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Nuisance Helpline

Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
Investigation Team
Support and Advice
No 185 May 2009 Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm Tel: 0141 840 2163
Tel: 0800 169 1283

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On Lochwinnoch Scottish Here are a couple of photos taken on our

final evening with teacher, Janie Andrews.
Country Dance Club
One is of the full group of present and
See centre pages past members and the other photograph
for club activities, shows Janie receiving her presentation
village events & classes. from our Chairman Anna Crawford of
flowers, balloon and monetary gift col-
See back pages lected from these members.
for Visitor Centre/RSPB
events and outdoor activities. We had a most enjoyable evening with
Billy Gray playing the accordion. A new
Strathspey dance created by Isobel
Templeton, one of our members - called
Janie's Dance - was demonstrated on the

Chatterbox is a free, monthly It is great to know that with our new teacher, Les Lambert, we can look forward to the
community newspaper, produced on new session in September.
behalf of the Community Council of
Once again with the help of the Community Grant from Renfrewshire Council last
Lochwinnoch through support and year, which we appreciate very much, our membership has continued to rise and hope-
financial assistance from local spon- fully we will see more new faces when our evenings resume on Tuesday 2nd September.
sors and advertisers and distributed
by volunteers. The aim of those
involved is to produce an informa-
tive and entertaining journal for
those who live, work and visit in
this area.

The Editor welcomes all items for

possible inclusion but will reserve
all rights over them, i.e. the right to
shorten, edit or not publish any item.
Please note, all views are of indi-
viduals and the Editor accepts no
liability for editorial errors or state-
ments and claims made in advertise-

Editorial & copy for Chatterbox

Let us have your stories, notices, news,
information, events & items of interest —
either hand-deliver them to the Chatter-
box drop-box in the Library or e-mail to: ROOFING - ROUGHCASTING - BUILDING MAINTENANCE
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
To advertise in Chatterbox
Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail:
Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering
Copy Deadline
Tel No 01505 843400
for June Issue Is FMB Certificate No 26366
Tuesday 26th May ‘09
1st Lochwinnoch Company,
W. A. THOMSON The Boys’ Brigade
Tel: 01505 842498
Mob: 07778 680933 27th running
• Monoblock driveways • Tree and hedge pruning LOCHWINNOCH
• Patios and walls and trimming OPEN
• All types of landscaping • Exterior painting around
• Ground maintenance the house and garden RACE
• Gardens cleared • FREE estimates

Councillor latest doorstep surgery, which took

place in the following Lochwinnoch
Neil Bibby’s streets: Crookhill Gardens, Crookhill
Report Drive, Calderpark Street, Calderpark
Avenue, Calder Street, Calder Drive
I was pleased to attend the public and Spiers Road. Saturday 13th June
meeting regarding speeding on John-
Amongst the issues raised were 2009
shill and other traffic issues in the Starting at Calder Street,
parking, local transport, late bin
village recently. Lochwinnoch at 2.15pm
collections and housing issues. I
Around 100 people attended the meet- have already raised these issues with
ing, which was a great opportunity to the relevant authorities and Council In 1983, the Lochwinnoch Fun Run
hear the views of local people. The departments. was born as part of the Boys’ Brigade
large attendance goes to show how centenary celebrations. Local events at
I will be doing further doorstep sur- that time fixed the second Saturday in
serious an issue this is for local people.
geries in more Lochwinnoch streets June as the best date and it has been
Thanks must go to the Community over the coming weeks. held on that Saturday ever since - so
Council, Lochwinnoch Partnership, this year’s race is on
My regular advice surgeries continue Saturday 13th June.
the Roads Department and Strathclyde
on the first Saturday of the month at
Police for making the event possible. Many changes have been made
9am in the McKillop Hall.
Credit must also go to the residents over the years, with the adults now
of Johnshill who have put forward I can be contacted at any other time racing over 6 miles (previously 7);
their views in a very successful way by calling 0141 840 3653 (office) or and the race is now firmly fixed in
following the submission of their the Scottish Athletics Calendar.
by emailing -
petition. Last year, the adult trophies were
A proposal to have speed cushions won by local lass Jacquie
Councillor Neil Bibby Donaldson and Michael Finlay
gained a mixed reaction, however
(Kilbarchan). Will they retain their
there was overwhelming support for titles, is the big question - and will
extra speed-activated signs and for LOCHWINNOCH Allan Penny maintain his domi-
these to be targeted at traffic going up COMMUNITY COUNCIL nance as the Leading Local, or will
and down the hill. David Nicholls made a comeback?
I asked for assurances that the situa- There are also medals for veterans
tion will be reviewed and I am pleased The Community Council is looking (ladies and men) and Leading Lo-
that the Roads Department have for ideas for a smallish project that cal boys and girls.
agreed to review this in six months. would provide lasting benefit to the
In the meantime, data regarding the village and/or community. Entry forms will be available from
speeds of vehicles will be posted on the usual local agencies. Also,
We are thinking of something with a watch out for posters with more
the village website. It is important that budget of around £4,000 to
the situation is monitored to see what information - such as details of the
£12,000, including match funding
progress is being made. from other bodies. Waterstone Trophy, entry fees and
closing date for all entry forms.
The Council now has to invest in the If you have any ideas, please contact
extra speed signs and I will fully sup- the Community Council by the usual Alternatively, further details can
port this investment. channels. Or come to the next be obtained from Race Organ-
meeting on Tuesday 2nd June at iser, Murray Lawrie at Tel:
I was delighted to listen to the views 7.30pm in the Guild Room of 0141 887 8791 or by e-mail at:
of yet more local residents in my Lochwinnoch Parish Church.
13th June 2009

Preparations are now Secondhand Books 2 Well St. Paisley

well under way for our Tel: 0141 887 7303
Country and Western-themed
Gala Day this year.

The parade leaves from Auld

Lochwinnoch Sarah Stewart
Simon at 12.30pm and will include Elderly Forum (Morag)
the children of the village hope-
fully being in fancy dress for the An Easter Bonnet competition and Mr Alex Stewart and family
event. As usual there will be a raffle featured at the popular Tbar, would like to thank all family
prize for the 'best-dressed’ child. which is now open on Tuesdays and and friends for the kind sup-
Thursdays from 10am - 1pm in the port, flowers and donations
Now for the adults...Feel free to get McKillop Institute. Everyone is made to St Vincent’s Hospice,
dressed up for the day too...there welcome regardless of age!
may be a prize for you too !
following the death of his wife,
Sarah Morag Stewart.
This year we have more fun rides A well attended March meeting had
for the children, as well as planned a visit from Maggi Boyd, the Health Special thanks to the Reverend
events. Improvement Practitioner for our
Archie Ford for a beautiful
area. Maggi outlined that as the
The stallholder forms are going needs of the elderly are very impor-
fast and furious so make sure you tant, she and her team have been
get your form in no later than visiting day care and residential care Also, thanks to the staff of St
Saturday 30th May 2009. centres. Vincent’s Hospice and the Co-
The pitch hire remains at the same operative Funeral Services,
Maggi promotes the work of ROAR
price as last year as will the Gala Johnstone.
(Reaching Older Adults in Ren-
Day programme, which we hope to
frewshire), the Community Fall and The Stewart family.
have on sale at the end of May.
Care and Repair projects and also
The stallholder forms are available
from 'The Junction' and 'Crafts of Renfrewshire Carers wherever she
Calder Gallery & Framing'. visits. The Carers Service supports
the families of home carers with all
Last but most certainly not least, sorts of needs, including form-filling
the Gala Committee is offering a for things such as benefits and hous-
prize to any up-and-coming young ing, sitting services to allow carers
and talented band or group in the some time out of the house to attend CREAM TEA
village or surrounding area. to business or just for a short respite.
Friday 19th June
The prize will be to play either in Maggi can also provide information
on support available for those of any From 2—4pm
the parade or in the main arena in
age with long term conditions. LOCHWINNOCH
the park ( or both ! ) plus £75 and
Should anyone be interested PARISH CHURCH
all the publicity which will go with
this, i.e press and programme ad- in finding out more, I can provide HALLS
vertising. contact details for Maggi.
Jewellery, baking, bric-a-
If you think this could be your Remember The Forum is open to brac & tombola
band or group, then please leave anyone aged 55 and over. Member- All welcome - Tickets:
all of your details with Crafts of ship is only £2 for the year. Adults £2, Children £1
Calder Gallery & Framing , 8 High Why not pop in with
Street, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DD. Our next meeting is on Thursday a friend for tea and
Your details have to be lodged no 28th May at 1pm in The McKillop. a chat!
later than Saturday 23rd May.
The winner will be notified as soon Gordon Nicholl
as possible after this date. (Tel: 842632)
Keep it Local. This month’s seasonal recipe is
Cucina Minucci by Laura Wishart:
at The Junction Eat Fresh!!
Licensed Caffè Pan Fried
Duck Breast with
It is always refreshing to visit our
2 – 4 High Street, continental cousins who are spoilt
Cherry & Marsala
Lochwinnoch, PA12 4DA. for choice in their local street mar- Sauce
Tel: 01505 842 225 kets for meat, fish, fruit, vegetables
and freshly-made pastries.
(serves 4)

