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Baccalaureate Outcomes
2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates
Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography


1. Survey Response Rate: 45.0701 UBC Response Rate

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Survey Cohort 97 6,679
Survey Respondents and Response Rate 40 41% 2,671 40% 45.0701

Note: ~ = low cell count; data suppressed


2. Gender: 45.0701 UBC

Self-Reporting Subgroups
Self-Reporting Subgroups
Male 19 48% 1,152 43%
Female 21 53% 1,519 57% Aboriginal
Total 40 100% 2,671 100% Aboriginal


3. Self-Reporting Subgroups: 45.0701 UBC Female

Disabled ~ ~ 118 4%
International 6 15% 200 7% 0%
0% 20%
20% 40%
40% 60%
60% 80%
80% 100%
Aboriginal ~ ~ 46 2%

Age Distribution
Age Distribution
4. Age (at time of survey): 45.0701 UBC 50%
< 25 ~ ~ 330 13% 40%
25 to 29 29 73% 1,836 71% 30%
30 to 34 ~ ~ 264 10% 20%
35 to 39 ~ ~ 83 3% 10%
40 to 49 ~ ~ 51 2% 0%
50 to 64 ~ ~ 15 1% <<25
25 25--29
25 29 30
34 35
39 40
40 --49
49 50
50 --64
64 >> 64

> 64 ~ ~ ~ ~
Unknown - 0% 90 3%
Total 40 100% 2,581 100%
Mean Age: 26.2 27.3 Place


5. Place of Residence (at time of survey): 45.0701 UBC Rest of Canada
BC - Lower Mainland ~ ~ 1,757 77% Rest of Canada
BC - Vancouver Island ~ ~ 72 3% BC
BC - North ~ ~ 36 2% BC

BC - Southern Interior ~ ~ 85 4% 0%
0% 20%
20% 40%
40% 60% 80% 100%
BC Subtotal 27 84% 1,950 85%
Canada - Alberta ~ ~ 109 5%
Canada - Ontario ~ ~ 100 4%
B.C. Residence
Canada - Other ~ ~ 38 2% Within BC
U.S.A. ~ ~ 90 4%
Southern Interior
Non-BC Subtotal 5 16% 337 15% Southern Interior
Total 32 100% 2,287 100% North



0% 20%
20% 40%
40% 60%
60% 80%
80% 100%

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 1

Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography

Usefulness of Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Program Satisfaction
6. Acquired during Program in Work: 45.0701 UBC
Very Useful 8 22% 701 34% Very Satisfied Satisfied
Very Satisfied Satisfied
Somewhat Useful 21 58% 978 48%
Not Very Useful 4 11% 259 13%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Not at All Useful 3 8% 94 5%

Took upgrading, access, bridging, or other
7. preparatory courses during or prior to studies 45.0701 UBC 45.0701
No, did not take any 39 98% 2,502 95%
Took Adult Basic Education (ABE) courses 1 3% 56 2%
Took English as a Second Language (ESL) courses - 0% 78 3%
Took both ABE and ESL courses - 0% 5 0%


8. Program Satisfaction: 45.0701 UBC UBC

Very Satisfied 13 33% 732 28%
Satisfied 24 60% 1,675 63%
Dissatisfied 3 8% 201 8% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Very Dissatisfied - 0% 36 1%
Total 40 100% 2644 100%

9. Would you select the same program again? 45.0701 UBC

Program Quality
Program Quality
Yes 24 69% 1,736 71%
No 11 31% 719 29%

Would Select Same Program Again

Would Select Same Program Again
10. Quality of Instruction: 45.0701 UBC
Very Good 20 50% 761 29%
Good 19 48% 1,687 64%
Poor 1 3% 176 7% Good Quality Instruction*
Good Quality Instruction*
Very Poor - 0% 17 1%
Total 40 100% 2,641 100%

11. Comprehensiveness of Core Courses: 45.0701 UBC

Comprehensive Core
Core Courses*
Very Good 7 18% 646 25%
Good 28 74% 1,625 63%
Poor 3 8% 289 11%
Very Poor - 0% 34 1%
Total 38 100% 2,594 100% Had Course Availability Problems

12. Course Availability: 45.0701 UBC 0% 100% 200%

50% 100%
Encountered course availability problems 19 49% 990 38%

* "Very Good" or "Good"

13. Financial Constraints: 45.0701 UBC
Had to interrupt studies for financial reasons 3 8% 230 9%
Had to take program part-time for financial reasons 6 16% 344 13%

