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This step-by-step article describes how to create a new VPN connection in Microsoft Windows XP.

You can use a virtual private network (VPN) to connect components to one network by using
another network, such as the Internet. Virtual private networks do this by "tunneling" through the
Internet or another public network in a manner that provides the same security and features as a
private network. With a VPN, connections across the public network can transfer data by using the
routing infrastructure of the Internet, but to the user, the data seems to travel over a dedicated
private link.

Overview of a VPN

A VPN is a method of connecting to a private network (for example, your office network) by way of

a public network (for example, the Internet).

A VPN gives you the benefit of a dial-up connection to a dial-up server, plus the ease and flexibility

of an Internet connection. Using an Internet connection permits you to connect to resources all over

the world and still, in most places, connect to your office by making a local call to the nearest

Internet access phone number. If you have a high-speed Internet connection such as cable or

digital subscriber line (DSL) at your computer and at your office, you can communicate with your

office at full Internet speed. This is much faster than any dial-up connection that uses an analog


VPNs use authenticated links to make sure that only authorized users can connect to your network,

and they use encryption to make sure that others cannot intercept and cannot use data that travels

over the Internet. Windows XP achieves this security by using Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

(PPTP) or Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). A Tunneling Protocol is a technology that helps

make the transfer of information over the Internet more secure from one computer to another.

VPN technology also permits a corporation to connect to its branch offices or to other companies

over a public network, such as the Internet, while helping to maintain secure communications. The

VPN connection across the Internet logically operates as a dedicated wide area network (WAN) link.

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Configure a VPN connection from a client computer

To set up a connection to a VPN, follow these steps:

1. On the computer that is running Windows XP, confirm that the connection to the Internet is

correctly configured.

For more information about how to test your Internet configuration, click the following

article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314067 How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. In Control Panel, double-click Network Connections.

4. Click Create a new connection.

5. In the Network Connection Wizard, click Next.

6. Click Connect to the network at my workplace, and then click Next.

7. Click Virtual Private Network connection, and then click Next.

8. If you are prompted to, do one of the following:

o If you use a dial-up connection to connect to the Internet, click Automatically

dial this initial connection, and then click your dial-up Internet connection from

the list.
o If you use a full-time connection such as a cable modem, click Do not dial the

initial connection.

9. Click Next.
10. Type the name of your company or type a descriptive name for the connection, and then
click Next.

11. Type the host name or the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that you want to
connect to, and then click Next.

12. Click Anyone's use if you want the connection to be available to anyone who logs on to
the computer, or click My use only to make it available only when you log on to the

computer, and then click Next.

13. Click to select the Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop check box if you
want to create a shortcut on the desktop, and then click Finish.

14. If you are prompted to connect, click No.

15. In the Network Connections window, right-click the new connection.
16. Click Properties, and then configure more options for the connection:
o If you are connecting to a domain, click the Options tab, and then click to select

the Include Windows logon domain check box to specify whether to request

Windows logon domain information before you try to connect.

o If you want the computer to redial the connection if the line is dropped, click the

Options tab, and then click to select the Redial if line is dropped check box.

To use the connection, follow these steps:

1. Use one of the following methods:

o Click Start, point to Connect To, and then click the new connection.

o If you added a connection shortcut to the desktop, double-click the shortcut on the


2. If you are not currently connected to the Internet, Windows offers to connect to the


3. After your computer connects to the Internet, the VPN server prompts you for your user

name and password. Type your user name and password, and then click Connect. Your

network resources should be available to you in just like they are when you connect directly

to the network.

4. To disconnect from the VPN, right-click the icon for the connection, and then click


Note If you cannot connect to shared resources on the remote network by computer, you can use

the remote computer's IP address to connect by using UNC (\\<IP_Address>\Share_name). Edit the

hosts file in the Windows\System32\Drivers\ folder, and add an entry to map the remote server's

name to its IP address. Then use the computer name in a UNC connection


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Troubleshoot VPN connections

Troubleshooting VPN connection issues typically involves contacting your Internet service provider

(ISP), your VPN server administrator, or your router or firewall manufacturer.

When you try to connect to your VPN server, you may not be able to connect, and you may receive

an error message that resembles the following:

678: The remote computer did not respond.

930: The authentication server did not respond to authentication requests in a timely fashion.

800: Unable to establish the VPN connection.

623: The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection.

720: A connection to the remote computer could not be established.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

• Verify that you have connected to the Internet before you try to connect to the VPN server.

For more information about troubleshooting Internet Connectivity in Windows XP, click the

following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314067 How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP

314095 How to troubleshoot possible causes of Internet connection problems in Windows


• If you can connect to the Internet but you still cannot establish a connection to the VPN

server, and you receive error 623, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

227391 Error message: "Error 623 the system could not find the phone book entry for this

connection" when making a VPN connection

• If you can connect to the Internet but you still cannot establish a connection to the VPN

server, and you receive error 720, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

314869 Error 720: No PPP control protocols configured

• If you still cannot connect to the VPN server, the VPN server may not be configured

correctly. Contact your VPN server administrator.