Breakfast I always found trips to Italy with my Ingredients:

parents fascinating as a young boy. 4 duck breasts
Lunch 400g pitted cherries
When most kids were looking at toys
Jo’s Baking and the latest motorini (mopeds) on 150ml Marsala wine
Private Functions the road, I was interested in the 1 – 2 tbsp brown sugar (to taste)
Live Music Nights fresh buffalo Mozzarella and tasting sea salt and
a slice of the recently matured freshly ground black pepper
Salame cured meat sausage or Pe- cornflour (if needed)
Large range of organic
and wholefoods corino cheese with a little marinated
aubergine!!! Who would have Method:
If we do not have it, thought that one day I would land up With a sharp knife, score the skin-side
we can source it!! in Scotland surrounding myself in a of the duck breasts in a cross-hatch
range of continental foods from my pattern and rub all over with sea salt
EAT IN or TAKE AWAY childhood, as well as stocking local and freshly ground black pepper. Set
delicacies like smoked salmon, black aside while you prepare the sauce.
pudding and the humble Lorne sau- sage. Put the cherries, Marsala and sugar
Ivan and Joanna Minucci in a pan and heat until reduced by
and the team Joanna continues to produce home- about half. A small amount of corn-
baked goods literally from home flour can be added to thicken the
and together with our local chefs, sauce if necessary.
Laura Wishart and Audrey East, we
CALDERGLEN manage to produce the majority of To cook the duck breasts, lightly oil a
our food from fresh seasonal ingredi- griddle pan and heat until medium/hot.
FOOTBALL CLUB ents and we attempt to buy those Place the duck skin-side down and
products from local suppliers wher- cook for about 7 – 8 minutes (the skin
ever possible. should be nice and crispy!!) Discard
Sportsman’s Dinner some of the excess fat, turn the duck
The Seasonal Produce for May breasts over and cook for another 5
Calderglen’s Annual Sportsman’s minutes or so depending on the thick-
Dinner was held in Lochwinnoch is as follows:
Meat – Duck, Lamb ness of the breast. (Duck is best
Bowling Club on Saturday 14th served medium/rare, i.e pink and
March. Fish – Sea Trout, Sea Bass
Vegetables – Jersey Royal New moist.) Serve on a hot plate with the
Potatoes, Asparagus, Fennel, sauce drizzled over the duck breast.
The evening was a huge success, Enjoy with your choice of fresh vege-
thanks to Isobel Pratt and the ladies Rocket, Carrots, Courgettes
and Rhubarb. tables. e.g. simply boiled new pota-
of the club and staff members, who toes and carrots and/or with a side
provided an excellent meal. salad of rocket and tomatoes dressed
By Ivan Minucci (Cucina Minucci at with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic
Speakers John McKelvie and Peter vinegar.
the Junction)
Brown provided first class enter-
Calderglen Football Club would also HOUSE / FARM in LOCHWINNOCH
like to thank all the local businesses with
and shops in and around the village land and outbuildings Modern 2 bed un/furnished
for their support in sponsoring the
programme for the event. required in Lochwinnoch and flat for rent
surrounding area for 1st floor, 57 Calder Street
We would like to take this oppor- family home. Bright with views over
tunity to say a special thank you to Any condition considered. the golf course
Donald and Denise and the staff at £470 per month
the Garthland Arms for the great
hospitality shown by them in feeding Please call me on:
the opposing teams at our fixtures 07860 348896 Please call David on:
over the years. (not a developer). 07767 755 263
Councillor FIREWOOD
Arthur’s Report * Seasoned hardwood logs and kindling from
sustainable sources, split and ready to burn.
My thanks, as Chairman of Lochwin-
noch Partnership, for the very large * Supplied bagged, loose or by the trailer load.
attendance at our recent public consul- * FREE local delivery.
tation meeting, which we organised to * Order now - discounts available
provide you with the opportunity to for advance purchases.
voice your opinion on speeding traffic * We also stock BBQ Fuel and Chiminea Fuel
on Johnshill and on any other traffic Tel: 07973 719688 and ask for Mark
issues within and outwith the village.

Those present heard that the results of

a recent traffic survey based on 1700 choose which bonnets would win NEW
vehicles travelling up the Johnshill their owners the terrific prizes. OLDER PEOPLE
and out of the village, had an average CHARITY
speed of 29mph but that 50% of traffic The winners were Cathie O’Brien,
exceeded the speed limit. The average Margaret Paterson, Liz Glenn and Chief Executive Tom Wright CBE has
speed of the 1500 vehicles surveyed Annie Orr. been appointed as Chief Executive of
travelling down the Johnshill and into the new charity being formed by Age
the village was 28 mph with 30% of The event was absolutely fantastic Concern and Help the Aged.
this traffic exceeding the speed limit. and it was very pleasing to see
Following this survey it was unani- around 50 people of various ages He had this to say:
mously agreed that there is a speeding turning out and joining in the fun. “ On 1 April 2009, the four national
problem on Johnshill and that possible Age Concerns in England‚ Scotland‚
solutions to the problems are: im- The T Bar is an outstanding facility, Wales and Northern Ireland joined
proved signage, improved road mark- run by volunteers, to bring our com- with Help the Aged to create four new
ings, increased enforcement of the munity together to socialise and national charities dedicated to improv-
speed limit and introduction of traffic bond. My thanks and gratitude goes ing the lives of older people.
calming measures. The first three were to all of them.
widely agreed on but a show of hands We all speak with one voice on behalf
on speed cushions/speed tables re- of all older people. We are listening
My thanks also go to the organisers
to what older people want as we im-
vealed a split opinion of about 50/50. of the Lochwinnoch Arts Festival for prove our services and activities so
their hard work and dedication in that we can achieve our vision of a
With the vast majority in favour of putting on a very impressive, enter- world in which older people flourish.
the use of speed indicator signs, espe- taining and enjoyable programme
cially the type of speed indicator sign over the 4 days. It was my privilege We cannot achieve this on our own.
that we had in place in a recent trial, it and pleasure to support it. We do not just work on behalf of older
was agreed that this type of sign people‚ we engage with them in all
would be installed. This type of sign Getting the recycling boxes emptied that we do: listening to what they say‚
has the capability to record the speed is proving to be a challenge and al- campaigning for the change that they
of traffic. It has been agreed that, want‚ providing services where others
though I have been successful in
are not and selling products where the
once the system is set up, a 6-month getting the Crookhill Gardens boxes markets have failed.
review will be carried out on Johnshill emptied (well, on at least three
traffic. The team will also consider occasions in a row now), the Semple Last year‚ between us‚ we reached
posting this recorded data on the vil- Avenue boxes now appear to be ig- over 5 million older people with our
lage website. nored, but I’m on the case. Let me services‚ information and products.
know if the recycling uplift team are We work with partners to ensure that
Other issues pertaining to several giving your recycling boxes, brown together we can improve the lives of
areas within and outwith the village or black wheelies, the same treat- older people. The key partners are the
were also raised and these issues will ment. four national charities‚ all of whom
also be investigated. share a name and vision; and the
My next Surgery is on Saturday
many Age Concerns across the UK‚
It was Easter Parade time in the 16th May, but there is no need to
who provide services for older people
McKillop Hall at the very popular wait for a Surgery if you require my
in their area.”
Lochwinnoch T Bar and the entries for help. You can contact me on Tel:
the best Easter Bonnet competition 843507 and we can agree a time
when we can meet. Source: RCVS (Renfrewshire
were of a very high standard and it
Council for Voluntary Services)
certainly took a long time of delibera-
Councillor David Arthur
tion by John Harris and myself to
Lochwinnoch residents -
Can I help? If so, please don’t
by Derek Parker hesitate to get in touch.

BARR Castle on the outskirts of

Lochwinnoch is one of the most Douglas Alexander, Lochwinnoch’s MP
haunted landmarks in Renfrew-
shire. Write to: 2014 Mile End Mill, 12 Seedhill Road, Paisley, PA1 1JS
Tel: 0141 561 0333. E-mail:
Today all that remains of the or come to one of my advice surgeries.
16th century stronghold is a
tower which stands four-
storeys tall and is crested with
one of the castle's wealthy own- Even more mysterious is the fact
stone-corbelled battlements and
ers who wanted to keep secret his that several years ago the skele-
four corner turrets.
illicit affair with the servant. ton of a child was unearthed at
Barr limestone quarry, near the
But, in its heyday, the crenellated Some people will tell you that old castle. It was whispered in
castle had a large banqueting hall the weeping phantom still wan- neighbouring fermtouns, cot-
replete with minstrels' gallery, ders the fields and woods tages, biggins and shielings that
roomy apartments, spiral stair- around the castle at dead of the bleached bones were those of
case, massive keep, wooden night, arms outstretched, hair the distraught maidservant's
doors, servants' quarters, im- dishevilled and with staring, child whom she murdered in the
mense fireplaces, a spacious piercing eyes, watching the woods before hanging herself
courtyard and extensive out-
from a tree.
Another macabre tale tells how
The lands of Barr, which overlook Miss Jabez Hamilton, a wealthy
the beautiful Barr Loch and spinster who was one of the last
Woodside Meadows, were people to live at Barr Castle, died
granted to the powerful Glen in one of the rooms. When the
family by Robert, Abbot of Paisley funeral undertakers arrived to
Abbey, around 1506 before being remove her body for burial, they
acquired by the Hamiltons of had immense difficulty in man-
Ferguslie, who owned it until oeuvering Miss Hamilton's coffin
around 1788. down the spiral staircase.

