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Allowable stresses, for beam-columns 37

for built-up columns 206
for columns 192
for lateral buckling 277
(See also Design)
Amplification factor for beam-columns 15 29
Angle section, column 363 425
shear center 217
torsion constant 212 213
warping 217
Anisotropic plates 403 406
Anisotropic shells (see Shells)
Anticlastic bending 321
Approximate calculation of critical
loads, by energy method 82
by Ritz method 92
by successive approximations 116 267n
graphical 123
numerical 120
Arches bending 278
buckling 297

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Arches bending (Cont.)

lateral 313
bridge 317n
catenary 304
circular 297
experiments with 298n 303 310
flat 305
parabolic (see Parabolic arch)
three-hinged 300 303
with varying cross section 302 303

Bars, bimetallic 310

curved, bending 278 313
buckling 297
lateral 313
inextensional deformation 282
dynamic buckling 158
elastic buckling 46
by approximate methods (see
Approximate calculation)
by beam-column theory 59
with built-in ends 49 54
with distributed loads 100 130
due to own weight 101
due to torque 156
dynamic methods for 152

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Bars, bimetallic (Cont.)

on elastic foundation 94 107
Ban, elastic buckling, with elastic re-
straints 60
experiments on 185
fundamental case 49 52
by energy method 87 91
by succassive approximations 117
with intermediate forces 98
with load through fixed point 55
nonprismatic 98 113 120 123
125 130
with one end fixed, and other end
free 47 52 132 153
by energy method 87 88
and other end guided 49
and other end pinned 53 59
in pure torsion 156
with rounded ends 57
shear effect on 132
static methods for 152
with tangential load 153
energy method for (see
Energy method)
equilibrium method for 83 152
inelastic buckling 163
with distributed loads 183
on elastic foundation 183
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Ban, elastic buckling, with elastic re-

straints (Cont.)
with elastic restraints 182 183
Engesser-Kármán theory 176
experiments on 179 186
fundamental case 175
lateral 272
nonprismatic 184
reduced modulus theory 177
tangent modulus theory 178
with various end conditions 182
large deflections 76
lateral buckling 251
(See also Beams, lateral buckling)
of minimum weight 131
with non-conservative forces 152
nonprismatic (see Nonprismatic bars)
rigid with elastic supports 83 84
tapered 125 130 184
buckling, inelastic 184
lateral 262
thin-walled (see Thin-walled bars)
torsion 212
nonuniform 218
pure 212
torsion properties, table 530
torsional buckling 225
with bending 229
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Bars, torsional buckling, without bend-

ing 225
by eccentric thrust 245
on elastic foundation 237
end conditions for 228
by end couples 244
experiments on 232n
with fixed axis 240
in pure bending 248
vibrations 153 158
(See also Beam-columns; Beams;
Batten-plate columns (see Built-up
Beam-columns 1
allowable stresses for 37
approximate formula for 14 29
with built-in ends 15
with concentrated loads 3
continuous 19
with continuous loads 9
design 37
differential equations for 1
displacement of supports 28
with elastic supports 17 23
with end couples 12
inelastic bending 167
with initial curvature 31 175
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Beam-columns (Cont.)
principle of superposition for 7
secant formula for 38
trigonometric series for 24
Beams, cantilever, lateral buckling 257
continuous (see Continuous beam
curved (see Curved beams)
on elastic foundation 24
buckling 94 107
inelastic 183
torsional 237
strain energy 95
inelastic bending 163 167
lateral buckline 251
allowable stresses for 277
cantilever 257
curved 313
energy method for 264
inelastic 272
with initial curvature 277n
with intermediate supports 270
in pure bending 248 253
with restrained ends 271
simply supported 262
by successive approximations 267n
pure, beams in curved 315
inelastic 272
lateral buckling 248 253
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Beams, cantilever,
lateral buckling (Cont.)
(See also Bars; Beam-columns)
Bending, of arches 278
of bars, effect of shear on 132
inelastic 163 167
with large deflections 76
strain energy 25 87 90
of beam-columns 1
(See also Beam-columns)
Bending, of bimetallic strip 311
of curved bars 278 313
inextensional 282
of plates 319
anticlastic 321
edge conditions for 329
effect of shear on 328n
with elastic supports 332
with forces in middle plane 332
with initial curvature 344
with large deflections 346
pure 319 335
simply supported 340
strain energy in 335
pure, beams in, curved 315
inelastic 272
lateral buckling 248 253
of plates 319 335
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Bending, of bimetallic strip (Cont.)

