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23mm AAA sites around the reactor complex perimitar with the northern side disecting the overall

site. There are four

Iranian Military Capability 2011

Skyguard 35mm AAA systems each with two Oerlikon GDF 35mm cannons and multiple single 35mm and 23mm sites
forming a haphazard outer ring.

4. Naval Forces

Open Source Intelligence Project

Independent and objective analysis of current Iranian military capability using open-source non-classified
information. Assessments and views expressed represent those of the authors and are not affiliated with any
special interest group or political agenda.

Version 1.0 Jan 2011


About the Project

The Open Source Intelligence Project 2011 is an attempt to draw together the most salient bits of currently available
Open Source material to piece together a broad and largely complete analysis of Iranian military capability. Open Source
refers to unclassified, public sources.

The co-authors and reviewers come from a wide range of backgrounds, including in some cases extensive military
intelligence experiences and/or relevant specialist knowledge. However, their primary connection is an appreciation and
active participation in the Open Source intelligence scene. All those involved have contributed on an amateur/civilian
basis. Some have requested to remain anonymous, for various reasons, which we must respect.

The project was started in April 2010 and took months of writing, research, drafts and revisions to make it into the form
you are reading. We have attempted to provide a single text that will be easy to navigate and digest. However, it is the
work of multiple people and this may be apparent in different writing styles and minor formatting differences. We
apologize for this, but believe it is inevitable in this type of undertaking.

We hope that you find the document interesting and informative – we are hopeful that there is some information and
analysis which although open source in nature, is fresh and stimulating to even a highly informed reader.

Co-Authors (This Section, no order)

· ‘TLAM Strike’ (pseudonym)
· Anonymous (1)

Main Reviewer/Contributor (This Section)

· Anonymous (2)
· Anonymous (3)

Additional Reviewing Pool (No order)

· Sean O’Connor
· Anonymous (4)
· Galan Wright

4. Naval Forces
4.1 Overview

History: Iran's navy has though out its history been considered the most minor of its military
branches, although it has existed since 500 BC. During the Achaemenid Empire (650-330 BC), the
Iranian Navy was very powerful. Its operation to invade Greece under Xerxes easily ranks with the
Spanish Armada or Operation Overlord (the “D-Day” invasion) in terms of size, scope and preparation.
Its defeat at Salamis by the Athenian navy under Themistocles is one of the critical moments in the
Current Iranian Navy formation of western culture, although most only know of this battle is from images of storm tossed
Jack ships in the movie “300” about the battle of Thermopylae.

The modern Iranian Navy has been plagued by a history of poor organization and limited mission scope until the mid
20th century. Under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the Iranian Navy began a modernization campaign drawing
equipment from the western powers that resulted in the creation of the top navy in the Region. In 1970 Iran acquired
the WWII vintage British warship HMS Sluys a modified Battle class destroyer, this ship was recommissioned as the
Artemiz. Despite her age this vessel was the most powerful ship operated by any nation in the region, she joined the
four PF-103 class vessels already operated by Iran since the early 1960s. The next year the first Saam class Frigate (latter
renamed Alvand class) joined the Iranian Navy, these were the first high quality vessels to be operated by the Iranians.
As built they carried five Italian Sea Killer Anti-Shipping Missiles (ASMs), a British Seacat Surface to Air Missile (SAM)
system and a Squid Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) mortar. As the standards of the time went, these were all advanced
weapons. The Saams could easily dominate the Gulf or Sea of Oman and operate well in to the Indian Ocean with its
Refueling At Sea capability.

During this time, the United States also begin providing naval weapons to Iran. Two 1950's vintage Tang class submarine
were sold to Iran- USS Trout and USS Wahoo, two more were to follow including USS Tang. Crews for the IINS Kousseh
and IINS Nahang, as they were to be named, were trained at the US Navy Submarine School at New London,
Connecticut. While at the end of their useful lives, these vessels t would still have provided substantial operational
training experience for the Iranians. These submarines never left the U.S. Their crews who were led by royalists,
abandoned them when the Shah fell. The U.S. also provided even older Gearing and Allen M. Sumner class destroyers at
this time and several Vietnam-era inshore patrol boats.

By the late 1970's, the Iranians received a large group of La Combattante-class missile boats armed with the U.S.
Harpoon anti-ship missile. Entrusting such a weapon to Iran clearly showed how much the US valued Iran at this time.
Four modified Spruance-class destroyers were laid down in U.S. shipyards for Iran, but never delivered. These vessels,
which were later called the Kidd-class were to be fitted with the latest weapons systems and were optimized for
operations in the Gulf. These were to serve as escorts for a light aircraft carrier equipped with U.S.-manufactured AV-8B
Harrier VTOL attack aircraft. German Type 209 submarines were also to be purchased. The only part of this ocean-going
strike force that actually made it into Iranian service was the British built replenishment vessel Kharg.

When the Shah fell and the current Islamic Republic was created, western support for Iran decreased . The majority of
warship transfers were halted; those that were actually transferred were either unarmed auxiliaries or patrol boats with

missile systems removed. Iran’s new leaders distrusted the existing military leadership. Arrests and executions of Iranian
naval officers suspected of harboring loyalties to the Shah resulted in massive disruptions to the navy's command
structure. Moreover, the creation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN, more formally known as the
Navy of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution took over part of the naval mission of the Iranian navy,
creating a schism in Iran’s naval operational efforts. With the IRGCN’s loyalties perceived as being higher than the
regular navy, the Iranian government has continued to favor it over the navy in funding and new equipment.

Sensing weakness in Iran, neighboring Iraq invaded, starting an eight- year war that
had dramatic consequences for the world. From the start, the Iranian navy was
engaged in sporadic fighting, mostly shelling Iraqi forces as they advanced. On
November 28, 1980 Iran launched Operation Morvarid. Iranian ships (two missile
boats and six amphibious transport vessels) attacked two Iraqi oil rigs that were being
used as observation posts, destroying them. These ships went on to blockade Iraqi Current Iranian Naval Ensign.
It is the same as their
ports. The Iraqi navy responded by dispatching five Osa missile boats and four P-4 national flag
torpedo boats. In the resulting skirmish, one Iranian missile boat was sunk, while two
Iraqi Osas were sunk and two MiG-23s shot down by missile and gun fire. Iranian air force jets arrived on-scene and
destroyed the remaining Iraqi vessels. In the air, the battle was just as one sided, one Iranian Phantom being damaged
and another downed, while one helicopter, one MiG-21 and four MiG-23s being downed by F-4 and F-14s. Eighty
percent of the Iraqi navy was lost on that day, November 28th, which as a result, is celebrated as Navy Day in Iran.

The next phase of the Iran-Iraq war forced the west to directly intervene in the region. In an attempt to disrupt the flow
of currency to Iraq, Iranian air and sea forces began to conduct attacks on merchant ships departing Iraq and Kuwait.
This operation became known in the west as “The Tanker War” and by the end in 1987, 546 ships had been damaged or
sunk and over 320 sailors killed missing or wounded. Iranian forces utilized a variety of methods against the merchant
vessels in the region. Naval weapons used during this time ranged from high-tech anti-ship missiles to low-tech mines.
Mines proved to be the most effective of all: the U.S. forces in the Gulf which had begun escorting convoys from Kuwait
as part of Operation Ernest Will had few countermeasures. U.S. forces spotted the Japanese-built landing ship Iran Ajr
was laying mines in the Gulf; U.S. helicopters strafed the ship causing the crew to abandon her. U.S. Naval Special
Warfare (SEALs) forces boarded her the next day securing evidence of the mining operation, capturing her crew and
then scuttling the ship. Following several clashes between U.S. forces and Iranian Boghammars and Boston Whalers the
conflict reached a climax, when USS Samuel B. Roberts struck a mine in the Gulf. U.S. forces retaliated with Operation
Praying Mantis.

The first target were the two Iranian oil platforms Saan and Siri, which were both destroyed. The Iranian Navy began
dispatching ships from Bandar Abbas, but these ships left one at a time, leaving themselves vunerable to being easily
intercepted and picked off by U.S. forces. First the missile boat Joshan exchanged fire with a U.S. Task Force and was
sunk. Second, the frigate Sahan was sunk after it fired on a U.S. A-6E strike aircraft with a SAM. Finally, the frigate
Sabalan was severely damaged in a U.S. air strike. Additionally, an Iranian Boghammar was destroyed and another

The last major incident of the Tanker War occurred on July 3, 1988. This incident still looms over U.S.-Iranian relations
today. USS Vincennes and USS Montgomery investigated a call from a Pakistani merchant ship that was under attack by
Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ boats. The Vincennes's helicopter was dispatched ahead of the surface ships which had
spotted 13 Iranian gunboats. The helicopter was fired upon and two gunboats turned towards the U.S. warships. At this
time, an Iranian Navy P-3F Orion was observed in the area. During the resulting firefight an Airbus passenger jet, Iran Air

655, was misidentified as a Iranian Air Force F-14 Tomcat fighter and engaged with a missile resulting in the loss of 300

Following the Iran-Iraq war, the Iranian navy began taking delivery of vessels and weapons from new sources. Between
1992 and 1996, Iran received three Russian Kilo-class submarines. These added a major new capability to the Iranian
Navy, at the time being highly capable and modern, with weapons that could destroy any warship encountered. Training
of crews, however, proved difficult since the crews trained in the U.S. for Iran's three Tang class submarines remained in
the U.S. It would take a decade before Iranian crews became proficient with these submarines, by which time they were
mostly obsolete.

The 1990s also saw China become a major supplier of naval equipment to Iran. Ten Houdong-class missile boats were
delivered to the IRGCN. China also provided one of the most significant Iranian acquisitions at that time, the C-802 anti
ship missile. These weapons were based on the French Exocet missile and highly capable. Different variants are
available, including surface (land or sea) launched, air-launched,
and submarine- launched (via torpedo tubes).

By the 2000s Iran, had started construction of a new warship

class named Mowj. This frigate took eight years to finish and
provided little added capabilities over its predecessors. A
indigenous submarine program also began at this time utilizing
North Korean expertise. So far, seven Ghadir class midget
submarines have been launched. A single Nahang submarine has
also been built and appears to be mostly of Iranian design. Rear Admiral Habiballah Sayyari. Source: İslâmi Davet
Production of North Korean fast attack craft has resulted in two News
classes being fielded by the IRGCN, the Peykapp and Tir, and
series of novel semi-submersible torpedo boats.

4. 1.1 Organization
Naval assets of Iran are split between the Navy and the naval section of the
Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (IRGCN).

In general the Navy operates the larger assets and operates in a

‘conventional navy’ model, whereas the IRGCN operates smaller craft in an
‘Asymmetrical’ doctrine. Whilst the Navy is generally better equipped, the
IRGCN is growing more rapidly and catching up in many areas. Although
most major naval exercises feature units from both forces, many observers
Rear Admiral Ali Morteza Saffari, commander of the
IRGCN. Source Uskowi on Iran Blog believe that inter-service rivalry persists and for the most part they operate
independently, duplicating capabilities and splitting command.

The Navy is built on assets purchased from the west before the revolution, primarily from Britain, US and France. More
recently they have purchased submarines from USSR/Russia and have slowly been inducting locally designed and built
units into service. The IRGCN by comparison made major acquisitions from China and North Korea, and operates mostly
locally produced craft.

Currently the Navy is commanded by Rear Admiral Habiballah Sayyari, and the IRGCN by Rear Admiral Ali Morteza
Saffari. Since 2007 the Navy has transferred responsibility for all naval operations in the Persian Gulf and Straits of
Hormuz, although the Navy still operate there.

A. Persian Gulf and Straits of Hormuz. IRGCN primarily responsible

B. Gulf Of Oman, Arabian Sea and northern Indian Ocean down to 10 degrees parallel. Navy primarily
C. Southern Caspian Sea (Approx 20% of water mass). Navy primarily responsible

The Iranian navy has six enlisted ranks and eleven officer ranks. The IRGCN has nine enlisted ranks and eleven officer
ranks. The reasons for this disparity is not entirely clear, but may have to do with IRGC personnel being considered more
“politically reliable” and subject to promotion more frequently.

There are 18,000 current personnel in the Iranian Navy, who are divided up in to three divisions of service, 13,400 are in
the surface and subsurface Navy, 2,600 are Marines, and 2,000 are in Aviation. The IRGCN has slightly more personnel
than the navy with 20,000. Their personnel are not as highly trained and mostly operate small coastal boats.

Iranian sailors can be identified by their white uniforms similar to the US Navy
summer officer's uniforms. However Iranian enlisted sailors also wear white
uniforms albeit without shoulder boards. Enlisted sailors wear red chevrons with no
indication of rate. Duty uniforms are tan khakis for surface sailors, while
submariners wear light blue shirts and blue/black pants, a ship's crest can be found
on the left breast.

The Iranian Navy and Marines have their officers training academy in the city of
Sirjan. The academy is split in to a northern and southern facility and includes a nearby monument, a building made to
look like a Kaman class missile boat. There are firing ranges south of the city possibly for small arms training.

4.1.2 Recent and Current Operations

 On August 22, 2006 the Iranian navy attacked a Romanian oil rig in the Persian Gulf and took control of it. News
reports say this was by the Iranian Navy but such actions would more likely be conducted by the IRGCN.

 In late 2007 an Iranian Kilo class submarine surfaced half a mile from the Missile Cruiser USS Vicksburg which
was said to be operating in the Persian Gulf at the time. Some reports say that two Kilo submarines surfaced
near the Vicksburg.

 On January 6, 2008 IRGCN small boats confronted US Navy warships in the Strait of Hormuz.

 In 2008 Iranian navy forces participated in joint exercises with the Pakistani Navy.

 Iran has deployed warships on anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden on five occasions since 2008. According to
İslâmi Davet news and Information Dissemination the first patrol was by 6 vessels including one frigate, the
second was by two vessels including the tanker Bandar Abbas and the “Destroyer Shahid Naqdi” (this maybe the
water tanker Sahid Marjani, or the Corvette Nghdi). The third patrol's vessels were the tanker Khark and the
Frigate Sabalan. The fourth patrol was by the frigate Alborz and the tanker Bushehr. The fifth fleet dispatched is
yet unknown, however the Frigate Alborz participated in at least two of the deployments. These patrols are not
coordinated with NATO forces operating on similar patrols in that region. Iranian officials have stated that these
patrols are to safeguard Iranian shipping passing though the region, these patrols began after the hijacking of
the Iranian chartered vessel MV Delight.

4.1.3 Strengths and Weaknesses Relative Strengths

Iran has among the largest littoral combat fleets with in
excess of 50 missile boats and hundreds more MLRS, mine
laying and gun boats. Most of these are operated by IRGCN.
The primary aim of this fleet is to enable Iran to “close the
Straits” thus blocking the major oil route. The economic and
geo-political implications of this have been widely discussed
and it remains a plausible military strategy. As well as
preventing passage of oil tankers through the Straits of
Hormuz, this would include harassing attacks on tankers in
the Persian Gulf, attacks on oil rigs and oil transfer facilities
and potentially attacks on shipping in the Gulf of Oman and MIL-42 high speed patrol craft passing in front of a SINA
Arabian Sea. Relative to when similar tactics were employed class missile boat. In the foreground is a kayak used by
during the Iran-Iraq war, Iran is now vastly more capable of special forces Commando for sabotage raids
carrying out such a mission and its vast fleet of small missile
craft and fast mine-layers represents a serious threat even to sophisticated navies.

Iran’s massive investment in shore-launched anti-ship missiles poses a serious threat to shipping and warships, as
demonstrated by the Hezbollah attack on an Israeli warship in 2006 using Iranian supplied systems.

Iran’s three Kilo-class submarines represent a significant anti-shipping threat in the Sea of Oman and Indian Ocean, and
are a capability beyond many otherwise comparable navies. Relative weaknesses

Iran is a ‘brown water’ navy with few ships capable of ocean-going military operations. Consequently Iran does not
practice such operations with any frequency.
Iranian warships are almost universally poorly equipped to counter air attack with no modern SAM systems fitted. In
general terms the Iranian navy is years behind almost every other similar sized navy in this regard. This is despite losing
two warships to US aircraft and missiles in ‘Operation Praying Mantis’ in 1988, and despite having opportunity to
purchase relevant systems from China and Russia during the 1990s.