If you are the VPN server administrator, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles

for additional information about how to configure a Microsoft VPN server:

308208 How to install and configure a virtual private network server in Windows 2000

162847 Troubleshooting PPTP connectivity issues in Windows NT 4.0

299684 Error message: Error 930; The authentication server did not respond to

authentication requests in a timely fashion

• If you use a personal firewall or a broadband router, or if there are routers or firewalls

between the VPN client and the VPN server, the following ports and protocol must be

enabled for PPTP on all firewalls and routers that are between the VPN client and the VPN


Client ports Server port Protocol

1024-65535/TCP 1723/TCP PPTP

Additionally, you must enable IP PROTOCOL 47 (GRE).

For information about your firewall or router configuration, and to confirm that your firewall

or your router will pass these ports and protocol, contact the manufacturer of your firewall,

your router, your ISP, or your VPN server administrator.

Some Important VPN Questions

CSI interviews Fred Avolio
[Excerpted from the Computer Security Alert #185, a publication of the Computer
Security Institute, Copyright Computer Security Institute, All Rights Reserved]

What is a VPN? The term Virtual Private Network (VPN) means "an encrypted
connection from one point to another over any network giving the illusion of being a
private network." Originally, Marcus Ranum and I coined the term "virtual network
perimeter," which in today's language means a VPN with trust — i.e., a network security
perimeter extended to include other offices and remote users through a VPN link plus
common name space, security policies, and management. Of course, networks are not
private unless encryption is being employed. To put it plainly, unless you own the space
around every wire, fiber, or radio signal used in the communication path, your connection
is not private unless it is encrypted.

Is there market penetration for these products? Those companies who were early
adopters of firewalls are the ones using VPNs today. VPNs are still early in the use cycle.
Three years ago, they hardly existed. Then firewall products started to include them —
first ANS Interlock, then TIS Gauntlet. Soon, customers started demanding VPN
functionality in their firewalls, even though few of them actually used it. But the Security
Architecture for Internet Protocol (IPSEC) standard is changing that — with IPSEC-
compliant off-the-shelf products, using encryption to protect the privacy of
communications will be an automatic decision. It may take awhile. I predicted that 1998
would be the "Year of the VPN," but maybe 1999 is more realistic. Look, over four years
after the famous Internet password sniffing incident, most people still seem to be working
with reusable passwords.

Is VPN a long-term solution or a short-term stop gap kind of thing? VPNs are long-
term solutions. VPNs may become ubiquitous and transparent to the user, but they will
not go away. Because the problem VPNs address — privacy over a public network —
will not go away. VPNs will exist from the desktop to the server, and at the IP packet
level as well as the application data level.

What security vulnerabilities are addressed by VPN? VPNs directly protect the
privacy of a communication, and indirectly provide an authentication mechanism for a
gateway, site, computer, or individual. Whether you need privacy or not is a function of
your business, the nature of what you discuss electronically, and how much it is worth to
someone else. Authentication is a side effect, even without IPSEC, because if site A
knows it talks to site B over an encrypted channel, and someone else pretends to be site
B, they will also have to be able to talk encrypted to site A, since site A expects it and
will reciprocate. Typically, the secrets are sufficiently protected that no one could pretend
to be site B and pull it off. Again, it comes down to the risk, which is a function of the
information you are transmitting. The threats and vulnerabilities are there, in any case. It
is very easy to capture traffic on the Internet or on your phone line. Is it important enough
information to care? That is the question that most people answer wrong. It is my
experience that while people may understand the value of what they have and they may
understand the risk of losing or compromising what they have, few understand both at the
same time.

What security vulnerabilities are unique to or heightened by VPN? Even though

VPNs provide ubiquitous, perimeter security, firewalls are still needed. Walls around
cities went away because it became inexpensive to bring them in closer to individual
homes. Only a perimeter enforcement mechanism can guarantee adherence to an
organization's security policies. However, as part of policy enforcement, a firewall might
need to be able to look at the information in a packet. Encryption makes that rather
difficult. VPNs — improperly deployed — take away a firewall's ability to audit useful
information, or to make decisions beyond the level of "who is allowed to talk to whom."
There are ways around this. The easiest way is to make the firewall a trusted third
member of the conversation. People who value privacy above everything else chafe at
this. But people who value the security of their organization realize that this is a
What are some of the tough questions to pose to VPN product vendors? Many
vendors claim to be IPSEC-compliant. The real requirement should be "list the other
products with which you can communicate" Also, a customer should want to know how
automatic the key exchange mechanism is? In a perfect world — in an IPSEC world — it
would be automatic. If a Virtual Network Perimeter (VNP, not VPN) is used, how easy is
it to deploy the software to mobile PC users? How much does it interfere with normal
network operation from a mobile PC, if at all? What crypto algorithms are used? What
key length?

Who are the major players in the market? Aventail is a leader in this market. All the
major firewall vendors and router vendors are in it as well. On the client side, Timestep
and V-ONE are big.

What kind of performance issues does VPN raise? Encryption takes more horsepower
than sending data in the clear. It really shows up on mobile PCs transmitting large hunks
of data — for example, a PowerPoint presentation — over a dial-up phone line. Firewalls
and other server systems should employ hardware crypto engines. With these there are no
performance issues. I expect that this functionality for mobile PCs will migrate to PC
cards with crypto engines. When will this happen? Within the next 18 months.

