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1. When you copy a range of cells, you must press the _____ key while you drag the selection to
its new location.
2. As you begin to type a function name within a formula into a cell, a list of functions that begin
with the letters you typed appears.
A. True
B. False
3. Put the following five steps in the order in which you would perform them to use the Paste
Special function:1. Select and copy a range2. Click the Paste button arrow in the Clipboard
group3. Specify exactly what you want to paste4. Click Paste Special to open the dialog box5.
Select the range where you want to pase the Clipboard contents
A. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
C. 1, 5, 2, 4, 3
D. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4
4. You can rotate cell contents in Excel so that they appear at any angle or orientation.
A. True
B. False
5. An easy way to sort data when there is only one sort field is to use the Sort A to Z or Sort Z to
A buttons.
A. True
B. False
6. If you have data that runs across five columns, from column A to column E, one way to center
a title across the top of the data would be to:
A. type the data in A1 and Merge cells A1:A5
B. type the data in A1 and Merge cells A1:E1
C. type the data in C1
D. choose Center from the Format menu
7. This is a collection of one or more data series.
8. Excel has a built in format to display 4 digit year values, so you do not need to create on.
A. True
B. False
9. When using a data bar, changing the value of one cell in the range will not affect the size of all
the other cells.
A. True
B. False
10. A group of worksheet cells is called a _________.
11. In pie charts with legends, it's best to make the slice colors as similar as possible.
A. True
B. False
12. When a worksheet is printed, the grid lines that surround the cells are printed by default.
A. True
B. False
13. A field name is also called a(n) _____________
14. If there are too many numbers after the decimal place displayed in a cell, creating a distraction
from the data, you could make the data appear cleaner by:
A. reenter all the numbers
B. decrease the column width
C. decrease the font size
D. Use the Number group to decrease the number of digits displayed
15. When creating an Excel document, you should avoid using ______ text and background
together, since this is the most common form of color blindness.
A. red and green
B. yellow and blue
C. black and white
D. red and yellow
16. The _____________ button quickly inserts Excel functions.
17. If a formula contains several functions, Excel starts with the outermost function and then
moves inward.
A. True
B. False
18. You can rotate a 3D chart in only two directions: horizontally along the x-axis and vertically
along the y-axis.
A. True
B. False
19. To enter a mixed reference, type $ after either the row or column reference.
A. True
B. False
20. The simplest and most convenient way to add a record to a table is to enter the data in the first
blank row below the last record.
A. True
B. False

Item ______ in
the figure indicates the fields you want to summarize.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
22. What displays values in different categories; column chart on its side.
23. When you clear a filter, all filters in the worksheet are cleared
A. True
B. False
24. A(n) ________ function is conditional.
25. You can create at most one Excel table in a worksheet
A. True
B. False
26. A conditional format can make negative numbers red and positive numbers black.
A. True
B. False
27. After Excel displays an existing entry in the column that matches the characters you type, press
the ______ key to accept the entry
A. Shift
B. Tab
C. Esc
D. Alt
28. The ____________________ criteria filter requires that the records displaying begin with the
specified text string.
29. In excel, charts do not remain linked or connected to their data sources if they appear in
different worksheets.
A. True
B. False
30. In "SUM(number1 [,number2 ,number3 ...])", number 2 and number 3 are ________
31. The _________________ displays the name of the sheets in the workbook.
32. The ____ button is equivalent to using the sum button.
C. AutoSum
D. AddSum
33. Pressing Ctrl + ' switches to the _________ view.
34. The Insert Function dialog box tells you how to use functions.
A. True
B. False
35. When you designate a range as a(n) ______, Excel provides the same operations as are
available for a structured range of data
A. Table
B. catalogue
C. index
D. roster
36. What uses vertical rectangles to compare values across categories.
37. In "SUM(number1 [,number2 ,number3 ...])" number 1, number 2, and number 3 may be
numbers or __________.
A. letters
B. cell references
C. symbols
D. operators
38. The amount of money being loaned is known as the _____.
A. mortgage
B. principal
C. loan amount
D. proposed principal
39. A "mixed reference" locks one part of the cell reference while the other part can change.
A. True
B. False
40. 60%-Accent is an example of a cell _____.
A. size
B. style
C. border color
D. height
41. In the following formula: =IF(A1="YES","DONE","RESTART"), what happens if A1="NO"?
A. the formula returns the text "RESTART"
B. the formula returns the text "DONE"
C. the formula returns the text "NO"
D. the formula returns the text "NO, RESTART"
42. The numbers, text, or cell references used by the function to return a value are
A. expressions
B. arguments
C. data
D. values
43. A(n)_____________________________ includes a series of questions that help you think
about the purpose of the workbook and how to achieve your desired results.
