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This agreement of lease is made at Faisalabad on this_________________________2010.


Mr. Afzaal Mushtaq S/O Muhammad Mushtaq Chaudhry, Mr. Muhammad Faisal Mushtaq
S/O Muhammad Mushtaq Chaudhry, Mrs. Hina Asif D/O Muhammad Mushtaq Chaudhry
R/O \V-43/2 D.H.A. Lahore (hereinafter called the lessor) of the one Part.


Mr. Iftlkhar Hussain Naqvi S/O Mr. Rasheed Ahmad Naqvi. Chief Executive

Pepperdine School Network Faisalabad. R/O House No. 13, street No. 8

Block 'Z' Medina Town. Faisalabad (hereinafter called the lessee) of the other part.

Where the lessor. Being an absolute owner or Bungalow 101-A civil line Jail road,
Faisalabad. agreed with the lessee and the lessee has also agreed to take the possession
of the said premises on Rent at monthly rent of Rs. 5,00000/- pm. (Rupees Five Lac only)
commencing from 1st January 2018 to January 2021 on the following terms and conditions.

1. That the lessee has paid Rs. 4,80.000/- (Rupees Four Lac. and Eighty Thousands only)
as an ADVANCE RENT for the period of three months and the lessee will pay the rent in
advance or three months basis after the expiry of advance within first five days of Every

2. That the lessee cannot sublet the premises to any other person party.

3. That the lessee cannot make any alteration or additional construction in the said
premises without obtaining prior permission in writing From the lessor.

4. That the lessee will pay the charges of (Utility Services) Electric city, Sui Gas, Water
& Sewerage and telephone directs to the concerned department and will provide copy of
bills duly paid to the less lessor every month.

Meter Reading at the time of possession__________________________________________

Electric Meter Reading_________________ Sui Gas Meter Reading__________________


LESSOR____________________________ LESSEE. _______________________________

5. That this agreement of Lease is made for the period off 3 years and is renewable with
the written consent of both the parties.

6. That three months Notice in advance in writing will be necessary by either party to
connection with the vacation of the said premises.

7. Any damage caused to the said premises or to its Fitting and Fixture etc due to the
negligence of the Lessee or by his servants. the lessee will get the same repair at his own cost
to the entire satisfaction of the lessor, before the expiry of lease period.

8. An increase in the rental amount shall be made 25% (Per Centre) after every three
years on the last paid rental amount.

9. The lessor or his assignee will have the right to enter in the premises for the inspection
at any reasonable time with the prior notice to the lessee.

10. That the lessor will pay property tax etc.

11. That the lessee will deliver of the lease period in good and acceptable position/

12. That there is no outstanding bill against the premises and the lessor has cleared all the
outstanding bills etc.

IN WITNESS UHEREOF, the parties put their signatures on the day, month and the year
written above.

LESSOR ____________________________ LESSEE ____________________________

(Mr. Afzaal Mushtaq Ch.) (Iftlkhar Hussain Naqvi)

NIC No. 35201-1421180-5 NIC. No. 244-88-248371


Mr. Muhammad Faisal Mushtaq

NIC No. 33100-0753254-5


Mrs. Hina Faisal

NIC No. 38403-2055670-6

Signature ___________________________ Signature ___________________________

Name: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________

Address: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________

The lessee Agreement of house no 101-A Jail road fsd is extended from 1st January 2018 to
1st January 2021 on monthly rent of Rs= 500000 (Five Lac only) between Mr. AFZAAL
Network FSD.

___________________ ________________________________


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