equipment and share price performance in the gain in MT per annum by equipment
performance of ten large mining past 12-24 months class from moving from the median
companies, showing the best, worst performance to best practice for each
• There are significant divergences class of equipment. Using a conservative
and average performing mines within in the locations of better and worse
their portfolios. Companies names are cost model, each of the tonnes “lost”
performing mines. Some miners costs a mine between A$1.50 and
necessarily removed, but it is worth have their best performers in South
noting that most were included in A$2.00 (which is the cost of having to
America, others have their poorer move those tonnes with another truck
our recent global Mine 2014 report performers in that region. Similarly,
covering the largest 40 miners by market and loader fleet) except in the case of a
for those with operations in Australia, dragline, where the cost is around $0.50
capitalisation.6 we can identify best in class for some per tonne. Once you start factoring in
The analysis reveals some telling miners and worst for others. the size of a fleet and the number of
comparisons with how the market is • Some of the most productive mines mines in a portfolio, even capturing a
viewing productivity performance and are those that have been offloaded small portion of this upside will quickly
how it is being portrayed within the in the past by the majors. It could amount to a prize measured in tens of
industry. For example: be argued that some of these have millions of dollars per annum.
• Many of those represented in the to be productive, and are often
chart have poor performing mines raising the bar on best practice, Table 3: Best practice equipment output gain
because they operate on very slim versus median output, MT per annum, 2013
within their portfolios, but these
(Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and
aren’t necessarily the ones identified margins. Productivity improvement is Reliability Database)
as marginal or underperforming in necessary to survive.
Dragline 18.4
their operating or financial reports. • Some miners who have announced
Similarly, some commodity groups or Electric Rope Shovel 11.9
productivity improvements have
specific operations heralded as high focused their benchmarking on
Hydraulic Excavator 11.4
achievers on a broader productivity internal comparisons and as a Front End Loader 6.1
scorecard have relatively low result are found outside top quartile Mining (Haul) Trucks 1.6
equipment efficiency. performance across the industry.

Figure 5: M
 ining Equipment Performance by Selected Large Mining Company
(Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Reliability Database)

Percentage of Best Practice





Company average Best mine (top 5%) Worst mine (bottom 5%)

Example Mining Companies

Mine: Realigning expectations, PwC, June 2014


Mining for efficiency 9

Assessing mining Figure 6: Open Pit Loader and Truck Performance, 2003-2013 (2003 = 100%)
(Source: PwC’s Equipment Productivity and Reliability Database)
strategy effectiveness
One of the key benefits of using 120%
equipment-level data is the ability to
assess the effectiveness of a mining
strategy. This can be done across the
industry, or for an individual mine.

Unit Output (2003=100%)

As previously noted, mining companies 105%
tend to adopt to varying degrees,
one of two broad business strategies: 100%

a volume strategy (achieving the

maximum output despite increasing
marginal costs); or a cost strategy
(minimising marginal costs and
accepting optimised output volumes). 85%
When implemented effectively, these
strategies follow a typical pattern of










equipment use. Under a volume strategy,
an increase in loader output and a
decrease in truck output usually occur.
Loaders Trucks
This is because companies will invest in
more trucks to ensure there is no idle the previous period of lower commodity Furthermore, when Figure 2 is
time at the loader. One consequence, prices rather than a demonstration of an considered, it can be seen that the
however, is that trucks are often sitting effective volume strategy. industry predominantly responds to
idle waiting for their turn to be loaded. commodity prices when investing (or
The efficient execution of a cost strategy
Under a cost strategy the opposite is the not) in new capacity, with apparently
after the 2003–2011 boom would have
case. A high focus on costs generally little focus on the best strategic approach
seen individual truck performance
means fewer, and therefore more highly for existing capacity.
increase (as numbers were optimize
utilised trucks, while it’s the loaders that to minimise unit cost) and loader In summary, analysing productivity
often sit idle waiting for them. performance level off or even decline. at the equipment level casts doubt on
Our analysis of equipment productivity The fact both loader performance and whether the industry has responded well
shows that overall the industry has truck output declined during this time, to changing economic circumstances at
not been very effective in the adoption however, creates doubt that it was a any time during the past 10 years.
of either a volume strategy or a cost strategy-related result.
strategy. Our interpretation of Figure 5 is that the
During periods of high commodity industry’s strategic response to market
prices, such as occurred over the past conditions over the past decade was not
decade, many mining companies sought optimally effective, for the following
to adopt a volume strategy. An effective reasons:
uptake of the volume strategy during • Truck output rose from 2003 to
the 2003–2011 boom would logically 2006 – the effective execution of a
have seen loader performance increase volume strategy during a boom would
and truck performance decline during typically see more trucks used with
this time. This was not the case however, individual truck output falling.
with both truck and loader performance
increasing and then decreasing over the • Loader output declined from 2009
decade (Figure 6). to 2011 – the effective execution of a
volume strategy during a boom would
Although loader performance did typically see more trucks used with
improve through to 2009 the falls in loader output increasing.
2010 and 2011 were not expected from
an industry attempting to maximise • Truck output declined from 2011 to
output. The fact that both loaders and 2013 – an effective execution of a cost
trucks increased from 2003 to 2006 is strategy during a bust would typically
likely more a function of the take-up of see fewer trucks used with individual
underutilised capacity resulting from truck output increasing.

