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Nuisance Helpline

Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
www.lochwinnoch info
Anti-Social Investigation
Support and Advice Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
No 161 May 2007 Ask for David McLaren or
Every day 9am – 10pm Lisa Simpson
Tel: 0800 169 1283 Tel: 01505 325 030

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On End of an Era

Editorial & copy for Chatterbox
Let us have your stories, notices, infor-
mation, events and other items of inter-
est — either hand-deliver them to the
• May/June May 3 saw the advent of the new Chatterbox drop-box in the Library or e-
See back page for RSPB and multi-member wards in local gov- mail:
Castle Semple/Muirshiel. ernment and with it the retirement To advertise in Chatterbox
of Councillor Alastair Nimmo, who Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail:
has served Lochwinnoch and How-
• Advice Works - every wood for a grand total of 16 years.
Tuesday from 10am—12.30 in
Lochwinnoch Library. This will be Alastair's second retire-
• Friday 11th May - Prize ment from local politics, having homeless, addicts, the elderly and,
Bingo Night. Masonic Club, stood down previously in 1996. most rewarding of all, the young.
7.3opm. All welcome. However, following a 3-year break,
• 13th to 19th May 2007 he was asked to come out of retire- As a youth in Kelvingrove, his strict
ment and once more take up the roll Christian upbringing had a strong
Christian Aid Week influence on his values in later years.
(see inside for further details) of people’s champion. From 1992 to
• Wednesday 16th May - 1996 he was Depute Provost of the
old Renfrew Council but, when he He was also musical in those days,
Lochwinnoch Playgroup but claims not to have the puff now.
returned, it was to the new Unitary
Open Day. Authority of Renfrewshire. Once If I were to reveal which instruments
(see inside for full details) more there are to be changes and he played, it might lead to the end of
• Friday 18th May - Alastair has decided that it is time a long friendship.
Spring Fling Ceilidh— for some new thinking on the block.
dance to music from the Last Alastair has lived in Lochwinnoch
Tram Tae Auchenshuggle. Starts Before moving into politics Alastair for 27 years and, during that time,
at 8.30pm, McKillop Hall. Tickets worked in the 'rag trade' and, follow- has seen many changes. But what-
£8 available from Brown Bull, ing National Service in the then ever they were, he has always fought
Junction and Corner Bar. Cameron Highlanders (yes, we had for the best interests of the residents
• Friday 1st June - A proud Scottish regiments in those and much of what has been achieved
days), he continued to work for a is a direct result of his action. He
Cream Tea. From 2pm - met his wife Anna whilst fighting a
4pm, Lochwinnoch Parish Church succession of companies in both the
U.K. and Eire. As each company by-election seat in 1980. He did not
Halls. Baking, Bric-a-brac, win the seat, but he did win a bride.
Tombola. All welcome. Tickets was taken over he climbed the man-
£2 adults/£1 child. agement ladder to the position of
general manager with Courtaulds. We wish Alistair a long and happy
• Saturday 2nd June - retirement.
Calder UF Church But a change of direction brought
Summer Fete. In McKillop him back to Scotland in 1973 and David Fowles, Chair,
Lochwinnoch Community Council
Hall from 10am to 12 noon. into social work, dealing with the
(Although we have changed the
time, we will have the usual stalls
and activities.)
Sunday 3rd June -

Lochwinnoch Summer
11am to 2.30pm at Castle Semple
Centre, Lochwinnoch.
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
• Saturday 9th June - Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
Lochwinnoch Gala Day Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering
(see inside for full details) Tel No 01505 843400
• Saturday 9th June -
Lochwinnoch Open Race FMB Certificate No 26366
(more details inside)
Community All types of joinery work undertaken
• Kitchens
Council News • Stair balustrades
• Built-in wardrobes
Fourteen crimes were commit- • Doors
ted in the village during April, • Hardwood windows
five were detected: • Custom and general joinery Corporate
3 Drinking in public • Free estimates Member
1 Parking on the zebra crossing
2 Theft from motor vehicles Tel: 01505 345809 Mob: 07817 717132
1 Misuse of drugs
1 Breach of the peace
6 Vandalism
A member of the CC com-
plained to Renfrewshire Coun- Happy Birthday GALA DAY
cil about the condition of the
pavements in the village. To his The girls and boys at the
surprise he received a letter
from the head of the roads de-
Library wish the boss, Saturday 9th June 2007
Margaret Sweenie, a very
partment that said the pave-
ments were in good condition.
happy 50th birthday
Doubts continued to be raised on 6th June. The theme this year is
about Renfrewshire Council ‘Vikings’
Planning Department’s involve-
ment in the conversion of ADVICE WORKS Full programme of events
‘Nixon’s at the Gable End’ into
flats. at including:
A mystery surrounds the fate of Lochwinnoch Display by our team of VIKINGS!!