What crypto issues are relevant in the VPN context? Businesses who understand the
use of crypto for privacy in electronic documents also understand the need for the
emergency recovery of that data. Whether this is done by saving an individual's private
key information, encrypting it with a trusted third party's key, or saving all keys used to
encrypt all documents, it is well understood that some mechanism is needed for the
recovery of encrypted files owned by an individual, by the individual, or a company, by
the company for business or law enforcement reasons. Key recovery of session keys used
to encrypt a network connection is a requirement of law enforcement. VPNs must use the
strongest crypto available and feasible given the hardware on which it is being run. Weak
cryptography (for example, 40 bit key length) should be completely avoided.

Are VPNs used for specific kinds of applications or environments? If so, what are
some examples of where and why VPNs would be deployed? VPNs should be used for
all information exchange. I don't want to have to "go encrypted" when something secret
is about to be sent. I want everything to be encrypted. It should be as commonplace as
people sending postal mail in sealed envelopes. It will also ensure that the VPN
mechanism is working.

Are there applications or environments in which VPNs would really be detrimental?

Only the things you want everyone to be able to eavesdrop on. In general, the answer is
"no," but if a VPN is in use from a system behind a firewall to a system outside the
firewall, the firewall cannot enforce an organization's security policy beyond connection

What is the relationship between VPN and firewalls? While VPNs were available
before firewalls via encrypting modems and routers, they came into common use running
on or with firewalls. Today, most people would expect a firewall vendor to offer a VPN
option. (Even though most people today don't use VPNs.) Also, they want it managed via
the same firewall management interface. But then, users today seem to want nearly
everything on the firewall: mail server, name server, proxy servers for HTTP, FTP server,
directory server, and so on. That's terrible and a subject in itself.

What firewall issues are relevant to VPN selection and deployment? Well, the
perimeter security issues mentioned above, plus a firewall should give the option of VPN
with or without trust. For example, I would prefer all sessions between my firewall and
my clients and business partners to be encrypted — to be VPNs. But, I want all of them
to run up against my firewall if they try to do anything besides what I permit. On the
other hand, if I dial in from the speaker's lounge at a conference, I would like a private
connection (that is to say, encrypted) that also looks and feels like a virtual "inside"
connection, just as if I was sitting in the office.

What kind of resources (staff, computational muscle, bandwidth, etc.) are required
for VPN deployment, usage, maintenance? VPNs are typically handled as just another
job by the network or system administrator staff. Whoever is managing the firewall today
can easily add VPN management to the plate because once a VPN is set up there is little
else to do on most implementations.

What are reasonable expectations for a VPN? Privacy from end to end. The
cryptography used, generally speaking, is very good. Whatever you do, that is encrypted,
is very well hidden from sniffers on the net. Whatever is not encrypted, you may as well
shout from the rooftops or post on your web page.

What are unreasonable expectations for VPN? With firewalls, we went from a very
small number of security-wise companies using real firewalls to firewalls becoming a
"must have" on a checklist. But somehow, having a firewall became synonymous with
"all my Internet security problems are solved!" VPNs and IPSEC have started off that
way too. There has been a lot of "When we have IPSEC on the desk top we won't need
firewalls." This is nonsense. VPNs cannot enforce security policies, they cannot detect
misuse or mistakes, and they cannot regulate access. VPNs can do what they were meant
to do: keep communications private.

What kind of policies and procedures need to be developed for VPN? If we are
imaging an IPSEC world, where eventually the majority of gateways we might connect to
supports IPSEC, things become both easy and interesting. If we have a mechanism that
can invite encryption use, respond to such invitations, but also talk without encryption if
required, we need to think about things such as:

• What risk are we under from eavesdroppers?

• Do we always want to talk encrypted if we can?
• What are the list of sites or networks with whom we must talk encrypted?
• If we cannot talk encrypted to those "must encrypt" sites, what do you want the
fall back to be?
• What if we're invited to talk encrypted, but using weak crypto (answer this
question both for the general case as well as for the "must encrypt" set of
• How often do we change session keys?
• Do we need the ability to recover data or keys for encrypted sessions? (I'm
arguing that this is almost a 100% "yes" if we were talking about file encryption,
but almost 100% "no" for network communications.)
• Are we going to have the encryption be certificate-based? Who do we trust to be a
Certification Authority?
• Will we allow encryption through the firewall or only up to the firewall?
• How do we protect the keys? Who has access to the keys?

Can you list some items for a VPN checklist from deciding whether to use, then
selecting, then deploying, then maintaining VPN? Well, IPSEC — real IPSEC as it
exists today — is still morphing, but not so much that one shouldn't require it as a basis
for a VPN. So we might have:

• IPSEC compliant (including ISAKMP/Oakley)

• Interoperability with other IPSEC compliant vendors
• Strong encryption, long key length
• If the VPN solution is not part of the firewall, which is fine, will it work with the
• Does the VPN product work both with and without trust? (Remember, it requires
working closely with the firewall.)
• For an "add on" VPN, does it work in conjunction with the firewall, or does it
simply circumvent the firewall? (I'm not suggesting one way is good and the other
bad, but it may be something the security manager cares about, and the answer
should be known.)
• Does the VPN support automatic creation of user-level VPNs (for mobile users)?
In a very large organization, the system manager probably would rather not have
to manually create VPN accounts for every user.
• Has the VPN been certified by a recognized organization? (The ICSA has a
certification and testing process for VPNs. Others probably exist as well.)

One of the most common questions that I am asked is what type of VPN an organization should
deploy. So, in the hope that it will save some people some time, I thought I’d just go through
some of the most basic considerations when choosing a VPN protocol.