10 Mining for efficiency

How to improve operational
productivity at a mine-site level

Based on our experience and data- Key factors for mining productivity execution and success
driven insights, we have identified
three key factors that miners should
address to improve equipment
efficiency and in turn improve
Our analysis suggests that three key
factors (see graphic right) have the
largest impact on mining execution and Mine Strategy Data Management People
success and should be top priorities
for all mining executives and general
managers. Mine strategy: define, plan, Data management People: identify and
articulate and execute system: develop recruit people with the
Mine Strategy a clear mine strategy, an equipment-level right “abilities” (what
including expectations performance data one is born with) for
As the equipment performance for specific equipment management process each job; then provide
data shows mine strategy was not productivity and removing and use it to steer daily proficiency-based
necessarily optimised for economic and impediments. decision-making. training to all levels
market conditions, even when a strong within the mine
financial imperative to do so existed.
This was especially true during
commodity price downturns, where
mine managers often requested across
Developing a clear mine strategy is Data Management
technically easy. However, translating
the board cost reductions, which often a volume or cost strategy into clear System
conflicted with asset optimisation. equipment performance metrics is Many industries have embraced the
These directives tended to lead to often difficult due to the complexity use of data to drive decision-making
reduced mine performance. of interlinking processes on the mine and rely on methodologies like TQM
On the other hand, mines that had site. The challenge should not be and Six Sigma to bring about step-
clear cost or volume strategies often underestimated. changes in performance improvement.
articulated equipment-specific Additionally, communicating with The mining industry, however, has
targets that led to significantly better senior management and operators embraced the ‘data acquisition’ stage,
performance during both boom and about equipment performance trade- but is yet to embark on the ‘data use’
bust periods. PwC’s own data and offs and gaining approval for targeted stage of performance management in a
experience with mining companies equipment performance reductions significant manner.
indicated that mines with well- when the established mantra has been Data overload has caused many managers
articulated strategies represented more “productivity above all” can be daunting to question whether data can help them
than 80 per cent of companies achieving for even the most seasoned mine make better decisions. Many mines
top quartile loader performance veterans. simply do not use data and information
(volume strategy) and 80 per cent of
that could potentially lead to significant
companies achieving top quartile truck
productivity improvements.
performance (cost strategy).

Mining for efficiency 11

A number of miners say they review regularly. Tailored analytic methods cause of this decrease is not clear, it
performance data on a monthly or and reports should be developed and is known that the natural abilities of
quarterly basis but don’t trust it for then incorporated into a process of operators (those related to productive
decision-making. Others, however, data-based management. Best practice operation of large earthmoving
embrace internal and external mines often have a ‘data steward’, equipment) are approximately 10 per
comparisons to support business someone whose responsibility it is to cent lower now than 20 years ago.
improvement as well as the analytic collect and store this kind of data. That means selection of operators
approach to management. On the is being done less efficiently now.
whole their mines are well rewarded. People Of concern here is the fact that the
Mining companies that gather, The full potential of a clear mine previously dominant system of selection
analyse and use their data on a daily strategy and sound data management by seniority has been replaced with a
basis account for 92% of top-quartile systems will not be achieved if the system where mines may choose the
equipment performance. mining company lacks the right people people they want.
The use of available data is a proven and skills. The process of training to initially
distinguishing feature of mines that Selecting the right people, particularly achieve competency and eventually
achieve outstanding equipment at the operational level can lead to proficiency in any given task requires
performance. Measurement and data- higher productivity. Research in Human constant attention and it is apparent
management systems should be in place Factors Engineering has found that from the data that the required
to accurately and consistently record all accounting for individual differences attention has waned. It is known that
key performance indicators, including during selection and recruitment can the skills acquired through training and
productivity, time management, fleet increase equipment output by up to experience are 3 to 4 per cent lower
management and safety issues for all 14 per cent. (relative to what they are capable of)
mining equipment. now than they were 20 years ago.
Mining companies need to recognise
As a minimum, payload should be the role of both people selection and Finally, it’s important to recognise that
recorded for every cycle plus load and proper training of those people. The these three factors – strategy, data
time-based events in the cycle. Problem importance of selection is particularly and people – must be considered as
actions, (such as speeding trucks in salient considering the fact that over an integrated whole. Mines achieve
corners, shovels digging incorrect R.L’s, the past 20 years average operator exceptional performance when they
under or over trucking, etc.) should be performance has declined. In 2007 it value the experience of their people and
identified and recorded. The database was 9 per cent below the performance attempt to contextualise this experience
structure should be documented achieved in 19937, and from our recent with data-derived knowledge and a
and available. Internal and external experience we believe that the situation clear mine strategy.
benchmarking should be undertaken has not improved. While the precise