3 letters sent to Renfrewshire Annual gala dog show
Planning Department objecting Library Gala parade
to the change of use to the res- Tuesdays 10am –12.30pm Inflatable boxing ring
taurant. The sticky wall
Providing advice about enti- Bouncy castle
The Planning Department say tlements to benefits. Advisors
they did not receive any letters Craft fair, tea room, beer tent and
objecting to the plans so the
on hand to help fill in claim many stalls
conversion was passed unop- forms, check and advise on
welfare benefits and money Programmes on sale soon
posed. Booking forms for stalls are now
The CC concluded they will problems.
available from The Junction, The
probably never know what hap- Advisors can provide expert Brown Bull and Crafts of Calder
pened to the three letters of ob- advice on a wide range of Gallery.
jection. debit related topics, such as Interested in taking part or helping?
They suggested that in future credit card, mortgage arrears, Phone 01505 842139 (Evening only)
correspondence sent to the council tax, etc
council on any matter should be The service is FREE, confiden-
e-mailed as e-mails always re- tial and open to all residents The Bottle Stall at Gala Day
ceive an acknowledging e-mail. The organisers are looking for dona-
of Renfrewshire. tions for the Bottle Stall. Contribu-
tions will be gratefully received.
CRAFTS of CALDER GALLERY & FRAMING Please hand your bottle to Christine at
8 High Street, Lochwinnoch. the Crafts of Calder Gallery.

ORIGINAL ART & PRINTS by West of Scotland Artists

Professional & Affordable Bespoke Picture Framing
Quality Crafts by local Craftspeople for that unique Gift
Open Tues - Frid 10.00am-5.00pm Sat -10.00am-4.30pm Sun-12noon-4pm
Tel: 01505 844980
Jungle Name That
Aid Week
Adventure Track
In a recent competition local
Lochwinnoch woman, residents were invited to name
13 - 19 May 07 Bella McEwan fought her way
through thick jungle, kayaked on
the path around Castle Semple
the River Kwai and climbed moun-
After much deliberation the
tains in Thailand to raise money
for Scottish children’s charities. SRANI committee picked the
winner - Semple Trail.
Help poor communities In six days Bella – aged 47 - en- The name Semple featured in
dured a lifetime’s discomforts in many of the entries but the
grow a future. terrain that only Tarzan and Jane committee thought Semple
would have been at home in. Trail better suited the character
Christian Aid Week is seven ‘It was a challenging six days‘ Bella of the area.
amazing days of fundraising, prayer told a reporter, ‘that involved hack- Many – and varied - entries
and action against global poverty. ing through the undergrowth in were submitted but it is fitting
Add your time, money and voice this rugged jungles of the remote
that the prize goes to local resi-
week, and see them multiplied to Knachanaburi Province of Thai-
land, sleeping under the stars in a dent Alec Patten who will
make an impact around the world hill tribe village and bathing in the receive a voucher for a family
through Christian Aid. beautiful river pools in jungle activity day at the Clyde
You add. We multiply clearances.’ Muirshiel Country Park.
Bella, who was joined by thirteen Congratulations!
LOCHWINNOCH Christian other intrepid travellers, raised an
Aid Group will be active in and elephantine £11,000, the total
around the village on Chris- raised by the expedition was RENFREWSHIRE
£38,000. All the money will go to
tian Aid Week – 13th to 19th help disadvantaged children and COUNCIL
Please give generously in your
for pioneering research into ge-
netic disorders. ELECTION
support when the red enve-
lope comes through your let- Colin Flinn Head of Fundraising Here are the results of the
terbox. for NCH Scotland said: ‘We are election on 3rd May 2007 for
Every pound given will help grateful to Isobel and all the other
participants for taking time out of the election Ward No 8
Christian Aid fund projects their busy lives to help children Johnstone North, Kilbarchan
throughout the world where less fortunate than themselves.’ and Lochwinnoch.
there is genuine need.
