June 03

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lochwinnoch info
lochwinnoch no 116 June 2003

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

plea for more police in the vil-

What’s On lage. He said the number of

community police - one full Police Notice
time and one part-time officer -
See articles is totally inadequate for the The community police offi-
area )Lochwinnoch to Neilston) cers have fixed a post box
throughout Chatterbox
they are expected to cover. in the foyer of the McKillop
for dates and details.
Lost Harrier If any local resident wants to
Community contact PC Barclay or PC Pryde
they can leave their name, ad-
Council Last Month RSPB staff
dress and contact number in
the box. The police officers will
were horrified to discover contact you whenever they are
In June Community that the Hen Harrier nest on duty.
Council were informed near Lochwinnoch had The box is kept locked and the
that, overall, during been raided over the week- police officers are the only ones
2002/2003 crime figures end. who have the key.
have fallen. The eggs were probable re- Anyone who wants to pass on
However, there are exceptions, moved by a mink. The fate of information to the police can do
drug offences, serious violence, the female bird is not yet so using the post box.
the carrying of dangerous known. If you want you can post a note
weapons and drink driving are If the eggs had hatched thou- without leaving your name ad-
all up on the year before. sands of bird watchers from all dress or phone number.
Councillor Alistair Nimmo, over the country would have
while praising the work of indi- been attracted to the village. Now & Then
Hen Harriers are as beautiful as
vidual police officers, painted a
they are rare. For years they
Summer Opening
bleak picture of policing in the
village. have been a persecuted species.
He said the complaints he re- Although the hen harrier dines
mainly on mice and voles it oc- Now & Then, your local gift
ceived on crime and disorder in shop, will be open from 12 noon
the village were soaring. casionally kills game birds.
The loss of the Hen Harrier and to 4 pm each Sunday until the
Councillor Nimmo said the end of September.
problem is, police are not on her eggs is a great loss to the
the scene during the time the wildlife of Lochwinnoch.
disorder takes place.
He added, that the belief in sur-
rounding areas is that Lochwin-
noch has no effective police
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
force, this acts as a magnet to
Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
trouble makers who believe
Roughcasting & General Building
they operate here without fear
of caution. Tel No 01505 843400
FMB Certificate No 26366
Councillor Nimmo, made a
soft play area at the annex to the there interest with BT. How it works
Auld Simons effect of 'Strictly No Dogs Al-
is, log on to www.bt.com search for
the link to the registration page and
Column I have had trouble persuading chil-
dren and adults that taking their dogs
submit your interest. You only have to
visit the page and click on submit, it's
into the play area is wrong. that easy.
Prohibiting bikes in the area would BT has a trigger level of registra-
No time for a column this also be useful, but stopping dogs tions, and when the level is reached
month. I've spent too much time comes first. they will upgrade the local exchange.
considering David Beckham's RW the only example I have is from an
numerous hair styles and his article in the Evening Times, where
widely publicised, mortally bor- Gardens Galore, they stated the trigger level for Drum-
ing, transfer to somewhere During June three gardens will chapel in Glasgow was 400.
abroad. be open to the public under Scot- Last time I checked there were 80
I have also spent a lot of time on top land's Garden Scheme. registrations of interest from Loch-
of the wardrobe. Why? Because the Details are: Sunday, June 22 winnoch. so it's up to you folks get
Simon household welcomed a new cat 23 Main Street. The garden belongs registering and you could have broad-
as a companion to our existing cat to Zul and Jenny Bhatia. band sooner than you think.
Darcy de Bum. We call the cat Wipey. Anne and Gordon Nicholl of Cathcart Gus. Frustrated web user. Lochwin-
Wipey is the most timid cat I've ever Cottage, 36 Calder Street open their noch.
seen. In two weeks he's hardly ven- garden on the same day.
tured off the top of the wardrobe. I'm Both gardens will be open from
The adult learners event on
been acting as a negotiator. 11:00am - 4:00pm. A charge of £3:00
A friend suggested I carry out the
negotiations in a fire officer's uni-
will allow you to visit all three gardens
taking part in the scheme. Adult
form. Fire officers are great coaxing Money will be donated to Chest, heart
cats down from tall trees, so it is said. and stroke, Scotland, the Amani Cen-
I'll try anything once, so not only am I tre for children in Tanzania, Scot-
on top of the wardrobe, I'm on top of land's Garden Scheme and the RNLI.
the wardrobe dressed as a fire officer. On Sunday, June 29 Janet and Ross Thursday, May 15 was a great
It's all fuel for Mrs. Simon. Her Anderson will open East Loch- success. Those who attended
usual gripe is to chastise me for the head. You will also be able to enjoy found it a stimulating and in-
amount of time I spend 'locked in the teas, plant stall and an art exhibi- formative session.
bedroom fiddling around with my col- tion. The garden will be open from If you couldn't manage to the
umn'. Now she complains about the 2:00 - 5:00pm. If you only visit this event and want more information
amount of time I spend on top of the garden the charge is £2:00. on adult learning, contact Susan
wardrobe dressed as a fire officer. Stewart on 01505 320573.
But back to Beckham. I heard some- Dear sir/Madam.
If you are a parent perplexed
one on the wireless say that his pas- I'm sure there must be a lot of
sion for ever increasingly comic hair- internet "freaks" in Lochwin- with the responsibilities of this
cuts shows he is a creative person! noch, and if there anything like challenging role you can attend a
I thought if you wrote a novel or com- me, they must be completely four week course called Parenting
posed a symphony or even a rap song, frustrated with the lack of Matters.
this was a sign of creativity. Getting a broadband access in the village. If this four week taster course
haircut, well, maybe not. I believe there was an article in proves a success, it is the intention
But, that's modern life for you. Inci- Chatterbox a few weeks back on the to run a thirteen week course
dentally, if you have any moans or subject, unfortunately I missed it. I some time in the future.
anything you want to get off your don't know if it was mentioned in the
chest - especially about modern life - article that anyone with an interest in A community led project which
send it here. All moans gratefully ac- receiving broadband can register will enable the villagers of Loch-
Have a good month,
Fire Officer Simon
Auld Simon