The Iranian navy is also relatively underequipped to conduct anti-submarine warfare.

Iranian port facilities are generally well placed for offensive operations in the Gulf but more so represent easy targets for
enemy cruise missile and air attack. Geographically Iran lacks the reach to employ its naval assets to attack Israel, a key
potential adversary.
9 Comparison to nearby navies

Iran’s navy is significantly behind many regional navies in terms of larger warships, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia
fielding larger and more capable Frigates. Oman too has the edge in blue-water operations. Iran’s one strength in the
blue-water arena is its three Kilo-Class submarines, which are only matched by larger navies of which Pakistan’s and
Israel’s are the nearest. Iran does however have much larger and more capable littoral combat assets than any of its
neighbors and is only really rivaled by Pakistan, Russia and Israel in overall terms. The latter is least relevant since the
countries are too far apart for their littoral combat assets to play much part.

Going beyond Iran’s neighbors, Western navies also operate significant assets in the region. The US and European navies
far out-gun Iran particularly in blue-water combat. Asymmetric warfare capability

Iran invests heavily in asymmetrical warfare capabilities both as a show of defiance against the larger and more capable
US and Israel, and as a practical military strategy. Naval forces play a major part in this, particularly the IRGCN. General
asymmetrical tactics identified:
 Use of small missile or torpedo fast attack craft (FAC) to attack warships and tankers in approaches to the Straits
of Hormuz, in the Straits themselves or in the Persian Gulf
 Use of MLRS equipped small craft to harass and disable tankers in the straits of Hormuz or Persian Gulf
 Use of small fast craft to lay floating mines directly in path of warships or tankers
 Use of mobile shore-launched anti-ship missiles to damage or sink warships and tankers near to Iranian Coast
 Use of midget submarines to lay mines, deploy combat swimmers or torpedo warships and tankers in the
Persian Gulf
 Supply of shore based anti-ship missiles and/or FAC to Hezbollah and Syria for use against Israel in the event of
open hostilities
 Boarding and capture of tankers or less well armed military vessels in Persian Gulf
 Attacks on oil rigs and oil facilities by MLRS equipped small craft
 Sowing of mines in Straits of Hormuz and Persian Gulf
 Sabotage missions by combat divers in ports along the Persian Gulf or possibly Israel
 Use of shore based heavy MLRS to harass and damage passing ships in Straits of Hormuz
 Use of explosive motor boats to ram and sink vessels

IRGCN RIB-33 MLRS craft practice attacking a mock tanker with 107mm rockets in 2010. Source FARS
10 MLRS Craft

Iran is one of the few countries to employ MLRS as an offensive anti-ship
weapon. The tactic was first used out of economy in the Iran-Iraq war but also
possibly influenced by the similarly equipped North Korean Navy. MLRS
mounted on small craft are generally inaccurate and lack the single-hit
firepower of anti-ship missiles or torpedoes, but can seriously damage
unarmed civilian traffic and certainly deter ships from sailing. In some
situations they could set the ship on fire or disable key machinery, but are
unlikely to actually sink a large civilian ship such as an oil tanker. Although
some exercises suggest the use of a flotilla of MLRS craft in a single attack, a Generic MLRS attack on tanker by two
more typical engagement model would likely be a few such craft approaching small craft
the transiting tanker and firing their rockets from about 500m away, slowing
down to about 1.5 times the target’s speed and weaving to allow alternate craft to fire whilst the other reload. Most
MLRS craft use the 107mm Haseb rocket (Chinese 'Type-63') but some, such as the C-14 class carry the larger BM-21
122mm system. Early MRLS craft had their rockets mounted such that they could only be fired to the sides, but more
recent designs nearly always position them on the cabin roof firing forwards.

Although estimates of MLRS craft numbers are difficult from open source evidence, the common understanding is that
numbers operated continues to grow even with the oldest units being retired. Explosive Motor Boats

MLRS craft are likely employed as cover for explosive motor boat or torpedo boat attacks. Iran operates a small and
poorly documented fleet of explosive motor boats which ram their targets to deliver a larger warhead than would be
carried by a missile or torpedo. Although characterized as ‘Suicide boats’ these are quite unlike the recent Al Qaeda
suicide boat attacks where the pilots are martyred in the attack, but rather are professional special forces craft where
the pilot escapes before impact by means of a jet ski. The jet ski . This is carried in the tail of the craft necessitating a
specialized boat design. In many respects these craft are the modern equivalent of the Explosive Motor Boats used by
the Italian X-MAS in WWII. Midget Submarines

Another major focus is the rapid expansion of Iran’s midget submarine fleet in Persian Gulf. The main type is the IS-120
Ghadir class originally imported from North Korea, of which at least 11 are in service. The IS-120 is the export version of
the MS-29 Yono class which is often attributed with the sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan in March 2010.

2 newly delivered IS-120 Ghadir Class midget submarines in Bostanu, summer 2010. Source IRNA.

The IS-120s are ideal for limited operations in the Persian Gulf which is too shallow for Iran’s Kilo Class submarines to
operate effectively. The Ghadir carries two 533mm torpedoes which are capable of disabling or sinking even large
warships including carriers. The midget submarines’ low maximum speed and weak sensor fit make them unsuitable for
hunting other submarines, but they can pose a very serious threat to any vessels in the Persian Gulf if employed
professionally. Mine Laying

Iran has a large number of mines and an increasing array of
delivery means making them likely more effective than when
Iran employed them in the Iran-Iraq war. Western navies have
made advances in mines countermeasures but they remain a
serious threat. Iran has experimented the tactic of using small
craft to lay mines directly in the path of warships as
demonstrated in a mock attack on a passing US warship. The
viability of this tactic is open to question against warships
which could easily deter or sink the small craft with gunfire,
but would be effective against oil tankers which cannot
maneuver easily. Because of their large warheads mines, like

Iranian marines practice sowing moored mines. Source FARS torpedoes, have a very real potential to sink even large ships. Fast Attack Craft (FAC)

Iran continues to expand its already large fleet of missile craft and torpedo boats. Many of these craft are generally
smaller than FACs used by other navies and carry much smaller missiles which are less capable of sinking ships. Where
torpedoes are carried (often in conjunction with missiles), they are lightweight torpedoes which are also generally
unlikely to sink larger ships. Notable excepts include the Tir class and Tarlan class torpedo boats which can carry
heavyweight torpedoes including the Russian supplied Shkval (‘Hoot’) rocket torpedo. The relatively poor sea keeping,

and short range missiles with limited over-the-horizon targeting

capability makes these craft only really effective within the
confines of the Persian Gulf. In that arena however the sheer
number of craft makes them a very real threat.

To counter this threat it has been hypothesized (and to an

extent practiced) that ship board helicopters armed with light
anti-ship missiles such as Penguin, AS-15-TT or Sea Skua can
Bavar class missile/torpedo boat typical of Iran's rapidly usually sink the approaching fast attack craft before they fire
expanding FAC fleet. Source FARS their missiles. Similarly land based attack helicopters armed
with rockets and anti-tank missiles would pose a viable
alternative, as would multi-purpose rockets with sub-munitions. This offers an effective counter to Iranian FACs when
encountered in small numbers by navies equipped with suitable helicopters, but the sheer size of Iran FAC fleet makes
this a much harder task.

Iran has occupied several small islands on the northern approaches (ie Persian Gulf side) of Straits of Hormuz. These are
heavily fortified with air strips, SAM/AAA sites and port facilities for small craft. They are likely launch sites for shore
based anti-ship missiles.

4.2 Equipment
Summary table of Combatants:

Figures in orange are estimates as of September 2010.

Excludes MLRS and similar light craft

Expected near-term changes

· An additional Mowj class corvette is believed to be under construction for service in the Caspian Sea, with
launch expected in 2011.
· 2011 is likely to see the continued building of Ghadir Class midget submarines with year-end 2011 figures of
between 12 and 15

4.2.1 Submarines

Paltus class, Project 877EKM (NATO Designation: KILO Class)

Tareq 901
Nuh 902
Yunes 903

Displacement: 2,325 tons surfaced/ 3,076 tons dived.
Length 72.6 m
Beam 9.9 m

Speed: 17 knots Iranian KILO Class SSK. Source FARS

Range: 6,000 nm at 7 knots (Snorkeling). 400 nm
without snorkeling
Max depth: 300 m
Endurance: 45 days.
Crew: 12 officers, 41-45 enlisted
6x 533mm torpedo tubes
18 torpedoes or 24 mines.

The Kilo is an advanced medium range submarine designed by the Soviet Union’s Rubin design bureau under chief
designer Yuri N. Kormilitsin, the first submarine B-248 was put in to commission on September 12, 1980. Meant to
replace the older Whiskey, Romeo and Foxtrot class submarines it has been exported 6 nations with others interested in
the purchase of units. Three shipyards in Russia build the Kilo, Komsomol’sk in the Far East, Sudomekh & Admiralty in St.
Petersburg, and Krasnoye Sormovo in Nizhniy Novgorord, formerly Gor’kiy (interestingly the last shipyard is thousands
of miles from the sea on the Volga River. The subs are transported north by barge to the White Sea). Paltus is the
Russian name for the Turbot a species of well camouflaged flat fish found in shallow areas of the North Atlantic, the
Med, Black and Baltic seas.

Iran has three of these submarines, Tareq was commissioned on Nov 21 1992, Nuh was commissioned on June 6 1993
and Yunes was commissioned on Nov 25 1996. Between 1992 and 1993 the Russian submarine B-402 was stationed in
Iran to provide assistance in training Iranian crews. Tareq underwent a refit in Bandar Abbas in mid 2005, the Russian
shipyard Sevmash provided technical assistance. One of the other two Kilos appears to be drydocked in recent Google
Earth images indicating a possible refit. These submarines when delivered from Russia had several problems mainly their
battery system did not function optimally in the hot climate. Reportedly India which operates a number of modified 877
class Kilos provided new batteries for Iran's Kilos.

The Kilo features a double hull design which is different from most western submarine designs, the inner pressure hull
protects the crew and equipment while the outer hydrodynamic hull provides a smooth and streamlined shape for
operating dived. Between the two hulls are the submarine's ballast tanks and fuel tanks. This double hull design provides

exceptional reserve buoyancy in keeping with the Russian doctrine of Surfaced Unsinkabilty, that is if the submarine is
surfaced or shallow and it takes damage the submarine retains sufficient buoyancy that is can surface. The Kilo has over
30% reserve buoyancy meaning it can lose one compartment and its adjoining ballast tanks and still surface.

The hull of the Kilo is covered with “Cluster Guard” anechoic tiles which both absorb sonar pings and absorb own ship
self noise.

Noticeable features on the hull include a Red and White distress buoy which is ejected from a disabled submarine to
mark its position for rescuers. Several limber holes which allow water to flood in to the space between the two hulls,
once dived the holes are sealed with small doors. Fin features an enclosed navigation bridge intended for surface
transits in harsh weather (this could include sandstorms found in the Persian Gulf.) and three navigation lights. The
forward part of the sail contains the HF mine avoidance sonar. The fin is free flooding so when the submarine is dived it
is filled with water. Three hatches allow access to the interior of the submarine, one is located in the torpedo bay, the
second is inside the fin exiting in the Central Command Post the last is on the aft deck and exits in the engineering

The Kilo is equipped with the following 2 Type 4-2AA-42M turbocharged diesel generator sets, 2 PG-141M electric
motors, 1 MT-140 electric low-speed motor, 2 MT-168 internal electric creep motors, 2 ducted props. 1 6 blade

The Kilo is fitted with an MGK-400 Cylindrical sonar in her bow. The system is a hybrid digital and analog system that
features 7 stacks of analog hydrophones in a truncated cone arrangement. It is capable of both passive detection and
active transmissions along with a HF mine avoidance capability (Mouse Roar MG-519 system) and an active sonar
intercept capability against transmissions between 1-60 kHz. This system provides a estimated detection range of 6 nm
in the active mode and 9 nm in the passive mode. The system can track two contacts automatically and one contact
manually. Contact classification is provided by a narrow-band digital signal processing DEMON (DeModulated Noise)
system, that extracts data on contact propeller blade rate and hull flow noise. The system has a Hydroacoustic
communications capability (AKA Underwater Telephone or 'Gertrude'). The Kilo also has a MG-553 sound-velocity
measurement system and a MG-512 self-cavitation measurement system. Iranian Kilo’s are likely with the mast
mounted MRM-25EM “Squid Head” Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system but are not thought to be equipped with
the 6701E “Quad Loop” Direction Finding (DF) system found on Russian boats.

The Kilo is fitted with a mast mounted Radar system for navigation and target acquisition. The system is either a MRP-25
“Snoop Tray” or MRK-50 Albatros' “Snoop Tray 2”. Maximum ranges are 15 and 20 nm respectively. The Snoop Tray
system interfaces with the “Leningrad” torpedo control system to generate firing solutions on target ships.

These submarines are equipped with torpedo auto loaders with both reduce crew requirements and speed weapon
loading time. Torpedo tubes 5 and 6 are capable of firing wire guided torpedoes such as the Russian TEST-71. Tubes 1
and 2 can be configured to fire encapsulated anti-ship cruise missiles, some reports indicate that at least one Kilo has
been so fitted and is armed with the Sagheb cruise missile a version of the C-801. A MANPADS SAM launcher can be
fired from the submarine's fin and is stored in a locker in the fin.

Iranian videos on YouTube show at least one of the

Kilos is in good shape, most of its equipment still
appears to be standard Soviet/Russian issue.
Compared to contemporary western submarines
this equipment appears exceedingly primitive.

The Kilos are very large submarines designed for

distant patrols in the North Sea and GIUK Gap, as a
result their utility in the Persian Gulf is very limited
The length of the Kilo can be greater than the
depth of the water in some areas of the Gulf. They
run the risk of being spotted by air in the shallow
Iranian Kilo Class Sub on surface. Source FARS waters or not having a thermocline layer to hide
under during war or being run over by a surface
ship on accident. The operational area of these submarines would probably be in the Gulf of Oman where the water can
reach sufficient depths to provide a layer to hide under. The Kilo's range also allows operations as far as the Red Sea or
the coast of India.

A major concern for the Iranian navy must be the “compromised” nature of the technology aboard the Kilo. US allies
Poland and Romania each operate a Kilo class submarine. It can be assumed that US technical experts have thoroughly
examined this submarines both in dock and during NATO exercises such as the annual BALTOPS exercise.

IS-120 Gahdir class midget submarine

A total of 11 are likely operational with more building. Known hull
Ghadir 945
Ghadir 946 (?)
Ghadir 947
Ghadir 948

D: 120 tons
S: 11 kts Suf/ 8 kts sub.
Dim: 29 meters long, 2.75 meters wide
Maximum Depth: Unknown
Range: Unknown, short range.
ARMAMENT: 2 x533mm torpedo tubes. Mines in lieu of torpedoes
Shoulder launched SAMs (As reported by the commander of one
Iranian produced IS-120 sub pre-launch. Source
Radar: I Band Surface Search or Navigation.

Sonar: Active/Passive Sonar

EW: ESM Possible but would most likely be of minimal functionality suitable for RDF or Radar Warning. White cones on
Snorkel and one mast may be part of a radar warning system.
Crew: around 5 crew, as high as 7 seen inside.
Machinery: Diesel engine and electric motor. 1 Five blade prop. 1 four blade shrouded auxiliary propeller in pop-out
outboard position.

Arguably the IRGC-N’s most capable and important assets, the type is a North Korean designed midget sub supplied in
mid 2000’s and now locally produced in Iran in significant numbers. The IS-120 is the export form of the MS-29 Yono
although slight differences exist. This submarine gets its name from the Shia holy day Eid al-Ghadeer which
commemorates the anniversary of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's last sermon at Ghadir Khumm (a wadi in Saudi
Arabia) on the 18th day of Dhu al-Hijjah (the last month of the Islamic Calendar).

