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Nuisance Helpline

Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
Anti-Social Investigation
Support and Advice Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm No 171 March 2008 Ask for David McLaren or
Tel: 0800 169 1283 Barrie Anderson
Tel: 01505 325 030

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

• Sunday 30th March—

What’s On British Summer Time begins.
Put your clocks forward by 1 hour. to
• Advice Works - Tuesdays 10am • Sunday 30th March FIONA RITCHIE
-12.30, Lochwinnoch Library. * Spring Concert at 7.30pm in
• Kickjitsu for Kids - Monday Lochwinnoch Parish Church. *
nights, Parish Church Hall.
• Kickjitsu for Adults - Mon- SOME MORE DIARY DATES
day nights, 7pm, McKillop Hall. • Tuesday 1st April
• Tai Chi for Beginners - Lochwinnoch Community
Friday nights, 6.45-7.45pm, The Council meeting, 7.30pm Parish
Room, Lochwinnoch Library. Church Guild Room.
• Yoga Classes - Wednesday • Saturday 5th April
nights, 7.30pm McKillop Hall. Councillor Bibby’s Surgery from
• Morag’s Keep Fit 9am at the McKillop Institute.
Mondays and Thursdays from • Monday 7th April - Puppet
7pm, McKillop Hall. Animation Festival for children,
• Saturday 8th March 2pm at Lochwinnoch Library. * Lochwinnoch girl Fiona Ritchie was
Blues and Soul music night at the • Monday 7th April very successful with her solo singing
McKillop. * Lochwinnoch Art Group meeting in the Inverclyde Music Festival this
• Monday 10th March at 7.30pm in Parish Church year. Fiona sang the Skye Boat Song
Lochwinnoch Art Group meeting, Guild Room. * to win the Church School of Motor-
7.30pm,Parish Church Guild Room. * • Saturday 12th April ing cup and also won the Victoria
• Saturday 15th March High Street Brands Sale - Burns Club event with Ca’ the
Councillor Arthur’s Surgery from 10am-1pm at St Vincent’s Yowes. She came second in the
11.30am at the McKillop Institute. Hospice Daycare Centre. William Dunsmore trophy.
• Tuesday 18th March • Thurs 17th & Fri 18th April
Formica, Fridges and Fish Paste ‘Murder at Checkmate Manor’ by THANK YOU
Sandwiches 1950’s evening at the Calder Drama Group. * from
• Sunday 20th April
Library. * Karen Browning
Thursday 20th March Viking Down ! Presentation at
Lochwinnoch Historical Society RSPB Centre. * Karen would like to thank all friends
meeting at 7.30pm - Guild Room, • Friday 25th April and family in Lochwinnoch and fur-
Parish Church. * Chips & Opera Ball. * ther afield for all the beautiful cards,
• Thursday 27th March to • Saturday 14th June flowers, gifts and phone calls re-
Sunday 30th March - Lochwinnoch Gala Day 2008. ceived during her time in hospital
Lochwinnoch Arts Festival 2008 * • Friday 20th June and also as she recovers at home.
• Friday 28th March TCT 2008 ‘Not the Booze Cruise’
Tickets on sale soon. It has been much appreciated from
Prize Bingo Night - 7.30pm at the Karen and her family all the kind
Masonic Hall. Everyone welcome. * See inside for more details thoughts sent.