On summer afternoons, when When I worked as a countryside

sheep graze on daisy-dappled ranger at Clyde Muirshiel Re-
pastures around its walls, gional Park more than 20 years
and nearby rose-robed hedges ago, I visited the interior Barr
are bespangled with violets, Castle to take photographs and
speedwells, red campions, lesser record some of the centuries-old
celandines and other beautiful inscriptions on the walls.
wildflowers, the rustic realm ex-
udes an aura of tranquillty and One gloomy winter afternoon,
peace. when I couldn't see the nearby
flickering flame from the para- loch for mist and the wind howled
But behind its outward veil of se- pet lamp which her lascivious banshee-like from the hills and
renity, Barr Castle harbours dark lover kindled to entice her to his moors above Glenlora and the
secrets of dastardly deeds, in- room - and her subsequent Calder Glen, it seemed time had
cluding murder, treachery, infi- slaughter. stood still and the swarming
delity, death, deceit and betrayal. ghosts of Barr Castle still haunted
Another version of the legend the turrets, battlements and
tells how the melancholic maid- staircases which they knew in life
According to one tradition, the
servant hanged herself in the and were reluctant to leave in
500-years-old fortification is
nearby Barr woodlands after her death.
haunted by the wailing phantom
unscrupulous suitor discovered
of a young maidservant with
she was pregnant and drove Derek Parker worked as a
flowing black hair and wearing
her, homeless and penniless, countryside ranger at Clyde
blood-stained garments. It’s
from the castle to fend for her- Muirshiel Regional Park fom
rumoured the ghostly girl was
self and her infant child. 1985 to 1999.
brutally bludgeoned to death by
Renfrewshire Council
Mediation Service
Renfrewshire Council’s Mediation
Service deals with neighbour disputes
and has been successfully operating
for many years now. Their Mediators
help neighbours to discuss and sort
out their differences. The service is
free, voluntary and confidential and is
available to all residents of Renfrew-
shire, regardless of tenure.
With a success rate in excess of 80%
for people who are willing to resolve
problems and improve their situation,
mediation could be the way forward.
They are happy to visit organisations
and trained mediators can give a pres-
entation fully explaining how the proc-
ess works or people can self refer.
For more information please contact
The Mediation Service on Tel:
0141 840 5140. LOCHWINNOCH
Anti Social Behaviour Helpline
The Art group have been busy since
The Council has an Antisocial the last report.
Behaviour Helpline. It provides a sin-
gle point of contact for all of the Coun- The Strathclyde Police website
cil’s antisocial behaviour services. contains information on all of the The group took part, along with other
new local Community Policing local artists, in exhibiting at the Arts
The helpline telephone number is: Teams, which aims to increase Festival at the end of March. It was a
0800 169 1283 and all calls are the visibility of the officers within well-attended exhibition, which ran
treated in complete confidence. their communities. for a full week in the ' Library Room '
Trained staff can provide practical at Lochwinnoch Library. A number of
advice, reassurance and assistance to Take a look at our website - exhibits, including original works and
help you sort out any difficulties you www. prints were sold. The Arts Festival
have with neighbours or other people Committee hope that more local artists
for contact details of officers
in your area. You can call the help-
in your local Policing Team. might like to exhibit at this event next
line from 9am to 10pm, seven days a
year. Details about this will be re-
Please note the new phone number leased next year.
for ASIST (Anti-social Behaviour
Talk it Over Investigations Team) - see below and The Art Group meets again on Mon-
‘Talk it Over’ is an informal group front page (top right-hand corner) of day 4th May at 7.30pm in the Lesser
aimed at women who would benefit this issue of Chatterbox. Hall, McKillop Institute. The meet-
from a chance to come along to chat ings are held fortnightly until June.
with the group’s supporters and other
women in a relaxed and comfortable
USEFUL The group had an interesting and en-
atmosphere. The group meets every CONTACT NUMBERS joyable meeting on 30th March when
Tuesday morning between 10.30 and the artist and former art school tutor,
12.00 in Paisley Abbey (access via Strathclyde Police –0141 532 5900
Neil MacDonald, took a class in life
the café). Johnstone Police –01505 404000
Johnstone Community Safety drawing. The group learned a lot in a
The group meets on a very informal Office – 01505 404023 short time and we hope to be able to
basis however counselling services Trading Standards 0141 840 3233 ask him back in the future.
can be arranged if required. Care and Repair – 0141 812 4111
A free crèche facility is available. Renfrewshire Council - Our remaining nights will include
For further information please contact Tel: 0141 842 5000 Watercolour Techniques by
Joan on Tel: 0141 881 7495 or 07753 Anti-social Behaviour Investigation Christine Brown, and
138786 Team (ASIST) - 0141 840 2163 Pastel by Phil Arbon.
Victim Support – 0141 887 0328
Articles provided by RCVS Nuisance Support & Advice
Helpline – 0800 169 1283 Why not come along and get a taste
(Renfrewshire Council for before we disband for the summer.
Voluntary Services) Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111
Everyone is welcome, Johnstone Police Office. from age 18yrs upwards.
Support your local hardware store.
We stock hardware, electrical, plumbing, paint sundries, gardening and
fancy goods at competitive prices. Mobile phone top-ups.
FREE local deliveries, all major credit cards accepted.
TECHNOLOGY IN FIGHT 86 Main Street, Kilbirnie, KA25 7AA Tel/Fax: 01505 682125
AGAINST CRIME OPEN - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am-1pm & 2.15-5.15pm

Police and wardens in Renfrewshire additional prosecution evidence, if Inspector Laing explained:
are to be equipped with state-of-the- required. “Community Police Officers and
art cameras in a groundbreaking initia- We are continually looking at innova- Wardens will use the cameras on mo-
tive to fight crime. tive approaches to targeting anti- bile, foot and mountain bike patrols
social behaviour. This new technol- throughout Renfrewshire, particularly
In a first for Scotland, both police offi- ogy will be used to deter such crimi- within locally defined hot spots.
cers and council wardens will wear nality, gather evidence, provide cor-
body-mounted cctv cameras to record I would like to reassure the public that
roboration and show openness and
incidents. The innovative approach is there are strict protocols and guide-
being jointly launched by Strathclyde lines governing the use of the cam-
Police and Renfrewshire Council. The cameras will also provide pro- eras and any video image not required
tection for officers, without restricting for evidential purposes will be auto-
Superintendent Donald McCallum their actions or movements, by act- matically destroyed after 31 days.”
explained: ing as a visible deterrent to any po-
tential assailant; making a clear This initiative has been funded by
“This is a first for partnership work- statement that their actions will be Renfrewshire Council and supported
ing in Scotland. Specially selected recorded. by the Area Procurator Fiscal. Ren-
police officers and council wardens in frewshire Council has 46 wardens
Renfrewshire will wear the body- Superintendent McCallum added: who work in teams of two. One body-
mounted cameras as part of a partner- mounted camera will be used per pair.
ship initiative, designed to impact on “Importantly, as the camera re-
anti-social behaviour. cords the actions of the officer, it will Councillor Brian Lawson, Ren-
increase accountability and reduce frewshire Council’s community safety
The lightweight device is overtly worn the scope for false allegations.”
and clearly visible on the officer’s uni- spokesperson, said:
form. It will not record continuously, “This is an innovative approach
This partnership initiative was devel- being adopted in Renfrewshire with
but will be used by officers to docu- oped by Communities Inspector
ment incidents they are attending, both police and wardens using body-
John Laing, who operates from the mounted cameras. The body-mounted
recording what an officer sees, hears Division’s Johnstone office.
and says, as well as providing cameras will support the use of two
cctv vans by our wardens and anti-
social behaviour investigations team.
Images captured by these cameras
can be vital in identifying those re-
sponsible for carrying out anti-social
Our wardens were relaunched last
year with a wider role of working with
community police to tackle anti-social
behaviour and environmental crime
such as dog-fouling and littering. The
use of these cameras will assist the
wardens in carrying out their duties
and lead to further reduction in crime
in our communities.
Renfrewshire Council and the police,
along with other partner agencies,
have committed themselves to work-
ing together under the Safer Ren-
frewshire Partnership to make Ren-
frewshire a safer place to live, work
and visit over the next three years.”
Antiques, Curios and Crafts
A dynamic selection of oils, watercolours and
limited edition prints.
Bespoke crafts by local artisans, vintage and
contemporary jewellery.
Well worth discovering for yourself.
The Barn on the Farm, open 10am till late every day.
Contact Greta Logan on Tel: 01505 683338 Mob: 07786 720586

West Bankside Farm, Geirston Rd, Kilbirnie, KA25 7LQ

Just opposite the Golf Course on the Largs Rd.

CHARLES RENNIE made his reputation by the age of 30. formation of “The Four”. This group
MACKINTOSH At the same time, he completed the comprised Mackintosh, his wife, her
Queen’s Cross Church in Glasgow. It sister Francis Macdonald and Herbert
June 7, 1868 – December 10, 1928
is the only church he built and is MacNair. They exhibited in Glasgow,
now the Charles Rennie Mackintosh London, Dresden, Venice, Munich,
Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Society Headquarters. This period Budapest, Moscow and Vienna which
architect and artist, was Scotland’s was the pinnacle of a relatively short helped establish Mackintosh's reputa-
most famous designer during the Arts architectural career where he devel- tion. Rejecting the florid over rich
and Crafts movement. Celebrated oped his own style: a contrast be- curvilinear motifs more associated
around the world as one of the most tween strong right angles and floral- with Art Nouveau they preferred
creative figures of the early 20th cen- inspired decorative motifs with sub- sound structures, simplicity, long
tury, Mackintosh was one of the main tle curves, e.g. the Mackintosh Rose straight lines and organised space.
exponents of Art Nouveau in the motif. Cool colours such as white, mauve,
United Kingdom. He had a con- Mackintosh took his inspiration green and grey were often dramati-
siderable influence on European de- from his upbringing and blended it cally emphasised by black.
sign and is considered one of the most with the flourish of Art Nouveau and Although he concentrated on
important pioneers of the New Style the simplicity of Japanese forms. water-colours in the latter part of his
on the continent. Through its expanding ship building career, it is Mackintosh's contribution
Born in Glasgow, he was appren- industry Glasgow had developed to modern architecture and design for
ticed to John Hutchinson at the age of close links with Japan. Mackintosh
16, moving to Honneyman & Keppie’s which he will be remembered. A num-
admired the Japanese style of de- ber of his more ambitious designs
architectural practice after 5 years. signing furniture using simple forms
Aged 22 he was on a sketching tour of were never constructed but, as so
and natural material. often happens, gained popularity after
Italy having won a Travelling Student- Other major influences included
ship sponsored by Alexander “Greek” his death. His “House of the Art
his wife Margaret Macdonald, an Lover” was finally built in Bellahous-
Thomson to study ancient classic ar- artist at Glasgow School of Art, whom
chitecture. ton Park in 1996.
he married in 1900. Much of what
By 25, he had started his first can be seen in the buildings and col- He will be commemorated on a new
grand architectural project, the lections involves their artistic col- issue of Clydesdale Bank £100 notes,
Glasgow Herald Building. His design laboration. This had developed into which the Stirrup Cup will gladly ex-
of the Glasgow School of Art really “The Glasgow Style” following the change for any of our items.

Christian Keeping hope alive!

Christian Aid Week is seven amazing days of fundraising, prayer
Aid Week and action against global poverty. Add your time, money and
10 – 16 May 09 voice this week, and see them multiplied to make an impact
around the world through Christian Aid.

LOCHWINNOCH Christian Aid Group blighted by disease, famine and war.

will be active in and around the village on Christian Aid
Make an even bigger difference by filling out the Gift Aid
Week 10th to 16th May. Please give generously in your sup-
part of the envelope before it is collected. This simple act
port when the red envelope comes through your letterbox.
will ADD almost 20% to your donation.
Every pound given will help Christian Aid fund projects The Group will be working hard to give all in the
throughout the world where there is genuine need. Take this village the opportunity to make a donation.
opportunity to make a difference to the lives of those Please give as generously as you are able to do.