Take this opportunity to make The NCH plan to organise another David Arthur (SNP) elected at Stage 1
a difference to the lives of jungle trip in November. If anyone Bruce McFee (SNP) elected at Stage 5
those blighted by disease, would like to repeat Bella’s Neil Bibby (Labour) elected at Stage 7
famine and war. achievement you can find out more
by phoning 0141 550 9024 or log- Statistics -
Make an even bigger differ-
ging on to Electorate - 10,086
ence by filling out the Gift Aid Total Votes Cast - 6,186
part of the envelope before it Percentage of Poll - 61.33%
is collected. This simple act Spoiled Papers - 150.
will ADD almost 30% to your
The Group will be working
hard to give all in the village
the opportunity to make a do-
nation. Please give as gener-
ously as you are able to do.

Help poor communities

grow a future.

You add. We multiply

Your next opportunity is to sponsor
four old men from the village: John
Delaney, David McCusker, Ian
Thomson and Roger Carter, together
with their youthful sidekick Scott
Isaksen as they attempt to run the
86 Main Street, Kilbirnie, KA25 7AA 'Midnight Sun Marathon'. This race
takes place in Tromso in Norway's
Tel/Fax: 01505 682125 Arctic Circle on the night of Saturday
16 June 2007. The team intend to
raise funds for both TCT and the
Support your local hardware store. Beanfeast Children's Charity, which
Competitive prices, free local deliveries, all major credit cards accepted. has links to the Amani School in
The Beanfeast team would also like
to really thank those who helped fill
TEENAGE * The Karl Jenkins concert in Glas- the Container for the Amani School
gow held in memory of Andrew last October. It arrived safely and
CANCER TRUST Delaney, organised by people from everything has now been delivered to
Lochwinnoch, and featuring the St
& BEANFEAST Winnoch Singers raised over
the schools and children's home
around Morogoro. One of our team
NEWS £20,000 in box office profits,
sponsorship and donations.
spent 6 months out there and was
telling us how wonderful it was to
(We are still waiting for some of see well-clothed and shod, happy
The first permanent TCT Unit in the sponsors to settle their in- children on their new bikes; or a
Scotland is being opened at the voices for advertising etc, so the classroom with pictures on the walls
new West of Scotland Oncology final figure is still not known. If and good books on the desks; or a
Centre at Gartnaval Hospital next you agreed to be a sponsor, but sewing class in full swing. Thanks
Friday, 11 May. (Full news on the have not yet paid, please get in again to all those who donated some-
official opening will be featured in touch with John Delaney). thing. You can be sure it is now be-
June Chatterbox). * Karen Kelly's outstanding run in ing well used in Tanzania.
the London Marathon on Sunday For more information on TCT and
TCT don't go in for commemora- 22 April has raised in excess of Beanfeast, e-mail John Delaney at
tive plaques or memorials in their £7,000. View Karen’s Marathon
units, but there is going to be a experiences and fund-raising ac- and David McCusker at
permanent 'LED scrolling list' of tivities at website: www.justgiving
donors and people who contrib-
Many thanks to everyone who has Finally, the 2007 TCT Midsummer
uted toward the creation of the
contributed in any way. Cruise sets sail again on the evening
Gartnaval Unit. I am very proud to
say that amongst the names will be of Friday 22nd June - (and it still
Our work doesn’t stop here isn't a 'Booze Cruise'!). Buses
'Andrew Delaney' and also; 'The
though: this Unit of 5 permanent to Victoria Harbour in Greenock
People of Lochwinnoch'.
beds and one other dual purpose leave Lochwinnoch at 6:10pm, and
bed at Gartnaval is designed for should return around 11:40pm.
