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lochwinnoch no 108 September 2002

community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On showpiece - or should be - of the was told the remainder would be

v i l l a g e . sprayed in the autumn. That
At present I am totally embar- amounts to one spray through-
Monday, Sep- rassed - I receive verbal abuse out the village a year - not two.
every day - about the state of the Five trees were blown over in
tember 2nd – St Win- Lochwinnoch Park seven
noc Singers – Parish weeds, lack of maintenance and
shabby appearance of the hall. months ago. I asked when they
Church 8 pm, and every Mon- would be re-bedded, I was told
I found out the Halls Depart-
day until the Spring concert. ment pay maintenance costs for 'some time, we are far too busy
Monday, Sep- the upkeep of the grounds and have more important work
tember 9th -Gardening around the hall. Do they get than that to deal with'.
Club, Museum Room, Li- value for money? I'd say, not. I could write for days about the
The local football team, Calder- poor service Lochwinnoch is re-
brary 7.30 pm ceiving form the Parks Depart-
glen FC, pay the Parks Depart-
ment £800:00 a year ground ment. As high Council Tax pay-
Thursday, Sep- maintenance. The grass is never ers - in a higher band than simi-
tember 19th – Histori- cut to a length suitable for foot- lar stock in other areas - why are
cal Society, Guild Room, ball. It receives a run over with we treated as second class citi-
Parish Church a t r a c t o r . z e n s .
I have held a number of meet- I ask for you assistance to im-
Monday, Sep- prove the appearance of this po-
ings with your staff, but frankly,
tember 24th – Scottish their attitude was deplor- tentially beautiful village.
Country Dancing, McKil- able. The meetings did not re- Y o describing
Caption u r s picturesori graphic.
n c e r e l y ,
lop Institute 7.30 pm sult in any improvement to the A l i s t a i r N i m m o . '
service offered to the football August 1 2002.
c l u b .
Councillor Paying customers should re-
ceive a better service than this. Film Show
Last year I complained bitterly
Complains about the weed problem. I even
put a motion to Council and was Relive Lochwinnoch's
informed that matters would im- past in film at the film
Councillor Alistair Nimmo prove this ye ar . show in the Masonic Hall
has been busy on our behalf I phoned you and was told that on Friday, September 6 at
writing complaints to Ber- two sprays would be made in 7:30pm. You might see
nard Forteith, who as Di- Lochwinnoch this year. So far, yourself caught unawares
rector of Environmental only one spray has taken place
walking along the High
Services is charged with on the Main Road from John-
shill to Main Street. I asked why
Street. Tickets cos t
keeping the village ship- £3:00. Call Pat 01505
s h a p e . this was all that was sprayed and
But, does he? What do you
think? Comments please in the
Chatterbox envelope in the li-
brary. Here's what Councillor
N i m m o t h i n k s .
'Dear Mr. Forteith,
It is with total frustration, Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
anger, humiliation and em- Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
barrassment that I find my- Roughcasting & General Building
self having to write such a
damning report about your
Tel No. 01505 843400
FMB Certification No 26366
d e p a r t m e n t .
The McKillop Institute is the
Auld Simons New Zebra This is the club's 25th
year. One or two of us have
Column Crossing Rules actually danced our way
through all 25 years.
We hope to celebrate our ju-
Well, it wasn't much of a
We have been asked to bilee at the end of March
let the residents of Loch- 2003 by holding a reunion
summer. For me it was a disas-
ter. Mrs. Simon travelled to winnoch know the penal- with as many past members
the Commonwealth Games in ties for parking on the as possible. As our records
Manchester in the hope of get- new zebra crossing zig- for past years are not all
ting something in the snatch - zag lines. available, would anyone who
she's a weightlifter. But all she was once a member please
got was two broken feet. She
3 Penalty points and a sixty
d r o ppe d a we ig ht.
It meant, of course, she had to lie in
bed all summer with her feet in the
£60 fine.