MATTHEW NEW & SONS Editorial & copy for Chatterbox

Let us have your stories, notices, news,
information, events & items of interest —
ROOFING - ROUGHCASTING - BUILDING MAINTENANCE either hand-deliver them to the Chatter-
box drop-box in the Library or e-mail to:
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs To advertise in Chatterbox
Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail:
Tel No 01505 843400
Copy Deadline for APRIL ISSUE
FMB Certificate No 26366 IS Monday 31st MARCH 2008
Elaine Robertson BSc Podiatrist INVERCLYDE &
(HPC Registered)
Lower Limb Acupuncture 
Hot Stone Therapy   The above competition was held in
Swedish Massage  Greenock Sports Centre on Saturday
Aromatherapy              Tel:  01505 502675  &  Mob:  07824 618896  2nd February, where 12 teams took
59 Crummock Gardens, Beith   KA15 2HF  part. 1st Lochwinnoch Junior Section
remained unbeaten throughout and
eventually WON 3-1 in the final
Striving for Fairtrade the people of Renfrewshire. against a Greenock team.
Zone Status for all of This is an exciting time to be focus- Lochwinnoch Team - Rory John,
Renfrewshire ing on Fairtrade – the word is Fraser Lawrie, Jack Aitchison,
spreading and more and more shops Aaron Davis and Erlend Frayling.
I believe Fairtrade is a simple way for are heeding consumers’ wishes and
the consumer to make a big difference stocking an increased range of excel- A marvellous achievement, as our
through their purchasing power. By lent Fairtrade products. There are so team did not have any substitutes and
picking the Fairtrade coffee, bananas, many opportunities to substitute the above 5 team members played in
or chocolate, we ensure a fair and reli- your normal products for Fairtrade every game. The parents were ex-
able income for vulnerable and mar- produce. hausted watching them!
ginalised workers and their families Thanks go to all who supported the
and we support the development of If you have never used Fairtrade be-
team and to coaches Alan Davis,
their communities. fore, I urge you to make that change
Steve Roebuck and Steve John for all
in your weekly or monthly shop. Not
Fairtrade empowers those at the be- their hard work.
only will you be enjoying an excel-
ginning and end of the production lent cup of coffee or delicious bar of
chain – producers get fair wages, good chocolate but you will do so in the
working conditions, help with the de- knowledge that your purchase was
velopment of products and marketing, ethical and fair – your chocolate will
while consumers are given the choice taste even sweeter!
to make a difference by buying Fair-
trade products whenever they can. As for our part, the Council has
There is some incredible work already committed to encourage the use of
going on across Renfrewshire in our fairly traded goods when catering for
our functions and meetings and we ‘Murder at Checkmate Manor’
churches, schools, businesses and or- on
ganisations to support Fairtrade. We will also try wherever possible to
Thursday 17th and 18th April
should be proud of the achievements include a fairly traded option in rele- at 7.30pm in the McKillop Institute.
of Renfrewshire – Paisley has been a vant tenders. Whilst this will be a
Fairtrade Town since 2003 (one of the big change for us initially, we feel it This Spring Production, written by
first in Scotland) and Bishopton re- is vital to lead by our own example. David McGillivary and Walter Zerlin
cently became a Fairtrade Village. Jr, is another play involving the Farn-
Trinity High School in Renfrew was I know that becoming a Fairtrade dale Avenue Housing Estate Towns-
one of the first Fairtrade Schools in Zone will take both time and com- women’s Guild Dramatic Society.
Scotland. These are great accomplish- mitment – it will rely on the enthusi- The play is set in the drawing room of
ments and it is our intention that the asm and support of our communities Checkmate Manor for the reading of
Council’s renewed focus on Fairtrade and it will not happen overnight but the will of the late Sir Reginald
will build on this – bringing together I believe that this is a venture which Bishop. Someone has designs on the
these Fairtrade champions and making is worth our time and effort, and I Checkmate millions and will stop at
a big push for our Fairtrade Zone am confident that we will be suc- nothing to get them. During the
status for Renfrewshire. cessful. course of this ‘whodunit’ play, every-
thing that can go wrong, does and
By working together and with in- players are left to muddle through as
With your help we can make a real
creased support from the community, cues are missed, entrances mistimed,
we aim to reach all corners of Ren- lines forgotten, mishaps to scenery,
frewshire to promote Fairtrade and sound effects and general mayhem on
ensure that it is firmly embraced by
Councillor Mackay stage.
Leader of Renfrewshire Council Tickets £5, Children & Seniors £3.
Councillor Arthur’s
Great opportunity to play golf in the rolling Renfrewshire hills,
I am currently working in partner- and join, all on the same day.
ship with Lochwinnoch Primary
School, the Parent Council, the Po-
•£10 to play on the day (Normally £25) • No joining fee
lice and Renfrewshire Roads Depart-
• New members up to age of 25 pay 60% of the fees
ment in assisting to compile the Pri- • Buy one Lesson get one FREE with PGA Professional
mary School’s Travel Plan document. Gerry Reilly (only available to those who join on the day)
• FREE drink from the bar.
The objective is to introduce ways to • OFFERS AVAILABLE ON OPEN DAY ONLY.
improve conditions for children Tel: 01505 843029 to book your tee time (between 10am-12pm) - spaces limited.
travelling to and from school. By far,
the biggest issue is the compromis-
ing of children’s safety around the
school gates at the start and finish The foregoing gives a flavour of how
the budget unfolded. This is a
times. This is the result of the
‘couldn’t care less drivers’ who drop budget that has been well received Choral Society
off and pick up some of the pupils. by the directors of Council depart-
ments and the Renfrewshire public Lochwinnoch Choral Society will be
At the recent Council budget meet- in general. holding its Spring Concert on Sunday
ing, the base budget assessment for 30th March, 7.30pm, in the Parish
all services of £409.283 million was No objections were received against Church, Lochwinnoch, to coincide
confirmed. As well as a freeze on the Planning Application No. with the Arts Festival being held that
our Council Tax for year 2008/9 lev- 07/0724/PP for the conversion of weekend.
els, commitments were made to in- existing buildings at St. Joseph’s
vest a further £5.1 million to support Nursing Home to form 30 flats and As well as songs from the junior choir,
many key local priorities, such as selective demolition of outbuildings, the programme will include The
upgrading of access roads, car park- Chichester Psalms, the masterpiece by
£958,000 towards class size ing and associated landscaping. It is the American composer, Leonard
reduction in both P1 and P2 to 25, expected that this application will be Bernstein, who also wrote the music
from this August, granted through delegated powers. for West Side Story. A rewarding and
£347,000 as an initial contribu- uplifting piece, ‘The Psalms’ was com-
tion to the development of the Phase Worried parents, who had heard that missioned for the Southern Cathedrals
3 Schools Estate Strategy, providing the Thursday night football for Festival in 1965.
the opportunity to convert this to primary school-aged children in the
future borrowing of approximately Public Park Annexe was stopping, Our concerts often showcase local art-
£5 million, contacted me over the last week or ists and this one will be no exception.
£170,000 to support alternative so. After having looked into this, I There will also be readings by Betty
educational provision through place- had the pleasure of getting back to McKellar from her new book of
ments in residential centres and/or them to confirm that the community poems, "Muirshiel", and the choir will
specialist provision for young people football 'Healthy Goals' programme sing a version of her poem, "Silver
whose needs cannot be met in a will continue to be delivered. Slip", about the drowning of Mary
mainstream school, Caldwell (which was featured in the
£257,000 to fund a ‘Clean Ren- The current eight-week block comes last issue of Chatterbox), composed by
frewshire’ campaign launching in to an end on Thursday 28th Febru- Gordon Rigby, the Choirmaster.
spring 2008, ary but a further four-week block All accompanied by professional
£2.211 million per year on recy- will be offered prior to Easter and a orchestral musicians, as usual.
cling and waste management, further eight-week block will be
£200,000 towards developing offered over May and June. On Saturday 8th March, at 8pm, there
community provision for young peo- Discussions are currently underway will be a gig in the McKillop Hall,
ple, by establishing a youth chal- between Renfrewshire Council, the Lochwinnoch by the Blues Brothers/
lenge fund, to be delegated to the SFA and St Mirren FC to decide on Commitments tribute band, Republic
five Local Area Committees, the most appropriate future delivery of Soul, featuring village resident
an increase of £750,000 per year of this community programme. Richard Mulhearn. There will be a
to the roads maintenance budget to bar and 'nibbles' (small articles of
support the ongoing maintenance My Surgery is on the third Saturday food, that is!) on sale, so please come
and improvement in the condition of of each month at 11:30am in the and dance the night away to some
Renfrewshire’s roads and which McKillop Hall but there is no need to great soul and blues. Profits from the
will complement the £2 million per wait for a Surgery if you require my gig will go to support the Choir in
annum investment levels which is help. You can contact me on putting on high quality concerts for
proposed as part of the Council’s Tel: 843507 and we can agree a time the village.
investment plan, with £1 million to when we can meet.
Tickets for both events are
fund a replacement programme for available from The Brown Bull,
street lamps. Councillor David Arthur
from The Junction and from
choir members.
Lochwinnoch Arts Festival 2008
Thursday 27th - Sunday 30th March
(All events in Parish Church, Lochwinnoch
except Thursday Jazz and Friday Book Launch)

Thursday 27th March

Evening Jazz in the Junction Bistro
(contact Junction Bistro for tickets, Tel: 842225)

Friday 28th March

7pm for 7.30pm
Betty McKellar book launch at Castle Semple Centre
(free entry)

Saturday 29th March

10am - 11am
Paintings, Prints, Crafts, second-hand books and more! (free entry)