Lumley G 2007, Improving Dragline Operator Selection And Support Processes, University of the Sunshine Coast, Thesis submitted for the degree
Doctor of Business Administration.
Case studies
We have summarised below examples charged with reviewing all activities Why benchmarking alone
of successful turnarounds where to give priority to filling every load
equipment benchmarking drove (loader and trucks). This had the is not the solution
operational changes which in turn paid a flow-on effect of improving their truck 1. A gold mine was being developed.
handsome dividend. On the other side of and loader matches so that fewer A benchmark was identified within
the coin, we summarise situations where trucks were sent away from the loader their mine planning assumptions
underlying flaws in the approach to not full, and there were less loader that required two large rope shovels
benchmarking hampered progress. part loads putting the last tonnes in to have usage rates equivalent to the
the truck. They subsequently achieved 95th percentile. For the first few years
Successful outcomes the equivalent of best practice the mine failed to meet production
1. A mine with multiple loading performance. targets and failed to use the data
units and trucks benchmarked the 3. An Australian dragline was very low from the benchmark to improve. The
equipment against the performance of in output. The mine developed a shovels have never achieved the rates
similar makes and models. In response program of improvement activities used in planning. They have now
this mine immediately started working such as optimised selection of new achieved target total mine output
on their utilisation to address large buckets, increasing target suspended through the acquisition of additional
gaps between their performance load, improved diggability from capacity (which came at additional
and best practice in operational blasting, improved availability and cost). The basis for the company’s
standby time; especially under “No utilisation, changing their input reserves statement and the feasibility
work available” and “No operator”. layout, and they changed some of studies were subsequently called
Their actions were targeted around their operators; all which was assessed into question. This mine has never
having the optimum number of trucks against quarterly benchmarking. They returned the projected ROI.
allocated to each loader. Further, they targeted a 5% improvement every 2. A number of mines which have
established a more flexible approach quarter which they achieved in eight conducted benchmarks of their open
to which trucks reported to each successive quarters. cut equipment have failed to act on
loader. After three months the mine the recommendations. When the
reported improvements in individual 4. An Australian dragline was very
high in output for every year for five benchmark is repeated, a remarkably
loader and truck utilisation (of up to similar result is identified which,
10%) which they estimated added years in a row. They still increased
output by 1-4%, despite the fact without intervention, tends to decline
$40M to their annual operating profit. slowly over time. For example, a large
that they were at or above the 95th
2. A coal mine had a 550 tonne class percentile each year. They looked at coal mine was part of a company-
excavator. Over three years they had the gap between their KPI’s and the wide benchmarking exercise which
doubled annual output from 7 MT to best practice group and focused on was repeated annually for 9 years.
14 MT and subsequently undertook areas where they were below. They At the end of the 9 years the mine’s
a benchmark against worldwide pushed the dragline to load past the equipment performance was more
performance. They were stunned to manufacturer’s stated load (while than 10% below what it was at the
find they were still 32% below best putting suitable controls in place); start. For this mine the main issue was
practice. The most significant gap they reduced bucket and rigging falling production hours. Availability
between what they were doing and weight and converted it into payload; was constant but non-operating
best practice machines was payload. and they increased their production activities increased and as a result
In the following two years they time. Their simple aim was to be the utilisation fell.
improved output by simply bringing best dragline in the mining company’s
focus on to payload – everyone in fleet and they achieved this goal.
the truck and loader operations was