Let’s suppose you’ve decided to deploy a VPN to connect your organization’s/customers’ sites (a
site-to-site VPN). But you are not sure which VPN technology and type you should deploy –
should it be IPsec, MPLS layer-3, MPLS layer-2, L2TPv3-based, or another technology?

Some of the first questions that you will want to ask yourself when you are choosing a site-to-site
VPN technology or protocol include:

1. Is cost is a primary concern?

2. Is encryption and authentication required for your traffic?

3. Is “native” multiprotocol transport or layer-2 connectivity important?

4. Are you a service provider wishing to consolidate legacy and IP/MPLS network infrastructures?

5. Is any-to-any (layer 3) connectivity required between sites?

6. Is end-to-end quality of service (QoS) required?

7. Is full control of routing between customer edge routers is required?

8. Is simplified WAN routing desirable?

9. Are additional managed services such as firewalled internet access/voice services


10. Do you need to transport multicast traffic over your VPN?

There are many other questions that you must ask yourself, but in order to keep this brief enough
for a blog post, I’ll just stick with discussing the above.

1. Is cost is a primary concern?

Cost is almost always important, but if it is a primary concern then an Internet-based IPsec VPN
is often a good choice. Internet connectivity is relatively cheap, but because the Internet is
insecure you’ll need IPsec to protect your traffic.

2. Is encryption and authentication required for your traffic?

If you need authentication and encryption for your site-to-site VPN traffic then IPsec is the way
go. An IPsec VPN could be a standard IPsec VPN; it could be based on Cisco’s Dynamic
Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) technology; or it could even be an MPLS or L2TP-based VPN with
traffic protected using IPsec. But whatever the specific form of site-to-site VPN, you’re going to
need IPsec if you require authentication and encryption.

3. Is “native” multiprotocol transport or layer-2 connectivity important?

The next question is whether ‘native’ multiprotocol transport or layer-2 connectivity is important. If
it is then a layer-2 VPN type such as a Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) or Virtual Private Wire
Service (VPWS) based VPN may be a good option.

It’s also possible to transport multiprotocol traffic over MPLS layer-3 and IPsec VPNs using GRE

4. Are you a service provider wishing to consolidate legacy and IP/MPLS network
If you are a service provider looking to consolidate legacy infrastructure such as ATM/Frame
Relay networks with your IP/MPLS infrastructure, as well as deploy newer services such as
Ethernet over MPLS/L2TPv3 (EoMPLS/EoL2TPv3), then layer-2 VPNs may very well be the
answer. This is because both MPLS and L2TPv3 pseudowires (emulated circuits) can carry layer-
2 traffic such as Ethernet, Frame Relay, ATM, HDLC, PPP, and even X.25.

5. Is any-to-any (layer 3) connectivity required between sites?

Any-to-any WAN connectivity can be advantageous for applications and traffic types such as
voice and interactive video. If you would like any-to-any connectivity between sites then MPLS
layer-3 VPNs or multipoint-to-multipoint layer-2 VPNs (VPLS) are good options. Other
technologies such as DMVPN can also provide this type of connectivity.

6. Is end-to-end quality of service (QoS) required?

QoS can often be important to ensure that traffic and applications performance requirements in
terms of latency, jitter (variable delay), and packet loss are met. QoS is especially important for
traffic types such as voice. While QoS can be supported in a variety of VPN deployments, end-to-
end QoS guarantees for specific applications and traffic types are commonly available with MPLS
layer-3 VPNs.

7. Is full control of routing between customer edge (CE) routers is required?

If you absolutely need full control of routing between your sites then IPsec and MPLS/L2TPv3-
based layer-2 VPNs are all possibilities. MPLS Layer-3 (RFC 2547bis/RFC 4364) VPNs are not
an option if full control of routing is important because service provider edge (PE) routers will be
involved in your routing, and you will therefore have some loss of control. This loss of control is
often considered insignificant when compared to the advantages of deploying MPLS layer-3
VPNs, but it’s worth noting.

8. Is simplified WAN routing desirable?

Configuring WAN routing when there is any-to-any connectivity and routing adjacencies between
(many) sites can be challenging. One way around this is, of course, to deploy a hub-and-spoke
topology, but then advantages of any-to-any connectivity are lost. MPLS Layer-3 VPNs can
provide any-to-any connectivity as well as providing simplified WAN routing. This is because,
while IP traffic is forwarded over label-switched paths (LSPs) directly between sites over the
service provider backbone network, customer edge (CE) routers peer only with their directly
connected provider edge (PE) routers rather than with each other.

9. Are additional managed services such as firewalled internet access/voice services

Service providers can offer a variety of managed services to their customers such as firewalled
Internet access and voice services. These managed services are most easily provided and most
often available via MPLS Layer-3 VPNs.

10. Do you need to transport multicast traffic over your VPN?

MPLS layer-3 and IPsec VPNs do not natively support multicast. If you need to transport
multicast traffic in an MPLS layer-3 VPN then you’ll need GRE tunnels or support for multicast
VPNs (MVPNs). If you need to transport multicast over an IPsec VPN then you’ll need to use
technologies such as GRE tunnels or Virtual Tunnel Interfaces (VTIs).