To date, over £100,000 has been
'older teenagers' and young adults There are only a very few tickets re-
raised for TCT from the combined
up to the age of 21. Our next maining, so if you have expressed an
efforts of our friends in Lochwin-
'mission' is to help raise the funds interest in going, but don't have your
noch, and their friends. In addi-
required to build a TCT Unit for tickets yet, contact John Delaney as
tion to the many donations from
younger teenagers at Yorkhill Hos- soon as possible. Tony Finn's excel-
various individuals and groups in
pital and then another permanent lent Band will be performing again
the village, 2006 produced some
Unit in the new Hospital For Sick on board. Tickets for the Cruise cost
wonderful fundraising events:
Children, which is proposed to be £10 and the bus fare is £5 (payable
* The 'Abbamania' concert raised
built in Glasgow in 5 years' time. on the bus).
* The Summer Evening Cruise
raised over £2,500 (it wasn't a
'Booze Cruise' by the way!)
* Karen Kelly's 'Fashion Show and
Champagne Reception' raised over
* Paul Delaney's climb of Mount
Kilimanjaro raised over £2,000.
* Christmas Auction and Raffle INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS
and other enterprises from the UPGRADES MULTIROOM
Brown Bull Inn raised an astonish-
ing £7,000. Tel: 01505 842056
Mob:07940 705115
Barr Loch 2 Natural Touch
(continued from April Beauty, Health and Complementary Therapy Salon
issue of Chatterbox)
Susan and Jenny aim to promote wellbeing and offer a wide range
After McDowell I left his land
to McDowell II, there was of Decléor skincare treatments including aromatherapy facials,
much to-ing and fr-oing con-
massage, reflexology, manicure, pedicure, wax, detox, self tan and
cerning plans to make the
journey from one side of the holiday treatment packages. Gift vouchers also available.
loch to the other safer.
McDowell II succeeded his
father in 1749; McDowell II
was rich, Tory and the long- Rubbish LOCHWINNOCH
time MP for Renfrewshire. He
owned a large house in Glas- Renfrewshire OPEN RACE
gow and an estate in Wigton-
North Ayrshire Council – our The Centenary of the Boys’ Bri-
neighbouring council – do not gade was in 1983 and, to mark
In 1767 a disaster occurred in
charge anything to make a spe- the occasion, Lochwinnoch BB
Lochwinnoch that caused
cial cleansing uplift and they held the first Lochwinnoch Fun
McDowell II to look at the
usually lift the items within a Run, now known as Lochwinnoch
situation concerning the loch
week. Open Race. Many county ath-
crossing. One stormy night a
letes and locals support this
young lady and her footman
Renfrewshire Council charge event and this year’s race is
were swept to their death in
homeowners £15 (over and scheduled for Saturday 9th June.
the swirling waters of the loch.
above the Community Charge This year will see the 25th run-
levied for such cleansing ser- ning of the race, which is now
In 1773-4 McDowell had the
vices) for a special uplift. At the officially registered with Scottish
Barr Loch drained creating
moment they take eight weeks Athletics. Locals are well catered
what was known as Barr
and usually two phone calls be- for with medals going to the first
fore they lift the rubbish. local man, first local lady, first
The spin-off of the draining
local boy and first local girl. So,
operations was there was now
Why can’t Renfrewshire Council come on Lochwinnoch, get out
a solid road between two parts
be like Ayrshire Council and those running shoes and step up
of the village.
abandon the charge and make the fitness campaign. If you can’t
The land the draining created
the special uplift within days run and still wish to get involved
was turned into pasture for
rather than months? contact BB Captain Lawrie on
hay growing. Hay was a very
0141 887 8791.
sought after crop and the hay
in Renfrewshire was of a very
high quality. As the centuries
passed, hay became less valu-
able and by the time of the
Second World War the Barr
Meadows had become rough
In 1946 Mrs Anderson of War-
lock Gates Farm looked out of
her window one morning to
see that, overnight, Barr
Meadows had vanished and
the Barr Loch had returned as
it remains to this day.
The cause of the flooding of
the meadows appears to have
been a combination of neglect
of the sluice gates and
‘activities practiced by the
army that included the use of
EXPRESS the Visitor Centre to Blackditch Bay removal of trees and scrub has al-
(some 850 metres). This route is to ready taken place. Replanting of
CYCLE get a hot bitumen emulsion bonded native species will be done after the
REPAIRS surface incorporating glass fibre path is completed. This develop-
and fine stones. This was chosen for ment is supported by Renfrewshire
its improved performance when Council.