These subs appear to be commanded by Lt (J.G.)s. There is a towing lug (bullnose)on the bow below the water line. This
maybe for towing the boat behind a surface ship to its target or could be for more mundane uses around harbors. An
extendable ‘outboard’ secondary propeller is located forward of the main propeller, this could be used for station
keeping, quiet operation, or as a backup in case the main propeller is damaged. The aft control surfaces are similar to
the North Korean P4 class and MS-29 class. On the forward deck houses a Russian style marker buoy (red and white
sphere), a vertical cylinder protected by roll bars which is thought to be a may be a sonar array and a long horizontal
cylindrical watertight storage locker. The locker is accessed at the front end and likely contains equipment for combat
swimmers that cannot easily be carried inside the submarine such as diver propulsion devices.

Google Earth Image showing IS-120 Production facility in Bandar-e-Abbas. with nearly completed sub. The date of the
image is about 1 month after an IS-120 was shown being launched from the same facility. The pier on the bottom right of
the larger image is the IRN submarine pier which typically has the Kilo and active Ghadir subs present.

2 IS-120 subs moored at the new submarine base near Bostanu. Source IRNA.

A photo exists of a smaller version of the Ghadir with conventional control surfaces and prominent sonar array on the
bow. This may also be a giant model perhaps for hydrodynamic testing. A similar model has been shown in parades.

The equipment installed is somewhat

modern compared to the Kilo submarines
although power limitations will reduce the
capability of sonar relative to the larger
boat. Digital displays are utilized at
stations, but many of the screens are old
fashions CRT type rather than flat-screen.
North Korean MS-29 Yono class Video evidence has in the past been taken
to suggest that an autopilot may be
installed, as it showed the entire crew at prayer with none at the submarine's controls. More recent analysis suggests
that the boat is stationary and surfaced (likely tied up in port) at the time as the main crew access is open.

The sail of the submarine appears to be steel and is riveted. Four color schemes have been displayed, the most common
is the green one, there is a light blue and a near-black scheme.

According to the commander of vessel, these submarines can get underway in 4 minutes, which is not unusual.

Sound damping is probably poor on these subs due to their small size the sound rafting of heavy equipment and even
entire decks found on larger submarines would be impractical. However if the sub was bottomed with most equipment
shut down its small size would make detection difficult. The small size also limits patrol time since their appears to be
little space for crew necessities such as a galley or bunks. These subs are no doubt well-suited for operations in the Gulf
where shallow waters make operations of large submarines hazardous.

Many details of the IS-120’s internal layout are known within the Open Source Intelligence community, with new
understandings gained almost daily. The design is single-hulled with the 19.2m pressure hull situated centrally, with
main ballast tanks (than likely trim tanks) ahead and aft of it. The control room is slightly aft of center with the main
crew access just in front of the connecting door. The crew access hinges to port, with a twin sink for washing opposite it
on the starboard side. In the sail, an electro-optical ‘periscope’ and radar mast are arranged in tandem aft of this access
hatch. These do not retract into the pressure hull unlike most submarines which limits the height that they can be
raised. Behind the sail is a telescopic snort mast (‘snorkel’) which folds back into an opening in the rear decking. This is
also used to mount several aerials. Some evidence suggests that there may be a bow-thruster behind the forward
hydroplanes but this is unconfirmed.

Ghadir class under construction, 2009. Source ISNA


Nahong (Whale) class Midget Submarine

Number is service: 1
D: about 100 tons
S: 8 kts sub.
Dim: about 40 meters long
Maximum Depth: 200 meters

ARMAMENT: 2 533mm torpedoes in drop collars. 4

MDM-6 or EM-52 Mines in lieu of torpedoes.

Radar: Surface Search or Navigation.

Sonar: Bow mounted active/passive sonar possible.

EW: ESM Mast similar to Russian "Stop Light" type.

Crew: 8 crew + 6 Combat Divers (est.)

Machinery: Diesel engines and electric motors. 5 blade prop.

Apparently larger than the Ghadir class, this submarine is more conventional in design aside from the weapons
mounting external to the hull in drop collars. Control surfaces on the stern consist of cruciform fins while a pair of dive
planes are mounted on the sail. Reportedly this sub is deployed in the Caspian Sea but transport to the Gulf region
overland is feasible. Its exact mission is unknown but the most common suggested in mine laying or insertion of special
forces. Other possible missions suggested include smuggling of contraband both in to and out of Iran or as the launch
platform for the Hoot rocket torpedo.

Another possibility is that these submarines are not

armed but instead operated as a mother submarine
for two or more swimmer delivery vehicles such as
the e Ghavasi class Chariot which are carried in two
pods below the waterline.

”Al Sabehat 15” Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (Submersible)

Quantity in service: 10 (est)
Length: 8m
Crew: 2 (some reports claim up to 7 additional divers but this is unrealistic)
Weapons: up to 17 Limpet mines

A “chariot” design showing European influences and typical of special forces insertion vehicles, the type is only suitable
for coastal operations, but can perform sabotage, reconnaissance and counter-diver operations. At least 6 variations
exist and it is likely that each craft is unique. The earliest example had an enclosed cockpit but later version omit this.
The nose likely carries an obstacle avoidance sonar. One version features a folding communications / sensor mast.

Al-Sabehat 15 SDV. Source ISNA

The type can be launched from a ship or under-slung from a large helicopter (Sea King, Mi-8 Hip or Chinook). It could

also be carried externally on a larger submarine or towed behind one but neither scenario has been observed.

e Ghavasi class Chariot

Quantity in Service: ? 1
Dimensions: L 7m
Weight: (est) 3 tons (armed)
Crew: 2
Weapons: TBC. Likely limpet mines carried by divers. Some observers speculate that it is designed to carry a single
533mm torpedo under the body.

Relatively little is known of this two-man "wet sub". It has a notch out of the bottom which some observers suspect may
be designed to carry a single heavyweight torpedo semi-recessed. This is unconfirmed and difficult to conceive being
used effectively – however no better explanation has been found for this feature. The two crew members use frogman
apparatus to breath and it is not clear if they are provided with a separate closed-circuit system for use whilst in the
craft. The clear nosecone appears to be for the driver to see where they are going when underwater, presumably
crouched inside the hull. The small forward control planes are probably hand operated by the driver.

Photo: IRNA\

Iranian combat swimmers / commandoes / saboteurs

Both the Navy and IRGCN maintain special forces capable of diving. Capabilities likely include pre-landing beach
reconnaissance (beach samples etc), sabotage of enemy vessels with limpet mines or similar charges, recovery of items
of interest from shallow waters, sabotage of undersea cables and pipelines, and commando raids against shore targets.

The forces practice all main modes of delivery although some may only be practiced infrequently:
 Swimmer Delivery vehicles (wet submarines – see Al Sabehat-15 and e Ghavasi
 Deployment from submarines (Kilo, Nahong and Ghadir)
 Use of underwater diver propulsion devices (DPVs)
 Deployment from small craft such as zodiacs, and potentially including semi-submersibles
 Helicopter
 Military operated civilian vessels (ie Dows)
 Kayaks

IRGCN combat swimmers parade in an inflatable boat (‘Zodiak’). Attached at the rear are two diver propulsion devices (DPVs),
probably commercially acquired Aquazepp types. Source FARS

Folding Special Forces Kayaks. Source FARS


4.2.2 Major Warships

Alvand Class corvette

These vessels are the Vosper Mk5-type frigate, a commercial export designi. They were the most advanced warships in
the region when launched. They have seen combat several times in their lives and due to numerous refits they remain in
service. These frigates were used during the 1971 Iranian invasion of the Abu Mush and Tonb islands. The 1980's saw

extensive use of the Alvands, Alvand unsuccessfully engaged and Iraqi Osa class PTG with a Sea Killer in 1980, Saam also
shelled Iraqi troops advancing in to Iran. In March 1984 Sabalan sunk the tanker Sedara with a Sea Killer and damaged
the MV Five Brooks that October. In 1987 Sabalan attacked a Japanese tanker with gun fire aimed at her bridge and crew
quarters, these actions made her and her commanding officer Lt. Cdr. Abdollah Manavi (or Capitan Nasty has he was
sometimes called) some of the US Navy's “Most Wanted”. Following the mining of the USS Samuel B Robers the US
launched operation Praying Mantis, US Navy aircraft spotted the Sahand leaving Bandar Abbas, the US aircraft was then
attacked with a Seacat missile. A-6E Intruders from the USS Enterprise attacked and sank the frigate with Harpoon,
Skipper and GBU-10 weapons. Sahand was also observed leaving port and bombed with a GBU-12 by an A-6E and left
adrift. US forces were ordered to disengage and tugs helped back to port. It took 3 ½ years to repair Sahand.

The arms embargo on Iran has serious implications on

these vessels, all their systems were of either British or
Italian origin. The first system to go was the Seacat
SAM in 1988 it was replaced by a ZU-23 AA gun. In
1991 the Sea Killer SSM system was refitted to launch
BM-21 artillery rockets and the ZU-23 was replaced by
a GAM-B01 20mm cannon, 2 additional cannons of this
type were added in 1992 in place of the ship's older
model lifeboats. In 1996 the Seakiller SSM system was
totally removed and box launchers for the C-802
missile were added. The latest refit of the Alborz
increased the ASW capability of the Alvands with the

Alvand class firing C802 SSM. Source ISNA addition of 2 triple 324mm torpedo tubes. A helicopter
replenishment station was also added which forced the
removal of the Mk4 Squid ASW mortar. As yet no photos show Alvand or Sabalan with the Alborz ASW refit.

Despite their age all three of these frigates are still active. In 2004 Alvand made port call in Pakistan and India. In 2009
Alborz conducted its 2nd anti-piracy patrol in the Gulf of Aden.

Obviously these vessels are handicapped by a total lack of air defense missiles and a Close-in Weapons Systems (CIWS).
Although they can operate in the open sea and are the only ships (besides maybe the Mowj) capable of RAS
(Replenishment at Sea) their limited combat capability restricts them to operations in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman
where they can be protected by aircraft and SAMs from shore. Interesting is the addition of ASW torpedoes on the
Alborz, while the US Navy and others have begun abandoning the 324mm SVTT system in favor or ASW
Helicopters/Drones and ASROCs. Most current submarine heavy weight torpedoes feature maximum ranges far in
excess of the maximum range of any torpedo fired from the SVTTs. One answer is that they are being utilized as anti-
torpedo weapons, but it is unclear whether the Chinese supplied torpedoes have that level of sophistication.

Mowj Class corvette (/Moudge)

Displacement: 1,400 tons
Dimensions: L 94m, W 10m, Dr 3.25m (Actual dimensions
may be almost exactly as per Alvand)
Crew: 120-140
Speed: 28kt+
Powerplant: 2 x 10,000hp diesels
Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 4 x Standard
SM-1 SAM, 1 x 76mm Gun, 2 x (manned) GAM-BO1 20mm
cannon, 1 x Bofors 40mm AAA (upgraded), 2 x triple 12.7mm
lightweight torpedoes, MANPADs probably carried. Mowj Class. Source MEHR
Helicopters: Landing pad only

Only one Mowj class corvette is in service, Jamaran, but another is under construction.

Unlike the Alvand class the Mowj only utilizes diesel engines resulting in a lower top speed but reducing engineering
complexity. The ship is also fitted with fin stabilizers allowing for operations in high sea states.

The Mowj has the standard complement of radars and EW systems, the surface and air search radar are quite large for a
vessel its size. A fire control radar can be seen atop the bridge, this could be used for both the 76mm gun and for the
SM-1 Standard missile system. Additionally EW and ECM systems can be seen in pictures of the vessel.

Sonar fit is difficult to determine as no photos of the ship in dock have been made available. Inasmuch as these vessels
are essentially unlicensed copies of the Vosper Thornycroft Mark 5, it might be reasonable to expect a sonar fit would
follow the same layout as the original model. The one photo of a large model of the ship does not show any sonar fit but
this may be a simple omission. The mounting of two torpedo mounts indicates some sort of submarine detection
capability. The design of the bow would preclude the fitting of an bow sonar since the anchors would not clear it when
deployed so a hull mounted sonar would be likely (as per the US Oliver Hazard Perry class). The exact nature of the sonar
is unclear however both the Alvands and Bayandors are equipped with hull mounted sonars, and the decommissioned
Battle and Gearing class destroyers were also so equipped. The best guess on the nature of the system would be that its
a active and passive system with a active transmission capability in the Medium Frequency range (probably around 15
kHz as per the Alvand's Graesby Type 170B set or perhaps around 10 kHz as per the Artemiz's Plessey PMS-26 set.)

IRIS Jamaran firing a C802 SSM. Source FARS

The weapons fit of this vessel is almost identical in capabilities to the Alvand but with a few changes mostly in location of
certain systems.

The ‘A’ position gun has been changed to a smaller 76mm gun, interesting is the absence of a optical director on the gun
itself as per the modified Bayandor class vessel. The ‘Y’ position AA gun has been relocated closer to the funnel to allow
for a helicopter pad and has been changed from a 35mm twin mount to a single Fath-40 mm mount. Two GAM-B01
20mm guns are fitted forward of the bridge in the B position as opposed to the single on the Alvand.

The ASM launchers have been moved to the superstructure to allow for a helicopter deck. This may present a problem
by making the ship top heavy. Four SM-1 missile launchers appear to have been fitted between the Y position mount
and the funnel.

Two torpedo mounts are mounted below the Y position gun. These are covered by an extension of the upper deck which
will no doubt make servicing and loading them in foul weather easier (similar mounts on US ships are exposed to the
elements). Torpedoes for these mounts could be either surplus US Mk 44 or Mk 46 weapons or new Chinese Yu-7

The Mowj class, whist an improvement of the Alvand class, still suffers several faults. Air defense is still lacking; the
addition of 4 SM-1 Standard SAMs is an improvement the unusual placement limits their effectiveness, only two missiles
can fire per side and they have major blind spots forward and aft. In fact due to the placement of the funnel the fire
control radar (FCR) does not have a line of sight against any targets astern of the vessel meaning the SM-1s cannot
defend the stern quarter of the ship and the forward quarter has limited to no coverage especially at close ranges.
Additionally on the subject of air defense the ship's air search radar is quite low to the superstructure of the ship making
its possible horizon less than on other ships. This becomes a major problem when dealing with sea skimming missiles or
low flying aircraft.

ASW systems suffer from the same faults as the Alvand, the 2 triple 324mm SVTTs provide limited protection and due to
the design of the bow a large bow sonar (like on the Arlegh Burkes) cannot be fitted. If any sonar is fitted its probably a
smaller hull mounted array like on the Alvands. However the addition of a Helicopter landing pad suitable for a AB-214
does allow the Mowj to engage submarines from beyond their torpedo range. The apparent lack of a towed array sonar
or VDS makes this doubtful operationally, more likely the helicopter would be used for OTH targeting of SSMs and
general utility duties. The renewed focus on ASW on Iranian ships (The Alvand, Mowj and Naghdi all now carry 324mm
torpedoes) is puzzling. While Iran's primary threat the US operates the second largest active fleet of submarines in the
world, a Cold War vintage defensive system appears quite pathetic in view of potential alternatives such as Russian style
533mm torpedo mounts capable of firing both torpedoes or ASROCs (as fitted to the Neustrashimy) or the ASROC
version of the C-801 (designated CY-1).

Hamzeh Corvette


Displacement: 580 tons

Dimensions: L 52m, W 7.65m, Dr 3.25m
Crew: ??
Speed: 15kt
Powerplant: 2 x 1,300hp diesels
Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x main gun (20mm?), 2 x 12.7mm manned heavy machine guns

Originally the Imperial Government Yacht “Shah Savar,” , the Hamzeh has been modified to carry C-802 anti-ship missiles
and light defenses. Main role probably remains training. The boat operates in the Caspian Sea alongside the SINA missile
boats. Confusingly the first widespread pictures of her post-refit where accompanying an Iranian press article
announcing the entry into service of the SINA type “corvette” Joshan, causing some confusion as to this boat’s identity.
The pennant number appears to have changed also.

