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Year 1 and 2 Term 3

As Theologists, we will be answering the key

How special is the relationship which Jews
Celebration of Learning— have with God?
WOW Event—
Space Dome visit—Monday 28th January
In DT we will be exploring wheels
and axles.
As Musicians, we will be looking at the song “I
We will be making moon buggies
wonna play in a band” by Joanna Mangona.
Neil Armstrong

As Technologists, We will be using IT pack- As Athletes, Year 2 children will be taught our PE lessons by Bristol Rugby (Weds
ages for data handling. We will be making afternoons.) Year 1 children will be taught PE on Thursday afternoon. We shall be learn-
bar charts and pictograms. ing to play cricket.

As Historians  Can I explain how the astronauts travelled

 Can I understand that events happen in the past? to the moon?
 Can I use a range of different sources to gather information?
 Can I explain the impact of space travel?
 Can I pose questions about the past?
 Can I explain how the astronauts travelled to the moon?
 Can I commemorate the lunar landings?
As Mathematicians, this term we will be focusing on
 Reading the time on an analogue clock (to 5 minute intervals for
year 2) and solving word problems about time.
 Naming and reasoning about 3D shapes.
As Writers, this term we will be focusing on  Using and using expanded column methods (sandwich) for addition
 Writing compound and complex sentences using cor- and subtraction. (Year 2)
rect punctuation .  Understanding fractions and recognising equivalent fractions.

 Use a range of punctuation including apostrophes,  Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division
questions marks, exclamation marks. and solve multiplication and division sums.

 Continuing to use cursive handwriting (joined). For ex-

amples see
As readers, we are focusing on
 Write different sentence types eg questions, com-
 Reading common exception words at speed
mands , statements and exclamations.
 Recognising story language eg repeating language and will
 Read and write poetry based on settings.
begin to “read between the lines” to retrieve comprehen-
 Developing our use of expanded noun phrases, con- sion questions.
junctions, past tense, suffixes (er and est) and adverbs
 Using expression when reading aloud.
To improve our spelling, we will
 Explore a text based unit on The Darkest Dark
 Learn to spell common exception words by heart
In all writing we will be expecting children to use
alongside learning new phonic spellings.
cursive writing.

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