East Lochhead
contact the secretary, Isabel
Templeton (01505 843316)
with their name and ad-
air. It also meant I, Auld Simon,
had to attend the gardening
chores. Something I hate.
Reprint of Loch- d r e s s .
We'll notify you of the de-
As far as I'm concerned the garden
is a theatre of war. Man against an
winnoch Address tails of the reunion early in
t h e n e w y e a r .
enemy and an enemy he can never
d e f e a t . Book New members are, of course,
always welcome. Why not
Lets look them. First, weeds. You
The Lochwinnoch Mil- join and enjoy laughter,
spend a fortune on peat and miracle
growing compounds; no plants friendship as well as mental
lennium Address Book is
grow. Put a teaspoonful of earth on and physical exercise. This
being reprinted. This
the ground it'll sprout a magnificent special anniversary year is the
crop of weeds within hours. Weeds highly successful and wel-
year to join.
grow faster than human hair - or come local address book c
some human hairs at any rate. complete with telephone
Then there is the greenfly. The numbers will be reprinted in
greenfly can eat more in a hour
time for Christmas.
than Luciano Pavarotti - they don't
sing as well - but they can eat If you require a change or to
some. I've seen greenflies that
looked like jumbo jets.
My worst garden nightmare is the
be included please call 01505
842652 Society
slug. Who thought up a slug? It
doesn't even have a bum you can
k i c k
Can you imagine the typical slug's
. Country Dancing Lochwinnoch Historical
Society has changed the
day? Gets up, showers, looks in the Hoots! The Scottish regular monthly meeting
m i r r o r . date to the third Thurs-
'Looking good, I'll slide down to Country Dancing classes
day of each month.
Auld Simon's, slither over his start again in Lochwin-
The first meeting of the new
sprouts, and depending on how I noch on Tuesday, Sep-
feel, wipe out his cauliflower's. But session is Thursday, Septem-
t e m b e r 2 4 .
I could tuck into his cabbages'. ber 19. The meeting - like all
So that was my summer, squelch-
Classes are on in the McKil-
the meetings - will be held in
ing around in the rain swatting, lop Institute every Tuesday at
the guild room of the Parish
pulling and trying to hit the slugs 7 : 3 0 p m .
with these wee pellets. Now there's
a funny thing. Who thought of kill-
ing slugs by hitting them with pel-
l e t s ? The Chatterbox needs business support
Finally, to cap a miserable summer Advertisements start at £30 (this size)
Mrs. Simon, now on her feet and in
full critical stream, tells me I've got 1000 copies distributed every month and read by
blight on my plums. Oh dear. everyone in Lochwinnoch
Anyway, have a nice month.
Tel 017764 236 822 or email
Auld Simon Copy deadline for next issue – Tuesday 24th Sept.
C h u r c h .
planned at the time of writing.
For the first meeting the
guest speaker is John Galla-
This is when you spot plants Books – Books
growing you'd like to grow in
cher MA. John's illustrated
your own garden only here you The latest additions to
talk is on the subject of Tho-
get them free! the library stock are:
mas Lipton 1850 -
If you are interested in joining Fiction:
1931. Lipton was a grocer and -
the club contact Liz Nickerson
e n t r e p r e n e u r . Neil Astley - End of my Tether
at the museum 01504 842615,
John Gallacher is an inter- Jon Cleary - Yesterday's Shadow
or Anne Nicholl at 36 Calder
esting and well-informed Harlan Coben - Gone for Good
Street 01505 842632 or come Paul Eddy - Mandrake
speaker, his talks on a variety
along to the next meeting. Linda Fairstein - The Dead House
of popular subjects have been Lisa Gardiner - The Survivors
enjoyed over the past few Lillian Harry – A Girl Called Thursday
years by the group. We look
forward to his latest talk. Garden Gongs Richard Herdman -
Carl Hiaasen -
Philip Jolowicz -
The Last Phoenix
Basket Case
Walls of Silence
If you are interested in join-
ing the Historical society why The village gardening Judith Lennox - Written on Glass
Robert Ludlum - The Paris Option
not go along to one of the awards were recently an- Jill Mantel - Staying at Daisy's
talks or call Anne Nicholl on nounced. Congratulations Jill McGowan - Births, Deaths and
01505 842632. go to the winners: M a r r i a g e s
Glenn Meade - Resurrection Day
R. J. Price - A Boy in Summer
Unit 30 Section Terri Prone-Dancing with the Angel
Gardening 1st prize - Mr & Mrs A Stew-
art, 27 Braehead
Chris Ryan - Land of Fire
Lisa Scottoline - Courting Trouble
Kevin Wignall - Among the
2nd prize - Mr & Mrs R Mat-
thews, 60 Crookhill Gdns D e a d .