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 2

Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography

Helpful with Skill Development

Highly Developed Skills
14a. 45.0701 (Very Helpful + Helpful)
(Very High + High)
Skill Development: How helpful was Very Not Very Not at all # 0% 50% 100% 150%
institution? Helpful Helpful Helpful Helpful Resp.
Use of Mathematics
Written Communication 40% 48% 10% 3% 40 Written
Oral Communication 23% 60% 18% 0% 40
Reading and Comprehension 35% 63% 3% 0% 40
Group Collaboration 15% 54% 31% 0% 39 Problem
Oral Resolution

Critical Analysis 35% 58% 8% 0% 40

Problem Resolution 11% 63% 26% 0% 38 Reading and
Use of Mathematics 8% 28% 60% 4% 25 Comprehension
Critical Analysis
Conducting Research 33% 65% 3% 0% 40
Learning On Your Own 40% 55% 5% 0% 40 Group Collaboration

Group Collaboration
14b. UBC
Critical Analysis
Skill Development: How helpful was Very Not Very Not at all #
institution? Helpful Helpful Helpful Helpful Resp. Reading and
Written Communication 22% 57% 18% 2% 2,583 Comprehension
Problem Resolution
Oral Communication 19% 58% 20% 3% 2,606
Reading and Comprehension 29% 57% 14% 1% 2,617
Use of Mathematics
Group Collaboration 24% 55% 19% 2% 2,629 Communication
Critical Analysis 43% 49% 7% 1% 2,655
Problem Resolution 19% 59% 20% 2% 2,584 Conduct Research
Use of Mathematics 18% 44% 28% 11% 2,123 Communication
Conducting Research 29% 50% 19% 2% 2,561
Learning On Your
Learning On Your Own 34% 55% 10% 1% 2,638 Own 0% 50% 100% 150%


Yes - Currently Enrolled PT

Have you taken
any further education Yes - Currently Enrolled FT
since your graduation? Yes - Previously Enrolled
15a. Took further education since 2014 graduation 45.0701 UBC
Yes: 26 65% 1,422 53%
Not currently enrolled 30 75% 1,785 67% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Currently enrolled full-time 9 23% 653 25%
Currently enrolled part-time 1 3% 207 8% 45.0701
No 14 35% 1,238 47%
Total 40 100% 2,660 100%

15b. Type of Formal Post-Secondary Education 45.0701 UBC Further Education/Training Type
Masters Degree 9 35% 424 31% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Doctoral Degree - 0% 97 7%
Masters Degree
Another Undergraduate Degree 4 15% 343 25%
Certificate or Diploma below Bachelor level 6 23% 148 11% Doctoral Degree
Professional Association Certification 1 4% 168 12%
Undergraduate Degree
Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma 4 15% 110 8%
Other 2 8% 100 7% Cert or Diploma below Bachelor
Total Respondents 26 100% 1,390 100% Professional Association
Postgrad Cert or Diploma

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 3

Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography


16. Labour Force Status: 45.0701 UBC Employment

In Labour Force (working or seeking work) 36 90% 2,218 84%
Not in Labour Force 4 10% 427 16% Employment Rate*
Employment Rate*
Grand Total 40 100% 2,645 100%
17. Employment: 45.0701 UBC Unemployment
Employment Rate* 36 90% 2,040 77% Rate**
employed divided
Unemployment Rate** - 0.0% 178 8.0% by total number…
*Total employed divided by total number of respondents 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
*Total unemployed divided by total number in Labour Force

18. Status of Graduates NOT in Labour Force: 45.0701 UBC "Under-Employment" Assessment
"Under-employment" Assessment
Attending School FT 3 75% 338 79%
Attending School PT 1 25% 9 2%
Other - 0% 80 19% Job
Job is
is Very
Somewhat Related
Total NOT in Labour Force 4 100% 427 100% toProgram
to Program

19. Primary Employment Type: 45.0701 UBC

Paid worker 34 94% 1,898 93%
Self-employed 2 6% 140 7% NOC Skill Level =
NOC Skill Level = A
Total Employed 36 100% 2,040 100% (University
20. Job Characteristics: 45.0701 UBC
I hold more than one job 4 11%* 359 18%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
My main job is full-time (>= 30 hours per week) 28 78%** 1,646 81%*
* of total employed ** of those who provided data on hours/week worked
21. How related is your main job to your program? 45.0701 UBC FTIncome
Gross Annual FT Incomefrom
from Main
Very Related 4 11% 850 42% 60%