Be the lifeblood for poor communities! Christian Aid Week – keeping hope alive!
Betty continues to be a regular visitor to journeymen and master weavers of
LOCHWINNO the reserve and a great friend of the RSPB
to this day.
Paisley, and Wilson joined the ranks of
the former with all the determined energy
WRITERS Betty's books of poetry include: Flicker-
ing Images, Muirshiel Poetry Trails,
which so characterized him. Fierce and
bitter anonymous satires appeared, which
Widdershins and Murmurations itself. were rightly assigned to Wilson. Wilson
The amazing wildlife of Lochwinnoch has was prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned,
IN THE LIBRARY, been inspiring people for hundreds of and compelled to burn the libel with his
ON MONDAYS 9.30-11.30AM. years. Artists, musicians, and poets like own hands at Paisley Cross.
Betty have all been moved by the beauti- Wilson’s situation soon became intol-
ful surroundings and incredible wealth of erably unpleasant to him; and he resolved
This month we print one of Betty McKel- wild creatures, to create their own works upon emigrating to America. Having
lar’s poems from her recent exhibition of art. Probably the most famous person to bidden adieu to his friends and relatives,
and reading at the RSPB Nature Centre. write about the wildlife of the area was he walked on foot to Portpatrick, whence
But Lochwinnoch’s association with Alexander Wilson (the 18th Century poet he passed over to Belfast, and embarked
ornithology and poetry goes back far and 'Father of American Ornithology' ). on board a vessel bound for Newcastle
beyond the present day so we include Born in Paisley, Wilson worked as a Delaware, sleeping on the deck. He landed
some poetry by and something about weaver in Lochwinnoch and wrote: in America on the 14th July, 1804, with
Alexander Wilson who lived and worked only a few shillings in his pocket, without
in our village. First a poem by Betty: a friend or letter of introduction, or any
ADJOINING THIS, midst bord'ring reeds definite idea in what manner he was to
TASTE A WORD and fens, earn his future livelihood.
The lengthen'd lake its glossy flood But Alexander studied drawing in
extends; Philadelphia and put his natural talent and
“Murmurations.” - Slow stealing on with lazy silent pace, love of ornithology to very good use.
Say the word and echo it— The Peel lone rising from its watery face. Before he died, at the age of 47 worn out
mur-mur-a-tions; by journeying, he had produced seven
whisper it, Here stalks the heron, gazing in the lake, volumes of the magnificent American
let it loll and linger on your lip The snowy swan and party coloured Ornithology, with portraits of 320 birds,
taste music drake; 32 new to science. The better known
The bittern lone, that shakes the solid Audubon followed in his footsteps, but
in the feel of it.
ground, Wilson led the way. Several species
Words like this tell a story While thro' still midnight groans the carry his name: Wilson’s plover, snipe,
sing their own song. hollow sound. phalarope, petrel, warbler and thrush.
Play it along. The noisy goose, the teal in blackening
And in autumn when the myriad And long-billed snipe that knows ap- THE ALEXANDER WILSON SUITE IN
starlings in their far-off proaching rains; PAISLEY TOWN HALL contains prints from
American Ornithology.
Wildfowl unnumbered, here continual We have reprinted text from the Murmu-
shift and drift rove, rations booklet produced by the RSPB but
and whirr Explore the deep or sail the waves above. also other sources, including the VILLAGE
and rift WEBSITE: and
and close and veer ELECTRIC SCOTLAND:
and fall and lift
in the wondrous one-ness of a
cloud-kaleidoscope in shades of grey
against the rose backdrop of a
BURNS though at first he found
the salty Bard a bit too much
for him. When Wilson’s lively narrative
Our excellent LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY, for meetings,
poem, "Watty and Meg" was published will have greater knowledge in depth
darkening day anonymously, it was universally attributed about Wilson but we thought it would be
delight in it . . . to Burns. But this, which he took as a interesting to show the deep tradition
great compliment, was the last gleam of linking poetry and ornithology in
murmurations sunshine Wilson enjoyed in Scotland. Lochwinnoch.
A violent dispute broke out between the


reserve at Lochwinnoch is of very long
standing. She was the first school teacher Birds were also the subject of the children’s
to bring classes to study birds at the
reserve in the early 1970s when the poetry competition at this year’s Arts Festival.
reserve was first established and opened to The winning poems are featured later in this issue
the public. Under her support and guid-
ance, the children of Lochwinnoch
of Chatterbox (see Arts Festival pages).
Primary School did some fine project
work based on the birds found at the
reserve. Hopefully, these studies instilled
an abiding love of birds in them all.
From the The Church is made of the living
stones of those who worship week J Quinn & son
Parish Church by week; the Church is all those who Memorials
would love to join with us yet for
The hopes we had many reasons, cannot do so. The
were much too high, Church is also there for all people. In Personal Service &
way out of reach but we have to try, the Church we cannot decide who is
in and who is out, for God has al- Quality Guaranteed
no need to hide, no need to run,
’cause all the answers come ready made that decision. When
one by one. Christ died on the cross, he did so
The game will never be over for all people.
because we’re keeping Therefore, if the Church is the bride
the dream alive. of Christ and we are Christ’s hands
in the world, the only option is for us New Memorials
Münchener Freiheit to take seriously the words of the
Marriage Service and hold out love Additional Inscriptions
As you will remember from last and hope for all people for better,
month’s edition of Chatterbox, the for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
theme of this year’s Christian Aid Cleaning & Renovations
sickness and in health, to love and
Week is “Keeping hope alive!” We cherish, for as long as we all live.
are invited to be the lifeblood for poor
communities and work with them to This Christian Aid Week, you will Mon 10am –5pm, Tue –Fri 10am –2pm
fight for a world free of poverty and see people walking around our vil- Evenings & Weekends by Arrangement
injustice. That is a campaign that eve- lage with the distinctive Christian
ryone is invited to join, regardless of Aid bags and the well-known red NEW SHOWROOM
creed or belief and it is one in which envelopes. Not everyone has the 42 Main Street, KILBIRNIE
we can all play a part. Fighting for a time, energy or ability to be a collec- Please Call 01505 68 5455
world free of poverty and injustice tor; not everyone can afford to put a
may sound like a hope much too high, large amount of money in the enve-
yet we do indeed have to try. For if we lope; yet if we all do what we can,
don’t, who will? If we don’t keep then our gift will be multiplied and LOCHWINNOCH
hope alive for our brothers and sisters we will keep hope alive. All those of PARISH CHURCH
around the world, who will? Yet that us who pay income tax can make our
also begs the question, “Why should gift go further by filling in the Gift
we work to help those we have never Aid section.
This year we can all join in the fight
I am always humbled by the words I for a world free of poverty and injus- A Special Service is being held
say during a Marriage Service to the tice. If we are ever tempted to think on Sunday 31st May at 11am in
couple just after they have taken their that is a step too far, then let us re- Lochwinnoch Parish Church.
vows and exchanged their rings: “By member the words of the Chinese
these signs you take each other, to philosopher, Lao-tzu, who tells us, The guest preacher will be the Very
have and to hold from this day for- “The journey of a thousand miles Rev. Dr James Simpson, who is a
ward; for better, for worse, for richer, begins beneath one’s feet.” former Moderator of the General
for poorer, in sickness and in health, This month, as we seek to keep hope Assembly.
to love and cherish, for as long as you alive for our brothers and sisters
live.” In our wedding services, we around the world, we remember that Tea will be served in the Hall,
recognise that we must support our the journey begins below our own followed by an Organ Recital at
beloved, in all times, both good and feet; the journey begins from a mo- 1.00 pm.
bad. ment of stillness and contemplation
and then leads us to action, action The guest organist will be Cameron
If we in the Church believe anything, that can change the world. Murdoch, who normally plays the
then it is that Jesus’ love is for all the organ at Renfield St John’s Church
world. The way the Bible explains the Thank you to all who will be fight- in Glasgow. He will be playing at
relationship between Jesus and the ing for a world free of poverty and the morning service and will be
Church is one of marriage. The injustice. bringing a small singing group along
Church is Jesus’ beloved bride and he as well.
will love and cherish her. So who or
what is the Church? Of course it is the You are warmly invited to both of
buildings we see in our village, yet the Rev. Christine Murdoch these events.
Church is so much more.
All ironing picked up and dropped off at your convenience