Despite a popular press photo showing an AB-212 helicopter, the Hamzeh does not have a helipad.

Bayandor (PF-103) missile / gun corvette

D: 900t standard, 1135t full load
S: 20 knots
Dim: 84x33x3.1
Range: 2400 at 18 knots.

ARMAMENT: Pre-Refit: 2 Mk 34 3" guns, 1 Twin Bofors 40mm AA Gun, 2 GAM-B01 20mm guns.
Post-Refit: 4 C-802 ASMs. 1 76mm Dual Purpose (DP) Gun (360 rds), 1 Twin Bofors 40mm AA Gun, 2 GAM-B01 20mm
gun. 2 triple 324mm torpedo tubes.

Radar: AN/SPS-6C D Band Air Search, Decca 1226SS I band surface search, Raytheon 1650 I Band Nav, Mk 36 I/J band FC.
Sonar: AN/SQS-17 Active/Passive sonar.
EW: AN/WLR-1 ESM, AN/UPX-12B IFF. Improved ESM post refit.
Crew: 140
Machinery: 2 Fairbanks-Morse 38TD8 diesels

Originally a class of four patrol frigates built in Texas for the Shah the Bayandor class vessels are commonly used as
patrol vessels and have seen extensive service. Two vessels were sunk during the Iran-Iraq war both by air strikes,
Milanian was sunk in Bushehr on September 24, 1980 by a 500lb bomb from a MiG-23 Flogger, Kahnamoie was sunk at
sea two years later to the day by an air launched Exocet. In the 2000's Naghdi began a refit that upgraded many of her
systems including the addition of ASM, ASW torpedoes and a new Iranian produced 76mm main gun. The Bayandor has
not received any refit except for the updated EW system the Naghdi has received.

Source: Jamejan online


4.2.3 Fast Attack Craft and armed speed boats

Kaman (La Combattante II) and SINA class Guided Missile Patrol Boat

Kaman P221
Xoubin P222
Khadang P223
Falakhon P226
Shamshir P227
Gorz P228 (SM-1 Variant)
Gardouneh P229
Kanjar P230
Neyzeh P231
Tabarzin P232
SINA class The main ID feature to differentiate Kaman and
Derafsh P233
SINA classes is the flattened radar dome of the latter. Source
Kalat P234 IRNA

The La Combattante series is one of the most popular types of PTGs in the world, second only to the Russian Osa class.
The Iranians call this ship the Kaman class, Kaman is Farsi for Bow as in the Bow and Arrow. Ton for ton these are some
of the more powerful vessels in the Iranian Navy. They began being commissioned in 1977. After the Shah fell in 1979
three more vessels were delivered as gunboats. In 2006 an indigenous version called the SINA class was put in to service

in the Caspian Sea. The differences include the surface search radar, the aft gun and on some units an Electro-Optical

These ships have seen combat on several occasions during the 1980s. Two vessels Joshan and Pekyan, participated in
Operation Morvarid (Pearl) sinking 2 Osa missile boats and shelling Iraq port facilities. Pekyan was latter sunk by a single
AS-12 and two SS-N-2 Styx missiles. These ships sank 5 Iraqi freighters and one Indian tanker. They also damaged two
neutral tankers during the conflict. Joshan was sunk by US forces during operation Praying Mantis after she had fired an
RGM-84A Harpoon missile at a US Cruiser. The US forces sank her with four Standard and one RGM-84C Harpoon

Recent image of Kaman class fitted with 3 Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Note also that the rear 40mm gun has been replaced by a
20mm mount. Source: FARS

The Kaman's weapons were top of the line when

she first sailed but by today's standards are lacking.
Originally they were fitted with four RGM-84A
Harpoon missiles, all were expended during the
Iran-Iraq war. In the mid 1990s the Harpoon
launchers were replaced by four launchers for C-
802 missiles. They are also armed with an OTO-
Melara 76mm Rapid Fire gun and a Breda Bofors
40mm gun. The Sina boats are armed with a 20mm
weapon in place of the 40mm on some units. In
2010 Harpoon launchers reappeared on a Kaman
class boat indicating that Iran has found a source of

Standard SM-1 equipped Kaman Class. Source FARS


Harpoon missiles or had begun producing their own version.

One boat is equipped with two single SM-1 Standard SAMs in box launchers facing directly across the boat. The rear
40mm cannon is replaced by the fire control radar. This configuration was thought to be abandoned but recently shown
in naval exercises.
Two radars are fitted, a Signaal WM28 I/J band surface search and FC radar which has an effective range of up to 25
nms. This radar is used for both SSM guidance (when needed) and targeting for the 76mm gun. A Decca 1226 I band
navigation radar is also fitted.

An Alligator ECM system is fitted. This jammer is proven effective against N-2 Styx missiles but its capability against
modern weapons is doubtful. A TMV-433 ESM is fitted along with two IFF systems a AN/APX-72 and UPZ-27N.

This boats can be considered the optimal warship for the Persian Gulf, they have a well balanced arsenal, their range
makes them able to sail across the Gulf without refueling and they are fast. It’s not a surprise that several other Gulf
states operate this class as well.

Thondor Class Missile Boat

Quantity in service: 10
Displacement: 205 tons
Dimensions: L 33.6m, W 7.6m, Dr 2.7m
Crew: 28
Speed: 35kt
Powerplant: 3 x 8,000bhp diesels
Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x twin
30mm AAA, 1 x twin 23mm AAA (crewed)
Source: FARS
Often referred to by their Chinese name, Houdong class, these
boats were delivered from China in the mid 1990s, and are operated by the largest missile craft of the IRGCN.

C-14 China Cat missile craft and MLRS Craft

Displacement: 19 tons
Dimensions: L 13.65m, W 4.8m, Dr 0.7m
Crew: 10
Endurance: 300nm
Speed: 55kt
Powerplant: 2 x 1150hp
Armament: 4 x TL-10 or C-701 Kowsar light anti-ship
missiles, or 2 x C-704 Nasr anti-ship missiles, or 1 x 122mm
MLRS (16 barrels), 1 x manned single-barreled 23mm
cannon and 1 x 12.7mm DShK MG on some craft.

Originally 10 C-14 missile armed catamarans were ordered

from Chinese manufacturer CSSC in 2002, with local MLRS armed version firing its 23mm cannon. Source FARS
production. Some vessels have been completed in a non-
missile configuration with an MLRS mounted over the cabin, necessitating a modified mast. The type is offered in the
Iranian defense industry’s export catalogue.

The C-701 missile is of Chinese origin though manufactured under license in Iran. It has a 20-25km range and can be TV
or Radar guided, making it ideal for littoral combat.

C-14 test firing a Nasr (C-704) anti-ship missile. Source FARS


Many reports indicate that the China Cat may employ the Chinese supplied TL-10 anti-ship missile instead of the C-701
described above. The two missile types are generally similar in overall size and capability, albeit different designs. Both
come with a range of seekers and minor sub-versions tailored to specific customer needs.

MK 13 Patrol craft (PTGF)

Displacement, tons: Unknown
Dimensions, feet (metres): 45.9 × ? × ? (14 × ? × ?)
Speed, knots: Unknown
Missiles: SSM: 2 TL-10 launchers.
Torpedoes: 2-324 mm tubes.

10 in service.
Mk-13. Source Sino Defense Forum
Approximately four new monohull patrol craft, possibly built
in China, were reportedly delivered in 2006. Armed with both anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.

Kajami class (Taedong-B) Submersible Torpedo Boat

Quantity in service: 1 (est)
Length: 17m
Armament: 2 x lightweight 324mm (12.75”)
Submerged depth: 25m (est)
Surface speed: 40kts (est)
Submerged speed: 4kts (est)

Iran is reported to operate a small number of

North Korean designed Taedong-B
submersible attack craft delivered in 2002.
There is no evidence or indication of local
Kajami submersible boat. Source FARS
It is likely that the type’s is a later model of I-SILC
(Improved Submersible infiltration Craft). In evolutionary terms the Kajami appears to be a lengthened version of the
I_SILCs supplied to Vietnam with torpedoes added. Unlike the Vietnamese examples, the Kajami does not have electric-
driven outboard motors on the rear hydroplanes, suggesting that like the older I-SILC the Kajami cannot travel forward
when fully submerged –this has proved a fatal flaw in North Korean service. propellers In North Korean service at least
they aren't intended for use against enemy naval combatants, but can carry weapons for self-defense.

The Kajami’s twin lightweight torpedo tubes are not particularly viable as offensive anti-shipping weapons. Despite
these torpedo tubes, the Kajamis are out of place in the IRGCN compared to many of the rest of that organizations' fast
attack craft. Unlike the other DPRK-supplied semisubmersibles, the Gahjaes, since the Kajamis' single appearance in the
open press, they have never since surfaced publicly that they have been less than successful in IRGCN service.

The Kajami, like the rest of the I-SILCs is very poorly laid out as a combatant. It's fully submersible to about 10-20
meters, but in order to do so, the crew has to relocate from the open cockpit aft to a smaller control compartment
amidships. This is less of an issue when conducting a carefully-rehearsed infiltration mission in low light conditions, but
less practical during combat.

The torpedo-armed Kajamis' purchase probably reflected aggressive salesmanship and marketing on the part of the
North Koreans, and inexperience on the Iranians' part. It’s possible that the Iranians may have considered Kajami as an
alternative to more 'conventional' mini submarines, but found it very impractical and finalized their decision upon
Ghadir instead.

Alternatively, and not mutually exclusive, the Kajami could also simply reflect the current state of I-SILC development,
and the torpedo tubes are simply more potent defensive weapons added in light of losses incurred during failed
infiltrations of South Korea over the past decades. In this case, the Kajami would simply be the current I-SILC variant.

Recently available satellite imagery of a Kajami in a North Korean port substantiates the North Korean origin of the type
and provided some more information on the layout and dimensions.

Gahjae Class (Taedong-C) Semi-Submersible Torpedo Boat

Quantity in service: 5 (est)
Length: 17m
Armament: 2 x lightweight 324mm (12.75”)
Speed (fully surfaced): 40kts (est)

Closely resembling the Peykaap torpedo boat (see

separate entry) the Gahjae class is semi-submersible
able to run awash with only the upper superstructure

and exhausts above the water. This mode of Gahjae Class. Source MEHR
operation is typical of North Korean infiltration craft
on which it’s based. Originally only 2 examples were thought to have been imported from DPRK but there are at least 3
craft now in service so some degree of local production is now taking place.

Although these boats offer some novel tactical opportunities for Iran, they are unlikely to be successful if operating
against larger warships armed with their own anti-submarine torpedoes, or fast moving targets. The lightweight
torpedoes are unlikely to sink even a modest warship although obviously a successful attack could immobilize even a
large warship.

IPS-18 Tir Class torpedo boat

Quantity in Service: 10
Displacement: 28.16 tons
Dimensions: L 21.12m, W 5.77m, Dr 0.87m H 2.1m
Crew: 6
Endurance: 450nm

IPS-18. Source DPRK Gov


Speed: 52kt
Powerplant: 3 x 1200hp
Armament: 2 x 533mm (21”) torpedo tubes, 1 x manned 12.7mm HMG

Of North Korean origin, these small fast attack boats are clearly designed with radar cross-section reduction in mind,
particularly from the forward hemisphere. A retractable radar mast further enhances their ability to hide amongst the
clutter of small fishing boats and otherwise inconspicuous minor radar reflections. This stealthiness is lost when the
boats are at high speed due to the large amount of spray produced by the surface-piercing propellers. Further, the
stealthiness does not extend to the infrared spectrum though, with raw exhausts venting out of the rear of the boat. The
only defensive weapons position well thought out in this regard, being a single pedestal mounted 12.7mm heavy
machine gun which is externally crewed.

In the right circumstances these boats represent a serious threat, but they have limited sea keeping, endurance and
sensors thus limiting their combat potential in a wider conflict.

They are potentially armed with Shkval rocket torpedo (range about 6-8km), but more likely carry North Korean
heavyweight torpedoes (estimated combat range about 10km). Although unconfirmed, the most likely torpedo is the PT-

Iran also produced a C-802 Noor missile armed version known as Tir-II which has been exported to Syria. This version is
not thought to be in service with Iran. Recent press briefs suggest that the Tir class is being locally produced to a
minimally modernized form for the IRGCN.

IPS-16 Family fast attack craft

Peyaap, Bavar, Zolaghar. For Gahjae see above.

Originally imported from North Korea, Iran has locally produced large numbers in several modified forms. The original
form is a low-observable torpedo boat but more recent versions are more conventional small missile craft, sometimes
armed with both missiles and torpedoes.

Quantity in Service:
Paykaap – 10 imported + 10 (est) locally produced
Bavar – 10 (est)
Zolfaghar – 10 (est)

Displacement (Peykaap): 13.75 tons

Dimensions: L 16.3m, W 3.75m, Dr 0.67m H 1.93m
Crew: 3
Endurance: 320nm
Speed: 52kt
Powerplant: 2 x 1200hp
Armament: (Peykaap) 2 x 324mm (12.75”) torpedo tubes, small-arms, (Bavar) 2 x C-701 'Kowsar' light anti-ship missiles,
2 x 324mm (12.75”) torpedo tubes, small arms. (Zolfaghar) 2 x C-704 ‘Nasr’ light anti-ship missiles, 2 x DShK 12.7m MG.

The sloping lines and ‘pop-out’ torpedo

tubes appears to have rudimentary stealth
characteristics although little attention has
been paid to the IR spectrum, and the type
has poor stealth at high speeds due to the
surface piercing propellers. The slight bulge
on top of the torpedo tubes is probably the
compressed air cylinder used to eject the
torpedo from the tube, and its position
makes it very possible that the torpedo
tubes are exactly the same as those on the
Taedong-B. The torpedoes used are likely of
North Korean design and are inadequate to
sink, or even seriously damage, warships.
For this reason most recent versions carry light IPS-16 Peykaap class. Source Diomil
anti-ship missiles.

The small size, high speed and somewhat low radar signature make this type a potent adversary, but it lacks any
meaningful self-defense weaponry should an enemy attempt to engage it. Its lightweight torpedoes are probably
inadequate to sink most warships.

The Bavar (Peykaap-II) has a significantly

redesigned cabin, mast and additionally has two
light anti-ship missiles on it. The Bavar is less
stealthy than the Peykaap and probably has a lower

In 2010 the latest “Zolfaghar’ version was unveiled

featuring a lengthened hull and ability to carry two
of the slightly larger C-704 ‘Nasr’ anti-ship missiles.
The Zolfaghar also has a DShK MG mount on the
forward hull.
Unpainted Zolfaghar showing Nasr missiles. Source

Recent image of a Bavar version without missile bins fitted. Source FARS

Dalaam class torpedo boat

Small torpedo craft capable of firing Shkval (Hoot) rocket torpedoes. Small open cockpit without windows. Closely
related to Tarlan class but with different bow. Cockpit is open, and no radar or other sensors are visible. Status

Tarlan class torpedo boat

Number is service: 15 (est)
D: 8.5 tons
S: 58 knots
Dim: 11.9x3.1x1.5
Range: 250 nm.
Armament: 1 Hoot Rocket Torpedo or
other 533mm weapon. Pedestal for single
Source Diomil
DShK 12.7mm HMG
Electronics: Unknown Radar
Crew: 2
Machinery: 2 660hp motors.

Tarlan is a semi-submersible catamaran built of aluminum. These patrol boats were demonstrated to have the capacity
to fire Hoot torpedoes in the Great Prophet 5 exercises in April of 2010. Although the design has three tubes in between
the hulls, it is unlikely that it can carry three 533mm torpedoes due yto their weight, even less likely 3 of the heavier
‘Hoot’ rocket torpedoes.

Explosive motor Boats

The IRGCN operates explosive-laden speed boats which attack their targets by means of ramming. This concept is not
unique, having been employed by the Imperial Japanese navy and more recently by LTTE (Tamil Tigers) and Al Qaeda.

