Sin No More

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John 8

One day, the Scribes and Pharisees bought to him a lady

caught in adultery. Not to ask him what they should do but to
find a fault in what Jesus says. But when Jesus was
repeatedly asked again and again, he looks at them and
speaks. Paraphrasing – What you say is true. This person has
no right to live. What she has done is grave mistake. She is
not good for the society. She has to be stoned but whoever of
you has not sinned stone her first and let others start one
after other. He again stooped down and started writing
something on the ground.

In the book of JOHN 8, We find another story of woman who

was caught in adultery. The Pharisees and Scribes bring her
to Jesus and asks him saying “Teacher, we found this woman
involved in adultery”. What do you say about this woman. But
the law of Moses tells us, we should stone her. Jesus sat down
and he started writing on the ground. They repeated the
question again. He looked at them and said “whoever has no
sin in him should throw the stone on her. He again started
writing on the ground. One by one left and only the woman
and Jesus were left. Jesus looks up and asks her, have none of
them condemn you? When she says no, Jesus tells her, that
her sins are forgiven but do not sin any more.

In the book of JOHN 5, we find the story of sick man.

In this specific incident, we see Jesus visiting a Jewish
Festival and at the sheep gate he finds disabled people,
paralyzed and the lame lying down there. In the crowd he
finds one person who was sick for the past 38 years. What was
he doing there for 38 years is not mentioned. But maybe he
was lying down and waiting for someone to help him or maybe
he was lazy to go before others. Whatever said and done, this
man was there for the past 38 years and was sick. Later we
find Jesus healing him and asking him to pick up the mat to
go. He again finds this man in the temple complex and
instructs him. Stop sinning or something worse will happen.

In the book of JOHN 8, We find another story of woman who

was caught in adultery. The Pharisees and Scribes bring her
to Jesus and asks him saying “Teacher, we found this woman
involved in adultery”. What do you say about this woman. But
the law of Moses tells us, we should stone her. Jesus sat down
and he started writing on the ground. They repeated the
question again. He looked at them and said “whoever has no
sin in him should throw the stone on her. He again started
writing on the ground. One by one left and only the woman
and Jesus were left. Jesus looks up and asks her, have none of
them condemn you? When she says no, Jesus tells her, that
her sins are forgiven but do not sin any more.

In both the stories, we find that Jesus focusing on one

statement “SIN NO MORE”

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