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peer reviewed CASE REPORT

Case report: Transient interruption of contrast

E Magaya Dip D Rad (UZ), B Sc Special Honours in D Rad (NUST), Dip Ultrasound (ECUREI - Uganda)
Principal radiographer, Baines Imaging Group, Harare, Zimbabwe

Transient interruption of bolus contrast is a physiologic artefact due to a poor mixture of blood and contrast material. It is en-
countered when performing computed tomography pulmonary angiograms (CTPA). A working knowledge of this phenomenon
is crucial to avoid a misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism. A relatively high percentage (5-6%) of CTPA has been deemed in-
conclusive or technically insufficient due to poor contrast enhancement of the pulmonary arteries, which affects 40% of CTPAs.
This case report describes this phenomenon and the setting in which it occurs. The patient’s clinical history, radiological findings,
appearance, and possible countermeasures, are described.
Bolus contrast, artefact, computed tomography, pulmonary angiograms, pulmonary embolism.

Case report tient that further scans were needed. For terruption to the flow of contrast into the
the repeat scan, the patient was instruct- pulmonary trunk.[3]
A female inpatient geriatric was referred ed not to take a deep breath prior to the
to the CT department. She complained It is believed that when a patient inspires
scan but to just hold her breath following
of chest pains, shortness of breath and deeply, just before scanning begins, it re-
normal breathing. The scan showed that
had reduced saturations of 83% (normal sults in either increased venous return of
the pulmonary arteries were opacified
above 90%). A CT pulmonary angiogram unopacified blood from the inferior vena
(Figure 3). In this instance there were no
was requested to rule out pulmonary em- cava or reduced delivery of iodinated con-
obvious filling defects typically found on
bolism. The examination was treated as trast from the superior vena cava.[4] Un-
CTPA (see Figure 4).
an emergency since pulmonary embolism opacified blood entering the right atrium
is one of the leading causes of acute car- Discussion dilutes the contrast column coming from
diovascular disease, after myocardial inf- the superior vena cava; the result is seen
arction and stroke, which may be fatal.[1] Transient interruption of contrast (TIC) is as a transient decrease in attenuation.[4]
Urea and creatinine levels were within the a flow artefact that consists of relatively After inspiring deeply patients tend to per-
normal range. Informed consent was ob- poor contrast opacification in the pul- form the Valsalva manoeuvre involuntarily
tained from the patient. It was ascertained monary arteries while there is optimum when asked to hold their breath prior to
that the patient had no known allergies to contrast enhancement in the aorta and scanning. This can cause an increase in in-
iodine. A pre-contrast scan was not per- superior vena cava.[2] This phenomenon trathoracic pressure leading to decreased
formed. The contrast enhanced sequence is unwelcome for many reasons, mostly blood filling of both ventricles, resulting in
was obtained after administration of 80ml because it may result in emboli being ob- reduced cardiac output and delaying peak
of Jopamiron (Iopamidol) 370mgI/ml in- scured within the insufficiently opacified contrast enhancement of the pulmonary
jected at a rate of 4ml/s followed by 20ml pulmonary artery leading to a misdiagno- arteries.[5] In other cases the presence of
of normal saline. The contrast was inject- sis. This then means that it is a phenom- a patent foramen ovale causes a transient
ed using a Medrad Stellant injector pump. enon, which all CT radiographers should intra-cardiac right-to-left shunt with deep
The scan and view scan was positioned a be aware of, as it has potentially devastat- inspiration.[4] Patients with large areas of
centimetre below the carina. The contrast ing consequences. active lung disease, like atelectasis, also
was automatically tracked using Surestart tend to have lower contrast enhancement
until 160 Hounsfield units (HU) had been Further imaging may be needed to ex-
in pulmonary arteries. A reason for this
reached, after which it automatically trig- clude thrombus hidden in the poorly en-
could be regional vasoconstriction, which
gered scanning. Before the start of the hanced vessels.[2] A repeat CT scan means
leads to increased pulmonary vascular
scan the patient was instructed to take a increased ionising dose to patients, and
resistance and therefore decreased blood
deep breath and hold her breath. An im- adds to the costs of the examination. An-
flow in the pulmonary arteries.[5]
mediate review of the CT scan was done other disadvantage is that patients may
on the console monitor. It demonstrated become anxious. So how does this arte- Literature suggests that TIC is more preva-
contrast within the superior vena cava, fact come about? Instructing patients to lent in pregnant patients than the general
ascending thoracic aorta and descending take a deep breath and hold their breath population, ranging from 5.6% to 35.7%.[6]
aorta, but with an unenhanced pulmonary immediately prior to scanning, as what This is because of the haemodynamics
trunk (see Figures 1 and 2). A radiologist occurred during this CTPA examination, effects of pregnancy which include an
reviewed the scan and informed the pa- has been reported to result in transient in- increase in cardiac output, total vascular 27

Figure 1. A contrast-enhanced axial CT image of the thorax showing Figure 2. A contrast enhanced coronal CT image of the same patient
the superior vena cava (bottom right arrow, white outline), ascending as above shows the superior vena cava (short grey arrow, on the
aorta (top right arrow, white outline) and descending aorta (bottom right) and ascending aorta (top left arrow) opacified with contrast
left arrow, white outline) opacified with contrast while the pulmonary while the pulmonary trunk (bottom left white arrow) is not opacified.
trunk is relatively unenhanced (top left grey arrow, black outline).

Figure 3. A CT axial scan of the thorax in the same patient showing Figure 4. A CT axial scan of the thorax in a different patient showing
opacification of the main pulmonary trunk (top left arrow, white positive saddleback pulmonary emboli. The pulmonary trunk is
outline) and pulmonary arteries (right black arrow showing the opacified which allows easy identification of the emboli against the
right pulmonary artery and the bottom left arrow, thick grey outline, white background of contrast (both arrows, left and right).
showing the left pulmonary artery) after breathing normally during
the scan.

resistance, heart rate and plasma volume. case report, had a better outcome. The used as the optimal protocol for pulmo-
These hemodynamics effects lead to dilu- breathing instructions should be easy to nary artery imaging. The drawback to this
tion of the contrast bolus and an increase understand as much as possible. Instruc- protocol is that it suffers inferior parenchy-
in inferior vena cava pressure, which can tions such as ’stop breathing’ or ’hold your mal enhancement and should be reserved
give rise to TIC.[6] breath’ appear most appropriate while for failed inspiratory breath-hold CTPA.[1]
Scanning with the patient breath-holding the automatically generated ’take a deep In pregnant patients, with suspected pul-
at ease was shown to have a beneficial breath in and hold it’ should be avoided.[1] monary embolism, a pulmonary protocol
effect of improving contrast density in To reduce inspiration and breath-holding optimised for use in pregnancy include a
pulmonary arteries therefore improving associated artefacts some authors have high flow rate of contrast (in the region
diagnostic image quality.[5] This could ex- promoted expiratory CTPA. They conclud- between 5 and 7ml/s), a high volume of
plain why the second examination, in this ed that that expiratory scanning could be contrast and shallow held inspiration


Conclusion References
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