Where the Iranian examples differ is that the crew is not sacrificed in the attack. This allows the crew to be extensively
trained ‘special forces’ in many respects similar to elite units who conduct combat swimmer operations.

Although ‘suicide boats’ are often discussed as an IRGCN tactic, very little is known about the specifics of the designs in
unclassified sources. Some footage of a design does exist and it is possible to produce a reasonable provisional
illustration which is representative of the only documented type.

Length: 9m (est)
Width: 2.2m
Height (overall): 2.1m
Powerplant: 2 x Yamaha VX250 250hp outboards

Escape: 1 x Yamaha Waverunner VX Sport jet ski

Warhead: 500kg shaped charge (est)

The pilot rides on top of a civilian purchased Jet Ski which is housed in dock at the rear of the craft, not unlike the docks
in amphibious assault ships, such that the jet ski can exit aft whilst the craft continues towards the target. The craft
carries no radar or advanced sensors, and does not appear to have means of remote control once the pilot has escaped.
The warhead is unknown but likely to be an impact-detonated shaped charge similar to those used in roadside bombs in

Video screen capture of explosive motorboats under construction. Source IRIB3


Seraj-1Class (Bladerunner) MLRS boat

Entering service in mid 2010, the Seraj-1 is an armed
adaptation of the British Bladerunner-35 racing and
sports boat. A closely related design, the
Bladerunner-51, holds the Round Britain World
Record set in 2005 and is arguably the fastest speed
boat in production. The Bladerunner series feature a
specialized hull design known for its ability to
maintain very high speeds for relatively great
distances and in rougher sea states than most similar
sized craft.

In Iranian service the Bladerunner has had a DShK

12.7mm MG mounted on the bow and a 107mm
MLRS mounted above the cockpit. The added weight Seraj-1. Source Borna
of this configuration likely reduces the maximum
speed. Although racing versions can manage 79kts, standard ‘Grand Tourer’ versions max at 62kts. The Iranian version is
probably closer to 50kts.

The Seraj-1 is unlikely to be in widespread operational

use for some time but is in production with several
hulls seen in various states of completion.

Length: 10.6 m
Beam: 2.9 m
Draft: 0.75 m
Displacement: 2,5 t
Fuel: 405 L
Powerplant: 2 x outboard motors (details TBC).

Seraj-1. Source Borna

Fabio Buzzi high speed patrol boats

The IRGC purchased several high speed patrol boats from Italian designer Fabio Buzzi who also supplies many Western
nations including Britain’s SBS. The designs come in both regular and Rigid Inflatable (RIB) configurations. The craft are
being locally produced and offered for export. Used by the IRGCN, only the MIL-40 and RIB-33 versions appear in
widespread service.

It is possible that Iran also transferred the hull and drive technology to North Korea as key hull features are also seen on
the North Korean IPS-16 and IPS-18 families in service with IRGC. An alternative hypothesis is that these features are
only incorporated into Iranian produced examples.

FB RIB-33 high speed patrol boats

Fabio Buzzi designs locally produced in Iran, these are rigid
inflatable boat (RIB) are increasingly active with IRGCN. The
most recent examples have a significantly modified
superstructure allowing carriage of an MLRS and radar.

Specifications (RIB-33)
Length: 10m
Beam: 2.7m
Draft: 0.6m
Speed: Claimed 57 kts but likely slower with MLRS
Powerplant: 2 x Yamaha 250 hp outboards
Displacement: 3.2+ tons RIB-33. Source: FARS
Crew: 3
Armament: 1 x 11-barrel 107mm MLRS

FB MIL-40 MLRS craft

Fabio Buzzi designed High Speed Patrol Boat (HSPB)
produced by MIG.

Length: 12.9m
Beam: 2.6m
Draft: 0.8m
Speed: 62 kts
Powerplant: 2 x 660 hp
Displacement: 6 tons
Crew: 3
Armament: 1 x 11-barrel 107mm MLRS, 1 x DShK 12.7mm MIL-40. Source FARS

Largest of the Fabio Buzzi designs used by Iran, the MIL-55 can accommodate 15 persons. Reportedly capable of carrying
107mm MRLS as per other FB types in Iranian service.

Length: 16.4m
Beam: 2.9m
Draft: 0.8m
Speed: 68 kts
Powerplant: 2 x 1,200 hp
Displacement: 15.3 tons
Crew: 5

Armament: 1 x 11-barrel 107mm MLRS, 1 x DShK 12.7mm HMG, mines

FB MIL-55. Source FARS

Torough Class PB (Boghammar)

A Swedish designed craft sold to Iran for Customs

purposes but quickly militarized on delivery and
copied. They can be armed with MLRS, Machine
guns, Recoilless Rifles, RPGs, Small Arms and Sea
Mines. A landing craft version is also in use.

Length: 12.8m

Displacement: 6.4 tons

Speed: 45kts
Armament: 1 x 12.7mm MG and 1 x 107mm MLRS (typical).

Ashura class
(MIG-G-0800 )

Legacy assets like the Boghammar, these

small boats were used for mine laying and
MLRS attacks during the Iran-Iraq war and
formed the bulk of the MLRS boat fleet
during the 1990s. Still widely deployed, they
are however overshadowed by more recent

Often referred to as “Boston Whalers” due to

their similarity to the commercial boats of
that firm, these small fiberglass craft feature
a ‘Hickman sea sled’ hull and twin outboard

Armament is 1 12.7mm DShK-38 HMG

forward. A weapons “table” center for either
a 12 tube 107mm rocket launcher or a single
M-08 or similar mine Other weapons could
include 107mm Recoilless Rockets, RPG-7
launchers, small arms. It is powered by two

outboard motors.

In 2010 a version armed with four contact mines was displayed. This craft appears to be utilized by the IRIN and can
carry as an alternative fit a DShK HMG and a squad of marines.

Compared to similar Iranian designs they are identifiable by the raised and flared bow lines.

Ashura class PB. Source FARS Ashura class armed with mines. Source FARS

Type-4 high speed patrol boats (HSPB)

The IRGCN operates a large fleet of Type-4 speedboats. These are generic fast boats employed much like the Ashura
class, possibly representing a successor design. The type is typically seen in a distinctive bright blue paint scheme but has
been operated in other schemes. Most famously a variant of this type was used during the January 6, 2008 incident
between 5 IRGC-N speedboats and American warships in which the Type-4 simulated laying mines directly in the path of
a warship. The type-4 in that incident had an enlarged fore-deck relative to previously noted versions.

Source US Gov

Murce MIG-G-0900
Number in service: 20
Similar to Boghammar, these are flat-bottomed craft suitable for marshland operations near the Iraqi border. They are
armed with 107mm MLRS and 12.7mm DShK machine gun.

Unknown MLRS Craft

The operational service of this type is unclear; it is possibly only a test craft for MLRS. The craft is around 9-10m long and
features a tunnel-hull (catamaran). It is armed with a HM-23 16 barrel 122mm MLRS. No other weapons are known.

Source: Modlex

4.2.4 Patrol craft

Parvin PGM-9

D: 102t standard/ 142 full load
S: 17 knots
Dim: 30.81x6.45x2.3
Range: 1000 nm at 17 kts
ARMAMENT: 1 40 mm cannon, 2x2 20mm cannons, 2x2 12.7mm machine guns, 1 81mm Mortar.
Radar: Furunno I Band Navigation
Crew: 30
Machinery: 2,200hp Mercedes Benz 12V493 TY57 diesel engines, 2 propellers.

Parvin Class. Source MEHR

US built for export patrol craft from early cold war era. As built was armed with basic ASW weapons and sensors
including Hedgehog mortars and depth charges, ASW weapons removed in 1980's. These vessels are intended to provide
additional firepower to groups of smaller or lightly armed ships.

D: 82 tons
Dim: 85'3”x19'x6'6”
Speed: 40 knots

Weapons: 1 BM-21 MLRS, 1 twin ZU-23 23mm cannon.

Radar: Decca 1226
Machinery: 4 diesels.
Based on North Korean Chaho class gunboats.

65' Mark III Patrol Boat

Number in service: 10
D: 28 tons Standard, 36 tons full
S: 26 knots

Dim: 19.78x5.5x1.8
Range 2000nm max, 450nm at full speed
ARMAMENT: Varies. M2 HMG, M60 MMG, Mk 16 20mm Cannon, MK19 AGL, MK3 40mm Cannon, MK 4 60mm or MK 2
81mm Mortars. Small arms.
Radar: Furunno I Band Navigation
Crew: 5
Machinery: 3 GM 8V71T1 diesels or 3 Detroit Diesel model 7082-7399. 3 3-blade props.

Mid 1970's US built patrol boats. Capable of operation beyond the coastal areas and inside the Gulf. Weapons fit listed
should be considered the maximum fit, in service these boats currently carry 1 20mm and 1 12.7mm or 7.62mm gun.
Theoretically missiles could be fitted since a US boat was modified for launch of Penguin ASMs.

Pashe (MIG-G-1900)
Based on US PBIs, armed with one twin 23mm ZU-23 cannon. Also is equipped with a surface search/nav radar.

Ghaem MIG-S-1800
IRGCN patrol craft, unusual among IRGCN boats in that is appears to be designed
for patrols lasting longer than a day. Weapons limited to small-arms.

Kashdom-II inshore patrol craft (PBF)

In service: 15
Displacement, tons: 17.5 approx
Dimensions, feet (metres): 52.5 × 9.8 × 3.6 (16.0 × 3.0 × 1.1)
Main machinery: 2 diesels; 2,400 hp (1.8 MW); surface piercing propeller
Speed, knots: 50 approx
Complement: 5
Guns: 1-23 mm. 1-12.7 mm MG.

Probably a development of the C 14 class design, the

catamaran-hulled inshore patrol craft. A MRL launcher may
also be mounted on the cabin roof.

Peterson PBI

Number in service: 30
D: 20.1 tons full
S: 26 knots
Dim: 19.78x5.5x1.8
ARMAMENT: 2 12.7mm Machine Guns.
Crew: 5
Machinery: Diesels, 3 3-blade props.

US built patrol boats. Single round Tigercat SSM launcher and associated datalink removed.


Number in service: 6
Dim: 9.8x3.5x.61
S: 28.5 knots
Armament: Twin .50 cal machine gun in rotating tub. Rear single .50 cal HMG. 1 M60 MMG, 1 MK 19 AGL. Ceramic
armor fitted to guns and bridge.
Crew : 4
Machinery: 2 220 hp Detroit Diesels 6V53N. 3 nozzle Jacuzzi Brothers water jet.

Vietnam war vintage US Patrol Boats made famous in the movie Apocalypse Now. Suitable only for patrols inshore or in
river areas, suitable areas in Iran include the Shat al Arab or the marshes on the northern side of Qeshm Island. Not seen
in the press and may not be operational.

Vessels in Service:
5006 SADAF

Most serve in the Caspian Sea at Bandar Pahlavi. Some are operated by the Iranian Coast Guard.

Naser class logistics/support boat

At least two IRGCN craft of a new type recently visited Qatar and there have been news releases of further deliveries in
2011. The cract is built by the Arvandan Company and features a large superstructure with sloping front but almost
vertical sides generally similar to commercial craft. The type appears unarmed but is equipped with an electro-optical
sensor ball and surface search radar.

Length: 32m, width: 7.8m
Speed: 27 kts
Powerplant: 2 x 1135hp diesel

This is the first ‘peace-time’ craft seen in IRGCN service indicating the maturing of the force’s lead in Iran’s activities in
the Persian Gulf.


4.2.5 Amphibious warfare

For hovercraft see separate section

Hengam class Landing Ship, Tank

Hengam 51
Larak 52
Lavan 53
Tonb 54

D: 2540 Tons full load
S: 14.5 Knots
Dim: 92.96x14.94x3, Tank Deck: 39.6x8.8
Range: 4000nm @ 12 knots
ARMAMENT: 4 2x ZU-23 AA Guns, 1 122mm BM-
21 MRL, 2x M2 .50 cal HMGs. 2x Mk5
Countermeasure Launchers.
Aircraft: Pad for 1 Sea King.
Radar: Decca 1229 I Band Surface search radar.
EW: SSR 1520 IFF.
Crew: 80 + capacity for 227 troops or 5-9 tanks or Hengam class with two Sea Kings flying overhead. Source MEHR
600 tons dry cargo.
Machinery: 2 Paxman 12YJCM Diesels (511 & 512), 4 MTU 16V652 TB81 diesels (513 & 514)

Based on British Sir Lancelot class LSL. Can be used as mother ships for IRGCN small craft or as depot ships for mine
layers. 2 LCVPs can be carried.

Iran Hormuz 21 class

D: 2274 tons full load

S: 11 knots
Dim: 53.65x10.81x77
ARMAMENT: 2 12.7mm MG, Moored mines in minelayer
Radar: Decca 1226 I Band Surface Search Radar
Crew: 30
Machinery: 2 2,200 shp diesels, Two 4 blade propellers.

These are Japanese built LSTs, one was sunk by the Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq war and another (The Iran Ajr) was sunk by US
forces after it was spotted laying mines in the Gulf.

Iran Hormuz 24 class

The three ships of this class normally operate as part of a
ferry service between Bandar Abbas and the UAE. In time of
war they could be utilized in a troop or vehicle carrying role.
Details of each ship differ but they are RO/RO ships, at least
one is equipped with cranes.

Chacvoush class
Details unknown listed in several documents.

Fouque (MIG-S-3700) class Landing Craft, Tank

D: 276 Tons full load

S: 10 Knots
Dim: 36.8x7.9x1.5
Radar: Furuno I Band Surface search radar.
Crew: 8
Machinery: 2 MWM TBD234 Diesel Engines
Notes: Cargo capacity is 140 tons of vehicles or dry cargo.
Notes: Listed as Karbala class LSL in some sources. Operated by the IRGCN.

Nezami Ganjavi class LCU

D: 1000t
S: 12 knots
Dim: 150'x34'x11'
Iranian built LCU class constructed to civilian specs. Operated by both military and civilian agencies.

4.2.6 Support vessels

Kharg class AO

Kharg 431

D: 33,014 tons full load.
S: 21.5 knots
Dim: 207.15x25.5x9.14
Armament: 1 76mm 62 cal ATO Melara
Compact DP; 6 twin 23mm ZU-23-2s
Aircraft: up to 3 ASH-3D Sea King helicopters.
Radar: 2 Decca 1229 nav radars.
Crew 248 IRIS Kharg showing her two helicopter hangers.. Source FARS
M: 1 26,870 shp Westinghouse geared steam
turbine. 2 Babcock & Wilcox 2 drum boilers 1 Prop.

Iranian Navy Flagship, delivered to Iran 5-10-84. Refitted 1993. Used mostly as a patrol ship and as a tender for patrol

Bandar Abbas class AO

Bandar Abbas 421
Booshehr 422

D: 3786 tons standard/ 4673t full load
S: 20 knots
Dim: 108x16.6x4.5
Range: 3500 at 16 knots.
ARMAMENT: 1 twin 23mm 80 cal ZU-23, 2 single
20mm Oerlikon GAM B01, 2 SA-7 Grail SAM
AIRCRAFT: Helicopter pad and telescopic hanger aft.
Radar: 1 Decca 1226 Nav, 1 Decca 1229 nav
Crew: 60

Machinery: 2 MAN R6V 52/56 diesels, 2 4 blade

Bandar Abbas class. Source FARS


Notes: Built by C. Luhring Brake in Germany these two ships were delivered in 1973-1974. Also employed as patrol ships.
Replenishment duties limited since only Iranian ships capable of RAS are Alvand class FFGs. Booshehr # 422 has RAS
derrick forward of superstructure, derrick removed on Bandar Abbas # 421. This maybe have been removed following an
explosion aboard the ship in 1998.

Kangan class Water Tanker

Kangan 411
Taheri 412

D: 12000t full load
S: 15 knots
Dim: 147.95x21.5x5
Range: 1000 nm
ARMAMENT: 1 ZU-23-2 AA, 2 12.7mm HMGs.
AIRCRAFT AND EMBARKED VEHICLES: Helicopter landing pad for single heavy helicopter. Four landing barges. Trucks or
light armor can be carried on deck.
Radar: 1 Decca 1229 I Band Nav
Crew: 14
Machinery: 1 7385 bhp MAN 7L52 diesel.