* ONE-
• Lochwinnoch Community
Walks - Mondays (ex. Public MONTHLY CLEANS
Holidays), 10.30 am at The Cross. * GOOD COMPETITIVE RATES
• Lochwinnoch Playgroup - For
under 5’s, every Monday, Tuesday AVAILABLE, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE.
and Wednesday from 9.30-11.30
(during term time) at the McKil-
Tel: 01505 682345 Mobile: 07809 677485
lop Inst. *
• Kickjitsu for Kids - Monday • Girls Brigade -
nights, from 5pm-6.45pm in the 1st Lochwinnoch Company
Parish Church Hall. Wednesday evenings from 6pm-
9.15pm at the Parish Church
• Lochwinnoch Gymnastics Hall for various age groups.
Club - For primary school-age CALDER DRAMA
children every Monday,5-7pm at • Yoga Classes -
the Annexe. Phone Coby for de- Wednesday evening classes - Calder Drama's May Production
tails on: 0772 9051615. Yoga & Relaxation from 6-7.20pm
- some spaces still available. My Friend Miss Flint
• Morag’s Keep Fit - Mondays
(The Yoga & Meditation classes
and Thursdays from 7pm, in the written by
from 7.30-9pm are now fully
McKillop Institute. Donald Churchill and Peter Yeldham,
booked.) Contact Mary for in-
will be staged on
• Lochwinnoch Choral Society. formation on: 01505 842877.
Rehearsals on Monday evenings, Thursday 21st May
Parish Church/ Hall. Juniors 7- • Happy Harminis - Fun for pre &
-school children. Thursdays
7.30pm, Intermediates 7.30-
from 10am in the McKillop Insti-
Friday 22nd May
8.30pm and Seniors from 8pm. at the McKillop Institute.
tute. Contact Frankie Plater for
• Lochwinnoch Art Group details: 01505 612248. Doors opening at 7.00 pm with the
Meet fortnightly on Monday Production commencing at 7.30 pm.
evenings, 7.30pm, McKillop • Slinky Strollers - on Thurs-
Institute. days (see back page for details). Refreshments will be on sale both
nights. Tickets - £5 for Adults & £3
• Advice Works - Tuesdays 10am • Calder Drama Club— for Senior Citizens and Children.
-12.30 at the Library. * Thursdays, from 8pm-10pm
McKillop Institute.
• Drop-in T Bar - Lochwinnoch When Tom Lambert, Botanist and TV
Elderly Forum. Every Tuesday • Scottish Slimmers - Thurs- Gardening expert, receives a phone
and Thursday from 10am-1pm, days, 7/7.30pm, McKillop Inst. call one morning from the Inland
McKillop Institute. All welcome. Revenue enquiring about his Public
For details, call Reta on: 01505 • Lochwinnoch Pre-School Relations Consultant, a Miss Joanna
842054. Gymnastics ( for children from Flint, he is clearly mystified as he has
18 mths to 5 yrs). Fridays, from never even heard of the woman. By
• Baby and Toddler Rhyme- 10.15am - 1.45pm at the Annexe. lunchtime, however, he knows all
time - every Tuesday, 2.15pm at Further details from Coby on about Miss Flint and wishes he didn't,
Lochwinnoch Library. * Tel: 0772 9051615. for Sarah, his Accountant and Ex-
• TaeKwon-Do Fitness and Self- • Tai Chi for Beginners - wife, confesses she invented her as a
defence classes for all. Tuesdays Friday nights, 6.45-7.45pm, The Tax dodge and unfortunately the Tax
from 5-6pm, McKillop Institute. Room, Lochwinnoch Library. people are on to it. How Tom and
For details Tel: 01259 210716. Sarah manage to extricate themselves
from this tricky situation, hindered
• Linda Margaret School of VILLAGE EVENT by Albert, the part-time house
Dancing - Tuesdays from 4pm- cleaner and Pub Entertainer, Lucy, a
8.45pm, McKillop Institute. For CALENDAR for 2009 young Market Researcher plus Dodds
details, Tel: 0141 581 9104. Lochwinnoch Post Office has a wall- and Lens, Tax Inspectors, provides
mounted planner, where members of
• Boys Brigade - Anchor Boys the public can enter details of forth-
plenty of sparkling moments in this
and Junior Sections meet on Tues- highly entertaining comedy.
coming events.
day nights and Company Please use this planner to avoid any Tickets can be obtained from any
Section on Friday evenings, clashes when choosing dates to hold member of the Drama Club and also
Parish Church Hall. (See Church events, and to help publicise your from the following retailers.
notice board for more details.) Cut & Care Hairdressing, Now and
own events in and around the village
and local area. Then and Wilson Bakers.
Dates for
your diaries
• Sunday 10th - Saturday 16th
May - Christian Aid Week. *
• Fri 15th and Sat 16th May -
Book Sale at Lochwinnoch Library.
• Friday 15th May - Bingo Night,
7.3opm at the Bowling Club. *
• Saturday 16th May —Councillor
Arthur’s Surgery from 11.30am at
the McKillop Institute. *
• • Saturday 13th June - Burns
Monday 18th May - Lochwin-
noch Art Group meeting, 7.3opm, Night, 7.30 for 8pm in the
McKillop Lesser Hall. * Masonic Hall. * BOWLING CLUB
• Thursday 21st May and Fri- • Saturday 13th June -
day 22nd May - Calder Drama Lochwinnoch Gala Day, starts Friday 15th May
production - “My Friend Miss 12.30pm from Auld Simon. * Bingo starts 7.30pm.
Flint”. 7 for 7.3opm, McKillop Inst * Entry £1, includes tea.
• Saturday 13th June - 27th
• Friday 22nd May - Fashion Lochwinnoch Open Race, starts
at 2.15pm in Calder Street. * Saturday 6th June
Show, 8pm in the Masonic Hall. *
An evening of entertainment with
• Wednesday 27th May - Talk by • Friday 19th June - TCT Pat Cairns, appearing as
Luisa Piluso - Anti-Slavery Inter- “Not the Booze Cruise” - see TCT Neil Diamond & Kenny Rodgers.
national organisation, 7.30pm in News for more details. *
Tickets £10 from Margaret on
the Parish Church. * • Saturday 20th to Sunday Tel: 843013.
21st June - Castle Semple
• Thursday 28th May - Lochwin-
Sailing Club 24-hour charity Friday 19th June
noch Elderly Forum meeting is at
race on Castle Semple Loch. * Psychic Night
1pm in the McKillop Inst. *
starts 7.30pm (prompt)
• Saturday 30th May— * See inside this issue of Chatterbox
Entry £7, contact Suzanne Pryde
Sponsored Cycle round the Isle of for further details of these events.
on 07740 397396.
Cumbrae —(see TCT article.) *
• Sunday 31st May - Special COMMUNITY PLANNING Sunday 21st June
Service at 11am & Organ Recital at CONFERENCES Bowling Club Open Day
1pm, Lochwinnoch Parish Church* From 1pm.
• Tuesday 2nd June - 7.30pm This is early notification for the Come along and have a go at
Lochwinnoch Community 2009 series of Community Plan-
Council meeting, in the Guild ning Conferences set to take
Room of the Parish Church. place in Renfrewshire throughout MASONIC CLUB
• Wednesday 3rd June—meeting September.
of LIA and Fairtrade Campaign More information and booking EVENTS
group (see LIA article for details). details will be made available
• Saturday 6th June -
closer to the time. FASHION SHOW
Councillor Neil Bibby’s Advice Friday 22nd May
Surgery, at 9am, McKillop Inst.* For now, please note the dates
and locations: at 8pm in the Masonic Hall
• Saturday 6th June - Calder UF features Gloria’s Fashions
Church Summer Fete 11am-1pm. Thursday 17th September 2009 Purchases can be made on the night by
Johnstone Town Hall 9.45am-2.30pm
• Saturday 6th June - Evening cash or card. Tickets at the door.
with Pat Cairns at the Bowling Club. * Tuesday 22nd September 2009
Glynhill Hotel
• Sunday 7th June - Two sessions: 9.45am – 2.30pm and BURNS’ NIGHT
Lochwinnoch Farmers’ Market - 6pm – 9.30pm
11am till 2.30pm or sold out at Saturday 13th June
Castle Semple Centre. Thursday 24th September 2009 7.30 for 8pm in the Masonic Hall
• Thursday 11th June - Tea/ Cargill Hall, Bridge of Weir featuring a Jolly Beggar’s Cantata
Coffee Party to raise funds for 9.45am – 2.30pm as composed by Robert Burns.
MacMillan Nurses - from 2pm at Wednesday 30th September 2009 Tickets £5, from usual sources or
the Library. * Paisley Town Hall 9.45am – 2.30pm contact Johnny Mair on Tel: 842959.
Renfrewshire Libraries
Lochwinnoch Library Present
New Books for adults
Ann Cleeves – Red Bones
And, as usual, her suspicions are well-
founded: without telling her, he sells the Baby & Toddler
van and saddles his wife with a new,
When a young archaeologist studying on a characterless vehicle . . . a situation that
site at Lerwick discovers a set of human must be remedied. And so she sets out to
remains - the island community is in- find the van, unaware, for the moment,
trigued. Is it an ancient find - or a more that it has already been stolen from the
contemporary mystery? Then an elderly man who bought it, making recovery a
lady is shot on her land in a tragic acci- more complicated process than she had
dent and Jimmy Perez is called in……. expected…………………………

John Connor – Unsafe There are regular additions to

On the day Karen Sharpe is promoted to
Junior book stocks … and Pre-5
Detective Sergeant she loses control and
attacks a prisoner she is interrogating. up to young adult books.
Rhyme time
Duly suspended, Karen is investigated and at
seemingly cleared, but more than a year
later the incident still casts a long shadow.
Lochwinnoch Library
When the battered body of a young girl is
Looking for inspiration for Every Tuesday 2.15pm
discovered, it kicks off an inquiry which your garden ?
pushes Karen and a trainee DC, Marcus Renfrewshire Libraries have a large
Roth, too close for comfort, both on and stock of books on garden design, plants Renfrewshire Libraries
off-duty. The investigation leads to Mary and planting. Here are a few currently
Bradley, currently the carer for a helpless available at Lochwinnoch Library.
six-year-old boy, Andrew Farrar. As the Reading Roots Homecoming
truth of Mary Bradley's violent past Terence Conran : The essential garden Scotland 2009
emerges, the inquiry becomes a race book A themed collection of books
against time before Andrew becomes just Roger Sweetinburgh : Small garden celebrating great Scottish
another one of her child victims…….. planner
Claire Matthews: Great gardens for kids
writers past and present.
Cathy Kelly – Once in a lifetime Peter McHoy : Big ideas for small Currently available at
Kenny's Department Store, with its hand- gardens Lochwinnoch & Johnstone
some Edwardian facade and unique Marshall Craigmyle : Long flowering Libraries.
cherry-picked goods, is the jewel in the garden plants
Irish town of Ardagh's crown. David HRH Price of Wales : Elements of
Kenny, its charismatic owner, has poured Organic gardening
his heart and soul into transforming the Gay Search & Delia Smith : Delia’s ADVICE WORKS
store. Star Bluestone sells her beautifully kitchen garden
crafted tapestries at Kenny's. Made with Nicola Ferguson : Right plant.. Right
Tuesdays 10am –12.30pm
natural dyes, they embody her mother- place. Advisors are on hand to help fill in
earth spirit and creative vision. She has a Clare Matthews: How does your garden claim forms, check and advise on
special reason for caring about Kenny's grow… for green-fingered kids. welfare benefits/money problems.
beyond her sales…. Meanwhile for Ingrid
Fitzgerald, hotshot political interviewer Library Events Advisors can provide expert advice
and wife of David Kenny, the store is the Book Sale
'other woman' in her marriage. With her on a wide range of debt related
Friday 15th and Sat 16th May topics, such as credit card, mortgage
children leaving home and her career blos-
selection of adult and junior stock for arrears, council tax, etc.
soming, she is worried by the toll the store
sale (during library opening hours).
is taking on her husband………. The service is FREE, confidential and
Tea/Coffee Party open to all Renfrewshire residents.
Alexander McCall Smith – Tea time
Thursday 11th June from 2pm,
for the traditionally built
to raise funds for MacMillan Nurses.
(The tenth book in the No 1 Ladies Detec-
tive agency series) NORMAL OPENING
Mama Ramotswe's ever-ready tiny white Renew and Reserve HOURS :
van has recently developed a rather dis- at
turbing noise. Of course, Mr. J.L.B. Mate-
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
koni - her estimable husband and one of 2pm–5pm & 6pm–8pm
Library members can view, renew
Botswana's most talented mechanics– is and reserve their library loans Tuesday and Saturday: 10am–1pm
the man to turn to for help. But Precious online. All you need to get started is and 2pm–5pm
suspects he might simply condemn the your library membership number Closed Thursday.
van and replace it with something more and a password. If you don’t have a Tel: 01505 842305
modern. password just ask at any library.

Success at Provost’s Award

Cucina Minucci was nominated and short-
listed for the first Spirit of Fairtrade
Award made as part of the annual Pro-
vost’s Award ceremony held in late March
at the Normandy Hotel, Renfrew. This was
in recognition of the efforts made by Ivan
and Jo to promote and sell Fairtrade prod-
ucts in their bistro, whilst supporting the
work of the Fairtrade Campaign Group
who made the nomination for the Award.

