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The papers listed here have been obtained by search SPE and IPTC papers post 2005 on the SPE's OnePetro
The papers relating to reservoir engineering have been catergorised for inclusion on the website
The affiiations searched were;

Total No Papers Reservoir Engineering Related

BP 551 175
Shell 575 279
Chevron 482 238
ConocoPhillips 191 68
Marathon 55 37
Total 255 129
Schlumberger 1130 563
Imperial College, London 95 53
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh 235 175
(Anywhere in Article)
Total 3569 1717

Total number of papers published post 2005 10,000

35% of papers published categorised

Organisation Source No. Chapter Section
SCHLUMBERGER SPE 118909 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

CHEVRON SPE 89754 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

CHEVRON SPE 109262 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

CHEVRON SPE 109765 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

SHELL SPE 113215 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

CHEVRON SPE 109868 Reservoir Modelling Wellbore Flow

Annuus and Tubing Flow


Horizontal Wells

Temperadture Prediction
Thermal Modelling

Two Phase
Modeling Well Inflow Control With Flow in Both Annulus and Tubing

Simplified Wellbore-Flow Modeling in Gas/Condensate Systems

A Dynamic Wellbore Modeling for Sinusoidal Horizontal Well Performance With High Water Cut

A Robust Steady-State Model for Flowing-Fluid Temperature in Complex Wells

Application of a New Fully-Coupled Thermal Multiphase Wellbore Flow Model

A Basic Approach to Wellbore Two-Phase Flow Modeling

Author Abstract
K. Neylon, SPE, Schlumberger; E. Reiso, StatoilHydro ASA; J.A. Holmes, Abstract We present a model for well inflow contr
C.S. Kabir, SPE, Chevron Energy Technology Co., and A.R. Hasan, SPE,
U. of Minnesota-Duluth Summary Predicting long-term reservoir performa
Yula Tang and Martin Wolff, Chevron Energy Technology Company, and
Patrick Condon and Katharine Ogden, Chevron International E&P
Company Abstract The Banzala Field (Block 0 Angola) has
A.R. Hasan, SPE, University of Minnesota–Duluth; C.S. Kabir, SPE,
Chevron ETC; and X. Wang, SPE, Baker Hughes Abstract This paper presents an analytic model fo
S. Livescu, SPE, L.J. Durlofsky, SPE, and K. Aziz, SPE, Stanford Universit Abstract Thermal recovery processes are widely a
A.R. Hasan, SPE, University of Minnesota–Duluth; C.S. Kabir, SPE,
Chevron ETC; and M. Sayarpour, SPE, University of Texas at Austin Abstract This study presents a simplified two-phas
a model for well inflow control devices (ICDs) that includes the effects of an annulus in which the flow between the ICDs is open or partially

long-term reservoir performance with realistic wellbore models is fraught with uncertainty owing to the complexity of two-phase flow. That is

a Field (Block 0 Angola) has produced oil with horizontal wells and ESP’s as the artificial lift method for more than seven years. These w

presents an analytic model for computing the wellbore-fluid-temperature profile for steady fluid flow. Although wells with constant-deviation a
covery processes are widely applied for the production of heavy oil and oil sands. Thermal reservoir simulation models however often lack

resents a simplified two-phase flow model using the drift-flux approach to well orientation geometry and fluids. For estimating the static he
e ICDs is open or partially obstructed by the presence of packers and we describe the application of this model in a full-field simulator. Flow

of two-phase flow. That is because even a calibrated two-phase-flow model departs from its expected performance trend when changes in

han seven years. These wells were drilled with large sinusoidal undulations intentionally to cut the pay section a number of times. Banzala

with constant-deviation angle can be handled with existing analytic models complex well architectures demand rigorous treatment. For exa
dels however often lack a comprehensive well modeling capability. Such a capability is required to capture the detailed thermal effects tha

or estimating the static head the model uses a single expression for liquid holdup with flow-pattern-dependent values for flow parameter an
a full-field simulator. Flow in an open or partially obstructed annulus requires looped flowpaths to be modeled within the well. We describe t

e trend when changes in flow conditions occur. These inevitable changes include gas/liquid ratio wellhead pressure and flowline pressure

umber of times. Banzala “A horizontal wells underperformed expected production possibly due to downhole slugging. In addition declin