11am-12 noon
Talks by broadcasters and authors on their books.
Peter Aitchison on the Eyemouth Disaster and
Vanessa Collingridge on Captain Cook
and Presentation of Lochwinnoch Primary School Poetry Competition
Entry - £2 and £1 (concession)
Lochwinnoch 12 noon - 1pm
Art Group Paintings, Prints, Crafts, second-hand books and more! (free entry)
Once again an interesting evening
was enjoyed by all those who 2pm-3pm
attended the last meeting. Art Classical Guitar Recital by Neil Wilson
Group member, Mary Gildea, A leading classical musician, Neil will play a mixture of world and classical
brought flowers to arrange for the music, including Bach, Albeniz, Plazzolan and more.
evening’s project of 'Still Life '. Dynamic, passionate and technically brilliant. Not to be missed!
(See local advert. for more information.)
Our next meeting on the 10th
March, at 7.30pm in the Parish 7pm
Church Guild Room, is an evening Scottish Music Night with local artists.
of painting in ' Three Colours ' by Entry: £2 and £1 (concession)
member Sandra Fowles. You will
need to come along to find out Sunday 30th March
what it is about ! 1.30pm
Jazz on a Sunday afternoon
There will be no meeting on 24th Richard Mulhearn (saxophone) and friends in Parish Church Hall.
March as this is Easter Monday.
Entry: £2 and £1 (concession)
The next meeting on Monday 7th
April is ' Landscapes in Acrylics ' 2.30pm - 3pm
by member Margaret Emonds. Paintings, Prints, Crafts, second-hand books and more! (free entry)
If anyone is familiar with Marga-
ret's work then this is an evening 7.30pm
not to be missed. We look for- Lochwinnoch Spring Concert
ward to meeting familiar faces as In Lochwinnoch Parish Church
well as those who would like to (see separate Lochwinnoch Choral Society item in Chatterbox
come along for the first time. for full details and how to obtain tickets).
Everyone is welcome.
What’s Yellow and Green?
Now and Then’s new range of Easter gifts
The Gala Committee would like to and home decorations.
thank everyone who helped to make Fairtrade, made from recycled and
the Valentine’s Gala Ceildih a terrific
success. It was a great night and every natural materials
one enjoyed it. Our grateful thanks - and a lot less fattening than chocolate !
go to all the " behind the scenes "
helpers as well. Open 9am - 5.30pm weekdays and Saturdays
We are pleased to report that we have Open every Sunday from Easter Sunday onwards
been able to make two donations this From 12 noon - 4pm.
year. One to Lochwinnoch Primary
School and the other to the Cardiac
Rehabilitation Department at the Now & Then
R.A.H. in Paisley.
On to this year’s Gala Day, which will
8 Church Street, Lochwinnoch Tel: 843311
be on Saturday 14th June and will Gifts • Cards • Jewellery • Leather • Home
have a carnival theme this year. So, if
there are any acrobats, jugglers, I hope now that further action will
clowns, magicians etc., out there, then News from be taken by the Parliament or Min-
we want to hear from you! If you
think you can help us in any way at all, Councillor Neil Bibby isters on this matter.
please get in touch. We also need
help on Gala Day itself and, again, if I have been contacted about yet
The Council recently announced its
you can spare a little bit of your time more problems regarding bin col-
budget, which includes a massive
on the day, then we want to hear from lections in Lochwinnoch. If you are
£8.6million worth of cuts to
you too. experiencing such problems then
Remember, this is a community event please don’t hesitate to contact
for everyone in the community and me.
The Education budget has now
without your support it would not be been slashed by £5.7million since
possible. It would be remiss of me not to
May - that is approximately £232
mention Fairtrade in this Fairtrade
Please leave your details at: for every pupil in Renfrewshire,
Fortnight. I am delighted that our
' Crafts of Calder Gallery ' 8, High there is an end to supported study
Street, Lochwinnoch or contact MP Douglas Alexander, who is also
before exam times and other sup-
Tel: 01505 844980 / 842139. the Secretary of State for Interna-
port services, despite my
tional Development, has an-
colleagues and I voting against
nounced a doubling of funds for
Fairtrade labelling worth over
ST. VINCENT’S £1.2million - this will be spent to
Renfrewshire Council received the
HOSPICE worst settlement from the Scottish
expand the Fairtrade products
available to purchase.
Government of any local authority
Forthcoming Events in Scotland.
Fairtrade is an international effort,
Saturday 15th March which by definition aims to discard
Race Night in St John’s Church Hall, I was pleased to attend the Clyde
national interest to help the poor-
Barrhead. Muirshiel Regional Park Committee
est people on earth. I am sure that
meeting recently at Castle Semple
Saturday 22nd March at 7.30pm if the commitments shown by the
Visitor Centre. I was glad to hear
Spring Dinner Dance at Glynhill Ho- UK Government and local people
tel. Tickets £30. at the meeting that a petition
continue then we can make great
lodged by Mrs Sybil Simpson at the
Saturday 12th April 10am—1pm strides to help the world’s poorest
Scottish Parliament, which called
High Street Brands Sale, St Vincent’s peoples and nations.
for greater protection of Regional
Daycare area.
Parks from industrialisation,
Door to Door Collections in Lochwin- My regular advice surgeries are on
received a good hearing from the
noch. Volunteers are needed to de- the 1st Saturday of the month at
Parliament’s Petitions Committee.
liver collection envelopes to streets in 9am in the McKillop Hall. If you
your neighbourhood and collect them would like to contact me before
Many strong points were made in
again between 26th and 31st May ‘08. then you can phone me on Tel:
favour of greater protection includ-
01505 704874 or email me at
For more information on the above, ing the fact that less than one half
please contact Lorraine Valentine on: of one per cent of Scotland’s land
Tel: 01505 705635 or e-mail: is taken up by Regional and Na-
Councillor Neil Bibby tional Parks
LOCHWINNOCH I wandered lonely as a cloud
that floats on high o’er vales and hills,
Counselling (Individuals and couples) Treatments when all at once I saw a crowd,
Depression, Anxiety, Bereavement, Therapeutic Massage, Hot Stones a host, of golden daffodils;
Relationships, Work Issues, Stress, Indian Head Massage, Seated Acupressure, beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Trauma, Panic Attacks, etc. Reiki Master/Teacher. fluttering and dancing in the breeze. William Wordsworth
01505 843714
I love daffodils. I love their colour,
Lochwinnoch Awards
their vibrancy, I love the way you
can’t ignore them – they refuse to be
Primary School We were awarded an Eco Schools shrinking violets (no pun intended)
Silver Award in September - but are right in your face. I love the
& Nursery Class Yippee! - and we are hoping to way they herald spring, a reminder,
achieve a Green Flag in the near along with the more gentle and subtle
February News future. snowdrops in our gardens that winter
is on the way out and new life is just
Trees around the corner. Their ancient name
During our Action Day, some of the is Lenten lilies from the old English
children in the school planted willow, word Lent, meaning spring.
which will hopefully grow to form a
tunnel for the children to explore! A HISTORY OF We have had a long, windy, wet win-
We have also been sent a Copse pack JOHNSTONE HIGH ter, again this year. January was the
from The Woodland Trust containing
10 rowan, 10 silver birch, 5 wild SCHOOL wettest for some number of years and
February one of the windiest I can
cherry, 3 field maple and 2 hornbeam
trees. We are hoping to plant these remember. At times our mood seems
Johnstone High School Deputy
very soon. to reflect the weather. When the sun
Headmaster, Mr Graham Munro,
shines, we smile, when the rain falls
would like to develop a history of
Composting and the wind blows, our heads go
the school. His group of 3rd Year
We have taken delivery of 2 large com- down, along with our spirits.
posting bins and 5 small pupils is currently researching
caddies. A representative from Waste the school’s history and it is Without wanting to sound too trite,
Aware Scotland will be coming to visit hoped that this will be put on the life, as you all know so well, can re-
the school soon to put on a short pres- school website and that former flect the changes in the weather; at
entation on composting. pupils will read it and add infor- times our life is full of sunshine, we
mation, photographs - and make radiate joy for everything in the gar-
Supergrounds corrections. den is rosy, then without warning
We have now received our first
Supergrounds payment of £1,000. storms are raging around us. Often life
Mr Munro has written to all for- can seem like an emotional roller-
The children have suggested an out-
mer pupils from 1940-1963 (who coaster and if you are anything like
door dance/karaoke area, an Outdoor
Classroom and some large, sit-on are listed in ‘Friends Reunited’) me, when things start to run out of
equipment for the younger children. and pupils are putting out ap- control, I want to scream, “Let me
Our assigned project advisor visited peals for information. off!”
the school to discuss our ideas and is
going to be in touch again soon. In the Autumn of last year, a Life, at best, is a balance between
group of pupils spent some time times of sorrow and times of celebra-
Thank you to all parents who have speaking to senior citizens in a tion. That is reflected in the life of the
volunteered to help. Your services will retirement home about their Church. At the time of writing, in the
be called upon very soon! If anyone memories of the Second World Church we are commemorating the
else would like to help, please get in
War. Season of Lent. Lent is the time in the
touch with a member of staff ….
Church when we prepare for Easter.
Grants What do you remember about the We do so remembering the tempta-
We have also applied for two further School, trips, special events and tions that Jesus faced in his life. Not
grants to help with our project. The teachers? just the temptations of the 40 days and
Parent Council has applied to Strath- If you think you can help, please nights in the desert, but also the last
clyde Police and the other application contact Mr Munro on Tel: 01505 temptation, the final temptation, when
is for a Breathing Places Grant. We’ll 322173 or by e-mail at: in spiritual and emotional agony, the
let you know when we hear about night before he was crucified, he
prayed that the cup he was about to
face could pass from him. Yet the
final words of that prayer were, “not
my will but yours be done.” Church Street, Lochwinnoch Tel: 01505 842337
Sometimes the vagaries of life, are Newspapers • Magazines • Stationery,
made all the harder when we fight Fresh Local Milk from the Dairy
against them. There are times when Morning Rolls from the Bakery
we need to face up to our problems Confectionery • Gifts • Greetings Cards
and accept that the only person who 7-Day Newspaper Delivery Service
can solve them is ourselves. Yet there
Agents for Dry Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning, Ironing, Press only,
are other times when we have to ac-
Alterations and Repairs, Shoe Repairs, Laundry
cept what is happening to us, accept
the cup which has come our way. Bad
things do happen to good people and
that is not because God is punishing LOCHWINNOCH Puppet Animation Festival
us, but entirely due to the very nature LIBRARY
of life. From the moment we are born, Two Can Toucan
the only thing we are assured of is that READ MỜR@
some day we will die. That is a bold
Lochwinnoch Library Folding Theatre
and in many ways, frightening thing to
say. Death brings sorrow and we Puppet Company
Read Mòr is a national book pro- at
would rather not have to think about
motion, timed to celebrate the contri-
bution of the Highlands to Scottish Lochwinnoch Library
In my work I am privileged to accom- culture. The promotion has five
pany people who are facing their final themes (Fiction & Non-Fiction): Monday 7th April 2pm
days. I have not yet met anyone who .. on the edge
was fighting death. It is amazing how .. landscapes Suitable for 3 ~ 7 years
calm people can be in their final days. .. on the move
My own mother said just two days .. together This is a FREE event.
before she died, “I’ve had enough including Scottish Authors, such as Tickets MUST be collected in
gadding about since your father died. : Brookmyre, Rankin , Banks and
advance, as numbers are limited.
It’s time for me to go and be with him. many more…
… Provided he is in heaven!”
LIBRARY OPENING HOURS : Children must be accompanied by
Such humour is only found in people Monday, Wednesday and Friday: an adult.
who are unafraid of death. Of course 2pm–5pm & 6pm–8pm
the manner of our death may cause us Tuesday and Saturday:
“ Formica, Fridges
fear, none of us wish to die in pain. 10am–1pm & 2pm–5pm
Yet for those of us who profess the Closed Thursday.
Christian faith, we know that death is
not the end.
& Fish Paste
Why not go online -
The 40 days of reflection of Lent are Sandwiches “
to check the catalogue and order
balanced by the 40 days of celebration
your books from the comfort of your
of Easter, when we rejoice in the death
own home. You will then be notified Chris Lee
of death and remember Jesus Christ,
by the staff at the library when your of Paisley Museum,
not just crucified, but raised to new
book is awaiting pick up. (There is a Takes a light-hearted look at
life. This new life in Christ is offered
to all.
request charge of 35p per item.) Home Life & Growing up in
the 1950’s
Friends, this spring, as always, when I
see the return of the daffodils I will ADVICE WORKS at
rejoice that spring, the season of new Lochwinnoch Library
at Lochwinnoch Library
life, is on its way. I will also give
thanks for the new life offered to us in Tuesdays 10am - 12.30pm Tuesday 18th March
Christ and I will pray that you all have Free, confidential advice service to 7.30pm
a glorious celebration this Easter. Renfrewshire residents on a wide Tickets : £2.00 including
Yours, range of money topics; experts on refreshments
hand to fill in and check claim forms,
advise on benefits, money problems, Please purchase tickets
etc, etc. in advance.
Cucina Minucci FORTNIGHT:
at The Junction   Let’s make Lochwinnoch
  a Fairtrade village!
Licensed Caffè 
2–4 High Street,   Fairtrade Fortnight is a national
Lochwinnoch Out of School Club (LOSC) is  campaign, running from 25th Feb to
currently looking for new members for  Lochwinnoch, PA12 4DA.  9th March. Events and activities are
their voluntary committee.  Anyone who  Tel: 01505 – 842 225  taking place throughout Renfrewshire
is keen to help the club move forward    with a Fairtrade Roadshow visiting
and get involved with fundraising, etc is  Castle Semple Centre on Saturday
Breakfast • Lunch• Jo’s Baking  March 8 (1-3) with free samples of
more than welcome to join. 
        Live Music Nights  Fairtrade products!
You do not have to be a parent of a child   
in the club to join either.  If you can spare  New Product range including:   What is Fairtrade?? It's a model of
one evening a month to attend the com‐ international trade which guarantees a
Fairtrade & Organic Food   fair price to producers exporting
mittee meetings, please contact Leanne 
(LOSC Manager) on Tel:  07757 801 042.  products  goods such as coffee, sugar, cotton and
  ECOVER Eco‐Friendly Cleaning  fresh fruit from developing to devel-
In April, LOSC is having an open night for  oped countries. This higher income
Nuts, Seeds & Whole Foods.  improves their social and environ–
parents to come along and have a look at 
   mental conditions.
all the interesting projects that take place 
in the club.  All staff and committee mem‐ EAT IN or TAKE AWAY 
In Lochwinnoch, a Fairtrade steering
bers will be there and will be happy to    group organised some events over the
answer any questions you have.  For more details and   Fortnight to draw attention to Fair-
upcoming events  trade principles and to recruit mem-
Look out for further details posted  bers to our group. Ivan and Jo at the
around the village or phone the club for  Visit: 
Junction, aka Cucina Minucci, hosted
more information.   That number again is    Ivan and Joanna Minucci   a coffee morning and an evening
07757 801 042.  and the team screening of the film “Black Gold”,
which highlights the injustices in the
world trade in coffee. For each cup of
Fairtrade tea or coffee sold at these
The project is designed and events, 50p will be donated to Fair-
managed by Amey, who operate the trade's innovation fund which aims to
A737 on behalf of Transport Scot- develop new products.
The RSPB centre is also Fairtrading
and planning to do more. We are ap-
A737 LOCHWINNOCH Willie Watson, Amey’s Unit Manager
for south west Scotland said: proaching churches, businesses and
FINAL STAGES OF organisations to encourage them to
IMPROVEMENTS AT “The new roundabout will im- sell or use Fairtrade products. There
ROADHEAD ROUNDABOUT prove the flow of traffic on the A737 was a good response from Lochwin-
as all vehicles approaching it will noch Primary school, where we ran a
have equal priority. The dedicated taster session for some of their classes.
The £1.3m safety improvement project
on the A737 at Roadhead Round- bus and cycle lanes and new foot- Individuals can become supporters by
about, near Lochwinnoch is likely to paths will significantly improve the completing forms to register as Fair-
be finished by the end of March. usability of this part of the A737. trade shoppers living in the village: be
Additionally it will relocate this very one of the first hundred names – you
To complete the project it will be nec- busy road slightly further away from can pick up a form at the Junction.
essary to put traffic management on the doorsteps of nearby residents.
the road that approaches the round- There could be some delay on We are not saying that you should
about for the next 3 weekends. The the route during the remaining three stop supporting local farmers. Fair-
plan is to close the A760 (i.e. the weekends while we work to tie in the trade can be seen as supporting local
Lochwinnoch approach) for the next 3 existing road layout with the new initiatives, local producers and local
weekends. On the first weekend, we roundabout. We appeal to drivers to businesses as opposed to large
will be tying in the A760 side, on the remain patient and show tolerance conglomerates that squeeze the price
following weekend the northbound to the team working on-site while we out of the farmers who produce the
and on the third weekend the raw ingredients. The Lochwinnoch
finish off the final stages of this pro-
southbound side. Fairtrade group hope to produce a
'Fairtrade Lochwinnoch' shopping bag
When complete, the new roundabout in the near future. We hope you'll
will have equal priorities, dedicated For further information,
want to buy one and support Fairtrade
bus bays to prevent buses stopping contact Amey SW Unit on
Lochwinnoch. For more info visit:
on the A737, plus a new cycle path. Freephone: 0800 085 7136.
New more environmentally friendly
Amey Press Office
drainage has also been installed.
LCBG What are the current outline
The Struthers Project These plans, as you will be aware
from the information issued at the
time of the ballot, include: sports
Buy-out group appeals for facilities (much improved on
volunteers those currently provided by the
Annexe) and climbing wall; heri-
tage & orientation/interpretation
centre (bringing back to the vil-
What’s been happening about
lage the materials currently at
the proposed village buyout of
Paisley Museum).
the Struthers Factory?