Bicycle hire, repairs and flooded and for its aesthetics. It will
accessories at not look like black tarmac but will For further information contact a
Castle Semple Centre, be grey/green like the existing sur- member of staff or e-mail
Lochwinnoch face.
Some preparation for this work has Full details of Regional Park
already been completed, including facilities and the summer pro-
lochshore protection, improved gramme of events are on our new
drainage and grading. Further pre- website
paratory work will be going on dur-
ing Thursday 26 and Friday 27
April with some disruption of ac-
cess. The final surface coats will be
Brand new fleet of mountain bikes
for hire,
applied in 2 or 3 days the following
week and will necessitate the com-
LMEG Funding
Tag-a-long bikes for kids,
Bike trailers and childrens’ seats,
plete closure of the path.
This path upgrade is funded by For-
for Village
Bike repairs, bicycle accessories and
ex-hire cycles for sale.
ward Scotland, Lochwinnoch Mil- Projects
lennium Events Group, Scottish
Open for bicycle hire every day, Natural Heritage and Renfrewshire Over the last month Lochwinnoch
all summer. Council. Millennium Events Group provided
Discounts given on group bookings. Castle Semple Car Park. Work funding to a number of groups
will begin on Mon 30 April and last within the village: The Sustainable
for up to three weeks. Garden Group received £300 to-
Tel: 07867 790 889 and ask for
There will be no working on week- wards installing electricity and an
Martin Russell
ends or Bank Holidays. The work automated watering system in the
will be done in sections to ensure poly tunnel. This will help the
some parking is always available group’s latest project; cultivating
and access is maintained for emer- Juniper samplings in association
gency vehicles to the Visitor Centre. with Clyde Muirshiel Country Park.
Path & Car Park The upper and lower paths
between the car park and the loch Lochwinnoch Playgroup received
works at Castle will be kept open. Renfrewshire £1000 for materials and equipment
Council funds this work.
Semple Other Recent Works
for the children and Lochwinnoch
Writers Group received £500 to-
Blackditch Bay We are also doing wards the cost of a tutor to work
some more grant-aided work to with them at their weekly gatherings
April/May 2007 provide picnic facilities and im-
prove the path at Blackditch Bay.
in the library. Local author Betty
McKellor will receive £500 towards
This project has been driven by the publication of her latest anthology of
The following series of works SRANI Paths Development Officer
should be taking place over the next poetry and songs inspired by the sur-
and has now been completed. rounding area. £250 was used to
few weeks around Castle Semple Funds for the creation of these fa-
Centre, Lochwinnoch. These will replace 20 metres of broken wooden
cilities has been provide by WREN fencing along the A760 by the Cal-
inevitably result in disruption to (Waste Recycling Environmental
public access on paths. We apolo- der.
gise for this but anticipate that the Parkhill Wood. We continue to
upgraded facilities will be worth the The money being distributed by
re-surface the minor rotes in LMEG was made available through
temporary inconvenience. Parkhill Wood with shredded the success of another village project
whisky casks. Unfortunately these – CLAN Broadband, which provided
Lochshore Path. The floods of do not have the wonderful aroma
December and January washed much needed wireless broadband
some people had been hoping for! services to villagers until BT in-
away all the fine material exposing The material is a local recycled
the larger stones of the path and it stalled ADSL Broadband at the local
product from casks at the end of exchange. Remaining CLAN funds
left a lot of unwanted material that their working life. Please give us
we have been slowly removing, were kindly returned to LMEG by
your opinion on the suitability of the group, to be used to assist other
some with the help of the local this surface.
community and volunteers. projects associated with the village.
Cycle Track Link. The installa-
Before the storms and flooding the tion of a new link ramp from Castle
Regional Park, as part of the SRANI There is still funding available, if you
Semple Visitor Centre to the cycle have ideas contact Carol Gemmell on
partnership, had developed a track is progressing slowly. The
scheme to upgrade the path from 843 858.
Arts Festival Lochwinnoch ABC Therapies
Playgroup Lochwinnoch
The annual Spring Arts Festival
is a great asset to the village.
