The Faith in Me

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The Faith in Me

I am a regular believer. I pray, I attend mass, I follow the commandments of God and

sometimes, unintentionally I break them through my actions. I do good things to others as what a

good Christian would do. I see myself more as an Idealistic Activist. I always think faith is

subjective. It does not rely on facts but more of what I feel and what I experience. I focus more

on worshiping God and doing actions that are acceptable to Him rather than knowing or

understanding Him because I believe that it is impossible for us to fully know Him or grasp all

the understanding about Him. That is the dimension where I am strong, the Worship and Moral.

We can never really know Him if we did not know how to talk to Him or we did not know how

to be a good follower of Him. I know for myself that I lack the knowledge, the doctrines about

my faith. This is my weak spot. There are a lot of things that I want to know about my faith but

failed to do so. As I mentioned earlier I focus more on what I feel and what I experience rather

than what I know about my faith. It occurs to me that Worship and Morals alone is not enough. It

is like an open-sided triangle; it lacks the strength and can easily be infiltrated. I need to improve

my Doctrine to close the triangle and have a more secured and solid faith.

Domingo F. Pana Jr. N16

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