of rings 278
inextensional 282
of shells 440
cylindrical 440 460 461
experiments with 448
effect of shear on 456
inextensional 445
spherical 440 453
strain energy 443
of tubes 281
(See also Cylindrical shells)
Berry functions (stability functions) 6 13
table 521
Bessel functions in buckling, of ban 101n 102 128
lateral. of beams 260 268
of plates 390
Bimetallic plate 311n
Bimetallic strip 310
with elastic supports 312
Body forces in plates 335
Box section, column 356 419
Bridge arches, lateral buckling 317n
Bridge trusses (see Trusses)
Britannia bridge 432 468n
Buckline, dynamic, of bars 158
of plates 162
(See also Bars, torsional buckling; In-
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Buckline, dynamic, of bars (Cont.)

elastic buckling; Lateral buckling)
Buckling load (see Critical load)
Built-up columns 135
with batten plates 138 151
design 206 429
experiments on 140 141 151 207
imperfections 207
inelastic buckling 184
with lacing bars 135
local buckling 140 211 429
(See also Plates)
with perforated cover plates 140
reduced length 206
shear force in 207
with varying cross section 127

Cantilever beam, lateral buckling 257

Catenary arch, buckling 304
Center of shear (see Shear center)
Channel section, column 368
shear center 530
torsion constant 530
torsional buckling 235
warping 216 224
warping constant 224 530

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Chord, compression, of truss 70 111 205

(See also Built-up columns)
Circular arch 297
lateral buckling 317
Circular plates 389
bimetallic 311n
with hole 391
large deflections 346
postbuckling behavior 418
with varying thickness 392
Circular rings 278
bending 278
buckling 289
lateral 318
Columns, allowable stresses for 192
angle section 363 425
bending (see Beam-columns)
box section 356 419
buckling (see Bars)
built-up (see Built-up columns)
channel section 368
critical stress for 50
design 37 185 429
formulas for 193
experiments with 185
(See also Experiments)
imperfections in 193 197
large deflections 76
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Columns, allowable stresses for (Cont.)

of minimum weight 131
reduced length 51 99 111
for built-up columns 206
use in design 194 205
secant formula for 38
T section 365
tapered 125 130
tubular (see Tubes)
Conical bar 127 128
Conical shells 509
Conservative forces 152
Continuous beams 19
buckling 66
on elastic supports 70
on elastic foundation 24
on elastic supports 23 70
four-moment equation for 22
moment-distribution analf.sis 23
three-moment equation for 20 21
Conway bridge 432 468n
Core radius 38
Corrugated plates 406
experiments with 428
Cover plates, columns with 140
Critical load 6 44 46
approximate calculation, by energy
method 82
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Critical load (Cont.)

by graphical method 123
by numerical method 120
by Ritz method 92
by successive approximations 116 267n
as basis for column design 192
for plates 343 348
Southwell plot for 191
Critical stress 50
Critical torque for shaft 157
Cruciform section, shear center 217
torsion constant 212 213
torsional buckling 225
warping 217
Curved beams, bending 278 313
buckling 297
lateral 313
inextensional deformation 282
Curved panels 485
experiments with 487
under shear 488
stiffened 487n 489n
Cylindrical shells 457 490
-anisotropic 499
bending 440 460 461
experiments with 448
in compression 457 495
experiments with 460 468 498
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Cylindrical shells (Cont.)

eccentrically compressed 482
experiments with 485
inextensional deformation 445 461
under lateral pressure 474 495
experiments with 481 498
postbuckling behavior 471
stiffened 490 499
under tokion 500
experiments with 506
Cylindrical tubes 281 289
design 293
experiments with 296n
(See also Cylindrical shells)

