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www. General Science Sample Questions ‘1. Which of the following is the lightest metal 2 (A) Mercury (B) Silver (€) Lithium (0) Lead (ns = C) 2. The most important ore of Aluminium is— (A) Bauxite (B) Calamine (C) Calcite (D) Galena (Ans : A) 3. The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is— (A) Carbon (8) Siticon (C) Hydrogen (0) Aluminium (Ans B) 4. The chemial name of Uria is— (A) Aneunin () Chioroetane (C) Carbamide () None of these (Ans : C) 5. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding— (A) Potassium Permanganate (B) Chiorine (C) Bleaching Powder (0) Washing Soda (Ans : D) 6. The formula of Plaster of Paris is— (A) CaS04 (8) CaSO4. 2420 = (C) 2Cas04, aH20 (0) 21 A 8, The metal that is preset (A) Mercury (B) Platinium (C) Magnesium (0) Silver (A 9. Which of the followiy (A) Cerium (2) Sodiug (C) Francium (0) @) ianide ; (C) Hydrogen Sulphide (0) Nitrogen (Ans : 6) 412. Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically (A) Sodium Silicate (B) Silicon dioxide (C) Germentum dioxide (D) A mixture of (B) and (C) (Ans : 8) 13, Which of the following elements is non-radioactive? (@) Uranium (B) Thorium (C) Plutonium (0) Zirconium (Ans : D) 414. According to Dalton's atomic theory the smallest particle which can exist independently és— (4) Anatom (8) A molecule (C)Acation (0) An anion (Ans : A) 415, The recent atomic weight scale is based on— (A) 1H1 (8) 1H (©) 6C22 () e026 (ans : C) seis esas Ried “Se A ata hie hie enya See ae aay ey eh Sete www. 16. The major ingredient of leather is— (A) Carbohydrate (8) Collagen (C) Polymer (0) Nucleic acid (Ans: B) 17. Glass is made from the mixture of (A) Quartz and mica (B) Sand and salt (C) Sand and silicates (0) None of these (Ans : C) 1B. Epoxy resins is used as— (A) Moth repetiants (B) Insecticides (€) Detergents (0) Adhesives (Ans : D) 19. One fathom iS equal to— (A) 6 metres (B)6 feet (C) 60 feet (D) 60 cms (Ans : B) 20. What is the unit for measuring the pitch or frequency of sound ? (A) Coulomb (B) Hum (C) Cycles (D) Decible (Ans : D) 21. The fastest acting enzyme in the biological kingdom is— (A) lipase (B) amylase (C) carboxypeptidase (0) carbonic anhydrase (Ans : D) 22. Lightening cause rainfall b (A) Itcause combination of (C) It activate H20 malec Metis PYRE ti tadeeE ted sceckaee here ite Gales Pox Meh eteAGe see aay whey che Sete:

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