In the event, the Award went to the Rain-

bow Turtle in Paisley with Cucina The next LIA meeting will be held LIA Fundraising News
Minucci being one of the runners up on Wednesday 27th May, LIA’s last fundraising event was a great
(photo shows Ivan with other award win- starting at 7.30 in the Parish Church. Cuban Music Night in February which
ners and the Provost). Despite the dis- inspired many to get their dancing shoes
appointment of not winning the Award, Guest speaker, Luisa Piluso, will on and take up Salsa. We hope to repeat
the evening resulted in good local public- give a talk on the aims and work this in the future. The money raised that
ity for the cause of Fairtrade in Lochwin- of the Anti-Slavery International night went to a musical instruments
noch and the support it receives at the organisation. charity in Cuba to promote musical talent.
Junction. It builds on the achievement of LIA are always open to hearing about
Fairtrade status for the village and recent new projects that villagers are directly
success of Fairtrade Fortnight. For many people, the image that
connected with.
comes to mind when they hear the
New Fairtrade Bag For Sale word ‘slavery’ is the slavery of the Two members of the group have been
Transatlantic Slave Trade. We think busy fundraising for two African projects.
A new Fairtrade shopping bag, to of the buying and selling of people, Jenny Bhatia has been associated with the
celebrate our Fairtrade village status, has Amani Centre for Disabled Children in
their shipment from one continent to
recently gone on sale in Fairtrade retailers Tanzania for many years and sells Tanza-
and caterers throughout the village at a another and the abolition of the trade
nian jewellery to raise funds. Jewellery is
price of £2.50. It is made from organic in the early 1800s. Even if we know
purchased at a fair price and then all the
cotton that is produced in India and has a nothing about the slave trade, it is income from the sale goes back to the
gusset that will allow you to fit in more something we think of as part of Amani Centre.
shopping than the previous bag. It carries our history rather than our present. Jenny Bhatia helped to take a group of
the prominent slogan 'Lochwinnoch Sup- But the reality is slavery continues pupils from Johnstone High School to
ports Fairtrade', together with the Fair- TODAY. work at the Amani Centre last summer
trade village logo; and also acknowledges which was a great experience for all of
the sponsorship that was received from Millions of men, women and chil- them. Several of the pupils are planning
Cucina Minucci at The Junction, Loch- to go back and do voluntary work there in
dren around the world are forced to
winnoch Community Council and the the near future.
Scottish Fair Trade Forum (SFTF). Any lead lives as slaves. Although this
surplus generated from sales will be used exploitation is often not called
The other project is the selling of beautiful
to further promote Fairtrade in the village. slavery, the conditions are the same; handmade cards from Malawi and the
bonded labour, human trafficking, funds from that are going to an orphanage
Future Meetings forced marriages, child labour. there. This was initiated by a visit made
People are sold like objects, forced to the village by Mary Boloweza, who
The next scheduled meeting of the
Fairtrade Campaign Group and Lochwin- to work for little or no pay and are at was hosted by Bob Turner and his family.
noch International Aid will be held on the mercy of their 'employers'. LIA arranged a Jembe workshop led by
June 3 at 29 High St. at 7.4pm. New and Mary, which proved very enjoyable and
existing supporters are always welcome to Come along on the 27th May, to find successful as it appealed to all ages. Mary
attend and we would welcome your help out what Anti-Slavery International Alice Mansell and Jenny Bhatia have been
in preparing our stall at the Gala Day on selling the cards at various events and
has been able to achieve in combat-
June 13, where we will be selling Fair- they should be available at the LIA/ Fair-
ing modern day slavery. trade stall at the Gala Day. Information
trade goods as well as having exhibition
boards to show the projects we have sup- All are most welcome to about LIA/Fairtrade work can be found in
ported in different parts of the world. the Cucina Minucci at the Junction.
attend this FREE meeting.
TRUST NEWS How do you sum up Allister in
a few words?
Work is now getting underway at the
Yorkhill and Edinburgh units and the I could write screeds about him
fundraising goes on as we are still and never capture his spirit.
well short of the money needed for the His smile is the first thing that
Yorkhill TCT Unit. springs to my mind – a calm,
happy, mischievous smile.
Chips & Opera
This year’s event somehow managed A 20-year old, dying of a brain
to top last year’s ! tumour should have nothing to
The champagne flowed and the ‘chish smile about but we never saw
and fips’ were well washed down with him without one. He’d text some
wine. Katy Morrel and Robert Crowe jokes - some (most), a bit close
from Scottish Opera were accompa- to the bone, just like a typical,
nied beautifully by Lynda Cochrane ordinary, 20-year old guy who
and received a standing ovation at the just happened to have cancer.
end of their set – the ‘Warthog’ song But Al wasn’t ordinary.
was hysterical and Mr J Delaney man-
aged to escape harm after comparing On hearing the news that the
his co-host to the said Warthog!! The doctors could do no more for He also increased the amount of
grand draw prize of Dinner at the him, he decided to throw a huge people who know about the work
Crowne Plaza, followed by two tickets party to say thank you and to of TCT. However, the biggest
to see Bizet’s Carmen at the SECC, raise funds for Clic Sergeant and lesson this fabulous young man
was well sought after and the ‘Left / Teenage Cancer Trust – the two taught me was that it’s not the
Right’ Game had people in hysterics charities who had helped him. It quantity of life that we have that’s
(although the sober guests had an ad- was packed with an amazing at- important but the quality.
vantage over the ‘had a little tipple’ mosphere, an under-current of And boy, was this guy quality.
guest!) sadness but with people deter-
mined to stamp that sadness Allister passed away at home on
The dance floor never emptied from down with their dancing and Saturday 4th April.
the first note from the tremendous drown out any sad words with
the sound of laughter. A superb, giving guy, who really
Penny Dogs to the last song (and the
made his life count. His family
Lochwinnoch party didn’t finish
Al spoke at schools, colleges, will be incredibly proud of him
there!!) A wonderful, fun-filled time
clubs, events, he spoke to politi- and he’ll be sorely missed.
was had by all with people asking to
have their name put down for next cians about TCT, gave interviews
in the newspaper and the BBC. Thank you Allister.
years event already!! (email to be
put on the mailing list for next year). I asked him to speak at the La-
dies Fashion Show and Cham-
The great sum of £3,500 was raised And finally,
pagne Tea in October. He stood
for the Yorkhill appeal for Teenage
in front of 250 ladies and started
Cancer Trust, helping to get a little The London Marathon
with “I’ve been asked to speak to
closer to the target.
you today about Sex and the
Karen Kelly and David Bird ran the
Younger Man”. The place
'Not The Booze Cruise' London Marathon on Sunday 26th
erupted into laughter. There,
on Friday 19th June April for TCT. David, dressed as
and at the Karl Jenkins concert,
Batman in a full rubber mask and
Last year we completely ignored all he spoke very ‘matter of factly’
seagoing traditions and superstitions about his story, his life, with bodysuit almost melted in the heat
as we set sail on Friday 13th. We never a complaint or hint of bit- but both finished, still smiling.
clearly proved that there is no basis to terness. Al had an effect on
the belief that sailing on Friday 13th is every single person who heard In five weeks time, they’ll be run-
unlucky, because ALMOST NO-ONE him speak or came into contact ning the Edinburgh Marathon also
ended up in hospital with a broken leg with him or read about his story. for TCT. If you’d like to contribute
and concussion! to their fundraising for the TCT
Al raised in excess of £200,000 Yorkhill Appeal please see -
This year's theme is ...."The Boat that (yes, two hundred thousand
Rocks!" and tickets will be on sale pounds!) for his two charities or
very soon. and that figure is still rising.
TEENAGE CANCER Bingo Night ~ Monday 16th March Renfrewshire Infobase
Thank you to everyone who sup-
TRUST ported the Bingo Night (by candle- The Renfrewshire Infobase is a
Sponsored Cycle light) on 16th March, which raised new information service about
£366.70. Well Done Ladies. the voluntary and community ser-
A team of doctors and nurses from vices (Third Sector in Ren-
Lochwinnoch Surgery will be don- Furniture Sale -Saturday 7th March frewshire) easily accessible by
ning their cycle shorts and cycling Thank you to Anne Adams and eve- everyone, which is about to be
from Millport, around the Isle of ryone who supported her recent Fur- piloted.
Cumbrae, to raise funds for Teenage niture Sale. A wonderful £1684.15
Cancer Trust. was raised. Well Done. Up till now the sector has been
"invisible" and it is difficult to find
Recycling We can raise money by
The event will take place on information on the full range of
recycling:- Mobile Phones, Ink Car-
different services and organisa-
Saturday 30th May. tridges, Stamps Foreign Coins,
tions that are available within the
Old/broken Jewellery. These can be
area. For the first time, a core
If anyone would like to join us, they handed in to our shops in Renfrew,
information service for the Third
would be most welcome. Johnstone, Linwood, Lochwinnoch,
Sector will be readily available,
Paisley, Barrhead and Bridge Of
providing a comprehensive con-
Call into Lochwinnoch Surgery to Weir or at the Hospice itself.
tact register of all the groups and
pick up a sponsor form or make a organisations.
donation to this wonderful charity. Unwanted Gifts Do you have
any unwanted gifts that are in new or
Anyone will be able to access the
very good condition. Our Fundrais-
InfoBase over the internet. It will
ing Team run various raffles, tombo-
provide up-to-date contact infor-
las, etc at various events and dona-
mation such as location, services
tions of unwanted gifts or bottles can
St. Vincent's go a long way in helping to raise
provided, opening times. It will
also allow for the collation and
vital funds.
Hospice News analysis of reliable information
within the sector itself and by
For more information on any of the
Women’s 10K - Sunday 10th May public agencies, although that
above, please contact
Run for St. Vincent's Hospice and information will not be public fac-
Lorraine Valentine,
raise funds through sponsorship ing i.e. accessible to everyone.
Hospice Fundraiser on
Tel: 01505 705635
Wheels & Heels Round Millport RCVS are currently gathering the
or e-mail:
Sunday 10th May information of the groups and
Join us for our annual sponsored organisations within Renfrew-
cycle or walk round the beautiful shire to populate the InfoBase
island of Millport. Get on your dataset. To do this we need to
"wheels" or take to your "heels" and St Vincent's gather information from each of
get sponsored to complete the 10 Hospice Shop the groups and gain permission
mile trip to put these details online.
will be very pleased to have those
THANK YOU red elastic bands If you are a community group
AND WELL DONE ! which come stretched round your or voluntary organization, based
post in the mornings or indeed land within Renfrewshire, and would
Primary 7 pupils at Cochrane on the mat or in the street/garden. like to be included in the
Castle Primary School decided to InfoBase then please either -
The shop staff can certainly make
hold a "Clearance Sale" after their use of these to keep items of mer-
Christmas Fayre. Leftover items e-mail - info@
chandise together and tidy. In fact
were sold off at bargain prices and a with the contact details of your
any type of elastic band is used and
magnificent £73.17 was raised for we seem to go through a great many. organization
If you don't use them yourself, or
St. Vincent's Hospice. Lorraine
Valentine, Hospice Fundraiser said - please collect on our behalf and hand contact Karen Miller or
"We are delighted for the con- them into the shop. Anne Keir on 0141 587 2487.
tinued support of everyone at Coch- Many thanks to all who donate to
rane Castle Primary School - thank keep the shop as well stocked as it is
you and well done to the Primary 7 Source: RCVS (Renfrewshire
and of course a very big thank you
pupils for raising this money for the Council for Voluntary Services)
to all our customers who support by
Hospice”. buying.
Arts Festival