Mining for efficiency 13

Appendix: Trends in
performance of open
cut mining equipment

This Appendix, which is based on data • All data in the PwC Database was probability of falling above or below it.
collected by PwC’s Mining Intelligence obtained from third parties. PwC Median can also be described as
& Benchmarking service8, provides a has not verified, validated or audited the 50th percentile.
detailed analysis of the performance of any of the data in the PwC Database
Best Practice means, for each individual
different categories of open-cut mining and makes no representations or
production or time utilisation KPI,
equipment up to and including 2013: warranties regarding its accuracy
the average for that KPI calculated
or completeness or its suitability for
• Draglines from the top 10% of machine years
any purpose. PwC is not liable to any
(as defined below) for loading units
• Electric rope shovels party, for any inaccuracy or error in,
in an agreed benchmark population
or omission from, any information
• Hydraulic Excavators (face shovels when ranked by total annual output.
in this document or on which this
and backhoes) Best practice will be close to the 95th
document is based, regardless of
percentile but is not necessarily exactly
• Front end loaders (wheel loaders) the cause of the inaccuracy, error or
equal to the 95th percentile. That is,
• Mining haul trucks the machine years for loading units
• The data in this document was in the agreed benchmark population
It is a rewritten and updated version
based on available data in the PwC are ranked by total annual output, the
of the 2012 paper by GBI Mining.
Database as at the date of analysis. top 10% of machine years are selected
Some of the results are different to
and separated out and the average of
this previous paper due to additional This analysis has made no effort to
each individual production KPI and
units available in the data now as well define what equipment was doing
time utilisation KPIs calculated for the
as some enhancements to comparative during the available time. For example,
selected machine years only.
techniques. The following points some fleets may be doing clean-up
need to be understood prior to while others are doing production Important note: A particular production
analysing the results. work. When issues of what a piece of or time utilisation KPI, calculated as the
equipment was doing are impacting average of that KPI recorded by the top
• Methods and metrics are used
performance a further question is then 10% of machine years for loading units
which allow comparisons amongst a
posed. “Are the particular activities in in an agreed benchmark population
number of operations.
question the best asset allocation and when ranked by total annual output,
• The data which PwC can provide use of capital for this mine?” may be lower than what is achieved
in this document is limited by the for the same KPI when considered in
data which is in PwC’s Equipment Definition of ‘Median’ isolation. There is no machine in the
Productivity and Reliability and ‘Best Practice’ PwC Database which achieves the best
Database. Where possible, PwC result in each individual KPI. Further,
have classified all data to the PwC Median means, for each individual a number of KPIs in combination are
Standard Time Usage Model however production or time utilisation KPI, counter-productive. For example, best
such detail was not always possible denoting or relating to a value or practice filling times (lower is better)
to represent. For example, not all quantity lying at the midpoint of a rarely provide best practice payloads
mines will record all activities down frequency distribution of measured (larger is better).
to details such as shift change etc. values, such that there is an equal

Formerly GBI Mining, which was acquired by PwC in September 2013

14 Mining for efficiency

Draglines Figure 7: Worldwide Dragline Annual Unit Production (BCM/t of RSL) 1994-2013 by Performance

The analysis of draglines used annual

output in bank cubic metres (BCM)
(normalised for full year operation) per
tonne of rated suspended load (RSL). A 120,000
bank cubic metre is the load in tonnes
(as weighed by a monitor) divided by the
in-situ specific gravity (tonnes per cubic
metre). The RSL is a number which the BCM / t of RSL
manufacturer places on the machine as 100,000
being a safe working load.
Figure 7 presents the trends in median 90,000
and best practice annual output for
worldwide draglines from 1994-2010.
The peak productivity for draglines
occurred in 2004 at around 127 000
BCM per tonne of RSL for best practice


















and 98 000 BCM/t for the median
dragline. Best practice and median
performance declined 14% and 10%
Median Best Practice
from 2004 to 2010 respectively. Since
2010 the median has declined to 20%
below 2004 while best practice has Figure 8: Median Dragline Annual Unit Production (BCM/t of RSL) 1994-2013 by Location
recovered to be only 4% below 2004.
The difference between median and best 120,000

practice was reasonably consistent up to

2009 with best practice being between 110,000
30% and 32% higher than the median.
Since 2009 this difference has
grown to 56%. 100,000
BCM / t of RSL

Figure 8 is a plot showing the

differences between median Australian 90,000
dragline performance and that in
South Africa and North America (USA 80,000
and Canada). These are the three
predominant areas where large walking
draglines are used. Draglines have been 70,000
employed in Northern Africa, India and
Europe but these have not been included
due to lack of data and the generally



















smaller capacity.
Similar trends can be seen in each area
as are seen worldwide. There has been Africa Australia North America

a peak between 2003 and 2005 with

a subsequent decline. The decline is
particularly evident in Africa (-27%) and
Australia (-23%). The decline has been
less severe in North America (-5%) and
has shown a change in trend in the last
three years.