You will recall that last summer, Space for after school care facili-
after the massive job of balloting ties (currently LOSC cannot meet
the village to determine the level demand due to limited space);
of support for a community buy- office/workshop space; meeting
out of the Struthers factory, the places for senior citizens, for
Scottish Executive gave the youths and for parents and tod-
Lochwinnoch Community Buy- dlers and a soft play area; per-
out Group the right to buy the formance/rehearsal and recording
property and associated land. studio space for the many crea-
This was fantastic news, which tive people we have living in our
was formally announced in village. The hope would also be
August at the Buy-out fundrais- to use the natural spring for water
ing ceilidh. You may have seen bottling or brewing.
the press coverage at the time. forward and offer their time and
By creating a purpose-built enthusiasm.
However, the owners (the Alfano development, spaces can be
Brothers’ Retirement Benefits tailored to meet the specific needs You don’t necessarily need ex-
Scheme) promptly took the site of the various user groups. By perience - though new members
off the market. And thus it bringing different interest groups who have legal, architectural,
remains. and age groups together, local fund-raising or project manage-
people can meet, build friend- ment experience would be most
Despite this, the village holds the ships and gain an understanding welcome! Just a willingness to
right to buy for 5 years, when it of one another. give time and see a job through.
can be renewed if we wish. So You’ll gain a lot of skills and
LCBG are still keeping active, to Appeal for volunteers knowledge yourself as well as
be ready when the day comes making a significant contribution
when the factory comes back The difficulty now is that there to the village.
onto the market. LCBG is apply- has been a decline in active in-
ing to the Big Lottery Fund for volvement by villagers in the To get involved or find out more,
85% funding of the £1 million buy-out group in the last few please contact Peter Livingstone,
that the site was independently months, even though there's a sig- Square House, Harvey Sq (Phone
valued at. Although the funding nificant amount of work still to No: 844827) or Cait Gould
application is for the purchase be done despite the site being off (Phone No. 842380) or email
only, it requires LCBG to hone the market. by Tuesday 25th
the outline plans for the factory’s March.
future use. Therefore LCBG is Therefore LCBG is, at this very
using funds to conduct a profes- important time for the project, Members and other volunteers
sional feasibility study, which appealing to the villagers who will be asked to attend a meeting
should be starting soon. Follow- voted ‘yes’ last summer to bring shortly thereafter to discuss op-
ing this will be fun(d)-raising(!) a marvellous asset into the con- tions and actions for the future of
and more grant applications. trol of the village, to come this unique project.
“LOCHENYOCH MATTERS” His researchers even linked Lochwinnoch with Beith,
compounding the need to question the accuracy of
WHAT’S IN A NAME? the suggested interpretation.
By Adrian Tharme The argument against the place-name being derived
from St Winnoc requires more detailed research than
In the previous two articles, the origin and meaning
the case against St Winning.
of “Lochwinnoch” was interpreted from the main lan-
guages used in this area from 500BC till about The main source used to support the claim that Loch-
1200AD, Britonic and Gaelic. However, a quite differ- winnoch was named after St Winnoc is the “Archaeo-
ent explanation has sometimes been advocated which logical & Historical Collections relating to the County
links the place-name to either St Winnoc or St Win- of Renfrew, Volume 2”. Under the Parish of Loch-
ning. The “Lochwinnoch Info“ website chooses to winnoch it claims that there are three saints of that
favour the latter. name; one a native of Brittany, and the other two of
Irish origin. For one of these St Winnocs, it is
The case against Lochwinnoch being derived from St claimed “at what time he settled in Lochwinnoch is
Winning is fairly straightforward so he comes first unknown, but there he seems to have settled and built
under the microscope. his chapel on the west of the loch and around it grew
up the Kirk-Toun of Lochwinnoch“. So does this
St Winning was an Irish Bishop and a contemporary
claim stand up to scrutiny?
of St Patrick. He was known to the Britons as St Wi-
nan or Wynnin but, in Ireland, he was known as St Authoritative sources concur that the St Winnoc who
Finan or Finian. He founded the monastery at was native of Brittany and of noble birth, became a
Maighbile c 540AD and, as a result, is also known as monk under Abbott St Bertin and went on to found
Findbarr of Moville (the anglified form of Maighbile). the Monastery at Wormhout near Dunkirk. He died
His time in Scotland is well-documented, particularly in 717AD, was buried at Wormhout, but then his rel-
that spent in Ayrshire and Galloway and it is he who ics were transferred to Bergues-Saint-Winnoc in
is commemorated in the place-name Kilwinning and 899AD. There is no documentary evidence that this
the hill “Caerwinning“ near Dalry. He died in 579AD. St Winnoc ever set foot in Britain. So this cannot be
the St Winnoc who is claimed to have settled in
Despite the geographic proximity to Lochwinnoch
there is no mention of any direct connection between
St Winning and Lochwinnoch either historically or in There are references given in the “Archaeological &
folk-lore. However, in 1892 James Johnston pro- Historical Collections“ for the two Irish St Winnocs it
duced an interpretation of the origin of Lochwinnoch mentions. It says that one was mentioned by Gregory
in his book “Place-Names of Scotland”. This is given of Tours in his “History of the Franks“ and the other,
below. it claims, was named in the “Acts of St Patrick“ and
was one of this saint’s co-adjutors in his apostolic la-
LOCHWINNOCH ( BEITH ), 1158 Lochynoc (very bours.
near the local pronunciation today); 1207 - winnoc,
1710 - whinyeoch. Winnoc is the diminutive of St However, a cross-check of the given sources fails to
Wynnin, died 579AD; see Kilwinning. support the claims made.