Next time, I’ll look at some of the main considerations when selecting a remote access VPN

Needless to say, if you have got any thoughts on this subject then please leave a comment or
email me.


your SOHO grows, you'll eventually need to establish some form of secure data link with
a supplier, vendor, branch office, business partner, or customer that will enable you to
access their servers behind their Internet firewall.

One method of doing this is to create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to provide an
encrypted data stream between your firewall and theirs. A VPN is really convenient,
because you can refer to the remote servers, not by their public network address
translated IP addresses, but by their real, private IP addresses. This avoids problems
inherent in connecting to servers behind a many to one NAT configuration.

This chapter will outline the configuration of a permanent site-to-site VPN link or tunnel
using Openswan, one of the most popular VPN packages for Linux.

If you are new to VPNs, please refer to Appendix I, "Miscellaneous Linux Topics", for
some important background information that will provide a deeper understanding of the
steps outlined in this chapter.

VPN Guidelines
Here are some recommended guidelines that I suggest you consider before attempting a
simple SOHO Linux VPN.

• The IPSec protocol on which VPNs are based will not tolerate its data packets
being network address translated. If your firewall does NAT, then you'll have to
disable it specifically for the packets that will traverse the VPN.
• Life will be much easier if you make your Linux VPN box also function as a
firewall. Configure and test the firewall first and then configure the VPN. Chapter
14, "Linux Firewalls Using iptables", should help a lot.

• The networks at both ends of the VPN tunnel must use different IP address
ranges. Many company networks operate using 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x
addresses, you may have to reassign IP addresses to your network if overlaps

• Permanent site-to-site VPNs require firewalls at both ends that use static, DHCP
IP addresses.

Figure 35-1 illustrates the topology of a VPN between two SOHO environments. Here's
the scenario.

• The two sites need a VPN so that they can communicate with each other without
the fear of eavesdropping.

• The network administrators at both sites are aware that permanent site-to-site
VPNs require fixed Internet IP addresses and have upgraded from their basic
DHCP services originally provided by their ISPs. The sites' IP addressing
schemes do not overlap.

• Neither site wants to invest in a CA certificate service or infrastructure. The RSA

key encryption methodology will be used for key exchange. (At the end of the
chapter, I'll discuss an alternative Cisco-compatible method called alternately
shared secret, pre-shared, or symmetric key.)

• Site 1 uses a private network of /24 and has a Linux VPN/firewall
device default gateway with an external Internet IP address of

• Site 2 uses a private network of /24 and has a Linux VPN/firewall device
default gateway with an external Internet IP address of

Figure 35-1 Openswan Topolology Diagram

Download And Install The Openswan
You can download the Openswan RPM at . The site has
good instructions on how to install the product on Fedora and other versions of Linux. Be
aware that to download the RPM version of Openswan you must have the ipsec-tools
RPM package installed on your system. (Remember, RPM filenames usually start with
the software's name and version number, as in openswan-2.1.4-1.fc2.i386.rpm. If you
need more details, see Chapter 6, "Installing Linux Software".

How to get Openswan Started

You can configure Openswan to start at boot time using the chkconfig command:

[root@bigboy tmp]# chkconfig ipsec on

You can start, stop, and restart Openswan after booting using the ipsec initialization
script as shown:

[root@bigboy tmp]# service ipsec start

[root@bigboy tmp]# service ipsec stop
[root@bigboy tmp]# service ipsec restart

Remember to restart the ipsec process every time you make a change to the ipsec.conf
file for the changes to take effect on the running process.

Get The Status Of The Openswan Installation

Immediately after installing Openswan, run the ipsec verify command. It should give an
[OK] status for most of its checks:

[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec verify

Checking your system to see if IPsec got installed and started correctly
Version check and ipsec on-path [OK]
Linux Openswan U2.2.0/K2.6.8-1.521 (native)
Checking for IPsec support in kernel [OK]
Checking for RSA private key (/etc/ipsec.secrets) [OK]
Checking that pluto is running [OK]
Two or more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding [OK]
Checking NAT and MASQUERADEing [N/A]
Checking for 'ip' command [OK]
Checking for 'iptables' command [OK]
Checking for 'setkey' command for native IPsec stack support [OK]
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

How to fix common Status errors

The status check may provide some errors. The most common ones are related to IP
forwarding and opportunistic encryption.

IP forwarding

Each Linux VPN device needs to have routing or IP forwarding enabled. To enable it,
simply add an ip_forward entry to the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

# File: /etc/sysctl.conf
# Enable routing (IP forwarding)

net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1

Now use the sysctl -p command to activate the settings.

[root@bigboy tmp]# sysctl -p

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
[root@bigboy tmp]#

You can find more details on the /etc/sysctl.conf, in Appendix I, "Miscellaneous Linux
Opportunistic Encryption DNS Checks:

The opportunistic encryption DNS checks feature of Openswan allows gateways to

encrypt their traffic, even if the two gateway administrators have had no prior contact and
neither system has any preset information about the other. The rationale behind this is to
make all connections to servers behind the VPN device automatically be encrypted using
IPSec in the same way that HTTP traffic can be seamlessly encrypted to become HTTPS

This feature should be disabled by default in your configuration file; simply ignore the
errors related to it.