Cargo Capacity 9,000 cubic meters of fresh water. Used for supply of island garrisons and general patrol duties.

Delvar class AG


950 ton general purpose tenders. Delvar and Sirjan are used as ammunition lighters, Dayer and Dilim are water tankers,
the others are used as coastal cargo ships. All can be used to plant mines.

Hendijan class general purpose tender (MIG-S-4700-SC)


D: 446t full load
S: 21 knots (27 knots in Nayband)
Dim: 47,8.55,2.86
Range: 1000 nm
ARMAMENT: 1 single 20mm Oerlikon GAM B01
Radar: 1 Decca 2070A Nav

Crew: 15+100 passengers or troops. Hendijan class. Source IRNA

Machinery: 2 MWM TBD604V12 Diesels (2
Mitsubishi S16U-MPTK Diesels in Nayband)

Cargo Capacity 40 tons on deck, 12 below. 40 tons of potable water. Used for patrol, supply of island garrisons, and as a
tender for IRGCN small boats.

Cape class MSC

1 in service. This is a US built mine sweeper, now used as a training vessel and dive tender.

Kialas-C-Qasam Training Vessels

Listed in some publications, not widely seen in the press.

Damen 1550
Listed in some publications, not widely seen in the press. A pilot boat for harbors.

4.6.7 Hovercraft

BH.7 ‘Wellington’ Mk4 and Mk5

D: 50 tons
Dim: 23.2x13.7x12.8
Speed: 60 knots in calm seas, 30 knots in
Seastate 5 or higher.
Weapons: 2 C-802 ASMs. 2 12.7mm MG. 4
Machinery: 1 Proteus 15M/541 gas turbine.

The Mk4 version is a transport only craft whereas

the Mk5 can carry anti-ship missiles in addition to
its transport capability.

Only 2 of the Mk-5s are fitted for missiles.

Original fit was to be 4 x Sea Killer anti-ship missiles but until recently no missiles were carried and the craft were used
for logistics only. In recent exercises two C-802 Noor anti-ship missiles were carried.

BH7 Mk5 with two C-802 Noor Missiles, 2010. Source: FARS

SR.N6 transport hovercraft

D: 10 tons
Dim: 14.8x7.7x4.8
Speed: 58 knots
Weapons: 1 or 2 12.7mm MG.
Machinery: 1 Gnome Model 1050 gas turbine, 1 Peters
diesel as auxiliary power unit.
Notes: These are used as troop carriers and fast supply
ships for the Iranian Navy Marines. Up to 6 tons of cargo
can be carried.

6-seat utility hovercraft entering production in 2009. Suitible for patrolling, search and rescue and light logistics duties.

Younes-6. Source MEHR

Other Indigenous Hovercraft programs

Iran has displayed models of other hovercraft designs generally influenced by the British supplied
examples already in service. The largest of these has an open vehicle bay at the front and is generally
similar to Griffon BH-130.

Source isca

A smaller craft with an enclosed compartment is designed for personnel transport and is similar to the
British Griffon 2000 type. This is thought to be in low-rate production for both civilian and military

Source iribnews

4.6.8 Wings in Ground Effect (WIG) craft

Bavar 2 wings in ground effect patrol flying boat

The Bavar 2 WIG was first demonstrated in 2008 and entered

service in 2010 with IRGCN. At least 10 have been produced
including a tandem-seat trainer.

The type is typical of light type-B WIG boat with the capability to
temporarily increase its flying altitude beyond ground effect. It
cannot maintain flight without ground effect. The aerodynamic
layout is called the Lippisch delta, a form of Ram-Wing that has a
reverse-delta plan-form. As with most other Lippisch delta WIG
this is coupled with a T-tail and large winglets.

Despite claims that the Bavar 2 is stealthy, it is clearly not, and the
military applicability of the design is limited. Claims that it can
carry missiles such as the Kowsar anti-ship missile appear

Bavar-2. Source IRNA


4.6.9 Captured Iraq Vessels

These ships escaped Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War. Iran never put these ships in service, but it can be assumed they
were studied by Iranian naval experts. All these ships are of Soviet origin.

Project 206.5 Uliss Nato Code Name: Bogomol class Patrol Craft
S: 220t standard, 245t full
S: 37 knots
Dim: 127'9”x25'6”x5'9”
Range 500 nm @ 35 knots

Weapons: 1 quad SA-N-5 Grail launcher, 1 AK-176 3” gun, 1 AK-630 CIWS

Radar: MR-102 POT DRUM Surface/air search, MR-123 BASS TILT FCR
EW: Kikhrom HIGH POLE-B IFF, SQUARE HEAD IFF, Kolanka HOOD WINK Optical FC director.

Crew: 30

Soviet export patrol boat, quite good vessels but not widely exported. Its fate is unknown but perhaps knowledge gained
from its design has been incorporated in to newer Iranian ships.

Osa II class Guided Missile Patrol Boat

This common class of PTG carries four SS-N-2 STYX missiles. Woefully outdated they have not been seen and are not
listed in current documents.

Alligator class Landing Ship Tank

This capable class of Russian LST can be used for both amphibious assaults and laying mines. In 2010 the IRGCN used this
ship as a target during war games in the Strait of Hormuz. The ship was struck with several rockets from IRGCN small
craft and towed back to port.

4.6.10 Naval aviation

P-3F Orion
Number in Service: 2
The Orion is a highly successful derivative of the Lockheed Electra airliner, operated by a large number of countries
around the world. Its primary mission is Maritime Patrol and Anti-Submarine Warfare. To that end they are equipped
with a large surface search radar in the noise of the aircraft, internal and external sonobuoy dispensers, a Magnetic
Anomaly detector (MAD) on the “stinger” in the tail end of the aircraft, a search light and ESM pod can be equipped on
the inner wing pylons. They are also equipped with a sniffer to detect diesel exhaust from snorkeling submarines.

The ASW weapons capabilities on their aircraft are extensive there are 10 weapon pylons on the wings (possably on just
one aircraft) and 8 in the bomb bay. The pylons and carry bombs, mines, rockets, and missiles such as the Maverick. The
bomb bay generally carries ASW torpedoes or depth bombs, GP bombs or mines can also be carried.

These are the most capable aircraft in the Iranian Navy, they have an impressive range and endurance (up to 14 hours).
However their ASW capabilities are probably reduced due to lack of spare parts unless their systems have be replaced by
similar Russian systems. Also limiting their ASW potential is their radar, as built it was unable to detect a submarine's
periscope. Unclear is any modifications to that system.

Number in Service: 5
Notes: Patrol version of C-130 cargo plane. Used normally for SAR and basic patrol duties in addition to cargo role. Could
be used as a bomber or mine layer drooping ordnance via the cargo ramp.

Number in Service: 2
Notes: This is a twin engine maritime patrol aircraft fitted with a surface search radar.

Fokker F-27 400M and 600M Friendship

Number in service: 4 (2 each class)
Notes: Dutch cargo/passenger aircraft. Used by IRIN as logistics and patrol aircraft. Possibly fitted with search radar.
Painted in same blue camouflaged pattern as P-3F Orion.

Number in Service: 7
Notes: Chinese twin engine transport aircraft also employed for Maritime Surveillance. Operated by IRGC.

Dassault Falcon 20
Number in Service: 1-2
Notes: This is a VIP transport aircraft.

Aero Commander 690


Number in Service: 4
Notes: This is a utility aircraft.

Shrike Commander 500S

Number in Service: 4
Notes: This is a utility aircraft.

Number in Service: 2
Notes: This is a utility helicopter. Possibility retired.

Number in Service: <20
Notes: This is a utility helicopter, it can be armed with AS-11 ASMs and SSU-11 gun pods.

ASH-3D Sea King

Number in Service: 9-15

This is the larger of the Iranian Navy's Shah

era ASW helicopters, they were
manufactured by Augusta with a license
from Sikorsky. It is too large for operation
off any combat ships currently in operation
by the Iranian Navy (Currently only the Mowj),
however several support vessels have sufficiently
large landing pads to operate them.

These are fitted with a SMA/APS surface search

radar in the underbelly fuselage, a Bendix AQS-13
dipping sonar, ASQ-81V MAD (Magnetic Anomaly
Detector), and Sonobuoys. Four torpedoes or
depth charges can be carried for ASW missions
while up to four Fajr-e-Darya missiles could be
fitted for ASuW missions. A SAR verson also is in
service and is equipped with a AN/APN-195 radar
in the nose. Sea King deploying marines. Source via Uskowi on iran blog


This is a Russian built utility helicopter and

gunship. The Iranians have fitted some to
fire C-801K anti-ship missiles.

At least one test launch has been publicized, but operational status unclear. The Noor missile fitted to the Mi-17 is a
modification of the ground launched version normally fired from a box launcher. This means that the launch booster and
the pop-out folding fins are retained. An advantage of retaining the launch booster is slightly longer range and the ability
to fire the missile at very slow speed or hover, but the down side is a rather heavy missile that must exist the helicopter
very calmly to ensure that the fins don’t hit the fuselage or pylons when they pop-out split seconds after launch.

RH-53D Sea Dragon

Number in Service: 7 with 3 no longer in service

These are massive helicopters capable of lifting

heavy payloads. Their combat capability is
limited to pintle mounted machine guns. These
aircraft are intended to operate in several
support roles including long range search and
rescue, insertion of SOF, heavy lift of gear (small
boats, SDVs, ground vehicles etc) and mine
sweeping. For mine sweeping a sled is moved
into position by a surface ship and then hooked
up to the RH-53D. There are three types of sleds
for the RH-53D, the Mk 104, 105 and 106. The Sea Dragon. Source ISNA
104 generates noise similar to a surface ship to
sweep acoustic mines, the 105 generates a magnetic field to sweep magnetic mines, the 106 combines both systems by
clipping the 104 on the tail of the 105. A large 'V' shaped cutter can also be towed to cut a mine's mooring cable so it will
float to the surface where it can be spotted and disposed of.

An AQS-12 towed sonar maybe fitted to aid in the detection of mines, With the use of that system marker buoys can be
laid to indicate the location of mines for disposal by EOD teams. It can be assumed that mines could also be laid by these

A lack of spare parts grounded these aircraft for a long time after the Revolution. These aircraft are critical to the Iranian
navy but are generally overlooked by observers, these are the only mine countermeasures platforms currently in
operation by the Iranian Navy. Elimination of these aircraft could theoretically remove the Iranian Navy from a war
scenario in which mines are used against it.

Additionally there are several operational problems with these aircraft in their MCM role. The 'V' shaped cutter is only
usable at under 12 knots while the sleds are only usable at over 20 knots meaning that basic contact mines cannot be
swept at the same time as the more sophisticated acoustic and magnetic mines. Also their endurance on station is only
around 2 hours. Another factor to consider is that US built mines maybe configured to ignore the acoustic and magnetic
“signatures” of the Mk 104 to 106 countermeasure system since its operation is well understood by US forces.

The sorry state of mine countermeasures in Iran is strangely mirrored by the US Navy which relies on its allies for MCM
assets and stations only two MCM vessels in the Gulf while it has decommissioned an entire class of them years before

the end of their expected operational lives. Apparently mine sweeping is just not “sexy” to the Naval Brass no matter
what country you're in.

AB-212 and Shaviz-275

Number in Service: 6-10
A decedent of the versatile Huey built with two engines by Agusta. These
are small and simple aircraft that are being built in Iran as the Shaviz-275.
They have a crew of four, pilot, co pilot and two systems operators who
handle the radar and sonar systems. The aircraft features a
comprehensive avionics package including all weather flight controls
systems, automated navigation and hands-off autopilot capability.
Defensive countermeasures are also fitted. These aircraft are equipped
with a Ferranti SeaSpray Radar on top of the cockpit above the pilot.. A
winch on the left side is used for deploying the Bendix ASQ-18 dipping
sonar, a rescue basket for SAR or harness for personnel transfer are
alternative fits. A TG-2 Teseo datalink can be fitted for SSM targeting.
Armament can include two Mk44/46 or Moto Fides A-244 torpedoes for
ASW attacks or for surface attacks light anti ship missiles such as the Fajr-
e-Darya or AS-11/12 (stocks permitting)could be fitted. AB-212. Source via Uskowi on iran blog

This helicopter is capable of operating of any Iranian ship with a helicopter deck and appear to be the embarked
helicopter for the Mowj. Other missions observed for these aircraft include transport for up to 7 passengers, Medivac of
up to four litters and one medic, search and rescue and carrying of zodiac boats (presumably for special forces missions).
VRTREP could also be accomplished using the AB-212.

4. 6.11 Missiles

Noor (C-801/Ying Ji-8 Eagle Strike-8, Sagheb or Thaqeb is Iranian SLCM)

Range: 43 nm/ 80 km
Warhead: 165 kg
Speed: High Subsonic
Number in service: From 60 (low estimate) to
200 (high estimate. Includes all C-800 series
Launch Platforms: Truck launchers.
Alvand/Mowj FFGs, Bayandor FSG, Hamzeh FSG,
Kaman PTG, Thondar PCFG. Kilo SS possible.

This is a solid fueled missile based loosely on

the French Exocet. It features a J-Band mono-
pulse radar guidance system that is jamming
resistant and a radar altimeter. It can be
launched from both ships and shore. An
encapsulated version for launch from a
submarine's torpedo tubes is thought to exist.

Range: 20 nm/ 37 km
Warhead: 165 kg
Speed: High Subsonic
Launch Platforms: F-4 Phantom, Su-24 Fencer, Mi-17 Hip
Notes: This is an air launched version of the C-801.

C-802/Ying Ji-82 (Eagle Strike-82, Noor is

Iranian produced copy)
Range: 64nm/ 120 km
Warhead: 165 kg
Speed: High Subsonic
Launch Platforms: Truck launchers. Alvand/Mowj FFGs,
Bayandor FSG, Hamzeh FSG, Kaman PTG, Thondar PCFG.
Mi-17 Helicopters

This is a upgraded version of the C-801. New in this

missile is a turbojet engine and a rocket booster. It has a
Noor fired from SINA class FAC. Source FARS

data link allowing over the horizon targeting by a 3rd party and mid course guidance.

The flight profile is as follows, the missile is boosted from its launch container aboard ship and accelerates to its top
speed just under mach 1 in seconds. The booster drops away and the turbojet take over and the missile proceeds to its
enable point at between 10-20 meters ASL. At the enable point the missile scans with its radar, when a target is acquired
it dives to around 3-5 meters ASL and may employ evasive maneuvers to avoid interception. The missile is programmed
to strike near the target's waterline, a time delay feature in the warhead allows the missile to penetrate the hull and
detonate inside the ship causing more damage.

Future upgrades to the design may include dual IR and Radar seekers, a laser altimeter and GPS/GLOSNASS guidance for
basic strike capability as featured in Chinese Navy's YJ-82s. If these upgrades are acquired it would present a significant
advance in capabilities for Iran.

Ghaem –C802K
In 2010 Iran paraded a test round for the ‘Ghaem’
air-launched version next to a photo of an F-4
Phantom implying the likely launch platform. The
turbojet powered C-802 offers far greater
operational range than previous Iranian air-
launched C-801K missiles. Although China has
already developed an air-launched version it is
likely that this is an Iranian project.

Air-launched C-802. Source ILNA.

Iran deploys large numbers of shore based C-802

Noor missiles operated by IRGC. These are mounted
on trucks in single, double and triple launch
configurations. The original launcher was of Chinese
design with three missiles, but mounted on a locally
sourced truck chassis.

The twin launch configuration features a

modernized mast-mounted radar, and the single
launch configuration is designed to be more easily
disguised as a civilian truck.