Deflections of buckled bars 188 191

large, of bars 76
of plates 346 411
of shells 471
of springs 142
reversal 34 191
for arches 309
for bimetallic plate 311n
for bimetallic strip 312
(See also Bending)

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Design, of columns 37 185 429

built-up 206 429
formulas for 193
of plate girders 431
of tubes 293
Developable surface 321n 346
Displacement of supports
due to bending 28
Distributed axial loads,
buckling by 100 130
inelastic 183
Dynamic analogy to elastics 77
Dynamic buckling (see Buckling)
Dynamic criterion of stability 152 158

Eccentricities in columns 197 207

(See also Initial curvature)
Effective width of compressed plate 414
Elastic curves 81
Elastic foundation, beams on (see
strain energy 95
Elastic springs 142
experiments with 144
Elastic supports, beam-columns with 17
bimetallic strip with 312

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Elastic supports,
beam-columns with (Cont.)
buckling of bar with 60
inelastic 183
continuous beams with 23
buckline 70
plates with 332
buckling 365 367 370
rigid bars with 83 84
Elastics 76
Elliptic integrals 78 81
Empirical formulas for column design 195
Energy (see Strain energy)
Energy method 82 152
accuracy 90
for bars 82
with distributed loads 104
effect of shear 134
on elastic foundation 95 108
with hinged ends 87 91
with intermediate forces 100
lateral buckling 264
nonprismatic 100 115
with one end fixed and other end
free 87 88
for plates 349 357 374
with large deflections 411
stiffened; 394
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Energy method (Cont.)

for rigid bars on elastic supports 83 84
for shells 457 461
Engesser-Kármán theory 176
Equilibrium, stability of 46 82
Equilibrium method, for bars 83 152
for plates 348
Euler load 44 46
(See also Critical load)
Experiments, with arches 298n 303 310
with columns 185
aluminum 196n
angle-section 363 425
built-up 140 141 151 207
with imperfections in columns 197
with inelastic buckling 179 186
Experiments. with plate girders 432
with plates (see Plates)
with shells (see Shells)
with springs 144
with torsional buckling 232n
with tubes 296n 419
(See also Cylindrical shells)

Factor of safety
(see Safety factor)

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Flexural rigidity, of plates 320

of shells 442
Flexure (see Bending)
Formulas for column design 193
Four-moment equation 22
Fourier series
(see Trigonometric series)
Frames, buckling 62 149
inelastic 182
Frequencies of vibration
for compressed bars 155 159
Fundamental case of buckling 49 52 87 91
experiments with 185
inelastic 175

Girders (see Plate girders)

Gordon-Rankine formula 195
Graphical method, critical loads found
by 123

Helical springs 142

experiments with 144
Hydrostatic pressure, ring with 284

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I beams, lateral buckling 251

(See also Beams)
shear center 530
torsion, nonuniform 218
pure 213
torsion constant 530
torsional buckling 225
(See also Bars, torsional buckling)
unsymmetrical, properties 530
warping 213 218
warping constant 530
Ideal column 46
as basis for design 192
Imperfections in columns 193 197
(See also Initial curvature)
Inelastic bending, of beam-columns 167
of beams 163
Inelastic buckling, of bars 163
of built-up columns 184
with distributed loads 183
on elastic foundation 183
with elastic restraints 182 183
Engesser-Kármán theory 176
experiments on 179 186
lateral 272
nonprismatic 184

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Inelastic buckling, of bars,

with various end conditions 182
fundamental case 175
of frames 182
of plates 408 418
experiments with 411 418 423
reduced modulus theory 177
tangent modulus theory 178
Inextensional deformations,
curved bars 282
plates 320 346
rings 282
shells 445 461
Initial curvature, beam columns with 31
inelastic bending 175
design of columns with 44 197
lateral buckling of beams with 277n
plates with 344

Kirchhoff’s dynamic analogy 77

Laced columns (see Built-up columns)

Large deflections (see Deflections)
Lateral buckling, of arches 313
of beams (see Beams)