VPN Configuration Steps (Using RSA

One of the more secure ways of setting up a VPN tunnel is to encrypt the data using
certificate-based (RSA) keys. There are other VPN parameters too, but Openswan is very
forgiving when it establishes a tunnel. It automatically goes through all the various
combinations of IKE and IPSec settings with the remote VPN box until it finds a match.
You don't have to configure most of these settings explicitly as you often have to do in
the case of routers and firewall/VPN appliances.

The /etc/ipsec.conf file

Preparation work requires you to draw a basic network diagram such as Figure 35.1. The
VPN box on the left is called the left-hand side and the one on the right is called the
right-hand side. Left and right parameters must be configured in the /etc/ipsec.conf
configuration file. Table 35-1 explains each parameter.

Table 35-1 Parameters of the /etc/ipsec.conf file

Parameter Description
Left Internet IP address of the left-hand side VPN device.
Leftsubnet The network protected by the left-hand side VPN device.
Leftid Fully qualified domain name in DNS of the left-hand side VPN device,
which is preceded by an "@" sign. If DNS is set up for the IP
addresses, remove this entry, because names that don't resolve
correctly cause the VPN initialization to fail.
Leftrsasigkey The entire left RSA sig public key for the left-hand side VPN device.
This can be obtained by using the ipsec showhostkey --left
Leftnexthop The next hop router from the left-hand side VPN device when trying to
reach the right-hand side VPN device. You may use an auto-generated
variable %defaultroute, which will be valid in most cases, or the
actual IP address of the next hop router in cases where the next hop is
not the default router.
Right Internet IP address of the right-hand side VPN device.
Rightsubnet The network protected by the right-hand side VPN device.
Rightid Fully qualified domain name in DNS of the right-hand side VPN
device, which is preceded by an @ sign. If DNS isn't set up for the IP
addresses, remove this entry, because names that don't resolve
correctly cause the VPN initialization to fail.
Rightrsasigkey The entire right RSA sig public key for the right-hand side VPN
device. This can be obtained by using the ipsec showhostkey
--right command.

Rightnexthop The next hop router from the right-hand side VPN device when trying
to reach the right-hand side VPN device. You may use an auto-
generated variable %defaultroute, which will be valid in most cases,
or the actual IP address of the next hop router in cases where the next
hop is not the default router.

First you must gather all this information, then you have to enter it in the /etc/ipsec.conf
configuration file.

Obtaining RSA Keys

To configure the /etc/ipsec.conf file, you need to get the left RSA public key for the left
VPN device and the right key for the right VPN device. You need to generate these and
insert them in the /etc/ipsec.conf file of the VPN peer device.

The best approach is to generate files containing these keys and then use the vi editor's
read command (r) to read them into your /etc/ipsec.conf file. Cutting and pasting screen
output over an SSH session may automatically insert carriage return and line feed
characters at the end of each line where the text would normally wrap around on the
screen. This can corrupt the keys.

Creating Your Own Keys

The Openswan installation automatically generates the keys. If you want to change them,
you can issue the command:
[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec rsasigkey --verbose 2048 > keys.tmp
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

You can then edit the /etc/ipsec.secrets file and replace the contents between RSA: { and
the final } with the contents of the keys.tmp file generated from the ipsec command

Get The Left Public Key

On the left VPN server, issue this command to export the left public key to a file named

[root@vpn1 tmp]# ipsec showhostkey --left > /tmp/

[root@vpn1 tmp]#

Get The Right Public Key

On the right VPN server, export the right public key to a file named /tmp/

[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec showhostkey --right > /tmp/

[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Edit the /etc/ipsec.conf Configuration File

Each VPN in the /etc/ipsec.conf file has its own subsection. The example creates a
subsection called net-to-net, which then receives all the needed parameters.

# File: /etc/ipsec.conf
conn net-to-net
left= # Public Internet IP address of the
# LEFT VPN device
leftsubnet= # Subnet protected by the LEFT VPN
device # FQDN of Public Internet IP address
of the
# LEFT VPN device with an "@"
leftnexthop=%defaultroute # correct in many situations
right= # Public Internet IP address of
# the RIGHT VPN device
rightsubnet= # Subnet protected by the RIGHT VPN
device # FQDN of Public Internet IP address
of the
# RIGHT VPN device with an "@"
h p0DJ0EbVMVV+Xvwlm9++9zbY3mlc+cSXMPAJZ
rightnexthop= # correct in many situations
auto=start # authorizes and starts this
# on booting

Some Important Notes About The /etc/ipsec.conf File

Be sure to maintain the indentation before each parameter. The correct arrangement is.

conn net-to-net

Do not use

conn net-to-net

The net-to-net subsections must be the same in the /etc/ipsec.conf for both the left- and
right-hand side VPN devices. You can configure VPNs to other remote destinations in
this file as long as they don't share a subsection name with other VPNs. So in this
example, there should be only one net-to-net subsection which uniquely defines the VPN
between our two sample sites.

Also, make sure no blank lines separate the net-to-net section's parameters. Lines
commented with a # character are acceptable.

Restarting IPSec to reload the configuration file doesn't necessarily restart the tunnels. If
you set the auto= parameter to add, you can start the tunnel only manually with the ipsec
command. If the parameter is commented out, then the tunnel will never start. A value of
start causes the tunnel to start automatically.

Restart Openswan
On both VPN devices, you need to start Openswan for the new /etc/ipsec.conf settings to
take effect.