gorous treatment. For example changing geothermal-temperature gradient and deepwater wells present significant challenges. Additionally
etailed thermal effects that occur in the wellbore. These effects can be important as they impact wellbore pressure and temperature and thus

ues for flow parameter and rise velocity. The gradual change in the parameter values near transition boundaries avoids discontinuity in the
hin the well. We describe the extension to the formulation of the well model together with considerations to ensure that the resulting equation

re and flowline pressure with time among others. Influx of water further exacerbates the prediction problem. This study explores the possi

lugging. In addition declining reservoir pressures rising GOR and rising water-cut have also adversely affected production. The objective

nt challenges. Additionally available analytic models rarely provide calculation methods for various required thermal parameters such as th
and temperature and thus production and injection. We recently developed a fully-coupled black-oil thermal multiphase wellbore flow mode

voids discontinuity in the estimated gradients unlike most available methods. Frictional and kinetic heads are estimated using the simple ho
that the resulting equations have a Jacobian matrix that is invertible and explain the necessary modifications to the techniques used to solv

s study explores the possibility of using simplified approaches to compute bottomhole pressure (BHP) from wellhead pressure (WHP) meas

roduction. The objective of this simulation study of wellbore transient flow is to understand past production performance and to find ways to

al parameters such as the Joule-Thompson coefficient and fluid expansivity. The approach taken in this study entails dividing the wellbore
hase wellbore flow model and implemented it into Stanford’s General Purpose Research Simulator (GPRS). The model computes pres

mated using the simple homogeneous modeling approach. We present a comparative study involving the new model as well as those that
e techniques used to solve the resulting linear system. The effect of simulating flow in both the annulus and the tubing was investigated in t

ad pressure (WHP) measured rates gravity of producing fluids and tubular dimensions. BHP computations on three independent data sets

mance and to find ways to mitigate adverse well behavior.� Simulation showed that low ESP efficiency could be related to down-hole slug

tails dividing the wellbore into many sections of uniform thermal properties and deviation angle. The governing differential equation is solved
The model computes pressure temperature and oil water and gas phase fractions along the wellbore as a function of time and includes tre

del as well as those that are based on physical principles also known as semimechanistic models. These models include those of Ansari e
bing was investigated in two case studies involving ICDs: a synthetic case and a sector of a North Sea field model. Results showing signific

ee independent data sets comprising 167 gas/condensate-well tests suggest that the no-slip homogeneous model applies quite well. Statis

related to down-hole slugging. GOR was the most significant factor for slugging and increasing water cut made slugging worse. The sinuso

erential equation is solved for each section with fluid temperature from the prior section as the boundary condition. This piecewise approac
n of time and includes treatments for slip between fluid phases heat losses to the reservoir and general variations of fluid properties with t

include those of Ansari et al Gomez et al. and OLGA. Two other widely used empirical models Hagedorn and Brown and PE- 2 are also
l. Results showing significant differences between the inflow profiles of horizontal wells with and without packers in the annulus are present

l applies quite well. Statistical results show the homogeneous model compares quite favorably with mechanistic two-phase-flow models. Ho

ugging worse. The sinusoidal wellbore trajectory was studied to optimize ESP operating conditions. It was found that reducing sinusoidal am

n. This piecewise approach makes the model versatile allowing step-by-step calculation of fluid temperature for the entire wellbore. We pres
s of fluid properties with temperature and pressure. The purpose of this paper is to validate and test the coupled wellbore-reservoir model fo

rown and PE- 2 are also included. The main ingredient of this study entails the use of a small but reliable dataset wherein calibrated PVT p
n the annulus are presented. Introduction Advanced well completion solutions are becoming increasingly common in both onshore and offs

wo-phase-flow models. However the main advantage of the simplified model is that its recalibration with field data is not required because th

hat reducing sinusoidal amplitude by half and flattening the heel-end entrance angle from 79 deg. to 86 deg. would suppress slugging signi

e entire wellbore. We present simple thermodynamically sound approaches for estimating thermal parameters. Good success is indicated
wellbore-reservoir model for challenging and realistic cases. The thermal wellbore model is first validated through comparison to field data fo

wherein calibrated PVT properties minimizes uncertainty from this important source. Statistical analyses suggest that all the models behav
n in both onshore and offshore hydrocarbon reservoirs. Two main advanced well installations are inflow control devices (ICDs) and the flow

is not required because the gas/oil ratio increases with time thereby making the model increasingly reliable. Most field data sets suggest ra

