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1. To build castles in the air = to day-dream (melamun)

2. The apple of one’s eye = a favoured person (orang kesayangan)

3. Like a bear with a score head = very bad-tempered (pemarah)

4. To beat about the bush = to talk in a roundabout way (bicara muter-muter)

5. Blood is thicker than water= one usually takes the side of one’s relation (seseorang biasanya lebih

membela saudaranya sendiri)

6. To bury the hatchet= to forget the pasr quarrels and become friends again (melupakan pertengkaran

dan menjadi teman lagi)

7. To paddle your own canoe= to do things by yourself (melakukan sesuatu sendiri)

8. A cat and dog life = always quarreling (selalu bertengkar)

9. To rain cats and dogs = to rain very heavily (Hujan sangat deras)

10. Chicken hearted = weak and cowardly (pengecut)

11. To pass with flying colours = to do very well in the test (mengerjakan test dengan sangat baik)

12. To shed crocodile tears = To shed false tears (mencucurkan air mata buaya / palsu)

13. Up to date = modern (modern)

14. Dead broke = without a cent (tidak ada uang / bokek)

15. To have green eyes = to be jealous (cemburu)

16. To keep in mind = to remember (mengingat)

17. Once in a blue moon = very seldom / never (sangat jarang / tidak pernah)

18. To face the music = to take scolding or punishment without complaint (menerima omelan)

19. Child’s play= very easy to do (sangat mudah)

20. A scape goat = somebody who is blamed for something he did not do (orang yang selalu disalahkan /

kambing hitam)

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