Thanks must go to Rowena
Open Day –
Murray and Morag Thow for
bringing the whole two-day
Wed 16th May Therapeutic Massage
If your child enjoys painting, playing
Indian Head Massage
event together. This year, on
Saturday, the iconic Scottish with sand and water, moulding with
play dough, doing jigsaws, dressing
poet Liz Lochhead visited and
up, sticking collages together and
talked about her writing. Also Special gifts
reading stories then they could have
on Saturday there was a festival a lot of fun at Lochwinnoch Play- Treatment Vouchers &
of Celtic music in the evening group (and you can avoid the mess Holistic Goody Bags
and the festival wound up on some of these activities create at made to or- der
Sunday with two concerts in the home!). The Playgroup in Lochwin-
Parish Church. noch was established 20 years ago
The first of these concerts fea- and is designed to help local children
aged 2 ½ onwards bridge the gap Counselling
tured the virtuoso percussionist
between home and nursery/school (Individuals & Couples)
Heather Corbett accompanied
by providing a safe but stimulating Counselling Supervision
by Linda Cochrane – a pianist
play environment for them. Our
who looks as good as she trained playleaders organise a daily
sounds. programme of fun learning and play
Heather featured the cimbalom, experiences and are able to use the
the national instrument of Hun- outside play area if the weather is Aileen Ferguson
gary. It looks like a fearsomely nice. MSc, FCIPD, MBACP, DTM.
difficult instrument to manipu- Playgroup operates during school
late but sounded wonderful in term time in the small hall at the Tel: 01505 843714
the hands of Ms Corbett. McKillop Institute on Mon, Tues and
In the evening the St Winnoch Wed mornings from 09.30 – 11.30
Singers – ten years old but, like and costs £3.50 per session. The
Johnny Walker, still going Playgroup is hosting an open day on
strong – gave a concert that in-
cluded John Rutter’s fast and
Wednesday 16th May at the McKillop
Institute to which all are welcome.
Thank You
furious Gloria. The choir was There are three visitor sessions avail-
joined by a ten-piece brass sec- able at 10.00 – 10.20am, 10.20 – May I take this opportunity to
tion, two percussionists and the 10.40am and 10.40 – 11.00am. If say thank you to everyone who
organ. The sound was rich and
full and very exciting.
you would like to come along to see voted for me in the recent coun-
the Playgroup in action, please sign cil elections. I am delighted that
up for one of the three available ses- our community, put party poli-
As usual, the Junior and Inter-
sions on the Playgroup cloakroom tics to the side, realised how
mediate choirs also gave magi-
door in the McKillop Institute. Reg- critical it is to have a local
cal performances of some well-
known pieces in not so well istration forms will be available on strong voice and chose me to be
known guises. the day for children starting Play-
our village representative in the
A great evening’s entertainment. group in autumn 07 onwards.
council chambers.
I look forward to serving our
community well and will work
tirelessly to improve the quality
of life for all within Lochwin-
noch and all within Ward 8. I
Now open every Sunday can be contacted on 843507 or
from 12 noon – 4pm as well as 9am – 5pm Monday to Saturday. at 17, Beechburn Crescent or at
More time to browse our new range of leather handbags; cards and gifts for all occasions;
Scottish crafts; silver, costume and handmade jewellery; Arran Aromatics; finishing touches for the home and much if you require my assistance.
more. Thanks, once again,
By popular demand, we are now stocking Yankee candles and fragranced products. for your support.
8 Church Street, Lochwinnoch Tel: 01505 843311
Councillor Davie Arthur
News & Events at Friday 1st June - Sat 30th
Say goodbye to
Joan Shaw
RSPB, Muirshiel, Birds on TV. Birds permitting, live
images from this year’s Hen Harriers
Cornalees & Castle nest should be coming into the Muir-
shiel Visitor Centre. Open 11:00 -
After almost 30 years working for
the RSPB Lochwinnoch, Joan Shaw,
Semple Centres 16:00 hrs.
Saturday 2nd June RSPB
our friendly, cheerful Retail and
Admin Manager, has retired.