This seems to have become the unquestioned source A St Winnoc does appear in both chapters of the
used by some subsequent compilers of place-names. “History of the Franks“ by Gregory of Tours which are
However, Johnston’s researchers made two crucial quoted as sources in the “Archaeological & Historical
errors. The earliest written form of the name is cor- Collections“. But both are men from Brittany and not
rectly given as 1158 but it was NOT spelled Ireland as claimed. One is the St Winnoc of Worm-
“Lochynoc“, as Johnston claims. In the charter of hout, whose life is outlined above. The other is a St
1158 the spelling was “Lochinauche“. Winnoc associated with the Monastery at Landeven-
nec in Brittany. The life of this St Winnoc is vener-
Linguists also confirm that Johnston is wrong to ated by the British Orthodox Church and the leading
claim that “Lochyno” was “very near the local pro- theological historian of this church, Peter Farrington,
nunciation today“. The linguistic pronunciation of provided a comprehensive biography. He confirms
“Lochynoc“ would result in the “c“ being pronounced “there is no evidence linking this St Winnoc with
in the same way as the “ck“ in “lock“. And this does Lochwinnoch or anywhere else in Scotland“.
not match the known local dialect pronunciation.
There are two Acts of St Patrick, “The Confessio“ and
So Johnston’s suggestion “Loch of little St Wynnin” the “Letter to Coroticus“. Neither contain any refer-
fails on two very important requirements. The rules ence to a St Winnoc. This is confirmed by the St Pat-
of toponomy place great emphasis on the earliest rick’s Society who say “there is no evidence or men-
known spelling and the earliest known pronuncia- tion of a St Winnoc in any records held or researched
tion. Johnston got both wrong. by this Society“.
So, this research has identified two St Winnocs. Both
are Bretons, not Irishmen, and both have recorded
biographies that contain no evidence of any link to
Support your local hardware store.
One final point; we should be suspicious of the claim We stock hardware, electrical, plumbing, paint sundries,
made in the “Archaeological & Historical Collections” gardening and fancy goods.
Mobile phone top-us, Competitive prices,
that a St Winnoc settled here and built a chapel
FREE local deliveries, all major credit cards accepted.
around which the Kirktoun of Lochwinnoch grew up.
The Kirktoun did not develop until after the Refor- • NEW RANGE OF HAND-MADE CARDS
mation around the church established on the site of • CARPET CLEANING MACHINE FOR HIRE
No village folklore mentions St Winnoc; there is no
history of a fair-day or other commemorative event Spring offers running for 6 weeks
in his name; the fastidious recorder of “Lochenyoch from 1st March - 12th April
Matters“, Dr Andro Crawfurd, gives no credence in 30 items at great promotion prices!
any of his volumes to a link with St Winnoc. including
Ronseal Fencelife, Berger paint, Pathclear, Moss Killer,
And, interestingly, no historical charter related to
Tubes of Polyfilla, Solicon, Watering cans, planting tubs,
this area makes mention of a St Winnoc. The Chapel, garden forks and spades and many, many more.
which some claim to have been established or dedi-
cated to St Winnoc, is never referred to as such in any Visit us at
of these Charters. Invariably it is described by a ver- 86 Main Street, Kilbirnie, KA25 7AA Tel/Fax:
sion of the phrase “Chapel of Lochwinnoch”. Char- 01505 682125
ters covering neighbouring areas do quote Chapels OPEN - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
specifically in terms of a Saint, e.g. St Fillan (Kilellan) From 9am-1pm & 2.15-5.15pm
or St Bryde’s (in the old village of Kenmure on the
Semple estate).

