8 GPW4019 Internships

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Faculty of Geography
Department of Development Geography
Regional Development Study Program
Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. +62 274 6492340 / 589595
Email: dgp@ugm.ac.id Website: http://pw.geo.ugm.ac.id/

Undergraduate Programme in Regional Development

Telp : +62-274-6492340 | 589595 MODULE HANDBOOK
Email : dgp@ugm.ac.id
Website : http://pw.geo.ugm.ac.id/

Module name Internships

Module level, if applicable Bachelor
Code, if applicable GPW 4019
Subtitle, if applicable -
Courses, if applicable Internships
Semester(s) in which the 8th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Department of Development Geography
Lecturers Dr. Luthfi Muta’ali, M.T.
Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Relation to curriculum Compulsory Course in the 4th Year (8th Semester)
Type of teaching, contact 150 minutes hours per week
Workload Total workload is 105 hours, which consist of 150 minutes lectures per
week for 14 weeks, 150 minutes structured activities per week, and 50
minutes individual study per week, in total 16 weeks per semester,
including mid exam and final exam
Credit points 3
Requirements according to Students have taken the course of Internships, have an Internships Log
the examination regulations Book, have an letter of appraisal from the agency, and have an letters
of introduction and approveal from Internships
Recommended prerequisites No prerequisite is needed
Module objectives/intended After completing this course the students should have :
learning outcomes CLO 1. Understand the philosophy, history, and the concepts of
geography science and regional development
CLO2. Able to analyze problems in a particular regional development
CLO3. Able to present substantive ideas, issues and problems related
to regional development towards colleagues, other
professionals, government and general public
Content Application of post harvest knowledge and skill in the work place
Study and examination The final mark will be weighted as follows:
requirements and forms of
examination No Components Percentage
1 Field value (A) 50 %
2 Final Examination (FE) 50 %

Teaching Aid Projector, Computer, Whiteboard

Reading List 1. Achmad Djunaedi, & Sudaryono. 1998. Bahan kuliah Teori
Perencanaan– Magister Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah.
Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2. Budhy Tjahjati S. Soegijoko. 1997. Bunga Rampai
Perencanaan Pembangunan di Indonesia . Jakarta: PT
Grasindo. Hal 17-19,391-406.
3. Charles Gore.1984. Regions in Question: Space, Development
Theory and Regional Policy. London: Methuen.
4. LAN DSE. 1999. Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah. Modul
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan.
5. Nossin, Jan.J (ed). 1977. Surveys for Development: a
Multidisciplinary Approach. The Netherlands: Elsevier
Scientific Publishing Company
6. Van Raay, HGT., A.J. Dolman and C.M Kazi (editors) 1989.
Tanzania Planners Handbook: A guide for Regional and rural
Development Planning. The Hague: ISS Advisory Services.

PLO and CO Mapping

PLO – A1 PLO- A2 PLO – B1 PLO – C1 PLO – D1 PLO – D2

(A,FE) (A,FE)
(A,FE) (A,FE)

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