Twin launcher. Source MEHR


Single missile configuration; fires directly forward. Source FARS Triple launcher configuration; requires separate radar

C-701 / TL-10 Kosar

(Also “Kowsar”). The Kosar program refers to several short

ranged anti-ship missile types of Chinese origin that Iran is
manufacturing for the IRGC. Iran is producing versions of both
the C-701 and TL-10 families of missiles. Both types come in
both TV and Radar seeker versions, with Infrared seekers

These missiles are relatively light and generally equivalent to

the Norwegian Penguin-3 system

Kosar – TL-10A
Length: 2.5m
Weight: 105kg
Range: 3 - 15km
Speed: Mach 0.85
Warhead: 30kg semi-armored
Guidance: TV

Kosar 1 – C-701T
Length: 2.5m
Weight: 100kg
Range: 4 - 15km
Speed: Mach 0.8
Warhead: 29kg semi-armored Kosar (TL-10A). Source MEHR

Guidance: TV

Kosar 2 – TBC, likely IR guided version

Kosar 3 –C-701R
Length: 2.69m
Weight: 120kg
Range: 4 - 25km
Speed: Mach 0.78
Warhead: 29kg semi-armored piercing
Guidance: Radar

Both have generally similar capabilities although the C-

701 is longer ranged and its radar version, unlike the TL-
10 radar version, can accept post-launch re- Truck launched Kosar-3

targeting. The TL-10 is thought to be employed on the

China Cat missile boats whereas the C-701 has been
showcased as a shore battery system in wargames.
Both families are capable of shore, ship, Shahed-285
helicopters and jet launch.

Model of Kosar-3. Source IQNA

First displayed in mid 2010, this weapon is a locally produced copy of the Chinese C-704 missile and is entering service
with IRGC.

About half the size of a typical anti-ship missile (eg Noor,

Harpoon), the Nasr is slightly larger than the Kosar and
twice the weight but can still be carried by the China Cat
patrol boats or land-based launchers capable of firing C-701
series missiles. It appears to be replacing the Kosar in new-
built missile boats but the increased size generally means
fewer can be carried. Unlike the Kosar it is not clear if
there’s an air-launched version in Iranian service.

Nasr production facility.. Source ISNA


Length: 3.5m
Weight: 350kg
Range: 8 – 35km
Warhead: 130kg
Speed: Mach 0.9
Guidance: Radar

HY-2 (Hai Ying-2; Sea Eagle-2)

Range: 48nm/ 90 km
Warhead: 450 kg
Speed: High Subsonic
Number in service: 300
Launch Platforms: Truck or tracked launchers.

These are descendants of the Soviet SS-N-2 Styx missile

of the 1950s. There are two versions of this missile, a
Radar guided version and an IR guided one. Also
incorrectly called a “Silkworm” missile in the press these
missiles are outdated and employ an easily predictable
flight path well above the radar horizon, making them Towed launcher. Source ISNA
relatively straightforward to intercept, decoyed or jam
for modern warships warship. The main
threat this weapons present is the
merchant ships which has virtually no
defenses fitted. Use as a land attack
missile has been demonstrated during the
Operation Iraqi Freedom but with limited

The missile’s one strength is its large

warhead which is about twice the size of
those of most anti-ship missiles. The
original system employs a towed trailer
with trainable launcher but more recently
various truck-launched systems have
entered service with IRGCN.

Truck-mounted launcher. Source FARS



Range: 194 nm/ 360 km (claimed)
Warhead: 450 kg
Speed: High Subsonic
Number in service: Unknown, in production
Launch Platforms: Truck or tracked launchers.

This is a HY-2 airframe equipped with a turbojet

engine. Possibly an imported North Korean type (NK-01), it is radar guided possibility with a seeker similar to the Noor,
and has a longer range than the standard HY-2. Its range is sufficient to hit nearly any target in the Gulf from the Iranian
coast. Claims that it is supersonic are not credible. Some observers doubt the claimed range.

RGM-84A Harpoon
Dating from the Shah’s rapid military growth of the late 1970s, Iran’s Harpoon missiles were thought to have been
expended and withdrawn from service, but launch tubes have recently been seen mounted on a Kaman class FAC
indicating that Iran has acquired some rounds.

Range: 140km
Warhead: 221kg penetrating blast
Length: 3.85m
Speed: Mach 0.8
Weight: 540kg

RIM-66 SM-1 Standard MR Surface

to Air Missile

Specifications Standard SM-1 and Harpoon missiles at a parade. Source Borna

Range: 25 nm/ 46 km
AA Ceiling 65,000 feet/ 19812 meters
Warhead: Mk 50 HE rod
Speed: Mach 2.1/ 1,353 knots
Launch Platforms: Mowj. One Kaman was fitted as a test platform. Originally fitted to Babr (Allen M. Sumner class DD)

Originally considered a highly effective SAM system, it is now obsolete. On Iranian ships these are launched from single
round box launchers. They are a Semi-Active Radar Homing missiles meaning that a ship's fire control radar must
illuminate the missiles target constantly. Generally only one target maybe illuminated at a time by a FCR. These missiles
are also capable of engaging surface targets. With the discarding of the Seacat in the early 1990s these appear to be the
only active SAM system in the Iranian navy other than MANPADS.

Khalij Fars anti-ship ballistic missile

Only revealed in 2011, the Khalij Fars (Persian Gulf) missile is a development
of the Fateh-110 tactical battlefield rocket with a terminal-phase guidance
system incorporated for accurate homing on a seaborne target. The guidance
sensor is likely IIR and/or electro-optical, which some observers suggest may
make it vulnerable to being decoyed (‘soft kill’).

The missile remains intact throughout the flight rather than separating. During
a recent publicized test, the "Persian Gulf" ASBM scored a hit on a stationary
barge. Iranian Defense Minister Vahidi claimed that the type is now being
produced and delivered to the IRGC, although the recent development implies
some time before it is widely deployed.

Range: 300km (est)
Warhead: 650 kg
Speed (terminal): Mach 3 (est)

Missile on TEL. The TEL is seemingly identical to that used with the Fateh-110

4.6.12 Torpedoes & Mines

The Iranian Navy uses legacy US supplied lightweight and more recently Russian supplied heavyweight torpedoes, whilst
the IRGC-N largely operates North Korean types, often locally manufactured.

Range: 14 nm at low speed, around 6 nm at high speed.
Speed: 44-65 kts
Guidance: Wake homing.
Fusing: Contact and magnetic.
Warhead: 300 kg
Depth: 0-1200 feet
Engine: Kerosene and Oxygen catalyst turbine

Relatively old Russian wake-homing torpedoes supplied with the Kilo class submarines. They home in on a surface ship's
wake possibility by sending high frequency pings against the water's surface making them relatively difficult to counter,
although a towed torpedo decoy can be used. Impact is likely at the rear of the target.


Range: 8-14 nm
Speed: Two speed modes: 24 (26 on TEST-71MK-NK) and 40 kts
Guidance: Active/Passive homing. Wire Guided.
Fusing: 2 Contact and 1 magnetic exploders in TEST-71ME, 2 of
each in TEST-71ME-NK.
Warhead: 205 kg
Depth: 0-1200 feet
Engine: Electric Motor

Wire guided ASW torpedo supplied with Kilo subs. The more
advanced TEST-71ME-NK incorporates ASuW capability and is likely in service with Iran but unconfirmed.

PT-97W / YT534W1
Range: 5.4 – 8.1 nm
Speed: 35 - 40 kts
Guidance: Passive acoustic
homing, wake-homing
Fuzing: Contact and magnetic
Warhead: 250 kg
Depth: 2 - 14 m
Engine: Electric motor powered by
a silver zinc battery
YT534W1. Source ISNA

North Korean supplied anti-surface torpedo for the IPS-18 TIR class torpedo boats. Locally produced version has
designation YT534W1 which is likely the North Korean export designation. The weapon is thought to have entered
service with DPRK in 1997 and represents the first generation of North Korean produced heavyweight torpedoes. The
type has a distinctive ‘pie-disk’ nose for a passive-homing sonar. The design appears largely based on the Russian TEST-
71 series but is not wire guided (and couldn’t be for torpedo boat launch anyway). The rudder features a distinctive cut-
out which helps identify it.

A typical launch scenario would involve the torpedo boat approaching the target from the rear where it is noisiest to
maximize the chances of a lock. However the weapon’s short range and modest speed mean that it can easily be out-run
by modern gas-turbine powered warships, but is still very potent against fleet support vessels.

It is possible that this type is also carried by the IS-120 Ghadir class midget submarines but this is unconfirmed and the
related CHT-02D seems more likely.

Range: 5.4 – 8.1 nm
Speed: 35 - 40 kts
Guidance: Passive acoustic homing, wake-homing
Fuzing: Contact and acoustic exploders
Warhead: 250 kg
Depth: 2 - 14 m
Engine: Electric motor powered by a silver zinc battery

North Korean anti-surface torpedo for the IS-120 mini-submarines, the CHT-02D is a successor to the PT-97W. The main
external difference is the placement of the control surfaces ahead of the propellers. This precludes surface launch but is
common in submarine-launched torpedoes. General performance remains as per PT-97W.

This type of torpedo gained notoriety in the sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan in April 2010. In that incident,
it is believed that an MS-29 submarine was employed – being the North Korean designation of the IS-120 Ghadir class.
The CHT-02D armed Ghadir class is almost certainly the IRGC-N’s most potent combatant, but the effectiveness of the
torpedo comes from the factor of surprise rather than its performance.

There is no open-source evidence of the CHT-02D being in Iranian service but it seems very probable.

VA-111E Shkval (‘Hoot’)

Range: 11-15 km
Speed: around 200 kts
Guidance: Internal – straight line.
Fusing: Magnetic or timer.
Warhead: 700 kg
Depth: around 6m

Russian supplied anti-ship torpedo employed by IRGC-N surface combatants. When first revealed the Iranian press
appeared to claim that Iran invented the Hoot missile (/torpedo) but it is very clearly the Russian Shkval weapon. Much
of the footage of Iranian test launches were actually Russian test launches.

Despite this common misconception that the Shkval is in active service with Iran some observers believe (based on
Russian evidence from the supplier OAO TNK Dastan) that only 4 Shkval were delivered and that at least two of those
have been expended. Russian support has declined since the original supply and Iran does not appear to have mastered
reverse engineering of this type yet. It is likely however that this is an ongoing project and that we may see widespread
service in the near future.

The only identified launch platform is the Tarlan torpedo boat, and it is unlikely that other torpedo boats or submarines
can carry the system which requires specific modifications/systems. The heavy weight and negative buoyancy of the
missile makes it unlikely that modget submarines would carry it, although the Kilo class SSKs could with assisted
modification. Iran has not paraded the Shkval and little has been heard from official Iranian sources since its unveiling
several years ago. Despite these credibility issues, the Shkval remains a focal point for many Iran followers.

This is a current-production export version of the infamous Soviet Shkval (Squall) rocket torpedo of the late 1970s. The
original Soviet version could be equipped with a nuclear warhead and was a submarine launched weapon intended to be
fired down the bearing of an incoming torpedo and destroy the submarine guiding the torpedo towards them. The
weapon entered service in 1977 but the west didn't publically learn about it until the Soviet Union collapsed in the early
1990's. Other countries have experimented with super-cavitation but only Germany is currently working on similar

The weapon generates a gas cavity that the torpedo travels in, bouncing off the “walls” of the cavity. This reduces
friction and allows the rocket to function at great efficiency. Although the great speed (often missdescribed as
supersonic) has led to much hype, the type does have several limitations in Iranian service. Once launched the missile
can change course by 20 degrees and then must travel in a straight line since any attempt at changing the direction of
the weapon may cause it to leave the cavity where the force of the water would destroy it. There is no homing system as
the gas cavity prevents sonar from functioning. This weapon cannot slow to allow a homing system to “get a lock” since
it utilizes a solid fuel rocket that cannot stop burning once ignited. The weapon travels at a relatively shallow depth of
6m. In the context of a surface launch, the weapon is harder to out-run than regular torpedoes but easier to out-
maneuver since it cannot change course.

Mk-44/46 & ET-52

Range: 3.5 nm
Speed: 30 kts
Guidance: VHF Active. Capable of helical search patterns.
Fusing: Contact
Warhead: 34 kg
Depth: 5-1000 feet
Engine: 30hp electric motor with 24kW silver-
chloride/magnesium seawater-catalyst battery
Launch Platforms: P-3F, AB-212AS, ASH-3D, Alborz, Naghdi,
Mowj Mk-44or -46 practice round fired from Mowj Class.
Source FARS
Supplied by the US before the revolution, these are typical
lightweight anti-submarine torpedoes. More recently it is likely that China supplied the derived ET-52 (export
designation of Yu-7) which has similar performance.

DPRK 32 cm Torpedo
Range: est 2.7 – 3.0 nm
Speed: est 30 – 35 kts
Guidance: Passive acoustic homing, wake-homing
Fuzing: Contact and magnetic exploders
Warhead: est 45 kg
Depth: 2 - 14 m
Engine: Electric motor powered by a battery, possibly
seawater activated

Designation unknown. Anti-surface torpedo for the IPS-16 PEYKAP, GAHJAE, KAJAMI, and MK 13 torpedo boats, now
locally produced in Iran. Estimated characteristics based on older US and European designs. The effectiveness of
lightweight torpedoes in the anti-shipping role is dubious.

Mk-53 depth charge

Weight: 147 kg
Fusing: Contact and pressure (depth)
Launch Platforms: P-3F, AB-212AS, ASH-3D

Limbo ASW Mortar Round

Range: 366 to 910 meters
Warhead: 94 kg
Fusing: Timed
Launch Platforms: Alvand class Frigates: Alvand or Sabalan only.

M-08 contact mine

Type: Moored
Warhead: 114 lb
Operational Depth: 0-350 feet
Fusing: contact, 5 hertz horns

Of US origin, produced in Iran as the SADAF-02

MYaM contact mine

Type: Moored
Warhead: 20 kg
Operational Depth:
Fusing: contact, 3 hertz horns

EM-52 rocket mine EM-52 mine. Source: Chinese Defense

Type: Bottom, Rising. Today
Warhead: 300 kg
Operational Depth: 16-600 feet.
Fusing: acoustic
Notes: This is a rising mine, when a target is detected the mine fires a rocket that propels it to the surface where is
strikes the ship. The mine is unguided during the ascent phase. This
mine can be deployed via a submarine's torpedo tubes.

Type: Bottom
Warhead: 1100 kg
Operational Depth: 12-120 meters

MDM-6 mine. Source:


Fusing: Magnetic, acoustic, and pressure

Russian designed mine that features both a ship counter and timer (both arming and self sanitizing). Designed to be
deployed via a submarine's torpedo tubes. Reportedly 1,800 mines were supplied along with Iran's three Kilos by Russia.
It is unknown how many were MDM-6s.

Mao-4 moored mine

Type: Moored
Operational Depth: 0-350 feet
Fusing: contact, 5 hertz horns
Chinese version of Soviet KSM mine.

4.6.13 Other weapons

ML.2 Rocket Launcher

Range: 3.75 nm
Warhead: 8.3 kg
Fires 12 107mm rockets. Two rocket tubes can be exchanged for one .7.62mm machine gun. May or may not be gyro
stabilized. Can traverse on two axis. Maybe fitted to small craft or patrol boats for use in harassing attacks on civilian
ships. These weapons are utilized as direct fire weapons greatly reducing their effective range.

ML.4 Rocker Launcher

Fires 12 107mm rockets. Is stabilized and remote operated. Can traverse on two axis. Maybe be fitted to small craft or
patrol boats and is similar to ML.2 but with superior mounting.

107mm Double Tube rocker launcher

Uses same rocket as ML.2, this is an Army weapon fitted to Boston Whaler style speed boats. Not commonly used by
Iranian forces but exported to terrorist groups such as the ones responsible for attacking Israeli targets on 5 May 1990
with a Boghammar type boat so armed.

