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PROPOSAL 1: Restoring and Resuscitating the Malay Fishermen Village by

Preserving the Natural Heritage as an Ecotourism Spot in Kampung Mangkuk,

Setiu, Terengganu. (decide: CULTURAL @ ENVIRONMENTAL)

TOPIC: Cultural Landscape

AREA OF INTEREST: Fishing Village and Natural Heritage Preservation

STUDY AREA: Kampung Mangkuk, Setiu, Terengganu.


According to Sauer (1926), cultural landscape is shaped with the natural landscape by a group of
community where culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, and the product is cultural
landscape. This situation will change through time and landscape development phase in parallel
with the current development cycle. The situation changes when the existence of the entry of
foreign culture reforms cultural landscape which affects previous landscape.

Figure 1: Formation of Cultural Landscape (Carl O. Sauer, 1926)

According to Kaya (2002), cultural landscape is a complex space generated by human activity where
the activity is a natural and biological process occurs in the human time. Humans do not give a
direct effect on the landscape but it gives a role in the process and development results landscapes.
O'Hare (1997), stated that cultural landscape is a modified environment, classified and interpreted
by a human based on the concept of morphology which consist of layers of culture derived natural
landscape. The diagram below represents the cultural landscape, continuous interaction between
human and nature that requires a long period of time and create an area of identity. Jackson (1984),
concluded that this concept is not only a way to see places special or unique, but can also be
extended to cover the places where people live, work and travel every day.

The reason why I choose the cultural landscape is because it includes all the environmental and
social aspects that need preservation and protection which at the end will maintain the uniqueness
of the place.


The coastal and wetland area together with cultural and natural heritage can be a perfect and suitable
settings to be preserve and conserve for tourism purposes. In returns, the tourism can act as one of
approach to protect the area. For example, ecotourism can be the best solution in order to protect all of
these cultural and natural heritage.

The area of interest that I choose is fishing village and natural heritage preservation. The reason why I
choose this fishing village and natural heritage preservation is because the restoration of natural
heritage that exist in the fishing village will support the socio-cultural and socio-economic of the village
which form the culture of the fishing village itself. The restoration and preservation of natural heritage of
the village can be done by regenerating the wetland and coastal area using sustainable approach and
transform it into an ecotourism spot which can help in maintaining the preservation of the natural
heritage of the village from the invasion of new development.

3.0 THE SITE CONTEXT (Why I choose this site as my case study)
Figure 2: Map of Setiu Wetland by Majlis Daerah Setiu.

Setiu wetlands is one of the wetland areas in Malaysia that is rich in various natural resources. Setiu
wetlands have unique landscape because of the presence of various types of natural interconnected
habitats. The wetlands and the coastal area has affected and support the culture of the village
nearby which is the fishermen village. Having the natural heritage that support the socio-cultural
and socio-economic of the village, cultural landscape of the village can be seen and preserved in
order to sustain the originality and authenticity of the village.

Hence, the reasons why I choose this site is based on aspects which are the physical, the
environmental and the cultural aspects:

a) The physical aspect is about the strategic location of the village itself with the existing
interconnected habitat that need to be protected.
b) The environmental aspect is about the existence of the biodiversity present in the different
habitat which can help in generating the ecotourism as the economic sources for the villagers
without harming the environment.
c) The social aspect is about the uniqueness of local culture exist in the fishermen village that react
based on their surrounding environment which some of them might be diminished and replaced
by the modern culture and in need of some regeneration solution.

Figure 3: Land Use Development Plan of Setiu Wetland

Environmental Issues
1. Degraded of marine’s life.
2. Excessive harvesting of natural resources like grey sedge (Lepironia articulata) and clearing of
Gelam (Maleleuca leucadendra) forest for aquaculture and commercial crops activities which
destroy the natural ecosystem.
3. River pollution. This pollution is caused by waste from shrimp farming that is channeled to
the river and as a result, the river will be polluted with toxic substances.
4. Soil erosion and sedimentation at the wetland area and the coastal area.

Physical Issues
1. Some of the nest swiftlet farming damages the value of the beach.

Social Issues
1. Lack of appreciation on socio-cultural among the teenagers especially on craftsmanship, cultural
performances and folks games.


The aim of this study is to restore and resuscitate the Malay fishermen village by promoting sustainable
treatment that can enhance the natural beauty of the coastal area, protecting the environment and the
biodiversity, and achieve the cultural appreciation of Kampung Mangkuk, Setiu, Terengganu.


Environmental Context

1. Protecting the mangroves and the biodiversity of wetland area by transforming it into an
ecotourism spot.
2. Transforming the beach area as a coastal tourism which can be an education center for tourist to
explore more about the marine’s life.
3. Providing sustainable development through an injection of green treatment as the wetland
sustainable management in order to protect the wetland’s water quality and its biodiversity.

Physical Context

1. Enhancing the nest swiftlet area with plant species that can reduce noise and provide landscape
beautification to the settlement area without diminishing the authenticity of Malay fishermen

Social Context

1. Providing a space for socio-cultural activities that can be an attraction to the tourist.
2. Provide a design program that related to socio-cultural and socio-economic of the village
through the participation of all age group and as to sustain the community within the village.


