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Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I – A. Encircle the objects attracted by a magnets. 1-4
I-B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
______ 5. All magnets have two north poles.
______ 6. If you break a magnet into two pieces you will have two magnets with the same poles.
______ 7. The pulling or pushing force is strongest at the north pole.
______ 8. Most objects with iron are attracted to magnets.
______ 9. Magnet can repel an object made of paper.
______ 10. When the same poles of two magnets whether north or south are placed close to each other, they
push each other.

II. Directions: Complete the words to make the statements correct.

11. H__ __ t is produced from many kinds of fuel. It travels from an area of higher temperature to an area
of lower temperature.
12. When stored energy is reactivated com__ __ __ t__ o __ could possibly occur.
13. When heat is transferred through a material, the process is called co__ d__ c__ __ on.
14. The energy emitted from a source in the form of rays or waves (e.g. heat, light, or sound) is called
ra __ ia __ ion.
15. When heat is transferred because of temperature difference, the process is called c__nve__ t__on.

III. Write C if heat transfer through Convection R if through radiation.

_________ 16. Clothes in the clothesline.
_________ 17. Microwaving chocolate doughnuts.
_________ 18. Ironing clothes.
_________ 19. Broiling of barbecue over charcoal.
_________ 20. Feeling warm under the sun.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Direction: Choose the best answer. Write your answer on your paper.
1. If you are to push a cart, a box and a bicycle to a certain distance from the starting line, which will require
you to exert a greater force?
a. cart b. box c. bicycle d. all of them
2. The greater the mass of an object, the greater is the force needed to _____ the object.
a. move b. stop c. roll d. push
3. A force that sets an object into motion is called ____________.
a. balanced b. moving c. unbalanced d. pushing
4. Suppose you push a door and your friend is on the other side pushing the door. How will you describe the
force and the effect of your actions to the doors?
a. The force is balanced and the door does not move.
b. The force is unbalanced and the door may break.
c. The door will push your friend away from you.
d. The door will push you both.
5. A marble that is standing still will move when ____________.
a. bumped by another marble c. touch by a person
b. there is a strong wind d. a force is applied on the marble
6. Why do you need to use force in moving a ball up a ramp?
a. to add force to the ball. c. to let the ball roll on the ramp.
b. to move the ball away from the ramp. d. to allow the ball to stay on the ramp.
7. What causes objects to move?
a. weight b. gravity c. force d. magnets
8. What will you do when there is a car coming very fast while you are on the street?
a. Do not cross the street. c. Walk slowly.
b. Stay on the side. d. Stay out where you are.
9. An oil spilled on the stairs where you need to pass in going to the canteen. What will you do?
a. Do not walk on the floor with spilled oil.
b. Jump and hop to move away from the area where there is oil spill.
c. Dry the floor with your uniform and walk away.
d. Stay on the stairs.
10. During an earthquake, which of the following should you need to do?
a. Stay in a safe places without objects that might fall on you.
b. Stay outside where there is an open area.
c. Stay under your bed or any big tables.
d. Stay inside your room.
11. During physical education activities, what will you do if someone pushes you?
a. Push the person in front of you. c. Hold on to someone near you.
b. Push the person behind you. d. Tell them not to push anyone.
12. What will you do if you are transferring glassware from one place to another?
a. Walk slowly and carefully.
b. Handle the glassware carefully.
c. Hold the glassware tightly and run.
d. Bring the glassware to the place where you need to transfer using a box.
13. When the SAME poles of two magnets whether North or South are placed close to each other, they
a. push each other. c. attract each other.
b. pull each other. d. does not move at all.
14. If you break a magnet into two pieces, what will happen to the force that will be exerted by the magnets
when in use?
a. Force remains the same. c. Force will be doubled.
b. Force exerted will decrease. d. Force of each magnet will not be affected.
15. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. The push and pull of magnets is called magnetism.
b. Magnets do not have force.
c. Papers are attracted by magnets.
d. All metals are attracted by magnets.
II. Identify what is being defined. Choose the answer inside the box.
force magnet energy magnetism accident
______________ 16. The ability to do work.
______________ 17. It is either push or pull of an object.
______________ 18. It is inevitable and unpredictable.
______________ 19. It is attracted to different kinds of metals.
______________ 20. It is the push and pull of a magnet.
III. Tell whether the statement is RIGHT or WRONG.
___________ 21. When force is applied, size and shape of an object may change.
___________ 22. Awareness of safety measures and putting it into practice will surely avoid accidents.
___________ 23. Nails, wire and thumbtacks are materials not attracted by magnets.
___________ 24. Magnets has two poles.
___________ 25. Magnets can attract materials but not all materials can be attracted by magnets.
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. What is the direction of heat transfer?
A. from hot to cold C. from cold to hot
B. from bottom to top D. from side to side
_____ 2. How is heat transferred in solid materials?
A. through convection C. through conduction
B. through radiation D. through vacuum
_____ 3. What happens to a liquid when heated?
A. it remains the same C. it increases in temperature
B. it increases in volume D. it increases its water level
_____ 4. What may happen to a solid when it is continuously exposed to heat?
A. it may become heavier C. it may expand
B. it may decrease in volume D. it may melt
_____ 5. When heat is transferred in gases, it is called _______.
A. convection B. radiation C. conduction D. roasting
_____ 6. How do the vibrations of the particles behave when sounds travel through solids?
A. occurs fast C. occurs moderately
B. occurs very slowly D. cannot be determined
_____ 7. How do sounds travel through air?
A. Very fast B. very slowly C. in jumping motion D. in random manner
_____ 8. In which medium can sound wave travel faster?
A. Solids B. liquids C. gases D. all of these
_____ 9. What affects the speed of sounds as it travels?
A. person receiving it C. the origin of the sound
B. the nature of material D. loudness of the sound