Thank you
To everyone who helped make
this year’s Arts Festival even
bigger and better than before.
All events were very well at-
tended; The Shadow Puppets,
Betty McKellar, Godspell, the
musical events and the Home-
The Colourful Kingfisher
coming Concert all proved to be
particularly popular. It was a horrible, dreich day!
We were sitting
Special thanks must go to on a bench in our garden.
Councillor David Arthur for his We love our garden because
fantastic support for this event. there is a stream with
Much thanks also to members multicoloured fish.
of the organising committee, to
the many volunteers for their
hard work in making the festival
Suddenly there was a flash of blue.
such a success and to the very It was a heavenly blue!
talented performers, musicians, Instantly it felt like a
various artists and exhibitors. wonderful summer’s day!

If you were not able to attend It was a kingfisher

every event during the Festival, a wonderful blue kingfisher!
we hope the photographs on It swooped down to our stream
these pages - courtesy of Zul snatched out one fish.
Bhatia - will help to fill in the
We watched as it threw back its head
We are also delighted to feature suddenly the fish was gone!!
the children’s poetry competi-
tion winners in this issue of By Andrew Dalrymple and
Chatterbox. First place went to Angela Graham
Angela Graham and Andrew
Dalrymple, Second place to
Ryan Brown and Rory Pryde
and Third place to Corrine
Grant and Aidan Baillie.

(All of the other poems entered

into the children’s poetry com-
petition will be featured in the
next two issues of Chatterbox.)

Last, but not least, a very big

thank you to all members of the
public, young and old, who sup-
ported the festival once again
this year.

Morag Thow
The Kingfisher
As the wind whistles
through the cold thin air
the colourful kingfisher swoops The Buzzard
with the sapphire blue water
below him. It is a stormy night.
The buzzard is
He poses on a rock flying in the rain,
then passes through he soars higher, higher.
the emerald green leaves.
From the rocks, he eyes a SWOOP!
fish swimming through the fast- Down he goes
flowing water. he sees something,
He watches it all the way. it’s a mouse…
He is ravenous for the gleaming fish. He picks it up
Then, suddenly, he darts downwards he goes back to a tree.
towards the water. Peck, peck.
He swoops and grabs the fish The buzzard soars away …
out of the ice-cold water.
By Corrine Grant and
He succeeds Aidan Baillie
and carries the fish
to his natural habitat.

By Rory Pryde and

Ryan Brown
BAFTA win for RCVS’ CASTLE SEMPLE and trophy presentation, which will
Film Maker SAILING CLUB take place at Lochwinnoch Golf
At Bafta Scotland’s ‘New Talent
Awards 2009’ our Information and ACCESS FOR ALL
Communication Officer Gordon Castle Semple Sailing Club has, for
Mclean took home the Multimedia several years, been able to bring the
Award for the ‘Mission1212’ film enjoyment of sailing to individuals
project he co-created.
with a variety of disabilities. This
Gordon has worked for RCVS for has been the result of an ongoing
nearly six years, making promotional partnership between the club and
films for local charities, voluntary or- Options, an association which facili-
ganisations and companies. tates wheelchair users to participate
in a variety of sporting activities as a
He said, “It’s thanks to my work at RCVS part of their rehabilitation. Options
that I won the award. I’ve been a part of SPECIAL REPORT houses four specially designed
RCVS for six years now and made count- by 'Challenger' trimarans at the club;
less promos for local groups and charities, TRISTANIA CURRIE these purpose-built craft allow sail-
as well as filming events and training ses- ors who are wheelchair users to sail
sions. The experience has been invaluable
and I’m incredibly grateful to RCVS for single handed (or with an able-
The Castle Semple Sailing Club bodied buddy). For more informa-
taking a chance on me all those years ago
started its 2009 season in grand style tion contact the Vice Commodore
when I was just another wannabe film
maker.” with an Open Day on Sunday 19th Jon Hasler on 01505 503093.
April. Conditions were ideal with
‘Mission1212’ was a series of six short sun for the barbecue held in the club
films created for 20th Century Fox to help FUNDRAISING
compound and a stiff breeze for sail- Castle Semple Sailing Club is cur-
promote the European launch of ‘The Day
The Earth Stood Still’ remake. They were ing on Castle Semple Loch. rently working to raise funds for a
broadcast online and told the story of a full upgrade of the clubhouse facili-
rogue agent following a trail of clues MEMBERSHIP ties to enable full wheelchair access.
spread across Europe by a mysterious and Castle Semple Sailing Club currently
otherworldly source. ‘The Day the Earth has a membership of around 100 The main fundraising event of the
Stood Still’ was never directly mentioned people of all ages who have a keen year will be the 24 hour charity race
in the films but prizes were on offer to interest in sailing for recreation or where both able bodied sailors and
those who spotted all the clues and cor- competition. This number is set to
rectly guessed. those with disabilities sail in teams
increase due to an improved club to complete this challenge.
Gordon adds, “Hopefully winning the structure; new members and those
Scottish Bafta will open up all sorts of who just fancy coming along for a This event will take place on
new doors but I’m still working full time taster session are welcome. A cadet Castle Semple Loch from noon
for RCVS and plan to do so for as long as division is currently being developed on Saturday 20th June to noon
they’ll have me. It’s a real privilege to be to encourage young people to par- on Sunday 21st June.
able to work with the charities and volun-
ticipate in this sport. No previous
tary organisations in the local area who
work so hard to make Renfrewshire a bet- sailing experience is necessary as Last year, the 24-hour race event
ter place. So until Hollywood comes call- beginners are supported via the raised £2,250 - why not get in-
ing I’m very happy to be a part of RCVS.” 'buddy' system, nor do you have to volved and support the 2009 24
have your own boat. Club days are Hour Race and help raise an even
Janis McDonald, RCVS’ Chief Executive,
said, “RCVS has benefited from the con- Wednesdays and Sundays through- greater sum this year !
siderable communication and media talent out the season which runs from April
that Gordon has and we hope that whilst to October. Contact Commodore, Paul O'Neill,
he is with us we can provide an outlet for For more details contact Member- on 0141 580 6884 for more informa-
his creativity that benefits the Third Sector ship Secretary Stephen Davison on tion on fundraising or other club-
in Renfrewshire…..and beyond!” 0141 561 9902 or email him at related issues.
Any local voluntary group or charity or-
ganisation can hire Gordon to carry out SOCIAL EVENTS
filming for them. As RCVS is a regis-
Members are kept busy on dry land
tered charity this comes with the added
benefit of knowing any profits raised go as well with a programme of club
back into the local community. events organised by Social Convener
Dawn Kyne. This year's programme
For further information includes barbecues, the open day, a
please contact Gordon McLean at 24 hour charity race on 20th/21st
RCVS on Tel: 0141 587 2487. June and an end of season Ceilidh
Mike's presence at the reserve will
RSPB News certainly be missed. He became a
very recognisable face, was always LOCHWINNOCH
approachable and put in a great deal
Mike Andrews of time to make sure our visitor cen-
For bookings and information,
tre was one of the best places to
Phone No: 01505 842663
As some of you may know, Mike An- come to see, learn about and dis-
drews, our Information Officer, has cover wildlife.
or visit our webpage at:
now left Lochwinnoch to move on to Bon voyage and good luck!
pastures new. He has left Scotland to From all at RSPB Lochwinnoch
work in Yorkshire at RSPB Blacktoft
Sands reserve (a great reserve by the RSPB Lochwinnoch Naure Reserve,
way!). So today, this blog is dedicated Largs Road, Lochwinnoch PA12 4JF
to him.

Mike came to us in October 2006 on a NEW !

three year contract. He quickly be-
came an integral part of the team, his RSPB Lochwinnoch
time, effort and enthusiasm for the job on Facebook and Twitter
and the reserve showing no bounds. Arts and Crafts for
Keep up to date with sightings,
One of Mike's fortes was developing Young Teens, Lochwinnoch
events and general information
activities, events and games for fami- about RSPB Lochwinnoch.
lies and young people visiting the re- The Chameleon Club Art Classes are
serve. Some examples include: for anyone aged 11+ who would like
to try some arts and crafts, e.g. plas- Find us on Facebook:
Wildlife Challenge: ticine animations, ceramic money Search ‘RSPB Lochwinnoch’,
Our monthly Wildlife Challenge has banks, printed and folded origami click on us and become a fan to
proven to be a hit with children and creations, mosaic frames/ boxes, receive regular updates.
adults alike, the idea being to see as drawing and creating comics.
many species as possible, with a Classes run from 2-4pm at RSPB Follow us on Twitter:
'challenge 8' set each month for which Centre, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch at http://
stickers can be collected on our spe- and are led by local artist Cáit
cial collectors card. Gould. The cost is £10 per session,
This activity now takes place at Vane all materials included. Contact Cáit
Farm and Mersehead reserve, one of on 01505 842380 for more details. Subscribe to the RSPB Loch-
the first inter-reserve games of its winnoch Blog!
kind, and I should imagine Mike will Classes will continue to be held on
take it to the Yorkshire reserves as the last Saturday of each month, For weekly updates about what is
well. except for July and December when happening at the reserve, visit:
classes will be held on
Young Volunteers Group: Saturday 18th July and lochwinnoch/default.aspx
Quite early on in his contract, Mike Saturday 19th December ‘09. and subscribe using the RSS link.
and I were spending some time dis-
cussing the increasing numbers of
teenagers wanting to volunteer with us
here at the reserve. There were very
few activities that we ran especially
for that age group, so we began dis-
cussing setting up an RSPB Phoenix
group. However, a better idea came
up, and we now have our Young Vol-
unteers Group, who meet once a
month to help us out with reserve
tasks, planning events and RSPB cam-