Somewhat Related 16 44% 591 29%

Not Very Related 5 14% 268 13%
Not At All Related 11 31% 328 16% 40%
Total 36 100% 2,037 100%
22. "Under-employment" Assessment: 45.0701 UBC
Job is very or somewhat related to program 20 56% 1,441 71% 20%
NOC Skill Level = A (University Education) 14 44% 1,171 62%
* of total valid responses 10%
23. Gross Annual Income from Main Job:* 45.0701 UBC
Less than $20,000 ~ ~ 135 9% 0%
< $20 $20 - $39 $40 - $59 $60 - $79 $80 - $99 $100+
$20,000 to $39,999 10 50% 319 22%
$40,000 to $59,999 10 50% 516 35%
$60,000 to $79,999 ~ ~ 292 20%
$80,000 to $99,999 ~ ~ 104 7% Employed Graduates by NOC Skill Type
Employed Graduates by NOC Skill Type
$100,000 and Above ~ ~ 108 7% Processing, Mfg, Utilities
Total 20 100% 1,474 100% Processing, Mfg, Utilities
Primary Industry
Median Annual Income (full-time) $42,000 $52,000 Primary Industry
Average Annual Income (full-time) $44,592 $59,184 Trades, Transport
* where data provided Trades, Transport
24. NOC Skill Type of Main Job: 45.0701 UBC Sales & Service
Sales & Service
Business, Finance and Administration 4 13% 389 21% Arts, Culture, Rec
Natural and Applied Sciences and Related 10 33% 374 20% Arts, Culture, Rec
Health 1 3% 225 12% Social
Sci, Educ,
Educ, Gov't, Religion
Gov't, Religion
Social Sciences, Educ., Gov't Services, Religion 7 23% 524 28%
Arts, Culture, Recreation and Sport 1 3% 89 5%
Sales and Service 5 17% 199 11% Natural
Natural&& Applied Sci
Trades, Transport and Eqp. Operators and Related 2 7% 37 2%
Bus, Finance, Admin
Unique to the Primary Industry - 0% 18 1%
Unique to Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities - 0% 11 1% 0% 10% 40%20%60% 30%
20% 80% 40%
Total 30 100% 1,866 100%

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 4

Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography
EMPLOYMENT, continued

NOC SkillLevel
25. NOC Skill Level of Main Job: 45.0701 UBC
A. University education 14 44% 1,171 62% Univ (A)
Univ (A)
B. College education/trade apprenticeship 8 25% 399 21%
C. Secondary school + job-specific training 5 16% 186 10% College (B)
College (B)

D. No formal education - 0% 14 1% Sec Sch

Sec Sch (C)
No skill level assigned (management) 5 16% 131 7% No formal educ
educ (D)
Total 32 100% 1,901 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

26a. 45.0701 Useful Skills

How useful are the following skills and Very Somewhat Not Very Not at all # (Very + Somewhat Useful)
abilities in doing your main job? Useful Useful Useful Useful Resp. 0% 50% 100% 150%
Written Communication 53% 28% 11% 8% 36
Oral Communication 66% 34% 0% 0% 35 Written
Reading and Comprehension 63% 31% 5% 0% 35
Group Collaboration 67% 28% 6% 0% 36 Oral
Critical Analysis 57% 34% 9% 0% 35 Communication
Problem Resolution 72% 25% 3% 0% 36
Use of Mathematics Appropriate to Field 23% 46% 29% 3% 35 Reading and
Ability to Conduct Research 31% 28% 25% 17% 36
Learning On Your Own 60% 26% 9% 6% 35 Group
26b. UBC
How useful are the following skills and Very Somewhat Not Very Not at all # Critical Analysis
abilities in doing your main job? Useful Useful Useful Useful Resp.
Written Communication 65% 27% 6% 3% 2,033
Oral Communication 79% 18% 2% 1% 2,031 Problem Resolution
Reading and Comprehension 71% 24% 3% 1% 2,031
Group Collaboration 79% 18% 3% 0% 2,033 Use of Mathematics
Critical Analysis 76% 20% 3% 1% 2,033
Problem Resolution 82% 17% 2% 0% 2,033
Use of Mathematics Appropriate to Field 29% 39% 21% 11% 2,007 Conduct Research
Ability to Conduct Research 35% 35% 20% 10% 2,020
Learning On Your Own 69% 26% 4% 2% 2,031 Learning On Your

27a. Top 10 Full-time Occupations of 45.0701 Graduates: 45.0701

NOC % Employed FT
NOC Skill Level Description in this Occ.**
*data not displayed where n < 5 **percentages cited are of those for whom occupational data was provided, full-time and part-time