Mining for efficiency 15

The final comparison is by make and There is an interesting characteristic are modified to normalise differences
model. Figure 9 shows the 2009-2013 of this data which is worth noting and in the RSL. The correlation is good
median performance for each make plotting in a different form. The unit although even with an R2 of 0.89 the
and model. capacity increases with increasing difference between machines of similar
machine size. In the case of draglines RSL can be millions of BCM per year.
Each make and model has declined over
this is not a strong trend but it is gaining By way of example, the two makes and
time but the primary message in this plot
strength with time as larger draglines models with RSL around 250 tonnes
is the significant differences between
have tended to perform better relative achieved 26.7 MBCM and 20.2 MBCM
different makes and models. The most
to smaller draglines over the last three per year. The 6.5 MBCM difference in
productive make and model achieved
years. This is demonstrated in the plot material carries a significant value.
106,000 BCM / t of RSL while the least
in Figure 10 which is Output versus
productive achieved 66,000 BCM / t of
RSL. Bigger machines move more than
RSL. The lowest is 38% below the top.
smaller machines even after the results

Figure 9: Dragline Annual Unit Production (BCM/t of RSL) 2012 by Make and Model



BCM / t of RSL




Make and Model

Figure 10: Dragline 2012 Output Versus RSL by Make and Model



R2 = 0.89
Output (BCM)

Bigger machines move
more than smaller
machines even after the
results are modified to
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 normalise differences
Average RSL (t)
in the RSL.

16 Mining for efficiency

Electric Rope Shovels Figure 11: Worldwide Rope Shovel Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Capacity) 2004-2013
by Performance
The performance of rope shovels
in this paper is based on annual 1,100,000
output in tonnes (normalised for
full year operation) per cubic metre 1,000,000
of bucket/dipper capacity. There is
divergence between reporting of shovel

t / CuM of Dipper Capacity

performance in coal mines and hard rock
mines. Coal mines generally report in
volume (bank cubic metres or bank cubic 800,000

yards) while non-coal mines generally

report in weight (tonnes or tons). In 700,000
this paper performance of electric rope
shovels has been presented in tonnes to 600,000
allow consistency between all loaders
putting their load in trucks . Further to 500,000
this the rating of the shovel is in CuM
of bucket capacity. All shovels have a 400,000
rated suspended load but this is not well









understood (and can be difficult to find
out for some models). It is felt a more
meaningful measure of a unit of input for Median Best Practice
a shovel is the dipper (bucket) capacity.
There is some inconsistency between
Figure 12: Rope Shovel Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of dipper capacity) 2004-2013
how a rope shovel bucket capacity is by Location
defined and the way excavators and
Front End Loader’s (FEL’s) are defined, 600,000
however this does not detract from the
message contained 500,000
in the data.
t / CuM of Dipper Capacity

As of 30 September 2013, 1,712 large 400,000

electric rope shovels were operating
worldwide (Parker Bay Mining).
In 2013 they will move around 28.3 300,000
Billion tonnes or 32% of total
material movement. 200,000
Figure 11 presents the trends in median
and best practice annual output for
worldwide electric rope shovels from
The 2004 - 2013 trend for median shovel










output is down as it was for draglines.

The decline in median shovel output
(21%) has been less than the decline Africa Australia North America South America
for best practice output (30%). The
difference between median and best
practice reduced from 92% in 2004 to
64% in 2013.
Figure 12 is a plot showing the
differences in rope shovel performance
amongst Australia, South Africa, North
America and South America.

Mining for efficiency 17

There is a range of performance trends Figure 13: Rope Shovel Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Dipper Capacity) 2004-2013
visible between different locations. Coal and Non-Coal
There is however, one interesting point.
The performance (apart from Africa) 550,000
does appear to be moving towards very
similar median performance regardless
of the location. North America generally 500,000
achieved the highest annual output with

t / CuM of Dipper Capacity

Africa the lowest.
Figure 13 is a plot showing the
differences between the performance
of rope shovels used in coal mines and
those in non-coal mines. Due to the
quantity of data it is not possible to
provide a valid breakdown by
all commodities.
Different trends can again be seen in
coal and non-coal, particularly prior to 300,000
2010. The performance of electric rope









