Mar 03

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lochwinnoch no 113 Feb/Mar 2003

community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On frewshire to be a part of the project.

A partnership group has been estab- Flats
lished and includes LMEG – the
Tues 25th March Lochwin- group responsible for the Sustainable Hate to go on about this - well,
noch Country Dance Club Silver Community Project, RSPB, Clyde actually, I don't - in terms of
Jubilee reunion. Contact Isabel Muirsheil, Renfrewshire Council, houses we need flats in Loch-
Templeton on 01505 843316 for fur- Sustrans, Scottish Enterprise and winnoch.
ther details. Scottish National Heritage. I was in Paisley recently and I no-
Tues 8th April , Public Meet- The study brief was sent out for ten- ticed builders are building a substan-
ing, McKillop 7.30pm . New der and we received 4 bids for the tial number of new flats on the road
houses in Lochwinnoch building work. Presentations were held at the up to the RAH. And they are all nice,
debate. end of January and the tender was and they are selling like hot cakes.
won by local businessman Ross So why doesn't any builder out
Events Diary Anderson. Ross is working in part-
nership with Liz Parsons of Starling
there see the opportunity of building
nice modern flats in the village?
Don't overbook your event! If Learning, and Glasgow based Or even why doesn't any builder
C0nsultant Engineers D. C. Farqu- want to turn the old cooperage into
you are planning to hold an
har & Partners. flats?
event, make sure yours is the
Work has already started on the I know there are problems with
only event on at that particular
study and it is anticipated that it will flats. Factor's fees are often close to
day and time.
be finished by May 2003; we hope to daylight robbery as you are ever
The McKillop Institute are now oper-
have the findings available as soon as likely to see. But people can get to-
ating an events diary. So you can en-
possible thereafter. gether and be their own factor.
sure you don't overlap with any other
After the study is complete who The plus side with flats is that you
knows what will be possible?! don't have the dreaded garden to

A Path Round Public Meeting

worry about, you can have long
chats with your friendly neighbours
the Loch on the stair heed, or you can be as
A follow up to the last public private as you like.
So builders, come on - we want flats
meeting regarding new house
SRANI – what on earth is that?
building in the village will talk If you want an article, letter
Well, it is a proposed path right
place in the McKillop Institute or information published in the
round Castle Semple Loch and
on April 8. Chatterbox. Then leave copy in
the reason it’s been given the a
If you have an interest in this mat-
rather formal name is to high- the Chatterbox
ter you are invited to come
light the fact that it will allow ac- dropbox in the Library.
along. The meeting starts at 7:30pm
cess to the loch from a region lar-


ger than just Lochwinnoch.
As many people may know there has
been talk of a loch path and improved SLATERS – PLASTERERS – GENERAL BUILDERS
access to the railway station for many Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
years, however, now £21,500 has been Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
raised to fund a 3 month feasibility Roughcasting & General Building
study. The factors that have made the
difference are 1. the presence of the Tel No. 01505 843400
FMB Certification No 26366
Sustainable Community Project and 2.
the will of Scottish Enterprise Ren-
have all at one time or other stepped low it to foul any pavement, grass
Head Scratcher on something someone forgot to
stoop and scoop. We've all walked
verge adjacent to a pavement, chil-
dren's play area and any area used
Here's a head- recycled Laddie into our house and for recreation or sporting pur-
scratcher. The sign for the onto the Axminster. It ain't poses. Any person found guilty of
new houses in Church funny. It ain't healthy and it ain't this offence will incur a substantial
Street says the houses on on. fine.
the site will be '4/5 bed- This is where T.U.R.D. comes Oh, incidentally, someone out
room quality houses'. in. It stands for Try Uplifting in the open wilderness is still
Does this mean the houses Rover's Droppings. You can get free filling up a poly bag with their
scoops from the library and there are dog's dirt and tossing it in a
are built to bedroom quality,
dog bins dotted around the vil-
or the houses will be quality hedge. Incomprehensible. The
lage. Those who set the dog bins
houses with 4/5 bedrooms? best option would be to leave
alight - a totally mindless activity -
Someone has forgotten the all the dirt where it is and allow it
may also bear this in mind.
important coma. They may also bear in mind that to biodegrade.
Anyway, the main thing is - re-
Silver Slip the money for dog bins comes from
the budget that awards grants to member T.U.R.D when you walk
small groups. your dog.
Betty McKellar's evocative po-
During the February Community
ems have been twice set to mu-
sic by English/Scots composer, Council meeting Councillor Nimmo How to Write
Sally Beamish, now, local musi-
cian, Gordon Rigby will take up
said that dog wardens will be active
in the village from time to time.
a Thesis
the challenge to supply music to A speaker at the meeting added Local academic Rowena
fit the poet's words. that those who allow their dog to Murray went to the top of the
Gordon Rigby, professional tim- foul the footpath should be prose- class with her book How to
panist and conductor of the St cuted. Perhaps a few prosecutions Write a Thesis. After only a
Winnoch Singers, is composing a might force dog owners to be more few months in circulation the
piece using the words of the poem careful of where their dog stoops to book is now being reprinted.
Silver Slip. poop. This is a sentiment Councillor The first three thousand copies
Gordon Rigby's composition is Nimmo does not agree with. flew off the shelves as quick as the
written for choir and orchestra A police spokesperson, however, latest Harry Potter novel.
and features a prominent part for said: 'It should be pointed out that it Not bad for an academic book. Nor-
oboe. is an offence in terms of Section 48 mally a book on the art of writing a
The piece will be given its first o f t h e C i v i l thesis would be lucky to sell in the
performance during the St Win- hundreds.
Government (Scotland) Act 1982 for
noch Singer's spring concert. I've Rowena is now writing a second book
any person in charge of a dog to al-
that will be on sale in December.
had a sneak preview and can tell
you it is well worth hearing.