But, we do have the anomaly that the local Masonic

Lodge is named “Lodge Garthland St Winnoch“, COMMUNITY GARDEN
though sadly the history of that choice cannot be as-
certained as records have been lost. And we have the
As the garden group is still preparing for the new season, this
obscenity of the name change of one of the oldest,
historical streets in the Kirktoun of Lochwinnoch would be an ideal time for anyone interested in becoming in-
from Factory Street (for a period known as Factory volved and/or using a part of the ground or tunnel to come
Close) to St Winnoc Road. along. Please phone for times when the gates are open
(contact details given below).
Next month, in the last of this series on the origin of Thanks again to the rangers from Muirshiel Park who returned
the place-name “Lochwinnoch”, a conclusion will be with another group of pupils from Johnstone High School.
presented based on the research summarised over After a short talk on gardening in general and the purpose of
three issues of Chatterbox. Additionally, a more de- the Community Garden in particular, from me, the rangers
tailed look will be taken at the two criteria that the gave a demonstration on the safety aspects of handling garden-
study of place-names gives precedence to, i.e. the old- ing tools, wheelbarrows, etc. Sturdy gloves were handed out,
est spelling and the oldest local pronunciation. tasks issued and work began.

Pupils, teacher and rangers did a remarkable job. All pupils

LOCHWINNOCH worked hard and enjoyed their day. Commendations to them
all for hard work and positive attitudes. Thanks to all who took

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March at 7.30pm in I read with interest, the article in last month’s Chatterbox on
the Guild Room of the Parish Church. how to attract visitors to the village and to encourage patron-
age of local businesses. Thousands of people visit gardens and
The speaker is Steve Edwards, giving a talk entitled garden centres every year and we hope to see a great many of
“River Cart - Green Space” them on Sunday 20th July, when a number of Lochwinnoch
Saving the greenbelt areas before house building robs
gardens will be open to the public, with the aim of raising
Renfrewshire villages of their original historical identity.
money for charity. It is to be hoped that they will take the op-
New members and visitors are always welcome. Annual portunity to patronise the shops on that day too. More of this
Membership is £8, evening visitors pay £2, which includes at a later date.
tea, coffee and biscuits. For further information, contact
Contact: Gordon Nicholl. Tel: 01505 842632
Gordon Nicholl on 01505 842632.
◊   Fundraisers approaching you in the 
street should wear an ID badge and 
be able to prove that they have per‐
mission to collect on behalf of a char‐
◊   Fundraisers contacting the public 
GRAB. Strathclyde Police – 0141 532 5900 by phone should be able to provide 
Johnsone Police – 01505 404000 the charity’s registration number. 
DON’T LEAVE YOUR Johnstone Community  
Safety Office – 01505 404023 ◊   You can access charity accounts 
SAT NAV IN YOUR Trading Standards – 0141 840 3233 and other data by visiting a user‐
VEHICLE Care and Repair – 0141 812 4111 friendly website called Guidestar UK. 
Renfrewshire Council 0141 842  
5000 ◊   Don’t forget, many absolutely wor‐
Smash and grab thefts of portable ASIST (Anti-social Behaviour
onboard satellite navigation sys- thy and legitimate voluntary organisa‐
Investigation Team) – 01505 325030
tems are soaring. They’re small, tions are not registered charities.  If 
Victim Support – 0141 887 0328
Nuisance Support & Advice you are in doubt, take a note of their 
easy to steal and even easier to
Helpline – 0800 169 1283 contact details and check them out in 
sell, on the street or down the lo-
Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111 the appropriate way.  For example, if 
cal pub, for as little as £50 to £70.
they are a registered company, they 
All it takes is a few seconds to Community Safety Office can be researched through Compa‐
smash your windows, grab your Johnstone Police Station nies House.  Ask the organisation or 
system and the thieves are away. person contacting you how the com‐
Sat Nav theft now accounts for pany is set up and why is it set up in 
this way. 
8% of all car crime - and it’s DOORSTEP SCAMS  
This guidance comes from The Office 
A Lochwinnoch resident has written 
UK-wide estimates are that of the Scottish Charity Regulator and 
in regarding doorstep clothing  
nearly a quarter of a million Sat The Charity Commission for England 
collections by bogus charities.    If 
Nav systems were stolen from and Wales websites.  Here are some 
you receive a notice through your 
vehicles last year. But it only useful websites and phone numbers – 
letterbox from any organisation pur‐
takes a minute or two to protect porting to be collecting household 
England & Wales Charity Commission 
yourself. goods, clothes, books, etc in the 
Tel:  0870 333 0123 
name of a UK or Overseas charity or 
Website –   
Tips to keep your Sat Nav safe – good cause, here’s some useful‐ 
• Remove your Sat Nav, advice to follow before you part 
with your possessions. 
charger and dashboard /wind- Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator 
screen bracket when leaving Tel:  01382 220446 
◊   Look out for the charity registra‐
your vehicle – and wipe away Website – 
tion number on any literature that 
any suction pad marks. If left  
you receive.  This should be dis‐
in place, they advertise that a Northern Ireland Charities Branch,  
played on all advertising or fundrais‐
Sat Nav is on board. Dept. of Health & Social Services 
ing material if the charity has an 
• Don’t put your Sat Nav in the Stormont, Belfast 
income of more than £1,000 a year. 
glove box – that’s the next Tel:  028 90 522 78 
place thieves look. Take it  
◊   Details of all registered charities 
with you or lock it in the Trading Standards Office, Glasgow 
in England and Wales can be found 
boot. Tel:  0141 842 500 
on The Charity Commission website.  
• Leave the glove box open to  
Registered charities in Scotland ap‐
show there’s nothing in it and Trading Standards Division, 
pear on the website of the Office of 
keep your vehicle registration Renfrewshire Council, Paisley 
the Scottish Charity Regulator and 
documents elsewhere. Tel:  0141 840 3184 
you can check out charities regis‐
• Park in secure, well lit areas e‐mail:  tradingstan‐
tered in Northern Ireland by con‐ 
and always lock your vehicle tacting the Department of Health 
when you leave it, even if you and Social Services in Belfast.  
Local Police – Tel:  01505 404000 
are just getting petrol.

