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World Literature

National Teachers College

Quiapo, Manila

Prelim: The Instagram Project

The Instagram Project serves as the preliminary written task in Literatures of the World.
Students are going to use what they have learned from the Epics and Poetry in order to
portray the characters (epics) or imitate the style and tone (poems) of these masterpieces.
As an additional challenge, the students will have to use the theme assigned to their teams.
They will be graded according to the rubric below the instructions.

1. Fulfill the following requirements:
Epics Poetry
Characters / Each student should select Each student should select
Poems one (1) specific character in one (1) poem among the
the chosen epic. poems which are assigned
for reporting. In this
category, student shall
express his/her own
understanding about the
poem through poetic
Should be taken by the Should be taken by the
student. Quality of pictures student. Quality of pictures
is important. is important. Student
should take a photo of
his/her original poetic
composition creatively.
Captions Use character’s language, Write captions in verse.
tone, and personality. Each Use poet’s style, language,
caption should have a and tone. Haiku should
minimum of three follow the 5-7-5 rule;
sentences. sonnets should have 14
lines and an iambic
Should be written by the pentameter. Other poems
student. Must be should have at least two
proofread. stanzas per caption.

Should be written by the

student. Must be proofread.
Theme Should follow team’s theme.
2. Pictures and captions should look as if they have been posted on Instagram.
3. Each team should compile the pictures and submit it in a short brown envelope with
the name of the team and the members printed or written outside the envelope.
4. Each member should also print a copy of the rubric with their name.
5. Deadline is on ____________________________.
World Literature
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila

Preliminary Exam : The Instagram Project

Name : ___________________________________________
Team : ___________________________________________
Theme : ___________________________________________

Epics : ___________________________________________
Poems : ___________________________________________

Criteria Score
E1 E2 E3 P1 P2
Character or Author’s Voice
Caption or poem reflects the character of the chosen epic or the
voice or the chosen author. Uses same style and language as
the original.
Pictures, captions, and poems are related to the epic or poem’s
topic or the issues they discuss.
Quality of Picture
Pictures are not grainy or distorted. Taken originally by the
Quality of Text
Captions and poems have been proofread for errors in
grammar and punctuation. Written originally by the student.
Follows the Instagram look and formatting. Followed the
team’s theme. Submitted on time.
Legend : 1 – standards barely met; 2 – standards partially met;
3 – standards met; 4 – exceeds expectations

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