[root@vpn2 tmp]# service ipsec restart

ipsec_setup: Stopping Openswan IPsec...
ipsec_setup: Starting Openswan IPsec U2.2.0/K2.6.8-1.521...
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Initialize The New Tunnel

To initialize the new tunnel, you can use the ipsec command to start the tunnel net-to-net.
Be sure to issue the command simultaneously on the VPN boxes at both ends of the

[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec auto --up net-to-net

104 "net-to-net" #1: STATE_MAIN_I1: initiate
106 "net-to-net" #1: STATE_MAIN_I2: sent MI2, expecting MR2
108 "net-to-net" #1: STATE_MAIN_I3: sent MI3, expecting MR3
004 "net-to-net" #1: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established
112 "net-to-net" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
004 "net-to-net" #2: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established
{ESP=>0xe0bdd0e9 <0x13ac7645}
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

The "IPsec SA established" message signifies success.

Testing The New Tunnel

The troubleshooting section at the end of the chapter shows you how to test that
everything is working correctly.

Possible Changes To IP Tables

NAT/Masquerade Rules
If you are running iptables with masquerading/NAT for the VPN devices, then you must
exclude packets traversing the tunnel from the NAT operation. This example assumes
that interface eth0 is the Internet facing interface on your Linux VPN/firewall.

Change the left-hand side VPN device's iptables statement from.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE


iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -d \! -j MASQUERADE

For the right-hand side VPN device, change the statement

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE


iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -d \! -j MASQUERADE
How To Ensure Openswan Starts When
If your VPN subsection in the /etc/ipsec.conf file contains the line auto=add, then IPSec
only authorizes but doesn't establish the connection at startup. You'll have to use the ipsec
auto --up <vpn-name> command to start it manually.

You must change this to auto=start for Openswan to start the VPN automatically when
IPSec restarts or when the system reboots.

Using Pre-Shared Keys (PSK)

You don't always have to use RSA type keys. Sometimes the VPN device at the other end
of the tunnel won't support them, but will accept a simpler pre-shared key. Here is how to
do it.

1) Create the PSK using one of two methods. You can create a random pre-shared key
using the ipsec command.

[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec ranbits --continuous 128

[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Or, you can create them out of your head. Make them long (over 20 bytes), as in.


2) Update /etc/ipsec.secrets by adding text in this format at the beginning of the file.

vpn1-ip-address vpn2-ip-address : PSK "key in quotations"

For the example the line is: : PSK "nonebutourselvescanfreeourminds"

3) Update /etc/ipsec.conf. The PSK configuration is very similar to the RSA

configuration with exception that the leftid, rightid, leftrsasigkey, and rightrsasigkey
fields are omitted from the relevant conn subsection. Also add the authtype=secret
command to the configuration.

conn net-to-net
authby=secret # Key exchange method
left= # Public Internet IP address of the
# LEFT VPN device
leftsubnet= # Subnet protected by the LEFT VPN
leftnexthop=%defaultroute # correct in many situations
right= # Public Internet IP address of
# the RIGHT VPN device
rightsubnet= # Subnet protected by the RIGHT VPN
rightnexthop= # correct in many situations
auto=start # authorizes and starts this connection
# on booting

Remember to have the same configuration on the Linux VPN boxes on either side of the
tunnel and to restart Openswan to activate the new settings.

Troubleshooting Openswan
Troubleshooting is always important when setting up VPNs, because many things can go
wrong. Here are some quick checks you can do to make sure all is working correctly.

Determine the Tunnel Status

The ipsec auto --status command provides a status on Opesnswan running on your VPN
device. The output is divided into three sections:

• IKE Section: Defines the various encrypted key exchange algorithms and their
parameters. At least one set of values must match between the left- and right-hand
side VPN devices. This is also frequently referred to as the Phase 1 parameters,
because the key exchange process is the first thing to occur in establishing a VPN.

• ESP Section: Defines the various data encryption algorithms and their
parameters. At least one set of values must match between the left- and right-hand
side VPN devices. This is also frequently referred to as the Phase 2 parameters,
because the data encryption process is the second and final thing to occur in
establishing a VPN.

• VPN Section: This is usually prefaced by the name of the VPN tunnel, in this
case net-to-net. If there are no entries, then the VPN hasn't been established at all.
If there are entries, but no STATE_QUICK_R2 (IPsec SA established) lines then
the IPSec parameters are configured, but the tunnel hasn't been established. This
can be normal, tunnels become active once the Phase 1 and Phase 2 security
associations are created, and this usually only occurs after traffic is flowing. The
associations then get torn down after a timeout period. It is always best to pass
traffic over the tunnel to activate them. An ICMP ping check is a good way to test