d suppress slugging significantly. Background Banzala Field. The Banzala “A Jacket includes thirteen wells producing from the Mesa a

ood success is indicated when performance of the proposed model is compared with data from three wells; producing two-phase gas/oil mi
omparison to field data for three-phase flow in a long well with both vertical and inclined sections. Close agreement between the model and

that all the models behave in a similar fashion and that the models based on physical principles appear to offer no advantage over the emp
vices (ICDs) and the flow control valves (FCVs). An ICD is a screen which passively regulates inflow so that high-velocity flow regions are c

field data sets suggest random error in BHP calculations; uncertainty in rate measurements appears to be the most probable cause. High-

roducing from the Mesa and Lago reservoirs. These wells were drilled with large sinusoidal undulations intentionally to cut the pay section m

cing two-phase gas/oil mixture single-phase oil and single-phase gas. Sensitivity of the estimated fluid temperatures to various thermal pro
nt between the model and field data is obtained. Complex wells containing multiple branches are then simulated including a steam-water ca

o advantage over the empirical models. Uncertainty of performance appears to depend upon the quality of data input rather than the mode
velocity flow regions are choked back resulting in a more uniform inflow profile along the well. The screen acts as a flowpath between the a

ost probable cause. High-gas-liquid-ratio (GLR) systems can tolerate large errors in rate measurements but low-GLR wells demand greater

ly to cut the pay section multiple times. BZ-A10 is a sinusoidal well in the Lago reservoir see Fig. 1 excerpted from the reservoir simulation

ures to various thermal properties is also examined using our model. Overall the effects of Joule-Thompson coefficient and liquid expansivit
ncluding a steam-water case with vaporization and condensation. The general conclusion from this work is that the new model is capable of

put rather than the model characteristics. Introduction Modeling two-phase flow in wellbores is routine in every-day applications. The use o
a flowpath between the annulus and the tubing; flow from the reservoir enters the annulus and passes through the screen into the tubing. A

LR wells demand greater accuracy because of increasing importance of the hydrostatic head. Introduction Two-phase-flow modeling for g

m the reservoir simulation model. Since BZ-A10 is located close to the water injector BZ-A14 it had a higher water cut than other productio

cient and liquid expansivity are found to be significant. Introduction Modeling fluid temperature and density profiles in wellbores is crucial fo
e new model is capable of simulating a wide variety of complex coupled reservoir-wellbore phenomena. Introduction Thermal recovery proc

ay applications. The use of two-phase flow modeling throughout the project life cycle with an integrated asset modeling network has rekindle
e screen into the tubing. An FCV allows active and remote control of inflow or outflow in different zones along the wellbore or in the individua

phase-flow modeling for gas/condensate wells has not received as much attention as that for oil wells. Recent SPE books (Brill and Mukherj

r cut than other production wells. It also has a high-amplitude sinusoidal shape. BZ-A10 had an abrupt production drop accompanying incre

s in wellbores is crucial for the design of production tubulars and artificial-lift systems gathering pressure data for real-time reservoir manag
on Thermal recovery processes such as steam flooding steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and downhole electrical heating are esse

eling network has rekindled interest in this area. Plethora of models some based on physical principles and others based on pure empiricis
wellbore or in the individual branches of multibranch wells. To optimize the design and operation of wells with these installations their behav

E books (Brill and Mukherjee 1999; Hasan and Kabir 2002) on this topic make very little mention of this flow condition presumably because

drop accompanying increasing water production. Therefore BZ-A10 was selected for a more-detailed study. No PLT logs have been run ye

real-time reservoir management and estimating flow rates from multiple producing horizons with distributed-temperature sensors. Significa
electrical heating are essential for the production of heavy oil and oil sands and they are also under investigation for the in situ upgrading o

s based on pure empiricism often beg the question which one to use in a given application. Although a few comparative studies (Ansari et a
e installations their behavior must be represented in reservoir simulation tools. Simulation tools that focus purely on the near-well region an

on presumably because modeling is supposed to conform to that offered for oil wells. This study probes this premise among other issues.