Dear Sir, Corporate Web Managers & Strategists
Would it be possible for the Proud to be from Lochwinnoch
(as well as Glasgow!)
Community Council to put for-
a. Mid Lochhead
ward a request to the District
t. 01505 843 823 f. 01505 843 923
Council to have a robust sign
e. info@tunaweb.com w. www.tunaweb.com
erected at the entrance to the
The people of Lochwinnoch want the deposit has been carefully con-
Lochwinnoch access to fast connections to the inter- sidered as a result of discussions
net and this wireless solution offers a with a number of people including
CLAN – Rural way to do it.” Clyde Muirshiel, Scottish Natural
Heritage and the RSPB.
Broadband LMEG director, Kate Bird, said “This
project will help to address the busi-
The material is being placed along
the probable line of a new path in
Internet Access ness needs of the village and will com-
plement our other endeavours which
anticipation of the results of the cur-
rent feasibility study, mentioned in a
focus on youth, health and sustainable
recent edition of Chatterbox, becom-
community living.” For further infor-
winnoch to access broadband ing a reality. This is recycling at its
mation contact:
internet connections through best!
the innovative use of wireless Barbara Brown, LMEG on 07932
and satellite technology is on its
way to success, thanks to finan-
620232 or barbara@lochwinnoch.info
David Whitton, press desk SE Ren- Crèche
cial support from Scottish Enter-
frewshire on 0141 8423507 or 07771
prise. 941170
The Lochwinnoch CLAN project www.lochwinnoch.info and www.
(Community Local Area Network) scottish-enterprise.com/broadband
has been made possible by seed fund- Community Learning Services
ing of £15,000 from Scottish Enter-
prise National and Scottish Enterprise River Calder needs part-time/sessional
crèche workers to in Lochwin-
Renfrewshire as part of their Broad-
band for Business Programme, and dredging / noch.
If you are interested and are regis-
technical expertise volunteered by
Webwise Systems, a locally based IT SRANI tered/qualified - or have relevant ex-
perience working with children
solutions provider. For villages want- please contact CLS for an application
ing to access the internet at home or Keen eyed locals may have no- form or speak to Susan Stewart on
for business use, Broadband will 01505 320573
ticed the dredging works along
mean they are able to do this faster. Community Learning Services
the River Calder near Lochlip
Having broadband will reduce the needs part-time/sessional crèche
Road, undertaken as part of a
time to download information from workers to in Lochwinnoch. If you
flood alleviation programme.
the net and providing an always-on are interested and are registered/
You may also have noticed that the
internet and e-mail connection, free- qualified - or have relevant experi-
material removed from the river is
ing up the phone-line, while keeping ence working with children please
being deposited nearby - parallel to
costs at a fixed rate. contact CLS for an application form
the A760 and Lochlip Road itself.
Lochwinnoch is a small rural village This may look like it is being or speak to Susan Stewart on 01505
that currently has no access to any dumped, however, the positioning of 320573 .
type of broadband connection. There
are no cable TV franchises piped in
the area and the local BT exchange is
not enabled for ADSL. With no trigger
Lochwinnoch The Village Website
level set it is unlikely that the ex-
change will be converted in the near Latest News
future. This prompted the members Keep up to date with local news by reading the ‘Latest News’ section on the village
of LMEG, a local community group, to website. News headlines are listed on the front page.
look for their own solution and the
CLAN project is the result.
The project is now being implemented
and with 80% coverage of the village
Photo Gallery
The photo gallery is constantly updated to give you fresh views from around the vil-
expected, over 30 businesses / homes
lage. If you have any photos that may be of interest to others please e-mail them to
should be brought online in the first
me or send them to me.
phase. Users will connect their PC’s
to the network using a wireless adap-
tor card and a small desktop aerial.
Commenting on the scheme, Lorraine Local Walks
McMillan, Chief Executive of Scottish A local walks section will be online soon….. details will be posted on the home page
Enterprise Renfrewshire said, “This is
a terrific example of community ac- You can contact the team by
tion. E-mail barbara@lochwinnoch.info
www.lochwinnoch.info and www. Or in writing, drop into website dropbox in the local library
chicks have left the nest to do their
Sustainable Gardening own thing.
Of the live pictures beamed into the
Community Group Nature Reserve Jen Walker, Visitor
and Publicity Officer said:
'These live pictures are really popular
Development After a successful inauguration
year the Lochwinnoch Garden-
with everyone who visits the reserve.
It's amazing to get such intimate
Worker ing Group will begin its 2004/04
season with informal visits to
views and the chicks are so cute! You
really realise how busy birds are at
member's gardens around the this time of year, constantly searching
As some of you will know, Liz village. This was a very popular for food for themselves and their
Nickerson, who was the Loch- event last year. Dates are: Monday, young.'
winnoch Sustainable Commu- June 30 - both at 7:00pm. If you'd No doubt the video link to the blue
nity Worker, left the village in like to attend either or both of these tit's nest will be up and running next
February, having been in post evening either call Anne Nicholl on year. If you missed it this year, try not
for just one year. She has moved 842632 or Suzanne Crosson on to miss it next year.
onto another job nearer her home and 842352.