44. The ___________ allows you to use excel to change one or more values in a spreadsheet and
then assess the effect those changes have on the calculated values.
45. After you merge a range into a single cell, you can't realign its content.
A. True
B. False
46. What is a workbook made up of?
47. The process of hiding certain records and viewing the ones you want is called ____________
your data.
48. ___________ view shows the contents of a worksheet.
49. The ____________ displays the cell reference of the active cell.
50. A _______________ is an excel document.
51. I the background color for a workbook is green, what color should you not use for any of the
font or highlight colors?
A. Red
B. White
C. Black
D. Any color is fine
52. One challenge of nesting functions is to make sure that you include all of the parentheses.
A. True
B. False
53. In PivotTable terminology, the fields that you summarize are known as ______________
54. Multiplication before addition is an example of ____________________
55. This compares three sets of values in a 3D chart.
56. The simplest and most convenient way to add a record to a table is to enter the data in the first
blank row.
A. True
B. False
57. With the Last Quarter criteria filter, quarters are defined as, for example_________.
A. April, May, June
B. March, April, May
C. May, June, July
D. March, April, May, June, July
58. This compares value from different categories; often used to show trends and changes over
59. Pie charts are most effective with ___________ or fewer slices.
60. You can use a table's sizing handle to add columns or rows to a table
A. True
B. False
61. This compares relative values of different categories to the whole; similar to the pie chart
except that it can display multiple sets of data.
62. When you are in _________ mode, some keyboard shortcuts will work differently.
63. The Paste Options button allows you to________.
A. keep source formatting
B. copy formatting only
C. copy values only
D. all of the above
64. Formatting changes only the appearance of data- it does not affect the data itself.
A. True
B. False
65. A named operation that returns a value is a ______.
66. The function arguments dialog box tells you how to use functions.
A. True
B. False
67. This compares a collection of values from several different data sets.
68. FUNCTION(argument1,argument2, ...) is ________.
A. the syntax of writing optional arguments.
B. an example of a formula.
C. the general syntax of all functions.
D. the general syntax of all formulas.
69. If you want to use your PivotTable to combine items into groups, which of the following would
not be true?
A. Items that appear as row labels cannot be grouped
B. Items that appear as column labels can be grouped
C. If items are dates, they can be grouped automatically using the Grouping dialog box
If items are numbers, they can be grouped manually using the Ctrl key to select items in
a group and then choosing Group from the shortcut menu
70. A chart that combines two or more chart types into a single graph is called a(n) _____________
71. Removing the contents of a cell is known as ____ a cell.
A. clearing
B. emptying
C. editing
D. deleting
72. Once you hide a row, it remains hidden as long as the workbook is active.
A. True
B. False
73. What is a range of values that is plotted as a single unit on the chart.
74. As a general rule you should______________
A. center column titles, left align text, and right align numbers
B. center column titles, right align text, and left align numbers
C. right column titles, left align text, and right align numbers
D. left column titles, left align text, and right align numbers
75. If you insert a new row at the top of the table, the new row becomes the header row and is
formatted with the table style.
A. True
B. False
76. A(n) _______________ is a range of values that spans the vertical axis in a column chart.
77. You use ______ filters to find all objects with a value greater than X or acquired after a certain
A. custom
B. criteria
C. index
D. pivot
78. To sort data in an Excel worksheet you can use the ______.
A. Sort A to Z and Sort Z to A buttons
B. QuickSort Options
C. Sort command on the Formulas tab
D. Any of the above
79. The most efficient way to format several cells with a specific font, number format, alignment,
fon color would be to:
A. use Format Painter
B. format each element using the Toolbar
C. select all and use the Formatting dialog box
D. apply a table style
80. Although 3D Charts are visually attractive, they can obscure the relationship between the
values in the chart by making it difficult to see which slice is larger.
A. True
B. False
81. All functions have arguments.
A. True
B. False
82. If you have columns that are truncating your content, but you cannot increase the width of the
worksheet and be able to print on one page, a solution for making the test visible without
loosing data would be to:
A. abbreviate all text
B. reduce the font size to 8 pt
C. click Wrap text
D. delete one column
83. None of the data shown is _________.

A. aligned
B. truncated
C. formatted
D. formulated

PowerPoint questions
Question Excerpt
1. What is the best way to design the layout for your slides?
Create layouts for slides, handouts, and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in slide
master view
B. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task plane
C. Apply templates from the Slide Design task plane
2. To make one section of slides in your presentation use a different design template from the other
slides, what do you do?
A. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme.
B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different design template.
Select one of the slides in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors,
and use the Format Painter to apply those styles to the other slides in the section.