Kampung Mangkuk is located in the Setiu Wetland area which uniquely have the interconnected
habitats– the sea, river riparian forest, sandy beach grass, estuaries, islands, mudflats, lagoon, peat
swamp forest, freshwater swamp forests and mangrove forests. Kampung Mangkuk also located
between the Setiu lagoon and Pantai Mangkuk. Setiu Lagoon is a brackish water lagoon with the
longest lagoon which is about 22km in Peninsular Malaysia. The lagoon function as a breeding
ground and nursery on most species of freshwater fish and marine that gives a commercial value.
Species in Setiu Wetlands can divide into three categories including mammals (29 species), reptiles
(28 species), and birds (112 species). Other than that visitors also can enjoy of having the experience
in Setiu by looking the terrapin and turtles around the beach. Lagoon also executes as a water
retention agent or as a sponge to absorb the overflow of water during the rainy season where water
will accumulate and flow slowly to send the water to the drains in order to prevent flooding for a
low area.

Furthermore, Setiu Wetlands contributes the source of income for the local community through
various activities such as fishing, aquaculture, manufacturing, boat, food product processing based
on marine product. Most of community in Setiu work as fishermen, deep-water fishing and fish
farming cage. Some community works as farmers by using natural resources to meet their daily
needs without damaging the natural preserves. During the monsoon season, many people who
work as fishermen and farmers in Setiu will spend their time repairing nets and boats. Due to
weather conditions, they are unable to do fishing and tillage. At the same time, they also spend time
to design craft for their use by using palm or cane including baskets, fish traps and roof. Until today
craft is still popular and gains support from the local community and contributes to their income for
local fishing communities in Setiu.


To conduct the study, I have plan the research methodology which involves both qualitative and
quantitative approach.

Stage 1:
In this stage, the generation of idea on what am I going to do is taken place. Followed by the site study
that I have chosen which is to relate and getting to know in depth about my proposal later on. In this
stage also the issues and problem statement will be identified from the site study. The aim and
objectives formation will be done after the identification of the issues and problems of the site study.

Stage 2:

For the study, the next stage is the data collection stage. This stage can be done through both qualitative
and quantitative approach. Qualitative approach or method like interview with the locals and capture of
photographs can be the proof of the site’s issues and potentials. Then, it will also be supported with
quantitative approach which is providing questionnaire to know the social behavior of the villagers. With
the help of desk study, data collection stage will be completed to proceed the next stage.

Stage 3:

The next stage is the analysis and synthesis stage. The data collected will be analysed in this stage and is
synthesized to summarize the findings and making an overall conclusion.

Stage 4:

The last stage is to provide the proposal based on the overall findings starting on the early stage until the
last stage. The details on the design ideas together with the strategic plan will be produced in order to
support the design and treatment strategy.


Reference case study 1: Village Ecotourism Development at Tekelan, Betung Kerihun National Park,

Tekelan is a site within the utilization zone of Betung Kerihun National Park. Betung Kerihun National
Park is part of the largest and richest biodiversity conservation area located within the ‘Heart of Borneo’.
Tekelan not only offers physical and biological attraction and provides lessons for visitors, but it is also
able to provide a more wholesome cultural experience by interacting with the people living within the
area. It is the Dayak people who live in the village of Sadap; the last village before heading to Tekelan
that is expected to be able to convey this experience and at the same time gains a balanced advantage
from the eco-tourism development of the Tekelan site.

The issues that are faced by Tekalan in Betung Kerihun National Park:

1. Exessive exploration on the natural heritage exist in the Tekalan forest.

2. Cultural landscape changes affected from the degradation of natural resources and wildlife.

The village ecotourism of Tekelan followed the five ‘sufficient requirements’ or the following principles
that is applied to the village and the natural area. The development of the village and the natural area is
based on the concept of eco-tourism, which focused on:

1. Conservation - Protecting the landscape that is used for tourism activities

2. Participation - Engage actively with communities in tourism activities.

3. Education and Recreation – Presents a decent market product that is laden education, learning and
recreation of local characteristic values (natural and cultural)

4. Economy - Providing a positive contribution to the economic development of the region

5. Control - Minimizing the smallest possible negative impact of a series of cultural and tourism

The characteristics of eco-tourism in the village has taken into consideration as a concept of developing
and executing tourism based on the natural environment and the local community’s culture with the
principle of utilizing and executing which is directed at:

1. The protection of natural and cultural resources to secure a sustainable ecology and the preservation
of the local culture.

2. The management in conducting activities with the minimalist negative impacts possible (enviro-

3. Involvement and the empowerment of the local culture as a part of the effort in making aware,
enabling, dignifying, and instilling self-reliance of the people towards increasing the well-being and the
quality of life, by resting on the vocational activities conducted by the people themselves, and the
improvement of professional skills.

4. The development and presentation of tourist attractions in the form of programs interpreting the
natural environment and the local culture that contains learning and recreation.


1. Pressure on Setiu Wetlands. 3 May 2016 · By TAN CHENG LI star2 green@thes

2. Department of Wildlife and National Parks (2006), Malaysia (PERHILITAN) and Coral
Cay Conservation, Malaysia Tropical Forest Conservation Project Report of the Setiu
Wetlands Phaseed. By Tamblyn. A; Turner. C (JFA Ltd) and Raines. P (CCC Ltd).

3. Kaya, LatifGürkan (2002), Cultural Landscape For Tourism, pp. 54-59.

4. Sauer, Carl O (1925), The Morphology of Landscape, in Land and Life: A Selection from
the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer, ed. by J. Leighly (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1963), Book, pp. 315-350 (first publ. in Geography, 2.2, 19-54).

5. WWF Malaysia (2006), Setiu Wetland, Report.

6. Nam, V. (n.d.).Safeguarding Intangible Heritage and Sustainable Cultural Tourism:

Opportunities and Challenges, UNESCO IIHARP Regional Meeting Hue Vietnam.

7. Kerihun, B. (n.d.). Village Ecotourism Development at Tekelan Betung Kerihun

Feasibility Study on.
Centre of Studies of Landscape Architecture
Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying





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