The Licensing (Scotland) Act

2005 aims to help address the
problem created by alcohol
misuse and tackle Scotland's
drinking culture to create a
better environment for every-
The Act will affect the majority
of outlets where alcohol is
sold, one of which will be the SAVE YOUR of our petition being progressed
SPAR store in Lochwinnoch. REGIONAL PARK’S for further consideration by the
Government. This is a significant
Some of our customers will PETITION step forward but there is still a
have already noticed signage long way to go because, at the
and leaflets in-store highlight- The outcome of the December next stage, the aim of our petition
ing our under 25 policy, this meeting of the Petition Commit- could be turned down. However
being, if you look under the tee at the Scottish Parliament was we are pleased with the outcome
age of 25 you will be asked to a number of statements from or- so far.
provide I.D. if you wish to ganisations such as Scottish Re-
purchase cigarettes, tobacco, newables, the Scottish Planning As a result of the proposal to
alcohol, lottery or any other Department, Scottish Natural have a wind farm on Kaim Hill,
age restricted product to Heritage, the RSPB as well as LWFAG members held a meeting
prove you are of legal age. both National parks and the three in Fairlie Parish Church for the
Regional parks. LWFAG had to residents. There was a large turn-
The penalty for a member of respond to all of these statements out and Reverend James White
staff who mistakenly sells al- and submit our response to the chaired the meeting. The speak-
cohol to an under 18 is severe, Petitions Committee in time for ers were Nigel Willis, Robert
they could be charged by the the next meeting on Tuesday, Maund and Charles Woodward,
police and possibly fined, lose 19th February. Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park
their job and end up with a Manager. At the close of the
criminal record. A group from the Committee at- meeting, by a show of hands,
tended the meeting in Edinburgh every member of the audience
The 25 policy has been put in and had asked Kenneth Gibson, voted against having wind farms
place to help protect both our MSP to speak in support of our in the Park. The group pledged
customers and our staff, so the petition. Kenneth gave a first their support to help the residents
next time you are in the store class summary of the key issues of Fairlie when the planning ap-
and are asked for I.D., please which concern us and then con- plication for Kaim Hill is lodged.
try to refrain from taking of- siderable discussion by the MSPs
fence and bombarding the took place around the table. The LWFAG Committee are now
staff with angry comments and busy preparing for the Public In-
understand that we are only Frank McAveety, MSP and Chair quiry regarding the Kelburn
doing our job. of the Petitions Committee then Wind Farm application. There is
asked the MSPs to vote for or never a dull moment!!
If you are over the age of 25 against our petition being referred
and you do get asked for I.D., to Parliament for further consid- For more details about the
at least you will know that eration. All parties are repre- campaign to
your anti-wrinkle cream is do- sented on the Petitions Commit- “Save Clyde Muirshiel
ing exactly what it says on the tee - Conservative, Labour, SNP, Regional Park”,
tub! Liberal Democrats and the Green visit our website at:
Thanks Party. Our group was delighted
SPAR. when all parties voted in favour
Overall we would rate it 10 out of 10 TEENAGE CANCER
(at least!) for activities, location and
accommodation.” TRUST NEWS
Outdoor activity taster sessions such The total proceeds from the 2007
as archery, mountain biking and hill Brown Bull auction and raffle etc have
NEW CAMPSITE walking can be run by the Regional again topped £5,000! (£5,081 to be
precise). On behalf of TCT, I want to
FACILITIES Park Instructors either on the camp-
site or at Castle Semple in Lochwin-
thank Laura and Fergus and all the
PROVIDE A NEW staff and customers for their fantastic
noch where there is a range of water support and generosity.
DIMENSION FOR sports such as sailing, canoeing or
RESIDENTIAL COURSES raft building available. The 2008 'Not the Booze Cruise' is
provisionally arranged for the evening
An overnight visit allows more time of Friday 20th June. The usual ar-
The main campsite in Clyde Muir-
for the development of life skills rangements should apply. Tickets will
shiel Regional Park has a brand new
group- use facilities block, with such as menu planning, shopping, be on sale very soon.
kitchen, meeting room, drying room, cooking, and socialising. Staff can
shower and toilet facilities. This, also provide training in ‘Heart Start’ Chips&Opera Ball
along with the additional shielings a basic 2 hr certificated First Aid
(or wooden tents), is already proving course, team building or even night- Friday25thApril 2008
popular with groups keen to have a time orienteering or archery. A dressed up, fun night out!
‘new’ residential experience.
The Instructors based at Castle Sem- The finest 3 course fish supper from
The facilities at Barnbrock Campsite, ple Centre can tailor a one night the world class HarryRamsden's,
just 4 miles from Lochwinnoch, are visit, or a week to suit your group’s Complimentary wine on the table,
designed for group use. The camp- requirements and preferred activity serenaded by the outstanding Opera
site opens for the season in April and group 'Dieci'
options. Please call David or Willie
has 8 shielings – some with wheel- and then dance the
on Tel 01505 842882 Ext 21, to dis- night away to the out-
chair access - which sleep two to four
people each. cuss your requirements or complete standing sounds of
a ‘Contact Us’ form on the website Penny Dogs.
Ellie Bounds, Group Leader Tullo- at All proceeds to Teenage
chan Trust said Cancer Trust.
“I would highly recommend the
Alternatively contact the campsite
accommodation for children and office direct on Tel: 01505 614791 Harry Ramsden's Res-
young people in particular who en- to book accommodation and take taurant,
joy the outdoors. The site is a safe care of your own activities. Paisley Rd, Glasgow,
distance from the roadside making 7.30pm arrival Car-
it a very secure and child friendly The campsite is an ideal base or riages 1am
location. The open plan dining area stopping off point for Duke of Edin- Dress code-flamboyant
provides an ideal sociable area for burgh groups planning expeditions & fun, black tie
preparing meals or having presen- through Locherwood to Muirshiel
tations. Country Park and the hills beyond. Tickets £25 each
Cheques (made payable to
TCT Glad Rags & Gowns)
to Armannoch House, Harvey Square,
Lochwinnoch, PA12 4HE
or call Karen 01505 705767 or
01505 843286

(Opera Group sponsored by Giles Insur-

ance Company)

Otherwise, I plan to walk the West

Highland Way in August to raise some
more funds for the new Yorkhill Unit.
I will be joined by an old pal,
Des Flanagan, from Northern Ireland
who is also raising funds for TCT and
also raising the awareness of the char-
ity in N.I. Again, I will be looking for
the continued support and generosity
of the people of Lochwinnoch and
sponsor forms will be available nearer
the time.

