Levels of Care For Addiction Treatment

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Overcoming an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is most effectively accomplished through
the receiving of comprehensive professional treatment. As was previously discussed, there
are different phases included in the recovery process. Once withdrawal and detox are
complete, engaging in comprehensive therapeutic treatment services can be considered the
most important aspect of care that results in long-term recovery.

The following are among the many types of treatment:


Detoxification, or detox for short, refers to the physiological process of having harmful
substances removed from the body. Detox should be done in a setting where the individual
can be medically monitored 24/7, ensuring his or her safety and comfort during the
process. The detoxification process can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days to, in
some cases, even a few weeks. When done under the supervision of medical professionals,
prescription medications may be given in order to alleviate the distressing symptoms being
experienced. Not only does participation in detox work to dispel uncomfortable symptoms,
but it also offers individuals a safe environment where they do not have access to their
drugs of choice, therefore preventing relapse.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment can be considered the most intensive form of care, most frequently
used to treat acute cases and handle crises. For those addicted to substances, this is where
the detoxification services will likely take place, followed by interventions that are
designed to alleviate acute concerns.

Residential Treatment

Often one of the most beneficial forms of treatment for overcoming an addiction to drugs or
alcohol, residential treatment offers individuals long-term care in a safe environment. The
particular length of stay can vary from person to person, as well as across various
treatment centers. During one’s time in residential treatment, he or she is able to remove
him or herself from the stressors and temptations of everyday life and instead place all of
his or her focus on recovering. Here, individuals are able to be completely away from their
old drug lifestyle and make a fresh start.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) are a treatment option for individuals who do not
need the around-the-clock care offered in inpatient or residential settings, but still need the
intensive structure of a day-long program. Depending on the particular treatment center,
the PHP schedule will vary, but most take place five days a week for around six hours each

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are designed for individuals who do not require the
day-to-day treatment offered in partial hospitalization programs, but who can benefit from
a structured treatment setting as they work to acclimate to life outside of treatment. Again,
the schedules for IOP will vary amongst different treatment centers, as well as based on
each individual’s unique needs, but typically occur a couple of days per week for around
three or four hours each day.

Traditional Outpatient Services

This level of care typically involves ongoing meetings with a therapist, yet does not take
place as frequently as PHP or IOP. These sessions are scheduled based on the specific needs
of each individual.

Sober Living Homes

Some individuals may benefit from residing in sober living homes, also known as halfway
houses, before returning to their true homes. These environments are designed to be a safe
place for individuals to live during the interim between their completion of treatment and
their future lives. These living arrangements can serve to benefit individuals as they work
towards being able to stand against temptation to resume using drugs or alcohol and
remain successful in their recovery.

Support Groups

Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can
provide ongoing encouragement as individuals adjust to living outside of treatment. These
support groups are designed to give people a safe space where they can come together with
others who have shared similar struggles so that they can give and receive encouragement
and find lasting support from those who understand the trials that they have overcome.

Types of Interventions Used in Addiction Treatment

Within the various levels of care offered from those working to overcome an addiction to
drugs and/or alcohol, there are a variety of therapeutic interventions implemented. These
interventions are described briefly in the following:

Group Therapy

Group therapy is often the main intervention used in all treatment settings. These groups
are led by trained professionals who initiate topics of discussion that are relevant to the
group members. These groups can serve to be educational, while also providing individuals
with a forum where they can discuss issues that they are facing, and give and receive
support to and from others who have shared similar experiences and trials.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a time for people to meet one-on-one with a therapist. This is meant
to be a safe and confidential setting where individuals can discuss their personal struggles,
address any concerns that may have arisen in treatment, and celebrate successes as they

Family Therapy

Family therapy offers individuals a time to come together with their loved ones in a
therapist-led setting. Here, relationships that have been negatively affected by the presence
of addictions can be healed, and family members can become educated on ways that they
can be of most help to their loved ones as they progress in recovery.

Experiential Therapies

Many treatment programs offer a variety of experiential therapies that are designed to
complement the more intensive aspects of the treatment experience. These therapies are
designed to provide a holistic approach to recovery, working to heal an individual’s mind,
body, and spirit. Examples of experiential therapies can include, but are not limited to, art
therapy, music therapy, Yoga, meditation, and recreational therapy.

By participating in a comprehensive treatment program, individuals are given the

opportunity to receive individualized treatment plans that incorporate many, if not all, of
the aforementioned interventions. Here, individuals can address all of their concerns and
achieve their recovery goals.

Why Do I Need Rehab?

Choosing drug abuse rehabilitation is a solid first step towards

helping you or your loved one overcome an addiction and lead a
new, healthy life.
When you or someone close to you needs drug abuse rehab, it can be hard to know
where exactly to find help. Without the proper help, however, substance abuse can lead
to potential life-threatening situations. Additionally, drug abuse affects not only the life of
the individual user but also the lives of his or her family. Fortunately, there are a variety
of effective treatment methods to help individuals overcome their drug addictions.
Types of Treatment

Treatment programs are different for each individual and can be customized based on
their unique needs and situations. The most effective types of treatment programs
ensure that individuals in recovery are actively involved every step of the way.

 Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehabs offer structured treatment programs designed to address all

facets of an individual’s addiction. During inpatient rehab, patients reside in a
substance-free facility and receive around-the-clock medical care and therapeutic

Inpatient rehabs are the best option for individuals battling chronic addiction, as
well as those who suffer from a co-occurring mental or behavioral disorder.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehabs are another form of comprehensive addiction care. These programs
offer many of the same kinds of effective treatments and therapies as inpatient rehabs.
However, outpatient rehabs allow patients to live at home during the recovery process.
Patients can continue working and caring for their families while attending scheduled
treatment sessions throughout the week.

It’s important to keep in mind that outpatient rehabs do not take place in a residential
facility; therefore, patients are at greater risk of encountering triggers that challenge
their sobriety. Because of this, outpatient rehabs are most suited for individuals with
mild forms of addiction and a committed, disciplined approach to recovery.

Drug and Alcohol Detox

Detoxification helps people safely withdraw from their from drugs or alcohol until it is no
longer present in their system. It is often the first step in treating individuals recovering
from moderate to severe forms of addiction.

In some cases, detoxing from certain drugs requires medication-assisted therapy to

help ease the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Medications prescribed during detox
are often tapered down until the patient is no longer physically dependent on addictive

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