PLT logs have been run yet to measure downhole flow distribution and characteristics; however it is possible that poor well deliverability wa

erature sensors. Significant advances have occured in wellbore-fluid temperature modeling since the pioneering work of Ramey (1962). Ra
for the in situ upgrading of oil shales. Under any of these recovery processes a key to efficient reservoir management and process optimiza

rative studies (Ansari et al. 1994; Gomez et al. 2000; Kaya et al. 2001) attempt to answer this question often reliability of the data base has
on the near-well region and wellbore flow can be used to design this type of advanced well. In these tools the well models can be very soph

mise among other issues. The popular Gray correlation (User’s Manual for API 14B 1978) appears to do a good job in most gas/conden

poor well deliverability was caused by water accumulating in wellbore low spots and gas in higher points. This would not only have choked t

work of Ramey (1962). Ramey’s work addressed single-phase flowing-fluid temperature in a line-source well. In this regard models of A
ment and process optimization is the ability to perform accurate reservoir simulations. Although the current generation of flow simulators is a

bility of the data base has left this issue unsettled. One of the main objectives of this paper is to present a simplified two-phase flow model
models can be very sophisticated taking account of flow in the annulus for example but their capability to model reservoir flow is often limit

od job in most gas/condensate wells. However applicability of this correlation outside the bounds of its specified parameters remains unclea

uld not only have choked the flow but also caused worse slugging and unstable production.�The use of ESP’s could further complica

n this regard models of Alves et al. (1992) Sagar et al. (1991) and Hasan and Kabir (1994) are worthy of note. In particular these models
ion of flow simulators is able to model thermal effects within the reservoir the wellbore flow models linked with these simulators often lack c

ed two-phase flow model which is rooted in drift-flux approach. The drift-flux approach (Hasan and Kabir 2002 pp. 21-62 Shi et al. 2005a
eservoir flow is often limited. Full-field reservoir simulators allow a much more detailed representation of the reservoir flow and some of the

arameters remains unclear. Take the upper limits of condensate/gas ratio (CGR) of 50 STB/MMscf or flow-string diameters of 3.5 in. for ins

™s could further complicate matters. Low ESP efficiency may relate to the gas-handling ability of the specific equipment used and the actua

particular these models extended application to two-phase flows. Yet the available analytic models are inadequate for direct application to
se simulators often lack comprehensive thermal capabilities. This may limit simulation accuracy for many cases. Thus there is a need for th

p. 21-62 Shi et al. 2005a 2005b) has served the industry quite well as exemplified by its simplicity transparency and accuracy in various
voir flow and some of these simulators contain powerful well modeling tools such as multisegment wells (Holmes et al. 1998) which allow t

diameters of 3.5 in. for instance. Questions arise whether one should use a different model when one of these criteria as set by Gray is no

ment used and the actual GOR. Wellbore transient flow simulation was carried out to understand what was going on during the historical p

ate for direct application to modern directional wells that traverse formation with significantly varying thermal properties with multiple change
hus there is a need for the development validation and testing of comprehensive thermal wellbore flow models that are coupled to reservo

and accuracy in various applications. The second objective is to show a comparative study with a few models using a small but reliable da
et al. 1998) which allow the representation of multilateral topology the presence of inflow control devices multiphase flow wellbore storag

eria as set by Gray is not met. Boundaries of applicability often get violated beyond a correlation’s original intent; Gray’s correlatio

on during the historical production period and to find mitigating solutions.� Dynamic modeling was required to capture possible slugging

rties with multiple changes in deviation angles. In such cases even the simple task of estimating geothermal temperature as a function of m
hat are coupled to reservoir simulators. This is the overall goal of the work described in this paper. Over the last few decades there have be

ng a small but reliable data base to get a perspective on relative performance. Here data reliability stems from two elements: rate and fluid
hase flow wellbore storage cross flow and friction effects. For an example of the multisegment well model being used to represent ICDs in

ntent; Gray’s correlation is no exception in this regard. Practicality demands that a user specifies one computational approach for flow in

capture possible slugging. �Horizontal wells1 especially sinusoidal ones6 may generate severe slugging which is not predicted by conv

erature as a function of measured depth becomes nontrivial. Obviously geothermal gradient strongly influencs heat loss of wellbore fluids
w decades there have been many analytical and numerical models presented for nonisothermal wellbore flow. This literature is reviewed in

o elements: rate and fluid PVT properties. Pressure data are typically gathered with permanent downhole and wellhead sensors while rate d
sed to represent ICDs in field case reservoir simulations see Henriksen et al. (2006). A former restriction of the multisegment well model wa