Guided Walk on ”How to Watch Joan has been present since the day
Wildlife” in summer. RSPB Centre the visitor centre opened in 1978
Saturday 12th May from 10:00 hrs to 12 noon. Book in
A Walk in the Woods - 10am—1pm and was one of the RSPB’s longest
advance - Tel: 01505 842663. serving members of staff. In Novem-
To celebrate the Tree Council’s ‘Walk Sunday 3rd June - Lochwin-
in the Woods’ campaign, an ener- ber 1996, Joan was awarded an MBE
noch Summer Farmers Market. for her long service with the society,
getic stroll is planned around the An ideal opportunity to buy fresh
reserve’s woodland and Parkhill and last year she attended the
seasonal produce direct from the Queen’s garden party at Bucking-
Woods in Clyde Muirshiel Regional supplier. At Castle Semple Centre
Park. £3 adult/£1.50 child non- ham Palace.
from 11:00 hrs to 14:30hrs.
members, free for RSPB/WEx mem- During her time at the reserve, Joan
Wednesday 6th June - Blooms
bers. Book in advance by phoning has seen many members of staff
RSPB - Tel: 01505 842663. at Parkhill Level 1A (3.5km) stroll
through Parkhill Wood, among blue- come and go, including 5 managers,
Sat 19th/Sun 20th May 25 Assistant Wardens, Visitor Offi-
bells and flowering rhododendrons
RSPB Optics Weekend—an oppor- and take in the views at Courtshaw. cers and Information Officers, at
tunity to view and buy from a selec- least 15 field teachers, 13 retail staff
Sat 2nd June & Sat 9th June
tion of RSPB Optics with expert ad- and cleaners, and goodness knows
Guided moorland walks in Hen Har-
vice on hand. Free event. For more how many volunteers!
rier Country with RSPB staff. Meet
details call RSPB Reserve : 01505
at Muirshiel at 13:45 hrs for 14:00 Joan has seen so many innovations
hrs departure. To book, Tel: 01505 during her time at the reserve. Com-
Saturday 19th May 842803. puters were unheard of when she
Rowing Club Regatta - Castle Sem- started. The reserve itself has seen
ple Centre, Lochwinnoch hosts the many changes as well, from only a
annual regatta, with boats competing Volunteer in the spotlight handful of visitors in the beginning
from all over Scotland. All day Rachel Paterson to over 40,000 visitors a year, in-
event. Rachel started as a volunteer with cluding families, beginners, school
Sat 19th May & Sat 26th May RSPB Lochwinnoch in 1985 and is groups and wildlife enthusiasts.
Guided walks in Hen Harrier one of our longest serving volun-
country. See TV highlights of last teers. Rachel helps out in the shop No doubt without the hard work of
year’s Harrier family and join staff and has contributed a huge amount Joan and her team, the reserve
for a 4-6km moorland walk in the of her time to the RSPB Reserve over would not have been the friendly
new 28,100 hectare SSSI. Meet at the past 20 years. Rachel is also a and inclusive place it is today.
Muirshiel 13:45hrs for 14:00hrs dep. member of the Plant Committee for She will be sorely missed by all of
To book, Tel: 01505 842803. RSPB Renfrewshire local group and her colleagues, past and present, but
Sunday 20th-Sunday 27th May has attended the Volunteers’ Day at we all wish her all the best in the
A Tonic for Juniper. Meet Terry Battleby for the past 4 years. The future.
McBerry and find out about the staff at the Reserve would like to
Clyde Muirshiel Juniper Conserva- thank Rachel for her many years service. Goodbye and good luck!
tion Project. At Cornalees Visitor
Centre between 11:00 and 16:00 hrs.
Wednesday 23rd May
Level 2 Walk—Dampton Pad to Cas-
tle Semple. Departs The Steeple,
Kilbarchan at 11:30 hours, on hilly
country roads to Lochwinnoch via
the Clochoderick Stone.
Sun 27th May - Go Batty for Bats! For All Your Garage Door Needs
At Castle Semple Centre, 6.30pm to
7.30pm. Looking for volunteers for Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
a Bat survey. Talk and demos. by Installation . Repairs . Spares
Clyde Bat Group members.
Chatterbox is produced for the Community Council
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by FREE INSURANCE REPORTS 01786 820130 STIRLING
Lochwinnoch Community Council, Renfrewshire
Council and advertisements. The editor welcomes all
items for possible inclusion but will reserve all rights
over them. All views are of individuals. The editor
The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
accepts no liability for errors (10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)

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