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Lateral buckling, of arches (Cont.)

of curved beams 313
Legendre functions 515
Local buckling of built-up columns 140 211 429
(See also Plates)

Magnification factor,
for beam-columns 15 29
in column design 194
Mathieu equation 159 160
Middle plane of plates 319
forces in 333 337
Minimum weight, column 131
Modulus, of foundation 94 237 239
reduced 177
tangent 176
Moment distribution, analysis
of continuous beams by 23
critical loads found by 152

Natural frequencies of
vibration for bars 155 156
Neutral surface of plate 320
Nonconservative forces 152

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Nonprismatic bars, buckling 98 125 130

by energy method 100 115
by graphical method 123
inelastic 184
lateral 262
by numerical method 120
by successive approximations 116
Nonuniform torsion
(see Torsion)
Numerical method,
critical loads found by 120

Oblique plates 392

Panels (see Curved panels)

Parabolic arch 298 302
experiments with 303
with varying cross section 303
Parabolic formula 196
Parallelogram, plates in shape of 392
Pendulum analogy to elastica 77
perforated cover plates, columns with 140
(See also Built-up columns)
Plastic bending, of beam-columns 167
of beams 163

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Plastic buckling
(see Inelastic buckling)
Plate girders, design 431
experiments with 432
stiffeners for 434 437
ultimate loads for 420
Plates, anisotropic 403 406
bendiig .(see Bending)
bimetallic 311n
circular (see Circular plates)
corrugated 406
experiments with 428
dynamic buckling 162
edge conditions for 329
effective width 414
with elastic supports, bending 332
buckling 365 367 370
as elements of columns 429
in angle sections 363 425
in channel sections 368
in square tubes 356 419
in T section 365
energy method for
(see Energy method)
equilibrium method for 348
experiments with 423
flexural rigidity 320
inelastic buckline 408 418
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Plates, anisotropic (Cont.)

experiments wtth 411 418 423
large deflections 346 411
oblique 392
postbuckling behavior 411 418 423
experiments with 415n 417 423
principal planes in 322
pure bending 319 335
(see Rectangular plates)
stiffened (see Stiffened plates)
strain energy 335
triangular 393
with two different flexural-rigidities 403 406
ultimate loads 416 418 425
experiments for 419 425
web (see Plate girders)
Polygonal frames 150
Postbuckling behavior, of plates 411 418 423
experiments with 415n 417 423
of shells 471
Potential energy (see Strain energy)
Principal planes in plates 322
Principle, of superposition 7
of virtual displacements 25
Properties of sections, table 530
Proportional limit, buckling beyond
(see Inelastic buckling)
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Pulsating loads, buckling by 158

Pure bending (see Bending)
Pure torsion (see Torsion)
Pyramidal bar 127 128

Radius of core 38
Rankine- Gor&don formula 195
Rectangular frames, buckling 62 149
inelastic 182
Rectangular plates 351
anisotropic 403 406
bending 319
(See also Bending)
corrugated 406
experiments with 428
with elastic supports 365 367 370
experiments with 423
inelastic buckling 408 418
experiments with 411 418
large deflections 346 411
postbuckling behavior 411 418 423
experiments with 415n 417 423
with shear loading 379
stiffened 394
energy method for 394
ultimate loads 416 418 425

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Reduced length 51
of built-up columns 206
use in design 194 205
Reduced modulus 177
Reinforcing ribs (see Ribs)
Reversal of deflections
(see Deflections)
Ribs, curved panels with 487n 489n
plates with 394
shells with 490 499
Rigid bars on elastic
supports, buckling 83 84
Rings 278
bending 278
inextensional 282
buckling 289
strain energy 283
Ritz method 92
Riveted joints in plates 403
Rivets in columns 194
Rounded ends, bar with 57

Safety factor, in column design 37 193 195 201

in plate-girder design 436
Secant formula 38

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section properties, table 530