[root@vpn2 tmp]# ipsec auto --status

000 algorithm ESP encrypt: id=2, name=ESP_DES, ivlen=8, keysizemin=64,
000 algorithm ESP encrypt: id=3, name=ESP_3DES, ivlen=8,
keysizemin=192, keysizemax=192
000 algorithm ESP encrypt: id=7, name=ESP_BLOWFISH, ivlen=8,
keysizemin=40, keysizemax=448
000 algorithm IKE encrypt: id=7, name=OAKLEY_AES_CBC, blocksize=16,
000 algorithm IKE encrypt: id=5, name=OAKLEY_3DES_CBC, blocksize=8,
000 algorithm IKE hash: id=2, name=OAKLEY_SHA, hashsize=20
000 "net-to-net": IKE algorithms wanted: 5_000-1-5, 5_000-1-2, 5_000-
2-5, 5_000-2-2, flags=-strict
000 "net-to-net": IKE algorithms found: 5_192-1_128-5, 5_192-1_128-
2, 5_192-2_160-5, 5_192-2_160-2,
000 "net-to-net": IKE algorithm newest: 3DES_CBC_192-MD5-MODP1536
000 "net-to-net": ESP algorithms wanted: 3_000-1, 3_000-2, flags=-
000 "net-to-net": ESP algorithms loaded: 3_000-1, 3_000-2, flags=-
000 "net-to-net": ESP algorithm newest: 3DES_0-HMAC_MD5;
000 #4: "net-to-net" STATE_QUICK_R2 (IPsec SA established);
EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 3635s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner
000 #4: "net-to-net" esp.aca08f86@
esp.7b90ea53@ tun.0@ tun.0@
000 #12: "net-to-net" STATE_MAIN_R3 (sent MR3, ISAKMP SA established);
EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 1153s; newest ISAKMP
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

It is important to know the status of your VPN as it can provide valuable troubleshooting
clues when there are problems. This can be especially important when establishing a
VPN between your Linux firewall and a non-Linux device. The IKE and ESP timers, and
encryption, hash and key exchange algorithms must match at both ends to have success.
This command allows you to see the value combinations Openswan is using and help you
configure the VPN device on the other end to have compatible settings.

==Testing VPN Connectivit==y

You can test the VPN connectivity by sending a simple ping from one private network to
the other. In this case, the ping goes to the Windows server, which protected
by vpn2, from server, which is protected by vpn1.

If the tunnel is up but ICMP pings don't work, then you need to check that the servers at
both ends of the tunnel have routes pointing to the VPN firewalls. Also, check for
additional network access controls between the servers and the VPN firewall. There may
be additional firewalls in the way or the servers themselves may be running firewall


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=253

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=253
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=253
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=253

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 20ms, Average = 7ms


Check The Routes

You'll need to check the routes after the VPN tunnel is up as well. As you can, see there
is an additional route to the network on firewall vpn2. Incorrect routing on the
firewalls can cause problems, check your leftnexthop and rightnexthop values in your
/etc/ipsec.conf file.

[root@vpn2 tmp]# netstat -nr

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window
irtt Iface U 40 0
0 eth1 U 40 0
0 eth0 UG 40 0
0 eth0 U 40 0
0 lo UG 40 0
0 wlan0
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Using TCPdump
If the tunnel doesn't appear to become established, use the tcpdump command as
explained in Chapter 4, "Simple Network Troubleshooting", to determine whether the
traffic is being seen at both ends of the tunnel. You need to know whether the IPSec
packets are even reaching your VPN firewall. Check routing and your Openswan
configuration if not.
Protected Interface TCPDUMP Output From "vpn2"

Here the TCPdump is done on server2 where you see unencrypted ICMP ping traffic
successfully passing back and forth between the two servers.

[root@vpn2 tmp]# tcpdump -n -i eth1 icmp

03:05:53.971308 IP > icmp 64: echo request seq 89
03:05:53.995297 IP > icmp 64: echo reply seq 89
03:05:54.972759 IP > icmp 64: echo request seq 90
03:05:54.972789 IP > icmp 64: echo reply seq 90
03:05:55.972985 IP > icmp 64: echo request seq 91
03:05:55.972999 IP > icmp 64: echo reply seq 91
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Unprotected Interface TCPDUMP Output From "vpn2"

Here the encrypted ESP traffic is encapsulating the pings passing back and forth between
the two VPN boxes. The true source and destination IP addresses ( and are hidden.

[root@vpn2 tmp]# tcpdump -n -i eth1 host

02:08:23.637149 IP >
02:08:24.635302 IP >
02:08:24.637988 IP >
02:08:25.638015 IP >
[root@vpn2 tmp]#

Check Syslog Error Messages

As always, check your /var/log/messages file for any messages that may provide clues as
to the source of your problems.

"Invalid Key" Messages

If your left and right public keys were incorrectly applied to your /etc/ipsec.conf file or
your regenerated keys were not updated in your /etc/ipsec.secrets file, then you will get
messages stating that the keys are invalid and that information is being ignored.

003 "net-to-net" #1: ignoring informational payload, type

003 "net-to-net" #1: received and ignored informational message
003 "net-to-net" #1: discarding duplicate packet; already STATE_MAIN_I3
031 "net-to-net" #1: max number of retransmissions (2) reached
STATE_MAIN_I3. Possible
authentication failure: no acceptable response to our first encrypted

VPNs are increasingly becoming an everyday part of life on the Internet. Many people
use them to gain access to many of the systems in their offices, such as e-mail and
intranets. This trend is certain to become more popular as many companies are finding it
cheaper for their employees to work from home, relieving them of the need to lease
additional office space.

Site-to-site VPNs will also continue to be deployed as companies, both small and large
find it increasingly necessary to share access to their business systems. One notable area
is in the realm of IP telephony, where VPNs enable all remote offices to use a single IP
switchboard at the center of a VPN hub and spoke network. Intra-office communication
is therefore encrypted and the use of a single switchboard saves costs.

Knowledge of VPNs is now indispensable for systems administrators.

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