shovels in coal mines is higher than in
non-coal mines. Coal mines achieved
their peak in 2005 while the non-coal Coal Non-Coal
mines improved to 2012.
The final comparison is by make and below the top (compared with 38% line of best fit for loaders which load
model. Figure 14 shows the 2012 median for draglines). trucks is presented as a third order
performance for each make and model. As with draglines the unit output polynomial however, there are a number
increases with increasing machine size. of different lines which could be fitted
Most makes and models have again to this data. The reason for choosing the
declined over time but the primary This is further demonstrated in the plot
in Figure 15 which is Median Output third order polynomial is that as newer
message in this plot is the significant larger equipment is introduced it is
differences amongst different makes and versus Bucket Capacity. Bigger machines
move more than smaller machines usual for performance of these models
models. The differences are much larger to be lower for some time. In the case of
than for draglines. The most productive even after the results are modified to
normalise differences in the capacity electric rope shovels the largest shovels,
make and model achieved 496,000 t / have been in the market for some time
CuM of Dipper Capacity while the least of the dipper. The increasing efficiency
with capacity is more pronounced with and performance is high so the levelling
productive achieved 149,000 t / CuM of this plot is not observed.
of Dipper Capacity. The lowest is 70% rope shovels than with draglines. The
The correlation is reasonable. With
an R2 of 0.76. The difference between
Figure 14: Rope Shovel Annual Unit Production (t / CuM of Dipper Capacity) 2012 by machines of similar bucket capacity
Make and Model
can be millions of tonnes per year. That
material carries a significant value.

t / CuM of Dipper Capacity




Make and Model

18 Mining for efficiency

Figure 15: Rope Shovel 2012 Output Versus Bucket Capacity



R2 = 0.76
Output (t)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Average Bucket Capacity (CuM)

Hydraulic Excavators Figure 16: Worldwide Hydraulic Excavator Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Capacity) 2002-
2013 by Performance
(Face Shovel and
Backhoe) 900,000

As of 30 September 2013, 4,239

hydraulic excavators were 800,000
operating worldwide (Parker Bay
t / CuM of Bucket Capacity

Mining). In 2013 they will move

around 35.3 Billion tonnes or 40%
of total material movement.
Data pre-2002 is not of sufficient 600,000

quantity and quality to provide a

valid comparison. The 2002 - 2013 500,000
performance is shown in Figure 16
and demonstrates significant changes
over this period. 400,000

The 2002 - 2013 trend for median

excavator output rises to 2009 before 300,000
falling significantly leading into 2013;












14% for median performance and 18%

for best practice. The difference between
Median Best Practice
median and best practice increased from
33% in 2002 to 96% in 2009 and has
come back slightly to 85% in 2013.

Mining for efficiency 19

Figure 17 is a plot showing the Figure 17: Hydraulic Excavator Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Bucket Capacity)
differences amongst median 2002-2013 by Location
hydraulic excavator performance
in Australia, Africa, Asia, North
America and South America.
There are two distinct trends
observable. Firstly, Asia, Australia
t / CuM of Bucket Capacity
and Africa have been falling since 200,000
2007 / 2008. Secondly, North and
South America rose strongly to 2010
/ 2011 and have maintained the high 150,000

levels up to 2013.
Figure 18 is a plot showing the 100,000

differences between the performance

of rope shovels used in coal mines 50,000
and those in non-coal mines.












Africa Australia Asia North America South America

Figure 18: Hydraulic Excavator Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Bucket Capacity)
2002-2013 Coal and Non-Coal


t / CuM of Dipper Capacity














Coal Non-Coal

20 Mining for efficiency

Figure 19: Hydraulic Excavator Annual Unit Production (t / CuM of Bucket Capacity) 2012 by Different trends can again be seen in
Make and Model coal and non-coal, particularly prior
to 2011. The performance of hydraulic
excavators in coal mines is higher than
in non-coal mines. Coal mines achieved
their peak in 2008 while the non-coal
mines improved to 2012.
The final comparison is by make and
t / CuM of Bucket Capacity

400,000 model. Figure 19 shows the 2012 median

performance for each make and model.
300,000 The primary message in this plot is again
the significant differences amongst
different makes and models. The most
200,000 productive make and model achieved
522,000 t / CuM of Bucket Capacity (two
makes and models were higher than
the highest electric rope shovel) while
the least productive achieved 66,000 t
0 / CuM of Bucket Capacity. The lowest is
Make and Model 87% below the top (compare with 38%
OEM 1 OEM 2 OEM 3 OEM 4 OEM 5 for draglines and 70% for rope shovels).
A similar characteristic is seen with this
data as with draglines and rope shovels.
Figure 20: Hydraulic Excavator 2012 Output Versus Bucket Capacity That is, the unit capacity increases
with increasing machine size. This is
demonstrated in the plot in Figure 20
which is Output versus Bucket Capacity.
Up to around 35 CuM bucket capacity
machines move more even after the
results are modified to normalise
R2 = 0.87
differences in the capacity of the dipper.
The ultra class excavators in 2012 were
Output (t)

not as efficient which sees the plot start

to level off.
The correlation is good although
even with an R2 of 0.87 the
5,000,000 difference between machines of similar
bucket capacity can be millions of tonnes
per year. That material carries
0 a significant value.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Average Bucket Capacity (CuM)