The group will certainly miss his time

and enthusiasm, but fingers crossed
the group will continue to prosper.
Castle Semple

Some interesting things

to do and see on a
Sunday at Castle Semple
Do you want somewhere to go on Semple Loch given a Spring Clean.
a Sunday afternoon, where you
can get a cuppa, and have some- As part of the National Spring Clean delight of Amanda and Alex from the
thing to see or do? campaign, Clyde Muirshiel Rangers States. The group also included Kath-
organized a clean up of the area leen, Jane, Josephine and Thomas
surrounding the Peel Tower and the from Johnstone High School who are
Then pop down to Castle Semple
south shore of Castle Semple Loch. halfway through their Service to the
Visitor Centre and see what is This meant traveling by powerboat Community for their Duke of Edin-
happening there, buy some plants, to the site, which the younger mem- burgh’s Bronze Award. Thanks also
or find out about the crafts of bers of the group found exhilarating. go to Amanda’s son Tris, Jeff from
Scrapbooking or Felt-making. Ten members of the public signed Buckinghamshire and locals Kerry and
Perhaps you would prefer to have up from as far afield as Southern John. Several bags of rubbish, a
a nice massage, or maybe do England and California. Local piper wheel and the remains of a garden
some research about alternative Greg Miller was on hand to pipe table were recovered by the end of a
energy with Reid Kerr College, or some of the rubbish ashore to the brisk morning’s work!
just have a cuppa – it is up to you!
Easter Bunnies found at Castle Semple
Here’s what’s on over the next few Children have fun hunting Easter Bunnies at Castle Semple.
A young visitor, Erin aged 7 from Alloa
May 3rd - Plant Sale made the draw and the winners were
May 10th - Scrapbooking with Aaron from Paisley and Chloe from
Natalie Nienaber with her scrap- Neilston who both won a soft toy
booking techniques. bunny and some mini-eggs. Emma
May 17th - Reid Kerr College – Doherty, aged 5, from Lochwinnoch,
Alternative energy information won the Giant Easter Egg.
May 24th - Fusion Fibres [felt] -
Susan McInnes demonstrating
how to make felt and its uses.
May 31st - Holistic Massage with
Jane McMeiken. Come and have
a relaxing holistic massage.

June 7th - Lochwinnoch Farmers

Market – a wide variety of stalls Over the Easter weekend, over 130
with local produce. children were out on the hunt for
June 14th - Scrapbooking - Nata- bunnies at Castle Semple Country
lie Nienaber returns with more Park, in Lochwinnoch. There were
scrapbooking demonstrations. three categories which were indoors,
outdoors and around the Parkhill
So get out of your house and
make your way to the Centre Each child who took part received a
where there will be something in- small egg and the chance to win the
teresting happening. bigger prizes when they put their an-
swers into a prize draw.
Otter sightings at
Castle Semple Loch!
Recent visitors to Castle Semple
Country Park were lucky enough to
glimpse rarely seen otters. However
these particular otters were not swim-
ming in the loch or streams but in-
stead are part of a carving by Scottish
chain saw carver, Ian Chalmers. Ian
First Clan flag-raising at Castle Semple created the carving of otters, as Cas-
tle Semple Loch is home to some real
As part of the Homecoming Scotland Park manager Charlie Woodward otters, but they tend to keep them-
2009 celebrations, the first raising of presented Jim Semple with a framed selves well hidden from most people.
the Semple clan flag was carried out print of the Semple Estate Map of The sculpture has been added to the
at Castle Semple on Monday 6th April. 1775, a copy of which can be seen picnic facilities at Blackditch Bay on
on the wall in the Visitor Centre. Jim the shore of Castle Semple Loch, just
Local farmer Jim Semple was invited said, “ I am happy to be the first to 15 minutes stroll along the shoreline
to be the first Semple family member raise the family flag here.” from the Castle Semple Centre.
to raise the flag at a small ceremony
under the gaze of his family, daughter Any member of the Semple family
Moya Paton and brother-in-law Alec can now raise the flag to show that
Cranston, and some invited guests they are visiting their ancestral
including Councillor Davie Arthur. home, and all are invited to leave a
message in a special Semple family
Local piper Greg Miller played Scot- visitors book during the Centre
land the Brave as the flag was opening hours from 10.00 until 17.00
hoisted. Clyde Muirshiel Regional hours daily throughout the summer.

Take the high road to The road is now much improved for
Muirshiel - spring is vehicles. It remains, of course, a
rural, single-track road and is not
here ! smooth but this is a significant im-
provement. As part of an improvement project, the
Skylarks are singing above the moors picnic site has been enlarged and two
and the Meadow Pipits are to be seen As a result, we hope that visitors will picnic tables added, as well as being
almost everywhere searching for food travel to Muirshiel again and enjoy the site of a living willow structure and
and nesting sites. This is a welcome the walks, facilities, events and the otter carving.
return of life to the silent winter hills. sense of well-being that Muirshiel
provides. “We are delighted with the carving and
Hen Harriers have once again been the willow structure” said Park Man-
spotted sky-dancing over the moors of There have also been some changes ager, Charlie Woodward, “and would
Muirshiel, in the hills above Lochwin- to the scenery over the last few like to thank all our funders for making
noch. These magnificent birds of prey years, as more of the invasive this possible. We are sure this will be
return to nest in the moorlands and Rhododendron Ponticum has been a much-appreciated addition to the
over the past six years there have removed from the country park. Park’s facilities.”
been cameras on some of their nests.
Highlights of this footage can be This is being replaced and this The work has been funded in part by
viewed in the Muirshiel Visitor Centre. spring the Rangers have spent the Waste Recycling Group Ltd through
last few weeks planting out 1800 the Landfill Communities Fund distrib-
There has been some concern about new native trees – Scots Pines, uted by Waste Recycling Environ-
the state of the road up to Muirshiel Rowan, Birch, Oak, Hawthorn and mental. Other funding was provided
but over the last few weeks Ren- Hazel, with some help from conser- by Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park and
frewshire Council have completed vation volunteers and some students by local community group, Lochwin-
some ditching work and pothole infill- from Johnstone High School. noch Millennium Events Group
ing. (LMEG).
News & Events at
RSPB, Muirshiel,
Cornalees & Castle
For All Your Garage Door Needs
Semple Centres Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
Installation . Repairs . Spares
• Thursday mornings - Slinky
Strollers - Morning walks, meet at FREE ESTIMATES 0141 950 1423 GLASGOW
10.30am at Castle Semple Centre. FREE SURVEYS 01505 842176 AYRSHIRE
• Saturday 9th May - RSPB Art: FREE INSURANCE REPORTS 01786 820130 STIRLING
Create a sculpture for the reserve,
from 10am—12 noon. Session led The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
by local artist, Kate Lilley. Book in (10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)
• Sunday 10th May - Scrapbook-
ing Day at Castle Semple Centre. * • Sunday 24th May - Fusion • Sunday 7th June -
Fibres day at Castle Semple Visi- Lochwinnoch Farmers Market,
• Saturday 16th May - RSPB Art: tor Centre.* from 11am, Castle Semple Centre.
Create a sculpture for the reserve,
from 10am—12 noon. Session led • Sunday 24th May - 50 • Sunday 7th June - Springwatch
by local artist, Kate Lilley. Book in Passages Walk in Parkhill Discovery Day, 11am-4pm.
advance. Woods. Starts from Castle Springwatch is here again, so we
Semple Centre 2-4pm. will be hosting a day of free fun-
• Saturday 16th May - Jim filled activities for all the family to
Carruth Poetry Walk, starting at • Friday 29th - Sat. 30th May -
enjoy. Free event at RSPB Centre.
1.45pm from Barnbrock Campsite. Moth and Bat Night from 8pm
Tel: 01505 842882 Ext 22 to book. till late and 10am-12noon on Sat- • Wednesday 10th June - Pound
urday at the RSPB Reserve. and Pace Greenock Cut Walk, to
• Sunday 17th May - Alternative Booking essential, FREE event. raise funds for St Vincent’s Hos-
Energy day Castle Semple Centre* pice. Pay £1, walk starts at 11am
• Saturday 30th May -
• Sunday 17th May - Kids Pond prompt at Cornalees Centre.
Chameleon Club workshop with
Survey at Cornalees Centre, start- Cáit Gould, 2-4pm at the RSPB
ing at 1pm. Places are limited - to * See inside back pages of Chatterbox for
Centre . * further information on these activities.
book, Tel: 01475 521 458.
• Saturday 30th May - Castle
• Thursday 21st May - Coffee Semple Rowing Club Regatta all
morning at the RSPB Centre from day at the Castle Semple Loch. VISITOR CENTRES
11am—1pm. Enjoy a hot drink, a SUMMER OPENING HOURS
chat, the wonderful view and • Sat. 30th - Sunday 31st May
wildlife of the reserve. £2 to cover Optics Weekend from 10am - Castle Semple Centre Open daily,
tea/coffee & biscuits. 4pm. An opportunity to buy 10am-5pm. Tel: 01505 842882.
from a wide range of RSPB op-
• Saturday 23rd May - Muirshiel Cornalees Centre - Open every day
tics, with free expert advice.
Moorlands Walk. Second of six from 11 am-4pm (April to Oct ‘09.)
Ranger-led walks. Starts 1pm, • Sunday 31st May—Holistic Toilets open daily. Tel: 01475 521458
from Muirshiel Centre (for 2 hrs). Massage - Castle Semple Centre* Muirshiel Centre - Open every day
• Sunday 24th May - Fantastic • Saturday 6th June - RSPB from 11am-4pm (April to Oct ‘09.)
Frogs: The Tadpoles. Outdoor Teenage Volunteers Group join Park and toilets open daily.
event to explore and find out more us from 11am-4pm and take part Tel: 01505 842803
about amphibians at the RSPB in bird surveying, outdoor work , RSPB Reserve - Reserve is open at
Reserve from 11am—4pm. etc. Booking essential; Tel: all times; Visitor Centre open daily,
842663. 10am-5pm. Tel: 01505 842663.

HINGES, LOCKS AND MISTED Tel: 01505 614654


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