We have ways
LMEG wishes her well for the future. During the winter we welcomed
However, this meant that the project guests speakers and enjoyed talks on
had another 2 years' of funding but no roses, sweet peas and various meth-
worker. We advertised the post and
interviewed a number of applicants in
ods of propagation.
Our next meeting is on Monday,
of making you
The result, we are delighted to an-
July 14 at 7:30pm in the mu-
seum. Why not come along and get
nounce we have a new worker - Ruth into gardening.
Oldrey. Ruth can be contacted via e-
Join the absolute beginners
mail (ruth@lochwinnoch.info) or at
the museum (01505 842615) mes-
sages regularly. Ruth will be out and
Get into computing course in the library
and take the fist step on a fasci-
about the village continuing to de-
velop projects already started as well Nature nating journey to find out how to
make the computer work for
as helping new projects get off the
ground. The course is on Wednesdays from
Did you get a chance during 9:45am. If you want more informa-
May to see live pictures of nest- tion call 842615 or 843780.
We are ing Blue Tits? Here is a diary
telling how the birds fared dur-
ing this important time in their
Woman Joggers
Sailing lives:
18th Apr A video camera was in-
stalled in the nestbox by the centre. On Tuesday’s, from June 10,
The Castle Semple Sailing Club The nest was partly built with moss Linda McIntyre will be organis-
meet on alternation Saturdays and other vegetation. ing a women's outdoor jogging
and Sundays at 1:30pm. They 21st Apr The first egg was probably class.
also meet on Wednesdays at laid. Designed for beginners the course
7:30pm until the 31st October. 6th May Ten eggs in nest. starts outside Scotlind's Gym at
If you would like to join the club and 13th May Eggs hatched with 9 chicks. 7:00pm.
take to the waves in safe inshore wa- Estimated date of fledging is 3rd
ters why not join the club. The entry/ June. Well this date was spot-
joining fee is a one-off payment of on. This is now June 4 and all the
£50:00. Family membership is a also
a one-off payment of £50:00. Sales and marketing Consultancy
For further details contact Allen

Calder Marketing
Seymour on 01505 842100. If you
log onto the Lochwinnoch.info site
you can download an application
Tel: 01505 842 681 Mobile: 07764 236 822

Chatterbox is independently produced for the Commu-

Email: cfraser@fsmail.net
nity Council of Lochwinnoch through financial assis-
tance by Lochwinnoch Community Council, Ren- Business Plans, Funding, Market Research, PR, Company Newsletters
frewshire Council and advertisements. The editor
welcomes all items for possible inclusion but will re-
serve all rights over them. All views are of individuals.
The editor accepts no liability for errors

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