Mining for efficiency 21

Front End Loaders Figure 21: Worldwide Front End Loader Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Capacity) 2002-2013 by
(Wheel Loaders)
As of 30 September 2013, 3,511 600,000
front end loaders were operating
worldwide in the mining industry
(Parker Bay Mining). In 2013 they 500,000
will move around 10.2 Billion tonnes
or 12% of total material movement. t / CuM of Bucket Capacity
Data pre-2002 is not of sufficient
quantity and quality to provide a
valid comparison. The 2002 - 2013
performance is shown in Figure
21 and demonstrates significant
changes over this period.
The 2002 - 2013 trend for front end
loaders is very similar to hydraulic
excavators. The median output 100,000
rose from 2002 to 2008 while best











practice rose from 2002 to 2009.
Both fell significantly into 2013;
(23% for median performance Median Best Practice
and 19% for best practice). The
difference between median and best Figure 22: Front End Loader Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Bucket Capacity) 2002-
practice increased from 25% in 2002 2013 by Location
to 61% in 2013.
Figure 22 is a plot showing the
differences amongst median front
end loader performance in Australia, 250,000

Africa, Asia, North America and

t / CuM of Bucket Capacity

South America. 200,000

There are again two distinct trends

observable. Asia, South America 150,000
and Africa have been falling for
a number of years while North
America and Australia have trended 100,000

up for most of the time presented.














Africa Australia Asia North America South America

22 Mining for efficiency

Figure 23: Front End Loader Median Annual Unit Production (t/CuM of Bucket Capacity) Figure 23 is a plot showing the
2002-2013 Coal and Non-Coal differences between the performance of
front end loaders used in coal
400,000 mines and those in non-coal mines.
Due to the quantity of data it is not
350,000 possible to provide a valid breakdown
by all commodities.
t / CuM of Bucket Capacity

In the case of front end loaders, non-

coal mines are more productive than
coal mines. This is the opposite of rope
200,000 shovels and hydraulic excavators. Both
achieved their peak in 2009.
The final comparison is by make and
model. Figure 24 shows the 2012 median
performance for each make and model.
50,000 There is again a significant difference
amongst different makes and models.
0 The most productive make and model
achieved 267,000 t / CuM of Bucket











Capacity while the least productive
achieved 69,000 t / CuM of Bucket
Coal Non-Coal
Capacity. The lowest is 74% below the
top (compared with 38% for draglines,
Figure 24: Front End Loader Annual Unit Production (t / CuM of Bucket Capacity) 2012 by 70% for rope shovels and 87% for
Make and Model
hydraulic excavators).
300,000 A similar characteristic is seen with this
data as with other loaders. That is, the
unit capacity increases with increasing
250,000 machine size up to a point and then
levels off. This is seen in the plot in
t / CuM of Bucket Capacity

Figure 25 which is Output versus Bucket

Capacity. Up to around 25 CuM bucket
capacity machines move more even after
the results are modified to normalise
differences in the capacity of the bucket.



Make and Model

Mining for efficiency 23

The correlation is good although Figure 25: Front End Loader 2012 Output Versus Bucket Capacity
with an R2 of 0.75 the variability
being explained by bucket capacity
is less than is the case for draglines,
rope shovels and excavators. That is, 7,000,000
the variability amongst makes and
models is higher than other classes of 6,000,000
equipment. By way of example, the R² = 0.75
makes and models with approximately 5,000,000
20 CuM bucket capacity can have
Output (t)

between 3.3M tones moved per 4,000,000

annum and 5.6 M tonnes per annum.
Mining (Haul) Trucks
As of 30 September 2013, ~38,500
mining trucks were operating 1,000,000
worldwide (Parker Bay Mining). In
2013 they will carry around 73.9 0
Billion tonnes or 80% of total 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
material movement in conjunction
with loading tools. Average Bucket Capacity (CuM)

The 2001 - 2013 performance

normalised to six kilometre total
equivalent horizontal haul distance
is shown in Figure 26 and again Figure 26: Mining Truck Annual Unit Production (t/tonne of Nominal Payload) 2001-2013
demonstrates significant changes by Performance

over this period.