_____ 10. Which of the following statements about sounds is correct?
A. Sound cannot travel through solids.
B. Sounds travel faster in air than liquids.
C. Sounds travel faster in solids than air.
D. The travel of sounds is not affected by the medium through which it travels.
II. Tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
_____ 11. Light always travel in a straight line.
_____ 12. The light that strikes a thick cardboards bends and find another way to pass through it.
_____ 13. Light rays can pass all types of materials.
_____ 14. A laser is a narrow but a powerful beam of light capable of traveling long distances.
_____ 15. Light can be reflected if it is directed towards a mirror.
_____ 16. Optical fibers are used in communication, medicine and industry.
_____ 17. When somebody faces a mirror, his reflection can be seen in a reversed manner.
III. Identify what is described below. Choose the answer from the box.
18. Transfer of heat from one place to another through liquid ___________________
19. The travel of heat in solid materials ___________________
20. Transfer of heat through empty spaces ___________________
21. Materials that doesn’t allow heat to pass through ___________________
22. The heat we receive from the sun ___________________
23. The movement of an object back and forth ___________________
24. The bending of light as it travels from one material to another ___________________
25. The bouncing back of light as it strikes in a smooth surface ___________________
conductors convection vibration
insulators radiant energy refraction
radiation reflection conduction
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Read the sentences carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following produces a soft sounds?
a. jet b. drum set c. whistle d. buzzing bee
2. Which of the following is good to use when we go out on a sunny day?
a. umbrella b. sun glasses c. sunblock lotion d. all of the these
3. Which of the following is good to use to protect our ears from the noise in the environment?
a. ear muffs b. cotton buds c. earrings d. all of these
4. Why is it not advisable to stay in hot and noisy places?
a. Our sense of hearing may be affected badly.
b. Many people will discover our talents.
c. Our sense of sight may be damage by the heat of the sun.
d. Both a and c
5. What must you do if you want to swim on a hot sunny day?
a. Wear jacket so that your skin will not get burned.
b. Wear protective footwear like boots and knee-high socks.
c. Use beach umbrella while swimming in the water.
d. Apply sunblock lotion to protect your skin from the sun.
6. Which of the following shows proper way of protecting oneself from the heat of the sun?
a. Wearing protective clothing like long sleeves if you are working under the sun.
b. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated during sunny day.
c. Use wide-brimmed hat when working in the fields.
d. All of the above.
7. Why do we need to use pot holder when handling hot casseroles or any hot cooking wares?
a. To protect our hands from getting hurt or burned.
b. To protect our new cuticles from fading.
c. To maintain the softness of our hands.
d. None of the above.
8. When we are in the classroom, which of the following sound may reach our ears first?
a. Sound from tapping the table.
b. Ring of the bell from the principal’s office.
c. Whisper of your classmate seated behind the room.
d. Chirps of a bird nearby acacia tree.
9. What happens to the loudness of the sound when as one goes away from it?
a. remains the same b. increases gradually c. decreases gradually d. fades abruptly
10. Which of the following material can be used to protect ourselves from excessive heat and light?
a. perfume b. hat c. bracelet d. head band
II. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
________ 11. Sound can either be soft or loud.
________ 12. The loudness of sound increases as it moves away from the observer.
________ 13. Bats and dolphins used echolocation to locate their food.
________ 14. Only animals have the ability to used echolocation.
________ 15. Some individuals have developed echolocation and able to see even when they are blind.
________ 16. The loudness of sound refers to how strong the sound seems to us when it reaches our ears.
________ 17. Loud sound also means intense sounds.
________ 18. Children are free to play outdoors during sunny days.
________ 19. Excessive heat, light and noise are not good for us.
________ 20. People exposed to too much heat and light may suffer from different skin ailments.
III. Identify what is being defined below. Choose the answer from the box.
________________ 21. The softness or loudness of sounds.
________________ 22. Type of energy made by vibrations.
________________ 23. Is the sound that is reflected back to the source or returned sound.
________________ 24. Any undesirable sounds which disturbs the activities of human or animal life.
________________ 25. Transmission of sound waves to locate objects.
echolocation echo noise volume sounds
Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
I. Write True if the statement is true, False if it is not.
_______ 1. Heat is caused by rapidly moving molecules.
_______ 2. Heat can also transfer by waves through space.
_______ 3. Heat can only be transferred in solids.
_______ 4. A stone under the sun becoming warm is an example of heat transferred from a hot to cold body.
_______ 5. Conduction is a method of heat being transferred from molecule to molecule
_______ 6. Heat can be transferred through the rays of the sun.
_______ 7. When sound travels through solids the vibrations of the particles occur fast.
_______ 8. Sound wave travels faster in solids.
_______ 9. The nature of material affects the speed of sound as it travels.
_______ 10. Sound travels faster in air than in solids.
II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
11. In which medium can sound wave travel faster?
A. Solids C. Gases
B. Liquids D. all of the above
12. How do sound travels through air?
A. very fast C. jumping motion
B. very slowly D. cannot be determined
13. How do the vibrations of the particles behave when sound travels through solids?
A. occurs fast C. occurs very slowly
B. occurs moderately D. cannot be determined
14. The bouncing back of light that strikes a clear surface.
A. Refraction C. Radiation
B. Reflection D. Retention
15. In which medium can light travels faster ?
A. Solids B. Liquids C. Gases D. all of the above
16. Where does light always travel?
A. straight line C. visible line
B. curved line D. diagonal line
17. A narrow but powerful beam of light.
A. candle B. flashlight C. laser D. magnifying glass
18-19. Media where light travels more slowly.
A. water B. glass C. air D. wind
20. Medium where light travels quickly.
A. water B. glass C. air D. wind

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