This is a small selection of the
Owner/Occupier Section:
new stock that arrives on a regu-
3rd prize - Ms M Smith, 51 lar basis. If any item you want is
The next meeting of this Semple Ave not available, our request sys-
Alistair Nimmo Trophy for tem gives access to stock held in
recently formed group is
the best garden in Loch- libraries throughout Ren-
on Monday, September 9
w i n n o c h : frewshire. The ordering service
in the museum room of
Mr & Mrs Stewart, 27 Brae- costs 2
the library 7.30pm.
If you are interested in
gardening whatever your
ability, this is for you.
Meetings are relaxed and en-
joyable. They include a raffle
of plants or other garden
i t e m s .
Members exchange ideas
and benefit from each other's Internet Access
skills and results. The library computer cluster now offers free internet access as well as a range of
Experts on a variety of gar- online learning packages. For more information and to book time on a computer
please contact the library.
dening topics will visit over Looking for a Grant?
the coming months. The ‘Directory of Grant Making Trusts’ is now available on the Library com-
Eight visits to members' gar- puters. This is an invaluable resource for any community group looking to raise
dens have taken place and, funds. The Playground Group made extensive use of the older versions for their
these have been much en- fundraising efforts. Just enter the details of your group and the details of the fund-
raising project. The system will try to match your project with some of the thou-
j o y e d .
Ceilidh News
What a wide diversity of gar-
den design and planning
sands of possible funding sources.

You can contact the team by

styles there is in Lochwin- e-mail
noch. So many good ideas or in writing and put into website dropbox in the local library
with lots of hard work in evi-
dence. Two more visits are
Teen Spot meet new people. The youth leaders are
Leona, Liz, Ruth and Jim.
And remember if you have any infor-
4. They last longer and don't have to be
replaced as often as standard bulbs.
5 . A ll o f th e a bo v e
mation or achievements that you would The gardening group are having a
A i r G u n A f f a i r like to be added in this column or any blooming good time at their meet-
O ne Saturday night in July
other column in Chatterbox just drop it
into the Chatterbox envelope behind
ings. They have arranged a whole host
of guest speakers to keep them occupied
two teenagers were shot by an the desk at the local library throughout the winter. For further info
air gun, one was shot in the
arm the other one was shot in I can't believe our summer
call myself or look out for the eye-
catching posters springing up through-
the head. The teenagers were o u t t h e v i l l a g e .
walking along the street in a Over the summer the walking group
crowd and someone shot them have been busy stomping all over the
land. They've had successful walks
from the top window of a throughout Lochwinnoch and as far a
house on the opposite side of field as the 'Greenock Cut'.
the road from where they were The group are keen to attract new mem-
w a l k i n g . bers and locals who know favourite
They were not seriously injured, has gone, did it ever arrive? I walks in and around Lochwinnoch.
just shocked and cut where the bul- hope you managed to soak up If you are interested in walking with the
let had hit them. The police were what little sunshine we had. group, keep an eye out for their bright
called and a paramedic checked As we enter the dark and gloomy posters displayed throughout the village
t h e m o u t . months of winter, I have a little ray in the Library, the McKillop, or pop in
The person who shot them has not of light that might just brighten up a n d s p e a k t o m e .