Fajr-27 Cannon
Range: 7km (air)/ 17km (Surf). 3.7nm (air)/9.1nm
Rounds Ready per gun: 80
Total Rounds: 320
Rate of Fire: 85 Round Per Minute
Weight of round: 12.34 kg

This is an Iranian copy of the OTO Melara 76mm DP

Gun which was introduced to the Iranian navy with

Fajr-27 aboard Sina class. Source FARS


the Kaman missile boats. Currently the Sina missile boats, Mowj class corvette and one of the two Banyandor class
corvettes have been fitted with this weapon. This weapon is capable of engaging both air and surface targets and is
subtitle for shore bombardment. Targeting is accomplished via a fire control radar. Optionally, a optical director maybe
installed on the gun turret as is featured on the corvette Naghdi. This director may incorporate IR or LLTV systems for
night combat.

Type 69 Auto-Cannon
Range: km/ 3.8nm
Rounds Ready per gun:
Total Rounds:
Rate of Fire: 1000 Round Per Minute
Weight of round: kg

Chinese copy of the Russian AK-230 twin 30mm cannon. The first CIWS put to sea (nearly a decade before the US
System) it’s less compact requiring spots for both the gun and the separate (but optional) radar and manual director. It is
not regarded as a CIWS by many observers and is less capable against missiles.

Fath 40mm AAA

Range 4km against air targets (quoted as 12km)
ROF: 300 rds/min

Unveiled in 2009, the Fath is simply an upgraded Bofors L-70 40mm AAA as fitted to
Kaman class FACs. Several of the Kamans had previously been stripped of their Bofors
which were replaced by 20mm AAA or radars.

Although it is possible that it is being mass produced, it is more likely that the system
installed on the single Mowj class corvette is a refurbished one previously on a

Some commentators and press consider this a CIWS but it is rather a regular AAA
system with only modest capability against missiles.
Fath. Source ISNA

GAM-BO1 20mm AAA

Range: 1.5km against air targets
ROF: 900-1000 rds/min (cyclic). 200rds on mount
Carried by: Mowj class, Sina class, Alvand class

British crewed light AAA mount using Swiss Oerlikon 20mm

cannons. Widely used by Iranian Navy since 1990s.

GAM-BO1 AAA seen ahead of bridge on Mowj class.

Source FARS

Rate of fire (Cyclic): 1,000 rds min (single barrel)
Practical: 200 rounds per minute per barrel
Effective range: 2-2.5 km (1.24-1.55 mi)
Effective altitude: 1,500-2,000 m (4,921-6,562 ft)

Russian origin 23mm light AAA employed in crewed form. Both

the usual twin mount (Zu-23-2) and Iranian single barrel mount
are employed. Only found on IRGCN craft, notably Thondar class
(twin mounts)and China Cat (single mounts).

Other shipboard weapons

 DShK 12.7mm MG. Widely employed, this can be used as light AAA or against surface targets. Equivalent to .50
Cal HMG in Western navies
 BM-21 /HM-23 122mm MLRS. Employed for shore bombardment and as a direct-fire weapon against ships.
Carried by Hengam LST, China Cat FACs, and some patrol craft.
 Oerlikon 35mm AAA twin mounts fitted to Alvand class corvettes

4.7 Facilities
Map of Navy bases:

Map of IRGCN bases. Lighter blue are less frequently employed.


Bandar-e Khomenei
30°25'41.42"N, 49° 4'50.18"E
One of the major petrochemical shipping points in Iran, Bandar-e Shahpur, as it was known before the
revolution does not appear to have a naval presence as some suggest, however due to its strategic value as a
major transit point, it would be foolish to think there are not any military support staff, even if they're only a
contingent of IRIN/IRGCN marines.

Bandar-e Mahshahr
30°29'43.62"N, 49°12'23.91"E
Located in the delta formed by the Karun river south of Ahvaz next
to Iraq, the port of Mahshahr in the 3rd naval district is a small
affair, connected to the Persian Gulf by a series of small channels
and waterways. This prevents the port from being home to any
vessels larger than small patrol boats. This limits its operational
capability, largely restricting it to serving as a home-base for
interdiction and local patrol operations near the Iraqi border.

Judging from the makeup of the craft stationed as well as the

overall capabilities of the base, it appears to be primarily IRGCN

It has a large number of small patrol and fast-attack craft including

quite a few IPS-series boats armed with torpedoes and AshM's.
There are also 30-40+ Boston-whaler type speedboats that operate
in a varying state of readiness, some are located next to the water
on ramps, while others are simply left out in empty lots more then
a kilometer away from shore, in obviously non battle-ready
conditions. A number of other larger, if obsolete patrol boats such
as a Mk III patrol boat.

Observable Assets – June 30 2009

 3 IPS-16 Peykaap
 5 Bavar
 1 IPS-18 Tir
 7 "battle-ready" (in-water or near-water) speedboats
 30+ “non-battle-ready" speedboats (scattered across
 1 MK III patrol boat
 2 unknown patrol boats (L. 13 m B: 3 m Weapons: mine, naval MLRS, 12.7 mm MG)
 5/6 unidentified support/patrol boats (various)

30°26'2.71"N, 48°11'34.25"E
Former headquarters of the the Imperial Iranian Navy, Khorramshahr is now home to extensive repair and

overhaul facilities in association with the Shahid Mousavi industries group whose products include barges,
landing craft, and offshore platforms. The location is very near to Iraq and thus particularly vulnerable in
wartime. No visible assets beyond a compound at: 30°24'11.55"N, 48°11'46.42"E

Khark Island
29°14'48.01"N, 50°19'48.88"E
Home to one of Iran's most valuable petrochemical facilities, it comes as no surprise that it has a naval
element protecting it. The harbors are located alongside the protected eastern shore of the island with three
observable individual harbors, though the other harbors are likely capable of hosting ships as well, and due to
its strategic position, the island as a whole is probably capable of hosting much larger ships then what is

Khark’s visible naval assets are composed of medium-large sized FAC's such as several unknown type's such as
a Thondar look-alike, but with smaller rear-mounted missiles and a different bridge. There are also four more
FAC or patrol boat of an unknown type in the same size range as “MIG-X-XXXX” type boats. In the same
harbor, there are a number of high-quality speedboats. In this case, high-quality means anything besides the
basic Boston-whaler type boats.

There are also a number of other military installations on the island including a HAWK battery as well as
several questionably-operable HQ-2 batteries.

Observable Assets – March 4th 2004

 4 Unknown patrol boats
 20+ speedboats
 1 Unknown FAC

Bandar-e Bushehr
Main mooring 28°58'2.58"N, 50°51'50.74"E
Naval academy 28°53'47.19"N, 50°51'3.96"E
The IRIN and IRGCN naval facilities at the port of Bushehr is a major military and commercial port that houses
several of Iran’s larger corvette-sized vessels as well as substantial storage, research facilities in addition to
what is purportedly their largest repair and overhaul facilities. Formerly the headquarters of the 2 nd naval

Bushehr is the home base for the two Bayandor corvettes in service with the IRIN. The different between the
two are that the IRIS 82 Naghdi has been refurbished with twin Noor AshM's and new guns, which give it a
distinct appearance over the 81 Bayandor. Bushehr is also home to around 6-7 Kaman/Sina class missile boats,
possibly including the P228 Gorz which is equipped with SM-1's instead of the usual AshM armament. There
are also a number of speedboats and possibly semi-submersible craft's. Also operating from Bushehr are 2 RH-
53D's and around 6 AB-212ASW.

Observable Assets (port) – June 16th 2009

 2 Bayandor Corvettes
 6 Kaman/Sina FACs
 2 Hendijan Support Ships
 Various high-quality speedboats

Observable assets (naval academy) – Jan 16th 2010

 1 unidentified midget sub (23m)
 2 unidentified midget subs (17m & 13m). Possibly models for parades
 3 probable Al-Sabehat 15 SDVs
 1 small hovercraft
 Various other small craft

27°27'21.08"N, 52°38'15.55"E
The Asalouyeh naval base is a recent addition to Iran’s naval assets, it was only inaugurated in November 2008. It's
purpose is to fill the 306 km gap of coastline in between Bandar Bushehr and the Bandar Abbas naval districts. It forms
the 4th naval district.

As it was only inaugurated in 2008, satellite imagery is not available of it, however according to Admiral Morteza Saffari
of the IRGCN, the base would be equipped with torpedo boats, FAC's and land-based AShM's, possibly indicating the use
of IPS-series patrol boats and Thondar FAC's.

Bandar-e Abbas
Navy base 27° 8'35.79"N, 56°12'45.61"E
IRGCN missile boat base 27° 8'30.91"N, 56°12'5.58"E
IRGCN torpedo & MLRS boat base 27° 8'21.13"N, 56°11'53.28"E
Hovercraft base and nearby naval air strip 27° 9'15.68"N, 56° 9'49.97"E

Located in the strategic straits of Hormuz, and home to the 1st naval district, Bandar-e Abbas has been the headquarters
for Iran's naval forces since 1977 after it was moved from Khorramshahr. It is also home to the majority of Iran’s naval
aviation, hovercraft and submarine fleet. Also located in Bandar-e Abbas is the Shahid Darvishi shipbuilders whose
products include submarines, landing craft and tugboats.

Bandar-e Abbas naval base is an extensive facility more then 6 kilometers long and has extensive harbor facilities.
Starting on the western side of the base, there is the naval aviation runway which contains the IRGCN's 5-6 Mi-17
helicopters, though they are almost never all visible together. Also operating from Bandar Abbas but rarely visible is the
IRIN's squadron of ASW SH-3D's, a squadron of transport and SAR helicopters composed mainly of AB-212's, though with
an RH-53D and a AS-61A-4 as well. It was formerly the base for Iran's remaining P-3's, though as of late they have been
moved farther inshore to Shiraz.

Just below the airfield is the hovercraft base which include several SRN6's and BH-7's.

The main harbor, just east of the airfield is an extensive facility that shares space with commercial shipping as well. The
IRIN tends to favor the eastern portion of the harbor, while the IRGCN forces favor the western portion. The Kilos,
illustrating the difficulty they've experienced in warm waters like the Persian Gulf, are more likely to be in dry dock then
in battle-ready conditions. One is located in the sub moorings on the far east of the harbor, while a second is in a
floating dry dock and the third is in dry-dock next to the Jamaran. Also visible are several Ghadirs, two just north of the
Kilo in the submarine moorings, while a 3rd and 4th are visible just ready to be launched. It should be noted that these are
the submarines featured in press photography of their inauguration in the latter half of 2009.

Four of Iran's landing ships are also visible, the Hengam, Larak, Lavan and Tonb.

Observable assets - June 29th 2009

 1 Bandar Abbas support ship
 3 unknown support ships (L. 63 m B. 12 m)
 Other unidentified support ships
 1 Jamaran (Mowj) frigate
 1 Alvand frigate
 3 Thondar missile boats
 2 IPS-16
 4 IPS-18
 31+ speedboats

25°40'40.90"N, 57°51'4.54"E
Located about 150km east of the Straits of
Hormuz, the base is used by IRGCN. HQ of 2nd naval
and suspected Ghadir class midget submarine
base. F-27 maritime patrol aircraft base.

Marines deploy from Jask. Source ISNA


27° 2'58.22"N, 55°59'3.22"E
Recently established IRGCN FAC and midget submarine base with ship repair and building facilities about 25km west of
Bandar Abbass.

4 Ghadir midget submarines at the new submarine peer at Bostanu. Source IRNA
25°18'52.13"N, 60°36'57.80"E
Furthest east of all military port facilities in Iran. Used by IRGCN.

Observable assets - March 3 2005

 5 Thondar missile boats (GE)

Smaller non-military bases

They can service a large portion of the IRGCN's small PB/FAC fleet - IPS-series boats can dock and resupply anywhere.
Likely caches of ammunition and fuel at pre-established positions along the coast in little inlets and whatnot.

26°43'10.09"N, 55°58'30.94"E
IRGCN base with tunnel. No recent Open Source imagery. Suspected midget submarine base. Lot's of AshM's bunkers
along coastline

Observable assets - December 21 2003

 34+ speedboats

“The Finger” Iranian Spy Platform

This facility is built on a crane atop a barge sunk

during the Iran-Iraq war. IRGCN force operate small
boats from it and use it to observe Coalition forces in
the northern gulf. It is located with in sight of ABOT
(Al Basra Oil Terminal). As visible in the picture are
large antenna has been installed presumably for
intercepting Coalition radio traffic.

The facility, or another essentially like it, is used as a

temporary fast-boat base by the IRGCN when capturing Coalition patrol boats operating from Iraq.

Sirri Island
25°53'40.20"N, 54°33'7.82"E
On the South-East side of the island is a small port facility. In 2010 Google Earth imagery 4 large cargo ships and 1 small
one are docked. This ships are most likely civilian.

Abu Musa
25°52'22.32"N, 55° 0'38.62"E
This island is occupied by Iran but claimed by the UAE. 8 small craft are visible in 2010 imagery. IRGCN forces are
reported to be stationed on the island. HAWK SAMs and “Silkworm” (HY-2) type missiles are also reported.

Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb

26°15'54.33"N , 55°19'27.75"E
26°14'26.08"N, 55° 9'21.18"E
Two UAE islands occupied by Iran. Heavily fortified with airstrips and AAA. There are several small ports but no boats are
visible on Greater Tunb in 2010 imagery. Lesser Tunb has several Boston-whalers in its port. Airstrips can be found on
both islands.

Bandar Anzalt
37°28'7.00"N, 49°27'51.00"E
This is the main naval base on the Caspian Sea. Home port of the Caspian flortilla, consisting of Sina class missile boats
and a Hamzeh class corvette.

36°39'17.58"N, 51°30'15.73"E
Naval base on Caspian Sea, also home of a Naval Academy.

36°51'33.48"N, 53°22'21.62"E
Probable naval base for small craft on Caspian Sea.

4.8 Future Prospects

Currently no major surface vessels appear to be under construction for the Iranian military. Construction of small craft
no doubt continues.

Qaaem (P-550) submarine

D: 650 Tons
Dim: 51x6.4x6.3
S: 16 knots dived
Range 2,500 nm.
Endurance: 20 days
Max Depth 300 meters.
Weapons: 4 533 mm
torpedo tubes, 8 400
external torpedoes. Up to 12 mines in dispensers. SA-N-7 Igla MANPADS
Crew: 9 + 6 divers
Machinery: Diesel and Electric motor, 1 shrouded propeller.
A small model of a submarine was displayed by the Iranian press as a submarine to be built for the Iranian Navy.
Although judged as an indigenous program by some observers, the type is the Russian P-550 class, designed by the
Malachite design bureau.

There is another model of a small indigenous design which may also be the Qaaem. Little is known of this
type but is not closely related to any other known type.

Source ISNA

With the current arms embargo on Iran access to new naval aircraft is limited. Production of new or upgraded
helicopters no doubt continues. Modification of civil aircraft for patrol use is very possible and difficult to track as
modifications could be as simple as better radios and a pair of binoculars.

Models of and literature on the joint Russian/Iranian IrAn-140 aircraft that is in development have shown a navalized
variant that can be armed with ASW torpedoes or possibly Anti-ship missiles in addition to radar, sonobuoys and a MAD
detector. A unarmed fisheries protection and SAR variants have also been suggested.

Possible future procurement of additional C-800 series missiles from China would appear doubtful in the wake of US
pressure. However the procurement of upgraded designs that would be built in Iran is possible, also these missile are
not manufactured by the Chinese government but by the China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy (CHETA)
a private firm which may not bend to US pressure. Additional upgrades to the C-800 series could include the C-802A
which expands the range to 180 km. Dual TV or IR and Radar seekers, laser altimeters, and GLONASS/GPS upgrades are
also offered by CHETA. The GLONASS upgrade might be the most potent addition to the C-802 missile, this system allows
the missile to become a low cost land attack cruise missile, the GLONASS upgrade however unlike the Tomahawk does
not feature a TERCOM system which allows the missile to scan and analyze the terrain ahead for the best possible flight
path. A GLONASS only system would allow the missile to only avoid obstacles known to the mission planner.

In January 2011 Iran unveiled a new model of triple C-800 series coastal launcher. The missile bins feature a redesigned
lid suggesting a slightly lengthened missile with different nose section. This may be just yet another C-800 series TEL or it
may point to a new indigenous missile type such as outlined above.

Source FARS


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