tional approach for flow in pipes when long-term integrated reservoir/wellbore/flowline performance is sought over a field’s producing lif

h is not predicted by conventional NODAL analysis. If the wellbore geometry flow velocity GOR and WC fall into certain operating ranges s

at loss of wellbore fluids requiring careful piecewise computation. The solution presented in this paper addresses these issues and lend its
is literature is reviewed in detail by Livescu et al. (2008) so our discussion here will be brief. The analytical models include among others t

head sensors while rate data are measured with surface flow meters or test separators. In each case the black-oil fluid PVT model was co
ultisegment well model was that it could not represent looped flowpaths within a well. Thus while flow in an annulus could be modeled the

a field’s producing life. Declining CGR and increasing water production with time have the potential to complicate any modeling effort.

ertain operating ranges severe slugging may occur during which liquid accumulates in the low spots in one period and flushes into the ESP

these issues and lend itself to user-friendly spreadsheet computations if one so chooses. The Fluid-Temperature Model Analytic Expressi
s include among others those of Ramey (1962) Satter (1965) Hasan and Kabir (1994 1999 2002 2007) and Livescu et al. (2008). These

l fluid PVT model was conditioned with laboratory data to ensure reliability and consistency. Proposed Model Total pressure gradient during
us could be modeled the well segment topology had to be such that there was only one flowpath from each section of the annulus into the w

cate any modeling effort. What also remains unclear is how to treat the multicomponent fluid mixture entering the wellbore/flowline system a

d and flushes into the ESP in another period. Banzala A-10 Production Performance. Fig. 2 gives liquid flow rate QL GOR and WC history.

e Model Analytic Expressions for Tf. Temperature difference between the wellbore fluid and the surrounding formation results in energy exch
vescu et al. (2008). These models are useful in many contexts though they typically include many simplifications such as assuming steady

al pressure gradient during any type of fluid flow is the sum of the static friction and kinetic gradients the expressions for which are given in
n of the annulus into the well tubing (Fig. 1a). This restriction limited the usefulness of the multisegment well model when investigating wells

wellbore/flowline system after undergoing compositional calculations in the reservoir. Besides the two-component gas/liquid Gray correlatio

QL GOR and WC history. Liquid rate is based on well test data. Note that the allocated production rate was about 20% lower than the well t

ion results in energy exchange. A general energy balance for the fluid either single- or two-phase may be performed following any standar
such as assuming steady state flow or neglecting spatially varying inflow which render them unsuitable for use in general simulators. Nume

ons for which are given in Eq. A-1 in the Appendix. For most vertical and inclined wells the static head component–which directly depend
el when investigating wells without packers in the annulus or the effects of different packer installations or leakage through packers. In this

gas/liquid Gray correlation (User’s Manual for API 14B 1978) other approaches have emerged for modeling gas/condensate flow. The s

20% lower than the well test rate. Analysis indicated that the well-test rate was more reliable and thus it was used. Fig. 3 shows ESP down

med following any standard text on thermodynamics.

general simulators. Numerical models are much more general as they potentially allow for transient effects spatial variability slip between p

t–which directly depends on the volume average-mixture density–dominates. Thus in simple terms two-phase flow modeling boils dow
e through packers. In this work we model devices requiring looped flowpaths by extending the multisegment well model in a full-field simulat

as/condensate flow. The semimechanistic model of Govier and Fogarasi (1975) represents the multicomponent approach with flash calcula

. Fig. 3 shows ESP downhole sensor measurement data (SCADA) for the BZ-A10 well. The entire production history from Feb. 2000 to Feb

variability slip between phases general property variation etc. Such models have been developed by Farouq Ali (1981) Farouq Ali and Ab

e flow modeling boils down to estimating density of the fluid mixture or gas-volume fraction. Because gas-volume fraction depends on whet
model in a full-field simulator (Schlumberger 2008a 2008b). In the previous formulation of the model each segment could have only one ou

pproach with flash calculations. In contrast the wet-gas concept offered by Peffer et al. (1988) suggests extreme pseudoization with single-c

ory from Feb. 2000 to Feb. 2006 can be divided into three different stages as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

(1981) Farouq Ali and Abou-Kassem (1989) Stone et al. (1989 2002) Holmes et al. (1998) Pourafshary et al. (2007) and Livescu et al. (2

fraction depends on whether the flow is bubbly slug churn or annular we individually model each flow regime. However for all flow regim

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