The Paper Shop
Church Street, Lochwinnoch 01505 842337
Your Newsagent for all your
About the largest number of Newspapers + Magazines + Stationary + Confec tionary + Gifts +
Complaints Councillor Alis- Greeting Cards + Morning Rolls + 7 Day Newspaper Delivery Service
tair Nimmo has to deal with NOW AGENTS FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS
relate to these unedifying lit-
Dry Cleaning Curtain Cleaning Ironing
tle packages our dogs de-
posit on the pavements. Press Only Alterations & Repairs Shoe Repairs
We have all suffered from the Laundry Duvets Professionally C
dreaded 'mess on the foot'. We
4 Breach of the Peace. Books Books
'This story is true, though 4 Thefts.
The latest library editions are:-
you might have a problem 1 Drugs offence. David Baldacci The Christmas Train
believing it. I would have 4 Vandalism Celia Brayfield Mister Fabulous
found it impossible if I had 2 Tax disc offences and Friends
Clare Chamber Back Trouble
not seen it happen. 1 Malicious phone call. Anne Douglas Ginger Street
On December 3 last year, I Seven crimes were detected. Sarah Harrison The Dreaming Stones
wrote to the Roads Department One member of the Commu- Sarah Harvey Postcards from Wits End
Nora Kay Cuckoo in the Nest
a complaint about the potholes nity Council said the condi-
Bernadine Kennedy Chain of Deception
in Calder Street and at tions of the roads throughout Robert Ludlum The Jason Directive
Linthills. Usually I would ex- Renfrewshire were a growing Ed McBain Fat Ollie's Book
Jefferson Parker Black Water
pect such a letter to meet with cause for concern. They are,
Alan Russell Exposure
deadly silence. The most I he said, a disgrace. He added, John Smolens The Invisible World
would expect would be an ac- he had no confidence in Re- Danielle Steele Sunset in St Tropez
Minnette Walters Fox Evil
knowledgment to my letter. frewshire Council to maintain
Vaalery Wood The Doorstep Girls
I did not get an acknowledg- the roads to a decent stan- This is only a small selection of the
ment. Instead a few days later a dard. The Community Council new book that arrive in the library on
lorry loaded with steaming tar, agreed to write to Ren- a regular basis. Our reserve system
gives greater access to an even
tools and two intrepid operators frewshire Council and make
greater number of books. This ser-
appeared and patched the pot- known their concerns.
vice costs 20p. For further details
holes. call in at the library.
The did not square the holes To advertise in NOTE: Due to work on the heating
off or seal the repairs so the re- Chatterbox (£30) system the library will be closed from
February 26 until Friday March 7 - at
pairs won't last long. Also the Tel. 01505 842681 or 2:00pm. A mobile library will call in
pothole patchers were choosy email: chatterbox at the library car park on Saturday,
about which holes they March 1 at 10:00am - 1:00pm and at
patched. They left some major 2:00pm - 4:00pm.
holes in Calder Street, neverthe-
less a kind of job had been car-
ried out.
So, two cheers to the Roads De-
partment. We should rejoice they
have done some sort of job, and
done it in local government terms, Website Stats
Traffic has been growing steadily during the first year and the website has re-
in a heartbeat... so thanks and well ceived over 2000 hits or user sessions during October. The addition of the new
done.' Graham Lait photo gallery, as well as regular updates for calendar events and sports results are
proving to be popular.
Children’s Hospice Appeal
Crime Figures The library is collecting used inkjet cartridges and toners as well as old mobile
phones to raise money for CHAS. Don’t throw them in the bin when they are
finished. Recycle them for a good cause.
L o c h w i n n o c h What Next?
We are working on a section for the local art group, a history section (yes that is
Community Council still a work in ‘progress’) as well as tidying up the new photo gallery.
Crime totals for January
were seventeen: Website dropbox in the local library