been caught yet but hopefully will be Recycling paper will soon be an activ-
the long evenings for the folks of ity you can do in Lochwinnoch. The
soon. If you have any information about L o c h w i n n o c h .
this offence please get in touch with return of the infamous paper bank is
As part of the environment issues that almost apon us. Look out for it down at
Johnstone Police Station. the project is designed to address - we
A i r G u n F a c t s the Annexe - it should arrive in the near
have over 300 energy efficiency light future. Recycle these old Chatterboxes.
It is dangerous to carry an air gun, it is bulbs to give away throughout the vil-
even more dangerous to carry an air For those who are a bit confused about
l a g e . where the recycle bins have gone - they
gun without a license. It could have Energy efficiency bulbs [Eeb] have
been you who got shot and it could have have a new home down at the annexe.
much more benefits than regular incan- For information on youth activities,
also been a lot worse. Think about it. descent bulbs [normal bulbs].
Y o u t h C l u b N e w s ! please read the Teenspot section of the
Although they are more expensive ini- Chatterbox. We have our very own
C o m m u n i t y R a d i o tially, the total cost of electricity used is
Six local boys went to Ferguslie Park young reporter here in the village who
about hal f that of t raditional keeps us up to date with the Lochwin-
radio station and made an hour- bulbs. They also last approximately 5
long live show about Lochwinnoch. noch Youth Team and activities around
times longer and by simply turning on t h e v i l l a g e .
As this was the second time three of the to a single Eeb, it saves half a tonne of
boys had made a radio show they new If you have any ideas or projects you
carbon dioxide being thrust into the wish to discuss, pop into the museum or
exactly what to do. Listeners said the air. This, therefore, brings about a re-
show was excellent and explained a lot c a l l m e a n y t i m e
duction in the impact of global warm-
a b o u t t h e v i l l a g e . i n g .
On August 1st seventeen members of See Ya
If you would like a bulb, you can enter
the youth club and four youth club the energy saving competition be-
leaders went a trip to M and D s. As it low. Pop you answers into an envelope
was such a big success with everyone in the library, email me or drop by the
who went, we organised another trip for museum. REMEMBER to put down
t h e 1 5 t h A u g u s t . Community Development Worker
your name, address and telephone
C a m p i n g C a n c e l l e d n u m b e r s g o o d l u c k How to contact
A camping trip to Barnbrock Farm was Q u e s t i o n s : Liz Nickerson
cancelled due to the lack of people but Why use energy efficiency light bulbs? Tel No: 01505 842 615
hopefully it will be rescheduled for 1. They use less energy than standard Mobile: 07776 123 950
some time in September b u l b s . Email:
R a f t B u i l d i n g 2. They save you money on your electric Drop into museum on
The youth club would like to say a big b i l l .
thank you to Clyde Muirsheil for allow-
Mondays : 2-5pm and 6-8pm
3. They produce just as much light as
ing us to do raft building at Castle Sem- s t a n d a r d b u l b s
p l e f r e e o f c h a r g e .
Come along to the youth club on a
Thursday night at 7:30pm un- Sales and Marketing Consultancy
til l0:00pm. You have to be over 13 to

Calder Marketing
join, it costs £1:00 to get in.
There's lots of stuff to do such as foot-
ball, table tennis, snooker and arts and
crafts equipment, or you can just come
along and have a chat to your friends or Tel : 01505 842 681 Mobile: 07764 236 822
Chatterbox is independently produced for the Community Council
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by Lochwinnoch Business Plans, Funding, Market Research,
Community Council, Renfrewshire Council and advertisements.
The editor welcomes all items for possible inclusion but will
reserve all rights over them. All views are of individuals. The PR, Company Newsletters
editor accepts no liability for errors.

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