27b. Top 10 Full-time Occupations of Graduates from University of British Columbia: UBC
NOC % Employed FT
NOC Skill Level Description in this Occ.**
4032 A Elementary school and kindergarten teachers 4%
9999 0 Unclassified Occupations 4%
4112 A Lawyers and Quebec notaries 3%
1111 A Financial auditors and accountants 3%
4031 A Secondary school teachers 3%
3012 A Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 3%
2173 A Software engineers and designers 2%
2174 A Computer programmers and interactive media developers 2%
1123 A Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations 2%
3131 A Pharmacists 2%

*data not displayed where n < 5 **percentages cited are of those for whom occupational data was provided, full-time and part-time

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 5

Detailed Summary of Survey Results
University of British Columbia UBC
Shaping Post-Secondary Education CIP Code: 45.0701: Geography

28. Education Funding Sources (2 sources per respondent): 45.0701 UBC Education Funding Sources
Personal Savings 8 22%* 611 26%* 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Employment 13 35%* 942 40%*
Family/Friends 27 73%* 1,468 62%* Personal Savings
Bank Loans 1 3%* 164 7%*
Student Loans 11 30%* 919 39%* Employment
Scholarships/Bursaries/Grants 7 19%* 451 19%*
Other 2 5%* 257 11%*
Total Respondents 37 2,367
* Percentage of respondents who identified this source
Bank Loans

29. Financial Debt Incurred to Finance Bac. Education: 45.0701 UBC Student Loans
Incurred any form of financial debt 12 32%* 1,006 43%
Incurred government-sponsored student loan debt 9 24%* 823 35% Schol/Bursaries/Grants
* Percentage of respondents who provided data

30. Financial Debt Amount:* 45.0701 UBC Debt Incurred ($,000)

Financial Debt ($,000)
< $1,000 - 0% 1 0%
$1,000 to $4,999 - 0% 30 3% 30%

$5,000 to $9,999 2 17% 77 8% 25%

$10,000 to $14,999 1 8% 117 12% 20%

$15,000 to $19,999 1 8% 91 9% 15%
$20,000 to $29,999 3 25% 216 21% 10%
$30,000 to $39,999 1 8% 167 17% 5%
$40,000 or More 4 33% 307 31% 0%
< $1
< $1 $1 -- $4
$1 $5 -- $9
$4 $5 $9 $10
$10 -- $15 --
$15 $20 --
$20 $30 --
$30 $40 +
$40 +
Total 12 100% 1,006 100% $14
$14 $19
$19 $29
$29 $39
Median Financial Debt $27,000 $26,000
*includes only cases where financial debt was incurred

31. Government-Sponsored Student Loan Debt Amount: 45.0701 UBC Gov't-Spons. Debt Incurred ($,000)
< $1,000 1 11% 2 0%
$1,000 to $4,999 - 0% 22 3% 30%

$5,000 to $9,999 3 33% 70 9% 25%

$10,000 to $14,999 - 0% 117 14%
$15,000 to $19,999 1 11% 81 10%
$20,000 to $29,999 2 22% 202 25% 15%

$30,000 to $39,999 - 0% 145 18% 10%

$40,000 or More 2 22% 184 22%
Total 9 100% 823 100%
Median Gov't-Sponsored Student Loan Debt $18,000 $24,000 0%
*includes only cases where government-sponsored debt was incurred < $1 $1 - $4 $5 - $9 $10 - $15 - $20 - $30 - $40 +
$14 $19 $29 $39

32. Outstanding Gov't-Sponsored Loan Debt Amount:* 45.0701 UBC

None - Loan repaid in full 5 56% 260 33% Outst. Gov't-Spons. Debt ($,000)
< $1,000 - 0% - 0%
$1,000 to $4,999 - 0% 27 3% 50%

$5,000 to $9,999 2 22% 64 8%

$10,000 to $14,999 - 0% 60 8%
$15,000 to $19,999 - 0% 71 9%
$20,000 to $29,999 1 11% 120 15% 20%
$30,000 to $39,999 - 0% 75 10%
$40,000 or More 1 11% 100 13%
Total 9 100% 777 100% 0%
None < $1 $1 - $4 $5 - $9 $10 - $15 - $20 - $30 - $40 +
Median Gov't-Sponsored Loan Debt Outstanding $0 $12,000 $14 $19 $29 $39
*includes only cases where government-sponsored debt was incurred, and valid "amount remaining" was provided

2016 Survey of 2014 Baccalaureate Graduates Page 6

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