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Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) and

Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as natural and

alternative pest repellent for Asian cockroaches
(Blattella asahinai)

Penaverde, Raiden John L.
Nanagas, Alan Zian
Panuelos, Julios

Sir Avelino Bucad Jr.

Science Investigatory Project teacher
I. Introduction

-Background of the Study

Cockroaches, as we all know that when we see these little rodents can make our stomach
turn but having these all kinds of rodents might cause you many different kind of problems.
Some of these problems can affect the integrity of your home and some others might affect the
health of you and your family. A cockroach infestation can cause problems that might cost you
a lot of fortune whether you are in a building, commercial establishment and even for your own

Cockroaches are common pests in the tropics. They have been known to cause allergic reactions to most
people and chew holes on clothes. According to Bato Balani for Science and Technology ,Vol. 14,No. 2 the
real danger of cockroach lies in their ability to transmit sometimes lethal diseases and organisms
such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Hepatitis viruses ,and Coliform bacteria. They have
been known to contaminate food,at thesame time infect it with the bacteria they carry.
The bacteria they spread in food can cause food poisoning. People have used various instruments to
control the cockroach problem in homes. The most popular is the commonly used insecticide sprays.
of these can destroy cockroaches but they can also do serious damage to humans as well. According
to the
experts of the website,the active ingredients in these sprays, like tethramethrin
,and petroleum distillates can cause severe chest pains and cough attacks when inhaled.
The second most popular instrument is the cockroach allethrin, pynaminforte, prothrinand
pyrethrin, can cause harm to humans when inhaled. It also has an ozone-depleting ingredient.
The third most popular is the flypaper. The concept of the flypaper is simple. The roaches just stick into
it. But when they are stuck, the roaches die and carcass can spread more bacteria. In addition to the side
effects of these materials, the costs of these insecticides are high. All these set aside, the question
on everyone’s mind is: What can be an effective and natural insecticide?

II. Statement Of The Problem

-General Objectives
Is to find alternative and natural insecticide for cockroaches
Is to find cheap and health-friendly insecticide for cockroaches

-Specific Objectives

To prove that calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) and malunggay (Moringa oleifera)

can be a alternative insect repellent for cockroaches
III. Hypothesis


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