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Life’s Greatest Secret: You are not your ____________________.

First Element of Change: __________________________________

Second Element of Change: __________________________________

Nothing is _______________________ until you make it

________________________________, and then it becomes


Reality is _______________________________.

Socrates said the secret to life is to


© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 1

The storage cabinet you call your mind and what’s

in it is ____________________ who you are. It’s who you

__________________________ to be.

If you are listening to the voice in your head you

are listening to a ________________________ of information

coming from people who may not have done all

that well themselves.

You have a ____________________ as to whether you want to

_________________ that voice and more importantly, want to

______________________ based on it or not.

Your mind is a ___________________________________ mechanism.

The minds main job is ________________________________________.

© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 2

Your mind is based in problems and ________________ in all it’s

forms: including _________________, doubt, _____________________ and

all anxiety.

Consciousness is living from ______________________ in the present

versus ___________________________ and _______________________ from

the past.

The 4 Magic Words: ___________________________________________

As soon as you hear the voice in your head say anything

negative or fear based or not supportive, you simply say,

________________________________________________ and you choose a

new more ______________________________ thought to replace it with.

© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 3

3 Laws Of Thought:

1. You have the ability to ______________________ your thoughts.

2. You have the ability to ______________________ any thought from
your mind.

3. You have the ability to ___________________ any thought into
your mind.

Your greatest power is your ability to _____________________________
your own thoughts.

Buddha said, “To conquer ________________________ is a greater

task than to conquer _______________________________.

© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 4












© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 5












© 2005-2015 T. Harv Eker, Updated Annually 6

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