The 2001 - 2013 trend for mining
trucks is very similar to other loaders 
although the peak occurred earlier
(except for rope shovels). 

The median performance rises from 

11,476 tonnes per tonne of nominal
truck payload in 2002 to 13,963 
tonnes per tonne of nominal truck
payload in 2006; a rise of 22% in 
4 years. Best practice performance
rises more in absolute terms but 
not as much in percentage terms.
Best practice rises from 15,722 

tonnes per tonne of nominal truck

payload in 2001 to 21,341 tonnes

per tonne of nominal truck payload

in 2006; a rise of 36% in 5 years. As

has happened with loading units, 4LKPHU )LZ[7YHJ[PJL

performance has fallen over the last

few years. Best practice and median
truck performance have fallen 32%
and 18% respectively from the peak
over the last six years. The difference
between median and best practice
increased from 33% in 2001 to
82% in 2013.

24 Mining for efficiency

Figure 27: Mining Truck Annual Unit Production (t/tonne of Nominal Payload) 2001-2013 Figure 27 is a plot showing the
by Location differences amongst median truck
performance in Australia, Africa, Asia,
 North America and South America. The
results are again normalised to a six
kilometre total equivalent horizontal

haul distance.

Most mining jurisdictions have seen a

decline in truck performance during the
last 6-8 years. The declines in
 North America and Asia, where
performance was much higher, have
been more pronounced and have

brought performance to a point where
the differences between locations
 is much less.
Figure 28 is a plot showing the
 differences between the performance
of mining trucks used in coal mines

and those in non-coal mines. Due to

the quantity of data it is not possible to
provide a valid breakdown
by all commodities.

Figure 28: Mining Truck Annual Unit Production (t/tonne of Nominal Payload) 2001-2013 In the case of mining trucks, coal
Coal and Non-Coal mines are more productive than
non-coal mines.



Mining for efficiency 25

Figure 29: Mining Truck Annual Unit Production (t / tonne of nominal payload) 2012 The final comparison is by make and
by Make and Model model. Figure 29 shows the 2012
median performance for each
16,000 make and model.

There are again significant
differences between different makes
and models. The most productive
t / tonne of nominal payload

make and model achieved 13,485

t / tonne of nominal payload while
the least productive achieved 6,617
t / tonne of nominal capacity. The
lowest is 51% below the top.
6,000 The characteristic of unit capacity
generally increasing with increasing
4,000 machine size is not consistent in
this plot although when the makes
2,000 and models are plotted together
(Figure 30) up to around 200 tonnes
0 nominal payload trucks move more
Make and Model even after the results are modified to
OEM 1 OEM 2 OEM 3 OEM 4 OEM 5 OEM 6 OEM 7 OEM 8 normalise differences in the capacity
of the bucket.
The correlation is good with an R2 of
Figure 30: Mining Truck 2012 Output Versus Nominal Payload 0.84 . However, again by way
of example, the ultra-class makes
and models (nominal payload
>300 tonnes) move between 2.9 M
5,000,000 tonnes per annum and 4.9 M tonnes
per annum.
R2 = 0.84
Output (BCM)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Nominal Truck Payload (t)

26 Mining for efficiency

Mining excellence at PwC
Delivering local solutions to global challenges
The mining sector is facing a range of competing trends and a rapidly changing global “The positive story for miners is that
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Rio de James Strong Melbourne

Mining for efficiency 27

Key contacts
Author Contributing author

Graham Lumley Matt McKee

Director – Mining Intelligence & Benchmarking Director – Consulting
+61 (7) 3257 5135 +61 (7) 3257 8168

In 1999 Graham started GBI Mining and commenced Matt works as a consultant, primarily in the energy
building the GBI open cut mining equipment and mining industries, and has deep experience in
performance database. In September 2013 PwC strategy and operations improvement with a focus on
completed the acquisition of the database and productivity.
associated IP from GBI. Graham is now PwC’s
Director – Mining Intelligence and Benchmarking.

National Perth Sydney

Jock O’Callaghan Justin Eve Brett Entwistle
Energy, Utilities & Mining Leader Partner Partner
+61 (3) 8603 6137 +61 (8) 9238 3554 +61 (2) 8266 4516

Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide

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Partner Partner Partner
+61 (7) 3257 8304 +61 (3) 8603 3067 + 61 (8) 8218 7401
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+61 (7) 3257 8683

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