1 Robbery - this was a serious
ture of how well - or otherwise - our grading the exchange? Well, they
Evenin'All garden birds are getting on.
So far over nationwide over 20,000
say they are upgrading exchanges
according to demand, and if the
people have returned the results of
The newly appointed village upgrade is viewed as being com-
their hour spent watching birds.
PCs, Collette Pryde and Gra- mercially viable. This means they
ham Barclay, have written to
introduce themselves.
Lochwinnoch are upgrading the larger ex-
changes first. For some smaller
Both have more than a decade of Community Internet exchanges they have set trigger
experience in various posts
Group levels, if say 400 or 600 people
throughout Strathclyde Police sign-up then they will upgrade
Force. They are looking forward, A new community group is the exchange. Currently they
though, to working with the people looking for members. The have not even set a trigger level
of Lochwinnoch. aim of the group is to provide for Lochwinnoch, so there is no
If you have anything to talk about Broadband Internet access to way to tell when BT will upgrade
with the police, don't hesitate to residents and businesses the exchange, but it doesn’t look
stop either of them and have a within Lochwinnoch. like it will be any time soon.
chat. You may have seen the adverts for What can we do about it? There
If you want to discuss anything in Broadband Internet from BT, AOL, is new technology based on satel-
private, leave your name and Freeserve or a host of other compa- lite and wireless communications
phone number in the police office nies. The adverts all show how you that allows fast connections to
in Calder Street or call 01505 can access video, music, educa- the Internet and does not require
321113 to make arrangements. tional materials and all sorts of BT lines. The goal of the group is
Both Constables Pryde and Bar- other good stuff on the Internet. to use this technology to provide
clay are very approachable. Businesses are able to communi- Internet connections of similar
cate with customers and suppliers speed and cost as Broadband to
residents and businesses within
Big Birdwatch
more easily etc etc.
So why aren’t you already using Lochwinnoch.
it? The answer is simple, no mat- The group needs people to be-
The biggest birdwatch in the ter which company you want to buy come involved in the administra-
world took place on the week- Broadband from, they must buy tion and implementation of the
end of 25-26 January. the connection from BT, and BT project. No technical skills are
The overall results are still be- have not yet upgraded the Loch- required, just enthusiasm.
ing collected but most of winnoch exchange to support If you are interested in
the results from observation Broadband. So, even if you want it, joining, email
at the RSPB Nature Reserve you can’t get it. We are all stuck
are available. with dial-up connections, or if we or phone 01505 842768.
The top bird to show up was the chaf- are really lucky, rather expensive, Support Chatterbox with
finch. Twenty eight were spotted feed- and not much faster, ISDN lines. Articles and Advertising
ing their beaks. Number two was the When will BT get round to up-
blue tit, ten were seen feeding on pea-
One surprises occurred when a great Sales and Marketing Consultancy
spotted woodpecker landed in the re-
serve on a flying visit.
Those who took part in the Big Gar-
Calder Marketing
den Birdwatch helped to create a pic-
Tel: 01505 842 681 Mobile: 07764 236822
Chatterbox is independently produced for the Community Council email:
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by Lochwinnoch
Community Council, Renfrewshire Council and advertisements.
The editor welcomes all items for possible inclusion but will reserve Business Plans, Funding, Market Research
all rights over them. All views are of individuals. The editor
accepts no liability for errors.

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