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WHAT IS JUNK The best path is balance: make he- Is it healthy to consume?
FOOD? althy eating the main source of ener-
gy and leave the junk food more for THESE AND OTHER
the weekend. Make /eat homemade ANSWERS ...
food, give it your taste. Invest in ve-
Junk food, "is a derogatory term getables, meats, eggs, vegetable
for foods high in calories but protein, milk and fruits. This will en-
with reduced levels of nutrients. sure your health, well-being, and es-
pecially care for your own body, ater
all, it is your temple and it is your
duty to take good care of it.


-Guilherme Costa

-Maksym Rohatynskyy
A9dia:P%C3%A1gina_principal que-junk-food-faz-a-sua-saude EB .MARINHAS DO SAL
What happens to the body Examples Of Junk Food : Problems and diseases:
when junk food is consumed?

At the end of the study, animals deve- - Increased cholesterol and triglycerides;
lopped a high inflammatory response, si- -Hamburgers
milar to a bacterial infection. That is, this
type of food led to increased numbers of -Soft drinks - Increased blood pressure, which in-
immune cells in the blood of rats. Even
after 4 weeks, many of the affected ge- creases the risk of heart disease;
nes continued to behave in an altered -Doghnuts
-Chocolates - the small amount of fiber contained in
these foods results in several intestinal
-French Fies
problems, including constipation;
-Hot Dogs
-drinks with high caloric content - Risk of diabetes;

- Immune system weakened due to lack

of nutrients and vitamins.

From the point of view of healthy eating,

humans require approximately 50 to 60%
carbohydrates, 25 to 30% fat and 12 to
15% protein.
como-se-fosse-uma-infecao que-junk-food-faz-a-sua-saude

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