3. Using a custom animation effect, how do you make text appear on a slide letter by letter?
A. Apply the animation scheme Fade in one by one.
B. Apply an entrance effect, and then set it to By letter in the Effect Options dialog box.
C. Apply the Fly In entrance effect to the text, and then set its speed to Very Slow
4. During a slide show, pressing the Esc key
A. displays the last slide.
B. displays slide 1.
C. ends the slide show.
D. displays the previous slide.
5. To delete the slide currently displayed in the Slide pane
A. select the Delete Slide command.
B. press the Backspace key.
select the Removal command, type the slide number in the dialog box, and then select
D. select the Exit command.
6. The Apply Design Template command is used to
A. change the order of the slides.
B. change the shape of the slides.
C. change the background and fonts of the entire presentation.
D. create a new, empty presentation.
7. You've customized a design template in one presentation and you want to use it in another
presentation. What's the best way to do this?
Use the Browse feature in the Slide Design task pane to find the file that has your design
template and apply it to the current file.
Copy and paste the slide with the design template you want into the new presentation;
inserted slides will inherit the design.
Save the presentation that has the design template with a new name, and then use the
new file for your presentation.
8. You're giving your presentation, and you need to click to a slide that's a few slides back. How
do you get there?
Press ESC to get back into normal view; click the correct slide thumbnail in normal
view; then click the Resume Slide Show button.
B. Press BACKSPACE until you hit the slide you're looking for.
Right-click, point to Go on the shortcut menu, point to By Title, and click the slide you
want to go to.
9. To make one section of slides in your presentation use a different design template from the other
slides, what do you do?
A. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme.
B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different design template.
Select one of the slides in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors,
and use the Format Painter to apply those styles to the other slides in the section.
10. What's the best way to design the layout for your slides?
Create layouts for slides, handouts, and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in slide
master view.
B. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task pane.
C. Apply templates from the Slide Design task pane.
11. Which key do you press to go into Slide Show view and always start on the first slide?
B. F5
C. F7
D. F9
12. You've put a layout on your slide that contains a placeholder for a picture. But you'd rather use
the Clip Art task pane to insert the art than the options you get when you click the Insert Clip
Art icon in the placeholder. What do you do?
Apply a Blank layout instead, and then use the Insert menu (point to Picture, and then
click Clip Art) to open the Clip Art task pane and insert the picture.
Select the placeholder on the slide, and then press DELETE. Then use the Insert menu
B. (point to Picture, and then click Clip Art) to open the Clip Art task pane and insert the
Make sure the picture placeholder is selected, and then use the Insert menu (point to
Picture, and then click Clip Art) to open the Clip Art task pane and insert the picture.
13. To apply a design template to all your slides, you need to select all the slide thumbnails on the
Slides tab before you apply the template.
A. True
B. False
14. The notes pane at the bottom of the PowerPoint window is the only place you can type and
work with notes.
A. True
B. False
15. In the PowerPoint window, what's the main area for adding slide content?
A. The Slides tab, on the left of the window.
B. The notes pane.
C. The slide pane, in the middle of the window.
16. PowerPoint has direct connections with which of the following from its toolbars or menu
A. Microsoft Word
B. Internet Explorer
C. You EMail program
D. all of the above
17. When you apply a design template to a presentation, it can be...
A. applied along with another template to the same slide
B. applied to all slides
C. modified in slide show view
D. none of the above
18. In outline view you can
A. move slides
B. edit slides
C. all of the answers
D. create a new slide
19. To place an organization chart on a slide, you must _____________.
A. save the presentation
B. update the presentation
C. close the file
D. none of the above
20. You can copy an object using ______________.
A. Right mouse button
B. Edit menu
C. Control/C
D. All of the above
21. PowerPoint is best described as
A. Presentation software
B. Database software
C. Drawing Software
D. Desktop publishing software
22. When you first start PowerPoint,
A. The screen is blank, you must choose a template
B. Outline view is visible
C. A title slide for a new presentaion appears
D. You must create a new presentation
23. Which of the following are slide layouts?
A. Title Slide
B. Blank Slide
C. Multimedia Slide
D. All of the above
24. Which of the following cannot be placed on a single slide?
A. Two different color schemes
B. Organization Chart
C. WordArt
D. Excel Spreadsheet
25. You can insert the following on a slide
A. Text
B. Pictures
C. Organization Charts
D. All of the above
26. In creating a new slide you choose a
A. Layout
B. Theme
C. View
D. Picture
27. On a single slide, you can have
A. single video file
B. 2 video files
C. 3 video files
D. all of the above
28. Graphics can be placed
A. all of the answers
B. in a text box
C. behind another graphic
D. off the slide itself
29. To move a text placeholder, you
A. Click and drag on the center of the placeholder
B. Click and drag on a handle on the placeholder
C. Click and drag on the placeholder's hashed border
D. Double click on the center and then drag
30. You can re-arrange slides in
A. Slide view
B. Sorter view
C. Notes Page View
D. Slide Show View

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