John Delaney
Nearly 60 years later, the twisted
VIKING remains of the Viking still lies on the
60th ANNIVERSARY shoulder of Irish Law. Over the dec- PLANNER
ades countless hillwalkers have vis-
ited the wreck and viewed the air- Lochwinnoch Post Office has a wall-
In the September 2007 issue of Chat- liner’s carcass. The wreck remains mounted calendar, where members
terbox we discussed Viking Down!, as a constant reminder of the in- of the public can enter details of
our book project focusing on the crash credible drama that unfolded during forthcoming events.
of a Viking airliner on a hill near a very cold night in April 1948. Please use this calendar to avoid any
Largs. In this issue we would like to
clashes when planning dates of
let you all know of our forthcoming Over the past 18 months we have
events and, of course, to help publi-
event to commemorate the 60th anni- been researching the crash for our
cise your events within the village.
versary of the crash. book Viking Down!, with an in-
tended publication date in 2009.
To recap, our book Viking Down! tells
the tale of the men and women aboard
a British European Airways flight
To commemorate the 60th anniver- DID YOU GO TO
sary of the crash, we are holding an
from London to Renfrew in April event at the RSPB Nature Reserve ARDENTINNY
1948. Onboard were a crew of 4 and
16 passengers, amongst them a honey-
Centre at Lochwinnoch at 2pm on OUTDOOR
Sunday 20th April 2008. This is
mooning Norwegian couple and sev- a free event and all are welcome. To EDUCATION CENTRE
eral business executives. While at- book a place at the event please call BETWEEN 1973 & 1996?
tempting to land at Renfrew, the air- the Reserve on 01505 842663 or
craft impacted upon the northern email
slopes of Irish Law, a few miles from
Largs. During the event, we will be holding
By the time the aircraft had bounced an illustrated talk detailing many
to a halt, the engines, wings and parts aspects of our project. This talk will
of the fuselage were already in flames. cover how and why the crash oc-
The dazed passengers thankfully man- curred, and show just how ‘close a
aged to escape from the rear of the call’ it had been for them all. But we
fuselage just before the passenger will also concentrate upon the hu-
Photograph by Nigel Scriven
cabin became engulfed in flames. Re- man element of the story by discuss-
markably, all 20 occupants escaped ing the lives of the passengers and
I’m carrying out a research project
with only burned hands and other mi- crew. We will discuss how they
into what you remember about your
nor injuries. The passengers and crew escaped from the burning plane, how
experience at Ardentinny and whether
then watched on as a raging inferno they fared on the hillside, and their
you think it has influenced you in any
consumed the fuselage of the aircraft. treks to safety.
way in your life.
In order to reach help, the pilot and a The steward’s two sons are both in-
Loved it? Loathed it? Can’t remem-
passenger stumbled across the moors tending to travel from Buckingham-
ber a thing about it? I’m trying to
before reaching Largs 3 hours later. A shire to the event. They are kindly
find out whether outdoor education
number of rescue parties were then allowing us to show some fascinating
has any long-term impact and, if so,
organised, the first of which was led by video footage of their father Con Mo-
what that is. Could you spare 15 min-
the pilot himself. Meanwhile, the sur- roney discussing the crash. Dougie’s
utes to fill in a Questionnaire about
vivors huddled near the burned out father ,John Martindale, will also
your time there? If you didn’t go
airliner. Dressed only in suits and deliver a slide show covering some of
yourself but know someone who did,
frocks, they had no choice but to en- more interesting wrecks he found in
please tell them about this project.
dure a long, very cold night suffering the ‘70s with the investigation group
in the elements. At dawn, the Radio SWAIG. This will feature a few of You can find the questionnaire and
Officer and 3 passengers were keen to the local wrecks, the Hudson on Ben more information at:
make their own way to safety, and left Lui, and the story of how the group
the scene. Three hours later they ar- were involved in the recovery of a Ardentinny%20project/Welcome.html
rived at Ladyland House, situated be- German bomber’s engine from the
tween Lochwinnoch and Kilbirnie. Moray Firth. Or contact John Telford at:

The terrible conditions on the boggy If you are free on Sunday 20th April, University of Edinburgh,
moorland hindered the efforts of the why not call in and find out about Moray House School of Education,
rescue parties and none of the rescue another Viking’s visit to Largs in St Leonard’s Land, Holyrood Road,
parties had managed to find the crash 1948? Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
site. By 9am the elements were taking Tel: 0131 651 6353
For more information, Mob: 0775 396 6157
their toll on the remaining survivors. visit our website
Now suffering from exposure as well E-mail:
as shock, it was agreed they must VikingCrash1948/ or
make their own way off the hillside Tel: (01505) 706456, or
and a few hours later, the bedraggled Any help you are able to give would be
Email: very useful and greatly appreciated.
survivors reached Largs, signalling the
end of their ordeal. James Towill & Dougie Martindale John Telford
Castle Semple Centre Open daily, 1000-1600 hrs from October to
RSPB, Muirshiel, March & from 1000-1700 hrs from Easter Sunday. Tel: 01505 842882
Cornalees Centre - Open 1030-1500 hrs weekends only until March.
Cornalees & Castle (Toilets open daily.) Tel: 01475 521458
Muirshiel Centre - Open 1100-1500 hrs weekends only until March.
Semple Centres (Park and toilets open daily.) Tel: 01505 842803
RSPB Reserve - Reserve is open at all times; the Visitor Centre is open
daily from 1000-1700 hrs. Tel: 01505 842663.
• Saturday 8th March and
Sunday 9th March
• Saturday 22nd March
Wildlife Wander and Optics
Easter EGGStravaganza from SILVER FOR
Weekend. Try out our optics on
Wildlife Wander demo days from
11am to 3pm at RSPB Centre.
Children of all ages can join us
12 noon - 2pm at the RSPB Cen-
throughout the day for wildlife-
tre for a guided walk in search of
wildlife wonders. Tel: 01505
themed Easter activities includ- The members of Lochwinnoch
ing egg decorating, a treasure RNLI Guild were delighted to
842663 for more details/to book.
hunt and face painting. hear that Tessa Mackendrick
• Saturday 8th March -
• Friday 28th March - Betty has been awarded a Silver
Fairtrade Roadshow at Castle
McKellar Book Launch at Castle
Semple Centre. An opportunity Medal for her loyalty and hard
Semple Centre, 7pm for 7.30pm.
to find out about and sample work to the charity.
(See Arts Festival notice, inside
Fairtrade products. From 1pm-
Chatterbox, for more details.)
3pm. Tessa joined the Guild in 1973,
• Sunday 30th March
• Sunday 9th March - Aren’t
Conservation Volunteer Day - giving 35 years of experience
Birds Brilliant: Spring Arrivals
from 1pm-4pm at Castle Semple
from 10am to 4pm at Muirshiel and expertise in fund raising
Centre. Do a bit of healthy out- and organising events. She has
Loch, Lochlip Rd, Lochwinnoch.
door work, keep fit and help the also served as the President of
• Tuesday 11th March natural environment. Full in-
Twilight Talk: Water Voles the Guild and put in numerous
structions, tools and hot drinks
presentation by Gillian Neil,
provided. Tel: 01505 842803 years as a member of the or-
West Dunbartonshire Ranger ganising Committee.
for more details.
from 7.3o-9pm at RSPB Centre.
• Friday 11th April
Booking essential - Tel: 842663.
Minibeast Safari: 3 separate The highlight of our RNLI year
• Friday 14th March hourly hunts for children of all is Christmas Lunch at Tessa’s
Star Gazing Night at Muirshiel
ages at RSPB Centre. To book home and this event raises a
Centre, 7pm-9pm. Join staff
and for more info, Tel: 842663. considerable sum each year.
from Coats Observatory to look
• Sunday 20th April
at Saturn. Saturn is spectacular
Viking Down ! 60th Anniversary
and you must see this before the
presentation at RSPB Centre.
Tessa will receive her medal
rings turn edge on. To book a some time in April, at the
The event starts at 2pm, booking
place Tel: 01505 842803. Award ceremony in Perth.
is essential.Tel: 01505 842663
• Saturday 15th March to book a place or e-mail:
Travelling Art Gallery Re/trato
at Castle Semple Centre for one Good luck, Tessa - your award
(See Viking Down! Article inside is well deserved.
day only from 10am-4pm. A
for full details.)
mobile, international exhibition
of sculpture, film, paintings and
photography that will appeal to
all ages of visitor.
• Saturday 22nd March
Sponsored Toddle & Easter Egg
Roll - Lochwinnoch Toddlers
Group are off on a sponsored For All Your Garage Door Needs
toddle up Windy Hill to raise
money for their group, roll eggs Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
and have a picnic, weather per- Installation . Repairs . Spares
mitting! Sponsor forms avail-
able from Karen Hutton. Meet in FREE ESTIMATES 0141 950 1423 GLASGOW
Muirshiel Car Park at 10.30am. FREE SURVEYS 01505 842176 AYRSHIRE
Chatterbox is produced for the Community Council of
Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by Lochwin-
noch Community Council, Renfrewshire Council and
The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
advertisements. The editor welcomes all items for
possible inclusion but will reserve all rights over them.
(10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)
All views are of individuals. The editor accepts no
liability for errors

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