Series (see Trigonometric series)
Shaft in pure torsion buckling 156
Shear, effect, on bending, of plates 328n
of shells 456
on buckling of bars 132
Shear, strain energy 134
Shear center 217 220
angle section 217
cruciform section 217
T section 217
table 530
V section 217
Sheet panels (curved) 485
experiments with 487
under shear 488
stiffened 487n 489n
Shells, anisotropic 490 499
bending 440
cylindrical 440 460 461
experiments with 448
effect of shear on 456
inextensional 445
spherical 440 453
strain energy 443
buckling 457
conical 509
curved panel (see Sheet panels)
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Shells, anisotropic (Cont.)

cylindrical (see Cylindrical shells)
energy method for 457 461
flexural rigidit 442
inextensional deformation 445 461
large deflections 471
postbuckling behavior 471
spherical 512
bending 440 453
experiments with 518
stiffened 490 499
curved panel 487n 489n
strain energy 443
ultimate loads for 471
Snap-through buckling
(see Deflections reversal)
Southwell plot 191 346 424
Spherical functions
(Legendre functions) 515
Spherical shells (see Shells)
Springs 142
experiments with 144
Square tubes 356 419
experiments with 419
Stability, criterion, dynamic 152 158
static 152
of equilibrium 46 82

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Stability functions 6 9 13
tables 521 529
stiffened plates 394
with built-in edges 404 407
energy method for 394
experiments with 404
Stiffened shells (see Shells)
Stiffeners for plate girders 434 437
Straight-line formula 195
Strain energy, bars 25 87 90
elastic foundation 95
nonuniform torsion 265
plates 335
rings 283
shear 134
shells 443
Strain energy, torsion 265
warping 265
Stress function, for plates 347
for shells 471
Stresses, allowable (see Allowable
critical 50
Successive approximations method 116 267n
graphical 123
numerical 120
Superposition principle 7
System of bars 144
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T section, column 365

shear center 217
torsion constant 212 213
warping 217
Tables, properties of sections 530
stability functions 521 529
Tangent modulus 176
Tapered bars 125 130
inelastic buckling 184
lateral buckling 262
Tests (see Experiments)
Thermostats, bimetallic strips in 310
Thin-walled bars, lateral buckling (see
Beams, lateral bucking)
nonuniform torsion 218
end conditions for 228
strain energy 265
pure torsion 212
strain energy 265
shear center 217 220
table 530
torsion constant for 212 213
table 530
torsional buckling (see Bars)
warping 213
warping constant for 223 224

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Thin-walled bars,
lateral buckling (Cont.)
table 530
Three-hinged arch 300 303
Three-moment e uation 20 21
Torque, critical, for shaft 157
Torsion 212
of cylindrical shells 500
experiments with 506
nonuniform 218
differential equation 224 227
end conditions for 228
of I beams 218
strain energy 265
pure 212
of I beams 213
strain energy 265
of shaft, critical load for 166
Torsion constant 212 213
table 530
Torsional buckling of bars (see Bars)
Torsional rigidity 212
Triangular plate 393
Trigonometric series for bending, beam-
columns 28
beams 24
plates 340
rings 282
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Trusses, buckling 144

compression members 70 111 205
(See also Built-up columns)
Tubes (see Cylindrical tubes;
Square tubes)
Twisting moments in plates 322 326
strain energy 336

Ultimate loads, plate girders 420

plates 416 418 425
shells 471
(See also Shells)
tubes 419

V section, shear center 217

torsion constant 212 213
warping 217
Varying axial forces,
buckling by 158
Varying croas section, bars with
(see Non-prismatic bars)
Vibrations of compressed bars 153 168
Virtual displacements
principle 25

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Warping, bars 213

angle section 217
channel section 216 224
cruciform section 217
T section 217
V section 217
I beams 213 218
strain energy 265
Warping constant 223 224
tagle 530
Warping function 216
Warping rigidity 223
Web, plate (see Plate girders)
Wide-flange beams (see I beams)
Wide-flange columns, tests 188 190
Working stresses, for beam-columns 37
for columns 192
built-up 206
for lateral buckling 277
(See also Design)

Z section, shear center 530

torsion constant 530
warping constant 530

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